3 BUCKET BRIGADE Partial Evacuation And 3 Water Service Bomb Shelters Favored Mayor Lyman A. Gifford be-|General G. S. Hatton, acting head leves that partial evacuation|of the Civil Defence Organi [J] . zation; Group Captain G. Keddie, Given Approval and the building of bomb shel-f ior" warning "officer; General r . ters "is the only answer feasible" Charles Foulkes, chairman of the : . to the civil defence question as it|Chiefs of Staff of the department The battle of the bucket bri- he said it would be $10,000). ts Canadian cities general-|of national defence; Lt.-Col. P. ; gade is nearly over. City council cheaper to bring the mains up | Marriott, also of the department; OSHAWA ROTARY CLUB WELCOMES DISTRICT GOVERNOR Bo er Ea Bie Stn whe be ET ie . i no. 9g 4 e . 8! "|National Health and Welfare. y i i i D, E. Sturgis and Rotarian | "This h i for i ht Rn b | Ruggles, of Cobourg, who was | pin to Rotarian R. G. Geen to | trict Governor S. F. Everson, : ceded victory to the thirsty, dry is has been coming up for|on.e at the Arnprior Civil De-! ; of bers g utes Bh oii his official visit to the | mark 25 years of perfect at- | Rotarian Geen, District Gover- | John Stead, secretary of the welled residents of Louisa, Sev-|three years. It was turned feute College ap EOF ope GENERAL COMPLAINT Hotel Genosha on Monday, wel- | club. During the meeting the | tendance. Caught by the cam- | nor Ruggles, President James | Oshawa Club. : ern and Fraser streets and|last time by the PUC on the fence College, ue ee hon The Mayor said the complaint comed District Governor Ed. | district governor presented a | era, from left, are: Past Dis- | Skinner, Vice-President, Dr. --Oshawa Times Photo |pponton road north. |grounds that it was wuneconomi- ine o£ y ically onday Bight, of the majority of representatives - me They were assured of city we: cal," he said. problem Ep ay to Oshawa seemed i, be that Jeneral hind ter, piped to them through 5,172), oo | : * (ham, who some three months re CTPLY INSUFFICIENT He said the three radar warn-|ag, was appointed to investigate hd t. yt d in the nea 1 Boundar Road joo ot i bottle. and Medical Officer of Health Dr. ing lines across the Dominion and report on civil defence, did C 00 bucket treks they have been C. C. Stewart had told him the would give cities such as Mont- not attend the conference. They making to secure supplies of the Wcier at present available toireal or Toronto two-and-a-half were told General Graham had Cred liquid staff 'of life. {residents of the area was insuf- hours' notice of enemy attack. {notified the conference planners iticized By B rd Problem Solved [Festus iba dy" muy vos emus ii short TE ET ried up in the early fal he awl ot t " the M. otherwise - i iti Having to ca water in seems (0 me, e Mayor Il 1Cl1Ze oa group of residents petitioned the| 2 Sony containers | continued, "that if civil defence|!CUIar dates. East Whitby and Darlington responded with the fourth, fifth, council for city water complain- buckets ¢ hn | @ 1 Hatt ked if h | i ; ioriz i OY. FOES} ing- | 3 ' ings i .|is to be carried out only one of eneral Hatton was aske e ; hat!d by people we are paying townships solved their frontier|and sixth concessions of Darling- |i, they were unable to get suf- brings about a potentially dan [the three points T will mention|thought that such large cities as A charge that the contractor| Trustee Armsirong noted that one y peop problems in a brief, informal) ton township; and that East Whit-| ¢ Cent supplies for normal B€rous situation," Ald. Branch i b Mi Montreal 'or Toronto could: ~be had not met his commitment inthe board had a chance to order well. 'tad. | Meeting at Columbus, Monday. |by look after that part of the 1d said. {can be adopted. d within the two-and-a- : : : : " il Trustee Armstrong admitted: A : {household uses, : on evacuated within the two-ai having the Adelaide McLaughlin | overtime ix multe age aT i nL sthone getting pei Reeve Roy w. Nichols, and the road across the sixth, Seventh) | ITUATION SERIOUS | Ald. A, H. Murdoch congratul.| The poipls bap total vac half hours of the warning. School finished on schedule was|turned it down. At that time the wy think the architect entire Darlington township coun-|and eighth concessions of East ated Ald. Branch and his board ation; partial evacuation wit The answer was: would it not laid at the Monday night meeting|contractor wanted $50 a day to co-operation from: tne cil attended the meeting, which| Whitby, and from the south boun-| Board of Works Chairman Ald. on the considerable amount of bomb shelters; no civil defence ba Detter to evacuate 25 pel" cent of tae hoard. of ednostion: liave the schon) eompleiey onjws sin 1 Representative Was called by the East Whitby dary of the seventh concession Walter Branch, a-king for coun- work put in on proposing the at all. lige P The announcement by Trustee time but th board refused to pay| Separate Sc! 0 Sep terjected, {council in the hope of ending a|across the eighth and ninth con- cil's approval for the pipe pro- scheme so early after the peti-| "As an observer and having y? 1» B. Armstrong that the $245,000/a premium for having the terms Rev. 1B Co! RY hs eee: | vears-old situation with regard to cessions of Darlington. |ject, said he believed all: mem-|tion. . : heard the discussions that took| R. B. Bryce, secretary of the school was opened for classroom |of its contract schedule met |! Every time a 0 2? rs the town line road between the onus DIVIDED |bers realized the seriousness of| Mayor Lyman Gifford, al-| place, and if the necessity should Privy Council, told municipal use for the first time on Monday| "Is it not true the architectit is left to one on pre nem sr townships. hd to Whit. the situation. {though he said he did not object be then in looking over the whole|leaders that government "on any was met with warm response|should have advised us of the|of the board to do le Mook hg| The road, in the past, has been This, i effect, Elves Fast) ir The full brunt of the cost, he{to the proposal, remarked:|of Canada, and particularly the level should continue in the by most members of the board. slow construction rate? asked after. That hat been t 81 is 0 Yl the source of some confusion, and by jownship care 0 the Jord S€C- said, would not fall on the city. |""There are always other people City of Montreal, which is on an event of a nuclear attack. The M. Brown then shattered this| Trustee G. K. Drynan. "'Iit seems of this board for 20 years. not a little ill-feeling between the Hoa o the Toad, While Darl INGLOD The public utilities "commission(who have to share expenses infisland, I would say the second Federal Government. felt that the brief moment of joy by saying,|we have to do a great deal of in pygy 19 CRITICIZE two municipalities, as each town-| Will have charge of the southern| 14 ho aple to take advantage|servicing these areas, There is|point . . . is the only answer|responsibility for maintaining "That school should not have|spection that should be Jone by "It is easy for board members ship looked after several sections Faction of the Donley; Tre mo lof th~ Federal and Provincial|always someane who is going to! feasible." law and order within the afi ) Srila as ot? P ad. A I ak : | suggeste a he bylaw | 0) Ph "" | ne i iti > been opened today. It's a filthy/the architect, pe aged, wpe to sit around and criticize while of the road. Last year, the situa-| Hie for ten years, [BoVernments subsidies for mu- get hurt | The conference, held on invita- Spalifies and he Svacustion oe mess." Trustee Armstrong said: s h k." he co.-| tion became so complicated East| Sho 4 ; : *|nicipa] winter work. | Ald. Branch agreed there were |. "o d he civilian populatio I e vill have it one or two do the work," he co th tomatic renewal, unless! ; : 3 {tion from the Federal department| d out by "th ho ar He went on: "The school is way contractor feels he Will have it) 5d. Whitby billed Darlington for re-| Wit} au of he onthe] Mr. Branch did not disclose people in the area who had not|of sublic health and welfare and|C2ITied out y ['thote who are behind schedule and not complet. Feady for pening aud 1 1+ he Trustee Brown pointed our, "I|pairs to one section, and Darling- Re, ey hws Siz mon * the full cost of the program, butisigned the petition. |on the instigation of the Canadian gee Se THES ho the od ed, It appears the contractor has will still feel the contractor has plann-|ton billed East Whitby for an "The otion disp contained a | Federation of Mayors and Muni- |; je3 °" an thos - hol made ait effort 1 lave ove] CHAIRMAN PRAISED ed poorly and been derelict injidentical sum for repairs. to an- co "wrich stipulated that the| ] pre palities, was attended by 89 may-|> Schon) completed on time. I ¢ an As chairman of thé board pro- his duties to this board." a | other section. | portions I Ta arose "Het: o : lors or Diner resmoniaIves ; Be official opening (Nov. 27) and |Perty committee, Mr. Armstrong| Trustee Drynan Syded, It| ENGINEER IS ADVISOR | fourth concession of East Whitby They were briefed by Major Band Plannin ow has given much of his personal seems to me a very slack Way ofl po gies Gorrie, district en-|and the fifth of Darlington, and |: ; y g y like to know if there is|™ ; a Yo Lh f i ould 4 id Loo can do to time in overseeing building pro-|doing work as far as a builder gineer from the department ofthe eighth of East Whitby and the ; " jects on the board's behalf. Mem-|is concerned." IT iothes ; ; ari ? 4 ; » ; oN have if ready on time ih prides unanimous in their| S. G. Saywell, board chairman, | highways, attended the meeting Hinth St Dastingion mug be re- : : : ii 0 em ers op once OPENING DELAYED praise of his efforts and stressed |asked who among board nem. After a brief debate on the situ-| This clause was added when it | 4 iy | ris The school was originally criticism was not aimed his way. bers had visite the construction | . : : i : | ation, East Whitby Deputy Reeve was noted that these two stretch-| * ' ™ . N The winter series of Pop Con+* scheduled :. be finished Oct. 22.| It was the opinion oF Trustee sie 4 Adelaide McLaughlin | oie td Pascoe made a motion |es of road are impassable and, | p Giv n |certs to be given by the Band This date was later set back to Drynan, We Se. throwing too] a bands were raised and | that a bylaw, dividing the road, |at present, are a liability to both |# 4 1 S of the Ontario Regiment and out- Oct. 30 and then to Monday's much responsibility on 0 tei Tros € Brown said he had visit-|Should be passed by both coun- councils, should an accident |; oF | standing assisting artists will be date. ber of the board that should be Trustee Brown s cils, and registered in both On- occur on these sections of the: Thirty-three members of the held in the OCVI Auditorium en [goat least once 3 vege ; not | tario and Durham counties. road, which are not legally = " v ] Rotary Club of Oshawa, who|the nights of Dec. 19, 1958, Feb.* sisi | After several slight amend- closed. fs ; : have perfect attend 6, 1959 or Mar. 13, 1959. | COMING EVENTS and Jrould not Visit except {oF 3. ments, the motion suggested that| Deputy Reeve Pascoe"s motion Z 4 p were Dt § with nee oeuras. The small admission of [special reason. "I feel it is in.|a bylaw be passed giving Dar-| was seconded by Councillor A. E. £8 4 ' y tion of pins at the club luncheon, |$1 for the three concerts will be" architect's duty to keep us In- lington township care of the town Tompson of Darlington and | 4 in Hotel Genosha on Monday. |in effect once again 30 that whale! formed," he added. line road from Oshawa City unanimously passed. Waa by a|families will be able to ai [ by Dis- and enjoy » HEA AND Trustee O'Neill said, "I think |, t "ooroes the third, fourth,| The motion will be turned over i - The y , wi symbolic presenta good music a EAR SE Ha uld be out of place to have | 4 nny "ooncessions of East|to East Whitby's legal advisors, trict Governor ag ry of| These concerts have always ig { ping up makes a big differ- | 01 El p ROBERT HARKNESS toofmuch fo say About He org. [Whitby township, which cor-lwho will draft the bylaw. hee 1 have every confi-| i cord of 25 years of perfect attend-|and under the baton of WO1 F, J. d s of the work." He continued, | Ruhl 1 ) Cobourg, of a special pin to Ro./been one of the highlights of Gospel Song Writer and Pianist . M t R . H : ( 3nd under the baton of WOL | ie nce the school will be done on us ecelve ire arms ance. rancis, ne A YOU ARE INVITED TO ENJOY AN titre." REN HIBBARD REN LOHEED Other members of the club who| 18 series promises to be, out were honored, with their perfect High calibre assisting artists DENTS MSE Siu Instruction | Within Minutes HET |"F s $ | ance records, "were as fol-| i : put more teeth in our contracts." | W 1 it G i 1 : 4 (will appear also vith the band, CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 20g ti I Naaisoate F. 5. Eble wisest]. 70ers 7ive Beene: VV GOL IAIOUIT els jou he. amt at whlch. will 'be i George Shreve, 14 years; Wal- nounced later this week. TONITE AT 8 00 P M [J ed sentence for one year Monday answered two alarms Monday! . 5 ter Branch, 11 years: Dr. Doug-| Tickets can be procured at Hen pi JV, ewers 1 on a charge of breaking, entering afternoon, within two minutes. | 2 las Langmaid, 10 years. |derson's Book Store, Johnston's and theft against Gerald Gal-| A leak in the refrigeration 1wanis ar er ji omas Pe Sr rverson Clothing ike 25 the Armosies Sponsored by the Young People and Choir of . braith, 17, of 184 King street system brought firemen from 3 : Calvary Baptist Church Give Work [ee the headquarters division to] Thursday night, Nov. 20, will chairmanship of the Lieutenant: atte and Newton Richards, 7 man. | 4 : 3 years; sens ; Syd- Testimony by the caretaker of Stroud"s Market. Simcoe St. N.,|see the birth of a new Service Governor Murray Sandford. rea St Jack Ovens, § Soars Su 2690 : Harmony School, Oshawa, indi- at 4:18 p.m. There was little|Club in Oshawa, the Kiwanis Charter night is an important Ln S. T. Hopkins, 'Willi , EUCHRE, Valleyview clubhouse, Glad-| AT King Street Home and School Asso. vearly 13.000 feet of storm cateq that Galbraith had taken aldamage. Club of Westmount, Oshawa. event in the history of a Kiwanis| yb ARE p ns iam} stone Avenue, Wednesday, November ciation meeting, Wednesday, November SEWers are to be constructed by jist of articles amounting tof Two minutes later. the Cod At a dinner to be held in the Club and the Westmount Clubfc > Orge: Slocombe, 4] GOOD FOO 19, 8.15 p.m. Good prizes, door prize, 19, The Thomas Allan Publishing Co..[the city during the winter at an| ore' than $100 from the school | 4 mines la ep, tie ar picadilly Room of Hotel Genosha, feels doubly honored by the pres-|> 2's: 35 cents. ¥ 00a will be present to sell Childrens Books estimated cost of $144,523. property Feb. 15, but had later yy BHO restos 2 'S€ Mr, Ken Hibbard of Halifax, gov-/ence of the International presi-| Geoffrey Andrews and Ralph BUSINESS MEN'S BAZAAR to be held by Columbus, fom 7 P.m. on #9 Sanction for the proposal was returned some of them and made oor in the Evangeline St. dis-\opyop of the Ontario-Quebec-Madent, Ken Loheed and Mrs, Lo-| Jewell, 3 years; Ben Bailey, | . Home and School in Church Lower GOLDEN Link bazaar at Albert Street! gyanted without discussion by city Ir NE "| trict. A pile of rubbish was being| ime Kiwanis district, will pre-|heed {Robert Brown, Frank Bedford, | Hall, Wednesday, November 19. 2.30|United Church, Wednesday, November B'81 CX UW AOL: as ) restitution for the others. burned and householders had|coni the charter to the new club. His worship Mayor Lyman A.|Frank Brown, George Charlton. | LUNCH pam A ies D0. Dookie ot all kins, Part of the cost will be met| Calbraith was turned over to a mistaken it for something more ™"my a Westmount club is sponsor-| Gifford and Mrs, Gitford will be] Al Collins, Jack Lowry, Al. Reed | 12 noon to 2 p.m room Nov. 15, 18|hy subsidies from the federal and parole officer for ue dear and serious led by the Kiwanis Club of Osh-lat the head table. and Jack Shephard, 2 years; | id RADIO PARK BINGO corner of Bloor St John's Hall. provincial governments in their 2franfements for veiglous In| Shortly after midnight, an al- awa, Frank Taylor and the new| Other distinguished guests will[Lance Beath, Wilbert Charlton, Ro Fin roi former of Bloor and Simove streets. on efforts to relieve winter unem: Shuetion Sag Supervision by anlarm was turned in from 70 Bar-|club building committee of the include Alf Savage -- General{Ken Coulter, Alex Nathan, Mike | NOVEMBER 4 ! Nov. 15,18 ployment 51awa miiser rie Ave., where hydro lead-in/parent organization, deserve Secretary of the Ontario-Quebec-|Rudka, John Stead and Ron Ri-| 20 games $6 and $10: Share. BAZAAR at Knox Church, Wednesday Streets affected are: Annapolis |wires were rubbing together, great credit for their unremitting Maritime district, former govern- chardson, one year. | re er $40 J November 19, 2.30 p.m. Home baking, avenue, Byng avenue, Elizabeth wood avenue, Glenwood crescent,|causing a short circuit, |efforts in organizing the new ors and Lieutenant-Governors of) . i 7.9 ackpots,, fancy work, aprons and tea room. street. Glenal : Glen-|Orchard View boulevard, Russett! The Ost Fire D t!club Ki i idents of oth ji 3 gomes, prize money will Ge Nov. 15,18 Street, Glenalan avenue, en- Orchard View boulevard, Russe he Oshawa Fire Department club. ! : iwanis, presidents of other Ki- doubled VICTORY LOBA bazaar in Orange brae street, Glencastle avenue, avenue, Simcoe street north, Ste- answered five ambulance calls| The evening will be under the wanis clubs and the other local | Nov.3,4,17,18,Dec.1.2,15,16 Temple, Nov. 20, 2.30 p.m. fancy work, Glendale avenue, Glenforest venson road north, Wayne avenue, during the afternoon and over-| NE lint dt BA drs hd home baking and tea room 268b streét, Glengrove street, Glen-|Woodlea avenue night period. Rurtméis Sole =" Clothing I -- en : » as my vn | Er CELEBRATING Pointed Gun En] we TORE. | Is Fined $50 | NOMINATION November 20 Rebbekah 4 ; wishes to the following resi- | : 5 ; dents of Oshawa and district | Russell Harvey, 745 Margar tl Lodge No. 3. 1:30 pm Lawl a : i | who are celebrating birth- |street, Oshawa, was fined $50 Ho : . i 269b, 1 - ' Ca { days today: |magistrate's court Monday, on a| EH ree | RR : 1 i Miss Frances Jean Good- |charge "of pointing a firearm. | . ? [ Adams, 225 Oshawa Bivd. 8; uta sy fold the court it-Was|l NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that « meeting 'of the Electors Hall, % bi i ] John Bentley, RR 2, Osha- y 'argumen ; am at wa: Allan Griffin, 493 Lowell he had ordered a police officer of the Township of East Whitby will be held ot the tarian R..G. Geen who has a re- Oshawa's winter entertainment ale station responded to a false MUNICIPAL -- ELECTIONS Bingo -- Darlington Volun- teer Brigade, Avalon {he had no search warrant. : : : '| 'son, 787 Grierson St.; Befty | | e gomes $5 and $7. Share the | 44 ? i i i Pankhurst, 397 King St. B! |ocSonstable Eric Main told the Townshi Hall : 1 io Mrs. Elwood Cook, 8% Bond |court he had entered the property 269 | ' i A 5 1 | 'Stevenson Rd. N. {after a complaint to the police. 1 ' oll : The first five persons to | 10 the driveway," the officer SPECIAL UNTIL | 4 : | inform The Oshawa Times of | said, Harvey came up to the side ' ho A |He was carrying a rifle." receive double tickets to the HC was carrying a rifle. he| on Thursday, November 20th, 1958 rent attraction is "The Nak- |l0aded and, when told that it was, | BINGO ] ed and the Dead." {left the driveway immediately for the purpose of receiving nominations for the offices of the street in front of the house. (fl 1959, and Two (2) members of the East Whitby Public School : BIG INDUSTRY | Harvey later admitted detec- 1 Area Board for the years 1959 and 1960. 4 Novimber 19. 3 pm 20 a | Lr Ave.; Gregory: Mark 'Pear- |off his property Nov. 8 because | wealth, seven $40 jackpots. H 4 : i 4 i St. E.: Joanne Smith, 587 at the request of Mrs. Harvey, 1 : 2 : ey inl (of the car and said to pull out. CHRISTMAS 1 | ; their birthdays each day will | P! | | : 4 . | Regent theatre good for . | 3 KINSMEN | 4 i four-week period. The cur- (asked Harvey if the .gun was From 7:30 in the Afternoon to 8:30 in the Afternoon land radioed headquarters from Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and Three (3) Councillors for the yeor Australia's oil refining industry, 'tives to his house. A search| Jubi lee Pavi on : i greatly expanded since the Sec- warrant was issued the following If a poll is necessary, Polls for taking the votes of the Electors, EVERY TUESD'Y | } {ond World War, now has 24,000 day and two firearms seized by lf. shall be held on Monday, December 1st, 1958, beginning at S | ; employees. 'the Crown. 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon and continuing until 7:00 o'clock 8 p.m. s vd rei in the afternoon. 20---%$20 games The attention of Prospective Candidates is drawn to the fol- ; $150 Jackpots | TH E FOOD PLAN THAT iki oy d candidate is not t th ti $20 each line A 2 there must be sotisfacto avidime given . turning Plus $50 ol card ' 5 a | VB PR 0) E N ITS E LF [ ices that the G ids bo mented fob mam ion. 5 : £ | |§ the same day, a candidate may resign in respect of 5--%$30 Ga mes ; OSHAWA REPRESENTATIVE more offices for which he is nominated by filing his ro 10--$5 Door Prizes tion i iti ith the Returning Officer, rk, i ; | | A STAN BRYNING Ea Lr ee --$250 Jackpots ] he was first nominated." ; 7. 53 hi , : 1061 RAVINE ROAD RA 8-5358 GEORGE FARNCOMB, Returning Officer, every week. If over 400 "ADMISSION $1.00 CHAIRMAN PAYS VISIT TO OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL CH A [V1] FR FOOD | Township of East Whity, INCLUDES 1 CARD . Commen ng his three-day | pensation Board, Monday after- under the jurisdiction of the | awa. Mr. Sparrow was accom- | CLUB Columbus, Ontario : [ One $250 jackpot must go 4 ; ¥ | Eh to. Oshawa, Fugene E. | noon paid a visit to the Osh- | board. One of the patients to | panied hy William A. Holland | r BUS SERVICE _ Sparro centre), chairman of | awa General Hospital where he | whom he talked was John | (left superintendent of the 65 UNDERWRITERS RD. ti 0) GL BY | 188 Movember Sth, 1958, 267¢c) the Ontario Workmen's Com- | conversed with patients coming | Firth (right) town line, Osh- | hospital -Oshawa Times Phote .