Aid Retarded Children THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Nevember 19, 1958 R. CZIRANKA Representative BOWMANVILLE AND DISTRICT NEWS Phone MA 3-7224 35 Attend lst. Traffic Clinic BOWMANVILLE -- Magistrate| organization. He said if the chief R. B. Baxter Tuesday night open-/had not volunteered there might ed the United Counties' first traf-| not have been a clinic. fie clinic in a move to promote| Chief Kitney and Constable H. safer driving habits. R. Cornell, Bowmanville OPP de-| In his opening remarks the tachment, will act as the instruc. magistrate noted with pleasure|tors for the course which offers the turnout of 35 candidates and classes on road safety, causes of Gay Christmas At Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE -- The Retail Merchants Committee, a division of the Bowmanville Chamber of C ce has d that plans for decorating the town's main street for the Christmas segeon are nearing completion. The committee reports that it is| commented that the turnout was accidents, and possibl preven-| an extremely encouraging signition. | that the future of the clinic willl Also on hand for the opening be bright. were Mayor Nelson Osborne, of The majority of the candidates Bowmanville, and Ken Morris, were teenagers with an average secretary-manager of the Bow- age of 17. The youngest students/manville Chamber of C ce. additional colored lights| across King street. An illuminat- | ed Nativity scene will be erected near the 'our corners, and with the. co-operation of the Royal Theatre matinees for the children are 15 years old. The course consists of two eve- The magistrate credited Bow- nings of instruction followed by a manville Police Chief Bernard R./test which will qualify the stu- Kitney with the success of the!dents for the clinic's certificate. Group Plans man. Dennis Pickard was named as vice - chairman, Don Williams, |as secretary, and Hendryk Dyk- jstra, as treasurer. The group also named publicity, "get - out - and - |vote", and finance committees. The group states it is organ- Fight Against Sunday Sport |ized to oppose any form of com- J... .,. _|mercial sport on Sunday. Defini- Minister To { BOWMANVILLE -- Opposition tion of commercial sports is any |to Sunday sports in Bowmanville sport where professionals parti- . {is growing. One group has begun|cipate for profit. Open Ajax |to organize a campaign to defeat) Plans call for a campaign to Public School the issue, Jue will go to the|include newspaper advertising {vote Dec. 1. / | Monday night about 30 voters and 4 nail canvass, met in the basement hall of the AJAX (Staff) -- This week has generalize. Each child has to be nances and with all this in mind| i ; been declared "National Re- assessed in regard to its mental the association is planning a new AJAX -- The official opening of point an executive for the cam- tarded Children's Week", here. powers. In a few months the|school nearer Highway No. 2. the Lord Durham Public School, |pajign. osopher born in Germany in 1724 The Ajax-Pickering-Whitby Asso-| eight children could recognize] The cost will be close to $50,000. the evening of November 20 willl" wiifreq Carruthers, Bowman- was of Scottish descent, son of a who has been teaching in the school since its formation. --Photo by John Mills HANDICRAFT DISPLAY is | Whitby - Pickering Retarded | dren's work at the school, | shown by Don Lawrence, left, | Children's Association stands at | Brock road, Pickering. At the Vice-president of the Ajax- | an exhibition of retarded chil- | right is Mrs. Ralph Ramsden, Start Drive For Funds SCOTTISH DESCENT Immanuel Kant, the great phil- Christian Reform Church to ap- will be ed Dec. 22, 23 and SOUR'N SUNK SO LIFE LOOKS PUNK? Then wake up your liver bile and find life worth living again. If your liver doesn't pour up to two pints of liver bile into your system every day your food may not digest .. . you suffer from constipation and life hardly seems worth living! That's when you need Carter's Little Liver Pills. These mild and gentle vegetable pills stimulate the flow of bile. Your system starts working naturally and the world looks good. Remember, if life's not worth living it may be the liver. Keep Carter's Little Liver Pills on hand. Only 43¢. Long way to PAYDAY? | geta : "a.C" #L0AN ssociates | | | | | | | | | | | | IT'S EASIER TO I | | | | | | | : X I | - ' TRY REPAY THE need money, get © . it the Associates ASSOCIATES "4-C" way-- BUDGET PLAN WAY! CASH, COURTESY, CO-OPERATION and CONSIDERATION. Phone or stop in to your nearest 'Associates Budget Plan office for fast friendly service. YOU MONTHLY RECEIVE PAYMENTS $11.00 17.00 25.00 $ 17989 277.97 412.64 860.71 36.00 pes ssociates 1,525.00 65.00 BUDGET PLAN ANY AMOUNT 3 $50.00 to $5,000.00 LIMITED OSHAWA 111 Simcoe St. RA. 5-6531 (Above Canadian Tire) i or.11 ciation is currently campaigning|letters and hand skills were|Of this amount the association be oer step in the pace of yijle reeve, as elected chair-'master sadder. to. raise $17,000. Of this total, (learned. Colors were recognized Will have to raise $33,000. Govern. MOCET SC ool ex in the $5000 will be reserved for a build-|and art work comparable to that ment and municipal grants will rapid trend of population increase| ing fund. The balance will belof any other kindergarten was help, but the association mainly in the Town of Ajax, states the school supplies and transporta-being produced. relies on the generosity of the public school board. a general public which has been| Dr. W. E. Dunlop, minister of | tian. The children were given £ L 1 ) | , #8 he local association was start- chance to live as normal a life its main support in the past. education for the province will be yoo} three years ago after a meet-|as possible and their happiness So far the association needs guest speaker. During they pro- & ing of parents of retarded chil- was very apparent to any visitor have been met and now it faces gram choral groups will enter- "dren produced the incentive toto the school. a new crisis in its short exist-|tain the guests with vocal num- % proceed with establishment of a Today, the enrolment is dou- ence. Canvassers will call onjbers. & ool in Ajax. bled. The school is now located every home. If anyone should be The public is cordially invited -- he association was formed at the 4th concession, Br oc k missed, cheques may be mailed {, visit the new school. School SMfth Albert Bird as the presi- road. Two teachers are required to the association in Ajax. operation entails a high degree "dent and through the generosity/to look after the classes. The Sito CE of responsibility because of the Prony 4 the Ajax Volunteer Firemen's Pickering Red Cross owns the! . |element of public trusteeship in-| ws Association, the recreation room school building and makes the Honkin Geese volved and the board and staff] #7 "at the firehall was made avail- quarters available to the associa- g will be happy to welcome parenis ~ e as a classroom. tion. It was formerly a little red| and friends. i << The first enrolment of eight school house. R d F {| me Et children, was under the care of| Its conveniences are primitive. | ouse armer Mrs. Ralph Ramsden, a dedicat- It is crowded and new quarters) BOWMANVILLE -- The honk-| Stresses Need HYPRFER 3 Announce ZI0PNHD NEW STORE! NEW STOCK! NEW IDEAS! THURSDAY, NOV. 20, 10 A.M. ed teacher. In the next year|dre necessary if the association ino of geese led to the arrest and donations to meet expenses. ment. Magi | F Mi . According to the executive] Cost of transportation of the Shoes ok si Magisisate or 1SS10NS tardation that it is Impossible to'return is a big drain on the fi- yw An, Walker, 23, of Janetville; Donald was the subject of the sermon by Ellis, 21, of Nestleton; Dwayne |p5> T. Rex Norman, at St. AJAX AND DISTRICT NEWS (Harrison, 20, of Nestleton, and service Sunday morning. enough money came from grants|is to prepare for added enroll- and conviction of six youths or there are so many degrees of re-| children from home to school and McGill, 21, of Janetville: Owen AJAX World Wide Wit 1 i ' Al = "Wor ide Witness" Wood, 2, of Nesleton; James Paul's United Church, regular John Mills, Representative--Phone Ajax 426 Roger Walker, 19, of Lindsay, $10 "We have a great obligation to each and costs for the theft of ae : " 'the missionary life of the church. four geese from the farm of EV-| The gospel is not just to save our |erett Stinson, of Janetville, Nov. own souls, but is something to be 1 | sRRpal iy ' : published abroad," he said. A neighbor, Horace Heaslip.| The choir accompanied and di- told the court that he was guard-| 4 by. the organist, Mrs. F. ing his fence against pranksters yo, con provided the music. At when he heard the geese emit|, "gq y7s service there willl cries of terror. On investigation hie an organ recital by a guest or- noticed the youths drive off. ganist i I- st. Chamber Urges Citizens Vote Two of the culprits, Roger wa CHRISTMAS BAZAAR (JOWMANVILLE, Directors on the aualfcaios for Sam. Ceoe"ere Walker ha Jost $10 The annual Christmas bazar Commerce have launched a cam-|awards will be presented to busi- and admitted to the Hell w 9 held Saturday was a great suc- paign to urge citizens to attend ness establishments which erect Questioned bY Sgt Tn cess in spite of the rain, A large this Friday's nomination meeting new buildings or expand their e cour. tha re Ring t0.d |erowd heard Rev. T. Re Nor. and to get out and vote on elec- present premises, and to mer- of the car but had nothing t0.doiman open the bazaar. Tea was tion day, December 1. (chants who help improve the with the actual theft. as a mat-iserved by the members of the Ken Morris secretary-manager | {OWN's appearance by remodel- pd o B® Be le, ve Nomen $ Assceiation, with mew. of the chamber, points out that|ling store fronts. This is the Others to someone's os [ors o the C.G.LT. waiting at | one of the main reasons for the | Chamber's latest step to beautify leaving him and Roger Pak a [aoe ST drive is that this year's election|the town's business section. First in the car with the other two is\for a two year term of office. awards will be presented at the pirgs, He then explained that he "In view of this, the chamber annual general meeting of the returned to the farm about an considers it doubly important, that| chamber in January. {hour later and put the birds back another strong and progressive lin the pen. STAGE HANDICAP council be elected. The chamber is urging responsible citizens to. PARIS (AP)--Maria Garbaccio stand for office", Mr. Morris ex-|won a $714 damages award from plained {a plastic surgeon, after a stom- "The chamber has sound rea- ach operation left a seven-inch sons to believe that Bowmanville scar. It's a handicap in her will soon be faced with opportun- work, she complained. She is a \ties for municipal development. |strip-teaser. If it is to capitalize on these op- portunities it is essential that Se town affairs be administered by| GOOD FOOD men of sound judgment, enthusi- asm and foresight', he said. Melville S. Dale has been ap- BUSINESS MEN'S LU NCH PHONE tact him by 7:00 p.m. % 12 noon to 2 p.m. AJAX 333 || reueerone stevens TAX: . HOTEL LANCASTER ~~ sz "rss || | FREE DRAW sentative to the town's proposed 7 ~7:30 p.m. Only I ) On a Bond Tailored--To Measure Traffic Advisory Committee. The | committee is expected to deal REG. VALUE 7 oS [J] TO with present preblems of traffic circulation and parking, as well | "NO OBLIGATION . . . NOTHING TO BUY SUBSCRIBERS THE TIMES BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAX! SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3-5822 If you have not received your Times phone your carrier boy AJAX TAXI first. If you are unable to con- FOR MISSED PAPERS IN AJAX if you have not received your Times by 7 pm. call " a _., AIRS GEORGE MURLESS Menager of Oshawe Bond Clothes a ' 4 | 4 To the first 100 people to enter the New Bond Clothes Shop DAVE CROTIN as with the long-term develop- ment of major traffic arteries. The directors have also decided' TAILORED TO MEASURE SUITS Reg. to 79.50 "CHOICE OF THE HOUSE" 48.00 "DAVE" and "GEORGE" Invite Everyone To COME IN AND BROUSE ! BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE SPORT SHIRTS || SLACKS Reg. to 5.95. 3.88 2 for 7.50 REG. TO 12.95 SPECIAL LIMITED QUANTITIES "Hi, Mom! Thanks again for our beautiful coloured phone -- it's just been installed!" newest idea in Christmas Gifts EXTENSION PHONES, in a variety of decorator colours, make igeal gifts for everyone on your list. Beautiful . . . useful ., . and surprisingly inexpensive. Just call us for full details. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA BOND NEW LOCATION . . . NOW 56 KING EAST, OSHAWA . . . Oshawa's Newest Men's Shop PHONE RA 5-2474 CLOTHES SHOP An attractive Certificate is available to wmnnounce your gift