. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 6, 1958 | | The internal organization of the | | country is shown in maps on the | ! u = development of cities, towns,| , ' rural municipalities and institu-| / iV w tions. They show the distribution | / i WY |of hospitals, universities, librar- z 4 /&/4) A . lies, art galleries and museums. New Atlas Mirrors Canuck Development oh, JOVE dre 0) 3 Se and co-ordinated effort of agen- ping and radi. and television net- are made up of as many as seven | cies at all levels of government works. Ieolors. By JOHN E. BIRD Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA official atlas--a 25-pound volume| of 450 maps giving a broad pic-| ture of the country's historical, economic and social deveiopment --will be ready for distribution during the last two weeks of De- ecember. The atlas, the first produced by the Canadian government since 1915, was completed by the geo- graphical branch of the federal technical surveys department after more than six years of work. When , production of the atlas was authorized in 1948 it was es- timated the cost would be about $150,000. However, the work has been completed at a cost of ap- proximately $135,000 despite in- creases in the cost of fine paper, inks and other materials used in map making. BIND 2,000 COPIES The Queen's Printer now has produced 5,000 copies of each of the 110 sheets making up the at- las. A total of 2,000 atlases now are heing bound and the remain- ing 3,000 will be bound as demand dictates. Sheets making up the atias also will be available separately.. This will fill any demand for individ- ual maps; The atlas will be sold by the Queen's Printer for $25, com- pared with a production price of about $27. There will be no free distribution, not even to federal government departments. (CP)--Canada's new and of many private individuals. The new atlas replaces one is-| sued by the federal government in 1915. That one--a revised edi- tion of an atlas produced in 1950 --has been out-of-date for many years. Maps in the new atlas measure 20 by 16 inches and are contained in « rigid loose-leaf binder. The loose-leaf form enables the sale of individual sheets, faciitates the removal of maps for special study and allows replacement or addition of new maps as they are produced from time to time. Population maps and others for the mining industry probably will be brought up to date every 10 years, The first sheets in the atlas) show the way Canada was ex-| plored. They outline the routes of early explorers, the gradual de- velopment of the colonies to do- minion status and Canada's ex- ternal reiationships. The main maps show Canada's) relief, geology, mineral deposits, | magnetic field, tides, climate, drainage basins and soils. They | outline plan', animal and human] resources such as the ranges of! insects, trees, birds and animals| and the distribution of population, | origins of people, principal relig-| jons and birth, marriage and death rates, INCLUDE ECONOMICS Thirty-four maps are devoted to 'the economic activities of Ca-| radi~hs. They show various as-| While production of the atlas pects of agriculture, the locations was authorized in 1948, work did of sawmills, puip and paper not start unti: just over six years mills, hydro and thermal electric It's amazing what Roofing and Siding materials from McCULLOUGH LUMBER can do for your home. They'll give it long-lasting protéction plus a modern and beautiful exterior. Stop in this week and choose the colors and styles you, like best. Then, re-roof before Winter! ROOFING AND SIDING FOR THE AVERAGE 5 OR 6 ROOM HOME FOR AS LITTLE AS $9 A MONTH dc CULLOUGH LUMBER CO. Lid. 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