Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 19 Nov 1958, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednssdey, Movember 19, 1958 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 180--Mort (25--Pets ond Livestock WE NAVE Sante monies tor loans oh) | BEAUTIFUL baby dion, veady lov first and second Mmorgases nd pur: training, wiking strain Shase ALL nie, Lovis § | Wrens, 114 Elgin Sirees Kast, {Hyman ' Hyman, 4 7 King Bureet East, OM | ji uoNTHE OLD male Husky loves children. Ajax TSW, 19--Personal GERMAN Avivhatd puppies, Fegister: i blood lines, males and for ANYONE having information 8s 10 the | mates. Stud servies aise syailabie, whereshouts of James yond AB Seott| piokering 9IW4 240 of Blackstock, former GMC employe, | rp Kindly notify Bowmanville police or BOARDING, (rimming, "bathing, phone RA 50250, Oshaws, Urgent. 264 fleeing. Waubens Kennels, RA 56021, WANTED -- iransporiation from Osh. BHETLAND. ponies, registered awh 10 Toronto, Phone BA 51065 after Evade. BA $1348 ol om 20 MINIATURE French poodle N x ! excellent pedigree, mother Caretta "Classlieg "ma shers serve | Bn ohedding con, very you WELL, Dial RA 33492 hone RA 52977 BYGIENIO supplies (rubber goods), | 26... / fu mailed post paid in plain sealed en | |2 Farmer's Co mn velopes with price list, § samples 25 lp ony pigs, seven weeks od" Phan cents; 34 samples $1.00. Mall Order | Brooklin 632hs dept, All, Nov, Rubbe Hamilton, Ontario, WAVE you a drinking pr Alcoholics Anonymous Gazelle, Oshawa, HYPNOMIS relies OFFICE HOURS 8AM to 5 PM, MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY § 70 13 Coll the Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 Your GUIDE B--Building Trades | 1----Accountants FT PLUMBING jo heating wrpes JE, Wrisdiander, Winter and Ch. a ond sudiiors, Idcensed | Phone Bh 5953), Harold I i Trusies In Bankruptey, 4 King Bluest! hi BY healing wid shginekiihg Kast, Oshawn; BL, Yolo, Chi F |Bimeoe Brest bouth Friedlander, B. Comm., CFA BRICK 1aying, hock Ju CLANCY'S Ontaria Accounting coment work. A a compieie bookkeeping ville, MA 34970 services dor small business. 14 BOB yg pin alierations and repay Bireet West, Room 1, Office RA 0M) srehes, chimps s Viasenng Js Havidence, Wh 37605 and water prooiin Gusrsnlesd work 5 7, WOVKINS and Company. Cort [manship. Wb Taylor, WA BRIN Wav fied Publis Acsiuntants 17% Kin Blast East, Oshawn, Oniarie. KA B35 MONTENTH, Mopisith, Riehl snd Co Chartered Aecowmtapta, Hospsed Five teas, Ajax, shawn, BLrattord, Tora Hon 4. W. Monterih, FAL, AB Mon Leith, KE Comm, CA; G. W. Webi, CA} HF. Lighttont, CA; George W. Tisth wey, CA. BA BRT, 136 Blincos Bisel Worth, Oshaws 2-Barristers JOUN A. MachONALD, BA, Barrie: and Bolieitor, 101 Bimeae Brest Noth Phime BA Boal) DONALD BLAKE BOhDs and Boletos, Wis King Bliest Tolsphone: Business, WA BAI} dence, BWA 85373 MANNING F. BWANTE Pariingl: wtor, Notary. Munsy ba ish Block, his King Blisel Kast Ny i | Hemidance, Dial 3 dy JOREFN ¥ MANN w Bolichor. Maney 10 loan King Bliss East, tishaws residence, HA ban CREIGHTON, Vis Muido: Barrisiei tary ie, Bank of ¢ Please Note INDEX Daodines now In sheet tor TO WANT AD Mamorioms, Cords of CLASSIFICATION 3m SAME DAY Spa 11 AM. SAME DAY SeChiitprae DIAL RA 3.3492 BIRTHS FRANSSEN ~~ Jos and ve vagy Snowden, Registered Nurse), are 4d to announce the birth of thelr av on Wednesday, November 13, 1958, Community Memorial Hospuat Port Perry. A sister for J MELNYCHUE -- To Ron and Mari lye (nee Howitt) os November 17, 1988, # daughter, Lours Leigh, (Laure) the Osbaws General ospital. A os ter for Rosmie Roy TUMEY (pee Austic birth of their son, Peter Robert, on November 17, 1988. A brother for Jon DEATHS M her Temenos Tinie: Novem ' ad Blissbett Brows. # ber Bs yes wife of the inte Jemes Brown. and Gear mothe Gorton Worry Parvio ere winkk laying LLL Stieing Sersiam CC orometrisn 7 =Sarveyorns To~Yeterinarions S~Byliging Trades ' SPECIAL Good Tap Soil iA 52156 $1.80 gor yard Farwell 2a Mune facto wil i Jha # Building Materinh -- LFF] Puppies, Bho iii 08 a 11 eBusiness Opportunities Ha=Business Cpportunities Wanted Fill ei KA ¥ Co, pox OI DEAD farm stock picked Ap Fre V2 Phone collect Bowmanvilie, MA 3 a sie | Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, % 140, Time 280--Hunting tension, rus (DEER rifles for rent, 15 per eent oft tration, complexes, nervous pains, hab: gi smunition and hockey equ) its, reduce weight, Mop smoking, Skate exchange. Sportsman's in studie sales 105 Byron Sirest South, Whithy, MO manship ete. Consult win Heath, In| |B-4811 Deed stitute of Ethical Hypnosis, ¥ Bldg, 304 Dundes West, Whitby, Daily | (RO Summer Properties I-90 pm Saturday, 10 am, + | pm F [9 Ww. Phone MO 8.4832 Dec. 1h or Sale or Wanted " ---- FOR sale Altractive 75-4o0t lake. " i" each shore of ELECTROLYSIS Nice Lave. Bagshaw Lumber, Lindsay Removal of Superfluous Hair a ad RA 42116 Marie Murduft will be in |30--Lost and Found Oshawa Dec, 2 and 3, Phone LONY One roller conveyor section, Genosha Hotel on these dates | youn Whithy and Oshawa Saturday Saturdays 10 am 4pm morning. Phone MO 85-4258 for appointment ANYONE finding beige purse kindly ree |21--Personol Service and personal articles. Res RA 54378 Tos SEWING done ath ome. Drapes, 8 spe | LOST -- lime green snd yellow budgie, cially, Alterations and plain ewig. | Answers to nam Nicky. Reward, Reasonable rates. RA B-5097. 1523 Lake side Breet Phone RA 58209 0s [IP ta broken, do not worry or #rieve LOAT we One male beats, reward. RA Let My, Fixit mend it, Ornaments, sou venirs, toys, what have you. Reason LOST able rates. Phone RA 8.0783 2601 Bpaniel -- Reward Basin Enni LLL PRY HARDWLRI TH. plivivd CISELY BUHL EHS MATERIALS (RINBEIRESI will HY 0 Barriels lie, hs HA basis bie | Eth a HRHTMAS TREES oo | hundred Christmas fnformasion eall KA 53008 oe 21 =Fersoral Service di hoow Repoin 23=VWomen's Column thar et Basket 5--Fets ang Livestock Formers Column 27 =F ml, Wood iBbummer Resorts SANTA'S SHOWCASE [GIFTS FOR THE FAMILY | LE NS | SANTA SUGGESTS HOBBY CRAFT YARDLEY or TUSSEY" ond Models | COMPLETE LINE AT PHILIPS TELEVISION POWELL'S POLLARD'S RADIO DRUG STORE AND TELEVISION Bi Simeon Nerth 53 Simcoe Street South 14/34 PHONE RA 3.9512 ryan Willers melee Bulli RA 3AM and MN LIN ) 8.242 nk, § Bimeoe Misel Nurlh K A )- 20 4 | TK Wi N CN QC; 6 4b Murdesh ™ INIA me wrranged 2bo--runting MeGIBBON and Basteds 29~Summer Properties For Sale Solicitors. Cents fund o Wented first mw North. HA |; Edgar VB snledn GREER Murphy and Mad risters, rs and A Crelghion K. Dynan GOOD EATING C ourtiee FARR Harriers | 10) Sharpening Service ad aval Hires iinaye ened he . Metivbor Pine At The GRAND RESTAURANT (Upstairs) Christmas The 1 ie oulo Inese od speciglty ake Out Quders RA 3.9422 prtgagen 4 1960. Charles i Poiost ond Found Jle=psticios For Rent Fi rticies Wanted Samm hition Soles 6 King pny East S=bEmpioyment Wanted J. Murphy and James ol : " \ ' ON A, CAMERON, Barrister, § "gi vy ve Mutts ea, Yortes 9 and Notary Public, 18% King Street me Sor Se * 3) =taie Melp Wanted or An A 3 2200, NIA i brivate mor hushgné She JR 30s of Female Help Wanted || 00 Cor Lgl 9 Jor wiher of 3 ou Fhe Agerty Warted 3 y BA and Thomas W. | . "OmCppartunitin fer, Aww in ka risters and Solicl-| : i) Lz OUALITY BAKERY él boom ona Boord Im ' ith, KA J EVER AW AW 75 CELINA 5T. RA $:7873 SAV iRoom ong Board Wanted JU SELINA 4, RA bara &3--~wontes To Rent SKATES aoads on the table REND Look for QUALITY | safer HARPENING on the label SERVICE 10% High chanel Har s Publi Russell | MacDonald | For Your PARTY PRESSES GLOVES, BAGS SWEATERS MILLINERY WORLD RA 5:1082 5 King East GIFTS FOR MER took, dated HATS SKIRTS and SAWS! SAWS JAN f our TRPRSOY ~ Sulienl vosidenon Firnokii -- YOUR DAUGHTER'S CHOICE Gift of Lessons, in Ballet Tap Baton Highland, From HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY RA 56122 424 King 51. W, Black PWH Ld RA | #1584 and white Springer tattoed in left ear, rot or 31 --Articles For For Rent JANE BLACK Slenderizing Studio, Slenderizing, reducing, Steam Bath and Massage, 51 Simcoe St. South RA 5.9602 For Appointment Open 10 am 10 pm 53528 BROWNIE STAR FLASH OUTFIT Now $11.95 Features the world's most popular camera Just right for youngsters or grown-ups alike MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 Simcoe North DIAL RA 3-343) COLEMAN Oil and Gas Heaters HOME APPLIANCES Sales & Service 90 Simcoe S, RA 5-8332 LOW COST MOVIES FOR THE WHELE FAMILY ee KARN'S FOR CAMERAS (KARN DRUGS LTD) 28 KING ST, E. RA 3-462] ab Morigage boul I JOHN A. CAMERON, Barrister soled | tor and Notary Public, 16 King Bireet hare East, RA 32260. NHA and private mort Estate For Scie arranged Estate Exchang Z Estore Wonted tor, et Hy $ fice; RA 5374) tomobiies For Sole oft ¥ I Barristers, Bole ' Dis Wonted GREER and Kelly, Barristers, BOCES Cor, King and Repairs M RA J RENT A FLOOR ER AND FINISHER AWNM PRE IWERS N ISK CAN a Horie "oben oe --hi F. SALMERS DO-IT-YOURSELF HARRISON & KINSMAN $1.5 RAJ 13-4425 337 Simcoe § ---------- "Do It Yourself With the power tools end equipment ou con rent got STAN'S SHARPENING SERVICE Cor King and Burk RA 3.3224 It there is any equipment not listed that you need give us 0 coll we rent (pretty near everything) Chain floor, belt disc, and oscillating sanders; skill saws; drills; ext, ladders; paint sprayers; pipe threads ing equip, up to 2; electrie hammer; chain hoist; hele diggers; sump pumps; (plywood and staplers; tillers; IOITNRTIN te Iw Sutin te Barrister, Bo STAN --- wih | BA yeoe BLre residence ws £00 "A GIFT OF WARMTH" "KENWOOD" All wool blankets, Priced from | $1750 TO $20.95 WARD'S RA 5-115] num UPTOWN MEAT MARKET DELICATESSAN 77 Simcoe St, N, Offers you the best in meat ond assorted cold cuts for your Christmas Parties, RA 8.8172 THE ACRES RESTAURANT CHEF: T, K, ISHII Dinners, Lunches, Banquets, Reserve now for == CHRISTMAS PARTIES CHRISTMAS DINNER and NEW YEARS DINNER Phone MA 3-256] Proprietress: Mrs, Royal Ishii HAT CLEANING Ladies' 'and Gent's Hats cleaned and blocked, $1.00 New ribbons, 75¢ Shoe - t < shine a specialty Simcoe $ + Wy SHARKY'S PALM CIGAR STORE | SINGER 14 Simcoe N., Oshawa SEWING MACHINES Dec. 13 As low os $119.95 ACE- CLEANING CONTRACTORS terms), STORES, OFFICES, FACTORIES ® Sewing Cabinets and ond HOMES | Baskets Floors, windows, Scissors and Scissor sslione Hleened I an Buttonhole 9 | Attachments Spetiniey PHONE RA 5.7165 SINGER SEWING CENTER Nov 14 Ontario Street, Oshawa rr crew | | ELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE IMPORTED POTTERY Choose a Gift for Her from our Large Selection answer your phone whenever you are away from your office or residence, { 1 | "bh | a Burke 1224 tors, ete, Jesidence phones , KA 5:3368; Terence V RA B-5832, Duncan 1] HA 61974 im, WA _B197 a-- Dentists PR. G La Nn K Open even by Simeoe Street "South §5--Nursing Services 1 LABLE-- Practical nurse, exce | hy eferences or out of town BA De HA 2s l soar For Sole ------------ m---------- 17---Business Opportunities FOR rent Office phone answering service $1 =5wop ong Borter | S3-~Legol Notices CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words of less Cosh Charge men tele 3 space with' RA 34641 Nov 31 21" x 34', King Street Dee n wa renin ---- Keli mg mother of Mra Branter Raw and Miss Mamie Ke ow whaws Alnem Roy I an a "imion, B T ie Mrs Kellow t. Puners! Rome Thursday, No Intermen Office hours § to a appointment, 256 STORE | ¥ ' or rent Phone RA 5-232) 222. West. RA 81469 vhowy Fospite remiver " A ne COLONIAL ESTABLISHED DEALERSHIP | AJAX DISTRICT Prefax display improvement production over $20,000 a year profit, This Is not a dead business sale, only responsible person apply for appointment, COLONIAL HOMES, 515 Brock St. W., Whitby, MO 8-489) | 228 2.48 i é CONSECU NRT) Ones 375 413 MH not paid within 7 cave the . - -1 Charge rate will apply, Above rates apply only to orl ginal orders for consecutive inser. tions. Subseguent insertions ordered of o later date constitute @ new enginal order Professional and Business listings $6.00 per month for 3 'ines daily. Each additional line 75¢ per month, Each initial letter, abbreviation, $ ond ¢ sign, fous count as © word, Box charged '|5¢ additional. Wp. 8 oS Sueitiee §oplearon "len hours: oy Saturday REGULATIONS The Daily Times shall not be r is resting Serviee in | n walls end Washroom sanitizing ANDEN NURSING HOME (Licensed) KING ST, WEST Exclusive nursing home for convalescent and elderly peo- ple (Men and Women), Nurses ond dieticians In attendance Tray service, radio, T.V, lounge Advertisements || PHONE RA 5-2330 | 6----Optometrists 0, WH, TUCK, Optometrist, Sets home and Zig-Zag SHELENEOFF --- Eptered into rest court ng. the Oshews Genera Hospital on Monday, November 17, 1958, Boris D | Shelenkof!, beloved bv nd of Vietoria Lesnisk and father of Zita and Robert, in his 0th year. Funeral from thé Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, 29 Gifts For The Photo-Fan SHOP EARLY for BEST SELECTION Use Our Loy-Away or Small Deposit Plan, JURY & LOVELL "For Everything Photographic" Oshawa - Bowmanville - Whitby CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Gigantic Savings Regular $50 Dance Course NOW ONLY $14.50 financially id CHRISTMAS FOWL "au CHRISTMAS FOWL CAPONS & TURKEYS DRESSED AND DELIVERED FRANK HOAG Rossland Road West DIAL RA 5.6837 TOWNLINE TURKEYS Students and minors not eligible, TREE trimming, removal, fuel wood NOW FRESHLY KILLED ' ARTHUR MURRAY STUDIOS cut with ohain 'saw. Free estimates DELIVERED OVEN READY RA 8-168) ; "The best is your best buy" LEN Bowlers' landscaping and gard . Visi hi y ing service. EA Reap i fer DIAL RA 5.4233 it Qshawa's Largest lized, d | loughed, Yotouilied. Sidewalk siaba. patio sans | TOWNLINE RD, NORTH TOYLAND Everything for your garden, RA 8.5753 OSHAWA ~~ See our complete selection GARDENS ploughed, driveways level of toys, 4, d, wood p on, ed o, Prom COLLIS & SONS 50-54 King W. RA 5.6311 Opposite Centre Street floor nailers; hardwood scythes, ete, -- 32--Articles Want PIANOR wanted immediate of Interment St, Friends are asked not to eall Home before Wed. at the Funers day. VAN ZANTEN ~ Entered into rest in the Oshawa General Hospital, on Mon: day, November 17, 1988, Johannes Van Zanten, beloved husband of Sara Van Viiet In his 61st year. Resting the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, (until Thursday noon), Service in the Hebron Christian Reformed Chureh, Oshawa, Thursday, November 20 at 2 p.m, Interment Oshawa Union Ceme. tery. (Flowers gratefully declined) BETTY HAYDL 15 King St, E, RA 5-2686 DRAPERY BROADLOOM FURNITURE 269f size, cash, Or onders, 1378 Rae, Street East, "Poronto, HOward 1:1720 Dec § WE pay cash for used furniture, apple ances, TV, sewing machines, pianos, stoves, Also sell and exchange, Prince Street, RA #1131 in wooll WANTED to buy -- dog house condition, large enough for - German Shepherd, Phone RA 5-1352 260h THREE combination doors, twe 810"x 6'10"; one; 2'8"x6'8", Tricycle and | pedal car, Also Tard player, RA 4021 2654 SELLING furniture or cleaning out your basement? You will get your high= est price when you phone RA 58131, The Oshawa Trading Post, 446 Simcoe Street South, SCRAP Raw "furs, thers, 12--Dressmaking LADIES' and girls' wear, specializing in evening gowns and better dresses by appointment, RA 5-8772 Nov.28 ALTERATIONS and dress making Children's clothes a specialty, Phone RA 5.7276 269¢ 13--Gardening & Supplies GIFTS FOR DAD AUTO SEAT COVERS FOR CHRISTMAS Installed after Christmas Blankets, Packs, Cushions, etc. WIDE SELECTION at OSHAWA AUTO-TRIM Church and Bond St, FREE CHRISTMAS BONUS With your purchase of a suit for Dad, you .will receive a Suburban or Car Coat abso lutely FREE. Your Credit is Good At DUNN'S TAILORS 16 SIMCOE ST, §, DOWNTOWN OSHAWA For rates inquirei== MERCURY TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE Oshawa, wai (Elizabeth) MeColl of Kingston; Mrs, Fred (Edith) Gardner of Frankford and Mrs, Thom. as (Violet) Abthorpe of Oshawa, The Iate Mrs, Vardy is resting at the| Rowe Funeral Home, Frawktord until | Thursday, November 20 1:30 p.m.| thence to Frankford Uni d Chureh| for service at 2 p.m. Interment Friends | Cemetery, Wooler, 45 KING ST, EAST RA 8-1772 Nov.23 22---Radio and T.V, Repairs IED "radio and fred Thompson, 15 Hilot "street RA 3.9793, T. V. AERIALS INSTALLED Moved or 50 foot TURKEYS Fresh Killed Special for banquets Church Suppers, PHONE RA 8-5392 G. T, HORTON and Associates, Ontario Land Surveyors, Professional Engineer ing, 70 Harwood Avenue South, Ajax {Ing and ele alan SOD, TOPSOIL, MANURE Nursery Stock, Garden Main- tenance, Tractor Grading and BABY'S WIGHT RS Re a CHRISTMAS Regular $1.98 for $1.50 HARDSAND. LANDSCAPING TRANSPORTATION HAND-SMOCKED - - DOLLS NE R700 50¢ The Safe Way to Celebrate RA 8-8 The Holiday Season GIFTS RIDE Wi For All The Famil MERCURY TAXI or All The Fam WESTERN TIRE RA B.4771 74 CELINA ST. OSHAW. Mi ro BERN Take advantage of Layaway and Budget Plan, Free park. TAX! SERVICE * ing opposite store, piri GIFTS FOR THE FAMILY types dwelling live poultry, fea scrap iron and metal, I, TURNER RA 3-2043 (collect) CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METALS LTD. IRON METALS PAPERS : : RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA! §:3432 RESIDENCE RA 5.4159 100 ANNIS STREET FREE PICK-UP rr r---- CARS WANTED FOR WRECKING Scrap iron and metals bought, Call SHAW RAG & METAL co For Funeral Flower Arrangements See LEWINGTON'S FLOWERS PHONE RA 3.9533 24 King St, East, Oshawa (2doors from Karn's Drug store), IN MEMORIAM na BEAUTIFUL HAND-SMOCKED . ' Repaired tower and head $113.00 Len and Lou's T.V, RA 5.7844 - MA 3.3942 AJAX SOD SUPPLY Sod delivered and laid, field loading, Loam, sand, fill and stone. Grading, asphalting and excavation, PHONE AJAX 431 or RA 5.3422 COURTICE SOD AND LANDSCAPING SERVICE A-1 field sod, sprayed and fertilized. For free estimates call Ed Knowlton 5-6047 SOD, TOPSOIL, MANURE Nursery Stock, Garden Main. tenance, Tractor Grading and Rote-Tilling, HARDSAND LANDSCAPING A 5-172] ELECTROHOME, RCA, VICTOR, ADMIRAL, WESTINGHOUSE The finest in television end service, PARKWAY TELEVISION 918 Simcoe NRA 3.3043 T.V. AERIALS Sold end Installed Moved and Repaired 20-ft. aerial, $29 and up. ROLLAND T.V, RA 3-4849 FAST T.V. SERVICE From A to 2 Guaranteed expert job Call RA 8-5286 Oshawa Electronics AdhA IR = In loving memory of Johh alr, who passed away November 19, 1957, {School Association will be There is a link death cannot sever, Love and remembrance last forever wRemembered by wife Isabella and family, LIVING LOVABLES hha Tropical Fish, Aquariums, Canaries, Budgies, Cages, stands, and pet supplies of all kinds, Cocker puppies, A deposit will held till Christ. mas, FLOWERS FOR CHRISTMAS GRAVEL Cement $9.00 per head, Road $8.00 per Dial rH eet CHRISTMAS PARTIES LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH RESERVE NOW FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS PARTY BANQUET, DANCE Christmas Flowers R.-B. REED & SONS FLORISTS Winter W, jon PET STOCK SUPPLY Hil Included ty Count, 9 Celina &, RA 5.0343 Complete Catering RA 5-2737 Ph, RA 5-113] -- We Deliver ERR NERO ORR OCR OO ORT RR OOOOTO ORONO 14--Household Repairs 15~--Instruction 17--Money to Loan CHESTERFIELDS yobuill, Seoovered TUTOR, student counsellor, 13 years'| CLIENTS' money to loan on like new. Why pay' more? only, 10 loan on first mort. | RA 51084, Call gage, Mortgage and agreement of b . are Tshsenshle, le. Satisfaction | ann. 'Nov. 22 purchased. NHA mortgages arranged Street West. | | §Insurance holstering Co. "0 Bond |Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur AULSTATE Auto Insurance. fine and coarse load. Be RA 5:5279 HAYNES BUILDING CONTRACTOR Floor - experts Old floors made like new, Hardwood or tiling. Carpenter work al- terations, Kitchen cabinets our specialty CALL RA 3 7196 satisfied «= COURTICE SOD AND LANDSCAPING SERVICE A-) field sod, sprayed and fertilized. For free estimates in muscle anomalties, eyes ht glasses, Evenings, Mon,, Wed, 68, responsible for errors in advertises | Invalids axamitiod at home, RA LR ments submitted othwise than in |Disney Bldg, 11 King Ll writing, nor for more than one incorrect insertion eof any ad- 7--Surveyors od vertisement, nor beyond *ne price |G, T, HORTON and association, On. charged for a single insertion of |ltario Land Surveyors, Professional En. the Sdvartitements in which error ll gineering, 70 Harwood Avenue South, occurs. A rves the right fl Asay Phone Ajax 728 fo classify hb according to d ; i a its own classification. DONALD H, TROLLOPE, Ontario Lan VARDY, Sarah A In Trenton Surveyor, 216 Alice Street, RA 5.6881, ara! an ~ In Trenton, 4 | 1) Monday, November 17, 1958, Sarah (F, J, DONEVAN and Ansaciaton, Li nn Vardy, beloved wife of Arthur (Burveying and Engineering, 12 x ar mother of Fred Vardy AUDLEY i "ast, d |8--Building Trades By MRS, FRED PUCKRIN I CONROY = 24 years painter and AUDLEY The church LK nanger, & quick clean job, plus op 8 church hase. guaranteed workmanship, MO 8:3040 ment was filled to capacity Fri-|fo0 ree estimates Nov, 21 day evening for the W.A. bazaar) gun work, driveways, sidewalks, {and program, The president, Mrs. | collar floors, general repairs, plaster Bert Guthrie, introduced Mrs, |ing, foundations, and cellar availa Cyril Morley of Pickering who | Prompt, efficient service, RA 8 0033, d - the bazaar, Yor ng repairs, roofing, "Rev, M, Buttars was chairman Sing, plastering and repairs, Chim: for the program which followed. |yeys, new and repaired, Dial RA 8.7347, Ian Buttars played two piano se-|Gordon May lections. Glen Gartshore of Whit. CARPENTER work framing, trim. by recited two numbers and Mr. | isk, KIM SIL No lows too mi and Mrs. E. Pegg, Hal and Cathy, loo 'small, Work guaranteed. RA Greenw gave several musical |s.as579 numbers, EANING chimneys and firepl | Robin Nicholson, Whitby, Tod |p nd repairing ohimney t erv- | replaces and all minor repairs a' 2 sig-qong an he ladies s Fankie and Johnny, RA 8:1435, inni Sunday and continu | N and JFunting wipew, fittings, ed, chan ing through the winter months, Es {A Sewer a specialty, In {Sunday School will be at 1.15 stallations at reasonable rates. Infor: {p.m. and church service at 2.30, mation and satimater tres on pale { plumbing a ' The annual convention of the" p | ment Pickering Township Sunday RLABTERING A oan Fir smant eld| iterations, archways, tiling floors, (in Audley church on Wednesday, Workmanship guaranteed. A Woods, Nov, 19, beginning at 9.45 a.m, RA 8.1311 anh The W.A. meeting will be | Thursday evening, November 20 BARNES « In loving memory of al fear mother and grandmother, Eli [at the home of Mrs. M. Buttars, seth Annandale nes who passed Pickering. sway, November 19, ae %. 4 Mrs, James Cowie and. Marilyn or in aw Rose and erandchidem (spent Saturday with Mrs. Cowie's Charlie and Joan, aunt, Myra Lilly, of Beeton, Doris Hollinger, Toronto, spent "aLEDmILL = In loving memory , » dear father, Lewis Gledhill, who pass the weekend with her brother-in- ad away November 19, 1953, law and sister, Mr, and Mrs Always Jemembered by daughters Fred Puckrin. nd soharin-law. Mr, and Mrs, George Squire, GLEDHILL ot In lovin memory of (Percy and Glenn visited Mr. and 1] ar father and grandfather, Lewis Gledhill, who passed away November Mrs, Cooper Bath of Orangeville, 19, 1985. |Sunday. Without a farewell you fell Miser, Mrs, G. Griffin, Fgpelon Falls, th only memories for us to keep, i --Ever remembered by son Alf, Grace, 128 been visiting at The home of Barbara, Bob |her son-in-law. and daughter, Mr MeNICOL -- In lov and Mrs. G, Astley. . = In loving memory of "nfice Hinch, of Toronto and| Dial RA 5.0311. doch FURNITURE repaired and reuphoister- ST and second mortgage, sale Howard McNicol, who passed away No vember 19, 1983, p Miss Kime of Whitby, students of| Fach flowef and leat may | wither, Toronto Teachers' College, were But the hearts of those who loved you a! Audley school last week, study Are the ones who never forget ing under the supervision of «Ever remembered by his wife and Mrs, Pratt. amily. Mr, and Mrs. Murray Hollinger Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Powell, The family of the late Mrs. Alice Beatty, Toronto, visited Mr. and| Also Dr, Bell, Rev. Cross, L.T.B. No, 35 ger, Wil-| Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Phipps Standley wish to thank all their ps Davi 2 ims} friends, neighbors and relatives for Pat. Jans Davidson, Satuiday Mr. . Lodge and Women's Auxiliary of Can. Mrs, Bob Miller and family, Legion, W.A. St. George's Memorial)owdgale visited the home of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Puckrin Tuesday, and family, Cherrywood, visited and Geoffrey, Toronto, and Lloyd the lovely flowers and cards received Cherrywood, and Mr. and| Church, in our recent bereavement. | --Mabel Blow and family CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY OTTAWA (CP)--Acting Prime Minister Green announced Tues-| day that Boxing Day, the day] after Christmas, will be a hol} iday for federal civil servants. | Government employes will hay 1 WOULD like to take this opportunity lo thank all my friends, relatives and) neighbors for all their cards, flowers fruit and candy, which 1 received dur: ing my stay in the Oshawa General Hospital, | would also lke to thank nurses and nurses' aides of IB of the Oshawa Hospital: also thanks to the Golden Links of Albert Street United Church and Rev. Atkinson for his visits Special thanks to Dr. Rundle, Dr. Gills and Dr. Lovell. Alse to special nurses, a four-day holida Chi Miss VanDyke and Mrs. Grant Glover . | wy sincere thank You Anis Day, Friday, Saturday and Sun-| Knox, 73 Westmount Avenus. on (day EXCAVATORS Basements & Trenches | Machines for hire by the hour or by contract Len-Rae Limited NIGHT DAY MO 8.4003 MO 8-373) Nov.22 TRIMMING KITCHEN CUPBOARDS RECREATION ROOMS All Repair Work J. VANOOSTEROM 136 PRINCE ST RA 5-8933 b Dec, 14 JACK C. MacDONALD PAINTER & DECQRATOR dinting Paperhan 50 N t A f 1.7080 | m.w.f,, Dec. 17! call Ed Knowlton, RA 5-6047 HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING GREEN VELVET SOD supply and laid NURSERY STOCK, Everything for your garden, PHONE RA 3-9020 TOP QUALITY DUTCH BULBS Hyacinths Tulips Narcissus Daffodil Crocus Snowdrops Dutch-Iris Cooper Smith Co. 16 CELINA ST RA 3-2312 ed. See our materials for recovering. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street. R. in ements purchased and sold. Hen and Hennick, Rarviaters, 31 King to 20 per cent, nine monthy to +g For! N Street East, RA 3.723 personal service at your home, call!" RA Sn. YOUR local chimney cleaner, neys built and repaired, § stalled, dutnaces vacuumed, Free esti: mate, RA 3-200 CALL Joe, - [XT painting and handym chim: 8 in. for carpentry, 15-- Instruction | HARVEY Dance Academy. Baton, (ap. Royal Academy ballet, Highland \ ster now, 424 King West, RA 56122 June 3. MUSICAL instruction on Spanish guitar, piano accordion, saxaphone. We will teach in your home or our studios. information phone RA 3-2049, Dee. 19 19 LILLIAN Mae Marsh, Dance Educator: Dancing School, ballet, tap, baton, pre school acrobatic. Friday and Saturday Masonie lemple, RA 3-725) May 21 | For Music Studio for all Instruments Piano Tuning LTO MUSIC SUPPLIES | CLIENTS" monies aT for ra [hen second mortgages. Mortgages and of sale purchased. Apply Swartz, Barrister and Notary Rial. 20% King East, Oshawa, RA Money Available ii to 18a--Mortgages ; Home Owners! MORTGAGES Up to $3,000 for any good and tuming morgage. comaide: | AGREEMENTS OF SALE existing mortgage, consolida- tion of debts, or purchases of First -and Second Mortgages and Agreements of le any kind bought, sold ond arranged on NO PENALTY FOR PREPAYMENT City and Farm property and' Summer Cottages, $2,000.00 17--Money to Loan New and Used Pianos F selection of all (New and Used) instruments 477 Simcoe Street South NO BONUS For fast, friendly service call OSHAWA ACCEPT ORP LTD 112 SEABOARD DISCOUNT CANADIAN LTD, and up 29% Simcoe Street South ANCE CC RA 5.1121 Simcoe St. N (Formerly Bellvue) Phone RA 35-3568 M.W.F.Dee 8 Dec. | The Woman: 's Column heal permanents, $4.80 $3.30. Page Hairdre: venue, RA 5.3363, 24--Market Basket SWEET cider and apples W. 1. Cox 1% miles north of BTS, Bowmanville. FOR sale~Apples, Spys and Macs, by bushel or basket, 122 William Street | East, RA 5.2082 2694 [25--Pets and Livestock {GERMAN Shepherd puppies of Bur-Hil, registered champion blood line, Picker ing 240M4 Dec.s REAGLE pups, eight weeks. register: DRESS MARING |ed, field champion stock, Phone Whit holy onl] [by MO 8.4134 2681 | pRly 243 | #3480 GERMAN Shepherd puppies. register PRACTICAL ed, black and tan, black and silver, «| shift, | males only Pickering ne. by. HORSES BOARDED Reasonable Rates Phone RA 5-6808 DEC. RA 5-2311 89 Bloor Street East OPEN SATURDAYS : |35--Employment Wanted MIDDLE aged woman wants work by week or month, live in. No heavy cleaning. Write Box 220 Oshawa Times, 2600 EXPERIENCED business and office | administrator with accountancy trains ing, seeks vemunerative sideline, Ems ployed but has evenings and weekends free. RA 81717 evenings 2688 and girls and alteras Avenue. RA eet = ladies' measure, Olive nurse desires work any any case, Phone MO 82451 White 20a 36--Female Me Help Wanted EXPERIENCED woman for general | cleaning, one-half day a week. Phone RA 35-3018 after & p.m EY INTERESTED in making money? Sell novelty gifts, ete, for Christmas. Dial RA 5-34 Nov 28 ATT NaI domes. honsemaids and wo d 18 Toronte 1, Ontario, Steet,

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