a fii TH ls RE Rp Re PRP TT EE TET" HA A ly hl, Gh Oh Dl 0, v8, ly Rel, OP AE Al Sir ; J , a Re Ee a - 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Will Close Several Roads | All roads intersecting Highway 401 between Liverpool road and |Scarborough, with the exception lof Moore road and Rougemont {road will be closed, Pickering township council were informed in a letter from the Ontario De- partment of Highways at their meeting Monday night. This is part of the Highway De- partment's plan to 'make High- |way 401 a controlled dccess high- way. Hearings concerning the |closing were held by the depart- ment. | Council passed a motion author- izing the fire chief te, advertise for tenders for the installation of new doors for the fire hall. Coup | lcillor Stewart said estimates in- | |dicated the cost would be be- [tween $5,000 and $6,000. A request from the Ajax, Pick- |ering Retarded, Children's Asso- ciation seeking permission to can- |vass the township from Nov. 26 to 28 to raise funds. 3 Council accepted with regret the resignation of 'A. J. Thomp- son, bylaw enforcement officer, truant officer and welfare of- |ficer, Reeve Lawson said it would Ibe difficult to obtain someone of Mr. Thompson's calibre and coun- cil should acquire someone im- mediately for the vacany Mr. Thompson's duties end Jan, 1,| 11959, Connelly Leads Race TORONTO (CP) -- Wayne Con- 'nelly of Peterborough Petes took {over the Ontario Hockey Associa- {tion Junior A scoring leadership Monday night as he and linemate| Bill Mahoney each counted two goals and two assists to take the |Petes to a 4-1 victory over Tor- {onto Marlboros, Connelly now has 21 points from | {his nine games. Mahoney went| into third place in the scorers'| Tuesday, November ", 1958 | HERE ARE SIX DELE- GATES seated at the confer- ence table during talks on pre- vention of surprise attacks ab Geneva, Switzerland, today. Top, from left: Russian-born Dr, George B. Kistiaskowsky, William C. Foster and Gen. Otto P. Weyland, members of U.S. delegation. Foster is chief CANADIAN FINANCE MINISTER IN TOKYO Canadian Finance Minister | Japan's Foreign Minister Alic- | tion as guest of the Japanese CAPSULE NEWS . .|Union in 25 years will look to the ,|bers of the Jehovah's Witness AT GENEVA MEETING of American group. Bottom, from left to right: Gen. A. A. Gryzlov; Soviet Deputy For- eign Minister Vassili Kuznet- sov. and I, G. Usachev, all of the Soviet delegation. Donald M. Fleming is greeted | hiro Fujiyama, left. Fleming | oo oonment, He is accom- k Hong Kong for five on arrival at Tokyo ' Inter | flew from : : | panied by his wife. national Airport, Nov. 6, by | days of touring and consulta- OBITUARIES | ranks, three behind St. Catharines |Teepees' Stan Mjkita who led with) » {20 points until Monday night. | H e The win also brought Petes | 1g aC | within five points of the league- Red Cross Urged leading Teepees who have lost |only one game in 10 starts this| | season. C e u e Aids Miners Members MRS. ALICE STANDLEY | TORONTO (CP) -- Dr. Marcus ng- of Red said Monday t the free work's cold-ahooiderin China might force Peiping to take a decision that could be resolved only in war. a Legion Remembrance Day ban- uet: ws I wanted to be a prophet, I might suggest that the Soviet United States for aid against China." McCRAE APPOINTED WELLAND (CP) -- Municipal Affaire Minister Warrender Mon- day announced the of Welland Mayor Armour McCrae to the Ontario municipal board. Mayor McCrae said he will re- tion for six consecutive years. CONDITION SERIOUS WINNIPEG (CP) -- Doctors at St. Boniface Hospital are strug- gling to save the life of Donald Holland, 14, whose parents, mem- sect, refuse to allow him a blood transfusion. The Neepawa district boy was brought here Friday in critical condition suff from an accidental bullet w the thigh. : SACK HITS RUSSIA LONDON (Reuters)--A Moscow radio fashion commentator re- ported Monday that sack dresses or women and narrow-cut trous- ers for men are becoming more popular in Russia. BEVAN BARRED LISBON, Portugal (Reuters)-- Bevan, Britain's opposi- tion Labor party foreign affairs spokesman, has _ been banned WEATHER from a prop Por: lec- ture tour, the government said Monday night. It refused. to al- low an opposition p to orggn- TORONTO (CP)--Official fore casts issued by the public wea- ther office at 5 a.m.: Marlboros' loss left them in 5 Mrs. Alice Standley died at the|s tn lace tie with Barrie Fly-| LAUREL, Md. (AP)--The $100,- The Canadian Red Cross re- Synopsis: The weather will be sunny over most of Southern On- [J ° Ld f home of Gordon O. Blow, 311 Al-| be-|000 Washington, D.C., Internation- ported today that its expenditure Enter Civic Li e ice St., her son-in-law, Monday, |CI3,at seven points each on morelal will have its seventh and great. for disaster relief at Springhill |tario today. Temperatures will be. i . November 10. i k fought its He was opposed lo the briné| Mrs. Standley. daughter of the I ih the. cellar pio inte! ; : ing in of so-called experts to doa: Mr, and Mrs. George Lowe, | ivy Dace 1958 horse of the world. [tributed to this total. that we have it.|the job for lected representa was born March 18, 1877, in| Dotex' ficst two goals came dur-|. Ten horses from seven coun- (The figure vas announced a neces-| tives. ; a place i , . Sh . tries were invited to the snooty Nova Scotia Division headquart- that it is Admitting there Birmingham, England € mar-jng Marlboro penalties. Wayne Rah ae Pn Jaco'y on a ool ay quart Park's sharp - turn grass oval. the money had been spent pri- IWith the fiflest field ever lined marily for new clothing for the up for the race, world interest miners working at their grim 'has mounted to a peak for theitask in the depths-of the ill-fated est running today with Ireland's now totals $20,000. The Oshawa "This democracy of ours is a y delicate thing. We can lose and stili think would suggest to vote and also that very|for the expert, he felt that the mied the late Cornelius Standley, Prassard scored for the hosts consideration be given business of the expert is some-\December 25, 1902, in Smeth-| with the only second-period goal by citizens to offering their serv-|times overdone, It was possible|wick England. She lived for 33 and Petes wrapped it vp in the ices in various capacities in the|also that the expert was so over years in Pickering, Ont. She la-|final period with two more. community" {specialized that he would not beter resided in Oshawa and was| Chuck Adamson played goalie In these words A, E. i 1 been carried on at two centres in| Ballymoss favored to become the branch of the Red Cross con-|cury reaching the mid-50s this af- world titles by getting into the serum albumin was rushed to/wednesday. A little colder Wed- from New Brunswick Division ar-| older Wednesday. Winds south- |well above normal with.the mer- {ternoon. A disturbance now over Minnesota is moving eastward and will spread cloud and show- ers into Western Ontario tonight |and over all of the lower Great Lakes area Wednesday. A low - pressure area, moving eastward out of Manitoba today, will cause cloudy weather to per- |sist over the northern regions. Snow and light rain 'will spread iacross the north country today. | Colder air will bring snowflurries {to the area Wednesday. | Regional forecasts valid until midnight Wednesday. | Lake Erie and Lake Huron reg- ions; Windsor and London: Sunny and warmer today. Cloudy with scattered showers tonight and |nesday. Winds southwest 15 be- ize a lecture tour by Bevan. ROAD "MENACE" JAILED The University of Toronto phil. osophy professor told a Canadian |of Snubbing Of Reds May Lead To War came famous first for novels such as The Squirrel Cage, The Bent Twig and The Deepening Stream. JOINS BRIDGE AUTHORITY NIAGARAFALLS, Ont, (CP)-- month and will assume his duties Jan. 1. ' ada™ir Lines plane Saturday re- sulted in a two-hour delay of the flight at Winnipeg. A TCA spokes- man said no bomb was found. CROSS BURNING - HOUSTON, Tex. (AP)--A cross was burned Monday night in the front yard of Mrs. Charles White, who was elected thé first Negro member of the Houston school board last week. Her husband quickly extinguished the blaze. KILLED FOR DOG KALAMAZOO, Mich. (AP)-- Vernon Bailey, 22, gave his life for his dog. Bailey was hunting with the dog Monday when it ran onto a railway track, With a train coming, Bailey got the dog off the tracks but was himself struck and killed. ' WILL WED AGAIN HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Leona Gage, who lost her Miss U.S.A. title when officials found she was married, plans to wed for the third time next Monday. Miss Gage, 22, now a show girl at the Moulin Rouge night~club here, will mary Nick Covacevich, 22, who also dances at the club. PANAMA DIVORCE HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Actress Terry Moore has gone to get a divorce in Panama, where her husband, businessman Eugene McGrath, lives. A divorce can be obtained in Panama in one day NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP)--| A man described by Magistrate! Roberts Monday as "a menace on the highway" was refused time to| SINGER'S WIFE RECOVERS pay a $113.50 fine and jailed for| LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Mrs. 21 days. John Matthews, 32, of Mary Florsheim Picking Jones, Fort Erie, convicted of his sec- under treatment since Nov. 1 for ond careless driving offence in 14|what police called an overdose of months, also had his licence sus-|sieeping pills, left hospital Mon- p for the m tWo\day, The 38 - year - old wife of | years. singe Allan Jones was admitted |after an argument with her hus- MW TAKE SICK _ | band. Jones has blamed her con- ANN ARBOR, Mich, (AP) | iti / Some 200 University of Michigan dition on her being dropped from students were reported Monday to 2 Stretcher as she left their bé suffering from what medical home, rather than on pills. officials said apparently was food PAPAL CEREMONY Poisoning. Sixteen were in hos y,yyCAN CITY (AP) -- Pope pital. All of those stricken were| youn XXIII probably will take male students living and eating in {formal possession of the Basilica the south quadrangle dormitory. or gi john Lateran, his see as CONDITION SATISFACTORY bishop of Rome, Sunday, Nov. 23, OTTAWA (CP)--Hospital ' offi- an sources today, There cials said Monday that the con-/Was no official confirmation of dition of Earl Alexander of Tu-|the date. nis, 66, admitted to hospital here ROYAL BIRTHDAY Oct. 27 after suffering a heart at- LONDON (AP)--Sweden's King and the proceedings are being taken by mutual consent. |coming northwest 20 Wednesday | morning, Western Lake Ontario and Ni- agara regions; Toronto and Ham- ilton: Sunny and warmer today, |clouding over' tonight with scat- tered showers Wednesday. A little west 15 becoming northwest 20 about noon 'Wednesday. Georgian Bay and southern Kirkland Lake regions; North Bay and Sudbury; Cloudy with a iy % not Bigs 10 be cutistationy: Gustav celebrated his 76th birthe i day quietly and out of reach of WELFARE WORKER official functions today, The king, ° SYRACUSE, N.Y. (AP) -- Rt.lin Britain on a private visit, Rev. Joseph B. Toomey, 54; spent the day with friends and prominent Roman Catholic wel- relatives at his London hotel. fare worker and president-elect of | 1 t | TRAIN BLOWN UP the Catholic Hospital Association ALGIERS (Reuters) -- Five of the U.S. and Canada, died Monday. French soldiers and a woman civilian were killed and 13 per- GREAT ATTRACTION sons injured when & passenger CARDSTON, Alta. (CP)--More train was. blown up by a mine It was suggested by one of the ing to the stud in England. |g shill. A teen for the min- f€W sunny intervals today. Over- pringhill. A cantee 2 cast with scattered showers to- than 15,000 tourists, a record night and Wednesday. A little warmer today, colder Wednesday. Winds southwest 15 becoming northwest 20 Wednesday morning. Eastern Lake Ontario and Hali- burton regions: Cloudy with a few sunny intervals today. Overcast with scattered showers Wednes- day. A little warmer. Winds light today becoming southwest 15 this afternoon and northwest 20 Wed- nesday afternoon. Northern Kirkland Lake reg- ions: Cloudy with scattered show- ers beginning about noon and be- coming occasionally mixed with snow tonight. Cloudy with a few sunny intervals and a few snow- flurries Wednesday warmer to- day, colder Wednesday. Winds light becoming southwest 15 this afternoon and northwest 20 Wed- nesday. Timmins-Kapuskasing: Cloudy with scattered snowflurries changing to showers before noon. Overcast with snow tonight. Cloudy with a few sunny intervals and occasional snowflurries Wed- nezday. Mild today, colder Wed: nesday. Winds southwest I5 to- day, northwest 20 Wednesday. Forecast temperatures Lows tonight, highs Wednes- day: Dawson .. Victoria ,. Edmonton Regina .... Wign avd. number, visited the huge Mormon town this year, The temple is the Canadian centre of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. READY ROUTE NELSON, B.C. (CP) An abandoned railway bed between New Denver and Kaslo, 30 miles apart, has been turned over to the government by the Canadian Pacific Railway so it can become part of the highway linking the two communities. PLAN REJECTED VANCOUVER (CP) City council has rejected a plan to submit to voters a $2,500,000 by- law to build 10 swimming pools, to counter Vancouver beach clos- ures due to pollution from gar- bage dumping. SMALL PROPORTION Temple in this southern pid] |south of here Monday. END RUSSIA VISIT | LONDON (Reuters) -- The Por lish government and Communist party leaders visiting Russia for the last two weeks left Moscow for home tbday, the Soviet news agency Tass reported. MAUGHAM ILL LONDON (Reuters) -- Somer- set Maugham, 84-year-old British novelist now making his annual winter visit to London from his French Riviera home, was re- ported ill at his hotel Monday with suspected food poisoning NEW GAS-OIL WELL DRESDEN (CP)--A new com- bination well producing approx- imately 2,000,000 cubic feet of gas and 40 barrels of oil daily was Fought into production here Mon- ay. VANCOUVER (CP) -- Only 10 per cent of those who serve terms in British Columbia penitentiaries! receive any rehabilitation care afterwards, a panel discussion was told by John D, Rickaby of the Borstal Association. FLEMINGS RECEIVED TOKYO (AP) -- Canadian Fi- nance Minister Fleming and Mrs. Fleming were received in aud- ience for 35 minutes today by Emperor Hirohito and Empress Nagako. Fleming is winding up a six-day tour of Japan after 'at- O'Neill adaptable. The election of g00d|an activ: member of the Wom-|; "Petes after a batk injury annual battle. [mine. wy principal of the Oshawa Colleg- representatives by the citizensien's Auxiliary at St. George's|early in the first period to regu-| Sunny weather, turning cloudy) Mine officials have requested from 1926 to 1951 and a former carrying on of municipal busi- Mrs. Standley was vice-presi-'The injury occurred when Marl- pect and good weather could lure'a complete change of work cloth- member of the service club, cli-/ness. dent of the Golden Age Club.|h4ro defenceman Bill White flew|the biggest crowd in Laurel his- ing for every shift until the task sibilities of citizens to their com-| "There is a place for everyone Mrs. Gordon O. Blow. (Mabel); into the net. 1956 when France's Master Boing] The Red Cross relief effort munity, at the meeting of the Ro-|in municipal life, especially those two brothers, Robert and Alfred won. | started on the evening of Oct. 23. Genosha on Monday. Mr. O'Neill, |ability in the fields in which they|six great grandchildren. | 'Architects and looks the champion. Not big,/the pithead within a half hour a member : of Education wag introduc-|time to devote to public ife. I Armstrong Funeral Home at 2 year-old chestnut can wrap up all| nounced. Within hours a supply of Ald, S. T. Hopkins. The would emphasize, however, that p.m. Wednesday, November 12, of : ent James Skinnér. ture of much time. The public George's Cemetery. | . | FAVORITES OUTLUCKED Iblovd, depot in Halifax by Royal Those at the head table includ-|servant must be a marathoner Committee However, mo favorite has yet Canadian Navy helicopter. fee George A. Fletcher, Ald. Hop-|work and it repays you for what| The funeral was held at Arm-| ; ljewel in a world triple crown. portable hospital and a mo'\2 'Nei Nov. 10 at 2 p.m. of Mrs. Harold were examined by the commu- in Phi Iphia. won Europe's following day. A mobile disaster d. Walter R. Branch and Ald.|O'Neill. . hh i iShain, Philadelphia, won Europe n a F. Bastedo. "Public life in the municipality|V- Bateman, who died at Osh- nity arena property committee in ive richest races, the King unit and a dozen disaster workers The speak " . her 53rd year. tract to build the proposed arena. gi. i Ascot where he col- rived the same day. A group of 5 er voiced the hope| means herd 'work, Mae mis) The service was conducted by| Most of the questions put to the | proeey i Dh the Prix de|volunteers from Prince Edward! bers of the club would offer them|there are tough decisions to be Rev. S. C. H. Atkinson, of Albert architects dealt mainly with the} Arc de Triomphe at Longchamps| Island joined their Red Cross col- i f allow Vor i i i Red Cross relief effort has service f try, to provide the necessary Rev. H. A. Mellow, of Northmin-/an arena to satisfy the majority ,omplete the triple and snap up The tli yay 10 business facilities for expansion, rote id ster United Church. Interment|in Oshawa. another $70,000 for before retir- | " Pallbearers were: R. Plancke, architects to the committee that| Although early odds here listed|ers has been operating at the pit- "give. Ihonce™ G. Tizzard, E. Wilson, D. Skitch, the arena be made 'flexible' so Ballymoss the 6-to-5 favorite, the head. A clothing and supply depot : mi | {suit the needs of the Oshawa pub-|Ballymoss was quoted there as 4 the Baptist church. Both have| | | Simcoe Hall | Speed Limit : | 5 : od: Cross vot Plan Final | The possibility of laying pipes| There are big question marks Jnjigers on. a roun {for an artificial skating rink was|from all corner of the world, in-| Pasis. Reeve William G. Lawson as-| |of the committee and the archi-|Garnir and Zaryad, who will run her nine-year-old Mike. He Was ing Township Council would do| Residents of Pickering Town-|use of sand, gravel, and iron{to 1. Garnir won the Moscow rebellious, often ran away, Was everthing possible to have the|ship whose taxes are overdue|pipes, a cement floor would be Derby, Zaryad was runner-up. DISTRICT er limp with worry, and fear. gion hetween Valley Farm road registered mail, Council decided| water pushed through the pipes, American-owned Clem, who up- these facts: | mph | Mr, Baker, the tax collector, conveniently converted into a ten-|tj , g Mr, s of tive $100,000 races, is the second| ¥ Mrs. J's inlaws had never liked| "5. 0 regulated by the De.|advised council he felt word of|nis court or gymnasium, [choice at 4 to 1, and Tudor Era| An Osliawa man, Percy Walt-| 'partment of Highways and we|the registered notice would de-| ers, 48, 264 Gibb St., suffered a been sent to a Training discussion. The committee Laurel Turf Cup on grass Nov. 1.| bruised right knee Monday even- ar had 'However, if it is suitable to install| would wait for the final notice found : Cone L |signs it will be done," he said. 'If before paying taxes. |coustically suited to accommo-|Guide, the Australian handicap on Centre St. | the date an entire orchestra. It is|star; Tharp, an Irish colt; Vene- | into trouble and prove her inlaws 4 gh the signs could not be en-|only other way he knew of ascer- also the desire of the committee|zuela's Escribano; Germany's Or- VISITORS AT ROTARY | {forced by law," the reeve pointed |taining people had received the to build a stage for amateur sini II; and Revoque, from Ar- unnatural restrictions over him.| [notice was by telegram. {stage productions. |gentina. Rotary Club of Oshawa, in Hotel Mike changed when allowed a Council was presented with al centres scattered from coast to little liberty with boys of his own petition signed by 61 residents coast. They included George at Simcoe Hall after school and Present speed limit is 50 mph. Hamson, Sydney, N.S.; Henry| tending the Friday evening Ar-| |Johnson, Lacombe, Alberta; | at ng | | Mrs. J. became after being| Can H t 1 |McLaughlin, Barney Lewis and to get a new slant on cer ote |Gwyn Kinsey, of Oshawa; and 8 - Will Have manville; Reg. Humphrey, Ajax; | |Bing Spencer, New - Glasgow, Hope. EUCHRE WINNERS PORT HOPE -- Found guilty of Vocational Institute|assured a board basis for the Anglican Church here. [lar goaltender Jacques Caron. later in the afternoon was in pros- Red Cross to continue to issue maxed his address on the respon- PLACE FOR EVERYONE {She is survived by one daughter, into Caron and knocked him back tory. The record is 33,715, set in|is completed, tary Club of Oshawa in Hotel|people who are past service] we; three grandchildren and| | Ballymoss has the credentials, Branch disaster workers were at is of the Oshawa have been active and have the Services will be held at the] |but well put together, the four- after news of the bump was an- the club were express- public life means the expendi-\and interment will follow in St. Heard By winner's circle. Springhill from the Red Cross ed Trustee William Mineit, Trus- not a sprinter. It is interesting] MRS, HAROLD V. BATEMAN won the race, which is the final] Nova Scotia Division sent a kins, Trustee George K; Drynan,|you put into it'. commented Mr. strong Funeral Home, Monday, Applications of three architects gay moss, owned by John Me-jcanteen to the scene on the MANY HOURS NEEDED brings little monetary return. it awa General Hospital Nov. 6, in|Oshawa last night for the con Gaorge VI and Queen Elizabeth that a large number of the mem- derstanding and some abuse and selves for public service as suck/made. The problems involved in Street United Church, assisted by| problem of how they could build here he netted $106,190. He can leagues later in the day. do not feel they can afford to knowledge, perseverance and pa- Was at Oshawa Union Cemetery. |H. Cc. Pedwell, M. Elver. that alterations could be made to |atest word from London was that|and a kitchen were established in| |lic. [been manned by Red Cross vol-| Helps Boy, 9 May Be Reduced | e ps Y. T N t |discussed between the members| cluding two Soviet three-year-olds Mrs. J. was worried sick about| oq 4 delegation that Picker-| aX 0 1Ce tects, It was found that with the|as an entry at odds of around 20 CITY AND gone for hours, leaving his Moth-| speed limit on the 2nd Conces-|will receive their final notice bythe most practical. With hot AMERICAN ENTRIES A social worker soon unearthed ang Brock road reduced to 30 Monday night. |the arena would be warmed and| set Round table in three consecu-| INJURES KNEE ot Rog lei a os ee Music was a strong point inlis 5 to 1. Tudor Era won the of her LY 'must follow their regulations./lay payments since many people|the ; or that the arena could be ac-| Others in the race are Sailor's|in8 When he was struck by a car Feareful that Mike would get the area is not suitably built up| Councillor Stewart said right, Mrs. J. had been exercising | Visitors at the meeting of the It was amazing how quickly Out: G on Monday, came from age, such as going to the gym of the area asking for the change. Rodgers, Sydney, B.C.; Alf «chery Club, and how much hap-| [Trevor Achfeld, Toronto; T. E.| |Rotarians Walter Degeer, Bow- 'Bench Gives | Beauty B Eotakeadi a taxi and consuming a a willet | and are smiling," etal Magistrate R. «| Baxter. "Perhaps they think the men won't come baek, but'l warn you men, if you don't come back bench warrant will be issued | for your arrest, and you'll auto-| matically receive a six month jail sentence." TORONTO (CP) -- A $650,000 hostel for cancer sufferers to be opened here Wednesday will have a beauty parlor and TV sitting- rooms on every floor. The new Canadian Cancer So- ciety Patients' Hostel on down- town Jarvis street is believed the! only one of its type in the world. The society's Ontario division St puilt it to accommodate cancer patients under treatment at To- ronto's Princess Margaret Hospl- tal but not sick enough for full.| time hospital care. Up to now, the society says, most of them have had to stay in roominghouses, "sometimes very unpleasant places." Up to 58 hostel patients will be housed and fed for less than $5 a day, compared to eity hospi- tal's approximate $17.80. DIABETES WEEK TORONTO (CP)--Diabetes De- | | Winners of the prizes at the euchre party, held Saturday night at Bathe Park Clubhouse, were John Fisher, Mrs. J. Laverty, Mrs. J. M. McCullough, Mrs. E. McLean, and John Tim Reid Top Scorer | Intercollegiate football ~ |Toronto Blues, Reid powered over a (for three touchdowns and a single {Saturday as the Blues Walloped| Moosonee |{MeGill Redmen 50-7 to boost his total to 68 points for the seven| |games. [ Figures compiled by The Cana- S.S. Marie Robinson. | Freeze-out winners were Mrs. c. [Sudbury Ir McMann and Mrs, J. Fisher. [Windsor .. |London .. | Toronto .. Ottawa .,. iQuebec | Halifax {St T TORONTO (CP) -- The Senior Wingham .. scoring | Trenton .... champion is half Tim Reid from'St, Catharines {the title - winning University of Hamilton .. tending the International Mone- tary meeting in New Delhi, NOVELIST DEAD AT 79 ARLINGTON, Vt. (AP) -- Dor- othy Canfield Fisher, 79, who forged a remarkable career as novelist, scholar, translator and educationist; died Sunday, She be- Fort Willa: White River . Kapuskasing . North Bay ... EXTEND BUILDING \ TORONTO (CP) -- Construe- tion begins today on a $4,452,000, 10-storey addition to the east side of the federal government office building on north end St. Clair Ave. The addition, to be com- pleted by April, 1960, will house offices of the unemployment in- surance commission, welfare de- partment, RCAF, and other fed- eral agencies. BUILDING PROPOSED TORONTO (CP)--A multi-mil- lion dollar British Commonwealth building may be built on the south side -of downtown Queen Street West facing the new civie square, Mayor Phillips said Mon- day. The mayor told city council representatives of a London syn. dicate had discussed the building with him. Montreal homas Killaloe , Earlton . BEEZ 55558288588850A088808 FRUIT MARKET 1061 RAVINE ROAD TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale THE FOOD PLAN THAT HAS PROVEN ITSELF OSHAWA REPRESENTATIVE STAN BRYNING RA 8-5358 dian Press show Toronto's Peter fruit and vegetable prices were |Joyce and Walt Adams filled the reported here today at: Pears, next two spots. Joyce ended with Keefer, basket, 40 cents; apples, 54 points and. Adams with 33. MacIntosh, Hamper, $2.25 -2.50; Lionel Conacher Jr. of the Uni-'onions, bag, $2.50; squash, ham- versity of Westerns Ontario Mus- per, $1; cabbage, box, 75 cents; onions, green, doz. 60 cents. YOUTHFUL REVERENCE branch. of the Canadian Le- | old Richard Fraser, son of Mr. i gion BESL paid tribute to fal- | and Mrs. Alex Fraser of Or- | len comrades of the World | ono standing cap in hand be- Wars and the Korean camp- | fore the cenotaph, T VISITORS |tection Week, in which the Cana- a and Bill Miklas. dian Diabetic Association hopes| This candid camera shot was | denis at the Oshawa Centrali{to uncover as many as possible taken at the Cenotaph, Orono, pc Jiate Institute, were guests of an estimated 100,000 undiag-, Sunday following the annual Col, e8 Rotary Club of Oshawa at nosed cases of the illness, is to, Remembrance Day services in of | which Bowmanville and Orono {ole]o) CHAMBERS © 65 UNDERWRITERS RD. (0) GIA BE: ye open in Canada Friday. iis juncheon 0D aign. Picture shows four-year- ' Picture by Bowmanville Studios|tangs was fourth with 30 points.