THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 19, 1958 7 | ' | will increase this to 10 local men| Mr. Gourlay commented that the next two weeks. The job is| Port Hope industry was co-opers expected to take four months to|ating in helping to reduce the complete, |seasonal employment slump. | A total of 16 local men are| A total of 158 (about 55 per | working on the cloverleaf at the cent men and 45 per cent homes) | intersection of No. 28 and 401/were drawing pneuplpyment highways. They will be employed benefits at the end of it w elk |until spring on that' project.|Few skilled men are ° out-of- Unemployment Insurance office| Work on the bridge over the Gan-|Work and most of the fotal is from Port Hope through to New-|and four local men have been eraska River has provided em. made up of laborers. caste and beyond by the fall of sent out to work at the Morish ployment for two local men with) A total of 116 men have ap- next year. | road, five miles west of Port more men expected to be hired plied for jobs and 85 women are For the stretch from Port Hope|HOPe: during the month, seeking work. to Cobourg the contract has been| The contract will finish this awarded for the grading of 401/week, but most of the men will to Swansea Construction of To-|continue on with the company to ronto, and work on grading is another job. ;{under way. i Four miles west of the town erable .work throughout thé] If work proceeds according to| .. | es f " six local men are helping to put area", he said. | | ' {schedule the work of paving this in footings for an overpass. | At the Department of High- section should be finished by the my oon" in hove on with the | ways office, engineers expected | spring of 1960 and the stretch to0| onstruction company, as they the grading on Highway 401 from Cobourg open to traffic by the|, ve a contract for working on) Newcastle to Port Hope would|summer of 1960. The highway to! No, 2 COD in Cobourg | pleted by spring, at which|Cobourg will not be opened until ~~ . i time paving contracts will be let. paving is completed to Brighton.| The Snider Construction Co. It is hoped that if work pro-| A number of local men have of Toronto which is starting to ceeds as it has to date, the high-| been hired from the Port Hope|build an overpass west of here | have already hired two men and Lost Much Money Orthodontist Says DANCE | TORONTO (CP) -- Dr. H. C. Beaudry, Montreal millionaire] dance at Arthur Murra Bliss, an orthodontist practising|and former Aconic president, and| quick, easy~it's fun lin Toronto since 1927, testified Clifford Butler, former general| and costs Tuesday that he lost thousands of / manager of Aconic. fess. Studios ° dollars on the stock exchange be-| "Wash trading' is artificial] open daily cause he took the word of Wil-|trading of shares without change liam Ramsey, who earlier test-|in their ownership to boost stock ified he handled most deals in|prices by giving the appearance Toronto involving Aconic stock. |of heavy trading activity. power isn't available by 1980. Dr. Bliss said he purchased] Under cross . examination, Dr. He told the Gordon committee 2 000 shares of Aconic in 1957 at|Bliss admitted his losses were on government organization g250 a share from Ramsey, then not confined to Aconic stock. He Tuesday that the federal govern-|yjce.president of E. H. Pooler said he had a running account ment should set up a pilot plant Company, on Ramsey's assur-(with Pooler and Company and for nuclear energy. It would be ance it would go to $15 within a!speculated in the market for five in the federal interest to help On- month, years, TRIAL LESSON? tario into the atomic energy pic-| More than $1,000,000 was lost| Earlier, Mrs. Raymond Duncan | ture if only to keep Canadian dol-| when Aconic stock plunged injof Montreal, secretary to Butler| £ lars at home. August, 1957. On the Toronto ex-|from March, 1955, to last Decem- | ARTHUR MU RA At another point, he told chair-| change it dropped in one day to| ber, testified that her name and| man Walter Gordon that freedom |g; 5 share from more than $10.|an office boy's were used for| 11}; SIMCOE ST .S.,, OSHAWA | excavation marks for two new Rolph, "It sure moved a heck of (he disputed area that has caused Of action is essential to a govern-| MILLIONAIRE CHARGED [trading in accounts with stock-| Phone RA 8.1681" buildings, an all-ranks mess, and/a lot of earth in one day." a deep rift between the two ma- ment commission such as hydro.| pacing four charges of fraud|brokers. . | Sp-------------- - - jor Commonwealth nations in INSPECTION PLAN and "wash trading" are Joseph| The trial is in its third week. Thi d B Asia, India and Pakistan, | Inspection of both electrical = Y exchange| al w 1r rewer views on the situation in Pakis- Ontarle So ermmen rea. 5 | i y {would make it economically fea- {martial law. ) | sible for the government to take Nehru has been critical of Pak-| responsibility for electrical in- WESTVILLE, N.S. (CP)--Agita-|two commonly owned Nova Scotia 10 -gut it i d | | ; 3 tood that i | tion is increasing for Nova|producers, A. E. Keith and Son|u&, Sub It 18 uncers | mission, he said. { Diefenbaker left Karachi last| rhe two men in charge of ad- pressed Pictou County where coal for 13 weeks. i o : was once the major industry. | Recently the firm purchased Jincere maf Lying to bing order| mittee today, They 'are Commis- "I think i would be a wonder- ted Ball Brewery Limited of . sioner W. H. Collings of the Lig- PLACES WREATH uor Control Board, and Judge Ired Matheson said T [EMPL h 8 A Aled ya Rous saa essay. EMPL oY 15 MEN baker and his wife visited the man of the Liquor Licence Board is town of 4,200 is in the Both union and company offi- plain stone memorial where the|which supervises more than 2,000 The proposal for a brewery weekly payroll for both plants wreath on the stone. | Also to appear before the three- originated with the Pictou County Which employ about 150 men was| ,, © "embers of the Cana. man committee were chairman Labor Council. It won approval more than $5,000. dian party were luncheon guests|A. M. Snider of the Ontario town council and the Trenton about 50 per cent of the beer sold ihe g president's residence, where and chairman 8. H. 8. Hughes of council nearby. in Nova Scotia. Diefenbaker is staying. the Highway Transport Board. Mayor Matheson sald he thought a brewery could be built demanding a 20-cent hourly in- in th f bout $100, 000 |Creasemow and a further 10 cents e area for abou \ next year in a two-year contract, | an Italian textile mill at Stellar waiked out last August about| 1000 people to go swimming? The 'keep away from the swimming i, No, |11,000 barrels of beer were stored] CANBERRA (CP)--Five mil- tial balloting for the lower pool, swim in rivers, and press We would be centrally located at the plants. The union estimated lion Australian voters elected a house; full proportional repre-| Damage Suit ahead energetically to achieve They did, however, |and natural gas systems by the tH tan, where Gen. Ayub Khan took| Combining the two operations istan's swing to authoritarian cneotions away from the com-| Scotia's third brewery to be es- and Oland and Son Limited of oot with' a favorable impres- ministering any rr laws rer "Mayor Saint John, N.B. ful thing for our area, Mayor Earlier this morning Diefen-|W. T. Robb of Orangeville, chair- eentre of the province's depressed cials said Tuesday there was no hody of Ghandi was cremated. |bars and other licensed establish- and was endorsed by the local The two breweries produce|or President Rajendra Prasad in|W ater Resources Commission ESTIMATES COST AT $100,000 361 oft he United Brewery - Aussie Voters the same amount the crown- for distribution," said the mayor. the beverage would not be mar- new government Saturday, and sentation for the Senate. better results." OFFICIAL SAYS ; EmploymentPicturels Brighter In Port Hope way will be open for New| REGISTRY OFFICE TENDERS OPENED PORT HOPE -- A special property committee of the United Counties Council met in the County Building at Co- bourg Tuesday night to open tenders received for the con- struction of a new county re- gistry building at Bowman- ville, Mike Wladyka, chairman of the committee reports there were six tenders re- ceived, all within the cost figure estimated by the com- mittee. 'The tenders will be sub- mitted to County Council at their next regular monthly session Nov, 25 to Nov. 27. The new registry, which will "also house the County Health Unit, will be built on Liberty Street, B ille, on the estate of the late Ed- ward Summers, formerly Ag- ricultural representative for Durham County. PORT HOPE -- The expected has been relieved this month by work on highway 401, R. A. Gourlay, supervisor of the Port Hope Branch Office of the Unemployment Insurance Commission reports that 'the picture is much brighter than ex- pected a month ago. Highway construction is providing consid- The Next Kinsmen SUPER (AR BINGO FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28th | at 8:30 p.m. sharp in the PETERBORO MEMORIA | CENTRE n - » " Rtomic Power By 1980 Or High Costs TORONTO (CP) -- James S. Duncan, chairman of the Ontario Hydro-Electric Power Commis sion, says the province will have to spend $280,000,000 a year on United States coal if nuclear Over $4200.00 in prizes including a BRAND NEW 1959 Plus a Special Bingo Value $250.00 if won in 50 numbers. If not won in 50 numbers $50.00 cosh will be given this Bingo and the Snowball prize Will be increased by another $250.00 if on the mext Bingo when 51 numbers be called someone will drive home in this beautiful new car, » BUILDER IS SHOWN at | expansion project a the 26 CO | house a big increase In per- | sonne work on the new million dollar | Depot at Cobourg, planned to Start Work On PM And Nehru Depot Project - - In Discussion COBOURG -- First removal of an all-ranks barracks. The mess By ALAN DONNELLY Canadian Press Staff Writer *s mi is 104 feet long by 96 feet, the! NEW DELHI (CP)--Canadian earth for Cobourg's million dollar quarters 164 = 95 feet wide. A Prime Minister Diefenbaker and 26 Central Ordnance Depot €x- ij byjiding, a zig-zag shaped Indian leader Jawaharlal Nehru, pansion started yesterday when a/cafeteria, will be built into the seated together on a sofa, had a tractor - scraper earthmover | depot compound 90-minute talk today on world af- moved in to begin excavating a| On the job yesterday was a new fairs, especially Asian problems. road east from D'Arcy street to British - made Vickers tractor, | But sources said afterwards the new site. which brought comment from Co-/that they did not deal directly Surveyed and staked out are|/bourg Coastruction boss, Jeff iy the problem of Kashmir-- WiLL YOU ACCEPT A % Hour J It could be you PLAN NOW TO ATTEND STARTING TIME -- ANYTIME "am AD UD UE HOME -- FILL-A-CARD BINGO BINGO IN 50 NO'S -° $1000 BONUS GAME E TOMORROW'S NUMBERS N-33 0-66 Pool Swimmers Hot House Plants HONG KONG (AP) -- Take it|three athletes were stirred by the from Red China, swimmers who|lofty target set by Chairman go to pools are just hot house| Mao. They did not immediately flowers. |answer the chairman's question Mao Tse - tung, known as a but they certainly aspired to and swimmer himself, wants his com-|admired this possibility, patriots to swim more in their BETTER RESULTS rivers. The Peiping newspaper, "It is possible. It is entirely T'I Yu Pao, in an edition re- possible,' Chairman Mao said. ceived here, tells of a meeting] "The athlees excitedly clenched Mao had at Wuhan, capital of their fists and replied affirma- Hopeh Province, with three swim- tively: 'It is possible, it is en- ming instructors: |tirely possible.' "In several talks the chairman| " 'Swimming against the river (Mao) had with the athletes he current is a good way for touched upon this question: strengthening will and courage,' "Is it not possible to make Shalrman Mao said, 'we must use. of the many rivers in our| Soop, away from the swimming country for swimming ¥ Is it not possible for 300,000,000] =o Siri ig wey gl out Gb.000.000 pupilotien 10 ayes, and refreshed their minds. fo 4 The swimming pool, like a hot What a great inspiration this|house, fosters flowers that can-| was. Was it possible for 300,000, not weather storms. We must Numbers will be drown aot SCOTT'S RESTAURANT 147 Yonge 5t., Toronte ot 10 em. : CANADIAN' . FEDERATION OF THE BLIND Not affiliated with the C.N.1.B. NOW PLAYING ADMITTANCE TQ PERSONS 18 YEARS on AGE 01OVES » - - " - " » power last month and imposed | tablished in economically de- Halifax, have been strikebound|g =" "con Ayub as an honest, | RS EC pefore the com. eoal mining district, sign of an early settlement. The The prime minister placed a/ments. Local and Distillery Workers (CLC) is owned Industrial Estates Limited| se pore onic Wage is $1.33 t 11 estimates it will cost to establish|" When the brewery workers) as a Oo S ACADEMY Awards *y If you have a BINGO Coll Toronto WA, 3-2418 Before 5 p.m. THESE ARE ALL PREVIOUS NUMBERS wee INCLUDING oe safe (2) A Santa Claus Parade? Marks -- "Street of Shame" 1.15, 4.10, 7.05, 10.00 pm. also| "Naked Africa' 2.45, 5.45, 8.45) p.m.Last complete show at 8.45 p.m. Sir: Plaza -- "La Parisienne" (re- 4--Buffale | stricted) 1.55, 3.50, 5.45, 7.40, | 9.30 p.m. Last complete show | 9.10 p.m, | Regent -- "The Naked and The Dead" in CinemaScope and color, shown daily at 1.40, 4.00, 6.25, 8.50 p.m. Last complete show at 8.40 p.m. Now Playing LHL in the LOGES! ONTINUOUS FROM LRM. « SAT 12 NOON 4=First Run Theatre WEDNESDAY P.M. M, 2-Jack Paar THURS EVENING 6.00 P.M. (SARS SEERA 11--Theatre; Sports 6--Whistletown 5-- Playhouse 4--Fun To Learn 2--~Three Stooges 5.16 P.M. 4--Children's [heatre 6.30 P.M. 6-Woody Woodpecker 4--Dinner Date Theatre 23--Huckleberry Hound 6.00 P.M. 11--~Theatre; News; Weather 6--News 2--Outdoors Inn 6.16 P.M. 8--News 6-1 Married Joan 2--Football, Forecast 6:30 P.M, 3---The Lawman 4,2---News; Weather 6.45 P.M. 6,4.2--News 1:00 AM, 2--The Unexpected THURSDAY 8.00 AM. 5,2-Today 4--Captain Kangaroo TEER ETY 2.00 AM, 8-Dr. Christian --- 4--Popeye's Playhouse 2-Trouble With Father 9.30 A.M, 8--Favorite Story 4--Susie 2-Dr. Christian 0.00 AM, 5,.2---Dough Ra Mi 4--For Love or Money 10.30 AM. 5,3--Treasure Hunt 4-~Play Your Hunch GEY MORE OUT OF LIFE GO OUT 10 A MOVIE' THE BEST-SELLER THAT ELECTRIFIED (5 7 MitLion READERS! HE y TECHNICOLOR NAKE worms AND EDEAD FEATURE DAILY AT. 4-Dinner Date 2---Bengal Lancers "on P.M. 11--Theatre; News; Weather | 6--~News 2--Colonel Bleep «U P.M 8--News 6--Tim McCoy 630 P.M, 6--Meet Lorraine S--Leave It To 4,3--News; Weather 6:40 P.M. { 6:4.3--News i | 7.00 P.M. 11--Family Theatre 6--Tablodd 1.00 AM, 5,2---Price Is Right 4--Arthur Godfrey 1.30 A.M. 3,2---Concentration 4--=Top Dollar 12.00 NOON 8,3--Tic Tac Dough 4--News: Weather 12.30 P.M. 11--News 52-It Could Be You Search For To- morrow 12:45 P.M. 11--All Star Theatre Le P.M, TLE RA 4S Ho, Ho, Ho . . . we'll soon be on FETE IRRRRRNYRTERRREY *3 our way! Watch for us on 7.00 p.m. 11--Family Theatre 6~-- Tabloid . . Saturday, November 22 S5--Last of the Mohicans 4--State Trooper 2--Manhattan Musie 180 P 6-TBA 5--Colonel Flack 4-1 Love Lucy 2---Patti Page A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE COLOR CARTOON HARKER RINK REEEREE &---Matinee 5---~Movie * 'heatre 4--Meet the Millers 2-Mid-Day Matinee 1:15 r.M, 11--Movie Matinee L30 P.M. 4~The World Turng 2.00 P.M. 4-Jimmy Dean %--Helen Neville 2.30 P.M. ERT 5.00 P.M. 11,6~Music Makers 5--FEd Wynn 4--December Bride Zorro 40 P.M, 11,6--~The Unforseen 5--Concentration 4--Yancy Derringer ~The Rea Jcloy's . and watch your newspaper for the route Tho Block Naight Foariees . .. and for the time we shall be passing 0.00 P.M. your spot! 11-0.H.A. Hockey | 6~Wyatt Earp | 82-Kiss Me Kate | 4--Zane Grey Thea're 2--Pat Boone win PM. 6--Loretta Young | 4=Playhouse 90 non P.M. 6 Explorations 10:15 P.M, 11--Norm Marshall 10.30 P.M, 11-- Explorations 6--Playbill 6---News »=Home ooking 4~House Party And it would be clean, safe em- However, union President Har- dict another term of office for ernment and opposition groups | Ends For Widow {how many pools China has. owned by the same interests. The'tion. But more and more people are showing. There is a good chance man who was electrocuted while ; iltmore -- "Bridge on the River | SINE gf 2 f = 24 *d fo Je] 3 |ore family benefits and some election each three years. This| The widow was Mrs. Shirley B. plete' show starts at 8.10 p.m. | RODUCTION A mOoTURE The Menzies government had | (AP)--A proposed international nected by Canadian ferry service had 47 T E L E V I SION L oO G ; TRADER" 0 rise i $27,500. | be bridge center section with|eight-per-cent swing in the vote ). sioner John S. Mackie said, "it ments would pay for the bridge 11--Theaire; Sports Fun to (earn gineering report by the staff of approach would cost $5,200,000 nine years and to Labor's attrac-| ¢--Chidren's Chaatre Ontario highway departments as Study it and detail Australia uses the single-trans- 5--Open House Canadian Press Staff -Writer market--embracing a population rope. 6--Disney Presents European free trade. {trade among the six countries, no nations could link themselves | #--Pursuit though both sides still insist some|joint action against monopolies, | SINCERITY DOUBTED | 11--Jamboree iscuttle i rial prefer 5 . 2.30 P.M. outer - space rockets. The com-| Britain sees in ® Imperial Preferences. vay 2-Haggis Baggls M "It would employ a lot of people. ketable after about two months. |most of the political experts pre-| It is in the Senate, where gov-| [uae Seser muds, so mention of BEST PICTURE ployment, old Martll said Tuesday the com- the Liberal-Country party coali- have been deadlocked with 30 | l At present there are four brew- pany mixed a preservative with tion led by Prime Minister Rob- seats each, that the Menzies co-| NEW YORK (AP)--A $500,000 (0) 3 THE YEAR: eries in the Maritimes, three beer and it is still in good condi- ert G. Menzies. alition hopes to make its best|damage suit by the widow of al THEATRE GUIDE | |saying that the Labor party, led that the government will regain|working on the Grasse River lock| g; by Dr. Herbert Vere Evatt, has a majority. project at Massena, N.Y., was| gai» h f ! Pr i B * ] a chance. Evatt has promised| Half the Senate comes up for settled Tuesday for $150,000. Nya 30 90 pm. ais ~Ama| ON THE opose Il ge tax concessions -- among these year 32 seats are at stake be-|Overstreet, 24, mother of three 300 Trader. i Color, Shaws at RIVER KWAI making all fares to and from cause of vacancies caused by] children. Defendants were Grasse re a dhs | May Be Costl work an income tax deduction. deaths. | River lock contractors, Y {75 members in the old House of ig JEATuRt : SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich., The t iti Representatives, which was 122 ing Jungle Vefrar wo Sitles - now are con- voting seats. The Labor party "THE AMAZON highway bridge across the Soo i J locks to, Sault Ste, Marie, Ont., Bo fe as River, Labor would need a gain of | CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamliton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto would cost an estimated $18,198,- | or construction of|ahout 15 seats to win, and an| WROC-TV Channei S--Rochester tw Uiwaing Sater | revenue bond financing by the In-|\ould be necessary WGR-TV Channel 2-Buffale WBEN-TV Caannel Announcing the cost estimates Jenational Srlage Avihoriy. The SEE LABOR GAIN | Tuesday, state highway commds- Even the most conservative ex- , | approaches on their respective perts concede a slight swing to g--_Rope Around The Jooks 2s {hough the bridge would giqes of the river. P Labor, with the government los-| an Tou . EL It is esti : ing four or five seats. Menzies | 8--Flayhouse The cost figures were in an en- § esimateq. the American |; pig colleagues attribute this | 3 rn ee Stooges a d the Canadian, $3,700,000 trend to a natural reaction » og D. B. Steinman designer of the 2" » $3,700,000. against i i wis PM, Mackinac Bridge. The estimates| The Steinman report now £0es| ecu sears Sod to 1 omor actice | $-Chldren's Newaree were asked by the Michigan and | to the bridge authority which will jive "bread and butter" prom- | 5.30 P.M. financing |jges. Th t | 6~Danger is my Busi: another step toward getting the costs. the Tali San ends proposed link between the Ameri-| Engineers said the bridge could : can and Canadian Soos. be opened by November, 1960. 'ferable-vote system of preferen- UK AndF rance Clash In Trade N g tiat Q M 4~MacKenzie's Raiders By JOSEPH MacSWEEN The provisions of the common|in the heart of continental Eu-| 3-This Is Alice | Britain and France. have col- of 170,000,000 -- are to come into, The free trade area, on the $.2-Wagon Train lided head. on as the leaders of force gradually. By 1970 or 1973| other hand, would be a system by 4--Union Pacific opposing blocs in negotiations for there are to be no barriers to which Britain and the smaller Hilal a. Beaver | Talks that have been going on restrictions on the movement of with the si : S | six - country union in "a PM. intermittently for more than a capital and labor, a common tar-|mutual freeing Pn with-| 55--gue "a od, year have ended in deadlock, al-|iff against the rest of the world, |out economic integration. | "00 "a. sort of compromise is possible. harmonized social polici itai vith 1 iti 6-5--Music Hall ' 8 policies and a' Britain, with its traditional ie The complicated project has common development fund. y i 4-The. Millionaire Deen COmPaES -- lon -- Toe open u worldwide outlook, refuses to| 2--ponna Reed the common ing regard to its commitments !!~Waterfront mon market, the first - stage market a discrimihatory 'little with Canada and other Common. *o ha igi ot rocket, has been successfully|Europe" that would cause econ- wealth countries Har 11.6--Nursery School am ne P.M. Wf PM. 1San Francisco Beat 11,6---Douglas Fairbanks 5.2---Today Is Ours 4-The Big Payoff 33 P.M jsunehed 20d will ko ine orbit omic hardship and cteate harm- The French, particularly, have rs FF vue XP e second stage S g ' - " i By i free trade area, has mist toed She ind divisions A has long ay oe bot) sigma agaivs: the British o~Rave Gun WII 1 pi v and, government coming Travel GOING CONCERN der the Organization of European|under heavy pressure from 5-This is Your life This analogy is not precisely Economic Co - operation, to m-|French manufacturers. It is said| $--Steel Hour accurate but it illustrates one|clude the common market coun-|[that the British are moving T-Roxing OSHAWA 11,6-Open House 5.2-From These Roots 4---The Verdict Is . anion that aroused such hope!dom, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, | Yours 4.00 11---Bugs Bu TBA N 2 °g ro - wae P.M, lacet of the European dream of|tries and also the United King closer to continental Europe only 11,6-Close-Up | because the av -- | $--Flight ater the Second World War. | Iceland, Ireland, Switzerland, Au-|through a i | uit B22. What has happened so far is stria, Portugal, Greece and Tur- part in European co-operation agri, that the six-nation common mar-|key Britain is generally supported 11,6,5.4.2-- News tet == comprising France, Italy,' Bascially t h e common market by the "outside" countries. The Westn West Germany and the Benelux|is an economic approach to the Scandinavian nations have met Vien pountries now is a going con- dream of European federation. separately on the question and| §- Shock n in the formative stage al- But its immediate effect has served notice they will set up! 2--8Ports Reel . gh # will not begin actual op- been to arouse f e a r 8 among its their own common market if nec-| 1=Th ne PM watdl Jan, 1. jueighbors -of an industrial - giant|essary, | et o * 5,2--Queen Sena) 11--Popeye 1:15 P| point Stand LH Stories "an Pr 2-American Band GPieces of Right 5--Patti Page 2-26 Men 1.00 P.M, 11,6,5.4.2--News Sports nn Pm. 6 Viewpoint | S5--Feature Movie P.M, nny For A Day | 130 P.M. | 11 ~Ihe Late Show 6--Mystery Theatre 4--Film Festival 2-Jack Paar 1:00 AM S=Paris Precinct LAST &4 PM DAY: SHOPPING CENTRE v Street Of Shame" rewiees ""Naked Africa" : I