Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 19 Nov 1958, p. 25

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I. Wisi 'Sun Shines | For 365 Days Your Neighbors? The sun shines 365 days a year From that in a modern home Jaundry, That's the safest, surest and electrical servants take over and about her? most certain weather forecast you do the washing can find, Even in the tropics in the rainy season you could safely predict sunny weather in the mod- {ern electric laundry room. ' One reason, of course, is that loaded in a basket, the basket modern appliances like the auto- carried upsigivs and the heavy,'y. wooo cr matic washer and dryer have lib- cumbersome laundry hung on (he erated washday from the weather ine. Then you worried outside just had to wait for a good ""'dry- ing day" i of the good drying days were so!damp-dry clothes are moved from hot that she could take little en-|the joyment from the prospget of ¢rver, standing over boiling wash tubs, all drying headache ALL DONE INSIDE s | Today's housewife, of : need never move outside of her yp. ono thing -- exhausting hours of ironing with ease, laundry room and the whole pro- : 6 % ! cess of modern laundering is so easy and carefree that the lady of the physical work out of ironing |do well to think seriously about | the house couldn't care less about white at the same time drastically adding it to her list of "things I| what the weather outside is like! oq. ino the time needed for this really want" for Christmas, And | But freedom from worry about the weather is only one reason for ithe sunny' Grandmother, of course, And even then, some course, disposition of wom who have a modern electric en laundry in their home, Actually, laundry day is always fair' for Ithem because all the 'clouds' that q@ce hung over washday have been dissipated by todas |labor-saving appliances levements in {carefree fabrics, and spectacular £9 advances in "1 A) | bleaches and starches Consider changes which electrical appli- hy a 14-to-6 vote of Metropolitan no more standing, no more lifting, new ach soil-resistant and soaps, detergents for a moment ihe ances have made in washday Reflected in every sparkling | dishwasher you gave to make it + assured by this appliance, But Can you remember the hand glass, in every piece of gleam- = a White Christmas for her. And | hest of all the automatic dish- scrubbing the boiling of clothes ing china, through the coming | in addition to the sparkle and | washer gives her leisure tg he [lhe transferring of heavy wet glisten, is the sterile cleanline with you and your family years, will be the automatic | laundry from one tub to another" representatives of four With today's washers the house |wife need do nothing but set the {controls and turn the machine on + them Worry About point an array of What woman doesn't worry lime is all yours it's time mechanical brains and capable about what her neighbors think saved out of your busy schedule, | Best of all. an ironer lets you What woman, for example, do a thoroughly professional job y ready to leave on a vacation, on every item in your laundry-- sak itp in apn doesn't spend a final minute in| from dresses and shirts right years ago, atier the ¢ * | tidying up the house so the neigh- right through the flat work had been washed, they had to be bors who bring in the mail and|Slacks and shorts can be ironed the papers will be impressed by! easily and men's trousers pressed in a jiffy, You'll finish your best And what woman doesn't worry Jnen in 8 hurry with never a smoke, wind-blown dirt About how her children and her wrinkle to mar them. And you'll 4 y hushand look"? She knows, for ex- find that you get generally ample, that picely ironed clothes smoother, more upiorm ironing are the best index of her sbility With an ironer, washer to the neighboring, # wile and mother CNR Ac : i a switch is turned on and: That's why so many women Of "Cream" bout the weather, and a dozen other potential cat astrophes, In today's laundry the Finally, ironed. That once ! standing over an ironing board, The produet is, of course, an But modern ironers have taken ironer, The smart woman would | s have been are using a modern electrical ap- . Practices | taken care of, pliance which is designed specif- the clothes must be ically to make jt possible for PEMBROKE (CP)-The CNR is accused of wanting the eream could mean them to do a professional job > the smart bushand will realizelof business while ignoring the Is it so surprising then that that here is a gift which will be "skim milk," women who own. modern laund- Rbpreciated for years and years. 1 aecusation was made as ries have a sunny disposition '? id - ; several municipalities protested when it coms to washday, For Fd § why. The ironer Datishix 7yopdqy the government-owned it's obvious that in their Ron There ps d ironing | FMIWaY's 'application before the jaundries, at least, the sun really Boar £ , A, B hoard of transport commissioners Nr ARR hes hoards Lo get out, set up and put ot 5 does shine 365 days a year z to remove the last two trains away again (and the putting away I ts 112 le | I mevitably comes after vou've Hon is mile line hetween Ot p PAINE Nabi) awa ar oo? Adi LAMPORT RETAINED put in a long afternoon of ironing|'2%8 and Barry's Bay, Ont TORONTO (CP) Former and are completely tired out) mayor Allan Lamport was regan Better yet, the automatic iron pointed Tuesday as chairman of er takes the physical labor out of the Toronto Transit Commission the ironing process itself, There's | operation Ottawa Valley Gordon T opened that the raflway would Toronto council, The reappoint- no more exerting ironing pres northwest of the capital in the service : Dunn of the CNR cluding Barry's Bay, Killaloe and matic gas dryer explained as the board hearings Eganville are opposing the CNR application THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, November 19, 1958 28 Smoke and odors both dis. | whole load to a handful of gray appear like magic as the re | h. You can demonstrate the sult of the development of the | principle for yourself, as shown new gas incinerators, now avail- | above, It's the same as what able for White Christmas giv- you ean see happening in the ing. The new incinerators com picture; a stream of smoke pletely eliminate messy gar from a cigare! vanishes as it bage problems, reducing the hits the flame of a maleh, put in a trailer - truck express | ALWAYS SUNNY It's always sunny clothes-drying Five townships and villages in- i weather, with the help of an autos to give clothes freshness a better-than-out-doors | ana fragrance, ment was opposed by Mayor Na- sure, than Phillips of Toronto, Reewe! The ironer also cuts ironing Marie Curtis o Long Branch and time, 8ome experts say you spend )- only one-third as much time in Phillips. and Mrs, Cur-| ironing by machine as you would ment spend in doing the same laundry This additional leisure urbs, Mr is sald they felt the appoir should be left to the 1959 souncil,'by hand All Should Consider An Electric Freezer | prepare baskets which best suits her re quirements I'hen likely to have definite plan her other activities to you're | these meals for the youngsters And if your wife is planning on having the family in for Christ To surprise her or not That's the question If planning on making it a White Christmas for your wife by giv foo, your fe ery ihou ing her an electric home freezer, mas dinner she couldn't ask for a|her kitchen, She may have a new There are good arguments on better servant to lighten her work color scheme or a new arrange- in the back of she'll obviously ment of appliance both sides of the question -- and than a home freezer, A whole her mind, If so, if you're one of those individuals | host of holiday dishes can be pre- who thinks that surprise is a vital | pared in advance and then frozen, want to make her new electric | ingredient of any gift, then don't|to be taken out of the freezer freezer conform to her new plans read any further only minutes before the meal is to and make it the first step in mod- But if you're undecided about be put on the table, At a moment ernizing the kitchen, so you see whether to surprise your wife on|like this the lady of the house is there are definite advantages to Christmas morning with an elec. | particularly disposed to bless her letting your wife in on the secret tric freezer, you might want to new freezer and the man who If you're planning a freezer for consider the following points gave it to her , (her White Christmas First, while a freezer will give, There's one other equally prac And even though she has help- her pleasure 3656 days in each tical reason for eliminating the ed pick out the unit she wants and has been using it for a whole year, it's likely to be of special surprise element in the gift of a Christmas you can value to her in the days just be-|freezer, You may never have week before fore Christmas, That's particular-| thought of it in these terms but make it something special on ly true if she's going to be enter-|an electric freezer in a "person- Christmas morning by having | ing during the holiday seasonal" gift for a woman, Personal hidden a gift-wrapped delicacy | ~ and what woman isn't plan-|because the freezer is such a ver-|for her in the new electric freez- | ning on having guests in during satile product that each woman er. It might be a special seafood, | this festive season Is likely to decide that it has a or a frozen gourmet meal or FREEZER FREES HER | particular value for her, something for her sweel tooth An electric freezer will allow | CONSULT YOUR WIFE Whatever it is, it's a good way her to prepare whole meals as| Here's an example, One obvious of putting the surprise back in the well as party snacks well in ad-|use of a freezer is to freeze fre sh| freezer gift vance, Then her time just before crops in season, If your wife is! Finally Christmas can be devoted to!likely to want to do this you'll! initial surprise of those really last-minute prepara-| have to take it into consideration freezer is only the first of many tions trimming the tree, dec-|/in selecting the proper .size unit, surprises a modern freezer will orating the house, and last-min-| Or consider the matter of con. provide. Day after day the luc ky remember that the receiving a ute cleaning venience, Today's glamorous lady is likely to find new delights With the children home .from electric freezers are a far cry and new advantages in having a school she's likely to find it ex-|from those first boxy, utilitarian supermarket in her own home tremely convenient to freeze their| units, Today your wife can pick "Each time she saves a step or luncheon sandwiches and be-|between a chest type or an up- a penny she's likely to be sur. tween-meal snacks in advance, |right, She can choose the particu- prised and delighted anew with Then she won't have to interrupt /lar arrangement of shelves and her freezer Leisure Time that much more time in which to relax before the meal is ready for the table | Or, if the Christmas gift comes {In the form of a dishwasher, the ( 'an Be Bou ht family will be able to relax to. gether after the meal while the ; machine tdkes over the cleanup How big a package does leisure|/do with Just as she wants chore which once made mother No husband will be surprised an exile in the kitchen {of course, if his wife devotes most SAVES SHOPPING TIME lime come in? And where can you buy it? There's not a husband alive who|of 'those new found leisure mo Meal times, however, are not wouldn't like the answers to those ments to the family as well as the only hours of the day from questions for leisure time is herself, That's one beauty of aniwReh extra lei ure moments can obviously the best gift he could appliance as a Christmas present be extracted hy modern ap possibly give his wife for Christ. --the family reaps the indirect pliances, A hig spacious refrig- mas benefits even as mother herself erator, for example, eliminates Actually, the answers are sur- gets the real use out of it the need for repeated, time-con cause today's labor-saving appli-| The woman who owns a mod: suming trips to the store. Shop- ances are also time-savers, Thus, |ern home freezer, for example, ping once a week i enough, for the lucky lady who receives maj.|will find that precious moments the wife with a modern re frigera- br appliance from her family as a] just before meal time can now be|tor and home freezer really has Christmas present is getting more |spent with her family and guests.'a supermarket in her own home than simply a machine which will| Delicacies prepared long in ad Washday, too, can be changed make her work easier -- she is, in| vance merely have to be removed from an exhau iting and time effect, receiving a 'package' of (from the freezer and popped in consuming interval to an effort leisure time. These extra mo- the oven, And if she owns a mod: less interlude during which the ments will come to her every day|ern range with the latest in auto housewife nesd do little more than of the year and they are hers to|matic controls she'll haye justiset dials and push buttons CRU CR UR ERR eR aug | A Personal Message to | THE CONSIDERATE HUSBAND Every year you face the problem of what to give your wife for Christmas, Ever thought of relieving her permanently of the week-in week-out back-breaking misery of washing and drying clothes? "3 | | A Wonderful CHRISTMAS GIFT... TIME a GIVE HER A FRIGIDAIRE . . . WASHER - DRYER nd RELAXATION AS CHRISTMAS GIFTS ® 45-1b. Freezer ® Slide Out Shelves White Finish Crispers NOW ONLY ® Push Button Automatic Defrost ® Baked On Duralux Gleaming ® 2 . 14 Qt. Swing Out Vegetable ® Full 5 Year Warranty 259.00 REG, 379.95 -- 25.00 DOWN, 2,30 PER WEEK OPEN A FIRESTONE BUDGET ACCOUNT 12 CuFt. REFRIGERATOR Westinghouse DRYER Warm, fresh air blows directly into tumbling clothes . dries them faster, softer fluffier, Direct Air Flow Drying makes the Westinghouse Clothes Dryer the fastest, most economical of all dryers to operate, Control Dial lets you dry clothes ready for ironing , . . or ready for folding and immediate stqrage. Look in Shelf-like door opens outright where you want it, when it comes time to load and unload! There's no unnecessary bend or lift ing of heavy wet clothes, NOW ONLY 169-00 REG, 224.00 -- 17.00 DOWN, 2.50 PER WEEK | Frigidaire Safety Light 16 Cu. Ft. FREEZER All aluminum liner to prevent rust Deluxe [1751 IRAE IRR R URUK You can be the most popular hushand in your block if you present your hard working and deserving wifeawith a beautiful and efficient time and labour saving Moffat: Bendix Duomatic washer-dryer. While being a hero, you can also relieve yourself of any part you may play in this messy chore, The Moffat-Bendix Duomatic is a combination washer-dryver which washes and completely dries a full load of clothes in one machine... in one continuous operation . .. in as little as one hour, Duomatic prices are lower than you think! Why not call us today? Right now! Line up a Moffat-Bendix Duematic for Christmas delivery, It will be the most appreciated gift your wife has ever received. Frigidaire Custom Imperial Automatic Washer RATED NO Frigidaire Custom Imperial Automatic Dryer Put it anywhere it needs no yents or pipes! Has "Wrinkles: Away" drying that dries many of your washs ables with hardly a wrinkle."Bullt-in Clothes Dampener, Ozona Lamp for outdoor freshness. Fabric Heat Selector gives choice of § drying heats, plus "No Heat". Dryer knows when clothes are dry, automatically shuts off! Height 36° Width 26° Deptt { 3 5 Colors. Height 38° Width 30 Depth 264 | PAIRS ARE PRICED 479 90 AS LOW AS... 9g INSTALLED AND SERVICED BY OUR OWN STAFF . HOME APPLIANCES | (OSHAWA) LTD, 90 SIMCOE ST. §. for washing your clothes anest, New Fabric elects your correct wash and rinse temperature, agitator speed, spin dry speed, time cycle for each fabric Rathes' deep dirt out' without heating, Has a built-in Lint Ct aselg built-in Suds Water Saver, automatic Bleach and Dye Dispenser:§ colors Selector automatically RA 5.5332 ® Holds more than 560 Ibs. of food ® New design requires less floor space Guaranteed for 5 full years NOW 329.00 ONLY 33.00 DOWN, 3.00 PER WEEK Buy On Firestone Budget Plan and Save * Corner Division and King Sts. RA 5-6566-67

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