COLIN RAY bs CRAIG PETERS %; g ' « ROBERT BODNARYK MICHAEL BATC PICTURE D ABOVE are | School Friday. Valedoctorian some of the prizewinners who | was Craig Peters, top left. were honored at graduation | Colin Ray tied with him for | speakers at the graduation cer- ceremonies at Pickering High | top honors. Top girl was the | emonies.-Photos by John Mills | late Anne Stratten, to whom i Tubba CLUD | Guided Tours | | | | Are More Fun | BOWMANVILLE Guided tours, packed with days of sight- ' seeing, are enjoyable and provide a great deal of pleasure mid odu- cation, Mrs. Gordon D. Conant, of Oshawa, vice-president of the Women's Canadian Club Associa- tion of Ontario, told the Bowman- ville club Monday. i | Mrs. Congnt's address was eon- |trary to ief that fast moving guided tours serve only as a good way to get tired. She told the club that a tour through Europe Rjax Library . Board Plans Onen House AJAX -- Few parents fail to recognize the importance of books and reading in the lives of young Canadians, and judging by the number of children who use the Ajax Public Library, large num- last summer contained too much interest to allow anyone a chance to become fatigued. The trip was climaxed with the | introduction of her granddaugh-| ter, Sandra Conant, 17, a student at the Ontario Ladies' College, | vike's fourth puoiic scuoul, has Ui vi» =n Ura oie been completed. Price paid for | | the property has not been di- or Fourth [ws | site of the new schoo: is on land h jand between High street and the 00 extension of Lamb's Lape. John B. Parkin and Associates, manville Public School Board has ag architects for the new school. announced that an offer to pur- |The firm were architécts for the chase six and a half acres of land Ontario street school and Vincent {laying to the north of Elgin street BOWMANVILLE -- The Bow-| ;r"moronto, have been appointed from town reeve Wilfrid Car-'Massey school. Whitby, to HM Queen Elizabeth | at a garden party at Buckingham | Palace. ¢ She said more pleasure could) be derived from a trip to Europe by a guided tour because every- thing was arranged by the travel agent ahead of time, Mrs, Conant advised that peaple going abroad should read up on the countries and places they are to visit. In this way the tour becomes more enjoyable. Mrs, Conant's talk was illus- trated with colored slides taken on the continent and in the United Kingdom. The trip began in Lon- don and from there the party visited Stratford - on - Avon, Scot- land, the World's Fair at Brus- sels, Munich, Vienna, * Venice, PASSIONS UNLEASHED} v MACHO WO it ® marl 0 8 salient bossen fhe dat" LA Ties "Sharp shock ws to ite LA We (ii We Ala be bi Viduial Mav sey School, Previously, the class | es, which offer instruction to new Canadians, were held at Ontario street school. 4 A SS |e ADDED FEATURE ~~ RINNE oC ee wy a LE I x ACADEMY Awards ~--=-- INCLUDING ---- BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR . THE BRIDGE ON THE WAI i Thrilling J Terror! | "THE AMAZON | TRADER" in Bloxing Color! Now _ Playing Rome, Naples, Florence, the Riviera, and Paris. . hers of parents in Ajax must be happy to know that their chil dren read good books states the library board. A special appeal is being made during Young Canada's Book Week, November 15 - 22 to arouse and develop in girls and boys an interest in good literature. FOR MISSED PAPERS IN AJAX Books for children of all ages are available at public library| and parents are urged to visit the library with their children during Book Week. | The Lbrary Board will hold an "Open House" in the library Sat- urday, November 22, from 3 to KEITH NORTON glowing tributes were paid by | 5 p.m. to give the public the op- portunity of inspecting the li brary and to meet their repre- sentatives on the Library Board. THEATRE GUIDE Liquor Issue Vote Wednesday of|they prove harmful to the Sows. is| The opp p Citizen's Committee charges the t A iation is re- BOWMANVILLE -- Outcome the liquor vote here Wednesd: unpredictable. Both "wets" and "drys" ap- MARKS -- Ad presentative of liquor interests pear optimistic about the out- who persuaded council to call for| come, but not so optimistic that they have not taken full advan-| tage in the past week to stage niéd by every member of council.| vigorous campaigns. Main topic| Hubert McConnell, field sec- the vote. In restaurants, on the|ance Federation has advised the the plebiscite. This has been de-|p, BILTMORE -- "Bridge on the HOSPITAL REPORT River Kwai" in Technicolor, powMANVILLE -- Memorial shown at 1:40, 5.20, 9:00. "'Am-| Hospital weekly report for the azon Trader" in color, shown| week of Nov. 10-16 shows there at 12:55, 4:35, 8:15, p.m. Last \ere 37 admissions; seven births, complete show starts at 8:10 three male and four femals; 55 p.m. discharges; fifteen major pas a ,,|t/ons and 11 minor operations; "Street of Shame" |ang 17 emergencies.' 1:15, 4:10, 7:05, 10:00 also 'Naked Africa" 2:45, 5:45, 8:45. EGENT -- The N An the LAZA -- "La Pausienni" (Re-| Dead" in Cinemascope and col- stricted) 1:55, 3:50, 5:45, 7:40,| or shown daily at 1:40, 4:00 9:30. Last complete show 9:10| 6:25, 8:50. Last complete show m. at 8:40 p.m. of discussion in most circles cance for the Ontario Temper- street, and in the home votersgroup not to carry on a temper- and cons of the five point liquor|ance campaign. He reasons that issue. Town Clerk and Returning the majority of the voters are so- Officer A. E. Lyle has stated cial drinkers. They, rather than that he expects a record vote./the alcoholic or the temperance The C ity Ad t minority groups, will decide the Association, headed by Glenholme Hughes, in an appeal to the town's 4000 voters has stressed that more outlets will bring prosperity to the "dry" community. The association appeals to the issue, he warned. Bowmanville has been "dry" since 1909 when voters ousted the liquor outlets in a pleblscite. At that time there were eight hotels and four liquor stores in the town. The town recently acquired a electors to give the outlets a brewer's retail store. At one time three year trial, after which|there were two distilleries in the time they can be voted out ifitown. Driving Clinic Ready To Open GET MORE OUT OF LIf§ GO CUT 10 A MOVIE' THE BEST-SELLER THAT ELECTRIFIED @ 7 MiLuiow READERS! - THE =, NAKED Times by 7 p.m. coll AJAX TAXI PHONE AJAX 333 SUBSCRIBERS THE TIMES BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAXI SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3-5822 if you have met received your Times phone your cerrier boy || first. If you are uneble te eon- || tact him by 7:00 p.m. TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI § Colls Accepted Between 7 «7:30 p.m. Only if you have not received your | All calls must be placed before 7.30 p.m. | SENSATIONAL SHOCKERS ! STARTING DON'T GO TOGETHER! on Florida's. Fabulous West Coast \\WWiilgy ory SE Jo 2 PER PERSON ---= INCREASE DOUBLE OCC. oe Including mouth. = wa 7 S EN The month of the year means no- thing at The Desert Ranch! You poy the same low rate from now to February 1st. Only at the DES. ERT RANCH, on Florida's beauti- ful Gulf Coast, con you enjoy Fall ond Winter luxury (when all other resorts roise their prices)--at low low Summer Rates | For Informetion.--~See Your Travel Agent--or write direst #Deszar Ranen John Asterite, Mg. Dir, 3t. Petersburg Beech, Floride. RANCH - MEALS. GET CHOICE ACCOMMODATIONS ~--~RESERVE NOW! Condi tioned Room With rivets $ Enterteinment = Nightly Bove: o in nment ing 9-Hole Goon o Private ues o Board ¢ Table Tennis Casting, Chicago: ANdover 3-3737 *Slightly higher rates Dec. 20 thru Jan, §. eo Surf 50 NO"S TIME ANYTIME $1000 BONUS "GAME E TOMORROW'S NUMBERS I-16 1-22 Numbers will be drown scorrs RESTAURANT 147 Yonge St, Torente ot 10 am, Benefit of CANADIAN FEDERATION OF THE BLIND Not affiliated with the LU CN.LB, hove « BINGO " Call sli WA, 3-248 Before § p.m. on gruemavn eo AND THE pean Ei +BY BUGS rower BUNNY COLOR CARTO:! ISTE TTTTILT habits. THustrations of various types of accidents will also be BOWMANVILLE -- The Unit- ed Counties' first traffic clinic gets underway in the Bowman- given ville Town Hall Wednesday night . when Magistrate R. B. Baxter, of| On completion of the course Port Hope, will officially declare| candidates are required to sub- the project open. mit written tests to qualify for The clinic has been in the plan-|; i 100s certificate. ning stages for several months but no concrete steps could be A second clinic in the county, taken until recently, when Bow-|Perhaps located at Brighton, has| manville Police Chief Bernard R.|been mentioned but no action is Kitney and Constable H. R. Cor-|expected until results of the Bow-| nell, Bowmanville OPP detach. manvilie clinic can be reviewed. | ment, volunteered to act as in- structors. | Both these police officers have | been instrumental in urging traf- Sunday Services fic safety. Chief Kitney issued a statement several weeks ago out- lining the causes of accidents At The Citadel and suggesting ways they could] AJAX -- At the Salvation Army | be prevented. He has also reiter- Sunday, the Holiness meeting in| ated his full support of a traffic yo morning was conducted by | 3dvicory evimniiihe for She town. nut. Pearl Donnelly while] tive in touring all schools in the|Lieut. Patricia Buckingham save district, lecturing on road safety. the message. i The clinic offers drivers an ; Major and Mrs. George Bel- opportunity to take two evenings| | of instruction on the causes of | 1AmY and their daughter Alberta accidents and learn steps to be Were present at the evening] taken to correct poor driving meeting. PRE-SCHOOL ICE SKATING | Every Wednesday Afternoon 2-4 PM. A SKATING SESSION FOR PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN AND PARENTS Oshawa Children's Arena BILL SMITH Arena Manaaer RA 5-8071 | A Santa Claus Parade? you be floats . . . ba Watch your ne details and the follow. Ho, Ho, Ho . . . I'll be coming to see Saturday, November 22 And I'll be bringing lots of your favourite people with me! There'll FRENCH CUISINE " LIBERT Ubertd Ubertd Uberté Fondre . . . Jon. 14 oo Mor. § Mer. 21, Mer. 31 Reach Europe relaxed on bored Fondre Liberté Fendre . . Moy See your authorised Preach Line travel agent. CIRRNCILLUIN + kage, u, viet oor + ube sams . FRENCH DECOR FRENCH JOIE DE VIVRE French fine E «is Dec. 9 wi Dec. 27 Fandre . . June 20 Uberté oo July 3 Handre . . July 8 Uberté . . July 18 Ubertd . . May 3 Flandre . . Mey 2S Uberté, . « May29 Liberté June 17 Apr. 1 « Apr. ' LJ 25 ? oe Thrit-conson rates from Sept. 1 through April 14, 1999 io da ' FOR pe b.) ' % ae D Come in now and SAVE 50% Haxrs's yous chance so become truly wonderful save money, too! Just let as Arthur Musa expert ho responsibility of teaching you one simple basic step--key to all the latest never danc master it in just one lesson. then get ready for a round of good times. For good decir are always more populat, wa; have more fun. So doa't pin Take advantage of the special 3 for-1 rates now in effect. Come in dalone or bring s friend. Studios ; XY" open daily 10 AM 1 10 PM. 4 ARTHUR MURRAY AIR CONDITIONED BALLROOM 11% SIMCOE ST. S. RA 8-1681 on nds . . . clowns! wspaper for full route we shall WILL Phone RA 3-2294 ALL DAY WEDNESDAY METAILERS YO THRIFTY CANADIANS OUR WNTOWN STORE REMAIN OPEN 21 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Make Your Plans Now... for Christmas and New Year's Social Parties, Banquets, Dances or Family Get- Togethers! The Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel Highwoy 401 -- Bowmanville Cloverleaf For Descriptive Literature or Reservations Call: Jim Bourke, Manager _ MArket 3-3373 L