aa dh Rd At mn Se PARES ; | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wadnesday, November 19, 1958 ~ 11 FAIRWEATHER FOR FASHIONS FAIRWEATHER FOR FASHIONS NEY! Should Bocin In Early Yes | TIMELY! EXCITING! HERE TO SAVE YOU MONEY! By G. CLEVELAND MYERS ing to bring up their own children | OSHAWA SHOPPING In many new housing develop. |", manage io attract some} CENTRE ments in big cities and in areas of the neighbor children to their! Hours: 9:30 to 6 Wednesday till 1 p.m. of mushrooming suburbia, there homes, where they urge them to Friday till 9 | CHILD GUIDANCE Lessons In Discipline are streets teeming with youngibetter ways and thus cultivate better playmates for their own ~~. Lora ra o ee Here is a comfortable pair of slippers for the relaxing hours at the fireside. The leaflet gives the. instructions for size small, medium and large tainly are very feminine and modern. The easy crochet in- | They cer- | SHELL SLIPPERS structions can be obtained simply by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope plus 10¢ for handling, to the Needlecraft Department of this paper, re- questing Shell Slippers, Leaflet No. C-PC 9512, Sparkling TV Hostess Suggests More Programs EDMONTON (CP) Laura Lindsay now would like to pro duce a television program di rected (0 teen-agers The show would be along the lines of an afternoon women's program, but the interviews news, cooking and sewing demon- strations would be at the teen- agers' own level Since the summer of 1956 Laura has been the official hostess of station CFRN-TV, producing and acting as hostess on her after- noon programs "What's Cooking" and "Siesta Fiesta." INTERVIEWED MANY During this time she has inter- viewed dignitaries and entertain. ers visiting Edmonton, as well as many Edmonton women who had unusual stories to tell Blonde and slight, Laura was born 44 years ago in the south- ern Saskatchewan community of Yellowgrass. She moved about For Teenagers started school in London, Ont. and wound up completing Nor mal School and one year of uni versity at Edmonton, She is the wife of Ben I. Banks, a gas company accountant, and mother of five active children ranging in age from nine to 22 years. She met and married him in Calgary, where they lived for 13 years before moving here in 1948. 3 Laura stepped into television at | the time when CFRN - TV had been without a woman's director for several months. "The only cooking I knew was what I had learned from books | after 1 was married," she re- calls. "But I've always been con-| scious of nutrition, and try to give. my family well - balanced meals," She has never taken sewing lessons, but she has been a dress- | maker since she was 10, and has worked several times as a sew- ctildren. When there are ample children. Yet there's a limit to playgrounds available, and many (ho time and energy of such children of the same age, there's helpful parents, |an excellent opportunity for nor- Yet, consider how many par- mal education in growing up to- ents have bought homes in Sub- gether. How much better this sort urbia, believing it an ideal place of neighborhood is than one with for their little children to grow only a few children and almost up, Robody to-play with, MISTAKEN THEORY RUNNING WILD Manifestly, the theory and But I'm receiving a lot of let- practice so widely prevalent in| ters from young mothers in these America of restraints-the-winds areas who, having tried to bring contributes to the tragic condii {up their own child or children to[tions in Suburbia and the new [respect the rights of others, com- housing areas of big cities, plain of the many other children! Until more young parents learn | lon the street who are "running to discipline their children, begin- wild." joing in the eotly yeals, Matters Often both parents, away at|Wil Brow worse for the few wise work or at ky may leave and skillful mothers in areas | their children, say from 5 to 12, where there are many young e- unsupervised. The complaining gre, oerwise ¥ Day Jot oe correspondent tells of the danger|long before Su a AN Ro to her own children from flying housing areas in cities will breed [stones and other small, sharp ob- | more adolescent criminal groups [jects of the wanton destruction|than the slums, of property; of the impossibility, PARENTS' QUESTIONS perhaps, of developing new grass| @ Our daughter, 4, drinks so lawns; and of the insults they much milk at the beginning of a {themselves must endure from|mea) that she doesn't care much |young children on their street. |for the rest of the meal. It looks as though the few con-| A. Just withhold most or all of scientious mothers in such areas the milk until she has eaten some are wearing themselves out try- other foods. || Lillian Mae Marsh SCHOOL OF DANCING D.E. A. Ballet, Tap, Toe, Character, Baton. Pre- school, Acrobatic at the Masonic Temple, 91 Centre Street. Fridays & Saturdays. INFORMATION: RA 3-7253 TREMENDOUS -. JUST LOOK AT THE TYPICAL VALUES IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT! ' (J STORE- WIDE 42 AE-CHRISTMAS SALE SALE ! WINTER MILLINERY Velours, mellusine, felts, velvets--= brim, cloche, draped models, Many individaul styles, All the new shades, Reg. to 10.99, Reg. to 12.95, 588 8.38 Pre-Christmas Sale ! AMERICAN T-SHIRTS Finest jersey in gay colors, Many styles including blousons, tuckins and longer lengths to wear over slims, SMA Reg. 4.98 Reg. 3.98 379 4 iia -- --- pari ara Se 4 ree STR LI SPECIAL PURCHASE FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING JEWELLERY -- 1.00 Wonderful Will =o' = Wisp costume jewellery in Reg. to 4.00 the new Fall shades of brown, 1 J 1) i blue, red. There are yellow or SPECIAL PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE silver color chain with beads; 3 and 4-strand bibs, bracelets; and button or drop earrings--to. match, An amazing value! 2.19 Pre-Christmas Sale ! JUMPERS The versatile giftl----a Jumper, Easy to co-ordinate with smart blouses end sweaters, All-wool flannels corduroys, shetlands, Delightful colors. Sizes 10 chenille washes so Values to 8.95 to 20 9.88 beautifuly, The loose-fitting dusters GREY MELANGE OPEN | come in plaid checks and plainy; the wrap-around housecoats with 5 &6 shawl collars, 34 or long sleeves ond ® TO THE big Handsomely tailored by a wells known maker, Grey only, Sizes 10 to 20 7 | ; 5 99 PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE . SKIRTS Smartly-cut in English Mohair, grey MOSTLY MINK Worsted Flannels, Doeskin Flannels TRIMS QUILTED, LINED CAR COATS SPECIALLY @ b woe 810 The light-hearted gift!~--a quilted lined car coot In rugged English poplin, Comes with convertible hood or leather trim, Beige or rose. Sizes 10 to 20 . "everywhere from Florida to|ing - machine demonstrator. She Vancouver" in the footsteps of had her own dressmaking shop in| | "OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE EVERY DAY DISCOUNT PRICES OPEN Thursday, Friday, Saturday Only -- Thurs, & Sat. till 7 p.m., Fri. till 9 p.m. ouble Guarantee Everything sold at Oshawa Discount House is guaranteed by Oshawa Discount House and is guaranteed by the manufacturer. We feature all nationally advertised, name brand mer- 4 ¢handise, at wholesale prices to the public, Special Purchase Chenille DUSTERS and HOUSECOATS Cotton baby Rea. 16.95 NYLON marouisite Crinolines Full sweep with lace inspection qnd Reg. 10.95 lace edged hemline, Taffeta under- lay with removable loop and smooth fitting, nylon tricot waistband. $. ML ® Reg. 7.95 a Lhe Slims, sheaths, low clustre pleats, some walking skirts, All colors. 10 to 20, Reg. to 16.95 SPECIALLY PRICED Oshawa Discount Credit Plan 4 4 € Credit is easy ot Oshawa Discount House! , have your desired purchases for as little as 10% down 1.00 per Week et You can nar 1 CHAMPION SPARK PLUGS 8 mm. BROWNIE Movie Cameras With built-in exposure dial, Popu- Limited Offer, Discounted To Each To fit all cars Retail 1.05 FAIRWEATHER for CHILDREN'S WEAR!: AVAILABLE IN FAIRWEATHER PLAZA STORES ONLY! Children's Cotton Sheen CAR COATS They have pile lined split hoods! The popular quilt lined cor coat in fine quality cotton sheen. Red, beige or sapphire with white pile. An exceptional buy! Boys' and Girls' For Girls 4 to 6x 8to 14 6.98 7.98 Wool Mitts and Gloves A large selection in HANDI- HANNAH Our Loveable Family DOLLS by Dee & Cee Fully jointed set in- cludes Teen-age type Mama and her TWO children Penny with season's most eT Hn = = Co OBR A AD BALAWN Mw nO le! Girls' Jumpers -- Our entire stock! Wools, corduroy and printed dovella Gathered, tlared and slim | foncy and embroid- her poodle skirts. Broken size and color | ered styles and ex- and baby range. Sizes 7 to 14 in- | cting colors The in her white ; cluded eo) an for ages brushed- Reg. to 8.98 : 9 Reg. 69¢ to 98¢ rayon bunt- 4.98 and 5.98 59¢ ing suit GIRLS' ORLON INTERLOCK SWEATERS detachable = Reg. 37.95 gy FAIRWEATHER FAIRWEATHER Retail $18.95 UNTRIMMED FUR-TRIMMED DID 1 399 COATS COATS This Week ONLY! it. neckband, 'White wder and pin hood , Retail 14.98 § Discounted 1 1 00 to ® wash 1 hrinkage. Patterned. § shim wonderfully eas This Week ONLY! sapphire There are tapered coats, slim coats, clutch We purchased hundreds more of these lux imported fabrics ury fur-trimmed coats Velva Plush, collars PRE-TEEN fa \ 4 & JUNIOR CAxW.GANS 6x 4 8 to 14 249 298 298 3.95 coats--in heart-warming with portrait large cape-like collars, some with tarich , > , Alpaca; dur cuffs in Raric Kohinoor, Pastel or of Sapphire Minks, blended Fox, Canadian ues, beiges, reds, browns, lots of blacks. Beaver, Grey Persian Lomb. Finest imported 2.98 Sizes 8 10 20; 12V2 to 24% fabrics in all shades, All size 0' ------ 15 50 hoo. 3855 Reg: 10.8995 \ Reg. 1 115.00 Rep. rovsso 1 100% Orlon Pile Lined Winter Coats DISCOUNTED TO . EC re ir pat i n elours, Alpacas ohairs in beige --- : Orlon linings in beige grey, white, some T5¢ i leopard colored. Sizes' 8 to 20; 1215 to 9 § 24% 4 4 DO ALL YOUR SHOPPING ON ONE CONVENIENT OSHAWA SHOPPING eg CENTRE for Christmas FLEXIBLE CHARGE ACCOUNT ' PULLOVERS CARDIGANS ~--English Sealskins 4 to 6x 4 and Mohair, Angora Llama, , Marvella, Retail 5.98 Discounted To 30" Block ond White with long PANDA combed plush material and a ribbon bow at the neck. STAINLESS FLATWARE WEATHER STRIPPING fi = toon PCG OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE 290 ALBERT ST. RA 8-0311 52-pc. beautiful Premier Rose pattern, Hand form ed. Guaranteed non tor nish Reg. 69.95 KING STREET AT y J STEVENSON ROAD J HOURS: 9:30 TO 6 WEDNESDAY TILL 1 P.M. FRIDAY TILL 9