THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Adve tising RA 3-3492 All other calls . . ..RA 3-3474 he Oshawa Simes WEATHER REPORT Clear tonight. Tuesday sunny and a little warmer, ight winds. VOL. 87--NO. 264 Authorized As Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottowo Price Not Over MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1958 OSHAWA-WHITBY, TWENTY-TWO PAGES 4 f i 3 i FLAMES ROAR from the win- | ing an estimated 20 lives. This it dows of a downtown Montreal | photo was taken by Ted Church i apartment wing that was de- | of Verdun, Que., who was re- stroyed by fire early today, tak- turning from photographing a 20 Are Feared Dead 'In Montreal Holocaust 1:45 a.m. Others 'P) -- A bloated|ing about MONTREAL (CP) : third and fourth gas stove may be the key to the jumped from cause of a holocaust that en- floor windows gulfed a mid-town apartment] The building, on dead-end St. building Sunday and claimed at Mathiew Street just off Dorches- . least 20 lives. {ter Boulevard, stood on a cliff Under the glare of searchlight: investigators grimly dug throug the night into the ruins of the four-storey wing of the brick and wood building in their quest for Bodies and a clue to the cause of the blaze. Nine bodies were recovered by late Sunday night. Only three--those of John Sim, %, and his wife Carol, of West- ville, N.8., and Louis Dunn, 23, of treal--were identified. 1 Police issued a list of 13 names of persons believed to have been in the apartment at the time. them h|tracks about 50 feet below | For more than two hours the 125 firemen fought to keep the 1 i Sunday before the charred re-|1 mains of one of the victims was dow & L a for the aged in the St. Henri die- firefighters ex- trict. about the fi-| THIRD IN THREE YEARS all the occu- It was the third major blaze lud-| Lithin three years at t n apartments. In the two previous ¥ fires no one was injured. ibl thoritis . ;: responsible authorities as 0 3 an explosion or expl sions preceded the fire in hte Old- apartments. Petective Captain Cecil Rowe, pead of the Montreal arson squad . preliminary indications were ¥8e fire was caused by a gas ll | stove explosion on the third floor. * He ruled out the possibility of ar- Dec. 4, 1955, destroying 12 apart-| | wiring. On April 22, 1956, a three- MISSING IN MONTREAL FIRE | MONTREAL (CP) -- Tose ) ; y listed by police as missing in Sun- apt. Rowe said 2 gas stove, day's apartment house fire in with all its valve controls open, |yso too). 3 vas found 18 He Nibble sm i Miss Francia Maldonado ! 1] rather than crushed by debris Mio bi 'AacKenzie and melted by fire. As : ary But he was unable to say whe-| A Bnlen ther the explosion of the stove] Gary Richards started the fire or whether the| g 3% vr) ho { stove exploded because of the a : fire £ } 44 i 1 ¥ 4 Kenneth Smith B. Fowler "We haven't been able to get L. Moonie ! deep enough into the rubble to, 7" poo 4 get evidence," he added M . Some tenants died screaming Mrs. Robert Long and son | as fire ripped through the build- | PM Reviews 3000 i! In German Parade HEMER, West Germany (CP) enbaker ended his formal two-day A military parade' of 3,000 men visit to Bonn at a candle - light was the main item on Prime dinner given by Canadian Ambas- Minister Diefenbaker's itinerary sador Escott Reid and attended \ | LB ib 5, [overlooking a_ string of railway|p oon launched to determine the |cause of the latest blaze. [flames from spreading to adjoin- fire department efforts, the Que- ng buildings. But ft was 11 a.m. bec Natural Gas Corporation has| {lowered from a third-storey win- mowski, a Polish woman who who keep the water pumps, air|The Soviet bloc group comprises came to Canada almost a year|lines and ago from Britain, told that she and her roommate, An-|in North America, has been idle ibert Kraljevich, he Oldfield hearing "unearthly screams." |got out," she said. "We had to | A two-alarm blaze broke out|run for our lives." ments. This was caused by faulty, | opened 7 Cents Per Copy JUAR FIGHTERS TACK PLANE HUSSEIN SAYS Report Signal Of Plane | With 36 People Aboard LISBON, Portugal (AP)--Ships flight from Lisbon to Funchal, a Six of the passengers were and planes searched rough At-| fashionable international resort in Americans. The others were | lantic waters off Portugal Sunday |the Madeira islands off the north-!listed as seven Germans, five night and today seeking some west houlder of Africa. Britons, three Belgians, two trace of a downed flying boat! The head of Artop, Cmdr. Cen-| Frenchmen and seven Portu- with 36 persons aboard. cio Ferreira, sau the pasttion ues, The Plat Sud co pllot were| i ic given in the distress ca a ritish an e other crew mem- to Seba Lmerienh Plate 8 been merely a calculated one. | bers were Portuguese. i eed FOREIGN BASES Russia Demands | heard from at 1:20 p.m Sunday | when it radioed a distress signal. Wide CG U.S. Court GENEVA (AP) -- Russia today alongside the three-nation negoti- The Portuguese director of civil Directs demanded sweeping nuclear dis-|ations on a nuclear test ban which aviation, Vitor Veres, said in a I . armament and elimination of for- began here Oct. 31. To use the| ntegration statement early today that "al- though the most contradictory in- formation is being spread . . . all i out of control |eign military bases as its price same interpreters and conference | lars fire Surted Cu for accepting an international services, the surprise attacks ex-| |warning system against surprise|perts will meet in the morning, ST. LOUIS (AP) -- The U that is known is that . . . (the for three hours, and left 50 per- Last Dead |attacks plane) announced it was going to make an amergency landing." The plane is believed to have {gone down about 180 miles west! of Cape St. Vincent, at the south-| ern end of Portugal. It was on a sons homeless. This was believed to have started when cooking fat overflowed. 2 | Vassili Kuznetsov, Russian dep- Buried In uty foreign minister, opened 'an East-West conference on the pre-| ed lor a » : vention of surprise attacks with|result of Russia's insistence on pring 1 la thinly-veiled denunciation of| Western promise to stop nuclear dered by the courts. SPRINGHILI NS. (CP) __|American foreign policy. weapons tests forever before set-| Springhill buried the last of its dead miners on Saturday, 16 days after disaster struck in the He said the policy of "positions of strength and the brink of war' People who managed to get out depth of No. 2 coal mine. the burning building said they Five funerals were held under radio station marathon staged to raise funds for the Springhill Disaster Fund. ~--(CP Wirephoto) KING HUSSEIN 8 {in the afternoon. A series of investigations has In addition to arson squad and {vent violations. John E. Miller aunched its own investigation. |was mainly responsible for the growing fear of surprise attacks. | whether an international warning for | and the nuclear test negotiators|Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals directed today that the Littleifrom London that the radio an-| According to the Arab news |" The nuclear test ban talks have Rock, Ark., school board take|pouncement said attacking jets|agency, Hussein identified him. [been deadlocked for a week as a|steps to accomplish integration of attempted to force the king's|self to the control tower at Da- a/Negro students as previously or- An earlier conference of East- school board "from taking any|Jordanian announcer said.) West experts here agreed it was|further steps or action without the| Monarch Unhurt Through 'Miracle' TEL AVIV (Reuters) -- King| The radio also reported the Jor Hussein of Jordan today accused danian cabinet was meeting to- two Syrian MiG jet fighters of day in connection with the procla- trying to shoot him down as he mation of a national holiday on flew his private plane over Syria Tuesday. Schools and stores will on his way to a vacation in Eu-|be closed for the day. rope. | Hussein was travelling in his The 23-year-old monarch fled private twin-engined plane. He back to Jordan without suffering|planned to pilot it himself for part injury "through a miracle ofjof the way. God," he said in a broadcast] The Arab News Agency, in a from Amman that was monitoredireport received in Beirut, Le- here. |banon, said Hussein was at the Hussein returned to Amman 2% controls when Syrian jet fighters hours after leaving for his plan- ordered his plane to land at Da- ned three - week "convalescent|mascus airport. The agency said leave" in Switzerland: | Hussein-ignored-the order to land He said the two MiGs dived six and flew straight back to Am- times at his plane with their guns man. firing. He also claimed they pur-|' Hussein said in his broadcast sued him over the border deep he had returned 'because United into Jordanian territory. |Arab Republic jet fighters fired Amman Radio, in a broadcast|on my plane when I was travel- - {monitored here, said the Jordan-|ling over Syria this morning." |ian parliament will convene Tues-| The king had been expected to |day morning for "an importantiland at Beirut on his way to {announcement = affecting the fu- Rome, from where he planned to {ture of Jordan." continue to Lausanne, Switzer ITRIED FORCE LANDING |land, by road. (The Associated Press reported HUSSEIN IDENTIFIED SELF | |plane to land in Damascus. |mascus airport when he was | (The pilot then turned the plane within 10 miles of it. He was or- The three-judge court directed back toward Jordan and it "was|dered to land but refused. ting up a control system to pre-|Arkansas Federal District Judge|treacherously attacked six times Syrian officials warned they to enjoin t he before it crossed the border, the/would" use force and Hussein in- dicated he would land. Instead, LONDON (Reuters) system can be set up to prevent|schools. 8, Sear. Haroriike assault by - The Wes dh at on another, « iligg to "colliery. part at the United. States. Brit. Tne western experts are noi Cypriot Workers are the maintenance men|ain Canada, France and Italy./empowered to conduct disarma- ment negotiations or even discuss B ann ed On B ases NICOSIA (Reuters)--More tha '$rvivor, 'Marcelina Krzy- hoisting machines in| Rugsia, Poland, Czechoslovakia,|a possible future treaty for the a reporter working order. The mine, deepest Romania and Albania. prevention of surprise attacks. In The talks are expected to end|the West's view, such a treaty jn mid-December with a report/may be negotiated later if the ex-| | sembly. The talks will continue tem is technically feasible. to the United Nations General As- perts agree that a warning sys- [] * Police Believe escaped after since the bump crumpled the tun- {nels trapping 174. One hundred miners escaped. It was the only industry in this town of 7,000. The last body was removed A from the crushed pit last Thurs- Edgar Eisenbraun, 37, opened jay night, after two weeks of e front door of his third-floor apartment when he heard Me Lack IEAing Toscue JW) Josov. Screams, : For the rest of the miners there [] * Flames came in at me. Iljs a bleak future. A nat@n-wide| the cupboard. Flames disaster relief fund which now is eda 8 uicil e came at me. I threw my son out|approaching the $800,000 ark the window. I aimed for the|will fill their immediate needs bushes and he landed in them." But for many, especially thosee VANCOUVER (CP) Policela far-reaching investigation was Shaken, his hair singed, Mr.|with large families, there is no say they believe the shooting|understood to be under way in|: Ta ee : Eisenbraun' told of how his wife work. death of former DEW line em-|connection with the mzr's death. (tinue to i paid for the Sme jumped and was taken to hospital | helug: Wie Bon Lal for treatment of fractures. His| son was not severely injured, but required some treatment. "There was an explosion as we ist bomb attacks and sabotage. at RAF fields. to Cyprus as soon as possible. Military spokesmen said (In Moscow it was learned] O'Donnel's mother, Mrs. Maria The coroner's jury *hich inves. Beatrice Meyer of Timmins, Ont., Lindsay Bullfight tigated the 27-year-old man's| registered at the Canadian Em- Firemen, delayed because the End In Abbattoir death returned a verdict ruling/bassy on Saturday.) island, first alarm was sounded from a| LINDSAY (CP) -- Lindsay re-|out suicide These are some of the points Mi ove, Jue on He, most call box several blocks from the ceived "a million dollars worth| A phox of Communist literature| Produced in -evidence at. the in- Tash oh he pris scene, found their path obstructed |0f publicity" from its bloodless|and color photographs of secret 155 d the tab f th poo lo 1A of sabotage and ter- by parked cars in a lot facing the bullfight In August but all the de- DEW line radar sites were found K o ke on e ta) Tym oR oTisIn within air force and army burning structure. tails didn't reach the customs iy the dead man's downtown ho- r Te boo nels nie 100m installations y Only a smouldering, debris my excise branch 3 sor. tel room. Bs y, e key itse "a a in dant & Sal filled shell remained after the whice oii pe gin There was also a letter from, He had drawn out $300 from day night in a aw fire. A contracting firm was to| oo. oi oq a letter from the © Donne's mother, saying sheithe hotel desk--he had left the|guarded Nicosia airport when : demolish the remaining walls to-| on Fo Fp re thel was holidaying in Russia at the|money there earlier--but both the|time bomb pre rko killed two gay » {ised cab. work Vito | ix Mexican bulls crossed into|eXPense oft he U.S.S.R. money and his wallet are miss-| airmen and wounded seven in. p | Canada--asking whether the ani-| RCMP have been called in and'ing. others. |ployee Merrell O'Donnel last week was suicide. : : S Te a3 SUiviCe riots would depend entirely on whether there was peace on the 4,000 Greek Cypriot workers were banned today from British army |and air force bases in Cyprus in a drastic move to thwart terror-| The workers will be replaced by RAF personnel, to be airlifted the, 4, / € 'dismissed workers would con-|from Algeria's 18 election dis-| future employment of Greek Cyp- 'Algerian Lists Stress Integration ALGIERS (AP)--Rightists fa-|didates showed the dominant ten- They included 2,100 employed voring integration with France|dency was right wing and favor- directly by the armed forces on|make up the vast majorit: bl British bases, plus another 2,000 Pp S ajority of able to the integration of France employed by private contractors | candidates eoplesting R seals inj with Algeria. e French parliament from Al-| Most of the parties and the geria and the Sahara. There isimajority of the candidates, espe- no sign of a party or candidate|ciaily the Moslems, are unknown seeking independence for Algeria (outside their own areas At the midnight deadline Sun-| "yp © "100 eT parties Fy day 55 party lists had been filed| ared to lean toward something | ltricts. Unofficial tabulations (SOT Of the rightiest demands {showed a total of 190 candidates| : {--131 Moslems and 59 Europeans., Most of the party lists had | Seventy deputies will be named|titles linking them to the Alger- to the French National Assembly|/an public safety committee lin Paris in the elections Nov. 28- movement that led the rebellion 30. Algeria proper will have 67 last May and helped bring Gen. land three will be from the Sa-| Charles de Gaulle back to power. |hara, which is administered sep-| De Gaulle's desire for a hotly- [rately. contested.campaign to get a true [FIXED BY LAW representation for M os] euiy The proportion of Moslems to up 90 per cent of Algeria's 4,000, |be elected has been fixed by law |000 voters. {at two-thirds of the total. This| The registration period showed will mean 46 Moslems will bela general Moslem reluctance to | sent to Paris, 44 from Algeria and|get involved in the election be- |two from the Sahara. cause of general apathy or fear | A preliminary check of the can-'of rebel reprisals. : |inals were imported for stock im- But all through the night they|,royement, exhibition or slaugh- poked and prodded by hand. ter and whether they were re- A New York sundicate recenfly turned to Mexico. purchased the Oldfield apart- They ended up at a Peter- ments and sent Sidney Appel to|borough slaughterhouse as Montreal as manager, bologna. | | LATE NEWS FLASHES today. {by Chancellor Konrad Ad ; iers, natives of | The prime minister spoke of | th YOMIGLS, alive to. the "unusual kindness and hos- receive their Canadian citizenship pitality" he had received in Ger- ; the many. certificates directly from the)el replied that there, pri § § was "a very cordial and genuine| ig Wha alities 239 feeling of friendship" : between] The men have been serving with | Canada and Germany. "We must 4th Canadian Infantry Bri- strengthen this so that it will the for the last year. |Withstand all strains," the chan- gade group .__|cellor said. The marchpast by 3,000 soldiers was to be the highlight of an in-| BAPTIST SERVICE tion of brigade units scat-| On Sunday morning, Mr. and tered over a 400-square-mile area Mrs. Diefenbaker worshipped in of West Germany. {a small Baptist church 2 Bons, . v in Soest,/The prime minister, who chose gh baker YN from |a church of his own faith rather Cologne Sunday night. {than an American interdenomina- i tional one, read a lesson and CARNIVAL TIME _, |Joined in singing some of his fa- 1t was the climax of the city's/vorite hymns gall carnival and merrymakers| There were some difficulties carrying balloons joined the|with the language, he said after- crowd of 500 that greeted the Ca-|wards, but they were made to padian party. Most of them were|feel "very much at home." wives and children of Canadian' [ater the Canadan party vis- soldiers in the area. ited Bruhl Castle at Bonn and In other weekend events, Dief-/were shown through Cologne Constellation Crashes And Bums NEW YORK (AP) -- A Seaboard and Western Airlines Super- Constellation crashed and burned while taking off on a training flight from Idlewild airport today. Airline officials said all five crew members were unhurt, Orillia Woman Threatens Police BARRIE (CP) -- A young Orillia woman committed to a mental institution threatened today to shoot police if they tried to take her from a house trailer parked outside the brewers' retail store here. She later agreed to let her husband drive the trailer to a mental hbspital in New Toronto. Police Are Looking For Mastermind TORONTO (CP) -- Police said today they are looking for a man who has masterminded a teenaged burglary gang in Toronto's east end for more than two years. Five teen-agers were charged on Friday with a $1,000 burglary and officers said it was the first break into the gang's activities. Six Persons Flee Into Street TORONTO (CP) -- Six persons were forced to flee into the street when fire ranged through a three-storey house on north- end Lyndhurst Avenue early today. Reports said flames leapt 20 feet above the roof. Nobody was injured. Fireman estimated damage at $26,000. Cause of the fire was unknown. "VETERANS PARADE DOWN SIMCOE STREET The annual parade of Oshawa | down Simcoe street to the Sal- | afternoon. The parade was ar- | veterans associations marched | vation. Army Citadel Sunday | ranged by the Canadian Legion | and various bands and organiz- Band passing The Oshawa : ations participated. The picture | Times Building. shows the General Motors Pipe --Oshawa Times Photo Cathedral ~ CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS COMMUNITY "POLICE RA 5-1133 CHEST FIRE DEFT. RA ++ SCOREBOARD HOSPITAL RA 38-2211 $30,000 $50,000 $70,000 $90,000 $110,000 $130,000 | $150,000 $175,000 $81,250 SUPPORT YOUR COMM UNITY CHEST