Ep hh _.| A ---- OF CABBA AO Bk DH Cd BO $7 r---- A A TR. oronto. JO THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 19, 1958 Ww. Indian Girls [oe usually in Oft Montreal - Negro girls from the West Indies federation and British Guiana are|bave since married. grants this year federation--that this country ac- education. "|lcept a limited b 1 "lon condition that the girls work] # |for a year as domestic servants. Violet P. King, a liaison offi-| cer with the federal citizenship' department, says the girls are|in8. i i i.| The girls usually have trouble entering Canada as landed imm ate i ur cIcy, ; a ns They will swell to 700 the total|climate and food. But t *|admitted since Canada agreed in|quickly take to football, hockey 1955 to requests from Jamaica|and square dancing. Many " and Barbados--now part of the night courses to improve their | . | After their year's domestic £ Entering Canada |service, many set work as hos. Ih . i pital kitchen help, bookkeepers, Oh ui Adjust Quickly Een don' oF factory : |workers. Several have sponsored 1.0 © OTTAWA (CP) -- Some He N er heir fiances and | | The militia is another popular | \ Y leisure-time activity, especially in| Ottawa. Several girls have joined | and acquired such varied abili-| ties as truck driving and teletyp-| : i i However, Miss King wiles) ; i[auickly becoming integrated M0 hey have found it difficult inl S { AR | ING TO MO RROW 9. 3 0 A . M. bw! King, a native of Calgary, in 1955 Ottawa to- fird employment became the first colored woman admitted to the bar in Canada. |where training can be acquir education is adequate. They os $ lon the job or where their present | A E_ WORK IN HOMES themselves feel that their color | > She writes in Canadian Wel- has been the real objection." I "ww fare, bi-monthly publication of the, One leisure-time help is a Brit- | 4%: Canadian Welfare Council, that ish West Indies club Miss King] Fy «| one reason for the girls' rapid in-|organized at the Ottawa YWCA. | tegration is that they live in Ca- The girls love to entertain and | nadian homes in close eontact have presented calypso programs ">| with the Canadian people. to several groups in the capital. | |" About 35 of the 80 sent here since the program began still are in the Ottawa area. The others R] b y C id have gone mainly to Toronto and a y 3 0 S Montreal where there are Negro| yyiie Baby's Own Tablets are nox a cold | communities and better job and remedy, they can be most helpful in clearing | little constipated bowels of the wastes 1 » | marriage opportunities. often cause fretfulness and feverishness dur- | effica a cozy night's slumber in her | buttoned front. For warmth and (with more than five years' for- your druggist . . : ] a] \'} i 1 that & 4 Ps . /| Standards are high for admis- ing this period. Sweet-msting, litle mbless, : ; ' ilsion. Applicants must be single Babys Own ac gently a ax promptly to / fy 31 i te s bowels, as 4 and, with some exceptions, be- {850 POF Loder can testify. So why let YL _ tween 21 and 35 years old. constipation add to your baby 5 discomfort 4 Kh i' :| Each girl pays her own pass-|during colds, or, at any time? Effective, 100, | domi ' aso cdi i k relief of tummies, feverish- y rr jage. The girls must also. pass i Rolie pains, and other min- | BEDTIME STOR medical examinations and meet or troubles due to need of a corrective at i i ire- hing time, Clinically and time-tested for [normal immigration require-| tee io tin . Chinically and a for This little girl is ali set for | a double row of lace trims the ments. Priority is given those |g! Own Tablets. Get a package today st pyjamas of pink flannel with a | comfort elastic is inserted on mal education and special train- e NEW! BABY'S OWN COUGH SYRUP STOCK MUST BE REDUCED REGARDLESS OF COST BEFORE OUR YEAR-EN D, NOV. 30 tiny rosebud print. The Peter | the jacket and the pants cuffs. |ing in homemaking. The federal made especially for babies. Soothing, quickly Pan collar is edged in lace and --By Tracy Adrian 'labor department finds them relisving...pleasant...won't upset digest 1 ...It's WARD'S 39: NOVEMBER SALE : i . FREE Dozen of seasonal items have been especially purchased for this annual event, COMIC BOOKS as well as regular quality items from each section of the store which have been sale-priced to make this a to-be-remembered sale. . . Check our windows, TO THE see our store displays for the many 'specials' we are again offering. CHILDREN Manufacturer's Clearance! FULLY FASHIONED "Banlon" Sweaters Cleared to us by our regular sweater supplier, and we have priced them owoy below usual prices becouse they are "'broken lines" ond some are seconds' with tiny imperfections. The new ond unique textured 'Ban-Lon' yarn that combines high fashion, featherweight comfort, luxury looks, and long-lasting freshness into the most wonderful sweater yet. Note these exciting Ban-Lon features: ® FULL FASHIONED ® NEVER NEEDS TO BE SHRINK AND STRETCH PLOCKED : RESISTANT © MANY OF THE * SEASON'S NEWEST ® WASHES EASILY SHADES ® DRIES QUICKLY ® SIZES 34 to 40 You Save 2.96 On Each Garment. 'Ban-Lon' Short-Sleeve 'Ban-Lon' Long-Sleeve 'Ban-Lon' PULLOVERS PULLOVERS CARDIGAN 4.99 5.99 6.99 REG. 7.95 REG. 8.95 REG. 9.95 "GOTHIC" & "BEST FORM" BRAS FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS A wonderful assortment, 5 styles to choose from, from 2 A repeat offering of a very popular previous sale item . , . Heavy cotton flannelette pyjamas well-tallored, nicely finished throughout well-known manufacturers . . . Bandeou models in Cotton and wash-fast colors. For girls, a dainty rose-floral dit. on Broadcloth, Quilted Satin ond other fine materials. Sizes white ground in pink, blue or maize with contrasting piping. For t boys, bold multi-color stripes of green, blue or wine on white, 32 to 38 (oll fittings). Sizes 2 years to 6 yeors YOUR { 0 1.98 CHOICE ° ea. REG. ® Factory Clearance! 'ORIENT' - 'PENMAN'S' LADIES' WINTER WEIGHT HOSIERY Stock up for colder weather ahead with these clearing lines. . .big reduction due to slight imperfections which we know will not affect their fine wearing qualities and better-than-average, comfort and appearance. Sizes 8/2 to 11. Beige colors. FULL-FASHIONED LISLE, reg. 1.50, pair BOTANY--WOOL AND COTTON BOTANY--WOOL AND NYLON Nylon reinforced, reg. 1.98, pair .1.29 Sanforized, reg. 2.75, pair......1.39 EXTRA SPECIALS IN KNITTING WOOLS 'GORDON 7 MACKAY' BOTANY KNITTING "NEWLANDS" CRIMP-SET NYLON -- Balance YARN -- Reinforced with nylon for longer wear of our stocks of this long-wearing knitting yarn. and carefree washing. Makes up into the nicest : sweaters, sox, mitts, etc., and at such a saving. Priced to clear, 1-oz. ball formerly 55¢ 40° Choose from 10 colors and white. ver 1-0z. ball formerly 55¢ line. Each "BUEILLA"" -- the Mannikin heavy sports yarn in an attractive multi-fleck design. 2-oz. ball formerly 1.39. Ward's are downtown agents for the Famous 'Mary Maxim' Sports yarns. Have you tried one of the new heavy knit sweaters? We carry everything to help you knit one . . . New shipments of wool are arriving weekly, as fast as the mill can supply their unusual shipments | All New Fall Stock--Bargains Galore--Buy Your Christmas Gifts Now and Save! | DRESSES BLOUSES FINE JERSEY SILK - COTTON SHEER WOOLS PLAIN - PRIN CORDUROQY & EVERY Re vee WORSTED STYLE AND Ah LONGS OR SHORT SLEEVE COLOR REGULAR PRICE Aly RELA PRICE 16.95 TO 29.50 i 95 to 13.95 CLEARING ano CLEARING 97. 10.97 2.97 fo 8.97 PULLOVERS-CARDIGANS , CLASSICS--NOVELTIES REGULAR PRICES 5.95 TO 13.95 CLEARING 3.97 t0 10.97 JERSEY A BLOUSES «= PULLOVERS and CARDIGANS Reg. 22.95 to 24.95 CLEARING Reg. 10.95 cae 5 114.97 10 16.97 SKIRTS SUITS si Plain - Tweeds J Lined» Tveeds:- Plain = Fi i REGULAR PRICE 12.95 TO 27.50 in weeds ain - Finest Quality CLEARING REGULAR 59.50 TO 85.00 797 101997 4 "a 20.97 | Ail Weather COATS Wow -- - - 13-970 19.97 CAR COATS cisarin. .. 16-9710 22.97 MANY OTHER ITEMS AT SACRIFICE PRICES AT THESE PRICES ALL SALES FINAL -- NO C.0.D., PHONE OR MAIL ORDERS, PLEASE SEIGNEUR'S SPORTSWEAR LIMITED SIMCOE ST. S. y TELEPHONE AT ATHOL RA 5-1151 oN