Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 4 Nov 1958, p. 12

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§2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Movember 4, 1958 TORONTO By The Canadien Press Toronto Stock Exehange--Noy i Toronto, M Tor Star pr T Fin A T Fin 5p Tr.Can PL Trans-Mtn 100 856% 25 1000 2557 8 Ya Hud Bay 3 Inspiration Int Nickel Int Ran Irish Cop 56% Dow Brew Du Pont Fam Play Foundation Fraser 50% 565 56% + % 75 75 75 treal Stocks 50 100 500 30 100 OTTAWA Canadian straints on price rises, 1959 Consumer Spending May Reach $21 Billions By HAROLD MORRISON (cp) products, tending to impose re- tion and perhaps housing, for (there is a question in federal {quarters of whether Canada Iwould be able to sustain another year of the peak 153,000 housing | | starts estimated for 1958, | There is a feeling the govern ment would have to loosen up on its mortgage lending, providing Central Mortgage and Housing | Corporation loans for large-scale STERNLY CORRECT LOUGHTON, England (CP)--A middle-aged man dashed into the police station of this Essex town and handed over two £1 bills, "I'm in a hurry to get to church" | ne puffed. "I found these in the High Road and 1 suggest you~ prosecute the owner for scatier- Gatineau Gen Dynam Home OI A Home ON B Hud Bay Imp Inv A Imp ON Imp Toh Ind Aceep vay 8 consumer spending may reach a oH all This anticipated heavier con-| e all build- record $21,000,000,000 in 195, pro-| sumer spending would be another comisyetion if te pide 0 viding perhaps the strongest prop! indication that Canada is slowly With the United States recover iii] for a gradually expanding econ- emerging from what appears to ing from its slump, Canadian ex- 315 ) omy, federal authorities estimate, be the worst recession since the sorts are forecast to rise, and : ed Spending of these dimensions 19305. |imports are declining. Canada, Macdon so 32 30% + 1 Ac 450 pr Would compare with the $19.768, GEE HEAVY EMPLOYMENT |therefore, may have a shrinking MacLeod y Int Nickel ie ! poured out by consumers ' y So Winter unemployment is ex- deficit in trade. Int Paper A in 1957 and the anticipated $20, A pe Tie: Pit' busi pected to eavy but business MORE FISHERMEN inter Pl, 600,000,000 for 1958 pected 10 be heavy but busines Lubatt For at least another year the investment for 1950 is a puzzie, Jaws Rios i consumer would be Xing, the With some federal economists an-| GREAT YARMOUTH, England economists predict, for while he ticipating continued weakness. | (CP)--The combined English and would continue to show willing-| Buying of industrial machinery Scottish herring fleet flaning Som ness to buy, there still may be and equipment may be down|ihis Norfolk town totals 115 drill Lower St 1 MacMill B many surpluses in consumer along with commercial construc- ers, compared with 111 last year. Un Gus 1110 Vanadium 300 Weston A 150 Wood J A 255 Curb Anglo-Nfld (Quotations In cents unless marked § ~0dd lot, x4 ~~ Ex-dividend, xr--FEx- rights, xw--Ex-warrants,) Industzials Jaye Expl _y |ing litter when he claims them." Kilem wis Kirk Min 100 y, L Osu 3 3 Leitch Lencourt Lyndhst : 300 Net i 11 am, Ch'ge 3% + Y% 20 $122 $45 Oils 18 975 $224 80 $27 200 i5 0 Stock Abitibi Acad-Atl A Alta Dist Alta Gas Algoma Alumini Bank Mont k NS Sales High Low 110 836 36 750 $20% 2 425 1 1295 31 100 120 205 $ 50 581% 4 00 v Lumber 220 250 1000 Bell Phone 700 750 Bowat 5% pr 5 700 Brazil 907 400 BA Oil 1000 BCE 4% 2000 fortable, No gummy, 5 taste or feeling. It's a ine (non. acid), Does not sour, Checks Ba Muss Fer pr Rh wi MeColl , Mersey pr Molson A fi a" Molson B Nat Drug N St Car 1 21" 4 7 . Noranda 5 ---- Ogilvie Penmany pr Powell I Prem lron Prov Trans Que Nat Gas 190 Roe AV Can 2256 Royal Bank 530 Reyalite pr 100 StL Corp 500 StL Cor Apr b Shawin 1573 shawin A 35 Bicks Sicks vt picks pr Steel Can Tor Dom ris Tr Can Pipe walk GW Webb Knapp 1300 Canadian 1500 N Goldvue New Hosed todsy st soy drug N Mylama Nipissing N Rank Northsp O'Brien 2 Opem $14 4 I Ormsby 5 Pioneer Piteh-Ore Placer Pow Rou Pronto Purdex Que Chib Que Cop Qunston Roche Rowan Con Sand Riv sherritt St 1000 150 500 500 2000 50 500 300 5 11000 1700 1000 1000 3000 6000 1000 100 4 1000 1500 150 y 1000 Gal 20% 2 ' a 300 4 299 300 7200 1000 500 233 2000 200 3000 100 ro Can Cem pr Perm n Perm rt CSL pr C Bank Com Cdn Brew C Br Alum Cdn Can A Cdn Celan 1605 z) Cdn Oil CPR most capable Business Woman a0 Abitca Ang Nfld 100 Butterfly 1000 Can D Sug 25 Cdn Pow 100 © Paper 310 D Oileloth 2 Ford A 2] MacLaren 7 Nfld Light 0 Prem Steel 525 Que Phone f Reitmans St Maurice Trans Mt Un Gas Waterman Wr Harg Curh Yukon Con 800 MONTREAL By The Canadisn Press ge--N 125 1200 1450 360 200 Mines 7--Odd lot rights, xw Ex-warrants.) Industrials 11:30 High Low a.m $36 , 35% 36 335 33) Anacon Arno jateman Stock Sales 260 180 h 720 Belle Chib 1000 2200 2300 9900 2100 1500 1000 1500 200 3000 26000 2000 1500 2500 2300 2500 1200 16000 1000 8500 00 5900 500 6500 9750 2036 1000 2200 200 1000 1000 Lithium analask artier Chib Jac Que ( C Denison Fano Fatima Futurity Haitian Int Ceramic Iso Uran Marpic Merrill N Goldvue NW Amulet Obalski Opemisca han Q N Gas Rapid-Grip Roe AV Can Roe AV 5% Royal Bank Russell StL Corp St Maurice Chib Smelt Mines Steep R sullivan Tazin Tib Expl Titan Trebor Westville Que Que Int Power Int Pow pr oil Salada Salada wis Sicks Sicks vt Simpsons SKD Mig St Pa Steel Can § Propane § Prop wis T-Dm Bk rts 2 Tor Iron A ---- Seaway Enigma To Parts Of Canadian Economy By ROBERT RICE MONTREAL (CP \financ ers, uni tJoes are playing a new guc simply impossible to duplicate the savings you will make on three full years reading. It requires real ability to be budget engineer and purchasing agent of a household. n Vickers M and § 175 Soe Stop your newspaper boy and ask him for details, Make this a "must" decision , . . it's bound to bring reading pleasure for & long time to come. Our new magazine offer will appeal to your sense of value. For now you may subscribe to your favorite magazines right along with this newspaper. And it's Shies to 11:30 a.m: industrials 22,200, Dom Text 200 $9 mines and oils 166,700. Fraud Charges Affirmed By Supreme Court | Maybe i RONTO (CP)--A justice of European cars will sell more the Ontario Supreme Court has| afte sonic: shave cheaply in Toronto, Other im-|rejected a bid to quash, on a le- Sonim ssion ig Ac Yo shares ported products may be cheaper, gal technicality, four charges of [Topped Stock Boar nd 100. And the economic impetus of fraud against former officials of A od id hod oh Annge. the scaway over the long term is Aconoc Mining Corporation, expected to produce more jobs,| Defence counsel Joseph Sedg- better living standards wick asked that the charges be| y g made void because he foreman vy ere's an old superstition among 1" " of he grand jury that indicted] hy hs » POPULAR MEFHOD [his client, Montreal millionaire fishermen that parsons at the LONDON (CP)--Some 700,000,-| Joseph Beaudry, did not initial dockside bring bad luck, So Scot- 000 postal money It was reported that if the case goes to trial more than 400 wit- nesses may be called to testify on charges against Mr. Beaudry, former Aconic president, and Clifford H. Butler, Aconic's for- mer business manager. pate new businesses to grow up as a result of the seaway., In dustrialists see lower costs in bringing in raw materials, ex porting finished products, Ship- owners hope for more business, foreign competition. Union see a new field for labor organization And t} ... You'll Like this Economical Way to get your Newspaper and Magazines leaders i i bags The charges against them re- sulted from a four-month inves. shiers from around the world t tigation by the Ontario securities eir once-landlocked plain Joe call at le Farmers shipown. doorsteps 21-FEET ,. The locks of the Welland Cana re big enc about 75 per cent world's shipping--vessels up to 30 feet lon 75-foot beam 'he canals and channels are 27 feet deep ships with draught of What will all thi expect lower charges ialists , industr 1 leaders CEP and just plain DEEF seaway a ugh to of the STICK TO TRADITION LOWESTOFT, England (CP) game, take They're trying to find out what ithe St, Lawrence 'mean to them 'North America with a new ocean 'route next April, No one knows Jsure, Until it actually the seaway is a big question mark But he who guess gambles correctly in" on the antic perhaps a boor international QUICK GUIDE To help you here's a quick guide to the seaway ! aL 3 : Canada is spending $312,000,000 | : 4 3 medical bills to build five locks, t canals, § % \ and deepen river channels in the 135-mile stretch of the St. Law-| rence between Montreal and Lake Seaway will 7 vith after it pierces NO MONEY DOWN * YOUR MAGAZINES WILL COME BY MAIL * 25 feet orders were is-/the names of witnesses as re- tish herring fishermen refused to mean? Farm-isued by the post office last year, quired by law. | speak to the Anglican Bishop of grain carrying an increase of 38,500,000 over the Mr. Justice G. T. Walsh turned! Aberdeen and Orkney when he Financiers antici- previous year, down the motion, | visited them in this Suffolk town, | MARK AN (X) OPPOSITE THE MAGAZIN OF YOUR CHOICE New Renewal [7] [[] LIVING FOR YOUNG HOMEMAKERS . . the answers foi ers operates New Renewal [7] [7] MeCALL'S .. [7] [7] GOOD HOUSEKEEPING .... 3 ym. | CALLING ALL GIRLS .. 30 Issues [7] [[] OUTDOOR LIFE ,....... 3 ym. POPULAR SCIENCE MTHLY. 3 ym, [7] [7] ESQUIRE tissanse 3 ym CATHOLIC LAMP ... . 3 ym J 7 AMERICAN HOME ,..... 3 ym. [7] MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY , 3 yrs, [7] [[] CORONET .. iiss 3 ym. [ LOOK (every other week) , 3 yrs. [7] |] WEEKLY SCOTSMAN HARPER'S BAZAAR ...... 3 ym Tr ARdinbuigh iv einen | LE SAMEDI ..........,. 3 ym, [7] [[] MADEMOISELLE . . .. LA REVUE POPULAIRE .. 3 ym. ( | LA REVUE MODERNE .... | MODERN SCREEN | ARGOSY tresses 3 YN stand f ipated 3 I | | He had family play t £ 1 mans busine 3 yn +. 3 ym, | [7] PARENT'S MAGAZINE .... 3 ym, [[] [[] CHILDREN'S DIGEST (Ages 8-12) .... vo rl | 3 ym. to clean up .. 33 Issues Ontario. Another $28.000 is being spent to deepen the Welland Canal between Lake Ontario and Lake Eile 55¢ EACH WEEK PAYS FOR THE LIBERTY (The Man's Magazine) 3 yrs. HUNTING AND FISHING IN CANADA [7] CHARM C) servi 3ym «7 ym, [7] POPULAR GARDENING ves 3 yrs, ve 3 ym, 'CHRISTIAN LIFE ,...... 3 ym. COMPACT ..... 3 ym, SATURDAY NIGHT | U.S. CAMERA FRONT PAGE DETECTIVE HUMPTY DUMPTY (Ages 2-7) vor 30 Issues FLOWER GROWER yrs. CHILD LIFE yrs, |] MONTREALER yrs, | CHRISTIAN HERALD yrs. | AMERICAN GIRL yrs. ] I] PHOTOPLAY ...... 3 ym, FAMILY HERALD... .. yrs. [71 [7] FIELD & STREAM ......: 3 ym. ; TRUE STORY MAGAZINE . 3 yn. OC] CI'LIFE (Weekly) ...... «v.00 3 ym Please Note: If you choose LIFE -- select only 1 other magazine from the above list. with two ome an is spending The United States locks, one canal and nel deepening to do $135,000,000, Total cost possibly more This capital investment will be paid by tolls, 42 cents a ton on bulk cargo, 95 cents a ton on gen eral cargo and six cents for every gross registered ton of the vessel It will take 50 years to collect enough money to pay back the cost, plus interest, well as operate the seaway Of every dollar collected, Can- ada will get 71 cents, the US. 29 cents. EXPECT PEAK IN 1968 Seaway expect about 25,000,000 to] move through the seaway in 1959, | rising gradually to 50,000,000 tons | by 1968, the peak capacidy ol the waterway Grain and iron ore are expected to be major commoditie going by ship through the away | western grain from the Lakehe ad bound for foreign buyers directly shipment TIMES-GAZETTE AND THE MAGAZINE * THIS OFFER IS FULLY GUARANTEED * PLEASE ALLOW 6 TO 8 WEEKS FOR THE MAGAZINES TO ARRIVE * TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS GREAT OFFER NOW! MODERN ROMANCES .. 33 Issues yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs, yrs. yrs, ya, ya. Tosene 39m, 3 yn, 3 yn 3 About $475,000,000 EERE FREE PRESS WEEKLY .,,, 7 INSIDE DETECTIVE 3 | SPORTS AFIELD 3 He needed EERE Caves cash to modernize his kitchen as Do Not Write Here Carrier's Nome ( , . BO EE ES FR ER RE RELL economists | | cargo tons Carrier's Route No. .. Pate viviarnerrrniarsnenen | hereby agree to subscribe for or extend my present subscription to THE OSHAWA TIMES for 36 months and the magazines chosen for the term as indicated. | agree to pay 55¢ weekly for 36 ths with the und ding that this s full pay- ment for not only the magazines but also for the newspaper. Should unforseen circumstances result in an increase in the rote of THE OSHAWA TIMES or the magazines, the 55¢ weekly charge will be increased accordingly. rep ...S0 both are borrowing from a bank Faced with unforeseen household expenses? loan. The manager. welcomes opportunities to make loans, repayable out of earnings in convenient instalments, Want to make some special major pur- chase? Need money for taxes--or to meet a emergency? Personal loans to help people meet just such situations are being made by the chartered bank§ every day. NAME svansratantnennssannrtnnnsrranntsarsnvanaesy Aph NOL coavissrtnse points family from a iron 1 mills | industrial or via trans along the St Montreal eastwards, Un ore destined for U.S. ste in the Great Lake heartland. Inland lake ports $100,000.00 to improve thelr fac- THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY ilities for seaway ® N And at a chartered bank, you can always ' count on privacy and courteous considera- tion, whether you are arranging a loan or using other valuable services the bank provides, Lawrence ADDRESS ... Phone No. CITY .vvinivnnns PROVINCE You're not,asking a favour when you visit a chartered bank to arrange a personal ALC ORDER TAKEN BY .......,.. . ALL MAGAZINES MUST BE DELIVERED TO THE SAME ADDRESS [J NEW NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIBER [] OLD NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIBER ing ship approaches, building new berths, faster unloading devices, more storage space. They expect | / | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

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