45--Real Estate For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 19, 1958 13 6 room brick LL) 145--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sele IT COULD BE YOURS Excellent corner location in north-west Oshawa. Beautiful ranch type bungalow -- well landscaped and decorated. Spacious living room with built-in bookcase, dinette with built-in china cabinet, lorge kitchen ond 3 good-sized bedrooms. Lot 77° x 145. Attached garage, oil heating -- 2 blocks to new school. You could be in this home for Christmas by colling Stan Skea ot RA 5-8975, | r-------- |44--For Rent fi 45 Reo! Estate For Sole THREE - room, heated, unfurnished apagtment in Bowmanville. Phone os awa RA 56133 SMALL sink and _ cup- boards, heavy wiring, ground floor. Ap- ply between 6 and 9. 165 Ritson Road South, 268( | THREE large rooms, heavy wiring, TV 143--Wanted to Rent 44--For Rent s'| WANTED ~-- house, 56 ro se, 56 rooms in the THREE - room basement apartment. vicinity of King and Park Road. Ref. Private entrance, private bath. Phone erences supplied, Phone RA 81711, 2693 | RA 81894, 266 5 FURNISHED two - room Frigidaire and cupboards, private en- trance. Close to Duplate. Apply 553 Howard Street. 2654 FOUR - room Suplex. "Parking. space | with three-piece bath. Parking space. serial laundry facilities. Apply 167 Phone RA $8079 after 6 p.m. 266i Winsor Street, 2688 SELF "CONTAINED Al apart | THREE large, unfurnished rooms, heat, shed, heavy duty light and water, private entrance. 268( unfurni av, wiring, a aerial, air eo child wel |p) one RA 52991. SE I 5-4170. 2661 93 SIMCOE ST. N. comed. Av e : THR) roished FIVE - room house, in Brooklin, heavy EE Sw hy | wiring, no water in. Abstainers. Avail. RA 8-5123 Ly luding heat and ater. a "5.3008, "aon able December 1. Phone Brooklin 47W, 44--For Rent . e al pid i |THREE - room APARTMENT, central, two 18 rg e ment, private bath 3 entrance. id rooms, private bath, built-in cupboards RA 3-4009. 2661 Josey eick pope, in Bouthmesd sy and sink, ample storage space, heavy pi Toom apartment, unfurnished, , a al e ale | duty wiring. Suit two ladies, or couple. FOUR - room ramen, Boor. phone | Street. For information, RA 81756. 268¢ ZC IRA 32428. 210 M Mary St. Nov. 29\pefore 3 p.m. for appointment. RA|CLEAN FURNISHED housekeeping THREE warm, dry , | 5-6947 267¢|room, close to Motors, hospital ana sink and cupboards, 'partly furnished.|gRiCK home, six rooms, oil heating, downtown. RA 52872. 2681 Private bath and entrance, convenient||, ge ot, fruit trees, garage, clean con- TWO furnished rooms for couple or to south GM, Houdaille, Werner, Sim-|giiio Would sell with reasonable pay-|girls, Apply 199 King Street West. 268f coe Street South, Two German boys or | ent or rent with lease. RA 3.2911. 267¢| See couple Apply 75 bi Lena FIVE - room, self . contained apart- Street, between 7 - 9 p.m. 268¢ (MODERN fhree - room, self - contain- iment and bathroom, unfurnished, heat- ed apartment, private entrance, three-|oq central location. Available Decem- TWO - room apartment with built-in piece bath, refrigerator, stove, built-in|p.. 1" s75 5 month. Adults or couple eupboards, sink, duplex. Apply 163 cupboards in kitchen. RA 5-0191. Nov.29| opr ne or two children. RA 34014. Banting Avenue, 268f | os | eo |SIX - room modern brick bungalow. oil 2681 NEW five - room apartment. 1055 Ra-|furnace. Available December 1. Rent|gug--or--rr eI have vine Road. Apply Mr. Sheather. 266(|$95 monthly. Phone RA 8.5377, 265 or Toor, for single am {FCRLY Tiled single room, cei |ONE large furnished room. nice f0f|SINGLE room for gentleman, central RA 3-3000 or 150 Burke Street. Dee.10 Dec.4 Ay 32 Nassau Sirest; -- - OUR rooms, A ATTRACTIVE furni; rooms, avail- » d able in private i Park Road vate entrance, heavy duty wiring. hi 235, Osiawa Times, [North. 5-7 p.m. RA 88671. Nov. 28 8-563, WOMAN to live in with married couple, | GROUND floor, two clean unfurnish- no heavy work, excellent wages, Con- |ed rooms, sink in kitchen, private en- tact H. F, Vigneux, RUssell 3-3077, es |trance. No children, Phone RA 3-4378.| THREE - room apartment, private en ronfo, weekdays, 9 p.m. Dec. 11/trance, adults only. 580 Drew Street, EXPERIENCED wailress rig REE Tooms and bath, adults only. |RA 57586 Nov.27 full time Position. Avtly in person fo Phone RA 5.7019, 264f | THREE-room apartment (large rooms), South. Réstavram. #4 Simcoe pest THREE unfurnished rooms, second close to South GM. Phone RA 5-8906. DAA, floor. good location, central, rent rea- Nov.15| |SELP - ey Three room Tr TWO - roomed, self - contained apart- | APartment (new home), heavy wiring. ment, water, lights and heat Included, Adults. Near NGM. Parking. RA Jom. c * 35--Employment Wanted DRESS MAKING -- | wear, made - to - measure, and aitera- dons. Apply 245 Olive Avenue. RA 15480. 2661 47 --Automobiles For Sale % prince BUNGALOW -- Five rooms, nesr| 86 CHEVROLET deluxe, extras, rehes, schools; ofl heated, a air con Will accept trade or best cash ditioned, $11,000 -- $8000 down, RA!private. Days till 5 pm. 579 52126. 265 | Street. "| HOUSE five rooms and bath on half(iss op re lot, Taunton Road West. RA 5.3430. eae OBL. 2] RA 4.30 p.m. LOT 40 x 105, water and sewer, torihl:ss PLYMOUTH rs" fourdioor weit, Alto ot 95 3 30 with well RA push, button drive, tutons, in in y 12, Asking or exchange on Oshawa house. W. McAuley altor, i a LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Our fee is less than a vacancy, only screened ond reliable tenants, Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. i offer, Re Street, Oshawa, RA 3-2512; Whitby, MO 8-3231. 2661 RELIABLE man requires work one of two days weekly or one or two hours dally, Janitor. driving, ete. MO 8-4915 TTS Nov. 25 LARGE six-room house, Oshaw: vard North, near King, cil Tarmace, fre place, garage. $3,000 down. RA sais. i HI LADY would like baby sitting even- ings. Lakeview Garis ar Ares, RA 85163. anytime in the futu 267¢ He ACREAGE of od yeni i, Creek Crosses corner, arren ar- son, RR 1, Newtonville, Ontario. 269a 4| condition. RA 3-4887. MODERN six-room bungalow, big 1iv-|7gy i CHEVROLET ing room, three big size kitchen, big dining room, hardwood floors. Apply 369 Oshawa iva, Nonih 1 ov. $1,000 DOWN Buys this 12 storey 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms, overlooking the Oshewa Shopping Centre, Has a new forced air oil fumace, full base- ment, private drive. Home is listed ot $9, 0) For an appoint ment to see this buy call Bill Norris, RA 5- 6588 REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE NORTH-WEST SECTION This 3 bedroom home must be sold. Owner has been transferred out of town. Aluminum storms and screens, T.V. aerial, large kitchen, living room has dining area attached. No reasonable offer refused. For SppOisument please call Jack Sheriff, RA 5.6588 After hours RA 3-377 NEW N.HA. -- $1,046 DOWN For the widest choice and range of new homes be sure to coll us to-day. All our new homes include 3 bedrooms, oil heating, laundry tubs, hot water heater and many other extras. Down payments $1,046 and up. Wilson Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 26% gl 36--Female op Wanted EXPERIENCED woman for general cleaning, one-half day a week. Phone RA 53018 after 6 p.m. 268b WAITRESSES wanted. Apply Mr, Campbell, Genosha Hotel, Dec.5 HOUSEKEEPPER or couple to live in and care for two young Shildren. Par- ents work, Phone Brooklin 55J. 267f INTERESTED in making mo Sell novelty gifts, etc., for Christmas. Dial RA 5-3338. Nov. ATTENTION housemaids and domes- tics! Would you like a job in Toronto? Apply Employees Unlimited, 76 Church Street, Toronto 1, Ontario. SHORT order cook or hreakfast cook. Lady preferred, short hours and good pay. Call Flying Dutchman, Motor Hotel, Bowmanville. 2646 | EXPERIENCED housekeeper for home in country, Saturday afternoon and Sun- day off, $80 monthly. Phone Brooklin 322W. 2691 | 4° i IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY You Can Be In Your Own Home By Christmas IN OSHAWA'S FASTEST GROWING SUBDIVISION $388 FULL DOWN PAYMENT LOWER DOWN PAYMENTS CAN BE ARRANGED : MODEL HOME OPEN FOR INSPECTION These 3-bedroom homes have terrific value at this low, low down payment. Featuring all the extras you would ex- pect in your house, NEWLY DECORATED, five - room,]1%- $6,900 full price gives you cheap living in this well kept ara i seen by calling Hil istow, representative for Ristow ond |lo% mileage, olsen condition, trade Olsen Reoltors, RA 5-3605. [mA 5.8640 no S pn, 265f tu 8 CHEVROLET Bigcayne SWe-dadtys ROSSLAND MANOR N.HA. 3 THREE-BEDROOM BUNGALOWS PRICED AT $12,800 AND $12,995 WITH 1200 AND $1395 DOWN K-and R CONSTRUCTION RA 3-7070. ONE nicely lght ing room, with sink, suitable for one or two, girls preferred, central. Reason- able rent. Apply 200 King West, Apart- ment 2. 265¢ EXP to go out of town, fully experienced. 'Write Box otors, opposite th FIVE - room downstairs apartment. Available Decuipiber 1. Apply 212 Ush- awa South. 268¢ ROOM for two, willing to share, single beds, five days preferably, One block from downtown. Apply 45 Albert Street. . 269 '58 AUSTIN sedan, the popular English mileage maker automobile. This car is perfect in every way. Only $495. King West Motors, opposite the Shopping Centre, 2681 '52 DODGE tudor mechanically good needs slip covers and polish job, tires . {like new. Only $245, King West Motors, opposite the Shopping Centre. 1758 a Et FORD custom line tudor, solid sonable, Available now. Athol Street | East. RA 5.5748 264¢ 3 PART-TIME SALESLADY For ladies ready-to-wear. Must be experienced. Write Box 230, Oshawa Times 269f 37--Male Help Wanted FOURTH class engineer, handy man required immediately, Apply Superin- tendent, Cottage Hospital, Uxbridge, 268 GM DEALER in Oshawa requires li censed auto mechanics, and three-year apprentices, excellent working cond tions, permanent employment for right| man. Write Box 218, Oshawa Times. WANTED -- heating salesman, pay weekly draw on Phone TEmple 9-1721 269f FUEL oil salesman wanted, part or full time. Write particulars. PO Box 220 Oshawa Times 2691 TWO surveyors assistants, young and strong. Apply G. T. Horton and Assoc, 70 Harwood Avenue, Ajax 269¢ 38--Male or Female Help Wanted REAL estate salesman wanted, ~~ good commission. W. McAuley, Realtor, 26 Prince Street. 41--Room and Board NICE, clean, bright, warm single room | bed and board, also one bright room to share, nice location, bus at door, close to downtown, good meals, garage. 495 268¢ ROOM r gentlemen, good meals, single beds, home privileges,| parking space, close to all south plants, | 102 Mill or RA 33101 Dec.4 264¢| Kirk Avenue "will commissions. | 264( SELF - CONTAINED, four, and five- room apartments, semi - furnished, or unfurnished, stove and refrigerator. RA ON large, i room in new THREE rooms and bath, $35 monthly. home, cooking and washing facilities, | RA 5-9460. 2696 Suits working girl. Apply 452 Avenue, after 4 p.m THREE - room apartment and Bath, on Simcoe Street South. Child welcome. $50 monthly. Phone RA 5-8502 or HAs 5-8068. |5-6309. 496 Simcoe Street North, Apart- ge 264 , kitchen and «¢ cup- boards, paddies floor, private entrance. Near north GM, clean, quiet home, Pp fo {FOUR range and water heater, private drive- yy on paved street, - room house, north Ajax, Uiies- iece bath, gas furnace, refrigerator, Phone Ajax 426 view 260¢ 1 couple preferred. Reasonable rent IRA 5119. 2661 | FIVE + room apartment, 57 Wentworth |Street, Oshawa. Washer, dryer, stove, refrigerator, TV aerial. Near school Phone MA 3-3611 |_Bowmanvill . 20 TWO "nice rooms, close to bus, laundry | facilities. Reasonable. Will care for child while mother works. RA 5-0241. Dec.10 TWO large rooms and bathroom, sink and cupboards. Suit couple. 495 lid ec. apartment, ATTRACTIVE three-roomed, Fee apartment, separate entrance and bi centrally located in Bowmanville, im- mediate possession. Phone L. Clemens. MA 3-2436 Bowmanville. 265¢| |TWO bedrooms and kitchen for light|Y housekeeping. Gentlemen only. Garage. |b | Apply 283 | Ritson Road South. THREE - room apartment, private en- trance, heavy wiring, heated, central, parking. Phone days RA 5-1113 evenings RA 5-1569. 26: TWO rooms, , furnished IMMEDIATE | THREE - room basement all conveniences. RA 3-9316. 269¢ [SIX - room house, oil heating, north end, Close to bus, school, etc. , 3vailanle December 1. Phone RA 3-2655 264f possessior nice room apartment, downtown, washer, |g, dryer, TV aerial, furnished if desired.| Also a furnished bachelor apartment RA 8-8180 Dec. 14 SIX room brick house and garage, oil| THREE . room apartment, self-contain- ed, sink and cupboards in kitchen, heated, $100 a month. RA 5-4289. 264f Ihardwood floors, TV outlet, washing FOUR 5 unfurnished "aparfment. |facilities and parking space Newly decorated, separate entrance, q... Apply 27 Rowe Street heavy wiring, central. Suitable for {young couple. Phone RA 5-4837. 264f | FURNISHED " J niences. FOUR - room apartment, Apply 287 ("0° Rone Verdun Road 267¢| THREE NICELY furnished three - 1 ment, private bath, stove, refrigerator, 266¢ | cupboards, TV hook-up. Hot water, use {of laundry, private entrance Couple |0 125% pm. S01 Grierson; Street At] ing. Possession Nov. 1. Apply Apt [101° Craydon Road, Whitby. Nov.18 p b room, room, ground floor, all|o Phone RA 3-4130. ground | Fi unfurnished rooms, room apart-(in cupboards, heat and lights bathroom Abstainers. RA B "and two-bedroom ments, o "outlet, frig, stove, balcony, pak: hi ™v | HOUSE -- New, three rooms and ba *|No children. | Bast. TWO rooms and kitchen, | THREE - |m . 266f| Rosehill Boulevard, Oshawa, "four-| MODERN, washer dryer, $90 monthly THREE - No chil-|3- _266f TWO rooms and small kitchen. Couple 2661 C floor, private entrance, sink and built- chen with sink. Near Houdaille Indus. share tries. Call RA 5.1430 or RA 3.2302. 269¢ Street 269¢ unfurnished, pstairs. Apply after 5 p.m. at 37 Fair anks Street. 269¢ Apply 461 Bloor 265(| TWO - bedroom apartment, all conven-| iences, children welcomed, RA 8-8508. | 269¢ contained apart- 137! 69f "room, sell piece bath, Apply ment, three - four apartment, private entrance, stove, room round floor, 2651 - rach apartment, upstairs Ritson South, two CPR railway. RA 269¢ room rivate washroom locks away from 4364 r one gentleman. Close to Shopping 'entre, RA 3.3181 after 4 p.m OUR - room apartment, upstairs, kit- RA 51310. 269f| OLIVE HOWE REALTOR 130 Brock Street North WHITBY MO 8-2527 4 SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONE ONLY--$1,500 DOWN In exclusive area of Whitby, solid brick, three-bedroom with at- tached garage, ultra modern, large living room and dining area. Full price $13,000. Call MO 8-2527. FOR SALE OR RENT . Three-bedroom solid brick semi-detached home in Ajax, $1,000 down or will rent for $125 monthly. Call MO 8-2527. INCOME HOME IN OSHAWA Five-room bungalow with three-room apartment, trance, beautifully finished. All, spacious rooms, storms ond screens, Call Mrs. Coulson, RA 3-9139, OSHAWA -- Low down payment, split level, three-bedroom. separate en- aluminum UNGALOW five rooms and double arage. Six miles from Oshawa, No. 2 ighway. Phone Bowmanville MA 3-2810 269¢ apartment with bathroom, | | WO To. span central location. [FOU R-room house at "184 Olive Avenue. Phone RA 3.7092. 267¢ | Apply 151 Oshawa Boulevard South be- WO Tarnished Touma; Bok ond cup. | Ly. and 8 p.m 2 urnisi ro 8, boards near South G.M. Apply 268 Mal- |THREE large rooms, cupboards, ground | aga Road 2671 | floor, private entrance Near north GM, | FOUR.room bungalow, three or | Tour-1C clean quiet- home, couple preferred. | roomed apartment. Heat, lights, water | Reasonable rent. RA 8-511. | supplied; parking, laundry (facilities. | FIVE-room bungalow in Oshawa, resi-| fl ROOM and board -- five or seven days weekly. Close to North GM. Parking space. Apply 325 Oshawa Boulevard North. 264f BEST in town, single beds, all modern | conveniences, close to south GM. RA 5-4229. Appl. Lorraine Street. with lovely , ex t meals, parking. Phone 205%] single. Good Four Corners, RA 8.5160. Dec.13 ROOM and board in quiet home, for two Jeitlemen, single beds, abstainers RA' 5-0723, 2661 ROO! board, double, si European meals. Clage and GM. 29 Elgin East. ROOM and board for gentlemen, con- tinuous hot water, home privileg: Al ply 241 Ritson Road South. ROOM for gentlemen, with | desired, Simcoe and Rossland Road area, garage, abstainer. RA 3-2690, 269f ROOM and board for gentlemen, pri- vate, close to South GM Lunches Vig to share with elderly lady. dential district, $100 monthly. Phone RA 3.7088, for 7 | Whitby MO 8-3686 appointment. | 267¢ ~-- MODERN BUNGALOW -- Five three - bedroom bungalow. Responsible people, Immediate possession. State references to Box 228, Osh- awa Times. room, | TWO bedroom apartment, "refrigerator, | stove, washer, dryer, TV outlet, locat- 14 LA SALLE COURT |ed on Ravine Road a [1s phone | RA 3-2098. THREE furnished, Ar rooms, small, on ground floor. Close to north GM Call RA 3-49 3-4909. FORNTSHED two-room private entrance, TV outlet, parking APARTMENTS Newly decorated large bed- room living room, dining areo, kitchen, four piece both, Phone RA 5-3815, 265¢ | FOUR rc unfurnished od) Shree 267¢ | S400 | Apartment, awa. 5--Real Estate For Sale room bungalow, oll furnace, piece bath, large lot, garage, in hitby. Reduced ts only $5500 with eulagion, ¥ Ww, Fi wn. Tg Realtor, RA Yosia Whitby, Sos San = space, heat and hydro supplied. Avply 184 Beatty Avenue 2674 TWO furnished housekeeping room suit one or two gentlemen, $10 weekly Phone RA 8-1255, 264f | NEW three-room apartment for piece | bath, aerial, washer, parking. Adults. ator, stove, washer and | Available Dec. 1 after 6. Near Shopping dryer. All conveniences, | Centr 212 Stevenson Road South, 264f | , Located on Wentworth ONE large room in private home, suit- Str able for one or two persons, vicinity of | Oshawa Boulevard and William Street |RA 5.2261 2651 4f | rRRER -9460 267f APARTMENT New, two bedroom, refriger- eet. PHONE RA 5-1424 unfurni rooms and bath, 264f ed if preferred. Homey RA| $3993, Nov 15 ROOM and board for gentlemen, close to downtown. Apply 23 Elgin Street East or RA 3.7814, Dec.7 42--Room and Board { Wanted | ROOM and board for old-age pemsion- er. Phone Brooklin 302. Call after 7 p.m. 265¢ |RA 5-546 FURNISHED three room, modern apartment. Available immediately. Pri- {vate bah, Child welcome. Wrie Box 1215, Oshawa Times | APARTMENT -- three rooms, trically equipped, good loca- | tained, all conveniences. Central. Phone |RA 3-2180 or apply 162 Ritson Road tion, $90 ond $100. Apply Is uth, 498 Simcoe St. North, Apt. 5. | >2 . R |ONE room with stove and sink, § A 8-8676 | single gentleman or lady. Close to 14 |Shopping Centre. Apply Grenfell | Street, 269¢ BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS One and two bedrooms, elec- Dec 63 WHITBY C | | FOUR - room apartment, all conveni- | ences, first floor, parking free. Apply 91 | Celina Street, south door 269 | SINGLE room for gentleman or la or lady, | cooking privileges, Apply 66 Warren LASSIFIED FOR rent -- small apartment, suitable| for two. Immediate possession. Also for sale, coal and wood furnace, oil space heater. 110 Ash Street, south rear door. 269¢ room self-contained apart- ment at 806 Brock Street North, Whit- by, Apt. 2. Vacant Dec. 15. RA 5-324. 268¢ FOR RENT Three-room apartment, private bathroom, 707 Brock South, 267¢ | Avenue "269 rooms, upper r duplex, | private heavy duty FOR rent -- three.roomed apartment, heated, private bath 610 Dundas| THREE West, Whitby, 269¢ | bath, separate entrance, "HIGHLAND DRIVE $2,000 DOWN Solid brick bungalow, large gorage, finished basement, excellent area. FULL PRICE $11,500 CALL MR. McMULLAN RA 5-8831 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. 26%a RA 2691 | FOR rent -- Four-room apartment,| Wiring, immediate possession. unfurnished. One or two children wel. | [32 after 6.30 p.m. come. 321 Brock North, Mo 8-3486 0% RELIABLE, kind woman to baby sit daily. MO 8-4752, 269¢ ply 15 Maple Street. FOR rent -- Bul "section, on, four.| BASEMENT apartment, "unfurnished, room oil-heated apartment, bright. |three rooms, private entrance, private Available Dec. Phone MO 8.3669, bathroom and shower. Phone RA 3.3841 | MO 83715. 260c 209 THREE - room apartment, main floor, private entrance, partly furnished. Ap. RA _S-9m2. 2691 1, FOR RENT -- Modern two | apartment, electric stove and refriger- ator, adults. MO 4 YOUNG couple with new house, no children, have room to rent. Board op- tional. Phone evenings, MO 8-2837. 266f FOR RENT -- Unfurnished three-room! apartment. with laundry facilities. heavy duty wiring, busines couple preferred. $40 monthly, located between Liverpool and Dun. barton. Phone TE 92712 Dunbarton from 6 to 9 5 MIDTOWN Furniture We buy, sell and exchange good used furniture, ap pliances and skates, Phone MO 8-4981 Nov. 21 FOR RENT -- Small furnished self- contained apartment. -uit two gentle men or two ladies. MO 8-4436. Dec.11 USED FURNITU RE "savings, "erib, | modern bedroom suite, sectional ches. terfield, guaranteed piano, $159.00. Re. frigerator (practically new) save $170 off pew price, beds complete with spring mattress, $17: 2 piece chester. field suite, $39; Many more bargains. To 'buy or sell clean used furniture dial' MO 8.4981. Midtown Furniture (next to Legion) Whitby. Dec. +12 PIANO, reconditioned, new keys, 2-year guarantee, See this one now a town Furniture, 113 Byron Street Whitby -- PANT cuffing and alterations, men's and ladies wear, drapery alterations R. H. MacDonald, 1013 Centre South Nov. 20 ' SEWING machine bargains. Brand new electric portables, $69 and brand new Singer reverse stitch machines. $39 Used drop heads from $17. All ma hines guaranteed. Trades accepted terms, Midtown Furniture (pext to Le gion), 113 Byron Street South. MO 8.4981 Nov. 21 NEW davenports and chrome suites, $44.50 Hurry. Midtown Furniture (next to Legion), 113 Byron Street South, Whitby Nov, 21 AVON CALLING Start your own career in the exciting Cosmetic business as on Avon Representative Write aot once Miss E. Outer- bridge, 42 Seranac Bivd., Toronto 19, Ont Nov.18,20,22,Dec.2,4,6| bath, hot, cold water, 238J4, FOR Rent -- Beautiful newly decor- FOUR - room bungalow on Simcoe ated 7-roomed house, all conveniences Street North for rent or lease. Oll heat. !including ofl heating. Immediate pos-/ ing, TV aerial, newly decorated, $70 session. Phone Osha: RA 3-7473. 266f monthly. Immediate possession, No IFOR SAL E--Pupples { for Chrstmas,| more than one child preferred. Phone| Collie, old English sheep dog cross, ©Venings RA 3-3790 269¢ Seeks, fiom 36. Phone Pickering ONE clean furnished bedroom, close | {to GM office, Athol Street. Five-room masonry construct- ed home with centre hall plan designed for additional living area as your family grows. All rooms tastefully decor- ated in conservative colors, Economically heated by hot water oil. Located in the north-west area. Close to shopping centre ond trans- portation, Call Ron Douglas at RA 5-3412 for further por- ticulars on this good buy. 265¢f FOR RENT -- Four room, unfurnished preferred. Phone RA 5.2124 eal asement apartment, private ag entrance and bathroom. Immediate' EE room furnished a possession, $60. MO 8.4853 Whitby. 265¢| can, and comfortable. Apply 202 xs = Ai Roo Ly D BOARD -- For two Bent: {pA RTMENT King Street East, new subdivision, Westview Heights, {rooms and bath, private entrance, wood floors, heated, bus Jervis; b{ eCu! 3 oo M llough Drive, Lot 9. 3 sonable rent, abstainers only. FOR Rent -- Three room heated un. |after 3 p.m, furnished apartment on ground floor Centra) location. Phone MO 8-2466. | SEPTIC [Tr eaned the he BEST APARTMENTS | way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, IN OSHAWA NOW RENTING 204 Chestnut West. Phone MO 8.2563. | Dec. 25 3 BLOCKS NURTH OF KING ST. ON WILSON RD. NORTH Bing rtment, | Huron 2641 three hard. Rea- A 3-4847 2601 | BUY and sell used furniture. ari Furniture will pay cash for used pliances, furniture. Apply basement 121 Brock South MO' 8-4822 28] AERIAL moved, re repaired. "New 1 al installed for as low as $35. Independent Sales, 300 Brock South, Whitby Plaza, F'ivate entrances to upper Ni and lower apartments in new duplex. Beautifully decorated in pastel colors. 2 blocks to Coronation public school. 18- foot family-size living room, 2 lorge bright bedrooms, lots of cupboard space, family sized kitchen, toble ond chair area. Tiled bathroom, bal- conies overlooking lovely landscaped garden. Children welcome. Stoves, refrigerator, washer, dryer ond TV an- WHAT'S NEW AT THE MERC. cozy winter clicker coots, waterproof with warm qui'ted lining, Sizes 8 to 16 years. Colors red, grey, navy The quantity is limited on this pecial item Price $3.99 Mercantile Dept. Store 105 Brock St, Whitby tenna included 268c| NOW. OPEN FOR | INSPECTION IMMEDIATE. POSSESSION | Call or write FRANK HAZLETT Boys FOR RENT Shotguns, 303 Rifles, Decoys, Cartop boats, Canoes, Trail- ers. Cement mixes, wheel- barrow, Skill saws, Paint 3005 BATHURST STREET Garden Tiller, etc T RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES Whitby, MO 8.3226 Nov, 18 JRONTO prayers, WILDE oll (3.173 RUssell 7-9387 269' STOP AT "BRAEMOR GARDENS" STEVENSON RD. N. AT ANNAPOLIS TURN WEST $12,999 AND UP LOW LOW LOW DOWN PAYMENTS OPEN HOUSE DAILY 2 P.M. TO DARK EXTRAS GALORE eo EXHAUST FANS ® ENAMELLED HOT WATER TANK LIGHT FIXTURE HEAVY DUTY CABLE STAINED KITCHEN CUPBOARDS e PAID SERVICES eo PANORAMIC WINDOWS RA 5-6544 ONE OF THE TWO EXCLUSIVE AGENTS JOHN A. J BOLAHOOD LIMITED -- REALTORS 2 69! Call Mrs. Coulson, RA 3-9139 for further information. 26%a SCHOMHELD Insurance Associates Ltd. REAL ESTATE TWO BEDROOM COMFORT Only two blocks to Shopping Centre and close to schools. Modern nearly new stone fronted bungalow, decorated throughout with extra high basement, "suitable for rec, room. There is a con- crete slab ready for building o double garage and breezeway. The home stands on a fully landscaped corner ot. For further information, please call Stan Phillips, evenings RA 8-1496, DEAN CRESCENT 13,200 -- $3,000 down -- 5-room brick bungalow with at- tached garage. Extra large kitchen with dining area, nice large |ebony black with white-walls, custom, RA 8-5234 | radio, low mileage, Only $1995, King Dec. 4 West Motors, opposite the Shopping" Centre. 2684 Sewers, water and streets in ond paid for. Near new school, ond bus service. FOR INFORMATION RA 8-1338 GUILDCRAFT HOME BUILDERS Nov.30 churches -- AE ETc. 1948 PONTIAC, four - door, radio, heat: er, directional signals, fog lights, block heater, anti-freeze, body in good com | dition, slip-covers, clean inside and ii |four good tires: three are new. The motor needs a new rod, Highest offer, Apply 110 Lauder Road, after 5 p.m. 2644 -- PREFAB -- Garages catalogues Homes, Cottages, Nothing down, available. COLONIAL HOMES 289 Park Rd. S. ["58 PONTIAC Laurentian, four-door |hardtop, V-8 motor, super automati¢ transmission, power steering, power living room, 3 bedrooms, newly decorated, 4-pc. bath, convenient to bus. For further information, please call Henry Stinson, even- ings RA 5-0243 LOOKING FOR AN INVESTMENT? HERE'S A STEAL Very clean, well built 5-room bungalow, landscaped and dec- orated. Located on LaSalle Avenue, oil heated, bus at corner, 3 blocks to school. Owner must sell as he has bought a larger home. 5% mortgage. Full price $9,500. For further infor- mation, please call, Bill McFeeters, evenings RA 5-1726 DOWN $2,000 DOWN Buys this beautiful 3-bedroom brick bungalow on Central Park Blvd. Price includes aluminum storms and screens, aluminum door, T.V. aerial, nicely landscoped all around and carries for $64.17 includes principal, interest and taxes. For further in- formation, please call John Zakarow, *evenings RA 5-0494. BEFORE 5:00 ---- RA 3.2265 BETWEEN 5:00 & 6:00 -- RA 8-1624 L. S. SNELGROVE CO. LTD. 43 PARK RD. S.,0SHAWA $6,900 FULL PRICE, 7 rooms on 2 floors, kitchen cupboards, tile floors, full size high basement, large lot, located just north of City limits, terms arranged, call Sid Martyn RA 3-9810. $9,800 FULL PRICE, large 6 room 2 storey home, fully moderniz- ed and clean, very central, large lot 'with garage, easy terms, Call Keith Peters RA 5-8761 or evenings RA 5-4162. GRIERSON AVENUE, 5 room bungalow just a few years old, modern kitchen, living room, dining room and 2 bedrooms, hard- wood floors, full size basement, forced air oil heating, paved drive, full list price only 3 900 with $2,500 down payment. Call $id Martyn RA 3-9810 $1,500 FULL DOWN PAYMENT, for this suburban modern 6 .room ranch style bungalow, large modern kitchen, living room and dining room, 3 bedrooms, 4-pc. bath, complete tile floors, forced air oil heating, attached garage, large lot, full asking price lv 3 $11,000. Call Keith Peters RA 5-8761 or evenings RA 4162. $9,900 FULL PRICE, 6 rooms 134 storey brick home, ideal family home at a working man's price, extra high basement, forced air oil heating, large lot, central location, low down pay- ment, Cal Sid Martyn RA 3-9810. STEVENSON'S RD. N., 2 only 5 and 6 room ranch style bunga- low, completely new N.H.A, homes, these homes have a number of extras and now selling below cost price. Immediate possession on qualifying. Call Keith. Peters RA 5-8761 or evenings RA 5-4162. WARREN AVE. $1,200 DOWN, 6142 room brick home, 2 bath- rooms, modern throughout, $20. 00 per week income leaving 4Y2 rooms for owner, oil heating, landscaped lot and garage. Call Sid Martyn RA 3-9810 FARMS 60 ACRES, productive land, good buildings, hydro, running water. 115 ACRES, going concern, 90 sheep, 6 cattle, pigs, 1 year old Massey tractor and equipment, located about 16 miles from Oshowa. Full price $15,000 140 ACRES, level workable land, brick house, all conveniences, 3 barns, painted, running water, implement shed, milk house, double garage, industrial possibilities, full price $32,000 with terms. 10 ACRE FARM, clean and modern 6 room house, barns, hog pen and hen house all with hydro and running water, located at Hampton, priced to sell, open to offer. 100 ACRE FARM, excellent modern buildings and larid, wonderful how farm, bordering: waters of Sturgeon Lake BUILDING LOTS, central 50 x 131 ft. open to offer, apartment building site, central location, building plans free with lot brakes, air conditioned heater, deluxe | radio and rear geat speaker, white-wal) |tires, shade-lite glass all windows, off | filter, tu-tone, white and bronze padded dash board, windshield washers, back. 9f| up lights, Other extra's, 6000 miles. | Tel 2091 RA 8.8571 515 Brock St, N. MO 8-4891 LLOYD REALTY WE'VE NO x SERVE YOU B INSURANCE ToL ORS OPEN EVENINGS CHRISTMAS SPECIAL $500 DOWN 1. year old, 6-room brick split-level home, Must be sold, owner commutes to Toronto. Will accept any offer from relioble party. Call BILL MILLAR, RA 8-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. 101 Simcoe St. N. RA 8-5123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER 26%9a 46--Real Estate Wanted WE anxiously Joquite for sal farms, homes, businesse: Buying or selling. Call Donal 8 RA §-1526 representing Wilson Rea) Estate, Toronto. Phone AX 3 Nov. 22|, HAVE $500 want house with fair carry- ing charges, tired of paying high rents, No agents please. RA 8.5504. 2641 47 --Automobiles For Sale |ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to per cent. Nine months to pay. For [personal service at your home call RA( A. J. SCHATZ Realtor General Insurance WHITBY MO 8-3337 OSHAWA RA 5-8461 PICKERING 590 OPEN HOUSE 1 to 5 daily $500 DOWN OSHAWA Turn off No, 401 ot Harmony Road, watch for our signs, representatives at model home. Finished rec room, 3 bedrooms, ultra - modern throughout. For details call Helen Simpson, evenings RA 5.7420. WHITBY SPECIAL 3-bedroom brick bungalow in Whitby's exclusive district. Large living room with natural fireplace, modern kit- chen and dining room. Full basement, carport and many more extras. For only $13,- 950. Low down payment, N.H.A. mortgages. Call Mrs. Reynard, MO 8-3258. APARTMENT SITES in Whitby, only a limited number left. Excellent loca- tion and services available. Easy terms con be arranged. Coll Bill Schatzmann, even- ings MO 8-3253. A. J. SCHATZ WE LIST PHOTO CO-OP Es BUICK, excellent condition, Phone {RA 57800 or apply 148 Ritson Road | South. 269 '55 CADILLAC coupe de ville, fully | power equipped has every extra avail able. Excellent condition, Will accept trade. MO 8.4517 Whitby, 2691 '49 AUSTIN mechanically good. Phone RA 5-4074 after 4 p.m, 2694 [57 "PONTIAC deluxe, automatic, radio, |tutone paint, low mileage. May be fi. nanced. Phone RA 3.2874 after 6, er 6. 2608 yi '51 METEOR hardtop, perfect ron condi: {tion, Call RA 5.9274. Can be seen ai {time at 155 Colborne Street East. [CLEARING '50 Morris $75. "47 Chev, |$45. "51 Pontiac $145. '55 Plymouth $698 155 Ford $995. At Wellmans of course. 267 {52 HILLMAN, good motor and tires, pply 96 Centre St. rear door. 267 | HALE Auto Wreckers. Used Ford and Chevrolet motors, rear ends, transmis. | sions, for all makes, Phone Clark 1614. Nov. 31 |'53 CHRYSLER, bod: body rough, runs well, # $425. Phone MO 8- ig Lot 108, wn Con. cessof Road, Whit MACKIE MOTORS Will buy good clean cars. ©. Poy off liens. Sell on con. signment. Trade up or down, NEW LOCATION 4 King St. East Formerly Varcoe's Drive-In 1 RA 5-5743 | BUYING or SELLING See TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res. RA 5-5574 LOOK '56 Oldsmobile Sedan, only $1495 MACKIE MOTORS --NEW LOCATION-- King St. East Formerly Varcoe's Drive-In 266¢ SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER-VOLKSWAGEN SMOBILE tires, body, mech- shape, $550. Private. Phone 58 PONTIAC coach, custom, radio, white side-wall tires. A real buy for |only $495. Hurry! King West Motors, |opposite the Shopping Centre. 2681 | 269a'45--Real Estate For Sale MUST BE SOLD $1,000 DOWN -- 4° BEDROOMS $12,000 FULL PRICE, FOR QUICK SALE, SMART 2 YR, OLD MODERN BRICK, 1V2-STOREY HOME, WITH EVERY CON- VENIENCE, EXTRA LARGE MODERN KITCHEN, NICE LIVING ROOM, AND BIG LOT 70 x 210, CLOSE TO SCHOOLS AND BUS. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. CALL JACK APPLEBY AT RA 5-6544, JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS -- INSURANCE 269¢ SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT, TEL: RAndolph 3-346) ONLY $595 DOWN BUILDERS MODEL HOMES N.H.A. planned 3-bedroom brick bungalow, 4-piece ceramic tiled bathroom, with colored fixtures, large family kitchen with arborite counters ond loads of extra cupboard space. Divided basement, fruit trees on property, right at school and | bus. Carries'less than rent. GO DIRECT: KING ST. EAST TO FAREWELL THEN SOUTH TO SATOK MODEL HOME EXCLUSIVE AGENTS SATOK REAL ESTATE LIMITED ONTARIO'S LARGEST SUBURBAN REALTORS Phone RA 3-2481, RA 8-8921 NOV. 18, 20 | CRANFIELD MOTORS 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH RA 3-2284 USED CARS B.A. SERVICE RAMBLER, METROPOPLITAN, | MORRIS, M.G., WOLSELEY, ' RILEY SALES '& SERVICE. 48--Automobiles 'Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. RA 5-1181 or RA 5-1182. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens puid off, Memeber of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board 268a DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S, RA 3-9421 RISTOW & OLSEN Realtors MAXWELL SCHOOL TAUNTON RD. E. Modern, seven-room ranch bungalow in area of other fine homes, tastefully decorated rooms, broadloom, log burning fireplace, aluminum storms, screens, double garage. Owner leaving city offers exceptional value and liberal terms. Early possession arranged. RA 5-6165 RA 5-3412 19 ATHOL ST. WEST OSHAWA OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Member of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board 49---Automobile Repairs Test-Drive the D.K.W. 3-6 and the new FIAT economy and perform- For ance. ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 408 King St. W. RA 3- 7132... BRAMLEY MOTORS SALES LTD. 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3-4675 in Ford service Wheel alignment, wheel balance, with latest type equipment. Newest" type tune-up Squiprment Specialists ond parts electronic (Continued on Page