Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 17 Nov 1958, p. 8

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Canada Gypsum Ld TORONTO (CP)-G. A, Canadian Gypsum Co. sales will "several " on expansion of i AT Ri Sah 14,5, ult Nationa! Astormily (Ranalon of lime capacity , 10 or her ge io lle A ex- at Hagersv! te Aldinckle, Women's Editor . Dis) RA 3-3474 Jp scheduled for compieion carly ip mer of 1958. SOUTH SIMCOE H-S (Mrs. John a theme of 3 Mudie See Our Stock : November meet t " South Simos Home. and School '8t. Andrew's United Church. | HIGHER QUALITY | The November elit of of thé|always welcome in this column. Mrs. Aubrey 'McConkey intro- LI Goer Saar meet was ¥ NU w AY RUG as who gave a talk on municipal Reports were given by secre.[of Visitors or have been visiting - . affairs. Some of, the plans were|tary, Mrs. Lawrence ,|yourself, why net télephone RA ANC CARPET SAL! the Aged which is to be built infell, the social convener, Mrs. other the hills and dales area and is to|Robert Beharrell, |with : man of . the finance committee Mrs. the Boy Mrs. Thomas gave a brief outline Scout Ladies wliary, Council |A discussion period followed and [ference held at King Street est tn it. Mrs. Thomas answered a number |ed Church, Centennial , Mrs, |schools and zoning bylaws. Johnson also read reports from | Miss Joan Zubkavich and Mr. |this conference. Viola E Alldread of selections on their accordions, raising efforts. R b. H 1b The president, Mrs. Aubrey Mc-| The December meeting is to bé 0 ert ur urt Mrs. Arthur Sargant read the| Refreshments were served by minutes and Mrs. Charles Cowle Mrs. Robert Beharrell assisted 'The marri { Viola Edith| The principal, Mrs. William Alldread AN ar of Mrs. Wendt, spoke on the school sur- 3RD GROUP COMMITTEE T! omm th» late Mr. Alldread, to Mr. |children had collected $68.00 for be 3rd Group C ittee of Robert Lee Hurlburt of Carleton,|UNICEF at Hallowe'en. Miss recently at Guide House with yod) seven members was sol ly by the|at prize. Reverend N. F¥. Swackhamer., | November being Home and noun presided at the meeting. place in the parsonage of the|Association will attend Albert(l, "as Stated that a bazaar would First Baptist Church, Oshawa, |Street United Church on Sunday vember 29 from 3 to 5 p.m. The gown of white nylon tulle over|ments were served by the moth.| he sex! Tegular meeting will taffeta with a chantilly lace bo-|ers of the pupils in Miss Chris- cember 11 at 8 p.m. line and fingertip sleeves. Her|Armstrong's classes. The next shoulder-length vell of bridal ii.|meeting will be held on Decem.| WEST COURTICE H AND 8 4 School Association held its No- ad. oe win.| 9TH GROUP COMMITTEE |vember meeting recently with the chrysantiemums, hep She was attended by her sis- Girl Guide Association held its Mrs, Wilson Nel, gee read a letter from Schoo i . letter in place meeting| rector, has announced the come 1960 and at Guelph in the 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 17, 1958 Before You Do Pa Bellingham, Citizenship was the of | Murdie MacLeod and Mrs. A. Mes. Association held at the school on 12TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. Little | : SN 10, Hens of social wows asl. | QWER PRICES duced Alderman Christine Thom-|beld at Harmony United rey McConkey |explained for thé mew Home for|The tueasurer, Mrs, Earl pire 33474 and share your pleasure | 174 MARY ST RA 5.1302 be completed In 1959. As chair- Ming lh were also fives by Frank Bartlett on of the budget and how it worked, meeting, also on the recént con. of questions concerning taxes,|Fred La Salle and 8 Hay Robert George Macko played a number| Discussions were held on money Conkey, presided at the meeting. |in the form of a Christmas party. Married Recently gave the treasurer's report. by Mrs. Michael Glecoff. Leonard Alldread of Orono and|vey and announced that the the Girl Guide Association met Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia, (Helen Coles' class won the The president, Mrs 8. D. Cal The double-ring eeremony took|School month the members of the be held at Guide House on No- bride wore a ballerina|evening, November 30. Refresh- be held at Guide House on De dice, styled with sabrina neck-|tine Thompson's and Mr, William lusion was secured by a crown|ber 8. The West Courtice Home and ried ;: cascade of pink and white The 9th group committee of the President, Mrs. Vietor Cutting, ter, Miss Donna Alidread, wear-|third birthday meeting at the Board in answer a ling pink crystalétte with 3 mat- Bohs of Mts, Emer} Leseulo. " ching bandeau. Her lowers rs. Harry Blanchard, presi- white, dire. ; t which was sent, about getting were also Pink and ite ry-|dent, presided. The minutes and school i crossing the road. in a the treasurer's report were read Mr. Avery Hurlburt, brother and 18 members were present. i 1 Mrs. Victor Cutting introduced of the bri id a bent Mrs. Lloyd Courtice, who spoke Plans were made for a Sandy man. sale to be held on November 1 ' about Home and School in ac- The bride's mother Woe a tion. It is the hope of the On- at Cedardale United Church. sheath dress of blue lace over Plans were also completed for taffeta with pink accessories|the Guides and Brownies Christ-(tario Federation that in the and a corsage of pink roses. The/mas parties. The next meeting month of November more people bride. room's sister, Mrs. Allan|is to be held at Guide House on|Wwould become aware of the work Manser, assisting, was in red December 1 and members were|and aims of this valuable com- with black and white accessories munity movement, she said. One does not have to have children asked to bring a gift not to ex- and a corsage of white carna-/ceed $1.00, also a box lunch, tions attending the school to take part in this admirable work. which is to be sold to the highest In every district the Home and Associa are Wond: A reception was held in ihe bidder ominations boost the funds. tant and hii I shimming | aio. sndarhl ic I00F Hall, Orono. The three-tier for the coming tions. There is scarcely a school styled by Dominion for you clone! Criss-crossed et cake was made by the your are President, Mrs. Harry bride's grandmother, Mrs, Jolin lanchard: vice - president, Mrs. t ih th teri the Rebekah Lodge of Orono, in the area which does not have the waistline to prevent uncomfortable rolling . . . and its group of interested parents. at the boltom_ for the ultimate in freedom of Allyn Elliott; secretary, Mrs. Ro- the Rebekah Lodge of hing 4 land Mois: Hedutres, Mrs. For a short honeymoon trip to|Adrian ; social convener, various nts in Ontario the/Mrs. Elmer Lesenko; telephone|This work leads to better under- bride LI a red wool sheath|conveners, Brownies, Mrs. O. G.|standing of the problems which ment - . holy crissecrosses Siasidiand to allow lots of dress with black accessories and|Young; Guides, Mrs. Joseph Lajhave to be faced in educa. active living | Now at your favorite store, sizes §, M, a corsage of white chrysanthe-|Porte; representatives to local|tion today she said. Mrs. Kenneth L & EL $7. (Other Sarong girdles from $5.) Greentree thanked Mrs. Courtice, Sarong bre completes the he wigereavar fashion ple- Next month's meeting will be ture, In delicately embroid with all-slastie the childrens Christmas m. back for fect fit, Sizes 32 ed nylon i $4. (Other Sarong bras from $2.50) mums, association, Guides, Mrs. Roland efreshments were Mrs. Guests were present from To-|Morris; Brownies, Mrs. Allyn El- ronto, Oshawa, Bowmanville |liott; group committee, Mrs. Pontypool, Millbrook and Peter- Elmer Lesenko. William Epworth's group. Famer choice of fashionable women the werld eves GOTHIC SARON® © DAISY PRESN + NUBACK « LLY OF FRANCE ¢ TRENFORM For that wonderful feeling of freedom Sarong' BRAS and GIRDLES Kay, Mrs. Meighan i a eLaughli oron- = Governor, the Hon- Joist whi Ra ' i oa Al - in the lower picture te |, 00 in their tour of the con- Right Honorable Arthur | gervatories. Meighan, Mrs. J. Keiller Mac- ters, Mrs. C. Churchill Mann | Coral Gables, Florida; and of King, Ontario; Mrs. Jobn B. APPEARING in the best of health, the Chrysanthemum Tea was a happy occasion for | Pangman, Magog, Quebec; Colonel R. 8. McLaughlin. He | Mrs. M. E. McEachren, Tod- was assisted by his five daugh- | morden; Mrs, M. A. Turner, ated with pink Tuxedo chrysanthe- . On Hymns Of Praise Reception-Tea At Parkwood Attended By 600 Guests mums Bb a rectangulay arrange- | ment circular arrange- , his family received some six hun-|/ant Governor was the Righ t| [tall, gold candelabra. ot Rize Oo ; yh x homme Colonel R. 8. McLaughlin and Mrs. Douglas. With the Lieuten-| |ments at each end under the dred guests.on Saturday after-| Honorable Arthur Meighan a for-| mn. y cteccos in the main din-|regular meeting of the Come-| noon at Parkwood for the chry./mer prime minister, with Mrs. ling room and the west dining|Double Club of Northminster santhemum tea, a cherished so- Meighan. room at different times were Mrs. United Church on Wednesday cial event. Guests were present from|w D Ross, Mrs. F. N. G. Starr,|evening when bers of Cen- The graceful, curving staircase/many points in Ontarlo and it|Mrs, Ray Lawson, Mrs. G. D.|tre Street Couples Club were was decorated with crimson cas-/Was heart-warming to hear old|Conant, Mrs. E. G. Baker, Mrs. guests. cade chrysanthemums and a spe-| friendships being renewed. From wy, E, Galli, Mrs H. F. Patter-| Mr. and Mrs. Alan Dickson led| cimen Tuxedo variety centered|/Queen's University were Princl-ison. Mrs, Joseph Pigott, Mrs.|in the worship service and Rev. the entrancé hall. Guests were/Pal W. A. Mackintosh and Mrs. E, H. Walker, Mrs. W. A. Weck-|H. A. Mellow gave a short talk received in the solafium where/Mackintosh and the Reverend|er, Mrs, E. V. Lander and Mrs.|on the use of hymns of praise white and gold lace with cream|A. M. Laverty and Mrs. Laverty. E, J, Umphrey. in worship. cascade chrysanthemums and Others from Kingston were Ds Tea assistants were Miss Pat Mr. Edwin Wehs, convener of two chry! John Orr, Mr. and Mrs. ricia Gordon, Mrs. Charle s|the group in charge of the even ~Oshawa Times Photos mums grown on a single stem| Come Double Club like a standard rose, in many va-| rieties. The dining tables were decor EVOLVES Program borough. Ravi ind were served by Mr. and Mrs. Hurlburt are/Mrs. Lesenko and Mrs. Joseph making their home at 11 Brock Zak. street east, Oshawa, CHRIST CHURCH EVE, WA, | NEWS BRIEFS [merrier Churen Evening WA. Memorial Church Evening W.A. FAMILY HISTORY was held at the home of Mrs. Roy Webster with 238 members KIRKLAND LAKE, Ont. (CP) The first white baby born in Kirkland Lake now is a grand- father, Gordon Murphy, born in 1913, is the father of John Murphy, whose wife gave birth to a daughter. SOLID PRESENT rete ion tog USEFUL CHANGE VANCOUVER (CP)-City eoun- cil has decided to improve the acoustics of the council cham- ber, following complaints by the League of Women Voters that they could not hear what was i. a at council meetings. prayer followed by the of the last meeting and treasur- er's report. The night of cards held last month was reported quite success- | ful. {Tillotson and Mrs. R. C. Wai. made a beautiful display. Receiving with Colonel Mec- Laughlin were his five daughters; | lace. From Oakville came the Honor- Mrs. M. Eileen McMachren in|able Ray Lawson and Mrs. Law- Donna Humphries, floor-length dark green lace over {son and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ross. | {beth McMullen, Miss Gina Baker, Heintzman, Mrs. J. S. Kerr, Mrs. Gordon Hare, Mrs. Roderick |Ross, Mrs. J. P. Carter, Miss Miss Eliza- ing welcomed the guests and in- troduced the speaker, Mr. Wil liam Marchand of CKLB. Using several pieces of equipment for illustration, Mr. Marchand 'gave LONDON (CP)--As a wedding present, stretch of road so that 21-year- old Sylvia Bradley could get from her home to the church without Final arrangements were made | workmen paved 8, "the Christmas bazaar to be| held on December 3 at 2.30 p.m. Members were reminded again | "Your Invitation to Better Health" of Living Message and Bulletin] (subscriptions, and the 1959 church caldendar and member- a detailed account of HiFi and a pale green sheath in princess Also from out of town were (Miss Katherine Derumaux, Miss " Ag the information necessary for the style, the bands of green velvet Mrs. Joseph Pigott, Hamilton; Anne Baldwin, Mrs. Derek Phil : in the bodice ending in bows at Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Barbeau, St./lips, Mrs. E. R. S. McLaughlin, |purchase of a good HiFi set. He the back; Mrs. M. A. Turner of Catherines; Mrs. T, R. Caldwell, Miss. Barbara McLaughlin, Mrs.|explained the difficulties to be 1d bab rted. "anit | Coral Gables, Florida, in cerise Orillia; Principal and Mrs. P.A.C, [R. K. Miller, Mrs. George Mc-|overcome and gave a number|® f y a a) or as €| Nominations for the new slate | cashmere and satin accented/Ketchum, Port Hope; Judge|Laughlin, Miss Anne Geikie, Miss|of vauable tips for consideration, |comfortable' a ou v anges of officers for 1959 were turned in with beading; Miss Isabel Mc-|J. A. McGibbon and Mrs. Mc. Susan Armstrong, Mrs. Donald/He demonstrated the points|at @ Glaggols Diospile pice sWal- to the chairman of the nominating Laughlin in an Italian gown of Gibbon, Mr. Donald McGibbon, Storie, Mrs. A. V. Larway. mentioned with the use of a num. [lowing 40 tablets of aspirin. jttee, Mrs. Charles Dew- | red silk faille; Mrs. John B. Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. Myles ber of recordings. On behalf of hist. | Pangman of Magog, Quebec, and Smith, Burlington; Mr. and Mrs. the club, Mr. Jack Ovens thanked of installing new oak book cases| The b will h Ivy, Virginia, who was accom-|Louis Lang, Galt; Mr. and Mrs. AFRICAN FLOWERS the speaker, in the vestry of the church. The gifts at the December meeting panied by Mr. Pangman. Mrs. |W. H .Gutzeit, Bath; Mr. and| South Africa's export of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Taggart announcement was made that|to be in the form of a Christmas Pangman was in a simply design-Mrs., George McLaughlin, Bea-|flower bulbs, along with rose presided over the business ses. bowling will be held at the mew |dinner at the home of Mrs. Clare| ed Hardy Amies model in ame- verton; Miss L. B. Mowbray and bushes and shrubs, are worth|sion. Mr. Gordon Law reported Motor City Alleys on Saturday, McCullough. thyst silk with matching shoes. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mowbray, about $9,000,000 annually. the progress of the club's project November 22. Refreshments were served wy| Mrs. Churchill Mann in an im-| Brooklin, and many from Toron- - ported taupe-beige lace, satin-(to, Bowmanville and the sur ° trimmed, was accompanied by|rounding district. Pl her husband, Major - General The greenh were len-| [+ | [1] n § # "4 Churchill Mann. dent with regiments of blooms; Among the early guests to ar- the azaleas and cyclamen making rive was the Lieutenant Gover- a field of crimson and blue; or- nor, the Honorable J. Keiller|chids, carnations and lilies grown MacKay with Mrs. MacKay with|to perfection and a new feature Colonel lan Douglas as aide and/was the cascade chrysanthe- || Lillian Mae Marsh SCHOOL OF DANCING D.E.A. Ballet, Tap, Toe, Character, Baton. Pre- school, Acrobatic at the Masonic Temple, 91 Centre Street. > Fridays & Soturdays. GENO SHA HOTEL being covered with mud. BABY'S ESCAPE GLASGOW (CP)--A 14-month-| gin fees, We are pleased to announce the opening of the HOME- WOOD HEALTH STUDIO, which is centrally located at 204 KING STREET EAST in OSHAWA, Ours is a modern up-to-date studio with the latest in reducing equipment, including the amazing relax-a tron slenderiz- ing couch, which makes it possible to have a slimmer figure at any age. We also offer complete body building and weight gaining courses that will put inches of good healthy muscle on the men and add lovely curves on the ladies. \ For those who enjoy the soothing benefits of a steam bath, our latest cabinet style steam baths offer you the utmost privacy. A Christmas Party | A Staff Party A Banquet It is our aim to give individual attention to each and every customer. Your particular problem is our problem. Hand in hand with our complete and thorough service go prices 'that are within reach of all who wish to reduce or to condition themselves. If you have a figure problem, whether you are man or woman, then make the privacy of the HOMEWOOD HEALTH STUDIO your home for a healthier and happier life. Make Your Reservations NOW. Phone RA 3-4641 Our prices start as low as $2.00 A TREATMENT WITH NO LONG CONTRACTS TO SIGN. ) Please feel free to phone or to drop in for infarmation concerning your problem with no obligation. OUR NAME IS BACKED BY MANY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN PHYSICAL CULTURE, HOMEWOOD HEALTH STUDIOS 204 KING ST. E OSHAWA RA 8-051 Christmas Dinner Reservations Now Being Accepted INFORMATION: RA 3-7253

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