La RR 3 Tr NTL Ta 10 THE OSHAWA TIME, Tuesdey, November 1 58 Toronto, Montreal Stocks pont 50 $2044 20%. 200% -- Newlund 2000 32 3 McColl 125 Int Util 55 820% 20% 29% + W N Mylama 120245 135 21 3 Mitch R A 1230 Lob Ine 25 $139% 139% 139% New Rouyn 2000 9% 9 Mitch R B 230 MacLaren 40 $814 811% B1% + WH Nipissing 700 Mols A new 640 Price Br a oe Normetal 2 Mols B new 250 N Rank 3 40 Morgan 50 Nudul Noranda 210 Obaska Ogilvie 75 O'Brien 55 5 Pac Pele 350 Opem A 3 Page Hers 100 * All 30% 30% A i Pater 35 3! Penmans 45 Industrials 5 n Pater : Rt 289 29 16 200 ERE FEFEFFE Pee Expl Stock Sales High Low 11 Feesless ales w W. ol Abitibi "0 $3T% IT% IT : 0 od " $1214 Acad-Atl A 150 820% 20% C ; : 4 Roe AV pr $100%% Alta Dist 2750 250 250 Dev 10 ; Royal Bank 550 874% Alta Dist vt 500 195 195 : : H Royalite 100 510% Alta Gas 35 3 0% -A StL 5 $18 Algoma 1910 Mac $17% Anthes Imp 100 $32% Arg 100 $44 [+44 FEFF & i Bank Mont 3 5 40 Jon 3 Steel Can 368% 68% Bell Phone 1310 é i 14Y 4 T-Dom rts 330 as 33 ; / : 7 vig TEN ; N_ Superior 5. 123 1 Sibi Ses Be Elan Tem, oe mn Wl pam a Lp Brazil 159 "+ Northen! 2,0. 5 103 Walk GW 110 $33% 33% 33% -- THIS COMPOSITE photo | miles from the Khyber Pass. | electric-power project, Nearby | for the eingineers and their de- BA ON £]43 3 Okalta 109 109 109 Sang 2 5.4 Yebb Kuapp #3 20 2 a gives a panoramic view of the | Canadian engineers, backed by | is a transplanted Canadian ig is, coutvivyt, ac Des ; 7 7 Weston B 25 $35 38 i i i ; n, ,000, oward construe. 1 Starratt . Colombo Plan Warsak dam site | Canadian dollars under the Col | community, complete with tion of the dam and power Permo pr 6! 5 Steep R 1 ] Petrol in northwest Pakistan, only 15 | ombo Plan, are building the | bowling alley and dance hall, pouge, '--~CP Photo Rone Sai Sunburst ; Canadian Richwll Surf Inlet 5 6% Teh Abitea 1000 a Cl F 4% | Ee BEE, ELENES. mh. madd : 'Drama Staging mS Erie BrEiind B-lRR akistan"s Khyber Pass A | pf 7 Westburne " CSL pr 100 + Ww Cdn OG Wiltsey 5 ) + vy R . : Vy L . b hd \) Can Bake 0 OY i C6 7 - ¥ 3 1m 1» 2 3 $18 3 WINNIPEG (CP)--Changes in Bank C | dg A, 3 Yale I 1 yn O85 WwW staging and costuming through Cdn Brew pr 3. 35% 35% + Zenmac [ 27% 0 $I ; four centuries of the theatre were CBAL A wis 20 3 5 505 +58 plum 753% described here by James Laver, a , Agen 1625 S15% 1% 13% Yukon Con 800 61 6 Que Phone 50 % By ALAN HARVEY [$36,000,000 to build Warsak. Pak-|ject some felt was doomed from pei curator at London's Victoria C Dredge 150 ta + Algom wis 1500 410 i Sales to 11 a.m.. 1,023,000 Flop Sive oie. Ji3A OTTAWA (CP)--A slice of su-|istan is putting up the rest, |the start, an bert museum, ¢ He emphasised in a_talk to a Y 2000 19 1 75 J | : : 2 Hydro. Car 3 : Amal Rare 20 13 ] Trans Mt 288 0 + | burbia lands jncongruously So Warsak is bringing jobs to a MAJOR DIFFICULTY University of Manitoba grou ™ 1 Apex Res 30 os : : MONTREAL A ges ik or notoriously unsettled area. Some A major physical difficulty was that good theatre requires is A 200 Aunor 1200 253 5 " Te Camtian ¥ there. 5,000 tribesmen, their unruly en- Provided by Joe kabu River, Inthe simplest of stage back- arna 3 3 y The Canadian Press , isa i s ive * {flood from April to November. , Cockshutt 712 a 12 Belcher 200 97 , Montreal Stoek Exchange--Nov. 18 In territory beloved of Kipling, |678'€8 harnessed by native Bead LA oop work' on the| BrOUnds and real acting ability, Conduits 500 $10 8 ; Bibis 000 9% g (Quotations In cents unless marked §, Aull 1000 15 18 Casadign oi th , flannel Men," are doing most of the ™ which faithfully interprets the au- Con Gas 75 sisis 3s 35 Bieroft 200 %° 91 8H 1--0dd lot, xd -- Ex-dividend, x Bailey 5 A 500 985 9A5 985 1 the anactan in > e grey Tanne |hard work involved in throwing river bed only during the low-wa-| pop Con_Gas 20 $103% 103%, 1 1 h --E 4 r : |suit--or engineer's overalls--has| 'pec iversi v . Copp Clark 230 3a%s ane' id 500 66 66 66 + Tighe, 3% arian poker Tu 2 ¥» EB BB a Psi motels and super-|2 man - made obstacle across ier Spason. 3 special diversion The medieval stage consisted Crestbrk 100 180 Bralorne 250 635 63: . pv 3 Ds am TT softwest swift-flowing waters of Afghani-/tunnel helped overcome this ob- or 5 series of props arranged in Industrials k : |stan's Kabul River, stacle, a row, for use as required, with Crown Zell 150 $55 3 5 Brou Reef 700 Bluewiter Dist Seag 2. x | i Camp Chib 200 77 ' wife and children with him. MAY SOLVE PROBLEM | The Warsak site stands: in Symbolic Backdrop such as "the Burlington Cal Pow Can Cem CCC Stone Cl Fndry F FEEFES 425 Buffad 20000 \ 2 Bonnyville 1 3 frontier area of Pakistan, taking D Fndry 79 $3 39% 3 - C Dyno 52 11:30 Net p D Fndr 4553 14: s C Malart p i : m Dl or ; a an 1 1 Stork Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Lithium 2000 There, under project manager i ili bleak territory, between narrow, outh of . ay a. analask 1128 If Warsak brings stability to 7 7 Dom Scot pr 100 $47 7 C N Inca I! Econ Inv 20 0 Cdn NW 5 5 1 74 Abbi i I hod 'ent Del Rio 1200 Les Miller of Niagara Falls, Ont., the northwest frontier, it will rocky gorges, though picturesque He said that by 1580, the flat Eddy A 5414 Cassiar Lio Algoms 190 3306 Jha. abi + 0 leveland "1000 and construction manager Corey lighten a big headache for Paki- Peshawar, once military head SiaRe Set had og inruduced o Robbins of Fort William, Ont. 'stan, quarters of the Bengal Lancers, V wo 'evels for balcony Ford A 55 1 : Cent Pat 108 1 Argus 200 $281; 28) ontifental 1000 ; { ' Fraser 2 Cheskirk Argus $240 pr 50. 3a + up Mar 1000 Canadians work alongside «tur- is only about 15 miles away. scenes. By Shakespeare's day the : s ( ( . 5 6 Asbest 1 t : e tri , 0 And 39 chi WM 2 115 Atlas Steel 75 $27 ; Polaan 3 in banned Pathan tribesmen on the oF op ipesmen have long safked For centuries, the scrubland Stage was a platform, level with GN Gas wis 100 280 Coldstrm 3 5 45 Bank Mont 500 $5: 3 5 FAD oh To 00 Warsak dam, a $70,000,000 Co-| y)jeq Paktoonistan." With Rus-|2round Warsak has been used the heads of the audience, who GIs Ew 1% 3 tS Gornb Met 500 EL = Be CS Em RD Gaspe Oil 2200 § 5 lombo Plan project, |[Sailed x TA\00N!5'2D, rv |mainly for grazing goats. Now, stood on the ground. Important Hees 225 375 37% C Bellekeno 2800 19 20 Banque PC 60 3 + Gateway 1000 Bl sia nearby, its independence i * '| persons sat on chairs high behind Imp Oil 126 $42% % -- Y C Denison 1180 $127% 12% 12% -- Bell Phone 549 $411 4% + W alway CANADIAN COMMUNITY might be short-lived there will be a three-mile irriga-| airs hig Ind Accep 100 $38 3 Den wts 100 395 395 395 Bowat Cor 514 z5 $49% 44 Hollinger 708 $204 2 ba A" oo y [tion tunnel, providing water for the stage, 1 Ac 430 pr 23 $91 Discovery 250 3 5 Bowat Paper oa 5% 8 Iso Uran 2000 $50 50 Nearby, about 15 miles from 'To help settle such a turbu- agricultural settlements on which! Mr. Laver said the popular « C 3 1 Ac 275 pr 100 $51% 51% 51 C Halliwell 110 7% Brazil Labrador 100 $2! 5% + Khyber Pass, is a Canadian com- lent area, to bring some benefit|oyperts hope the Mohman, Nul-|theatre set developed from the ( « 37% 37 Inland Gas z50 $7V n MS z10 2 22 BA Oil 635 ol 9 = rd @ + Inind Gas pr 200 $16 se Al 100 180 180 1 BCE pr 80 S91 91 91 4 MID Tr I . {munity of some 145 families, |to 4,000,000 people, is something jagori and Afridi-tribes will set- medieval mystery theatre, which Inter PL on Hote y +1 C Mosher $400 : 3 : ! N Goldvue 5000 :' {complete with swimming pool, JViamic or Canada Jo do, SaYS tie permanently, ending a roving, often had a backdrop cut into Tero ow nn 3 ans 200 7 8 ; 30 1 8 aes Ly Moe Lo bowling a 11 ey. tennis courts, i ave ; omer Canada's hand-to-mouth existence, jarcheés through which street Labatt 50 $29 4 Coprand 630 218 1 1 8B - N santiago 14300 ot dance hall and the commuter's Colombo Plan a inistrate : | scenes could be seen, Later, flat LobCo A 200 $34 g + Crowpat Mu Hu : hi + AW Amulet 51600 3 ; usual shopping facilities. "It is well worth the difficult- The first explosion paving the wings were introduced, 100 $32 : +3 Daering 5000 36 + f tu Dron An 16300 113 ; | The community was included jes of carrying through this pro- Way for the tunnel was t 150 $3615 361 D'Eldona 14000 1 74 C 50 9 -- Poctoage 10000 Nh in this week's schedule of visits ject," off in November, 1955, by Lester Helps You Overcome Dome 600 : : 3 Paudash 7950 3 : 5 by Prime Minister Diefenbaker,|" Mr, Cavell, now Canada's high|B. Person, former Canadian ex- 43000 1 + "I Fndr; 3 3 36 a i Mu.d-Wes Danae 500 18% 184 + C Safe 440 pr 210 2 mn Po J now in India on his around-the- commissioner in Ceylon, used to ternal affairs minister. Mr. Pear- FALSE TEETH Mik Brick : East Mal Soo 146 Li 1 - CSL Coa 3 Portage 4000 ; world tour. live among the tribesmen, He Son was on a round - the - world Moore ib 3 East Sull in am pI told 160 $3394 351% 3 , Que Cobalt 700 58 Expected to be completed in gays he came to admire their journey. | Looseness and Wo N St Car HT --- ; 3 11 C Celan 250 Sur Oil 1960, the Warsak development gy alities and to 'love them as The coming of eivilization to y N Star wt 8 5:73 3 : 1 C Int Power 60 54% + SUL Pir 800 : will provide 160,000 kilowatts of men of character." the foothills of the Khyber has 1° longer be annoyed or feel i1l-at- NO NGas J 3 3 or 417 $29 29 29 Cdn Loco 225 : Sherritt 100 4 . electric power capacity. It will Ha : . he y etse because of Innse, wnbbly false Na Poa a 04 100 104 Cdn Ofl 25 b Steep R 300 > ; y pacity. ; But their world is a different had some impact. Once the Ka- teeth FASTEETH, an improv O Jockey 2025 200 195 + Geco Mines 100 $1844 184 18% CPR 330 $29 91 Vg - 444 4 4 irrigate 100,000 acres and in-one, and the compromises in- bul River was a paradise for line (non-acid) powder sprinkled om Page-Hers 33 $34 BU 14 ' Genex 300 1 Mn 14s Cdn, Pet pr: 200 Tache $00 15 1 1 crease food production by at volved in enlisting their co-oper- smugglers, who drifted down: Jeu) more error ney Powell R 55 $39 39 39 Gnt Masct 7500 9 i Cockshutt 2110 ) : § p ; | ow J nig . 225 1 Tozin 300 least 60,000 tons a year. ation added to the problems Can. stream carrying Afghanistan Jsament caused by Innse plates. Ged 9 9 Pow Corp 100 $66 66 66 + Giant YK 1400 590 580 580 --10 Coghlin 9 Mg 1 5 : 3 wm wm ig GUE A . Tib Expl 15100 Au Canada is contributing about adian engineers faced on a pro- cloth into Pakistan. today at any drug counter, © « 745 $22 2216 224% Gold Man 3000 29 Con Glass 75 3 x Trebor ws . ---------- ------------------ Roe AV Can 270 $12% 12% 12% - Grandue 400 150 5 + } P Pipe Mig 600 470 465 470 Gold Eagle 4000 Ne Davis 12s Virginia 500 sy 65 $100 100 100 Greyhk 2000 1542 18 Dist Seag 320 s mandos working with them i A Y A 17 om 300 $1 1% 11% - $ 2 " i Fis J48 Hu) Guumar |. 105 3175 . Dome a oe 1 , Sales to 11:30 a.m.: Industrials 34,7004 fought magnificently." And in his Corp $17% 17% 17% Halmon D Fndry 275 - 8: 393 - mines and oils 151,900 |final analysis of the operation, he St L Cp A pr xis $99 99 Hard Rock 0 1 D Glass 25 #8 5 AMERICANNOON STOCKS 'writes: "My own feeling about or 0, » Salada § $281 28% 28% Heath 5000 8 ge D Fdry ris 280 9 9 ) Scythes $12 2 1 Heya 5 Dom Stores 200 7 By The Associated [the Dieppe raid is that there were Saawin $32 32% 324 + Hollinger 9 A Dom Tar 555 $18 American Stock Exchan; 1 |far too many authorities with a Sicks $30% 30 30% + Hud Bay $594 593 Dom Text 180 % i (xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex-rights, xw- : iar . " Sicks vt 5 $305 30% 30% Int Mick xd $853, 85% BS° Du Pont 125 . Ex-warrants.) {hand in it . . . I believe we could one or ersona urposes ER Bicks pr 300 495 490 490 8 Int Ran a a fam Play xd lio ack er Hh Loc In {have got the Intevmation and = §.mpsons $30% 30% 30% Irish Cop 35 230 "raser 350 $1 oe ales Hig w Noon Ch'g rience we ne without los- Stedman $3314 33% 33% -- W Jaye Expl 64 63 6 Fr Pete pr 750 82! + Anacon 300 11-16 11-16 11-16 pe ficent C Steel Can 750 68% 69 Jellicoe ! 16 16 16 Gatineau 480 '" 3 36 Bell Phone 300 434 43% Ing so many magnificen Cana- Switson 100 5 Kerr Add $19% 19% Ion , Gen Dynam ne Bra 3 6 % dian soldiers. : Tor-Dom Bk 150 5 Kirk Hud 17% 15 «. |. Paper : n Mare Y i i T= om rts 4145 1 : Labrador 50 824% 24% 24% Gypsum 125 37 1 Creole V : He wiso has high praise for the T Gen Tr 2 % 3 Lake Cin 300 110 100 103 Hud Bay 225 $5 E 3 Duke Pow st Canadian division under Gen. LR 100: 34315 434 43 Js Luz 300 340 340 M0; ae jmp 1hy A 6 % 1244 Rl 2ond 365 3614 36 eral Guy Simonds in the Sicilian in 5 pc 210 $43 3% 43 ite 5 1 + mp Inv 75 $2 31 or [ ' + " v : Tr Can PL 465 W 27 . LL Lae ¢ - Imp Oil 180 2 y Gldfld F |campaign. He also tells how he Trans-Mt n 675 10% + Lorado 2 3 y- Imp Tob 200 $137 1 "w Humble 9 9 prevented Canadian General Mec- Un Gas 250 $17% 17% 174 Magnet 1 12 Imo Tob pr 100 "6 Imp Oil : ¥ Nau is hem 210 Malartic Ind Accep 50 83 + Int Pete 50 5 aughton from visiting General 340 3 Maritime 1400 1 125 128 Ind Ac 450 pr 30 $9 9 I Shove Simons in Sicily because, 'I was 3 1% Matateh 300b 18Y 8 Inind C pr 1 Mans F 5 y 104 determined that the Canadians Merril 0 1 11 nt ronze 2 t iesabi A A N 130 975 975 97% Milliken 1290 . Int Nick XD 426 5 Min Corp 15% 15% must be left alone and I wasn't ALD Min Corp 350 5% 15 Inter P L : A " Molybden 2804 27% 27° % going to have Simons bothered shestos 100 $343 344 34% Nama Cr 2000 Jamaica Nat Pete 2% 21-16 with visitors . s CG Inv 30 333 23 33 4 New Delhi 4000 3 - Labatt 29 29 " NJ Zine 2615 26% 26) % th hy h TE us 4 Seems to me C Paper 555 $423 42% 1 N Goldvue A Y - MacMill B 6% -- Y% Technelr 84 8 + % at he has never orgiven me. D Oil Cloth 25 $43 43 43 ! w Hosco 3 10 Tras Lux 100 7% TH -- | Reading this book is a highly Sn > i ems {dn - Ty EE --|rewarding experience. It should were too frequently presented in| Holland, across the north of Ger-|be read and treasured for a long 1] 11] hd candid and tactless manner so many and into Berlin. These tac- time to come, especially by those ont a S 1t oura e that a violent reaction followed tics, he believed and still believes, (Who like autobiographies of top- and Montgomery found himself would have ended the war months | flight generals who write in a the centre of an enormous 'flap'. earlier and would have prevented [candid and highly personal way. 1 c t $ 1 B : h He kept up an almost endless the Russians from absorbing 80 ee ---------- running feud with Eisenhower in|much of Germany as they did. As ¢ n on roversia iograp Y particular and American officers he tells it, Eisenhower erred in FEEL FIT A AIN! in general over strategy in Eur- Dot adopting his plans. Get rid of that nagging The highly controversial auto- Field Marshal Montgomery was vasion was expected. He also OPe in 1944 and 1945. After the, 'Monty is generous in his "as yr biography written by Field Mar- horn in 1887, the fourth of nine rose to world prominence when Allied advance from the Nor-|praise of those he believes to be BACKACHE shal Montgomery continues to children. His character was form- . mandy landings, Eisenhower, as in the right, but he spares no feel- | that could be the result of sell at a merry pace and little ed by the modest respectability he defeated Rommel at Alamein Supreme Commander, caiied for|ings when he feels someone is in! irritation of the bladder. wonder. of his vicarage home and by and subsequently drove him from a steady advance against the error. His judgment of the Cana- Nét only has the Field M his strong-willed mother. The North Africa, He also command- Germans along the whole length dian effort, incidentally, is almost SoA ARR ETE 4101013 4 hal oy ap Soe ia Na Royal Military College at Sand. ed an army group under Eisen- of the Western front. Montgom- entirely approving. : & BLADDER PILLS AT ; "18 hurst, five years in the Indian hower during the final stages ery, with his battle doctrines| Regarding the tragic Dieppe . howe? Niu his written words, he , \,\\ 2" oar fatal wound in the Of the war in Europe. After the proved 'in North Africa, called raid, he says: bring prompt relief 756 and $125 has alse el sirong Ralian First World War and minor com. War he became Chief of the Im- for a "single punch" through! "The Canadians and the Com-' fact, that he was challenged to a|Pands between the wars were perisl General Seah) ar She De por 2 ya some of the highlights of his PY oS ipreme Commander of , N/ orces. It is not difficult to understand v "Monty" helped to write some Monty's" illustrious career WEY Such strong Xeaclion loved glorious chapters for the Allied has been well Ponciuated by vio- | he MEMOIRS OF FIELD-MARSHAL Viclory cause in the Second World lon! controversy, as this book MONTGOMERY" (Wm. Collins "ar. He was with the British Ex- Sows, Monty, 8 Dro essions . | peditionary forces which evacy- Soldier in the best British. tradi- . MY BAN K career. and Son of Canada Ltd.) ated through Dunkirk in the tion, realized it was his duty to "Monty" is definitely a man spring of 1940 carry out orders faithfully. There of firm opinions and of complete . is but little doubt but that his : : candor also two qualities GLORIOUS CHAPTERS strong will and his tenacious na- co mes to which distinguished his stormy Possibly his greatest role was ture led him to believe it was but illustrious career. These qual- in rebuilding the Army in Eng- also his duty to make sure his su- / H : ities are also evident in his book. land in the dark days when in. periors knew his views. His views me ee ee erm undreds of thousands of Canadians in Tee --- Se : 272 ALBERT ST RA 8-1244 ; every walk of life regularly look to the Bank of Montreal for assistance in their personal financing because they know that: How would you like to make some tax-free . . Wed. hip Thurs. Featur es Only | 0 At the B of M they borrow at the lowest inter profits on the stock market? -- If you. would « do not hesitate to send for this report, FARM FRESH est rates and on the most favourable terms. For every kind of useful 12] When they ask for a loan at the B of M they purpose these people -- TITAN PE ROLEUM LB do not ask a favour. about one out of every c four who borrow of a If their proposition is sound and reasonable, bank -- find it good CORPORATION LIMITED TASTY © there is money for them at the B of M. business 10 banow If you have a good reason to borrow, talk over bods dud What makes it enlightening is the fact it has been your requirements with the Manager of your prepared by an independ h ization and : neighbourhpod B of M branch. You will like highlights many inviting features of the company including . his helpf approach to your problem. factual information en their major interest in 177 oil wells with interests in a further 270 proven locations ready for drilling. LB (4 The total oil rves of the compeny are estimated at nearly 20 ion barrels and @ total naturel FRESH TASTY . : Bank OF MONTREAL gos reserve in excess of 180 billion cubic feet. The survey shows the value of the es alone is . equal to around $5.00 per shore of the issued stock. TITAN shares ore trading on the Canadian Stock Canada ? Firat Ba é Exchange and Calgary Stock Exchange below $1.00 per share. I F E A K S LB ¢ wo Oshawa Branch, 20 Simcoe St. North . FRANK BEDFORD, Manager Re xChuiyies Ym: EXTRA SPECIAL EXTRA! 2 HOUR SPECIAL Oshaws Shopping Centre Branch King Stret Wea seeking an If you are 9 ORMAN McALPINE, Manager . § PROFIT, Toronte, Canada \ opportunity oy ' ™ Send me a copy of the TITAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION FRESH DAILY THURS. NITE 5 . 7 P.M. fits Branch: aianch HUG MES PEL Janes 0 co of " # ] send for your PY rt and place my nome on your mailing list to receive Whitby Branch: COLIN SUTHERLAND, Manager this remarkable report your weekly Market message. Free and without obligation. BREAD MAPLE LEAF -- REG, 33¢ | CHEESE «ov 9* | i . Mail thi N ne jmmediately gy. fr Nome : 24.01 g PKG. ONLY WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1817 # . a Address. : Loaves 31 WITH EACH MEAT PURCHASE