gy gq --- believe that these " 'tions are asking for the mini ave deren rbddennridryunas diddy R performed Branch of the «mile stretch of Highw 2S THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 4" 1958 KINSMEN CLUB PRESENTS RESUSCITATOR TO FIRE DEPARTMENT Members of the secutive of the Oshawa Kinsmen ( yn paid a visit to the main Os exe hawa fire hall Monday afternoon and pre- ON President District Farmers = isi i hest Backs Staunch support for the er Oshawa Community campaign has Archdeacon H president of of the Victorian Order of Nur Closely associated ith civic projects Archdeacon Clever don is a n believer in the Chest and urged residents eommunity accord it wholehearted support, "The Communi again asking for yi vide the necessary on its work of assisting participating organizations in Oshawa who provide vital ser- vices to the community," sé Archdeacon Cleverdon. "I am glad of this op fo commend to your sympathe understanding the volunteer workers who have undertaken the task of canvassing the for the needed money if this work of mercy and service is to be qontinued in 1959, | "My own experience in' work-| + with several of the groups o are assisted by funds from . Community Chest, leads me or Che been va bre to their 1 help to pro funds to carry the 17 city 11za um amount of money needed to carry on the services which are being in your name. "As president of the Osha Victorian Order Nurses I know that the iny ment of your mone t returns dividend your greate: aud infirm, ceive regular treatment fre Victorian Or your name on their Your money vice. In o them, you side and brin Yief to many every year, CAPSULE NEWS and Oshawa people What more noble heer of the of the reailze problems the We BRIEFS to the the « uscitator Caught by the presentation, Ald sented a res de partment, am during left, era John from are: Great- ARCHDEACON H. D. CLEVERDON service could you render to this community? a member of the executive Boy Scouts Association 1 some of the financial involved in ties of this movement. fortunate in this any voluntee h the act} ve and To HA activ are e SO mi ied on mercy ese NO all that the Commu to do in Oshawa re else for that tter can we identify ith thi impo life than alled or matter How be our all community when, elve pect of our generosity upon to | we Mar New Stretch Of 401 Opens West A new six 401 was opened Monday just west of here finking highways 10 and 27. The $4,600,000 dual-lane section brings to 220 the mileage now completed on the highway. It is eventually to stretch from the Quebec border to Windsor provid ing a high-speed traffic route across southern Ontario, FIFTY SICK VATICAN CITY (Reuters) Fifty persons were taken ill in the crush of Romans and tourists who packed St. Peter's Square to day to watch the coronation of Pope John XXIII "Doctors who treated many of them at first aid posts on either side of the vest square said most were suffering from lack of food --they had fasted in order lo t ake holy communion at the end of the ceremonies--or from TORONTO (CP VOLCANO ERUPTS CATANIA, Sicily (Reuters) -- ount Etna, Europe's biggest ac- ve volcano, hurled incandescent ones and ash from its north ern crater during the night t an average of two explosions _ninute. e last big eruption at Christmas, 1950 save been periodic eruptions intensity since then fast erupted in July this year STRUCK BY CAR LONDON, Ont. (CP)---Ric Prank, 83, of London died in hos 1 Monday of injurie Wednesday when he k by a car while ~glong a road. SPRINGHILL COMMITTEE ~PORONTO (CP A was forme Monday f Et but there hard cow it! Of Toronto dinate campaigning in Ontario for the National Springhill aster Fund: di S a To tenant Premier act & Chairman J D. Tory, ronto barrister, said Lie Governor Mackay and Frost had consented to honorary patrons ACCEPTS MONTREAL (CP)--With quiet dignity, former prime ministe Louis St, Laurent accepted the human relations award of the Canadian Council of Christians and Jews Monday night. "My contribution achieved," he said when pre sented with the award for hi contributon to the cause of bet ter understanding among differ ent Canadian groups. INJURIES TORONTO (CP) Cecil Luchies, 21, of Dunsford, Ont. died in hospital Monday of head injuries received in a. car-train rash Friday at a level crossing + Cannington, about 28 mile Na en Hicks of Man in hos vital suffering hea AWARDS has been DIES OF MAN STABBED SARNIA (CP El 108 }, of Sarnia Monday mer, nig can Charbonne charged HUGE PUMPKIN 488 directing Manded to Nov, in ¢ An air pollution control bylaw is shortly to be drafted. Mun palities may pass bylaws con- trolling air contaminants bul they CITY COUNCIL must be. submitted to the] Ontario health department for ap-! proval. Households would be ex- (emp Railways which cr | provincial boundaries are under {federal jurisdiction in this { spect. CITY TO BENEFIT Oshawa should benefit to the 7% extent of $15,000 a year under an ; {Ontario highways department (plan to pay up to 7 per cent sub. re- sidy on engineering and overhead! expenses in connection with mu-| |nicipal roadworks. The scheme is effective from January 1, 1958. PLAN DISPLAYED {| A planning board blueprint for | 'the development of a new horti- | Z lcultural park, Simcoe street 7 |south, was exhibited before coun- cil. The plan was referred to the parks board SEEKS EXTRAS | The Cobourg contractor, who demolished the old First Baptist Church, King street east, lost his specifications and later dis- covered the work he did was in excess of that called for in the tender. He found the specifica tions after the work had been 2 | completed. His application for an extra $170 was heard by council and referrbd to the property | Hobb Gordon Garrison, pre committee, Wrote thie contractor sident of the Kinsmen Club and ). Calhoun: : 1t_has_ really Nicholls, first vice presis put me on a spot." He said Ald F, M. Dafoe told him the job of tie service club would. b stabl 1 : » acceptable as long a Oshawa Times Photo e acceptable as ong as Il = was presentable, | Brady prope chairman of the city and of R. rty, fire: protection mmitt John commiitee dent Chief general purpose city council; . Fire TO SHARE COST council agreed to with Ontario county The share costs in family courts, The office will con- {tinue to operale at Simcoe Hall, The plan has to be approved by the provincial Attorney General Guests Of Rotary Me » Rot: host 108 Club of cult 155 dis- tari annual He Harmony ural cou mbers of th ed ry to presentative for On 8 and Rev. N. T.| Eleven sites were rec pastor Harmony ed over by a representative of the Ontario planning department in connection with Oshawa's low tal housing proposals HOSPITAL SERVICES The council heard from the On tario Hospital Services Commis sion that the municipality may pay premiums or hospital insur ance to cover those on relief WEATHER TORONTO issued * office 0 Ime of ted Church quests was B.own|ren manner propos the la rian Frank inimitable B. Milroy of thanks to wr their excellent in Don Stiles led the s di the ¢ ram of del I'he ever Alex by the lowed by entertaimmer arranged than, che ral-Urban members James Skinner, the service club, ing the early pa ing while Rot sented the pr Special gue included ies of UTC fol a pro, Na Ru the by Ro irmq commit of his arian ' Sever the cven 1h of the service their birth were presented by Rotarian] member who celebrate days this week vith silver spoons Harold Washington The thanks of the Sodbusters'| to the Rotarians was voiced |: Down club's and committe president presided of the Nathan ee olf dur- even (CP) by at 4 Official the 30 am fore- lub public Wilbur The program presented The ,| Penny, a music gram at the he His Worship A. Gifford Roy W. township; of East Wh Fair, of 1 of entertainment Skyliners and|tario were mostly clear overnight »al trio and Les at temperatures slightly above Barker, cartoonist extraordinary, |the freezing mark. The arrival of The numbers presented were Moister air during the last 24 ted with rounds of well- hours caused local fog formation, rited applause. particularly in Central and North ern Ontario, This fog was pected to dissolve before noon to CITY AND give way to enjoyable i this afternoon. Northern THRE Lincoln Fernhill ts ad ta Viayor of Oshaw: Nichols, of Darl Reeve Walter by town ) xbridge, & me ble Lyman Reeve ington Beath H. 1. 04 skies will be predominantly cloudy today. Wednesday will be the » day i On- Humphreys, of ¢mpty-handed to find that a c another file day in most of On Boulevard. re zen just back from singing "!'" tario but increasing cloudiness is an as re § é singir prac- | d : : expected Nort tar 10, -in Oshawa tice had shot one in his back- [exp in hern Ontario s court Monday. Hum- yard. mes Flucker, a soloist Suna the svening, valld until! -- charged, on three With a male choral group, said he | midrigny Wednesday. acts eon the fox because he hear .ake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake en f a,iwo 2 ils had been bitten by ontario, Niagara, Georgian Bay, lod, be the neighborhood. Mr. | pajibyrton and Kirkland Lake 1s a son-in-law of M regions; Windsor, London, To formerly of Oshawa. ronto, Hamilton, North Bay and] Sudbury: Clear except for local morning fog today and Wednes day. Continuing mild. Winds ligh today increasing to southwest 15 Wednesday afternoon Timmins-Kapuskasing with morning fog, becoming cloudiness again Wednesday eve- ning. Continuing mild. Winds light CHARGES {Sunday and returned home eit Alvi ms trate is hot 10t HOSPITAL REPORT the, of t for , report Hospital Nov. 1: admi 12; female, minor sur nose anc 69; casts, treatment he 1 Ge he mn dedel 4 ¢ ending ions wn told Cloudy irths male jor surgery, 21 ear been thar GIRL SENTENCED 19 I ced on probat Magistrate F. S The girl had been ously on a charge by pa for atment phy st temperetures highs Wedne Fore Lows tonight, i, (VT Te EL SCOTTISH RITE OFFICERS windsor At a meeting of the Scottish St. Thomas Rite Club of Oshawa Directors on London Monda Adelaide House Wingham Kenneth Jack named pre- Toronto ident; A, E. Johnston, immediate Trenton ident Harold Ogden, St. Catharines ecretary and Hele, treasurer. Hamilton Direc are Tubb, L. M. Muskoka Souch, R. E. Cox, Til Wilson, Killaloe I. Mills and H. Gay. Plans Ear ympleteed for the annual Sudbury ..: night be held on Noy. North Bay Kapuskasing Ebb 38 65 Cony Monda icted pre of pretences cheque noon at commandin k ation Army in on behalf of Iverson wa of the Sal Rec Ranking the Sa' appeared Miss land on was officer of Oshawa the past pres accused A. ed in custody Garnet Wormer tor ution tl x s s released at nizance of $200. { Lo own recog |] QUIET NIGHT The Osh Dey reported et tht reportable de no pol excep patrol, BRIDGE Vaillancourt member the team won the Ontario team of championship and the Wind- or Trophy at the Ontario Con- tract Bridge championships in T'oronto during the weekend. Oth- er members of the team were h and Dick Hart, M. T. King and Lou foxes Woodcock, all of Toronto, WINNER of Judgment In Appeal Reserved TORONTO (CP)--Ontario Court of Appeal has reserved judgment on an appeal by a Peterborough mman sentenced last May to five years for robbery, Brian Gould, 24, was convicted | by a jury under Judge Robert | Forsyth of robbing three men| who operated a suburban North] York service station of $176.50 in June, 1957. Judge Forsyth Police n art with Oshawa of He ace Iy routine f¢ SINGELL SHOOTS FOX KING CITY, Cp Twenty-five men hunted hig low around this village for Murder Suspect's Fate In Supreme Court's Hands: SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont would not let him drive (CP)--The fate of 30 - year - old of the trailer the day Roland Sabourin. was expected to the n took place be placed in the hands of an On Tt tario Supreme Court jury today. yntil Sabourine former mine worker, is charged with murder in the bludgeon slaying of hi wife Lucille last March in .a railer near the uran mining town of Elliot Lake; 75 miles. east Ont in his report to| the Appeal Court, said he consid-| the identific ation evidence gainst Gould "unconvincing." He said if he had been trying the| case without a jury he would have "acquitted the accused.' David 'Humphrey, counsel for Gould, told the Appeal Court that 1e bodies were not discovered "tha night of the robbery two everal days later when Sa men, one armed, robbed Roland walked into a Detroit gy 1'ouis, James Ley and Herbert ice station and reported helgio.ker in their service station. | thought: he had killed his wife He said that six days later at Detroit police called Elliot Lake|cohourg, St. Louis and Stocker into the locked picked Gould out of a police line-| ip and Ley said he was 75-per- to the door after e a bourin no um police who broke trailer . Const Synops#: Skies in Southern On- |? warm ( W. F. HENWOOD, president of Ajax Kinsmen Club, greets' Hon. Michael Starr, federal minister of Labor Will Charge Oshawa Group COBOURG A group of 26 Oshawa district youths caught in a providcial police roadblock after a disturbance in Hastings Friday night, will be charged with unlawful assembly, says Congtable George 'Louth of the Campbellford detachment, The youths will be summonsed appéar in magistrate's court Cobourg in about two weeks, Louth said after consult vith Attorney H. R Cobour ¢ (centre), to in ing Crown Deyman Paul thers wi te a tion Ha in a with loads of youths Friday 1 in md Sullivan, bro ervice me. involv € d fi in were the Council Plans Plebiscite On Renovation COBOURG Council will hold al meeting at 8.30 p.m ay to consi among other things the passing of a bylaw to permit a plebiscite on the ques tion of the renovation of the town hall The lop ler was turn Ontario Munici rd follow ne a he 2 in day last, Evidence that the town, including was sharply divided on which was also oppos als the chamber of com 12,000 project €X-|" sho ved council the issue ed by merce Council will also set the date {for the municipal elections, PC's Order Increase In Spending LONDON The €on confronted unemployment fi var years, has increase in gov- g to create (Reuters) i jovernment, the est of the by gure ordered ernment post a hea spend jobs. Under announced Mon day night in the House of Com- mons hancellor of the Ex chequer Derick Heathcoat Amory the overnment will put £100,- 000,000 to £150,000,000 more into public in ies investment be tween 1959-60. The aim is to create 150,000 more jobs The unemployment figure reached 514,000 2.3 per of the working population mil of the pump » duri general economic debate in which the Labor party castigated Conservative economic policy. The vious h has cent of or lion priming ng a Conservatives, who pre- ad been enforcing an nti-inflation credit squéeze, have o the last week cut out all re strictions en the amount of down payment needed for credit buying CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and district who celebrating birth days ¥ are today Mrs. D. Flintoff, awa; Elizabeth L 73 Central Park Newton Richards, street The form their receive RR 1, Osh- Campbell, Blvd., N.: 360 Mary 1 abe first The five persons to in- Daily Times of birthdays each day will double tickets to the Regent theatre good for a four-week period. The current attractions are "DANGER- OUS YOUTH" and 'VAM BOREE here Mr 1 of aid it was obvious cent sure Gould was, the man and i Mr roe ¢ »ourin daugh Ir, Munroe more | |answer lon all of whom were re- at the banquet, Photo the town, presented han- the ion ap hodies of arish, of Ajax quel held. annual lub an .expre preciatjon to the civic (left) at the second Ajax Kinsmen Civ tion Banquet in Hotel Ge a | « Monday night, "Right is* Mayor Ajax Kinsmen Honor Town Representatives The Kinsmen Club of tertained all the Ajax municipal bodies at a dinner at Hotel Gen-|t osha, Monday night, in the se It annual Kinsmen Civie Ap tion Banquet Guests Ajax The y hy of is as ~Oshawa Times false is .not one might think "There are always those peo pte who want to know exactly vhat they are getting 'for their dollar. These are the kind of people you want in your =city, The most dangerous person of adl the person who sits back and ays let someone else worry about it. These people get exact the kind of government they : Where citizens are progressive and informed, you have a city that is progres and forward In civie know most of you are. dealing with tarting point of demo nmented Mi Ajax en what is $0 rare as ment you ond fon tax the at banque Town police man, vision The guest ing Hon, Mic ister of labor Head table George town cle sive "The more people that take an interest in "their "civic govern- ment, the more they try to ¥Yind out what going on; and the wre they learn, the better tivie government we will have", said My, Starr in urging anyone inter. Hon ested in civic government to LeGie hia . offer themselves for election as dent: B, C. 1 ) { Be a means of gaining expetienc, clerk, and W, F, : MODEL FOR OTTAWA president, i The speaker mentioned the PION "fact that. there had been' Some Wel js, misgivings about the new Oshawa lak commen elCity hall when it was 'erected, phere \ § ot t ; He felt, however, that it was a h, he said, is ¢ v h tribute to Oshawa that when Ot- accorr . : nned w city centre almost identical was is Henry Mayor David trax tor Ajax man; liam Ww (1s Mic R ATMOSPHERE min the gue d on t} me { whic 1 a ne a mg od! , chosen. Mr, Starr also said that.fn re- cent years with the bigness of provincial and federal govern- that £000 ments there had been a tendency wi I Vel | {honorary life member of the Ajax ohige t #54 'being calied' abil jlie| 1 Gnd tht civic government is {Kinsmen Club. [troubles and difieulios "of the] rosea, democracy. oF Hon, Michael Starr, introduced electors as they will feel it their |type of government hows be ace by past president William Le- {duty to.'do something about the! corded increasing recognition due | Gros, spoke on the importance of | complaint, |to the scope and extent of. uni |municipal government as the WANT TO einal services. {form of government "closest to i Municipal government is. "your the people", uld ar I sovernment. For the progress and DEMOCRACY CORNERSTONE rity on t cils! prasperity of your town it' ig ne- "Municipal government the ¢ hey | cessary to have a sane, sound and cornerstone of our democratic solid municipal government." system, It is the form of govern Following the banquet,' W. F. ment closest to the people and inf nm president of the Ajax municipal government people made a presentation to have a keen eye for what® i on behalf of the: elub. OBITUARY NS. Miners Song May rene 50% urn | Bo Heard On TV Show" The funeral service for Percy lot has taken of years. *" always st: bodies," he Mr. Polak presented to Mayor Parish, maki n_an nd said rent. scroll Mr. Starr declared HELP Q H Kinsmen, Starr i oof, This Mr. Claude Carter, an employe of the Oshawa Parks Board of Manage ment for many year who died t General Hospit as held in Christ Church at TORON of [of three children, ) Bow-/the song sells. 12-year-old 'I could use the money, mow. who was/I won't be going down that mine ek from iin so I'm out of a Job. The may be 'in song 'is all I have to sel A said he hopes 1 Anglican Monday, Nov. H. D. Memorial 2 p.m, Archdeacon conducted the was in Oshawa The pallbearers 3athe, J. Bathe, D. Art Bathe, W. Bathe Bathe. Clever! services. Interme Union Cemetery were A Marshall and H. ions 'of y son SUDBURY, E gland (AR) ~ A play featuring a murder and a theft was staged by prisoners at the jail in this Derbyshire coms munity. 3 ie WEIGHT OF RAIN Vis! LONDON (CP)--Abouf"3,000:000 S the day' on rain fell on the Green- ster, wich, Lewisham and Woolwich ht to the gistriets of London in two Hours itombed for on Sept. 5, says a report on that I from qay's big storm, song to publish, My » Calling, on Oct. 2 rn, and ision fo work COSTLY TOOT envelope WIMBLEDON, England (CP) A man who tooted the horn of his| van to warn a bookmaker, that police were around was fined # in this Surrey town for obstruct ing the teley of When he ace atier police "Was my STUDIOUS WORKERS HATFIELD, England P) Nearly 250 firms in this Hert aire town gave. yound w Couldn't: be done! fordshire town Ve 3 j zens of other manu ars t » off to attend cours al, is She said Mond spenini i the al college last year Yetter we --, $ Pa st Well I'll Show : ) ebumps Them . WATCH J Thursday's Paper NOV. 6 th the Juliette had ise «the en till unopened on her They said it . it WRONG APPROACH SCARBOROUGH CP)---A producer car that erashe 1 through church said the yard raili 1 t Yorksh he town stopped near ice which say come." ng Peter Mac love h not We! a chu Hearty 8 AMBULANCE CALLS The Oshawa Fire Depar red eight ambulance Monday what was in the{who had the gun left Elliot Lake Gould's wife testified he member other with her in Peterborough detail," he|night of the robbery ters 1 month 6, and J Sabourir . rraine wette, 14 DROUIN Kn 1 , trailer before he was 1 the eat Y ASSIZES DATES SET Justice R. W en The dates for the holding begin his charge to the winter and spring sittings of the r today and it was expected Supreme Court of Ontario in the jurors would begin deliberat announced ( HARG E TO JUR I Trelear of the vas to various counties were wade H il jury assizes for and Dw will open at Co on bourg Jan while the non top jury a April 27 I'h jury a Ontario county pen Fel an non-jury | day. 1 Northumberland tO ull ition of ON § X tine un s DOURT 1 A 19 ue , the jury agreed he was fit, | assizes June & C.R.A. ANNUAL MEETING OSHAWA REPRESENTATIVE STAN BRYNING 1061 RAVINE ROAD RA 8-5358