Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 5 Nov 1958, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA TIMES Wednesdey, November 5, 1958 7 ATAX AND DISTRICT NEWS | pose, | BOWMANVILLE AND DISTRICT NEWS 3 . LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Two dis- | John Mills, Representative -- Phone Ajax 426 trict suriewny ave. develored 4 - . device they say can keep a pa- . 2 . Nursing Home ASK YOUR . , tient's leg muscles and veins working during an operation to! u iC pea ng prevent later blood clotting. | B | P ed [J o ye Dr. Angus D. McLachlin, chief Y aw ass of surgery at Victoria Hospital, Wi i N d ¥ and his brother Dr. John Me- BOWMANVILLE -- A bylaw ' Lachlan of St. Thomas describe inner #2 ame governing mirsing homes ig the AGENT ABOUT... Spi linbey soi dt 25 EL Sco Doma rt weve ima, : . BOWMANVILLE -- Kathy Os- the quality of material and how| ap- ® Low cost reduced round trip rail fares | They say many lives can bel, .0 "15 "of Bowmanville, took effectively it was presented. (Proved this week by council. The ® Ov Steamshi P saved by the device. One of then "00 in "the finals of the| The next step for these three|PYlaw was necessary because the ho * mehip services {most. common post - operative gp on ie public schools' pub- Bowmanville youngsters will be|8overnment will assist, financial- . Hotel Lakes and Alaska cruises jgauses of death is Viood cloting. speaking contest held Tuesday| West Durham finals in Solina on|ly, registered homes. $ Holels and resorts across Canada (anc a common place for the loti, ¢ornoon in Central public school.|Nov. 12. There they will be com-| The preamble of the bylaw de- ® Airlines serving Canada in 5 continents ¥ Ito form is in the legs. The 12- : : : A Z | " " year-old won out against peting with seven other oratorsifines a nursing home as any es- 7 Mi gd Fo . 15 other entrants on the topic, to determine the five entrants for|tablishment where persons are : ling an operation. To keep blood "My Visit to Riverdale Zoo". [county contests scheduied for|lodged and cared for with special Information and reservations A {pumping at a full rate their de- ond place went to Carolyn|later in the week at Orono. diets and hygienic services. Nurs- from vice includes "paste - on" elec. Stacey, 13, who spoke on camp- The Bowmanville Public School ing homes must be licensed byR +. 5 Moss trodes which are attached fo a|\N8 and third place was taken by|Board usually presents the win-\the local board of health -- in| City Pessenger Agent, atient's caves and by slight Keith Banting, iZ, who spoke on|ners of the local contest withithe town's case it means the] 11% King St. est, cin d impulses move the leg astronomy. Each of the contest-| books and winners at the Solina United Counties heaith unit, Ly RA 3.3924 muscles. = "lants was required to deliver a!finals are presented with trophies Each home will be allowed a [five to seven-minute address uldonsied 3 the Bowmanville| imum number of patients. { |a_topic. Judging was bas 4005 Homes must submit to regular Miner Takes Job | inspections by the fire marshal's| | As Rug Peddler | Trees Planted | Fire Idea office and health officers. | Boye mod Brine! Replacements | N ot Good, | Arctic grouse, or ptarmigan, | !mining unless something hap- have a white winter plumage] pened to him. i |\which turns reddish - i Something did. Harold has quit | For Those Cut > | summer. . 5a Mise a mining.. i { Brine, entombed for 6% days] BOWMANVILLE -- So far this Men Find |in the buckled ruin of Spring- Year jhe ova Woke depastment | |hill's No. 2 colliery, arrived here has planted 160 trees as replace-| En y 7 } 1 by plane Tuesday night with his ments for the 20 cut down, BOWMANVILLE -- Two dis- | 4 wife, Joan, and daughter Bonnie Deputy-reeve Dave Higgon, re-|trict men found that the idea of | Pad t i" . 7 ; 4 Lee, 2. ported this week, burning down a house was not a { Z a . A He will meet the president of He said that more trees will 800d thing. Elmer Clarence Hug- vik the Toronto rug company that of-| probably be cut down during the Bins, 40, of Taunton, was found vy 5 part of the|guilty of arson by Magistrate {fered him a job. Then he will g0| winter months as {back to Springhill for more rest town's program of removing all| R. B. Baxter Tuesday and re- j 2. 4 |and treatment before returning|irees that constitute a hazard to| manded until Nov. 18 pending a hi 7 i / 7 % here as a carpet-layer. He hopes life and property. | psychiatric report. Charles Isaac { x / / 7 to be a rug salesman some day.| Tne program was delayed until Beaman, 70, of RR No. 2, Ponty- 4 i! / He was a miner seven years. quite recently due to a number of pool, found guilty of the same : : yr" : | circumstances but the work is|charge, was remanded out of cus- SPECIAL SOURCE proceeding steadily now, he tody until the same date. British . in. stated. He suggested, however, The men were arrested by Con- | The famed asphalt lake of Trin WITH A FINE CAR OF THE FORD PICTURE SHOWS WORK in | Retarded Children's Associa- { R. FE. Ramsden, senior "class {idad in the West Indies produced [that an electric saw and gener-|stable L. F, Dryden, Bowmanville ; : : sacher. is ; isi | in|ator be hased to speed the OPP detachment, last Friday the Ajax - Pickering Whitby | tion school senior class. Mrs, | teacher, is seen supervising at 1141,000 tons of natural asphalt id ini a er He Har he five tht Line the left 1956. destroyed the home of Leonard Davis, 44, of Pontypool, on Oct. 13 handsome sedans, convertibles and station wagons 17 Seek To Raise $5000 | Sons Of Freedom Leader "open to yor fami needs ond bude soso . . i | gested that it would be a "good selection of economy imports . . . driving away with a car that really fits 1ves 1 e uxury | thing" to burn down Davis' house. your needs. You'll enjoy, too, having a car that combines imported cae {Beaman agreed and supplied Hug- economy and easy handling with clean, modern styling. And because For Retarded S chool VANCOUVER (CP) -- The Sunjis not a Doukhobor, has been the|8ins With the matches, these thrifty imports are from Ford, you'll find comfort and performance says Stefan Sebastian Sorokjn, se pirat leader = hiv os > i Tous Beaman Yetiiogd 10 3c. that's up to Canadian standards. And experienced, low-cost service . . o har spiri it-|F" since Easter, 1950. c an; e blame for the fire, : PICKERING -- The Ajax, Pick- shop. It will be cruel to the chil- Mr. Brooks said that the $50,000|32 old spiritual leader of Betti Cmeedom, be der ai a fos. stating that he did not strike the throughout North America. ering and Whitby Association for dren after bringing them to a includes the purchase of the land, Doukhobors, is living a life of lux-|tival in Krestova, the shacktown| match, he only supplied Huggins Retarded Children set its 1958 certain point to push them out surveyors and architects' fees, ury in Uruguay. headquarters of the Freedomites| with y tools. campaign goal at $17,000 at the on their own without preparation. the construction and equipping of |; a world copyright story by|near Nelson. In 1953 he went to| regular meeting held in the Red When this is done, they lose their the school staff reporter Simma Holt from Uruguay, seeking a new home for . Cross Centre Brock road, Picker- place as individuals. They should) Of this total amount at least| Montevideo, Uruguay, The Sun his followers. H t B ] ing township have a sheltered workshop in $33,000 has to be raised by the says: | '""At times his take is hundreds! un ng Y aw The association has provided order to maintain their places as association, as the remainder "Sorokin is living the rich life (of dollars a week, at other times classroom space and equipment individuals," he added will be acquired through provin-lon the riviera of the Americas |it soars to thousands." The Sun L . for two classrooms and two "Cost of transportation for the cial grants, I suggest that $5000 . . . surrounded with bodyguards says. | 1 e ven "He keeps them faithful with teachers for the 14 children .now children is tremendous," said be raised this year toward the and luxuries. LG 5 1 "He pays for it with the money |fatherly religious letters, large attending the school in the Red John Brooks of Ajax, proposals new school." i t i r . surprised to "The attendance has been good that pours in to him from the parts of which are copied from pee Y eview Cross Centre. chairman. "I was hat find "The campaign goal is es- learn how much it costs to run in the two years the school has|simpie, uneducated peasant folk religious Books 'ue . Sei § Donald| (the Freedomites) who live in The tota: he has received in| BOWMANVILLE -- Council tablished, people must be can- the school. Considering the length been operating," said ] ; a vassed and contacted," said May- of time you have been in opera-| Lawrence, education committee| shacklowns In the Kooleuays sw/the Jost Six years is Tongesvabl earned from Councillor O. J. or William Parish of Ajax, unit|tion you have done a marvellous chairman. Even when the chil-| Worship him as their Christ. pi This does not include| Presson this week that during the 4A-door, 6-passenger Consul, This trim chairman. "To make this cam- job on a stupendous project which'dren should stay home due to an|NOT A DOUKHOBOR 97.000 he took with him when he|OPen season on migratory birds $97, e " |firearms may be legally used beauty has the kind of interior room you paign a success we need the en- began with a capital investment illness, they want to go to school. The Russian-born Sorokin, left Canada in 1952. . . . who within the limits of the town. expect in Canadian cars. Biggest luggagé thusiastic support of everyone in of $34." |The child kicks up such a fuss the community. out that the main (that the parent lets the child go Apparently the bylaw permit- space in its class, too--18 cu. ft. Short- He pointed "The organization must have a'objective of the District Associa- to sehool when it actually isn't fit . tin, : i : : } ion 3 hy SC g hunters to hunt the birds troke e combines nimble perfor- ®ew school and a sheltered work- tion is the new $50,000 school.|to do so. ue 1 on ort orn within confines of the town was Ne gine 4-cylinder perk Passed several years ago. Convertibles and wagons available. The council quickly ordered the LJ | rd - Board Rescinds | ParentsAttend Sale Sees Higher Price |ixzmiinans 0 en House At | At the annual Blue Ribbon| Woodville; C. Dickenson, Port submit recommended changes P Shorthorn Sale, under the man-|Hope; Robert Barlow, Black- as soon as possible. der Zephyr Convert- : water; Arthur MacKay, Newton-| 'Mr, Presson's finding resulted ible. The Zephyrs and ' B Order On Water agement of Jack Baker, Hamp. "Lory Ahr MacKay, Nevion ie. Pressons fndin | . Andrew S [t ices some [ i R. B. Hamill, Manila; John from his investigation into the re- Zodiacs add extra TaN Goer tre Tatras i cos. Sveragey Loo sale, | Fore Rope: Wilts Gils ene quest of the Goodyear Rod and luxury and- the extra AJAX -- Over two hundred par- n . ' tid 1G ; pir 3 i AJAX -- The town council has ed on Tuesday evening what Was ents attended the Open Srour at | There was steady demand, with|lon Falls; Victor Leask, Black- a gn bf! hold vrei avi go of a 6-cylinder weceived notification from the On-|the basis for refusal to meet with gt Andrew's Senior School. on ny : |water; Gordon Stewart, Magne- W he flats direcily. hehind engine to the roomy tario Municipal Board that it has the Pickering council, Tuesday evening ; interest centering around: per. tawan; C. A. Rudkin, Brooklin; oe plant. The Yequest apparent comfort of a Consul. Both series offer formance tested bulls, and fe-|S. McQuade, Burketon: Carl Gra.|,) aS unnecessary, in. view of| 4-door sedans and wagons, 2-door cone rescinded its order of Oct. 24, ap- Mayor Parish said, 'The Classrooms opened at a i proving the enlargement and im- answer is simple. The Reeve of _ .5°" pene at tot P.M. males with plenty of substance ham, Peterborough: 0. McKen.|'€ existing bylaw, i 5 iasi provement of the proposed new Ajax and myself met with Reeve A Bl) he lesche: 8 ue and scale, |dry, Fenelon Fails; Don Mac -- - vertibles, automatic transmission. water purification plant and the Lawson after the hearing in Ajax study projects, ote were, prom- Top priced bull, at $610, was| Gregor, Newcastle; W. L. Car- THREE LANGUAGES issuance of debentures to raise on Sept. 3. At that time I invited . ' y ia polled bull consigned by Roy|son, Newtonville; Archie Parrin- g : i: $0000 } inently exhibite sach 7 polled bull consigned by Roy|son, : ie Parrin-| gSwitzerla y " son or that purpose" Reeve Lawson fo smi to my "2% exabted in each oom, 8M Sort Hope ana 8 paternal er. Mori: K. Van Comp. Bu. asses Kronen, coon oa PRICES AS LOW AS In explanation of its reason for council a brief, outlining his coun-| 'wTades b 2 enterts brother to the bull for which Mr, keton; Murray Walker, Fenelon [ialian and i aditi r0g- Maximum local delivered price for Angli rescinding the order, the OMB cil's proposals. At that time there musical numbers. Films, from Philp refused $6,000, last fall, |Falls. nizes aon io (Std.) incl. heater, temp. "gauge, gi states that approval was granted [was no suggestion of sharing con-| the Department of Education, en-|g.om' a 'Seottish breeder. The pur- uards, freight and pre-delivery. License and ocal taxes, if any, extra. with the further direction that the|trol of the proposed water plant. titled "Atomic Alert" and "'De-| hacer was Gordon Stewart Mag- council of Ajax should negotiate| Mr. Lawson was specifically ask- veloping Responsibility were | netawan, in the Parry Sound Dis- In good faith with the council of |ed to outline his proposal insfrank also shown trict. | ec ers other U K 2-door, 4-passenger Pickering township either for the and definite terms with special] Murray Clarke had the unique Top priced female, at $600 " [] . Anglia. One of 4 British sharing by the two corporations reference to sub-division controls, experience of having one hundred was consigned by Roslyn Flett Ford Line 4-passenger in the cost of the works for which land zoning, areas to be served per cent attendance of parents. Vou iol. . . 3 approval was given or for a suit- and daily gallonage required. To Staff of St. Andrew's: Grade 6, any Jurchased by Jume. Rick remier Urin eecC models --Anglia, 4-door able agreement for the supply of date Mr. Lawson has not submit- Miss B. McColl; Grade 6, J. B. a show type granddaughter of an Prefect and 2 station wag- Water lo residents of Pickers ted ins > jg pe ny ney, Suet Dies! AAA cow. (This is the highest LONDON (Reuters) -- Prime they started yelli i Whe, Al Lave suple room township. counci 0 stu y. He simply re- de » Mrs. M. Davidson, H.|u,scification possible). "i ON XN g) 5) - : rim ey started yelling during Mac- and luggage space, get up Continuing, the OMB states that quests that we meet with him in Armstrong; Grade 7 and 8, The sale was handled By ane Tiger Runa Vag heckled millan's speech. to 42 miles per gallon, $ EL :-| five times esday night as h At another point, a man shouted i it has evidence at hand which a series of meetings. Until my Walker; Grade 7, M. Clark; | clearly indicates that the town council knows what is requested Grade 7, Mrs. G. Woods; Grade 8,|tioneer Ted Jackson, Port Perry,| addressed an Anglo- Canadian at Macmillan: "You believe in ax is renare 2 rit wi a ; ; Vic . Gr . with ring assistance from Cliff|yally wh i i i ; council of Ajax is not prepared to and how it will affect our plans Mrs. D. Nicholls; Grade 8, Mrs. w 1H rally where Canadian Prime Min- |free trade in Europe; you are al 2 follow the direction given by the we have no common meeting J. Davidson; Grade 8, K. David- Bristow, Port Hope, and AD.|ister John Diefenbaker also | hypocrite." Thrifty THAMES TRUCKS Board at the time of the approval. ground, a position which is son; Grade 7, Mrs. L. Nisbet; [Stolz of the Canadian Shorthorn) spoke. | Shouts of, "What about the Em. | THAME oes The board was referring to a unanimously supported by my Art, T. Coleman; Grade 7, M.|ASsociation. Three hecklers, members of the Pire?" caused Macmillan to $ 800 (illustrat- resolution passed at a recent town council." Slichter; Grade 7, Mrs, E. Staun- Consignors to the sale were: extreme right-wing League of smile and say: "I thought there | ed) lets you deliver a touncil meeting which said in When informed of the OMB de-/tor; Grade 7, Mrs. M. Harman; Roslyn Flett, Oakwood; A. W./Empire Loyalists, were ejected.|Was a truce." big payload quickly and part that "the Town Council of cision to rescind the order. Mr. N. W. Ellis, principal. Wright, Nestleton; John Rickard, When Macmillan rose to an-| He referred to the "truce" de- at low cost. It has the Ajax can sce no purpose in hold- Lawson expressed amazement. ree Newcastie; E. F. R. Osborne, gwer Diefenbaker's address. one clared by the league on the prime most payload in its cl ing a meeting with Pickering He had considered the matter . Newcastle; George Car SON, heckler yelled: "Pray silence for| minister's meetings until the end | i pay pry an S 59 Township council to discuss the closed and at Monday's council Parents View Orono; Lorne Pimmett, Indian the United tales il aee 10 lof October. Pp F: lis price- = sharing of the control of the water meeting had arranged a meeting River; Leek Bros., Mt. Albert; When Macmillan declared Dief- It came after threats of legal a total capacity of 1935 purification plant in Ajax for later next week when other - . Roy Philp, Port Hope; Baker|enhaker had faith Are ion [action by both the league and Ibs. Yet it can turn or Mayor William Pa ish im an in- possible sources of a water sup. Film On Tonic Farms, Hampton; Garnet Rick-| chouted: "It's a pity you haven't |Macmillan's Conservative party park in less space than terview with the Times was ask- ply would be explored. |ard, Bowmanville; Laverne Pat- any." | following the treatment of league | competitive trucks. In i | iterson, Orono; and G. W. Breck- | i Ih 5 3 , | wh 3 i Of Shy Child a ey. | WOMAN HUSTLED OUT J te _pariys annual fact, it's nimbler than 7:30 p.m, | many small cars! Chas- . Lord Elgin BRJAX PERSONALS : | Purchasers were: G. E. Mor-| She was hustled out of the hall.. Mr. Diefenbaker earlier was ey sat AJAX -- An interesting film en-| ton, Cavan; Garnet Rickard,|A few minutes later two other accorded an uninterrupted hear- sis-cab, chassis-cowl, titled "Shyness" was enjoyed hy Bowmanville; Ken Sluggett, hecklers also were removed after' ing. estate car and bus models available. HS Meeting By GRACE MILLS the members of the Parkside : . Home and School Association at AJAX -- Mrs. Don Kemp, Mrs i : ; | ° AJAX The regular monthly/C. Walker, Mrs. L. Johnston and tae November i b : THAMES 700 and 500 British meeting of the Lord Elgin Home Mrs. Freake, attended the recent foray hi Ale i a2 een 1 11Versil Y u en 0 models give you unsurpassed econ- and School Association was held|CGIT leaders' conference held in by the ee i aeilion omy for carrying small merchandise. FORD on Monday night in the kindergar-|Calvin Presbyterian Church, To-| Gf te 'ax loit od "abnormal shy Pavlos agp 290 Ibs. and Line § . Up to 42 miles per gallon. © ten room of the school. ronto. ness in children, pointed out what! The meeting was opened by had caused it, and showed how, ques S 1 or S e urn ANGLIA © PREFECT « CONSUL « ZEPHYR « ZODIAC « THAMES TRUCRS Some 15 neighbors 2 | the president, Mrs. Russell John- 4 ) ghbors and friends), oh greater understanding by : from Ajax held a surprise house- 4 son. The secretary, Mrs. White,|" dy . sk i. parents and teachers, this prob- warming party for Mr. and Mrs OTTAWA (CP)--A formal re-|The ban was ordered after the tion '"'strongly deplores Mr. Bill read a letter from the Minister of I 'lem could be handled : Education, the occasion being Les Henshaw, on Saturday even During the business portion of|auest from the student body for | paper published Oct. 3 a state-| Boss's interference by offering to St V// /i Y7 . . that November is designated as Be) Shey Yesconted In Lovee the meeting, Mrs. W. Bosch, pres.|the reinstatement of the campus| ment from a former editor accus-/the press estimates of the i 66 your 64. er 18 (4 aq 17/8 17 (4 Education Month. [t was also. Pew. homie tn Scartorauzh ident, read a letter from Chief|Paper La Rotonde's three editors|ing the administration of "'relig- ion of the student body with re- ® mentioned by the president that r. and Mrs. Henshaw made a Constable H. S. Traves, in which/now is before Ottawa Univer-jious paternalism." gard to the current Rotonde is- Home and School car stickers are, of friends during their 12 or he asked the parents to make/Sity's dean of students. | Rev. Leonard Ducharme, dean sue." available to celebrate Education, moo 50cm Gaon here. and Certain that their children did not) The university's student federa-|of students, declined to comment, The resolution, which is to be Meith, and Se hoped every | iil be 'greatly missed. Those at ide wel bisyeses Suring te tion Tuesday Hig unanimously on the student resolution, but re- forwarded to university authorit-| : member and friend of Home a arty. Pres 'electric Nours of darkness unless the bi-| approve a resolution asking that ferred a reporter to ic rela- ies, protested a statement Mr, School would have one on theirllie party pre seed 3) west cycles are equipped with proper|a prohibition against the editors tions Living Bill Sole vel Boss made last week that the FOR OSHAWA A WHITBY DISTRICTS car their 200: wishes. "Mr. Henshaw lights and white reflective tape be lifted. statement, "large majority" of students : would agree their rights had been Mrs. Price's cla entertainec on the rear fenders i in _. |is a member of the Toi unto Police The student-editors were pro-| Mr. Boss said he had 'no doubt | od a rhythm, any avd Songs: Department lie sls Yantioneq that the po- hibited by university authorities|Father Duchanme, as the respon.| in M0 way infringed by the pro- \ hy ry eller's as! , ice v re having difficuity with|¢.o0, taking any further part in| sible authority, will consider the hibition. ho Eave two delightful selec- Many Ajax men have gone on Shigren riding on the Sidewalks the publication of the sem i-|request as SOON 88 possible " He Mr. Boss, who took the pe] jons. Or S. J sm are Ken!in the shopping centre, as well as . | ic on 5 ions i i r hunts. Among them are Ken ho TOnthly French-language paper. added this should be today. relations post this autumn, said) dec N Kidd introduced Donald|Smith, K. Chapin, Claude Row- riding two on a bicycle. In he regrets the resolution concern-| Dowde' Civil Defence Co-ordin-|jand, Dr. E. R. Humphreys, Har- Invetests of Safer. the police i -- Bose Whe iiclee in aling himself and added: ator Ajax, who gave an in-lyey Gibson and Tom McMann. [taking the children's bicycles and by both Miss Atkins' and Mr.|second resolution adop! unani-| "My co was ici gormatiVe talk on Civil Defence Yel keeping them for a week when|Russell's classes. For the Decem-/mously bv the federation at a pot A Wn a At, 200 DUNDAS W., WHITBY OSHAWA and appealed strongly for volun-|. Mrs. Arnold Grenke, - York they are found committing infrac- ber meeting a program is being Meeting attended by the 14 vot-|hasis of my understanding that ; jeeers. street, who is a patient in the tions of these regulations planned which will show the vari- ing council members and 25 non- the student body is an integral PHONE MO 8-3331 RA 3-4683 | Theaitehdance hanner was won Oshawa General Hospital, is re- The attendance banner for No-|ous customs of celebrating Christ-| voting students, part of the university, If I erred Mn. Fice's glass, * Iported slightly improved. vember was won, on a tie count, mas in different lands. The resolution said the federa.'l apologize." ' v

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