Pr Bg Oh On hh mh ne a ae aaah 8 Rr, in lhe THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, November 4, 1958 7 4 111 Farmer Named ! COBOURG AND DISTRICT NEWS |Mulatto From Springhill [pres Tne 'Basis Of Agreement With TORONTO (CP)--Harvey Ho- R sentati -- Jain Macdonald -- FR. 2.5201 , | hd H lid [] b P ---- a -- Accepts Georgia Holiday |mzim ashe ove of two Nuffield Foundation R So ht B NATO ATLANTA, Ga, (CP)--A mu-|his family had ever had to live Griffin was in Canada on a 2Ericultural scholarships which ussians ug Y latto survivor of the Springhill, |apart irom white people. hunting trip when he made the Plovide 2 sev en-month stay nj |N.8, mine disaster is willing to| His decision means that a num- offer to the survivors of the first ppo t was. made| By DAVE McINTOSH |incapable of assessing Soviet pol. go along with his mates in ac-|ber of his mine . mates probably "miracle" at the explosion-dam by Gordon W, Greer, president of| OTTAWA (CP)--A search for icies in the same way. cepting a holiday at the expense will accept the governor's offer. aged Cumberland No, 2 mine at|¢he Ontario Federation of Agri-|s ome accommodation between MANY CONTRADICTIONS of the governor o Georgia, ven NO ACCOMMODATION Springhill, culture, Homan's qualifications| the West and Russia is under way mo puocian leaders were in if segregation is vol or "0 But the oddity of the affair, He invited them to enjoy free| will be sebmitted to a selection|here in preparation for the NATO volved in many contradictions self and his family, [4 itiated when the governor of vacations at the state's Jekyll committee together with nomina-|council meeting next month in go . State law in Georgia says a in . in Griffin. offered Island Park to, recuperate from|tions from other provinces, Paris, Moscow cannot export come Negro family must live in segre. | Georgia, Mary the survivors ofl their long entombment, | Homan farms a 300-acre farm| In the opinion of officials here, ody surpluses without impov- gated howing any He nen, hi the underground accident, was The governor's offer stood after|ir Hastings County in partnership the search for some stable East- x oi Hg Hone hou 2 te is ying apply to apes Ruddick, 46, |that there apparently is no hous- seven more miners were dug out with his father, {West agreement must be based tw S00 aid w ol it ope. id Wife and er follow the ing available for Negroes in the last Saturday, [oh 3 neW and realistic apprateal] 'ent V0 Cot mares racial 'rules, but noted that it| Georgia area the governor sug-| Griffin was told one of the -ur- NEWS BRIEFS % Russian dentin in the field | Roots cannot malialn 2p would be the first time he and gested as a vacation spot. (children, Asked. i the Ruddicks ey believe the West gener. arm race and still, grant its bs 4 y app to ass that Rus- people ong-delayed promise {would vacation segregated, Grif-| FIGHT JOBLESSNESS lake is not limited by practical of a decent life . |fin replied: "Of course, under the] LONDON (Reuters)--The Con-| i o # A "" | considerations in foreign policy Moscow cannot seek long- Campus Dispute Flares Jaws of Georgia, servative government said Mon-, "western countries are; that|term commercial links with the MOTEL NOT READY [day the unemployment figure in|puccia can inexorably pursue external world and still isolate Britain has topped 500, a inistel 1 without ard h 5 f th . . But there are no livable Negro 4 some sinister goal without regard her economy from the res. er Universit iBone 700 a Jekyll Toland, announced a heavy increase ini," neohlems similar to some of | sions in other countries which her | +] ween ap ' A Negro motel is being built but | Bovernment spending fo create those faced by the West, ideology commands her to fo- Js not completed, [ob Te unenplovie pu he External Affairs Minister Smith ment, , , , i his concerned a charge of "re- i A00, "or 2.0 per ec | discussed this subject last week "The Soviet political formula OTTAWA Fang A Aeriag ir ton paternalism" made ar Jae w armor ed | Working population, in lectures at the University of has 'already proved to be too dispute on the Univers "|against the administration in alfor the Ruddicks, if they { Alberta, . crude at home, KS, y come, ACTRESS SHEDS MATE or tawa campus arising out of 8 €ol-(i ono in hy Normand Lacharite, hut he wouldn't where. Some v. (AP) -- Actress| Mr. Smith said the West sub-| "Moscow may be beginning to lision between the student news-| a nh of the editorial board Negroes could 5a) Viel a a0, Sev, AP) a divorce jected its own policies to "devas, learn how crude this formula has # paper and the university admin-|last term when a 25th anniver- The governor said plans are be-|from socially - prominent James tating' analysis, But it appeared been abroad. 1 ion is to get another airing|sary edition of La Rotonde made ing made to entertain the Cana-|[,, Stack Monday on & charge of -------------- seston teem raasimasett-------------- istration 8 |a similar charge while also hint-| dians but arrangements have not | cruelty, Miss Hendrix also won | The French high commidvioner tonight, {ing at censorship. been completed until it is known approval of prior settlement! French Academ . ) The bilingual university's stu- R Henri Legare, rector of definitely how many will accept. | which gives her $12,000 in cash| for atomic energy, Francis Fer tion -- Whose Prine Liver ov. Leonard! Griffin was reported to have in-|gnd $1,100 a month for 120 : rin, told the academy Monday dent federation the university, and Rev, Leonar ; x $1, ecoqanizes that Dr. Lucien Mallet, a 73-year- monthly newspaper, La Rotonde, Ducharme, dean of students, vited the miners on bis ows iow: months unless she remarries ear- g old radiology professor, way the ; t published Friday as have maintained siience on the eral individuals and companies jjer, 1 . first to discover the "blue light } Scheduled Der administrative current dispute, They could not faye Jgreny to help him finance RABIES REPORT esearc aim effect," known also as the "Cher- 4 ; i pache , y e affair, Da fo disciplinary action was taken be reached for comment, For Ruddick it would be a com] PETERBOROUGH (CP)--Four| PARIS (Reuters) -- The Na- enkov effect. B® against its three-man editoriai| goyever the official position of pined vacation and honeymoon, cases of rabies have been identi- tional Academy of Sciences has| He added that the research vo. board -- has scheduled a general| ne ypiversity, operated by the He and his wife never had afied in Peterborough County in| recognized the claim of a French work later contributed by Cher- meeting to decide its course of Roman Catholic Oblate Order, | honeymoon. [the 1ast week; the local branch of | scientist that he pioneered work enkov was of an entirely original action, has been stated by Bill Boss, the|. Herbert Pepperdine, who sur- the federal agriculture depart-|in the phenomenop which brought! character. : The trouble came to a head!institution's new public relations| yived with Ruddick in a small ment reports. Farmers reported a Nobel prize to a Russian physi TREASURE LEGEND » than a week ago when the director, rock-enclosed chamber, said, "If killing two rabid foxes. A calf cist : : a A REASURE LE GEND iors Louis Cliche, 21, He has been charged with "un- he's good enough to work with us|and a cow ae fied from Jhe| Lind Russian, Py Vhavel Chet | EDINBURGH = Pielivrge Ie dierre Trudel, 21, and Roger p od interfere 0" by stu- he's good enough to go on holi-/d ise ase Neighboring Victoria enkov, won the 1958 prize for land of estern Seotla | Pierre i BEL Wareaniod Ses esacs ae Soon ug 2 had 12 rabies cases physics with two other Soviet sci been sold by auction here for | Roy, 22--were warned by the ad-| dent federation president Marcel days, If he can't go we won't go." |County has / ] fet een 501d | c SPEARED TRAFFIC SIGNAL Ts ri to have nothing fur- prud'homme. Mr. Boss declined| Others were looking forward to in the last two weeks and Hall- entists for his work on the "Cher- £450 2 dere is 2 JCBuy_ Wa Constable Paul Krakenberg is | car accident at Cobourg when | car bounced into the traffic [ther to do with the French-lan- comment, the offer, and would accept, burton County six, enkov effect, : |Spanish treasure is uri hy wa a car driven by Elmer Gibson | signal with such force that part [guage newspaper, The reason ; iv a8 lowed 75 Brock street, Oshawa col- | of the chrome trim pierced the |given was that they had a " of 75 Brock s ) I publication of "inflammatory »s Staff Photo 'matter in the Oct, 3 issue, ce » seen trying to extract a piece a 2 1h t 8 " of metal imb dded in the post | yiqod with a car driven by Ron- | steel post of a traffic signal following a | ald Peat of Baltimore. The Peat | Oshawa T tein Mme Us, OftYear (Jl Sunoco can fit them all! | [J ™ Wabd. COBOURG -- Electrical ac- olin Held COBOURG Jack Ward, 20 4 aR A ob Coton chatetd Monday. hj ounls for $619 and water ac V C * yo : ih sit counts for 7 were approved ' . % 6 . ty magistrate s court with carrying ge... naument at last night's reg oie: ; ; 7 t Bl d d f | t f t d t t t a concealed weapon, was ve. oo FU oo 0% or the Cobourg! WASHINGTON (CP) -- Amerl- Under the US, Sectoral ay stem grea us om- en e ueis can sa 18 y 0 ay $ oC ane appe 1 es manded for medical examination Public Utilities Commission cans voted today .to determine which separates the presidency Ward was stopped Hallowe'en ae the congressional lineup in the|the executive branch--from the : | was stop # inci : joa ed | fina 0 Vears President Eis. legislati branch -- House and 1 | d 1 all th 2 d ibl igh willing. west. of, Univers) RL ML ing Rs GA po I ang jd AL nd Luho can hold of- more precise y an economic y an gra es possi y can! with a blank starter's pistol in § : his pocket, King street east, from College|incidentally for key state gover-|fice without support in the two When asked what he was going/to east town limits; on King norships that may determine his| houses of Congress, unlike a Brit- to do with it, he said that he street west, from Spring to Ca-|gyccessor. ish or Canadian prime minister wanted to scare an offensive dog nadian National Railways sub-| oon. wove 432 of the 435 Who must control Parliament at the corner of University and way; and on Albert and Queen seals in the United States House through his party seats. Ball streets, Sgt, Gene Butler, streets, from Hibernia to Church Representative where the| This separation of powers re- of town police, testified streets, tenure is two years, and one- Sued 18 many of the isis for third of the Senate's 96-seat line.|the 1900 cOniesis, a |cans campaigned for a chance to |up. In the state contests 32 gov-|"aNs campaig ERIE ways Pants OO put their legislation through the ernorships were up for Te newal. | House and Senate--impossible un- These mid-term elections can!gey the present Democratic ma- make or break the party whose jopity -- while the Democrats standardbearer occupies the baad for a resounding vote of {White House, While the presi-| non.confidence against the Re- [dency Is not at stake, the hopes| pyplican White House administra- t |! of future candidates for the high-| tion Tr ere ed KS, est American office usually ride! wost of the state governorship on the "off-year"" results, {contests swung on local issues. The presidential term is four But in New York, the widely pub- years, with voting for that office 'licized "battle of the million- Beer No Money every 'leap year, Senators serve| aires pitted Democrat incum- \ six-year terms, and one-third of bent Averell Harriman against their number face the voters Repubiican aspirant Nelson PORT HOPE Two hungry to Belleville without the means to each two years. All congressmen| Rockefeller. A victory for Rocke- transients were remanded for one pay for it. from the lower house defend their| feller would put him in strong week for sentence by Magistrate The acclised men said they had posts every two years contention in 1960 to win the pres- R. B. Baxter Mc y after they been invited to have the meal by TR NTI 2 " |idential nomination over Vice- pleaded guilty in Port Hope a stranger. MAINE VOTED EARLIER | President Richard Nixon, police court to consuming steak Victor Simmons, operator of the Three of the 435 representa-| Anq Harriman would be in a and beer in the Queen's Hotel, dining room, told the court that lives' seats were determined ear-| strong party position should he Port Hope, when they had no Lee told him the Salvation Army lier this year in the traditional retain the governorship, since money to pay for the meal would pay for the meal bellwether elections in Maine Adlair Stevenson, twice defeated Unemployed tra river, Burr told the court he took the In September, the traditionally fo. the presidency, is unlikely to Orville Bur ( xi to Belleville to pick up his| Republican state elected a Demo-| got the Democratic nomination admitted leaving h ympan bag at a gas station and to bor- cratic governor and U.S, senator poain, John Lee, 50, nc | row money from a friend, who along With" two Democratic con-| " = jo A 3 ita gressmen and one Republican for WILLIAMS CONFIDENT after the meal and taking a taxi! unfortunately, was not at home, : 4 \ iy hos WRAL -- the lower house Michigan's Governor G. Men- The newest state, Alaska, en- nen Williams, aiming for his {ters the federal iists later this|sixth straight term, was confi. |month when two senators, one|dent of victory and a possible (@) Ss Ira 1 y 1eqa congressnian and a governor will| chance at the Democratic presi- be elected 'for No. 49 on Nov, 25, dential slot two years from now, | In advance of today's voting He was favored to beat Repub- hd {the Democrats controlled 49 seats lican Pauli D, Bagwell in a state At Groc eteria {in the Senate to 47 for President contest fought largely on the is- | Eisenhower's adherents, The op- sues of unemployment under the of, % L i 3 | position party also had a major-| Republican administration, par- PORT HOPE A consuming two clerks were watching the AC ity in the House, 235 to 200, in-|ticularly in the automobile indus- passion for crab meat proved an cused on Nov, 1 when he enterd |.) ding a handful of vacant seats:|try centred in Detroit, expensive t » for 62-year-old th store. He said the clerks saw - -------- ps Gabriel Sthc ¢ of Shuter street, him slip two tins of crab mea' Port Hope. In Magistrate's Court under his shirt, Stadnyk then TORONTO ROUND TABLE Monday alternoon he f 1 paid for groceries in his shopping $100 and $7 costs for stealir vo basket but popped a carton of ting of crab meat and a cartor ets in the basket after he| of cigarets from a Port Hope had paid for the other goods. | an IO ems I) ate groceteria, The manager said he then saw the accused going out the back Ray HOW! an Ww ! | You are a grown man who goo. wins vlerk in pursuit so he | knew what he as d 1s a8 Jou ran around the side of the build. | B Well-Known S eakers were greedy hain 4 a i 5 ini ing to head off Stadnyk. The ac-| Meavily 8 ate RB Baxter to cused's bag was then examined . : N " i fe ' LO said Magistrate 3 O'by tie manager and the extra] TORONTO (CP) ~ Speakers| Mr. McLachlan said Canada's . pe A : : 2 the accused, who pleaded guilty cigarets revealed, The tins of touched on the fields of municipal | influence in world affairs de- J ' > a gg, to the charge crabmeat were said to be visible growth, industrial aid to educa- pends on how strong she is mili- ' 3 . FS -- Wray Gamsby, manager of the under his shirt. Total value of the tion, Canadian defence strength tarily, groceteria, testified that he and purchased goods came to $4.21. (and the space race on Mond: "FECT ON SOCIAL VALUE -- -- EE a fhe opening o He Universi Sir Geoffrey said industrializa- I . . . : 4 of Toronto round table : tigi I . " . io tion, spurred by scientific ad- thrif t { t m Fine Im aired Whooping Cranes | The round table this year is the vances during the last 50 years, | rices 00-S0 you can S op was 11 oney Pp last of an annual series on in- has created economic abundance | | dustrial and social problems | Driver At PH. | Doel To Al en deo lt eh *_on"misfit"octane-and save up to 4¢ a gallon! 1's o i University of | to the good. PORT HOPE -- Pleading guilty World's known population of | poronto president; Stewart Bates, He said industrialization could hapde viving while his Whooping cranes swelled to 41 side » Central 1 . Sind : : . A . . to a charge of driving while bis| ii; "the birth of at least nine| baer ang Sone coral Mort: produce a society in which per.| : Only one man canl pinpoint th anywhere, at any price. These ability was impaired, Seppe Olac bird and Housing Corporation: sonal relationships will be shal-| ? 4 ; irds during the last season, |w sLachl: nO-DIN 3 3 5 Parviainen of Kingston was fined 5, Te LE ' W. R. McLac hlan, vice-president | low, stereotyped and transient. x 3 2 = $50 and costs in_Port Hope mag. {laude F. Lard, manager of the oA V. Roe Canada Limited, "Examples of our ane-sided al _ | exact needs of your car--every car and the blends in between give jstrate's court Monday afternoon. Chitin e refuge, sald manufacturers of 'the Arrow SI idea of knowledge are not hard to i hE : he ; n additional charge of having * i : personic jet interceptor; and Sir find. One, 1 pst, " t 3 --- . Sn an n a public place, he plead A total of 27 Shoopers, inciud. Geoffrey Vickers, British econo- re myer. bs Ye Yas. Sh i wit out wasting your money wou all the finest performance . : Jd $10 2 g the nine young ones, has ar-|mist 3 7 init A : BER 3 ii ed guilty and was fined $10 and mn A ones cially in North America, with 3 ERE LY 3 : costs. rived at the refuge. Eight more] pr Bissell said he wondered if what is called the conquest of | on octane your car can t use. qualities possible today. Police Sgt. R, Smith said he duis are due . tetuia from | niversities were in any danger outer space, a, REA © followed the accused's car in the Nel summer nes Ing places in hecause of the trend toward in- OUTER SPACE 3 ' early morning hours of Nov. 2 Canada. They may bring more gustrial aid to education. Could I can 3 i hat s hi a That 8 your Sunoco Dealer So, stop for Custom-Blended .when he observed the car weav- YOUng with them, Lard said. it, he asked, lead to a situation can imagine that some his. : ing at high speed up Mill street Another six whooping cranes where the institutions of higher torian in a future age may find : 3 3 "His car veered from side to are in captivity, ET {learning' wert sponsored by com. | summarized in this the essential : . , . whose new miracle pump Blue Sunace today! side and barely missed an oncom- merce and industry themselves may ask, when our inner space, - Custom-Blends 6 great fuels -- - ONG weakness of our own. Why, he ing car," testified the sergeant ROYAL PERFORMANCE _ |c1ry PROBLEM CRITICAL [socially and individually, was so BLENDED "When I asked him to get out of, LONDON (Reuters) -- Queen y ; 1 3 the car, he seemed dazed and was Elizabeth, accompanied by the ; Mr Bates Saw ( anadian Sites eu Devgan a unte: from premium quality Blue ; : uke 0 rg 9 sen facing a critical growth prot 9 q § as unsteady on his fee Duke of Edinburgh, the Queen !ac a cal aro Problem | hare of our human and material N bg dMrincess fare at ( yo py Li . \ i Mothér and Princess Margaret, tha not be olved by resources on exploring the barren Note buried tanks. From Sunoco 200 ' highest octane HIPPOPOTAMI ROAMED attended a royal performance merely hiring the town planning LONDON (AP) -- Wild hippo- Monday night in aid of the Vari- expert. Most of the ones he knew, void outside our at Phere?" these, pump draws (a) premium at "re ular" rice to BI d potami 100,000 years ago inhab-'ety Artistes' Benevolent Fund. he said, were already overbur- ELECT OFFICERS quality Blue Sunoco '200°, and (b) g Pp en : . r § , art The acce > r Wa lened with non-planning routine J i Si 0 Oe Joncentr 1 jted what now is 'the heart of The accent of the show was on ¢ i TORONTO (CP) -- Miss Jean Sunoco Octane Concentrate (spe- Opn? : ndon, the Natural History youth and new British talent, But/ anyway. M. Fagan of Hamilton has been cially refined motor fuel). These 260, the highest octane sold useum reported Monday after two American singing stars ap- If 'the nation is to have plea-|re-elected president of the On- are blended by pump to the exact studying hippo remains dug up peared for the first time before sant, well-planned cities, there is tario Society of Physiotherapye blend number ordered. Approved by i excavations in Trafalgar the Queen--sultry Eartha Kitt a strong need for co-operation by Julian Versnick, Tillsonburg was! va i we 'and male vocalist Pat Boone. jpublie, he said. {elected treasurer. Hows guverumentul authorities. SUN Ol. COMPANY LIMITED fh