yl THE CSHAWA TIMES, Twesdey, Movember 13, 1958 J TAX SYSTEM SUCCESS ia Goppug 30 {Be asseste i : aE Estimates Town Will | COBOURG AND DISTR.OT NEWS zie satog to bring In more industry," he Save Over Two Mills Nominate Candidates x i es PORT HOE -- Mayor W. N. In addition to the fact that near-; The mayor spoke of the future Just to have a woman there to say i : hd hd hd "no!" once in a while, A e of Port Hope reports that | ey has benefits of the tuxation plan, no i Moore cent of ig nig od this v2 per eon Woke Joey al "Council next year will be able 1 Our young people are living In year are already in, while last | paid 1b easury, 2 put money to work at county the. best town in the country! year at the same period only 6,15 | Breater saving appears to be de-|jevel and high school level as she said, "But you raise them, per cent had been collected. He|veloping than had been an-|early as it is provided," he said.| COBOURG -- A complete new should be a drastic change in| Lloyd Massey, explaining thal and what happens? They have to said the new taxing system: has [ticipated. The two mill saving|"It will have a whole year to|slate of councillors for Cobourg's|town council." He thought dis-|he stood for more factories, bel- go out and walk up and down: been most successful. |estimated earlier appears to hel earn the savings instead of only [1959 government was nominated |tribution of tax assessment, |ter streets, and better lighting, main street looking for a job." © working out closer to two and a|the six months council had this|last night at a Ward 5 Ratepay-|which has town residents paying|added that he thought the town| Criticizing public apathy, Mrs, . quarter mills, due to the earned |year. That saving will be reflect-|ers' meeting in the auditorium of [seven million out of a 12 million hall should be torn down, If the|Murray said she s for a coun | Will Oppose discounts, savings in bank inter-|ec in the tax rate, and the earlier (Burnham street school, |dollar assessment, was too heavy |foundation is as good as the en-|cil which would go out and get in. . ' est, and accumulation of carry-|the tax bill is paid, the more the If the i are all elected for the h ner taxpayer, gineers said, he suggested, why dustry, "Pete gh doesn't ling charges, {town will save," he added. Co | "Do you feel we have a good not build a new one storey build- have the location of Cobourg, ul Sections, O BOUTS | industrial commission?" asked|ing, she said, "it doesn't have as . ' i . Jones, "Cobourg"s Industrial] Jack Heenan questioned town much to offer as Cobourg. Bus Subsidy silioe gb Many Yess, Mies. sa Commission is made up of the|economic practices, suggesting di-' "This should . be a thriving, ar es at With Mrs, Murray were nomin. mayor, and members of council, rection of energy toward reducing | growing Young city, with the MR. AND MRS. ALEX LEAITCH PORT HOPE -- A proposed | ated Jack Heenan, Max Lees, In the last two years, we haven't| burden of assessment on the proper administration," she eon- i franchise for the Burley Bus Don Markle, Lloyd Massey, and had one meeting, {small taxpayer. cluded, ~Photo by John Mills Company to operate in Port Bope/ Reg Higginson, Both Markle and| "We need a strong industrial with a subsidy of 29 cents per I p t H Lees were nominated as alterna. |commission. It would be money mile from the town was opposed | nn or 3 (0) e tives to 'run as public utilities |Well spent on the community, be- | & eS Ia e 0 en by the Ward Five Rate Payers' commissioner, and Ray Bowen jose os Slaven have to leave to | Association last night, | -- No new eandi- | busi men were too involved |Was sole nominee for three !n , . . ] "When I go downtown from the, RORY ROPE Ton Busine s Ten affairs io Tun for | vacancies opening on this year's LOST INDUSTRY | Women's Auxilary W eddin At A aX (west end it costs me 15 cents each ocd "I DUR Hone Council's office and that perhaps some new school board. Don Markle, nominated for . FO re for and AI a [forthcoming elections. At least | material might be found if the in-| Only one name was suggested council and public utiiies, also Oshawa General Hospital cents more for my boy, a total|ine Ward Five Ratepayers' Asso-|dustries in town were approach. (for the mayoralty race, when mentioned Cobourg's need for AJAX (Staff)--~Mr. and Mrs. [Frost and the Provincial Secre- of 40 cents," said one ratepayer. | i.iion has not found any so far. leu. Councillor Jones was nominated more industry. "Council has fail- i . . "" Alex Leaitoh. 14 Ontario street, (ar. At this rate I might just as| Geo ge Wicket, president of| A motion was passed that in- [to oppose incumbent Mayor J. D, ed in failing to bring in industry, 1 Festival of Gifts Bazaar : Saturday evening, the teach- Well take a taxi from the front ' tion, commented that|dustries be contacted and urged Burnet. Asked whether he would lhe said, celebrated their golden wedding, "ci, ¢ Yor Lord Elgin School (door for 50 cents instead of shiv- fhe bin iB of the ratepay-|to encourage workers to partici- \accept the nomination or not,| "We have lost some big indus- anniversary Saturday when the| i coq a surprise reception in ering on the corner waiting for | ero association had shrunk to 70 pate in municipal affairs, and Coun, Jones, the only councillor tries from this area. One of couple were at home to friends, "op 00 "i honor of Mr. and|the bus." as compared to 280 at this time that concessions be granted them [in attendance at the meeting, them now in Scarboro, today em- | in Hospital Cafeteria and neighbors during the alters Mrs. Leaitch | Similar sentiments were echoed 54 vear, by their employers should they be said "I should not like to commit ploys 800 people." noon, Actual date of the wedding "gop JO incinal, Graham by most of the 22.rate-payers in| 'gow can we pledge support to elected to office. myself tonight," He did not, how-| Max Lees, ratepayers' associa: was November 18, 1008. Pinkney, on behalf of the staff attendance at the meeting in the , candidate with our diminished| The association then endorsed ever, decline the nomination, tion president, said he didn't be- Friday November 21 - 2 p.m The couple were married atl osenfed Mr. Leaitch with an|town hall, Only one man support- | numbers?' he asked as he view-| Councillor R. C, Everson who was| Coun, Jones was also nomin- lieve "council has the vision to ' dad Westwood, Peterborough county easy chair. Roses were given to ed the idea of a subsidized bus|oq the scant 22 members pres-|present at the meeting, A motion (ated for the post of Deputy: |run the town, We need industry at the bride's home by Rev.|ypg Leaitch, line. lent at the meeting last night in|was passed urging full support of | Reeve, the only nominee suggest-|to give our youth and townspeople Mr. R, S. McLaughlin will Harry Frost. The groom is the| ja.x Reid, chairman of the] A motion was passed Opposing | town hall. the councillor on nomination day,|eq for reeve, but declined on the freedom to move around, Several | son of the late Mr. and Mrs. coho0 hoard presented an elec-|the bus franchise and resolving| One ratepayer suggested that Dec, 1, grounds that he did not feel ex- more plants would enlarge oppor. | officially open Hospital Cafeteria Charles Leaitch of Westwood. iio jamp a gift from the board.|[that the association acquaint] ------------ S---- ---------------------- ~ |perienced enough to accept. [tunity in Cobourg." | The bride was the former May|" ner 80 persons were at the|the public with the cost of the v Following nominations, those Reg Higginson turned to traffic Cardwell, daughter of Mr. and| 001 reception. Among the subsidy. Port Hope citizens will Supplied Liquor | PUC Re rts named were asked to speak safety and town streets to say Mrs, Thom Cardwell also of guests were former school prin-'be asked to vote on the matter of po briefly. that if elected he would consid | estwool hey ave one son, Ad y . lcipals, Earl Webster and Ray the bus franchise when they go - iC illor Jones said 'There how hoth could he improved. Norman. now of West Hill. On-iypon" ac" well as former teach-'to the polls in December To Teen Agers Bank Balance Connell a tario. There are five grandchil-| | Among the objections were, the, COBOURG -- Arraigned in Co- dren. A mock wedding was one of south side would not be serviced lbourg magistrate's court yester-| I $73 698 S 9/9, The couple fared 2 West- the features of je evening, with and those present resented paying (day on a charge of supplying | . . wood until 1941 when they came the cast dressed in costumes of for those "who could well afford |liquor to minors, James Bell, 27, f : . : to Ajax, where Mr. Leaitch was|50 years ago. a to pay their own transportation', |of Baltimore, was remanded LA COBOURG--A bank balance of | Hillside Heights proudly presents Its CR} employed as caretaker of the Ciare Kidd was the minister, "Let them walk if they can't|of custody two weeks pending|$73,698 for Cobourg's Public Util- recreation centre for two years.|Dorothy Price the bride, Glen pay it'll be healthier for medical examination, ities Electric Commission was When the first Ajax school wasigeller, the groom, Joan Bell, them" commented one rate-| Bell was arrested and jailed announced at last night's regular built, now known as Lord Elgin| flower girl, Graham Pinkney, Paver, Nov. 14 when provincial police PUC meeting. Water department School, Mr. Leaitch took a job/hest man, Grace O'Connor, ral ------------ found him in the driver's seat of |bank balance showed a smaller as janitor. A position he still hride"s mother, aon Poi ky " v a car parked north of Cobourg on | figure of $14,024 holds bride's father Gertrude Wood, | the grass beside a township road.| Deductible from the balance | Messages of congratulation groom's father, Ivy Gannon, so- Council Does Beside him on the seat was an were accounts presented for pay- A COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOME FOR LESS THAN were received Saturday from loist, guest, Myrtle Wood. The " open 24 bottle beer case, and with | ment, from the electrical depart. $1 000 DOWN Hof. Howard Green, acting horse, Dorothy Westney (front) A Good Job him in the car were two 16-year- ment for $6,122, and water, $2,- ' Prime Minister, Hon. Leslie/June Kennedy, the other end : {old girls, and one 14-year-old girl, |57 [ Less than 31.000 down will buy this b tiful si lid brick b | ---------- RR | {all with open beer bottles. Beside| With all members present for | $ ' \ ! uy Is eautitul six room, soll ric ungalow, But --- {the car were several more empty the light business agenda, com. | completely or partially furnished with absolutely no further down payment. | beer bottles. missioners decided to purchase a 2] og ac S PORT HOPE -- After passing | Possible two-year probation two new typewriters to replace |a number of motions opposing was suggested by Magistrate two stolen and damaged a month | town projects, Ward Five Rate- Baxter in remanding accused to ago. Repair expenses had been |payers' Association Monday night Dec. 5, with the probation de. estimated as $92.50 for one, Roam ort 0 £2 [decided it did not want to give a pending on the medical report. $87.21 for the other, |"epative impression", Ec ------------ "TT | Cost of purchase was $494, less i : ; : wi "I feel we should let council . » $142.50 trade-in. The commission- | PORT HOPE -- Port Hope is see whether or not i? sane know of our support when we ap- Fined Twice lers thought the difference be. not going to the dogs io Me. iokelt. 3 no prove of their good work," said tween having the machines re. The dogs are coming to Port when 30 or 30 dogs are allowed... onaver "1 propose a mo- paired or replaced slight enough | Hope. to run around Cenfral school tion that we commend council for S D 0 to warrant purchase of new equip- "I go to bed at night and grounds every morning in ao ey Somme ooun A for ame ay n p quip: | dream of large, hairy dogs and pack.' | They've d lent job." | - st| The situation was aired when| Thcy ve done an excellent job. Li Co tonight a one ratepayer had asked hat ow: of morons Agreed and) quor unts i done about rounding motion of approval was pass-| re street have brought the sugges. | the centre of the sidewalk trying|up strays. Another rose to his l. However the ratepayers went| COBOURG -- Lorne Hartford, tion that the King street central to out-stare me," Councillor R. C.|feet and objected to the sugges-(°" !0 disapprove of councils habit 19, of Colborne, appeared twice shopping area could be heiter| Everson said at a meeting of the |tion that he keep his dog tied up, [Of rezoning bits of the town when. | within 20 minutes in Cobourg illuminated with the new lights, It Ward 5 Ratepayer' Association in{*'A boy needs a dog to run and |®Ver they were subject to appeal magistrate's court Monday, was suggested that the section the town hall last night. play with," he commented. |by particular property owners. |charged both times with separate will be next in line, "The dogs are running so thick| 'There was no mention in| "It is not so much a case of liquor offences. in my district and yapping so|council about tying up dogs, |re-Zoning," commented associa-| Hartford appeared first charged CURLING CLINIC loudly," said ratepayer F. W.|said Counc. Everson, 'A man can|tion president George Wickett, with illegal possession of liquor, | COBOURG -- A prominent Ca- Wells, "that it's getting to be allow his dog to accompany him|"as it is of changing the use of Constable Bernard Seale, town nadian curler Radlk Campbel! known as dog town." on walks, but he cannot allow buildings." police, said that the accused had will hold a re-sea clini at| Mr. Wells lives on North street the animal to run loose. The dog Most ratepayers present voiced smelléd of liquor when being Cobourg's abet on 1 S b! across from Central School. must be under control, so that if disapproval of the location of a ejected from a Cobourg restaur- for ourg | ut n ur ing © " 'Anyone who wants to see a dog |it is bitten, the owner will know | variety Shop near the Dr. Powers a Noverher 12 om ays, starting nex urs- show can take a walk up to my and be able to observe it for School. They regarded it as a pos- second charge was laid after = 3, ; ; A area." symptoms of rabies. sible traffic hazard to public|he was found November 15 with posi Sith, Presiden of the 8. George Wicket, president of "As long as I'm in council the school children who might be [two cases of beer he had bought| joi te hia ta by 3 . BY CARAVAN HOME BUILDERS the association, commented that|by-law will not be strict on tagged [tempted to run back and forth in Cobourg Brewer's Retail store. | Id be yi 8 nen id ors his three-year-old boy had been|pets. We are after strays, and |across the road, between the|A slip from the store showing Sou elcome atten of bitten by a dog Monday morning this includes cats and other loose school and store, A motion was | Hartford's signature for one 24- €linie. | while playing outside his home at|animals. passed opposing the use of the bottle case and two 12-bottle| ESKIMOS SHIVER | 44 Pine street north. The young-| "A dog owner is notified within building as a variety shop cases was produced as evidence.| WINNIPEG (CP) -- Canadian ster was rushed to Port hope|24 hours if his' dog is tagged and! The meeting also felt that some Hartford was fined a minimum | Eskimos now suffer from the cold hospital but was allowed to re- picked up. He has 72 hours to study should be given to the on both charges, but warned that Lecause they have turned to ] turn home after a four-inch long claim it. No one's pet is going to greater school district plan. It | he would face a $500 fine or three white man's clothing, which is bite had heen treated on his stom- be destroyed." | | was suggested that some school months jail term for future of- not suitable for the Arctic, famed | ach, | "We need to do all we can to board members had doubts about | fences. Total fines and costs were explorer Dr. Vilhjalmur Stefann- | "Police Chief Graham ordered control dogs while this rabies|the effectiveness of belonging to|$35 on both counts, {son said in an interview here, | the'dog to be tied up and kept thing is with us," commented a large school district, | under observation for 14 days to Mr. Wickett. It was suggested that council = -- y set up a committee to study | BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT ¥ Pa rs eu, ! FREE! nt ower Body | districts It was implied that oe, S Ch . . 9 mile may oe "emiderne) RQ AWCAY arges : : trict. Under Scrutiny |; (LD, C8 rs wens vt ons TOP Officials MayBs Approved Ton thor prizes, Including Radios, under scrutiny today with the usurping powers of the Ontario By ROBERT RICE | For using the Welland Canal, | opening of hearings into commis. logistature. eet Un Canadian Press Stalf Writer the toll amounted to two cents 4 Toasters, Portable Mixers, Steam Irons son Eovernmont in Je Provines | Ontario has 24 boards and com- : J ONTREAL (CP) -- Tolls for jon He Ship's ORT. Ye soy ) ) airman James S. Duncan of missions that are more or less F . {ships and cargoes moving cargo ve cents for the Ontario Hydro Electric Power [independen' of government de- reig t 1 e |through the St. Lawrence Seaway Several cargo. | and Electric Kettles. Commission is to he the first Wit- partments, plus about 30 others within five months are expected! This produces a total toll for : ness appearing before the three- directly under the control of cab- MONTREAL (CP)--Top officl- to be formally confirmed next ocean to lakehead ships of pid Free Entry Forms Available In All Model Homes man investigating committee ap- inet ministers. jals of the Canadian Pacific and month by Canada and the United cents on the ship's tonnage, 42| ' pointed by Premier "Frost last The public hearings are to be Sanadian National Railways were States, cents a ton for bulk cargo and! NOT May. . / g adjourned Friday, with other sub. |!? meet later today to consider e toll schedules, it is :nder.|95 cents a ton for general cargo. | ! ! TO Hyure, as 5 i Josowa » ou missions "to be received later if the implications of a 17-per-cent stood, are to be incorporated in| Shipping observers generally re. HING TO BUY . NO OBLIGATION . OPEN ALL ! dare esdents: Jag accamilaiod necessary. neigh rate iperease authorized an agreement between the two gard the tolls to be fair. [ Hh SI yees dis The entire opening day has ° y In wa. countries, not a formal treaty ny, $2 260.000 8 ; : [cou form Y BOW T Yortl $0 20040 20) simee it 135 heen set aside for the Hydro com. There was no immediate rail. which would require U.S. congres- 0 OPPOSITION ployees for all other provincial Mission. Wednesday the commit- yay Domine on the Jate in- Sopal gH and could open Py APA Xperts au i i Block by é + i P| se, which was se 0 t tol SS . 8 " 0 i ny x vn 2 government agencies and depart ii Sea) Trou: aerietals of the effect Dec. 1--the same tr ee itis! Wiese the Welland toll opposition and Henderson Concrete Products Ltd. pk Aisi: hou) ig '" cense boasd and water resources 000 non-operating railway work- | the US. ; keep the Welland toll-free. This bs T rN J Brick by cluding temporary workers Ce ody ers have declared as the day they| The big question is whether [WOuld require parliamentary leg- 4 : Panes Dunbrik Co. Ltd. FIRST OF KIND Thursday will bring reports Will strike against the major rail- Canada will resist the loud out-|\S!ation tq amend the Canadian ; H The inquiry, believed to he the from the highway transport WaVs over their wage and con cry against charging tolls for [Seaway Act, and time is running gting by first of its kind in Canada, is board and workmen's compensa. Tact squabble transit of the Welland Canal be. Out for such a move. f Consumer Gas headed by Toronto economist tion board, plus briefs from the Today s railway conference was tween Lake Ontario and Lake! A six-man toll committee, three | Walter L. Gordon, who was chair- chambers of commerce. expected to procuce an invitalon Erie, an all-Canadian route built |from each country, spent several | ® Win a 30" Fully Automatic Kelvinator Range Completely furnished and decorated by Baron's Furniture and Appliance Depts. chief Fr A Exclusiv man of the royal commission on| Friday's briefs will be submit. '© non-op union chief Frank Hall more than 25 years ago and oper. Years studying potential cargoes usive Agents Canadz's economic prospects. ted by the Automotive Transport lo meet with railway executives ated free for all since then expected to use the seaway after 2 2 LAMSON REAL ESTATE Other commitice members are Association and Ontario Associa- 2S S00n as. possible likely Many Canadian shippers have it opens in April, 1959. They esti- R - 4 : d thin the next few days. . C. R. Magone, former deputy at- tion of Architects with xt 1 fought tells for the Welland, [mated that 25,000,000 tons of torney-general, and Dr. W. A : -- 2 Mr. Hall, chairman of the ne '\phich is legally part of the new [cargo--much of it iron ore and | for complete information gotiating committee of the 15 un- Mackintosh, principal of Queen's pa seaway according to Canada's Wheat--would move through the | University: in Kingston Labor Body {lons bargaining for the non-oper- | seaway 'legislation. seaway each year for the first ter's job t % ating workers, was reported ; |decade, then Ad 2 Whig oS Jon ja 10 Se ready to meet with the railways SEAWAY COST $475,000,000 to 50,000,000 Sl viually increase! Z ; § EX TRA F EATURE ! people might best be carried out Whichever Tey want. Both the Canadian!and Ameri: op this forecast, they calcu. | x while maintaining government ef-| fp S all said Sunday at Tor- can seaway authorities are |aied their tolls to Eig oat h ; ficiency. Mr. Gordon says its re onto that 'there was no room for charged by law to levy toiis to money to meet Pp : ® pe 81 } o port may not be ready until next MONTREAL (CP) The ex. OMPromise on a conciliation |pay off the $475,000,000 seaway of the seaway y pg fost os summer or fall--certainly not in|ecutive of the 100.000 - member |P0ard's recommendation for a 14- 'cost in 50 years. A proposed toll |} a ges as oll Pp ys a erest : time for the session of the legis- Canadian and Catholic Corfeder-|¢eNt wage boost and "unless we schedule, anneunced last dune, a Ne Jeans y : If the winner of the above Kelvinator . . {get a fair settlement by Dec. 1 ac p lature expected to begin in Jan-|ation of Labor decided over the set up a composite system that is| i is a rav i uary weekend to have a committee [tN€T€ isn't going to be a train expected to be left substantially IS estimated at $28,000,000 a year Ca an home Qwner, he will Premier Frosi appointed the Meet with officials of the Cana. ™MOVINg from Halifax to Victoria." the same in the proposed U.S. Yor every dollar collected, Can | receive a beautiful 1959 PONTIAC trio after provincial auditor Har.|dian Labor Congress to discuss oT [Canada agreement ada is to get 71 cents, the U.S EE FREE vey Cotnam expressed concern in Possible formation of a new po- ATHLETIC PASTOR It called for four cents a ton 29 cents. his annual report about the grow-|litical party. BROWNSBURG, Que. (CP) on the ship's gross registered ton-| The chances are that the sea- yy CONTEST CLOSES MAY 13 ing number of hoards and com-| The CLC and CCF party have Rev. John C. Shrier of Galt, |nage, 40 cents a ton for bulk|way won't make money in the | Winner to be d missions in Ontario. |been exploring the possibilities of |(Ont., a former professional cargo and 90 cents a ton for gen. opening years. The gamble is that | & anngunead COMMISSION GOVERNMENT forming a new Canadian politi- [hockey player who once attended | eral cargo for ships using the new low tolls will attract business-- | x THE OSHAWA TIMES, May 20-23 h 5 aN hd cal party that would have the |Boston 'Bruins training camp, is|seaway's seven Jocks and jour and that a large volume of traffic JUDGES DECISION FINAL Opposition party leaders--par- backing of labor, agriculture and the new pastor of the Brownsburg canals between Montreal and Will eventually pay for the sea ' | ticularly Liberal Leader John other groups, | Pentecostal Assembly. |Lake Ontario. way. I