Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 10 Nov 1958, p. 20

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[4 couvek "SN. pecinal SY © CTORIA ~-... : MEBICIN NNIPEG "FORT W SAULT S mn me L RSS 3 " I eg eo » of ordinary entertainment, how- URGES REPUBLIC ever ESTCOURT, South Africa (reu- e a 1 1 a 1011 en Tre Movies are shown twice alters)--Prime Minister Hendrik week in the 500-seat auditorium. ® cnack bar, library, and a games congress here Thursday the clim- room with five pool tables. The|ate never has been better for es- o PS ju men often get leave. Visitors are|tablishment of a South African » = , The centre, to be officially|of a republic wouid not harm By PETER SYPNOWICH here to make more money than middle of the night it's good to 3 ; Canadian Press Staff Writer |before he came but we still pay|have a warm human being to|oPened by Premier Leslie Frost|South Africa's friendship with TORONTO (CP) -- A 65-acre 2 of an £0 di f injured 'workmen Bill Kerr. paradise for injur e ACTIVE TREATMENT in RCAF barracks at nearby per . patient - per - day chargl new rehabilitation centre = that|month to operate. It includes six| The men are kept as active as|Malton 'airport in 1947. assessed annually against the 90,- than they held when they orthopedic swimming pool, 175-\rival. Even recreational activ-|the compensation board's pen-|amounts varying from 25 cents B a red i ¥|bed-hospital, nurses' residence, ities are designed to strengthen sion fund, Repayment over 40 worker in some industries to : 1di leted | therapists, separate gy J Thin a. En bulldinge $6,000,000, for amputees and other patients, { beds and an exercise room with a wi . + " Stat? ue 3 allows, 400 suave feet contraptions to exercise almost JOIN THE F IRE F IGH TERS . built by the|every part of the body. BY DECEMBER, 1960, Cana- , highway built by the provinces | nada. The Trans-Canada High- Map shows route of the high The centre was : dians may be able to drive in | and federal government under | way itself will be 4,470 miles in | way from St. John's, Nfid., |Ontario Workmen's Compensa-| Hot wax, whirlpool baths, ultra ; network of asphalt and concrete | A paved route now stretches | through Quebec which has re- serious injuries among the 1,750,-| among the treatment facilities. J UBILEE PAVI LION i Bulk of the rovte will be oR about two-thirds of Ca- | fread to ¢ion an agreement. --(CP Newsmap) (000 workers covered by the prov-iSome of the men lay railway . tua) |Ployers for disability pensions| handle ore cars, saw logs and lift ! Juorima vy Te pein) and accident benefits. The board|crates in preparation for their re- for their annual ° ° ; Cateh Yah ____|FREE TREATMENT EXPERT STAFF Will Spar ] E ntire Land its 406-mile section of highway." orkmen continue to recelvel , {ning of the staff are treat- hile they get free treat . one mile left to pave, will com-|%ages Wn doctors, 24 nurses, 22 qccupa By JOHN E. BIRD |paved. However, in the 16-month way paved to provinclal standard|plete its work next year. mnt lasting an average of 40|y,,.1 'tharapists, 11 remedial WEDNESD AY, NOVEMBER 12 sent 3 ly , A d high-| work on sections where recon- are paved in Newfoundiand--on! ployment, often with a pension. ; TX A Le ave: about Pree. #4 eats 2150 miles struction and paving was essen-|14 to Trans-Canada specifications|"™ «yn come cases a man leaves| The patients are sent out to Dance to the music of two-thirds of Canada's girth and| ore graded, compared with 533/tial. It still is impossible to drive over Do way a 2 : It is expected the entire country miles in the 16 months. Construe-| As a result of the faster rate of the 580.mile route on the island|270 in Newfoundland, 71 in P.E.L,|Sunnybrook veterans' hospital, | Pat Riccio's Orchestra Iwo years. ._ [longer period and 83 in the penditure will not be sufficient./Gambo by railway flatcar. Manitoba, 277 in Alberta and 4135 0 le ie ally | y 3 dians| yle says morale is generally By December, 1980, Canadians|cy, wo. one, The government will ask the next| Mileage paved to Trans-Canada Ri of 143 miles of the|high--especially among the dou-| rwoerd told the National There are television lounges, a ve party allowed anytime. republic. He added that creation : " Britain, Holland or one else, his pension," says administrator|y, vo if you're troubled." Oct. 29, is an outgrowth of an any 0 . exper tal centre -- lies just outside Toronto. It's a| The centre costs $175,000 a often releases patients to better|0CCupational therapy rooms, anpossible from the day of their ar-| It was financed by a loan from|000 employers who contribte The centre, 14 brick and alu.|[60 treatment tables for physicailand rehabilitate. There's plenty years will be made through $5'$16.50 in others. holds 500 patients and with a clinical dormitories holding 325 at the comfort over a coast-to-coast | the Trans-Canada Highway Act. | length, excluding highway | oo victoria, tion Board to handle the most|yiolet rays and a sand bath are ince's plan of assessing em-|tracks, climb beams and poles, . ' Trans-Canada Highway [as mys Muy i thee its kind in North America mechanical cow to milk. sear FIREMEN'S BALL Prince Edward Island, with only|/> Per cent of their former| .. norsonnel, They include 11 i days. In eight of 10 cases a pa- ; period from May 31, 1957, to Sept.|and made it possible to speed u ! gymnasts and 21 physical therap. Canadian Press Staff Writer [30 of this year 469 miles were 4 p P| Less than 100 miles of highway! sient js returned to gainful em- (jo ; --but 270 miles have been graded. specialists if necessary and are will be spanned by 2 vithen of tion of highway structures such|construction by the provinces, the (province without a car being|101 in Nova Scotia, 140 in New seven miles away. asphalt and concrete i as bridges totalled 186 in the|$250,000,000 authorized federal ex- moved between Clarenville and|Brunswick, 858 in Ontario, 284 in| Nursing superintendent ~Mary may be able to drive in comfort | o " 5 v | Paved highway at Sept. 30 this session of Parliament to vote ad-|standards in other provinces at ble amputees. But the men often pie +7 oy ti yeer stood at 2,028 miles. There ditional funds of perhaps $40,000,-/gept. 30, with total mileage for yan o Canadas Highway Bre) : ap ling about home prob. taking first advocated in 1910 by/Were 2,687 miies graded, includ-(000 to $50,000,000 to cover worklthe province in brackets: throug ationa ar ® or lems they ignored while working. | 2 Rid Highway Associa.|ing the miles paved. Structuresiup to December, 1960. | Nova Scotia 26 (311); New joliora gic on. OF i Ey EE Lot of talking] bon... : jcompleted totalled 269. Cumulative federai and provin- Brunswick 94 (390); Ontario 499 ol ave; deen p TE re is oe} Bulk of the surfaced road wilii While the amount paved fo|cial commitments for highway|(1,436); Manitoba 276 (309); Al- . { be highway built by the provinces|Trans - Canada specifications is|construction at Oct. 4 totalled berta 265 (282); British C and the federal government un-jonly 2,028 miles there are about $435,422,301. Of this, Ottawa had |284 (568). der the Trans-Canada Highway|1,200 additional miles paved to|committed $259,821,130 -- nearly] Mileage graded to Trans-Can- Act. Other sections will include provincial standards. {$10,000,000 more than the amountiada standards at Sept. 30 totalied joads built by he ota 1919] DIVISION OF COST i ree ore the act wi S mer and 400 miles of provincial high. | The federal share o bende) way through Quebec, which has|the highway was limited to | refused to sign a Trans-Canada 000,000 when the act was passed Highway agreement |in 1949 and signed by all prov-| ' ES LONG. |inces except Quebec. Ottawa] 4,470 MIL N | agreed to pay 50 per cent of the The Trans-Canada Highway it-| cost of new construction and half | self will be 4,470 miies in length|the expense of bringing sections excluding highway through Que-|of highway paved before 1949 up, bec to Trans-Canada standards. | A Canadian Press gross-Canada) Rodural Spending was increased survey shows that Trans-Canadaito ,000, y an amendment] Highway building has picked uplto the act in 1956. The 50-50 split | considerably in the last 16/was continued but Ottawa agreed months. During this period con-/to pay 90 per cent for the ciosing| struction of paved road totalled of vital uncompleted gaps up to about a third of highway paved|10 per cent of the total mileage In the previous 8% years. |within any one province. From the start of construction) The amended act also elim- In 1950 to May 31, 1957, a total |inated the necessity of a province of 1,559 miles of highway were reconstructing sections of high- Door prizes and Spot Dances Dress Optional $3 per couple THE MOST IMPORTANT FILM OF OUR TIME FROM THE HEART OF STRIFE-TORN AFRICA "FREEDOM nn SREATHTAKING COLOR. THE RAGING INFERNO OF WAR! | Oshawd Little Theatre WHERE KIDS LEARNED TO KILL OR BE KILLED! Presents WHEN WE ARE MARRIED. HILARIOUS COMEDY By J. B. Priestley EVENING 8:30'P.M. Reserved Seots Available $1.00 MAT. 2:30 -- 75¢ AND 85¢ WEDNESDAY, NOV. 12 ONE DAY ONLY BL ee i --p------------------------ ALL NEW THRILL AND ACTION SHOW ! Directed by Jack Vickers TELEVISION LOG . CHCE-TV Chamnel 11--Hamiltos CBLT-TV Channel §--Toronto McLaughlin Library Theatre WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester WGR-TV Channel 2---Buffale WBEN-TV Channel ¢--Buffale MONDAY EVENING 5.00 P.M. 11----Theatre, Sports §-Follow Me 3----Three Stooges 6.15 P.M. @--Adventures of Chich 4--Children"s Theatre 530 P.M. 6---Mickey Mouse 4--Dinner Date 2-Superman 6.00 P.M. 11--Theatre, News Weather 6--News 2 Colarel Pleep 61 P.M. TUESDAY MORNING 8.00 AM. 3, 8--Today 4--Captain Kangaroo 9.00 A.M, $---Dr. Christian +--Popeye's Play- Rouse $-Trouble With Father 9.30 A. 8--Favorite Story 4--Susie 2-Dr, Christian 10.00 2, 5--Dough Re Mi 4--For Love or Money 3 A.M 10. .M. 8--Remembrance Day 2, 5--Treasure Hunt 4--Play Your Hunch 6--Live and Learn 8--News " PM. S8--Anybody Can Play 4, 3-News; Weather wi Pm B 6, 4-Weather News; "P.M. 11--Theatre 6--Tabloia S--Dick Clark 4--Death Valley Days 2--Ford Show TM PM 6--Provincial Affairs §, 2---Tie Tac Dough 4---Name That Tune 745 PM 6--Scan "m 11, 6--Millionaire 5, 2--Restless Gua 4--~The Texan "eo PM 11, 6--Hit Parade 5, 2---Wells Fargo 4--Father Knows Best ae PM 11, 6, 4---Danny Thomas 5--Mr' Péte Gunn 2-Voice of Firestone P LE LJ 11, 6--Cannonball 11--~Weekly Football 6--Challenge From The Sca 4--Jazz Show 5, 2--Arthur Murray wh PM 11--Grand Canyon Suite 5--Med!c 2-Mike Hammer rw P 116,542 News Wastne: Sports ART | f-- Viewrnin 5--Movie Theatre 11-1 at 6--Decov 4=Plavhouse 2-Jack Paar Show 3-Mr. D. A. 4--Arthuy Godfrey 11.30 AM. 2, 5--Concentration 4--Top Dollar 12.00 NOON 32, 5--Tic Tac Dough &-News. Weather 12.30 P.M 11--News 2, 5-It Could Be You 4--Search for 'Tomorrow 12:45 P.M, 11--Theatre Lon 6--Music 5--Movie Theatre 4--Mect The Millers 2--Matinee 115 P.M, 11--Movie Matinee 4-Jimmy Dean 1 Helen Neville tu PM, 5-Home Cooking | 4--House Party | 2--Haggis Baggis 2.45 P.M. 11,6--Nursery School 5.00 P.M. 11, 6-Dr. Hudson 2, 5~Today Is Ours tthe Hig Payoff 33 PM 11, 6--Open House 2, 5--From, These Roots + I'he Verdict 1» Vours 4.00 P.M, 11--Bugs Bunny 6 Patti 2, 5---Queen For A Day 4--Serial Stories 430 P.M. 11--Popeye 6--Friendly Giant 5--County Fair 4--Edge of Night 2--Amer'can Bandstand 445 P.M, 6--Gumby "IFRLAY EVENING M 500 U1--Theatre, Sports 6--Whistle Town $--Playhouse 4--Fun to Learn 2---Three Stooges 6.16 P.M. Children's Theatre 630 P.M. 6-8Sky King | 4--Dinner Date Theatre 2---Woody Woodpecker 6.00 P.M. 11--News; Theatre; Weather 6--News 2---Sky King NOVEMBER 12, 13, 14, 15 AT 8:20 P.M. Box Office at Henderson's Book Store Sat. Nov. 8 -- 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. On nights of performance -- At Theatre 7:00 p.m. GENERAL ADMISSION $1.00 CINEMASCOPE COLOR by DE LUXE SMOKING IN LOGES GANG WAR ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 6.18 6--It's A Great Lite 5--News 6.30 P.M. 5--Bengal Lancers 4, 2---News; Weathep 5--Bengal Hancers 645 PM. 6,.4, 3--New 7.00 P.M. 11--Theatre 6--Tabloid S--Zorro | 4--Annie Oakley | 2--1f You Had a Million 130 P.M. | 6--Donna Reed S--Dragnet 4--Whirlybirds P.M. 11, 6---Front Page Challenge 5--Eddie Fisher 4--Ann Sothern X30 P.M. 11, 6--Chevy Show 4--To Tell The Truth 2 Wvatl Earp oon PM. 5--George Burns 4--Arthur Godfrey 2--Rifleman wee PM. 11,6--Folio 5, 2--Bob Cummings 4--Red Skelton .00 P.M. 5, 2--Californians 4--Garry Moore 10.30 P.M. 11, 6--Press Conference 5--Boots and Saddles 2---Highway Patrol "no PM 11, 6, 5, 4 2--News Weather. Sports n:15 "M, 6-- v.ew oint 5--Movie "3 PM 1' 1 ate Show 6--Sports Views 2--Jack Paar 11.45 P.M, 6--Boxing 12:00 Midnight 4--Theatre HOLIDAY ICE SKATING Come One! Come All! Tuesday, November 11 From 1 p.m. 'til 3 p.m. & EN , Bn Adult 'Entertainment FEAR! INTRIGUE! MURDER! A Shocke EXPOSED! International Intrigue In The H-Bomb Era! TODAY--TUESDAY{ URE A MOTION PICT! YOU'LL NEVER FORGET! NIIIITA shiowias 0GES Oshawa Children's Arena BILL SMITH RA 5-8071 Arena Manager 1.00 AM, 2---Public D d THEATRE GUIDE | . Biltmore -- "Gang War" (Adult). Shown at 12.45, 3.30, 6.20, 9.10 p.m. also "Sierra Baron" in Color, shown at 2.00, 4.50, 7.35, 10.25 p.m. Last complete show| starts at 9.00 p.m. ADULT Entertainment TIME -- ANYTIME "Sx (DUD ED HOME -- FILL-A-CARD BINGO BINGO IN 50 NO'S - $1000 BONUS GAME E TOMORROW'S NUMBERS 1-20 . G-50 GOT A LUCKY BUCK? Check your dollar bills now FOR A ngn, ho! ud AND id If any of .the serial numbers of your dollar bills eontain @ "5 --"'3" and "0" then you've got @ "Lucky Buck" ° end here's what you'll receive for It. A certificate for @ $25.00 Arthur Murroy Dance Course at 11%4 Simcoe Street South where you can learn the Fox Trot, Waltz, Cha Cha, Samba, Mambo and Swing. Just present your "Lucky Buck" in per- son at 11)2 Simcoe Street South, or if you prefer, mail it with the coupon below. Even if you've never danced a step, you'll be able to learn quickly, easily when you toke advantage of this double op- portunity. Arthur Murray is making this amazing offer to show you the fun ond good times to be had when you learn to dance. this simple way. So don't wait. Look .: in your wallet now. If you have @ dollor with a /5"2-"3" and "0" ~ (in any order), you are a "winner." =i tr Tel rials © This Coupon end My "Lucky Buck', Entitle Me T Numbers will be drawn $25 Arthur Murray | RULES | Marks -- "Hell Squad" 12.40, 3.00, : 5.25, 7.50, 1020 p.m. "Tank| \ 4 Battalion" 1.45, 4.10, 6.35, 9.00] i + dics N p.m. Last complete show at . 9.00 p.m. EXTRA! Dance Course Plaza -- "Cop Hunter" (adult), 1.00, 9.33, 6.15 and 9.00 p.m. Also "Fearwaker", 2.15, 4.53, 7.30, 10.15 p.m. Last complete show 9.00 p.m. Regent -- "The Naked Earth" in| CinemaScope shown daily at 1.30, 4.15, 7.05, 9.55 p.m. also 4 "Thundering Jets" in Cinema-| . 1 550 Tove. INGO Scope shown daily at 3.05, 5.50, THESE ARE ALL Call Toronto WA, 3-2413 8.40 p.m. Last complete show REASON [24 FCA Plc ATL _ PREVIOUS NUMBERS Before 5 pm a B40 pm ' " KE i ) h 147 RESTAURANY ona | Arthur Murray students and Street South or mail with cou- ARTHUR MURRAY a ARTHUR MURRAY at . Only one "winning" bill scorT's accepted from each individual. IY ot 10 a.m. minors are not eligible. Present Telephone ... ! 7 "Lucky Buck" ot 11% Simcoe Present at or mail to: Benefit of CANADIAN | | pon below. 11% Sitcoa Street South, Oshawa: FEDERATION | a ------ Not affiliated with the C.N.I.B. AIR-CONDITIONED BALLROOM 1174 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA RA 8.1481 Ce ol We A AI fg Spt " a TE pa it a VE US

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