14 ™ OSHAWA TIMES, Menday, November 17, 1958 Enrol New TELEVISION LOG | Leskard Party (oumal over me weexena. | Mr, and Mrs Art Young and {Michael have returned home to Toronto after spending the last Power Dams 100 sMernane=at OREMICA! WOTR- ers' Union (CLC) sald Saturday the contract also includes an i crease. of five cents an hour two weeks with Mr. and Mrs, 8 Channe --Hamiltop CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronte aay ee C. Martin. WROC-TV Channel S--Rochester WBEN-TV CoanpeF 4--Buffale | Sundays and setilement pay! of $10. The basis hourly rate the plant is increased to $I ' For Newlyweds By MRS. C. MARTIN LESKARD The Leskard church anniversary and Thank- offering Servicc was held Sun-| day with William Fritz, student minister of Janetville, as the guest speaker. } Rev. Basil Long assisted in the service. The Orono High School Glee Club, under direction of John Ford rendered special - In Russia |r. ang drs. Bruce Temast| Saar Batter Vii ve raise. About 75 men ares ff . Mr. and Mrs. Art Tennant, Sun | TORONTO (CP)--Otto Hold affected § day. : (chief engineer of the Ontario r. and Mrs, Earl Puckrin, | Hydro - Electric Power Commis. | Audley, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. sion says Russia has surpassed | Martin Sunday. |North American Jn electric power | County Warden Misses Bridge Opening Guides And | Brownies | By M. LAVERTY MAPLE GROVE -- Guides and Brownies held a combined d|meeting this week in the Church basement. The following were en- rolled in the Brownies: Dianne Hoar, Duanna Wilton, Terry Bartlett, Betty Ann Windsor, Louise Whitney, Donna Bothwell, Lynn Rose, and Bonnie Bothwell. Eight girls were enrolled in Guides. They were: Gwen Holm- es, Mary Jane Laverty, Melodie Larocque, Rita Jackson, Sharon Holmes, Dianna Geddes, Frances Cox 'and Barbara Bothwell, The Brownies were presented by their leader Mrs. W. Bothwell and the guiders by Mary Jane Budai to the District Commission- er, Mrs. Buttery. Ladies who attended the Wom- en's Institute Convention, held in the Royal York Hotel were Mrs. Ivison Munday, district represen- tative; Mrs. Barnes and Mrs. Roy A | Metcalfe. Delegates from Maple Grove WI were Mrs. Ceci -| ¢--Scan ~ fery, Mrs. Morley Flintoff and | o Soe PM 4-Meet The Millers Mrs. Stephen Jeffery. |5,'a--Restless Gun 1.15 P.M, Many of the men in this dis-| 4_The Texan 11---Movie Matinee trict have been out after deer. | wae P.M. 1.30 P.M. {Mel Holmes was successful in Ji 6 Hii pavade | getting 'a fair sized animal. Father Knows Best | vor P.M, | 1, 6, 4--Danny Thomas | 5--Mr, Pete Gunn 2-Voice of Firestone 4--House Party vs PM. 2-Haggis Baggls in- |11, 6--Cannonball 2.45 P.M. MONDAY EVENING 5.00 P.M. 11--Theatre, Sports 6--Follow Me S--Playhouse 4--Fun to Lears 2-Three Stooges 4--Playhouse 2-Jack Paar Show TUESDAY MORNING 500 AM. 2, 5--Today 4--Captain Kangaroo 9.00 AM. $--Dr. Christian «--Popeye's Play- house 2-Trouble With Father 23 AM. S--Favorite Story 4--Susie 2--Dr,, Christian 10.00 2, 5--Dough Re M! 4--For Lave or Money 03 AM. 2, 5-Treasure Hunt 4--Play Your Hunch T CUESDAY EVENING | 5.00 P.M. | 11--Theatre, Sports * é--Whistle . Town 5--Playhouse 4~Fun to Learn 2-Three Ftooges 5.10 P.M. 4--Chilaren's Theatres sav P.M. 6--Sky King 1 4--Dinner Date Theatre music. Yomy Wostpscker | Tuesday evening over 40 neigh- 11--News; Theatre; bors and friends charivaried Mr. Weather and Mrs. Norman Bairstow, and o-News after congratulating the newly- 2uSky. Bing weds saw the movie picture faken 6--It's A Great Lite |of the wedding in Cambray Unit-| OWEN SOUND (CP) -- Grey ed Church, Oct, 18. {County Warden James E. Mrs. N. Bairstow, assisted vy| Matches set out Saturdar to snip her sister and Mrs. Jack Bair. | he tape and Toetiially ope 8 new stow, served lunch. ge on the Balmy Beach Road. | ,, line capacity in North Amer: | He never made it i Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fee, Win-| : lica is the 345,000 volts achieved |nipeg, Visited last week with his | ris, "28 Jivoived in a ridge 1 British Columbia. But Russia, traffi bri; |brother, Norman Fee and Mrs. ira ae Belden at aunties & ge he added, is transmitting 500,000 --= Fee. , |volts, alternating current. 4 : {warden stopped when a vehicle Congratulations are being ex-|in front halted at the entrance to tended to Mr. and Mrs. Fred|the bridge. Floyd Bumstead, 22, Yeo (nee Mrs. Ellen Cameron) on|couldn't stop and ran into Mr. {their marriage at Lundys Lane Matches' car. Nobody was hurt. Church in Niagara Falls Monday, -By the time they got it all Oct. 27. Rev. Jchn Kitchen offic- | straightened out, the bridge far- jated at the wedding. ther along the road was open and | NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP)-- Mrs. Robert Chater and Mrs. everybody had gone home. Hourly-rated employees of Cyana- Joan Ball attended the Button, R. J. Callighan, a municipal en. mid of Canada Ltd., have ac- Convention at Hotel Statler in'gineer, had snipped the tape, |ceépted a new one-year contract w A Santa Claus Parade? ACADEMY Award ! ---- INCLUDING -- BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR! Mr. Holden spoke Saturday night to a joint meeting of the (Royal Canadian Institute and Tor- | {onto section of the American In- | stitute of Electrical Engineers. He said the Stalingrad hydro | | station on the Volga will have an | installed capacity of 2,300,000 kilo- watts, 40 per cent more than the combined capacity of United States and Canadian powerhouses on the St. Lawrence river pro-| 15 P.M 6--Adventures of Chich + Children's Theatre 540 PM 6--Mickey Mouse ' 4-Dinner Date 2---Superman 6.00 P.M. 11--Theatre, News Weather 6--News 2 Colonel Rlecp 6--Live and Learn S--News BRIDGE 0], Ba g.ls RIVER KWAI A BAM SPIEGEL PRODUCTIO A coLumma moTURE ' 1,00 AM. - THE 2, 5--Price is' Right ji 4--Arthur Godfrey 1 11.30 AM. 2, 5--Concentration 6.30 P.M. S--Anybody Can Play 4 2--News; Weather 4, 2-News, Weather da vd | 6, 4, 2-News 7.00 P.M. t. | He said the highest transmis; ve. PM 2, 6, 4--Weather News; 2.00 P.M. 11--Theatre 6--=Tabloid §--Dick Clark » oN 12.80 Vali ays --News ' Ford show if 2, 5--It Could Be You 2-1f You Had a Million 4--Search for Tomorrow 1.30 P.M. 12:45 P. 6--Donna Reed 11-~Theatre S5--Dragnet Loe P.M. 4--Whirlybirds 6--Music 2--Cheyenne 12.00 2, 5--Tic Tac Dough 4--News: Weathus 11---Theatre » 6---Tabloid $--Zorro 4--Annie Oakley ADDED FEATURE Thrilling Jungle Terror 1 "THE AMAZON TRADER" in Blazing Color! 1% P.M. 6--Provineial Affairs | 5, 2-Tic Tac Dough 4-Name That Tune 7.45 P.M. New Agreement | For Cyanamid, Ltd. | 5--Movie Theatre Now Playing CHIT XING in The LOGES nd NUOUS FROM LRM. + SAT 12 NOOK --,,S LA THE MOST SHOCKING PICTURE EVER FILMED! " SENSATIONAL STORY OF A GIRL FROM TOKYO'S YOSHIWARA DISTRICT... se PN. 11, 6---Front Page Challenge 5--George Gobel 4--Ann Sothern Ld P.M 11, 6--~Chevy Show 4--To Tell The Truth 2 Wvatr Earp 2.00 PM. 4--The Worle Turns 2.00 P.M, 4--Jimmy Dean 3--Helen Neville 23 PM. crease, retroactive to Nov. 9. Mac, Laverty, Dunnville, and R. R. Smith, president of local {Mr, and Mrs. Earl Ireland, Nor- |! PACKAGING EXPERIENCES CHANGE [yond isi, i oi 3 sin | Laverty Wednesday. iti r ackag- | opoly on most fluid products on | Ernie Dickens was badly 5 Competition among vot : vy shelves: mow you'll find |jured in a two-car collision at | er 11.8-Nursers Sehiool era 48 ahayging. the navis © | aluminum and plastic contain- |Norwood, Ont., Tuesday. He is a | 0.00 P.M. 11, 6--Dr. Hudson manufacturers of just about ers by the thousand. Judy {patient in Civic Hospital, Peter- i-Waekly Football ™ | 5. 5 Tetey Bs Ours everything. Outboard motors | Shaw's exhibit here tells the borough. Wikiemah entortaié Is Chalens : 330 eM used in wood; now | story of the rise of plastic bot- | Mrs. Jack W eman e | 4--Playhouse 1, 6--Open House hr A I cor- | tles into the glass and metal |ed several ladies Thursday even- | 8, 2--Arthur Murray 3, S- From, Toews. Roots rugated paper.. Milk used to | fields. Formerly all liquid soaps Yours come in glass; now it's in plas- | 5--George Burns 4--Arthur Godfrey 2---Rifleman 9.5 11,6--Folio 5, 2---Bob Cummings 4--Red Skelton 10.00 P.M. | 5, 2--Californians 4--Garry Moore 10.30 P.M. alley $--Home Cooking uM 5--Death V. Days | | 2---Highway Patrol | 1.08 P, 6-- Viewpoint 5--Movie nse PM 11--J.ate Show FIRST OSHAWA SHOWING Teel Share. Machiko Kyo swing Aiko Mimasy AyokoWokao Eitaro Shindo AM. 1.00 AM, | 3--Public Defender "MACHIKO KIO is a marvel as a callous blossom in the dust!" LA. Times "Sharp shock values to jolt the viewer!" LA. Mirror "Dramatic enter- tainment!" SF. Examiner 'Bridge i" in Technicolor, ing including Mrs. Pearl White- | 10.30 P.M. ts wi ackaged |man : S--Medi 400 PM, tie - coated paper containers and detergents Were p ' Oshawa, Mrs. George Piper and Mike Hammer pap "| containers will be heavy plas - (Mrs. Weatherly from Bowman- Cr the shelves; now you'll find | tic. ville. Weather: Sports -- rrr ---- -- - limproved. He was a patient in | 6--Viewpnint | 11--Popeye 6--Sports Views C WwW t in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. ¥-Movie Thedire EE ea | 2--Jack Paar d h i [11--Late Show 4--Edge of Night M, ana a a c 1 g dance sponsored by the Jack and . Ea 3? Jill Club at the Lions Centre, Mr. DA: |. 6--Gumby re | "Naked Africa" 2:45, 5:45,| Amendment To THEATRE GUIDE C5:%": on the REGENT -- "Tne Naked and the or shown daily at 1:40,4:00, azon Trader" in Color, show| 6.25, 8:50. Last complete show complete show starts at 8:10 PLAZA -- 'La Pausienni'" (Re- stricted) 1:55, 3:50, 5:45, 7:40, and Mrs. Lloyd Whiteman, |'s--grusader in metal but soon most of the e Hammer 11--Bugs Bunny Steel cans used to have a mon- - Ee Ed Holmes is reported much 1.15 P.M, 430 P 4--Theatre Several couples attended the 6--Decoy 2---American Bandstand | 6--Boxing 1 Sub Cargo Ideas [=== 8:45 p.m. Last complete show Dead" in Cinemascope and col- at 12.55, 4:35, 8:15 p.m. Last| at 8:40 p.m. 9:30. Last complete show 9:10 p.m. MARKS -- 'Street of Shame' ADMITTANCE 1:15, 4:10, 7:05, 10:00 p.m. also' p.m. fi f Ho, Ho... Here | Come! 10 PERSONS 18 YEARS OF AGE OF OviR Watch for me on Saturday, November 22 | We'll be starting at'9 a.m., and I'll be bringing lots of your favorite people with THE FRANKEST.. FRENCHIEST N\ FUNNIEST - TI ooh! OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada is that the oil believed to lie in 'the| in submarine cargo carriers. |With Middle East oil transported structed to keep abreast of oe Liquids or non-solids--oil, pulp| VANCOUVER (CP) -- An am- to Canada's North. able submarine cargoes. [directors selling to themselves fined by and large to clipping re- [Supply run to the North. Present urged by Hazen Argue, Commons em Germany and even Japan. North's short ice-free season, a royal commission used "strong reaction by interested Canadian|to distribute fuel oil, food and moters of West-Coast Transmis- The two procedures apparently gal, N By ARCH MacKENZIE ada has also expressed interest . . i what s to be Arctic islands and mainland] Pipelines Act Economists of the northern af-|by the longer surface route fo developments, particularly with a|SIoTY, grains and iron ore--have endment to the Pipelines Act out- What one official has called] Submarine carriers, if proved shares at less than they are being ports emanating. from Britain, Practice involves a rush surface|leader of the CCF party. Another phase involves tossing | matter of weeks in the far north. |janguage' to describe practices groups. : |other supplies to isolated island sion Company Limited but had are what Northern Affairs Min- a Don't be left out of Canadian Press Staff Writer and a spokesman has suggested | a watching brief on developments might thus be able to compete Urged By CCF fairs department have been in- [Europe r e view to what progress may mean | been suggested as the most suit-|lawing the practice of company "this cursory interest" is con- economical, could assist in the offered to the public," has been the United States, Russia, West- Shipping' job to coincide with the| Mr. Argue noted the Borden out titbits periodically to drum up| Costly air transport also is used of Frank McMahon and other pro- SPOKE AT EDMONTON outposts such as weather sta-| said such practices are not ille- ister Alvin Hamilton had in mind A ear me ! Clowns, Nursery Rhyme friends . . . monton conference that the "'very fullest study" is being given to exciting new possibilities for the North, including nuclear - pow- ered submarine cargo ships. Department officials, on the other hand, emphasize that the in- formation being collected is not a study as such. More definite action, they say, probably would | require an inter - departmental committee rounding in all sides of government investigation f The navy has been studying nu-| clear propulsion for its vessels for some time and hopes to make a decision perhaps by next spring. The transport depart-| exciting floats . . . banners and bands! Watch this newspaper for the route we shall take . . . and for the time we'll be $assing your spot. Learn to dance the new steps now for the party season ahead OSHAWA There's no surer way of having ment has been taking an equally | hard look at a nuclear-powered icebreaker--Russia has one--but amid indications that such a ves- sel at this time might cost more than it would be worth. Mr. Hamilton's reference to his department's work on sub-| marine carriers was prompted by | the spectacular Arctic operatipn| of the U.S, nuclear subs Nautilus | and Skate. The economic impli-| cation is especially pertinent in| planning for sych items as north- ern roads. COSTLY BUSINESS So far, it seems taken for granted that submarine transport will be expensive. Some British petroleum interests have indi- cated it might become feasible in 15 years and some U.S. forecasts have predicted an earlier work- a happier holiday than by learning to dance at Arthur Murray's. For once you're a good dancer, you can count on being more popular than ever before. Just let an Arthur Murray expert take the responsibility of making you a sought-after partner in time for all the festive parties. By coming in now you cart join in the fun and holiday good times. For at this gala season there are more studio parties than ever | before. So don't wait. Studios open daily 10 AM to 10 PM. ARTHUR MURRAY "Air-conditioned 11%, SIMCOE ST. S. Ballroom" RA 8-1681 PHONE RA SHOPPING CENTRE STARTING ODAY ing date, without stinting on cost| estimates. | Imperial Oil Limited in Can-| TONIGHT] C.B.L.T. CHANNEL 6 7:30 P.M, SEE ani HEAR Geo. Hees MINISTER OF TRANSPORT » » - Alvin Hamilton MINISTER OF NORTHERN AFFAIRS AND NATIONAL RESOURCES { | In the television series "The Nation's Business" The Progressive Conservative Party STARTING "Im 0B HOME -- FILL- LLL Se ANYTIME A-CARD Latd BINGO IN 50 NO'S - $1000 BONUS GAME E TOMORROW'S NUMBERS 0-68 0-72 THESE ARE ALL PREVIOUS NUMBERS Numbers will be drown at SCOTT'S RESTAURANT 147 Yonge St., Toronto ot 10 a.m. Benefit of CANADIAN FEDERATION OF THE BLIND Not affiliated with the CN.ILB If you have o BINGO Call Toronto WA. 3.2415 Bef 5S p.m. efore 5 p.m > The bitter ho FEATURE SI G 1] his stripper sweetheart... % mecoming of Sergeant Croft... HOW DAILY AT. 1:40 - 4:00 - 6:25 - 8:50 The Mildred half to death, ight he hugged The day Lt, Hearn defied the Genoral.. TT LF EAD BSE LITT CYR BARBARA NICHOLS BUNNY COLOR CARTOON A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE