| Bazaar Raises || Funds To Assist Afflicted Children The annual bazaar and tea of volunteers the Cerebral Palsy School a rem ET Pupils Collect groups, CLUBS | For UNICEF Over $150 was collected by 60 from King and |School who went AUXILIARIES ARDENT WORKERS The Ardent Workers group of Street out on Hal Clinic was held Saturday after- lowe'en to canvass for UNICEF. the WA of King Street United noon. November 1, in the Memor- This is the first time that King Church met ial Hall of Simcoe Street United Street has participated in this vice recently with the) president, Mrs, Ewart Church. Mrs, Lyman Gifford de- worthy project and the students Clemence, presiding. She opened |chared the project officially open | lat 2.30 p.m. and the guests were {general convener charm to the room. teacher, | Mrs. Jack Luke convened the check the pupils in with «sisted by Mrs, money boxes and the executive of axils \ i y Home. and Sehoollcles from her scrapbook: Association served refreshments. | Taver Found in a Cathedral", anron hooth, Walter Brown, Mrs. Walter Dyl King Street and Mrs. George Harper. The knitted goods were in the -- charge of Mrs. Nicholas Dollick assisted by Mrs. Ross Wright. Mrs. Alan Wilber oresided over 7, "«isted by Mrs. Albert Rose. Mr Delbert Arkless and Mr. Jack zine subserintion booth E. A. Lovell H&S the parcel post booth and was a-| Hallowe'en Party The E. A. Luke were in charge of the maga- School Association held a pro- secretary's report and Mrs gressive euchre and mixed card/iiam Ward gave the treasurer's Lovell volunteered their time after they the meeting with a poem "A had viewed a film about the Unit-' Lovely Life." greeted by Mrs. Delbert Arkless, ed Nations at the school. Mr Arrangements | Lloyd Weiderick, principal, and of autumn blooms lent color and Mr. Everett Maycock, were at the school Mrs. Frank Vice had charge of the worship service. Mrs. Wilfred Harris read from 1st St. Mat- 10|thew, 15 verses. their Mrs, J. Kinsey read some arti Grade "A Package of Seeds', 'Theme of Thanksgiving" by Edgar Guest, also two poems by R. Mm. v hh Stevenson. ¥ é Mrs. John Booth gave a read-| 'dad ing "Something To Think About" | Home and Mrs. Harry Blakely. gave the| % wil-| | The project was most interest- | Party last week, which was very report. ar NO TREATS | Gerrigje Van Beek! ormGray, Engiana cP Joseph Hoogeboom ' Exchange Vows | At the Hebron Christian Re- formed Church, Oshawa, on Sat- urday, November 1, Joseph Hoogeboom of Oshawa took as his bride, Gerrigje Van Beek of { Pontypool. {* The bride is the daugh of Girl students' at Nottingham Unie versity, where men oulmumber women by two to one, are being asked to "go Dutch," or pay their own way, on dates. In a message to new girls from "all the boys" the students' newspaper says: "We love you all and adore your company, but don't forget our grants aren't any bigger than yours.' . Mr. and Mrs. John Van Beek of' Pontypool and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerar- dus Hoogeboori sf Holland. The Reverend John Van Har- FINE LINEN Jativa ir Valencia, Spain, was famous in Roman times for its production of fine linen. | meien officiated and the weddi music was played by Mr. Johr Van Tellingen, | The bride was given in mar- riage by her father, She wore a {full - length gown of embroidered (nylon nef ove: satin with a scal- {loped neckline trimmed with pearls and short sleeves With matching mittens. A crown of {lace studded with pearls and se- iquins held her fingertip veil and {she carried red roses and white chrysanthemums. THREE WAYS TO ENSURE BETTER HEALTH FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY PARAMETTLS NEVE "ENN The bridal attendants were the Misses Lisa Hortensius and Jane Van Beek in ideatical waltz | length dresses of deep rose tricot {nylon styling draped necklines -- and floating panels. They wore ha (white feather headdresses and Stella Pace , ' a 7 |caried pink carnations and white ; . chrysanthemums. Shirley Anne Becomes The Bride Wan Darn was flower girl in yel- Of Paul Micallef low nylon with a white feathered headdress and carried yellow dnd . The marriage of Stella Pace leposit } ced with lighted mothers ace deposit bowl, flared » wh 1g of Mrs. Robert Broadbent and daughter of Mrs. Jane Pace of ing in that three of the children. well attended The November meeting will be members of the Cerebral Palsy The school assembly hall was a pot luck supper on November % school displayed their work. This Sastetully Setorated ins Rallow. 27 at b p.m > booth was in the charge of Mrs, |€ en motif, the decorations HEINE pofrachments Were. sere i Marie Gartshore of Newcastle, drawn by Miss E. A. Found's yy. "vices por ed by The ever - popular home conk- Grade 8 pupils. There were pump- E grou ing table was convened hy Mrs kins and bullrushes to complete Raloh Camnbell with Mrs. John the effect, on the platform, and Batherson, Mrs. David Clark and Hallowe'en faces appeared over Mrs. Rov Bacon as assistants each of the doors Mrs Harold Beamish convened Home made candy, provided by the tea room and the tea table parems of the school children, was attractive with mauve and Was sold at the door, and refresh- white chrysanthemums in a silver ments were also supplied by the PARAMETTE u 21 VITAMINS, MINERALS, AND TRACE ELEMENTS MANY HAPPY RETURNS, BETH Celebrating her first birth- | New day today Elizabeth Lynn, | granddaughter of Mr daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob R. D. Campbell, St - y 11 ral Par od HDR ' ; : gt : i oh Contra! pan | New Branswk ki yrs. Wi and Souch. Mrs Lyman Gifford, Mrs youlevard norih seth | the hy Jed Loary Ba ' - . . 'Leese, and Mrs, H, A granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs, | Mrs. L. H. Cheeseman, all of 3 Mrlcese, a Brunswick, and great- white chrysanthemums. and Mrs. Mrs. Jack Gaskell drew names Oshawa, and the late Mr. Pace Mr, Johannes Van Beek acted as best man. Ushering were| Messrs. Dick Van Der Neut and' for some of the prizes and Paul Micallef of Toronto. son Dick Langerah, wos. sell n° the Winners were as follows: Mr, YL Mrs. Erminia Jb Tectption VI Nd Harold Mosier, Mr. Bill Langton, Maia, ana ihe late Mr Micaller, Hier ho i Sas 4 light ' ¥ : Twilley. Mrs. Twilley' was also Mr. D. Brock, Miss Shirley Sar. Po cern ct DIVORCE GROUNDS brown suit with beige accesso- BD: 1. Camphell. Lancaster; ! Saint John, N.B treasurer of the tea room. Seyv- Sant, Mrs, Hubbs Mrs. Gordon . . ARLORE Various: 2m ries and a pink carnation corsage. New Brunswick, and Mr. and Photo hy Climo Studio, wre Mrs. Colin Parks, Mrs. McKnight, Mrs. Westlake, Mrs, J. The Reverend Philip Coffey of- Among various grounds for di Mrs. 8. 5. Leary Saint John. NB, 8 Were eamnish d Mrs, Alf McDonald. Miss S. A. Moise, Mrs ficiated. "The wedding music was vorce in the U.S., Misgouri and Harold 2 aish, ang Roland Sidney Sharples, Mrs. Lloyd played bv Miss Eugenia Wyoming list z Es» Mr BI ons Savery, Courtice, Mrs. Lillian Linton Nahorniak. . 3 bridegroom is the son of Mr. As the couple left for a wed- and Mrs. Ferdinand Mikula of ding trip to the United States the! Lidl an Forbes. M Bert Hat- Miss Madeline Biggs, Mrs. D Given in irs Ba Fores Carpenter, Mrs W. Ives, Mrs. M. W. Moffatt, Mrs. uncle, Villach, Austria. The couple will bride was wearing a' sky blue Evans and Mrs. Jack Scilley r Bennett, Mrs. W. Lynde, Mrs tapers in the : blue and yellow Stephen 5 Ag i 4 p pa were Mrs. C. E William Pouring tea WEDDING PRINCIPALS Micallef. ~ Barbara Ann Crocker an Ane of Oshawa, exchanged nuptial Joseph Bernhard Mikula, both vows recently at The Pente- costal Church, The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Burley of Oshawa and the DRUGS 28 King St. E. RA 3-4621 Regular City-Wide Deliveries Saint John vagrancy on _t n Oshawa suit with black and white ac- cessories and a pink corsage, Mr. and Mrs. Hoogeboom will 'ive in Oshawa. _ part of the husband. Photo by Mary's Studio Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Ediror 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 4, 1958 controlling dandruff CP A A true appraisal considers four factors: color, cut, clarity, (degree of perfec tion) and carat-weight. If you hear of a terrific "bargain" ina large or "perfect" stone, bewarel Any reputable jeweler knows exactly what his merchandise is worth, rings for the Your jeweller does not offer bargain § basement prices for Orange Blosso: diamond rings--because when all four quality fac- tors are considered Oran- ge Blossom represents the finest and truly authentic values in town Orange girl with an hall ralls Exquisite Form! 9-y 9 Orange Blossom TRAUB MFG. CO. of CANADA sansa r EN tee nenne NIGHT OF CARDS Sponsored by The Pilot Club of Oshawa Wed. Nov. 5, 8 p.m. SIMCOE HALL Corner of Simcoe and Fisher Sts. Admission 50c Prizes RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS HJ A marriage by her ¢ Mr. Charles Galea, the I bride wore a full - length gown of| WIFE PRESERVER 4 Moorcroft, Mrs. D. Brock, Mrs. \brocaded taffeta featuring tly: J. Peterson point sleeves and a neckline S f K H SOCIAL NOTICE Refreshments were served by [trimmed with pearls and sequins uper uous air Mrs. Robert Pritchard and the|A pearl an rhinestone tiara held Permanently Re- AT HOME Home and Schoc! execntive, as- her fingertin veil and she carried moved By Electro. y bd v ted by the grade mothers. a > red 2 hi var. | lysis ond the new Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Naylor of 5' d by the grade 8 ougie! of red and white car ost, fastest, elec / Columbus will be at home to their gy tronic short - wave ) . . Mrs Slea atron-of- iathermy, reveel- friends and neighbors on Satur- G 1d S rs. Antonia Glea, matron-of diat . i 3} P our true self, Dial RA 3-3474 |Gay. November 8. from 2.30 to 5 ul Ponsors honor and, the bridesmaids, the } A / we you wis nd and 7.30 to 9 p.m. on the ogca- . E hibit Misses Pauline Pace and Vivian| 4 embarrassment sion of their 25th wedding anni- W eaving Lxnini Galea, wore identical waltz-length| FREE Consultation versary I Weoinesds ning thel EONS of royal blue nylon tricot RESULTS GUARANTEED - : - Af -ast ednesday Mihi oe with feathered headdresses to MARIE MURDUFF . n i afternoon Lilie. wil match their gowns and carried will be in Oshawa at the Genoshe Northminster W.A. Miss Constance Colpus Writes mui Shh hemseret, an, ox bouauets of vello "ani "white| A head massage is an excellent | Ror Noromberi Fe ibition and sale a One| 1 es oa ace - 158 ons anc p by. the members of the Oshawa chrysanthemums. Carmen Pace. remedy for that nervous, keyed ne. for RA 3434) Com letes Plans Weavers' Guild sister of the bride, was flower up feeling, It is also helpful in 4 " : : girl in white nylon tricot with a or Nn 1an C 00 The event was held in the i. 0." ro tiered headdress 1 Church Hall which was draped | id agares or Lountry rair wes I d jand carried a basket of mixed Miss Constance Colpus writes ting, worship, folk dancing, first wi ay "weaving 00S and |, vers sting le y laid all cra , materials used in weaving were The members of Northminster|3n interesting letter from Mont-|aid and small crafts On Sunday i Tia 8 ME Chiailes Gales." Jv. neked AG Gir', United Church Woman's Associa. real Lake. Saskatchewan, where|I play for the 11 o'clock service in displayec us Dest. than fo His co and] y ion are very: busv making "| she is teaching at the Indian Day|Cree and in the afternoon at 3 The art of weaving was demon a lorry Gal I Zong an 3 FA C T S pia 5 for t elt Cou uy Fair t be School. Montreal Lake is eighty o'clock conduct a service in Eng- strated on a floor loom by Mrs. Mr. Jerry Galea ushere ¥ Pld > Jel » uniey a 0 a miles north of the city of Princellish. with hymn singing Campbell Ross and Mrs. B. Bay: A reception was held at the STR a d 120 ns fr saska-| "'S aven't s 1y wove belts on an "Inkle' loom. UAW hall. For the occasion the evening. This affair is sponsored Albert and 120 miles from Saska So far I haven't seen any wild'* , : b W.A. and convened by M toon life outside the Waskesin Park Handwoven articles on display bride's mother wore a black lace y the 3. and eon ER iis 'The *hool M Colpu y f dy vet. The elk included rugs, skirts, stoles, ajdress with silver accents, black John Payne and Mrs. C. M. Mc he 5€100 iss Colpus but time is early yet. The e ) | i ag : Lean but every woman of North- Writes, is set behind a curtain of and moose come near the roads dressing gown, a lampshade, kit-land white accessories, and a minster Church plays an impor-|bush. There are 91 children in at- at sundown. You have to know chien - curiaing and Se yo al white co sage, fi : tendance: 29 of them in my op, find rib lengths of drapery material Later the couple left for a tnt part by donating her time '€ndé y my where to go to find caribou RT : . . , . Cal Grade 1. housed a log house " Handweaving for sale included wedding trip. to Niagara Falls and contributions to this project. trade oused in a 8 8 "Generally speaking, this band ,. a a - 3 by ] e heater rid . place mats, aprons, handbags, and will make their home in To- he at. heated by an oil space healer, ngiang js afraid of horses, the The lower hall will be decorat aturing the usual outsid i 5, ties. pot-holders and guest towels. |ronto " ; and featuring the usual outside y,reeq are afraid of humans and ed in harvest attire with the ex plumbing th gr Ralf-siarved and. atraid Tea and fancy cookies were, m-- --_--" - i » lave Che ' e dogs half-starve Rely " p ottily rate: ception of the large Christmas "0 in the midst of house- of ARC But their owners served from a prettily decorated T booth which will have an out- cleaning the cupboards when °° Y ; table by the members of the a n oys Njnding display of colored lights my principal who is an Indian The leaves are gradually go- Afternoon Guild of Christ Memor- oh green bo.aghs with many beau-| 1 "the" incumbent of our wee NB from the trees but it has been|ial Church, To Guide Parents tiful gifts displayed. The conven- log church. St, Joseph's, came to very beautiful all round. I wake| EE er and Santa Claus of the Christ- haul me off to lay for an infant WP in the morning as the sun| " Every year when the excite mas booth is Mrs. Robert R. Pe- A 1 begged time for a min- rises over the lake and sunsets ment of Christmas is over par- terson ute to wash my hands. This is are glorious. Every so often a ents are disappointed and some- The stage is a perfect setting toical of life here. You must be flock of snow buntings swoops what chagrined to discover that for the many aprons, some party| Ys le to drop everything and down on the ragweed and then the costly toys Santa has brought some children's, and this booth|2c)US!2 g : od. With one accord takes flight are often disregarded by their 1 go to the aid of someone in nee will be convened by Mrs. James children Jn favor of cheaper and B. Reid a Mrs. Lloyd Sal- SKIN GAME . H gS A simpler ones. The elaborate me- ter Making a living of prime Ritson & ssn. chanical set is scattered about The children will enjoy this day importance to the Indian who ) the house into unrelated units, too. A clown will have balloons gqepends on the trapline for his Holds Mothers Tea while a simple peg board and for sale and the fish pond will jncome Prices for furs are ex i maliet gets hours of attention; open after two. The attractive (vemelv low. For example, on a Ritson Home and School Asso the fancy doll sits disconsolate, candy booth in the centre will lirge area where muskrat is ciation recently entertained the ; ignored in favor of a cuddly bear. feature popcorn taffy ap-| plentiful, the Hudson's Bay Com. mothers of the Grade 1 pupils at The truth is that there is a ples as well as homemade fudge pany has a lease for 20 years & tea in the school auditorium f psychology of toys and their A , and there will be many toys signed by the old men of the re Mrs. J. W. Hart, president, and owners. The Canadian Associa-| 4 Re dolls and doll's clothes on dis-'gerve during the war when those Mrs. J. Kewin, convener, re i tion of Consumers has made a play most concerned were away. The ceived the guests Cid {study of toy-buying and has pub. ? Z . Mrs. Kenneth Fitches, Mrs. ndian cannot sell to any other Before tea the mothers were re- ; lished a guide which will be dis- ' | | | | - D. M. McDuff are preparing for| agent and so he receives 50 cents gejved by the Grade 1 teachers . tributed at a meeting in the v H. . 3 OSSOIND a busy afternoon in the home's pelt for muskrat Miss M. Biggs. Miss M. Cox, Miss : E. A. Lovell Public School audi- TT _-- baking bootr On our reserve we have. an- B Geisherger and Miss Veale in| tor tomorrow evening. ; | / There he a large variety. giher outlet but the problem re- their respective rocms, to have al To assist parents further in EY, Look for registration number in each such as f cake, doughnuts.| mains. -- to get to that outlet and pyrinf visit with the teacher and| " |their selection, Mr. James Math-| baked beans and casserole when unable the Indian must re- ook over the work accomplished! ews will discuss toys for boys and Mrs. R. W. Yeo and her com- or {o the Hudson's Bay for a py their children ON VON STAFF girls of ail ages and arrange a mittee have been busy for weeks market Mrs. J. W. Hart after welcom- : : o display : knitting and sewing and many There is one result. The In- ing everyone and inviting them to Recentlw appointed as Sat | The meeting arranged by the donations have been received. dian is forced to carry on in attend the home and school meet- MULSe with the Oshawa Branch Oshawa branch of the CAC, is The group's 'Constable' Will {he same old rut, same diet, same nog introduced Mr. J. C. Fetter- the Victorian ; Order : 9 open to members and noh-mem- keep order and give directions jjy standards and until they ley. principal Nurses is Miss Audrey Seifried. |bers to the huge crowd expected t0- gre raised the white man will 'My Fetterley expressed his Miss Seifried Js a graduate at Tr morrow not accept iim on an equal basis pleasure at seeing so many pres- St Mary s General Hospital, The big event will be the hot The government has taken ent. He explained the unit system Kitchener ad soeelvs : ber supper provided at 5.30 till 7.30. gyer most of the schools and with which the fast-learning child diploma in public "health 9 There will be a temptifZ smor- teachers are civil servants, so We cap complete three years work the University of Yoronte. She gasbord array apply to the government for all jn two years. He also asked the succeeds Miss Joan Yad e i This Country Fair will be open- necessities. The medical aid is co-operation of the mothers in drusko who left recently to be ed in the afternoon by Mrs. E. H. free to all treaty Indians who are teaching their children self re. married Walker, but will stay open in the iy residence on the reserve al- liance in looking after themselves svening so that teachers, em- though they may work at occu- and their clothes ployes and many of the business pations off the reserve The tea table was enhanced by women will be able to attend and 'One thing ve keep preaching a floral centrepiece of bronze purchase beautiful articles for is 'finish the job at hand, now.' chrysanthemums centred with gift giving They promise in a rush of en- yellow roses and silver can- re thusiasm which gradually peters delabra HELPFUL GROUP out, They are a simple and Tea was poured by Mrs % snaland (CP kindly folk and in many ways Hutchinson and Mrs. J. / WINDSOR, Eng a ne Berk. childlike "and easily led until Marshal, former Ritson Home Council meetings in this oun. roused by white man's infernal and. School Association presi. shire town last so long 33y bom drink or their own. concoction dents cillors, that they are too Angry "Besides my teaching duties in Mrs. J. Kewin convened the re to pay proper a fender, the the loghouse, I teach two periods freshments, assisted by Mrs. F. J mayor got in touch with the of music a week to the senior Tomalak Women's Voluntary Servi S grades. On Tuesdays 1 have a Serving tea were Mrs. H Et. which will provide coffee and g.o.n of boys 7-11 years old for manski, Mrs. George Cuthbert, sandwiches : Proceeds in aid of work for Church Boys' League and on Mrs. G. E. Jones, Mrs, W. Dart, : v Senior Citizens. -- Thursdays after school a Girls' Mrs. A. Bourne, Mrs. W. Marlowe | D 0 Wi i . a i i i In Exquisite Form . . . the lady is YOUI HOUSEHOLD HINT Auxiliary at which I teach knit- and Mrs. G. Butler ; . : Fis arc goug on & Hp - ee - Breathtakingly glamorous with an exciting contour that tuck * sathet tablets into the invites romance . . . when you wear fabulous Festival. kets of your suitcase Cases * fp - oats hid if? ini that ve been closed for a long| flwad a aud Cooks . Festival has an exclusive *Glamour-Lift cup fining 1 give you.luxurious support=--yet moulds you in perfect silhouette with heavenly comfort. And Festival is so _ pe feminine . . . so truly right for you. ELLERS time often have a 'close pdor Sizes: A--(32-36) B--(32-40) C--(32.40) Price 00 2:% LRerAiLERS ve TRAIFTYY CANADIANS EE EET TEE EE SR Ee that the sweet fragrance of sachet will eliminaie There ptitut CLEANING WHITBY MO 8.4922 OSHAWA RA 5-3555 Free! Marie Fraser's exciting new Bazaar Best Sellers™ recipes. Write today | Phone RA 3-2294 21 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH & Burn Hole Mot} J Rewover STORAGE DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 408 Huren Street, Toronto EXQUISITE FORM BRASS E (CANADA) LIMITED