Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 19 Nov 1958, p. 22

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BE i Dishwashers Gas Ranges ~~ |Recent Tips | Soh Have Style pre Popular For Kitchen | You can find an automatic elec- | ; ic tric dishwasher that fits your kit- we This Chvistings oor chefs % |chen. Today, dishwashers are Put a little magic in your become a thing.of the past. Since/and Sunday food specialists can available in three basic types--| Christmas giving this year./this is an atuomatic control on|turn out delicious flame-kissed built-ins, portables and free-stand-| Give mother a modern gas your gas range, vou needn't even |steak, chops and burgers right in ing. {range equipped with magical top be in the kitchen, Just set it and|the comfort of their own Kitch- The built-in dishwasher can be burner heat control. . forget it! en or family room. tied into your existing kitchen According to the American Gas MANY WANT SEVERAL The man of the house will be beneath the counter top, where it| Association, the "burner with al Many families will probably (overjoyed with this new gas ap- is permanently installed. brain" lets you cook delicate cus. Want it on several burners, be-|pliance for modern Iving -- If you don't wish to put a dish-| tardg on top of your gas range cause the control makes it pos-|a gas-fired barbecue broiler, washer beneath the counter, per-| without a double boiler, mashed sible to use the top of the gas|While eliminating the mess and haps a free-standing unit is the potatoes stay moist and warm range for such foods as delicate|bother of charcoal the new broil- one for you. |for an hour or more without stick- custards, upside down cake, pud-|er retains .the genuine barbecue Or if you would like, there is 2/55 15 the bottom of the pan, co- dings, and so on, which ordinarily flavor by heating ceramic "coals portable dishwasher on casters|.,, that never forms a scum. ba- have to be cooked in the oven|with the blue flame of natural that can be moved aside when|;., aster batch of golden griddle| because they require even, con-|gas. 71 dishwashing time is over. 1 [cakes, each one perfect, pressure|Stant temperatures. Too, custards| A special tilt-back grill controls With this selection availavie [cooker foods without constantly|puddings and difficult sauces, flare-ups. The unit can easily be are sure to be able to find a dis "| adjusting the temperature, deep Such as hollandaise can be cook- built into kitchen counters, locat-| washer that fits your own person-| ca" geving "without smoking, per- ed without a double boiler. ed in the family room or built al needs. on |teci Lollandaise sauce as easy as| Vacuum type coffee can be|inta a chimney as a ion| Regardless oN ich Clee al boiling water. made without removal from the|piece to a built-in gas oven. choose, you will find that they all} p43" vo," needn't even be in burner or change of adjustment, The prototype of this new gas-| jave Jou Hie i and what busy the kitchen! Since He Toe with 2 eais fired broiler is found in many of | automatically reduces the gas ' : like more time to devote to her| HOW IT WORKS flame when the coffee is done. |', COUDIrY's better steak houses H ah family and guests? | If you haven't seen one, here's, Yes, indeed, kitchen magic is Gas Association. points. out eae : ob 1 Today the homemaker must how it works: : {no trick at all these days. { p a The whole family makes itself | note, the kitchen is part of the | appliances, from ranges to |double as both hostess and cook.| The control consists of a small| Restaurant chefs were tie first 1 to doubt the theory that charcoal at home in today's attractive, | family living area, as well as | water heaters, are hand Y |The automatic electric dishwash-| sensing element in the centre of well organized gas kitchens. | the center of Mom's homemak-, designed to make themselves at |er is the best built-in maid service| the Big which literally "takes af BOUND, ROBBED imparted a distinctive taste to| : With versatile utility the key- | ing projects, And efficient gas, home with any kitchen decor. | ne can get. But Jecasions for en-| tho temperature" of the cooking; nd an east-end Toronto drug [foods They reasoned Zak i this Washing is fun with the new | i fom ie basement tu the . Ferre ining are not the onl is {De rue, then all meat shou --As'S i ackyard, teraining y iutensil and signals this tempera |gist 'and escaped with a quantity LS TE ape) home laundry As' she easily TY I an a dishwasher helps out. [ture to the thermostat epntrolling| ie" cigarets and $100 Tuesda transfers the clothes from wash- | 0 "pro washday, she' | a er I § As a day in, day out labor-saver| the burner. When the food in th | Actually, flavor is obtained by a. wi W t Heate | ' n © night. Charles J. Battle told po-| Ys >| er to dryer, your wife will al- . dishwasher will save the aver- e-selec ns: me \ thank you for her White Christ. Blue Flame ' 3 pan drops below the pre-selected lice he was talking on the tele. |using the intense heat to melt ways remember the long steps | mas. ore than four i | ee age homemaker mi temperature, the sensing element phone to a customer when the the fats of the meat quickly. This, - hours a week over the hand meth-| 5 tomatically signals the control ( process creates a flame that seals : -------- Best Friend lod of washing dishes. This was| ng the flame increases again. |i r forced him to the cellar and\y "re, "Fiaver jg enchanced as HOW TO WRAP IT PACKAGED KITCHENS J i d: d {tied him. /The customer, who| hri tmas ig State Nn When the food is cooked, the came to investigate the suddenly-|the flame subsides and the drop-| Novel way to let the wife know More and more manufacturers A dishwasher's best friend is a 2 re | families. How did| "burner with a brain," cuts the dead line, found Battle at the/lets of fat fall slowly into. the he's gating a Dew range' forlave. tiring out pre-assembled water heater. group of {ypies| families, |flame low to keep the food warm|ielephone attempting to dial po-|{c0als, creating a smoke that im-| = = i : the these homemakers find they save| P ping parts the delicious flavor of the Christmas is to wrap a box of packaged kitchens which combine akes iff Le {until ready to serve. Even fried! i A 1 : i It makes no difference wheth-¢;p09 lice with Is bound hands meat cooking. cologne or powder to look like a several applicances within one er the dishwasher is of the hu-| (leari d scraping | €88s Will stay warm and tender| -- man variety or the automatic the Sana me a of 'any 10 an hour, * DO.SPECIAL COOKING | The new gas barbecue-broiler range. It's easy. Use white gift framework. These units, custom- mechanical type. Both types take! jichwashing chore. But instead of | Any ordinary flat - bottomed| Special controls, griddles, ro-|is sturdily built and designed for! rap paper, black gummed rein- arily range between seven and a beating during the holiday sea-|j avi 'k the dishes and| utensil becomes an automatic tisserie ovens and other features|clean effortless operation. The la . . : " i son, and both types are all but having Je Pry or sink for the|@PPliance with foods cooked to|of the new gas ranges now per- | counter-type model is thoroughly forcements and signal dots, and nine feet in length and are easily , ; 8 useless when the hot water supply |i oo hi ethod, they im-| Perfection every time. Best of all, [form special cooking functions|insulated and has received the black construction paper for door adaptable to the use of the mod- will be cooked i peviection -- the America ii Association, fC out hand Was ne The dishes in the|Durning, scorching, boiling over, |that .once required many auxili-| American "as Association Labor-|lines. The same principle can be ern homemaker who has limited golden brown, tender and juicy. there are 200 underground stor- sath media § ' A | : : Space. Your home will be comfortably age facilities in the U.S. where There's really no good reason|dishwasher, after they were under cooking and over cooking,ary appliances. atories Seal of Approval. used for other appliances. p warm, your foog safely preserv- gas can be kept in' summer to for the *'no-hot-water'" lament in|scraped. When all the dishes | ed, your laundry quickly done take care of winter needs. Be- this day ana age, says the Gas were in the dishwasher, the home- thanks to this tiny blue flame. cause these facilities once were Appliance Manufacturers Associ-imaker filled the detergent cup, All vou did was turn on the gas wells, they provide ideal geo- ation, since today's gas water | closed the dishwasher and pushed gas and your silent servant logical condition for the storage heaters can keep any family sup-|a button. The job was done -- 4 1 T into action. But you were of gas under pressure plied with enough hot water -- dishes washed, rinsed and dried also setti n motion a cycle of ROUND THLE CLOCK JOB automatically, with no attention from her. events that rang a bell 'way back Another big rour -clock j GAMA points out that more| These families found, too, that in Texas--or deep in the gwamps, in proyiding natic than two and a half million fam- because they washed dishes only high in the mountains, under the gas service is the task of > ilies solved the hot water prob-|twice a day (the breakfast dishes C 1] & i " % sea and across the plains, where numerous coompressor stations{lem with a new gas heater this (were stored in the machine until t s of rugged men main-|/which are so ved across the year, and that just as many will [the lunch dishes were added to 2 re ry that they can push the do the same in 1959. There's no make a full load) they saved gas gas along through th ands of dip in water heater sales, GAMA | money on detergents. This is no . PIPELINE NETWORK miles of pipe at the proper pres- says. The demand for more hot small item at today's prices. They | Thousands more of these mod- sure water continues to mount because found that the amount of laundry ern-day pioneers are extending At the city gates, your local of larger families, multiple-bath- they had to do was less because the pipelines that carry natural gas company takes over. A so- room homes, automatic washers of the decreased number of tea gas into 28 million American called "town border station" re- and dishwashers, not to mention towels used. This was not only a| homes, using over 100 million gas duces the pipeline pressure of the increasing awareness of the im- He saver, but a detergent saver| appliances. Natural gas is whizk- gas to the much lower degree portance of personal and house- as well. ; i the country by its own you'll require in your home hold ines in terms of social| In the Ohio Study, the home- multi-million dollar pipeline trans- And finally, the utility mains standing and health protection. makers felt Hie saving iy Spinal ortation system covering some empty into building-by-build- ~|and glasses wi { p g The householder currently suf: | oy Sed = aishwasher because 548,820 miles. This is enoough to in feed-lines, which run the fuel fering from hot w. anemia can circle the earth 22 times. straight through your meter and coring To hot wter an easily. |the amount of Freaksge as So At various points along the pipe- into your gas range, water heater, In many communities the gas small. What Is Hike. 8 e am jes line, carefully trained men oper- clothes dryer, refrigerator, in- company offers a deferred pay-|" ho participated in the Stl be ate stations that wash undesirable cinerator, or central heating-| ment plan to finance a water lieved that the labor saved, to- ingredients, like sulphur, from cooling system heater--equal to the family's ether with the more sificie te FY i e -- ~ |needs. In rural areas many LP- sis. helped Pay for their Su 6h IT) Gas dealers have similar plans, | Was wers. x fromm sriopol: |And of course, water heaters|'" 3 : Remember Mom |qualify for financing under FHA |0nous dishwashing. Title I loans and under other| A tiny blue flame, as old as|the gas. Still others scour the earth itself, will impart a pipe to clear it of clogging resi- warm glow this Christmas in/dues Many technicians are em- millions of homes across the na-|ployed at pipeline laboratories tion sampling the gas for heat values The turkey roasting in your and chemical content oven with its tantalizing aroma, And that isn't all, Sccording to home modernization finance In New Kitchen "= "°° ™ Wile Knows 2 , Remember when the kitchen planning next week's menus, her Hed «plumbing oe ezacior ind . pot planning experts gave us "effici- automatic gas washer-dryer com- heater of adequate capacity for esigning ency kitchen"? These provided bination washes and dries a full your home and family, GAMA just enough room for Mom and load of clothes advises. she was expected to get in and Conirols on her. modern" gas| rT ---------- kitch 1 i rt you can out asgfast as possible. range, automatically cook an en- o Dene [Sxpe Heh 0. It may be that Mom got lone- tire meal to perfection, and she Ne Fre or ? Then shake hands with your some and rebelled. In any case, needn't even be in the kitchen. w ezer yas. ' he truth. Ch today's kitchens are big and|She never has to worry about |. h haps 3 s hi de $ ances 78) roomy, allowing plenty of space defrosting her modern gas refrig- No Problem (t at 5 e's not' a esigne by OF t Sor She w ole. Satnlly i I erator and never has to fuss and) | tchiect, > ? Temode pi: To mid o 30 DEV, alg CUES @re bother with ice trays, because] Learning how to use your new | ; f X Devon anything the. compact cu |e magic Ice Maker automatic. freezer is no problem. The basic it 'comes 0 designing. her owh| bicle offered Everything is con- ally keeps her supplied with all| "textbook" is the instruction book kitchen -- she lives in it. ! veniently located, Applicances are the loo She heeds which was packed with the freez- This doesn't qualify her to over-| bright, 'and Ben App and easy While she gives the baby his er. It contains hints on use and|y je your architect when he tells to clean. Whether free-standing or bath, her smokeless-odorless gas|care as well as instructions for you that a certain wall can't be built-in, they blend perfectly with incinerator is automatically re. packaging food, data on storage moved. Nor does it endow her | the over-all decor of the home. ducing the day's accumulation of life, and an assortment of tested with more knowledge of the work- Mom is never lonely now, be- trash and garbage to a fine pow- recipes. ings of today's appliances than | cause these modern kitchens der. And she has plenty of hot,' Most modern cookbooks also the dealer. blend imperceptibly with family hot wafer for dishes, launde Aig! contain sections on home freez-| But just being herself, enables rooms and recreation areas. Sul bathing, ianks her auto-|ing. The U.S, Dept. of Agriculture [her to plan in general terms the The American Gas Association Matic gas water heater and your own state college of (kind of kitchen she wants. If, for ' . recently conducted a survey of Because Mom can count on agriculture have bulletins lene. your family is always SPECIAL LOW PRICE ! Here's Good News! Your old Refrigerator trends in kitchen planning and these built-in gas servants to take able on the subject. underfoot at meal time, be sure = found that the emphasis today is over the major household Finally, the home service staff |Your kitchen specialist knows this on versatile utility. The desk, tele-|chores, she has more time for of your local utility will'be glad|S® that he can design adjacent | phone, and other items have relaxation with her family. to make suggestions and answer | areas in which Dad and the chil- | moved kitchenward in recent] The new, larger kitchens keep questions |dren can be right at hand -- but years because today's homemak- fatigue to a minimum, too, be- --m still out of the way -- while she's | . . - er usually has several projects cause less crowding means less | cooking. : | ' going on at once. fatigue. And Mom will be the first Mayo Vie | hi you ant Ke ihe Sought, ) e uxe enmore e 1] IS of eating in the chen, its silly §£ ' How does she do it? She sets to tell you that everything -- and automatic controls on her gas ap-'housework is no exception -- is| [to let a designer draw in a dining, pliances and goes on to some- more fun when you have compahy area in his remodeling plans. | "nn . 1 . thing else. While she is busy while doing it. n ula All of this may be news to you| fi n ] {| eld or feezer eee but the kitchen remodeler is al- | E ready well aware that you and Hoop Contest [i wie ire" bes "singe 339.95 {ouece of information he has when Model 1872, 11.5 cu. ft. capacity, 60 cycles. OTTAWA (CP)--Mayor R. F. redesigning your kitchen. i Gilroy" of Springhill, N.S., has| Ang Yet, 390 can become - Kenmore Model Allowance an Your Old Refrigerator 40.00 agreed to take on Ottawa's Mayor |even "better" expert on your kit- 915580, 25 or 60 cycles. [] Interested in meeting the best Large 24-inch oven means room for a big family meal Worth $40 as a Trade-In for 'Operation Snowflake! | George Nelms in a hula hoop con- chen if you'll try. All you and test to raise money for children Your wife have to do is to keep Special, each "e of Springhill, where mine dis/|an informal record of what you | : [aster last month took 74 lives. personally like and dislike about Y PAY CNL [various kitchens you see. Clip | ! "new Ll The mayors will provide a side § feature to a large hoop-twirling Visas Irom magarines, vat mod You only need to compare the size and features of this beautiful [contest for Ottawa youngsters in ii ¥ : Pg ; ; the muditoriam here Sov. ®, It ond shove Sli make 8 real Hie Kenmore to realize what an outstanding value it is at this special S Sponsor y a jewelry firm! id inal i i i i | With the city's blessing. 3, Oo aceemricies wheal price! Engineered 10 give better cooking and boking results . . . FEATURES SEPARATE ZERO-SAFE FREEZER THAT STORES Mayor Gilroy's telegram ex-|chen. I to add to the beauty of your kitchen, and to make mealtime 52 POUNDS OF FOOD. CARRIES 5-YEAR WARRANTY ON pressed *'many thanks to the chil-|' Once you've done this the next preparation a pleasure day after day. Here are some of the dren of Ottawa' for their effort. step is to realize your own limita- | REFRIGERATION UNIT. |Money raised will buy Christmas|tions -- and to call on experts for | features: presents for Springhill young- |help. 's wh - it gi p! young- |help. That's where your local kit This magnificent Coldspot combination unit gives you the ser~ | sters. chen dealer enters the picture. | 3 : i His training 'will allow him to size | Backguard in its smart floating. design and black and chrome tim vices of two appliances as the big freezer chest is completely in- sulated. Store frozen foods in perfect safety . . . enjoy the » . up your home, study your prefer- by . 2 A : ences, and come up with a prac- is illuminated and equipped with 7-heat switches that control the : i : i oy 0 Police Kills tical plan which incorporates as surface elements . . . clock that controls oven boking, and the automatic de frost refrigeration offered in remaining area. Cold many of your wishes as possible, minute. winder. . spot features are outstanding, their engineered performance has Three Foxes Thanks to modern materials : : been proven by thousands of satisfied Canadian homemakers. | and modern appliances this plan Large 24-inch oven gives wonderful baking and broiling results Trade-in your old machine at this exceptional offer ! | TORONTO (CP)--A dozen po-|is likely to correspond closely to with no cramping for space for even a big family meal. ' . {lice officers killed three foxes but|your desires. Here's an example. : ; jour pers eSgapey Tuesday in Everly woman ays idioms) Oven racks, supports and broiler element are removable for easy Automatic defrosting refrigerator © Shelf space of 15.8 square feet the first wholésale fox hunt in|Storage space in her dream kitch- : Meat k tores 9 pounds hs > {suburban Scarborough Township, |en. Now, thanks to the versatile cleaning. 2 " ep : oe . P ® Twin-seal crispers Officers said they believe the design of modern steel kitchens, Visi-boke oven window lets you keep an eye on things without oll-out bottle bases |foxes"in the area were sufferin {milady's every desire for storage ing |from distemper, not rabies, ag | Space can be satisfied. Spning the door. | Equally as important as the they did not try to attack as dol, . y $ i t i most rabid foxes. The eyo kitchen's appearance is its utility. | Full width ge door for con Snowflake white porcelain exterior with lilac and burgundy inside door trim, re hE oh : . et he modern housewife wants a| : i i i i i ore hampered by a steady driz-| oven which can be kept clean | ALL elements guaranteed THREE years. Height 59 inches, width 28'4 inches, depth 287% inches. and muddy fields and roads. . boas with a minimum of effort. Here, Tt too, modern steel cabinets have bt : PETER BOROUGH _(CP)-- been especially designed to satisfy | No Down Payment on Simpson's Home Lovers Club Terms Me Dawn Payment on Simpatn's Home Lovers Clubs Term i ee Farmer Vict : 2S [ a 5- SH 2 Farmer eT akum Tucsdayitie most demanding of housekeep- PHONE AND MAIL ORDERS FILLED -- RA 3.7543 PHONE AND MAIL ORDERS FILLED IN DELIVERY AREA ONLY--RA 3.7543 Symbol of civilized living and | ence and comfort for every [rabid fox which attacked his do Y i i i A i ; its benefits is the modern gas member of the family, by pro- in nearby Percy Township. The pert te mate = Simpasn's. ==. Gila Simpson's. see Qsiowe water heater, which serves asa viding plenty of hot water, au- head of the animal was sent in| ets and appliances which will best i of cleanliness, conveni- | tomatically, at any time. for rabies tests. fill your requirements . \ / ® Door storage with bottle racks, egg Slide-out shelf storage and dairy food compart. Zero freezer stores 52 pounds menf

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