Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 19 Nov 1958, p. 18

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50--Articles For Sele Soren vey a ve sn wz) Neighbors Fete Rtn at gm pen Otto Strehls [outer we sat 267¢| At Zion went deer Hans Geissherger a a Tw] {bunting last week, north of * 7 7% "wiBy MRS. RUSSELL STAINTON |Madoc and was fucks enough, to ZION -- A number of friends|¢, 0 leaving for home, and neighbors gathered at the Mi : srs siainiess | OMe Of Mr. and Mrs, Otto Strehl a1 and ws. Jack Cameron "$14.95, aun SBturday night to honor them on SPC i Ailtbrook, k, visited ; (their 25th wedding anniversary. "| The bride was presented with a| Betty Nunn spent the Weekend at Toronto, Sonley, corsage of mums and a wedding cake centred the table. Mr, and Mrs George The bride was presented with Toronto, visited visitors at Fred a Shier brooch and a mixmaster| Cameron's. a groom received some| pred Cameron, Russell and Jim . 2 \t00ls and a silver tie pin. : isher attend Omava's No. "Both expressed thanks for the| Ss nergnd Harty Fisher attend gifts and the rest of the even- Tyrone Saturday ing was spent in cards and chit- Mr * chat while the ladies served) Mr. and Mrs, R.C. Stainton and lunch. Laurie were Sunday guests of W.A. MEETING Harry Poloz, Oshawa. Mrs. Russell Stainton visited her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. W.A, meeting had a good at- tendance and several visitors. Herbert Cameron, Tyrone, on Monday. During the devotional period Mrs. Ross Stainton and her sisters, Mrs. Harry Poloz and Mrs, Ted Collis sang together and Mrs. Charles Naylor sang a solo. Donations were given to the S50---Articles For Sule $8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, November 19, 1958 GUNS, J, and "CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 17) FLAGSTONE--$13.00 per ton. Apply ey Park Road North. 2674 CEMENT mixer, 71. 444 Simeoe 8 South, Bro ct ves, fires, batter- tes, vinator rigerators, 50--wArticles For Sale | Thrifty budget plan, RA 5-4543. br brown overcoat, size 38. Lady's black fur cost, size 44; lady's gray coat, size 16, Phone RA 37212. 265( Mbiving and cider edn avaiable, La 0 3 Charen Street. RA (a SELLING furniture or cleaning out! cor Pol plastic and steel eel "ipin and Atngs, 5-|installations, Hillside and Park 'Ross' South. Phos RA 7088, MARSHALL spring mattress, continen- ia] ive spring bed, % size, Phone 8 47 --Automobifes For Sale FORD Fairlane, take over . | HIGHEST prices paid in Oshawa awa for No cash. required. RA 5.0092, used furniture by the Community Fur-| # 208¢ | niture Store, 19 Prince Street. Phone 5 PONTIAC deluxe sedan, custom,| "Ar #1131. radio, many extras, Petioct "condition, PRICIDAIRE $1205. Phone RA 50547 after THREE - piece b , | steel 959 automatic washers others i CHEVROLET Biscayne dr = an low mileage, Hiding 81 : NINE - plece i oa dining room RA 5-8640 Pig 5 p.m, Dee. 1. ute, size, $100, RA| 51 HUDSON, good running order, $30! 5.189%, 270( |TV aerials, all channel, installed, one or nearest offer, Phone RA 3-294, 27 CEDAR Ch A hod ee guarantee, $39, Kelly TV | year 75 METEOR, tudor deluxe beautiful |unti] Christmas. best | West. "RA 5-5121. futone green, winterized, at the amaz- makes ~ -- Lane, Hellou, Red Seal, ORDERS fake for storm sashes, ea. ingly low price of 3108s. King mise in. pric! Motors, opposite Centre. Ada "a imees 41 de uD oa 3 a Eo at the lowest price in town, $895, King|low prices, Easy terms. Tradeins ac- West Motors, opposite the Stopping ire A small deposit will hold yours Christmas, But hurry -- the prices planos are going Bi FORD sedan, Finished in Peri and black, top line om» "Bs "Simca Barons' Home Furnishings, utomobile, | Street South. Dee. 14] to clear, only $605, King West the Centre, ee -------------------- one| ALUMINUM storms, $6.95, $8.95, na Colonial. RA 38571, SKATES, new and used, go sn titi ier Ni li, Br RSC WILLIAMS pianos, now at a price you est, [can afford, at Parkway Tlevision, 918 eo [Simcoe Street North. BA 33043 3 3 9| NINE cu, ft. Frigidaire refrigerator, giddy Bil dosh Frigidaire stove, large mirror, Company. fi East, |a Two iy RA 37229, 260b psd 2 cruiser, excellent| BIG sale now on. Christmas gifts at condition, one year old, Reasonable | tremendous savings at Ed Wilson's, down payment and terms, Must sell.|Cedar chests, $29.95; G.E. floor pol RA 85109, 2671) ighers, $35.95; table Jammps, wih shades, ($3.98; portable ri H our|steam irons, $15.95; hostess chairs, M and M Fund, the General ng Sm and vin oud, fables, Fund, WMS, the Bible Society, 2. 2 floor mps, 1.95, ree 0) -- V Co, 20/and the Sick Children's Hospital, lay-away, Yison _Yusiiuie a treasurer's report showed a 4|ONLY 99 cents! That's right! Lovely ! condition. A vepiors kitchen chrome suites only] The nominating committee pre- SEATS, suitable for church or a 99 cents with the purchase of any liv-| sented the following slate of of- RA 39318. ing room or bedroom suite, Wilson Fur-|ficers for 1959, President, Mrs, ONE coal or wood stove, $25. niture Co., 20 Church Street, 26%) 4114 Geigsherger; vice-presi- 4308, . THREE - piece airfoam sectional suite.| dont Mrs, Ra eron: . y Cameron; second gorgeous styling, in latest, most mod-| ern: metallic coverings, Rez, $369, now| vice-president, Mrs, Ed Hoskin; to $269, Plus for 99 cents you recording secretary, Mrs, Harry can have a TV swivel chair or five- Figher; assistant secretary, Mrs. piece chrome suite or set of three ar- Fred Dart; corr At secre- tary, Mrs, Ray Cameron; treas- urer, Mrs. Nelson Fice; assist- borite living room tables, Wilson Fur- MOTOROLA car radio, fils any fype|nijure Co., 20 Church Street, 200 ant treasurer, Mrs. Tracy Glas- pell. ear, used only one year. Perfect work- PORTABLE Smith . Corona typewriter, ing condition, Phone RA 57298, 269f| beige, practically new, carrying case, A quartette from the Sweet Ade- lines of Oshawa gave several se- VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, Sout So, wii sy for 995. is Ja lections, .and the group, Mrs Mark Atkins, Mrs, Chuck Terry, parts, attachments, brushes, op ig VO ee materiel Ts er] % i, re piece chesterfield, like new, wine teed rebuilt machines, Estimates free bh idl oir 4 » Wine Mrs. Tom Sobil, Mrs. William Hasiuk served refreshments, Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser: one R vice. RA 8-1081 anytime, Mrs, F. B. Glaspell, Mrs, Alex| McMaster, Mrs. Ray Scott visit- AWNINGS, plain colors, or gay stripes, ed their cousin, Mrs, John Faw- cett, Whitby, prompt service, Free estimates. Order now for early delivery, Chair and table rentals, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm Michael, Mrs. William Michael, Sr., Toron- to, were Sunday. visitors to Wes Oshawa, PORCELAIN "sink and wall mount ta Cameron's. Jerry Moore, Scarborough, RA 3 2708 CHESTERFIELD, (apestry covering, spent the weekend at Keith Stain- ton's home. two rugs 6' 9" x 9, one green, one tone on tone, dark rose, one rollpway bed, two pair of matching drapes, one two-width and one single, beige bag. ground, Phone RA 5-592! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Killen, Mrs. Wes Cameron and Mrs, Russell Stainton visited Mrs. Wil- fred Frank, Scarborough. 16-FOOT Peterborough boat and trailer, Mrs. Russell Perkins was an both In perfect condition. Reasonable SEWING machine, ape "style, Eh 334 Pine Avenue. $20 as trade-in, Free delivery, best| THIRTY-inch continental bed, a for quick sale, or will swap for best overnight guest of Mrs. Lorenzo lear offered, RA 80179. 268¢|Trull, Hampton, roto offer, RA 3-4385. 269¢ (late, like new, barkeloth cover and - HIGH CLINBER Mrs. Wes Cameron attended a|tion Week magazine said Tues- SPACE heater, Coca Cola coler, wofol , 11m. 1 aTty at the home day the U.S. Army plans to try| WORCESTER, England (CP)-- of Mrs. William Preston, Courtice, |{Wic® next month at Cape Cana- A runner bean in this west Eng- Bew plumbing supplies Roaa ang il for her mother, Mrs. Delbert Flin-| '|veral, Fla, to Place ce small space/land city is 33 fe feet tall. side. RA 3.7088. 8|toff and herself. | Mrs. Jim Stainton, David and) 52--Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of WILLIAM JOHN STONEHOUSE, Farm- er, deceased. All persons ENGINEERS STUDY SPEEDIER TRAINS As streamlined as toothpicks, | railroaders are studying plans | 100 miles an hour. An airplane propeller-driven monorail trains on he ay oetiued engine turning the massive may make this artist's concep- three-blade propeller would pro- slung from an overhead track tion a reality in the future, U.S. | and shoot along at more than | vide the push. WA. Groups Hold November Meets £ By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT (WA met Tuesday evening, at the BROOKLIN -- The ABC Group home of Mrs. A. I. McBrien with of the Woman's Association of|the leader, Mrs. 8. J. Hillier, in Droeglin United Church Hig its| charge. ovember meeting, at the home| Mpg, A. J, Cook read the Serip- of Mrs, D, E. Hamer, with an tyre lesson and Chrissie Simpson attendance of 21. gave the meditation. The leader, Mrs. Victor Parkin, Minut ¢ was in charge with 8 Somimiftee Mii oh xed by She See comprising rs. Edwin wn, ' Mrs, L. McCoy, Mrs. Norman|' metbers and one visitor re- Gibson and Jessie Webber. {spon o roll call. Scriptures were read by Mrs. | The treasurer's report, present- L. McCoy and Mrs, Edwin Down €d by Mrs, A. J. Cook, showed read two poems, $75 in the bank, and $8.78 on Mrs. C. Davies reported on/hand for general funds, citizenship and Mrs. Robert| Mrs. W. Coe and Mrs. A. J. Heron read the minutes while Cook, ecanvassers for the Bible Mrs. Frank Ormiston presented| Society, reported $33.25 collected he Jnsneial report. ted among members of the group. even cals were reported on) A total of 28 calls were mad sick and shutins for October, . Mrs. Norman Gibson conducted for October on sick and shut-ing. SUNSHINE GROUP : a guessing contest, |FRIENDSHIP GROUP MEETS | The Sunshine Group of Wom- an's Association held a pot luck Mrs. Ralph Thompson was) hostess Tuesday, Nov. 4, for the|supper Tuesday Sveuing to which meeting of the Friendship Group. bers of their families were The leader, Mrs. C. De Jonge, |invited. presided and 20 members and! The group sat down to supper three visitors responded to roll/in the Sunday school room, the call, supervising committee comprised Twelve sick calls were report-|of: Mrs. Thearon Kivell, Mrs, ed in October, | Vickery, Mrs. Fishley and Mrs, iu for the layette were on Mac Innes. isplay, and arrangements made to send it to the Save the Chil- Rev. and 2p. pn luded ren campaign. Plans were made for the WA|J. os Mediand, and Mrs, bazaar to be held in Sunday| : school room of the United Church], Following noth Eo np ' Saturday, Dec. 6. Mrs. Mathew Agar, assisted uy Cited a brief business meet~ Mrs, Betty Stanton, nd. doyee| Hans Zurcher, Kitchener, visit- ed Hans Geissberger. NEWS BRIEFS (probes near the moon, The army declined to comment. SELF-SERVE COLOGNE (Reuters)--The self- service and multiple store busi- ness is rapidly expanding in West SAMSONITE, luggage -- The ian) Hh a week! All colors Y eveilable, Ask ced , Ba Sout our rons' 424 Simcoe Street) --__ Dec, 1 758 AUSTIN sedan, the popular English mileage maker automobile, This car is|Home in every way. only $495. King lect lest Motors, x 2681 DODGE tudor mechanically good ls slip covers and polish job, tires pew, Only 3345. King Wat Motots, ONE. ctrome Kitchen set mist grey, @pposite the Shopping Centre. arborite, upholstered chairs, al. | Sou ® FORD custom line tudor, aig mow nw. Bh 34385, id ebony black with white-walls, custom, FREE ~ Absolutely Free -- Up to $100 Bi, sis mileage, Only $1995, King worth of 1 oy LR, jursiwire you = lest Motors, opposite the Shopping choice r Centre po or] with the purchase of a c = A PONTIAC Laurentian, four-door bardtop, V-8 motor, super automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, air conditioned heater, deluxe radio and rear geat speaker, whie-wall fires, shade-lite glass all wi , ofl filter, tu-tone, white and bronze padded dash board, windshield washers, back. lights. Other extra's, 6000 miles. Hhtephone RA 8.5022, 269¢ 9% BUICK, excellent condition, Phone Rd or apply 148 Ritson Road th, 2601 sewing livers a brand new Singer fo home! A small deposit will hold yours until Christmas. Get the best -- get a fully guaranteed Singer sewing machine from your authorized dealer, Barons' Homs Furnishings, 424 Simeoe & Btiest tires and 13 sidewalk bed, RA 2690 TWO ( tubes, size 717, pes 17; slabs; TV aerial; 5-0784, CROSBY SELLS RANCH "ELKO, Nev. (AP) -- Sale of Bing Crosby's 19,000-acre ranch 52 miles north of here was an- nounced Tuesday. The price was |reported in excess of $1,000,000, Crosby's 3,700 head of cattle were included in the sale to Edward/Germany. Eighty per cent of the and Earl Presnell of|chain store and department store Modesto, Calif, and William companies' 6,281 food stores are Johnson of Escalon, Calif. expected to have self-service by 1961, compared with 17 per cent| COMMUNIST VOTE last year and one per cent in BUDAPEST (AP) -- Commu 19% nist-backed candidates in Hun-| IN gary's election--the only set on MILITARY TRAINING the ballot--won a majority of 99.6] CAIRO (Reuters) -- The su. per cent, it was announced Tues- Preme council of the United Arab |day. The voter's only choice was| Republic' s five universities has to approve the single ticket--70/decided that military training per cent Communist -- or mark should be Sompdlsory in the ok h i ti versities, Students who show dis- is disse 308 vay. circle tinction during training will be DISMISSED AGAIN exempted from fees. MOSCOW (AP)--Usually well- CLOSE CALL informed sources said Tuesda - night ex - premier Nikolai Bul. SYDNEY, Australia (Reuters) ganin has been dismissed from|A bolt. that fell 25 feet from a| his post as head of a regional workman's pocket pierced the| economic unit at Stavropol. Bul-| ganin was linked last week by| {boot of 2. man. below, nailing his Premier Khrushchev with an foot to a piece of timber, The vic- anti-party group. tim, William Riley, 58, waited calmly for ambulance men to re- lease him, RA 260¢ BALANCE of entire stock from La Vogue Jacqueline, Coats, suits, dresses, formals etc. Dr May be seen daily from 1 at pe Kaiser Crescent, corner Louisa Street. Phone RA 5-1212, Dec. 1 18 suite, or a dining old Pry Easy terms. This is no gimmick! Come and see for yourself! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street South, 5 pm. of Dec. 14 $AVE -- $AVE MacFadyen's Real Seal ALUMINUM PRODUCTS COMBINATION ALUMINUM STORMS AND SCREENS $16.95 EACH For any double hung window regardless of size. Installa- tion included. FULL FACTORY GUARANTEE PHONE RA 8-1547 ANYTIME YOUTH'S suburbun coat size 38; 1ady's brown mouton coat size 16, Apply 23 Wayne Steet. RA 5-3758, 270a ONE movie camera, 1 projector and screen; also 1 skill saw, like new. Apply 77 Gibb Street or RA 5-6442, 270¢ USED washing machine and refriger- ator in good condition, Apply Nonquon Road, last house north side before 5 points, After 7 p.m, or before noon, 270c FIVE-piece chrome me set, red and grey, just like new, $75. RA 8-8220 after 3.30 p.m, 270b GIRL'S CCM bicycle, good condition #9 CADILLAC coupe de ville, fully er equipped has every extra avail. . Excellent condition, Will accept le. MO 8.4517 Whitby, 2691 #57 PONTIAC deluxe, aujomatie, radio, me paint, low mileage, May be fi- iced. Phone RA 3.2874 after 6, 260f Wr METEOR hardiop, perfect sondi- #oe, Call RA 59274, Can be seen any- @ime at 155 Colborne Street East, 265( LE Auto Wreckers, Used Ford and @hevrolet motors, rear ends, transmis Sans, for all makes, Phone Clark 1614, Nov. 31 Een body rough, runs well, , Phone MO 8-4537, Lot 108, 3rd Con. Road, Whitby 2661) RR--g---- CRANFIELD MOTORS 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH RA 3.2284 USED CARS 4 B.A. SERVICE "RAMBLER, METROPOPLITAN, MORRIS, M.G.,, WOLSELEY, RILEY SALES & SERVICE. Automobiles Wanted SAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want | a wrecking, Highest prices paid. 5-1181 or RA 5-1182. HIGHEST PRICES - PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens puid off, ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS CALL OSHAWA ALUMINUM SALES & SERVICE For the best quality alumin- um ond expert installations. Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed WINDOWS RS AWNINGS RAILINGS Cosh or Terms Call RA'5-7922 Anytime ANDRE VAN DE VALK Dec. 13 Try the 1959 Paris Styled Renault Dauphine a---- three cushions, Phone RA 5-9609 after 5 pm. 270a COLONIAL * 51--Swap and Barter DISPLAY COTTAGE at 289 PARK RD. S. FOR SALE Terrific deal RA 8-8571 MORE MOON SHOTS WASHINGTON (AP) -- Avia: tiller, steel door, combination TV, ches- terfield, truck, trailer, tile .nachine Columbus WMS Aux. Meeting By MRS. FRANK hi "il COLUMBUS Novem. 269c PAINT SALE At Almost Wholesale Prices SUPER KEM-TONE $5.99 gal. $1.80 qt, SWING SATIN 52--Legal Notices v the worship service and Joyce| Mrs. Raymond Kennedy led in Graham entertained the group|8 Sing-song with Mrs. Alfred Wil- with colored slides of a trip to|son at the piano. British Columbia. Members of the younger crowd Lunch was served by the host- present participated in a hutas ess, assisted by the committee. [hoop contest. A recorded solo was followed claims by the reading of a paper on $1.80 qt. having DODD MOTOR SALES - 314 PARK RD, §, RA 3-942] £9 Automobile Repairs Test-Drive the D.K.W and the new FIAT Four doors, 44 miles a gallon, water cooled. AT VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 King W. RA 5-3557 $5.99 gal. First Come First Choice WEBBING"S HARDWARE DRIVE-IN 282 King St. W. RA 3-4873 Dec. 11 For economy and perform. once. ANDY NAGY"S BODY SHOP #408 King St. W. RA 3.7132 BRAMLEY MOTORS SALES LTD. 1271 SIMCOE NORTH 'PHONE RA 3-4675 «Specialists in Ford service "ond parts. Wheel alignment, ~wheel balance, with latest "type equipment, Newest type = 8lectronic tune-up equipment, Articles For Sale EE Tongih "- quarter length Hudson seal @oMt, perfect condition, lately remod. @fled, size 16 - 18, Phone RA 3.7848, 268 IDAIRE special big 10% cuble ft. 42 1b freezer, butter-keeper. No down with trade. Only $199 plan $2 weekly. Kelly Frigidaire st. Nov, 18 NOW IS THE TIME TO GET READY FOR WINTER For the finest factory con- structed aluminum storm windows and doors installed to your satisfaction at low- est prices, UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY CALL TODAY FOR FREE ESTIMATE ALEX VAJDA MODERN WOODWORKING SHOP RA 3-9851 BOAT KITS $56.00 and up Open Evenings & Weekends Brooklin Marine Storage Supply Ltd PHONE 87 p12 West UUM cleaner re repairs, all makes, , aMachments, brushes, guaran. rebuilt machines. Estimates free, als. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser SEE! FRIGIDAIRE! EXTRA FOR THE VERY BEST ALUMINUM Doors, Storms, Screens, Win dows, Awnings and Porch Railings. NOBODY BUT NOBODY can beat our quality prices and guaranteed installations. CALL HOLODY ALUMINUM | foal Personal tive of the said deceased on or before the 20th day of December, ticulars of their claims. mediotely after the said date the Personal Representatives will distribute the assets of the said deceased having re- gard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated at Oshawa this 11th day of November, MARION RUTH STONEHOUSE, MEGIBBON and Messrs. & BASTEDO, against the estate of Williom John Township of Whitby, County of Ontario, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 27th day of Oc tober, of the in the Stonehouse, 1958, are hereby noti= ield to send in to the under~ Representa~ 1958, full par- Im= 1958. RLES CAMPBELL EDGAR FRANK BASTEDO, By their solicitors, McGIBBON Barristers & Solicitors, 20 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, Nov. 19, 26, Dec. WNTARIA MECHANICAL TRADES ONTARIO PROVINCIAL POLICE DETACHMENT BUILDING WHITBY, ONTARIO SEPARATE SEALED FIXED SUM TENDERS will be re- ceived until 4 p.m. ES, Time on, WED,, DEC, 10TH, 1958 for the Plumbing and Drain- oge, Heating and Ventilating and Electrical Trades Work in connection with the construc- tion of the Ontario Provincial Police Detachment Building, Whitby, Ontario, A Bid Bond made payable to the Honourable the Provincial Treasurer of Ontario in the following amounts must ac- company the tender: Plumbing end Drainage Heating and 3 $2,000.00 RA 5.2431 THEY'RE HERE AT LAST! INVITATION TO TENDER DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE AGRICULTURAL and $2,000.00 $1,000.00 A Performance Bond mgde out by an approved Guaranty Company on the Department of Public Works form in the omount of 100% of the tender will be required from Ventilating Electrical ber meeting of the Te Aux- | illary of the Women's Mission- ary Society was held in the lower hall of the church Tues- day, Nov. 11, at 2 p.m. Mrs. Clifford NSE: presi- dent, occupied the chair and opened the meeting with the reading of a poem and a short | prayer. | The worship service was con- ducted by Mrs, Ray Scott. The Scripture lesson was read by| Mrs, Arthur Smith, The com- ment and prayer, read by Mrs, Scott closed the worship serv- ice, Mrs. Naylor welcomed the members and visitors present, and called for a report of the morning and afternoon sessions of the WMS Presbyterial meet- ing held at Greenwood on Octo. ber 25. These were given by Mrs. Roy Ratcliffe and Mrs. Ray Scott, Mrs. Ratcliffe and the mem- bers present joined in singing an African hymn which had been sung at the Presbyterial meeting. Mrs, Scott reported that an invitation has been extended to the Presbyterial to hold the "| Adelines | Mrs, {Remembrance Day by Mrs. Grant Webber, PERSONALS Mrs. James Stark, Mrs. Ar- thur Smith, Mrs. Meredith Dring and Mrs. Ernest White attended the Port Perry United Church WA annual bazaar Saturday af- ternoon, Mrs, White had the| honor of opening the bazaar /for the Port Perry group. Mrs, T. Flett and Marie Flett of Solina spent the weekend at| the home of Mr. and Mrs, 'Ron- ald Flett of Toronto, | Mr. and Mrs. W. Herma and Audrey from Temperanceville were Sunday dinner guests at Harold Hiemstra. Among those attending the concert given by the Sweet in Oshawa Saturday night were Mrs. Dave Dyer, Miss Helen Dyer, Mrs. Alan Scott, Mrs. Kenneth Powell and Harold Hiemstra. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Leger- ton from Scarborough were Sun- day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dowse. ANNOUNCEMENT The East Whitby Child Health ization Clinic will be next autumn rally at Columt A paper on the islands of the Caribbean was read by Bea- trice Mountjoy of Oshawa. This was a general review of all the islands taken from the study book for the year, "Concerns of and held in the Lower Hall of Co- lumbus Church Wednesday, Nov. 19, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. This clin- ic is operated free of chargé to residents of East Whitby Town- ship and parents are urged to RELIABLE GROUP MEET bazaar. FAITHFUL WORKERS Mrs. Ray Ingleton and the min-|" utes were ready by the secretary. Eight calls were reported by the sick committee. the Woman's Association, guest of the evening, and report- were warned to stay near their ed the highlights of the WA Pres-|homes Tuesday because of the, bytery meeting held recently. Pri; Mi The Reliable Group of the WA MOS Were WY rh met on Tuesday at the home of | Kjyell, Mrs, Lloyd Prouse with 10 mem- bers in attendance. Mrs. J. Carnwith entertained ithe gathering with pictures taken The leader, Mrs. Lou Bird, pre-| on a world tour last summer in. sided and Mrs. Beckley gave a | reading on "Flanders Fields." cluding India, Thafland and Mrs. Dowling led in prayer and|"2P2" {the minutes were read by the PERSONALS secretary. Three sick calls were Sid and Mrs. Joe Parkin, Ash- reported. urn; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford A contest was conducted by| (Midgley, and son, Maurice, of Mrs. Beckley, and an appeal wel Greenbank. Mr. and Mrs. Ken made for good and used clothing|Carson. Patricia and Gary of and canned goods for the Fred {Mount Zion and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mission, Toronto. {Don Linton of Raglan were guests Mrs. Dennis and Mrs. Steven-on Sunday at the home of Mrs, son reported plans for the WA victor Parkin. Lt. Narion Stevenson returned | Thursday to her post at Halifax, Mrs. Nell Petty was hostess after spending two weeks with Wednesday for - the November her mother, Mrs. Walter Steven meeting of the Faithful Workers | gon, group with the leader, Mrs. Nor- man Alves, in charge. Mrs. Walter Stevenson left Sat urday to spend a week's vacation t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noble Stevenson at Burlington. Devotional service was led by POLAR BEARS MENACE CHURCHILL, Man. (CP)---Res- Mrs. W, Medland, president of| idents of nearby Fort Churchill was large numbers of polar bears Plans were arranged and com- roaming the district. Chief reason, mittees formed for the WA Ba- for the bears' presence is that zaar in December, ice pans in Hudson Bay are not, Mrs. Laviolette showed colored hig enough to support them om slides taken during summer va-|their usual trips after seals. the successful tenderer. a Continent", make use of its services. GRAZING PRIVILEGES 1. Tenders addressed to No. 2 Works Company R.C.E, 60 Atlantic Ave., Toronto 3, Ont- . ario, will be received up to noon 17 December, 1958, for the agricultural and graz- ing use of land located at Camp X, Oshawa, Ontario, for a three (3) year period, commencing 1 January 1959. The areas offered are located on the West side of Thorn- ton Road on Lot 18, Whitby Township, and Lot 17, East Whitby Township. Tenders may be submitted for the whole or parcels as follows-- SHEER LOOK -- PLUS AT HOME APPLIANCES 90 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-5332 oa 8-1081 anytime. Nov. 19 CONT and Admiral for 1959, $199 tero hi-fi, six speakers, from $149, TY. RA 59181, Nov. 18 #0 DOWN will completely furnish home. This Includes chesterfield, m suite, television, refrigerator, n set, washing machine, lamps, etc. All items reduced in price. s' Home Furnishings, 424 Simede t South, Dec. 13 EOWNERS' and builders' dis on Frigidaire built-in ovens, g tops, pull-down elements, re- rators and ranges. Kelly TV, 81 Street West. RA 5.5121. Nov. 18 N your washer's on the hummer, amd your wash ain't getting done, call Paddy's out in Hampton, he will make d--- thing run. Phone Bowmanville 3-2085. Nov, 24 D tires, most all sizes, $3 uj up. . B., F. Irich Store, RA 5-543. ROHOME auto radio, 6 voit, ly new, $40. Phone RA 5-1343, 285( N saw, spray "paint outfit, 56 outh, 24-ft. cabin trailer, furnace, cation in Ontario, They've been overturning and . LEND-A-HAND MEETS eating the contents of garbage The Lehd-a-Hand group of thelcans. DAILY CROSSWORD 6. Pronoim 7. Lone Star State 11. Hiswatha's 8. High boat o mountains 9. Merriment 10. Alone (stage direction) 18. Dull finish Nt fo ane omy es (Jap.) 83. quan Mixes 84. Keep (var.) \ 36. Leave out 40. Half ems 87. Sugar ---- 41. Taxi THE FAMOUS SINGER VACUUM CLEANERS Your Singer Sewing Center Is proud to announce that the new Singer 'Golden Glido" Vacuum Cleaner is now avail- able in Ushawa, Come in to- day and see this wonderful streamline new Singer Vocu- um Cleaner, Place your order now for Christmas. Only 5.72 after low, low down payment, Singer + Vacuum Cleaners start as low as $39.95, SINGER SEWING CENTER 16 ONTARIO ST. RA 5-5443 (b) Areas E and F-- Nov. 13, 14,17, 19, 21 15.6 acres. | K (c) Area O -- 10.2 acres, SUPERIOR ALUMINUM OFFERS MORE! = Winter-Seal WHY? re ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS ® Top quality products. 5 : : ® Installations at tha lowest Kool Lite Aluminum Awnings cost, Estimates absolutely free. CUSTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE Special rates to apartments -- Interior and Exteri and large houses. RAILINGS erior and Exterior with lar 8S ININGE Fireplace Furnishings ond Bathtub Enclosures LES EVENISS SALES LTD. J¥5 PRINCE ST. DOORS GRILLS | Bveniss; RA 3-707 bon Plans, Specifications with ten- der form attached and Tender envelope may be obtained by MECHANICAL TRADES CON- TRACTORS ONLY on appli- cation to the Department of Public Works, Ontario, Room 4 6436, East Block, Parliament . : ACROSS Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario, ] : iQ and may be viewed at Room t i \ ! 6436, and may also be viewed at the Builder's Exchange, Toronto, BUY NOW AND SAVE Peterborough boats, Evinrude Motors--budget terms. Free winter storage on motors. Boat storage. Factory ap- proved. Service centre for motor repairs. Open evenings ond weekends. MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LIMITED Brooklin, Ont. Phone 87 BUY NOW AND SAVE PETERBOROUGH BOATS EVINRUDE MOTORS Budget Terms Free winter storage on mo- tors. Boat storage, Factory --. Victor or Westinghouse at Park.| OPProved. Service centre, for ah Television, 918 Simcoe rest motor repairs. Open evenings 8.| and weekends, Tw "friges, washers, UMD "iriges, washers. awomatieh MARINE STORAGE Ring won Kelly Frigidaire, pi AND SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONT, Nov.1 COMBINATION door, good condition. | Apply 101 Cromwell Avenue. PHONE 12. Greeting 13. Decorate | 14. Put out 15. Numbers 16.0n the ocean 17. Faulty: [AIL MOIN[OJNTIAI IN] (HIO[OIP IS BHA INIO] | | [E[RIAISIERNT IRIONISY (ME[TIEISERTIOIAISITY A Deposit, In the following amounts will be required for each set of Tender Docu- ments taken out: (a) Areas A, B, C, D and I © scree, Plumbing end Drainage Heating and Ventilating Electrical cesses $50.00 . Chinn's, RA 3-7 tesnans $5000 108, record players, hi-fi and are all here at the lowest prices, ill pay you to shop at Parkway ision, 918 Simcoe Street ! North. Ld $150 allowance for your old tele- on any new Electrohome, Ad: This amount will be refunded when documents are returned in good condition but 'will be forfeited if not returned within thirty days after above closing date. 2. Those interested may ine spect the property by arrange- ment with No: 2 Works Com- pany, RCE or with the C.O. Camp X, Oshawa, Ontario, 3. Successful bidders will be required to keep the property in good order, cut all noxious weeds and maintain fences. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario, November 14, 1958, G. N, Williams, . Deputy Minister; (Architecture) 2702' 4. The land may not be used for other than agricultural and grazing purposes, nor may any building or other erection be constructed with out permission of the De- partment of National De- fence. 42. Addicted 43, Farewell 44, Plant ovules SRL SOMETHING NEW IN DOMESTICITY New, and now has three chil dren. Mrs. New has seven, New says: "We all get on fine. Naturally it takes tact with two women living in the same house." Says Mrs. New: "Mr, New treats us both alike, no favorites. He behaves very dis- creetly. And he never Kisses us in front of each other." Says | Sarah: "I couldn't bear to lose Ll Turning the eternal triangle into a cozy family circle, Joseph New, 39, lives content with his wifé Margaret, left, 36, .and "the other woman", Sarah New, 27, at Cradley Heath, near Dudley, Eng. New met Sarah in 1954 and when she became pregnant later he brought her | | home for a "conference" with | his wife. Sarah moved in, legal- Ww changed her last mame to Department of Public . Works, Ontario, . 269¢ (F. R. MILLER) Deputy Minister, Department of National Defence. OTTAWA . CANADA 14 November 1958 HQ 5276-045/2 USE TIMES-GAZETTE CLASSIFIED CALL RA 3-2619 ~or RA 57119 | Mae ™ RA 5-4632 Bill Galbraith, RA 5-8832 Mowe. BA 5.0212

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