a ----rr EATON'S ~ OSHAWA Store Hours: 9.30 a.m. to 6. p.m. Monday to Saturday,Open Friday Nights until 9. p.m. Located on King St. W at Stevenson Rd. - pont. B.C fo PS 18 THE CSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 11, 1958 A Pre-Snow Special Purchase of © . o . i uistanding Savings on 42 only 'Orion' Pile-Trimmed 4 Cian fie ah Louis Marx "HO" Gauge Electric Trains Winter Lined Lo | c AR | | Reg. 39.98! An End-of-Line clearance] Please, no telephone or mail orders : Vv \ Shop early for these! Fine quality train setts to delight the youngsters -on Christmas ¥ ' . morning--at savings you won't want to miss. Set includes: ¥ Ce per ® Engine with funnel that ® Freight car : smokes i ; Dashing style, excellent savings o Toner ® Caboose EATON Special Price, each ® 12 curved. track for misses and juniors | # Gondola car © 4 straight track : o Oil tank car , © Transformer, 60 cycle PY : EATON Special Price, each prone EATON Budget Plan Terms may be arranged ld WITH NO DOWN PAYMENT ' 1 4 00 y EATON'S TOYLAND, LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 227 ' §atonia Rubber Base Paint Deep, fleecy "'Orlon" pile is a rich pei bY, ; { A glareless, satin-smooth 'interior paint, moderately priced! . . . and only at EATON'S ! smooth-looking, wea- oars aq accent ' on ag, / i Choose from these colour-wise tones o. Coral tint o Glacier green' 'o' Bone White * Turquoise : o Candy pink eo Cactus green eo Cyprus green o Eggshell ® Desert Pink © Nassou Yellow eo Driftwood ® Antique cream © Huron blue ® Jamacion Red eo Cubon Lime ° r-repellent cotton poplin styled : ! - o Spri i the ep pop Y AS ng ined o April green eo Cinnamon ® Moss rose ® Bermuda Coral Florida Tan Also available in white and eight inter-mix shades. NOTE: No need for special brush cleaners --just wash them off in water! Fully lined with cosy rayon-quilted- | nS Satonia 2 00 Gall bH 9% be : ty f bo VALUE Quart ° allon pu over-wool, finished with deep slash EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 275 PHONE RA 5-7373 in a new double-breasted way! pockets and knitted storm cuffs. In pale blue, navy or turquoise, Clearance! with grey pile; and in mellow 'gold' Wringer Washers, Automatic Was hers Floor models, some slightly marked . . . much below . usual . prices! Well-known makes of washing machine at exceptional savings. Replace your old machine now -- or purchase a second one for the cottage | sizes 7 to 17 and misses' sizes 8 -- at this low, low price. Wringer models and automatics; various stylings; all covered by EATON'S guarantee "GOODS SATISFACTORY OR MONEY 84 95% fo 2 J 4 OB . REFUNDED", EATON Special Prices: w® ® with leopart print pile. In junior to 18. EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 275 PHONE RA 5.7373 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 244 LPARAM AL RL RAT TEINS LIMITED -- 1 Girls' Flannelette Visit the : QUANTITY as il Yuletide Trim Centre SPECIALS now . . . while the selection is at its very best! You'll find a host of new, On Sole ot 2 P.M. Wednesday. exciting ideqsfo give your home a festive look . . . beautiful decorations Please, no telephone or mail orders n ® rR. My dear Children, Pyjamas 4 for windows, walls, trees. MALL LEVEL : ; Children's Shearling (sheep- Here atthe North Pole A ® GLASS WAX CHRISTMAS STENCILS 3 : . Onl of EATON'S I! Eg A For flecorating ON Tol Ns. package of stencils contains 10 sheets with 34 designs . we are all very busy getting y ) DE TE ate. oad? 69 skin) Cuffed Overshoes Brown plastic uppers; shearling collar; ready for the trip South. The : ' i: J NEW BRIGHT COLOURS FOR GLASS WAX ; ; elves are ackiry toys 'onto flannellette pyjamas. Lace-trimmed Peter Pan 5 Green, yellow, red, blue and white. Each package contains enough colouring to colour a adjustable strap; felt insoles. : ] p 9 y collar, contrasting piping on yoke and collar, & full pint of Glass Wax -- enough for every window in the average house. PKG. | Sizes 13 to 3. Pair . the sleigh; Punkinhead keeps & 3 GLASS WAX i Clearance Of polishing the reindeer harness pretty ribbon bow at neck. Turquoise or pink, i Easy to apply -- easy to remove, | | ay en : Costume Jewelle until you can see your face in 4 Es LIGHTING SETS Pins and earrings; metals SHY dour of sizes 8 to 16. it; hs Clas smoking sure EATON Price, £53 for indoers or Quddere Many types available . . . traditional through 1.59 "> 14.95 gold or silver; enamelled and my best red cloak is all clean IMPORTED NOVELTY TREE DECORATIONS FROM EUROPE stoneset. Each or Pair Includifg a number of very 'different' decorations -- beautiful tropical birds, tiny glass trumpets and pressed. My, my, it's each... ............ A \ 4 / exciting 1 We were Y little tm \ 3 that actually blow, houses, Santas; violins -- a selection to numerous to describe ! UPPER LEVEL worried for a while yesterday - : Hdl EACH .. 05. .15 SETS to MISSES' Corduroy 4 "I ® FLAMEPROOF COTTON Slim Jims . . . Reg. 4.99 : ' the Fairy Queen's wand could (Not illustrated) -- Fabric specially treated to be fireresistant, and plentifully sqrinkled with glittering "stardust"; available in a variety of colours. Use under the re 69 Paisley pattern; tapered legs; brown or not be found. We searched "Boric Brae" baby doli : 3 nih on the mantlepiece. Green, pink, blue and white. Pkg. d d t Si 10 1 9e oaby do pyjamas. onc. night. : ® BREAK-RESISTANT CHRISTMAS TREE BALLS rod Jredomine ing. Sizes " 99 Drop these--they shouldn't break, being made of fine plastic. In a good variety of bright colours, everywhere -- even in the y gowns. Of flannelette in the same "kitten" Box of 5, Box of 12, 1 6 L reindeer stable. ' Finally we ) 7 $ ; o , found it -- and guess where print. Turquoise or pink, Sizes 8 to 14. 11 La i | i i : IN ® HALO "CANDOLIER" " it was! Right in my sack of Baby Doll Pyjamas-- Nightgowns-- I Fr mantel ¥ fotlewa set of red imitation candles on a white fisiy base; with an orange "flame", Little Girls Orlon* Shrugs ma £ clear 0. Just th ft, 11 ligh toys in 'a hurry someone EATON Price, each EATON Price, each : gloat how, Just plug ins. they give aso "150° Bot of & on stad, Navy, red, blue, yellow or white; sizes 3 5 2 to 6x in the group. Each had packed it! ; a 9 49 25 50 4 2% ® GIFT WRAP 3 [J 5% . 0 Heavy emo? ssed, excellent quality papers in 9 ft. rolls. Gaily patterned, widths 29 * 1,69 i CLEARANCE OF REMNANTS - Love to you all from £0 PLUS . . . tinsel, snow, icicles, angel hair, aerosol-bomb snow--and much much more! 1/3 Off Reg. Prices! SANTA EATON'E. UPPER LEVEL. DEFY. 201 EF 3 THE YULETIDE TRIM CENTRE, LOWER LEVEL PHONE RA 5-7373 Reg. .15 to 4.50 each! Cottons, wools, rayons; prints, plains, plaids, "checks, PHONE RA 5.7373 CT A re Ne BA A TR PRR Se novelties. Lengths from 1/8 to 2 yards; al. yidkps from 35 to 48". 10 3. 00 {a Reine A Diamond is for ever... = > LOWER LEVEL Give her a ds this Christmas | GowiclBrae Orion Sweaters for Girls | | 3 only! Metal Doll Beds only at EATON'S 2 Greatly reduced to clear, Approx. 10 x : 17V2; pink with lithographed Give her a y eimme diamond What a lovely gift idea! Cloud-soft Orlon* sweaters: that wash beautifully, retain their shape, and wear so pattern. 3 Each End-of-fline . . . 30 Only ' well. 'Short sleeved pullovers and long sleeved cardigans in dyed to match colours . . + mix and match as Hp " . ; ring only at EATON'S you please, in 'jewel' tones of red, yellow, pink, blue, white or navy. Sizes 8 to 14, Cirreno Toilet Seat and Covers on each shoulder. EATON Price, each ; White plastic; excellent quality; usually . Traditional beauty Solitaire with two claw-set diamonds 180. 00 EATON Prices; higher priced. on each shoulder, EATON Price, each ....... Each « An unusual setting with a large centre diamond, Shh. Short sl i shoulder diamonds, EATON Price, each - n! oft Seay: pullover, ' Long sleeve cardigan, Hostess Chairs ' 1 each ..coevvvninenn. 6 . One large centre diamond. and one baguette, one small diamond on each G d pl hol : reen or red plastic up olstery wipes Pooulder make this a Histinuished setting. 50 00 ATON Price, hii "n vice, eoc EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 211 PHONE RA 5.7373 Seam: ac legs are walnut ; ni ac EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 415 Br Fe si . Solitaire Diamond in a carved setting with one small diamond 100. 00 * Tradename for Du Pont's Arcylic fibre reylic fibr