Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 1 Nov 1958, p. 8

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EE Em ---- (Pierson, from the staff of the Mc-| | |sionary in India, is to be the guest| 5 Dd " "QUEENS OF THE SLOPES ON PARADE A social evening arranged by | Pierson, Irene Sabyan and films on ski-ing in Canada and the Oshawa Ski Ciub next Tues- | Lynda Toppings modelling the | Switzer and and gomonsirations day will have the theme "Let's | latest in ski clothes, the whole | a equipment and Ls Care in Get Enthusiastic About Ski-ing"" | plan shouldn't be too difficult. | greet United Church. and with Diane Sturgis, Doris ' The program will also include | --Times Staff Photo KEEP IN TRIM P= Ask For Toning Exercises By IDA JEAN KAIN "My problem is not unique. My Jo Aldwinckle, of King | ------ | Young Peoples' Union of Simcoe) |Street United Church was held! i (omen Women's Ediror Dial RA 3-3474 GROUPS, CLUBS, RUXILIARIES CHEERFUL GIVERS 130 minutes of recreativn conducts In the absence of Mrs, J. D. ed by Mr. Bill Hendeison. Mem. | : {8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, November 1, 1958 the regular meeting of the Cheer | the Misses Sheila Pollock, Sharon ful Givers group of King Street/Brown, Barla Fielding and Gloria United Church we Sweet, | The roll' call, and secretary's report were given by Mrs. Nor-| SOUTHMEAD PARK AUX. man Wirsching, and the treas-| The regular' meeting of the urer's report by 'Mrs. A. Brint.[Southmead Park Ladies' Aux-| nell |fliary was held recently at the : {home of Mrs. Thomas Kidd, a ne calls 20d Bi B0Oth|Gepssmere avenue, with the pres- montit. Mem. Mrs. Gordon Ellison, pre-| | siding. | wASiounceIes; i> fue of the The minutes were read by the rr 1 secretary, Mrs. Bedford Thomson held in King Street United Church |g Mrs> Milton Laxda: gave the| fon November 23. Miss Dorothy {i curer's report, ' 8 | Final arrangements were made| for the tour of Dunlop (Canada) Ltd., Whitby. ry 2 on Elections were held, with Miss Are Strangers Enemies?" ;,,)yampert of the CRA in was the theme of the worshib| pare The new executive is as| [service conducted by Mrs. Law-\coiiowe: president, Mrs. Charles rence Allen. Mrs. Frank Hortop nr, rave: vice - 'president Mrs. land Miss Effa Wright played a Eugene Rymdzionek; secretary, piano duet. { Mrs. Bedford Thomson; corre- | Mrs. T. F. Lean introduced the cnonding secretary, Mrs. Harvey guest speaker, Miss Mary Haig, Kirby: treasurer, Mrs. Milton] {missionary from Japan spoke on the home life of Japan: Thomas Kidd and Mrs. Frank| ese women, and how they have|jee: telephone committee, Mrs, {been more in the foreground Noman Hall, Mrs. Albert Brown, |since and during the war, taking Mrs. Gordon Whyte - and Mrs. | {their place in different types of| Alan Shortt. | |work, working as dentists, doc-| Miss Lambert outlined the tors, conductors, on buses, INmany classes heid at the CRA| Donald Institute, formerly a mis. | | speaker. Tagtaties, oe rack th id should be of interest to the , J. L, Crumbrac an! | women. | Miss Haig. Mrs. LeRoy Kellar| Winner of the lucky draw was |and her group served refresh. Mrs. Peter Schnaider. ments. Refreshments were served by| s Mrs. Thomas Kidd, assisted by SIMCOE STREET YPU Mrs. Frank Lee and Mrs. Ioan The regular meeting of the gmae PMA CLUB | on Monday evening, October 27, The regular meeting of the with 27 members present Pleasant Monday Afternoon Club An invitation was extended to|was held on Monday, October 27, the YPU of St. Andrew's United at the Legion Hall, with Miss Church to join with the group for Olive Harrison presiding. its next meeting. Mrs. Elwood Bradley called the The theme of the devotional|roll. Mrs. George Whitbread read service was citizenship and com-|the scripture lesson. The secre- munity service conducted by Miss|tary's and treasurer's reports Sheila Pollock assisted by Miss|and correspondence were read. Sharon Brown, Miss Earla Field-| Birthday greetings were sung ing and Mr. Ronald Armstrong. {for Mrs. Mason Chamberlain. wh 0 Laxdal; social conveners, Mrs, | B53 Tane, Mrs, A. Brown opened bers of the dance committee were|} Married recently George's Ukrainian Church were A Mrs. | Lew Motyl. Formerly Miss | Marion Walsh, the bride is the at St. | Catholic | THE STARS SAY | By ESTRELLITA lr OR TOMORROW A perplexing situation in your personal life may present itself on Sunday, but it can be solved] without too much difficulty on your part if you don't try to force| issues. Emphasize diplomacy and| face problems realistically. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, currently in a cycle where mat- ters connected with business should be taking a definite up-| the stars indicate that you a ; NEWLYWEDS | | of Antler, Saskatchewan, and |Catharnes the bridegroom is the son of | the late Mr. and Mrs, John | Motyl of The Ukraine, The | couple will live in Hamilton. --Photo by Mary's Studio 7116 Sascade of white shasta chrysan. mums, Heal-Coole Nuptial Rites In Bowmanville The marriage of Sandra Viola Coole, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, J. Coole of Bowmanville, and Gerald Richardson Hesl, son of Mr, and Mrs. H, G. Heal of So. lina was .solemnized recently at St, John's Anglican Bow- manville, with the A.C. Herbert officiating, Given in marriage by her fath. er the bride wore white lace over satin loped neckline ] E 2 Ee 2 g 5S gh; Miss Barbara Elliott of Oshawa was maid-of-honor in opera blue] taffeta with a blue shaded feath- er bandeau. Her flowers were a mums. Mr. Robert Griffith of Toronto was best man, A reception was held in St. John's parich hall where the bride's mother received in choe- olate brown crystalette with tan. gerine accessories. The bride- groom's mother, assisting, wore, black and white crystalettes with winter white es. Both wore corsages of chrysanthe. For the wedding trip to the, |Pocona Mountains in Pennsyl. vania and to New York City, they {bride wore a suit of opera blue! wool with a white fur hat and a corsage of white chrysanthe. | mums. Mr, and Mrs, Heal will live in Bowmanville. Guests were present from Osh- awa, Prescott, Toronto, Hamilton, Buffalo, Detroit, Brantford, St.| and Streetsville, OFFICIATING py] Mrs. E. H. Walker will opési the Country Fair at Northmin- ster United Church next Wed afternoon at.2 o'clock. Under the auspices of the Woman's Association the affair will continue until 9 p.m. and a "hot smorgasbord will be served at the supper hour. Film Reveals . Danger Of Poison Around Home Househqgld bleach, hair spray,' nail polish and Aspirin tablets' | common things to be found: around the house and harmless enough In themselves yet fraught with danger when left within reach of small children. There is great concern among hospital authorities over the num- ber of cases' of accidental poison- ing in the home which have re. sulted In foss of life. : In order to acquaint parents of the hazards the Oshawa branch of the Canadian Association of Con- sumers will show a film called "One Day's Poison" in the E. A, Lovell School auditorium next Wednesday evening. i 'Another feature of what prom- ises to be an interesting evening will be a talk on toy buying and toy-buying guides will be dis- tributed among the audience. These guides have been pre- | pared by a toy testing committes of the CAC and list children's toa for different age groups. e whole evening's program has much useful information for mothers of children non-members would be welcome. SOCIAL NOTICE Young mothers, for many of baby Is six weeks old, and I you the six-week checkup is anjgained an extra 20 pounds dur- eye opener. Until now, you have Ing my pregnancy--40 pounds al- been blissfully assuming that na-jtogether. Those extra 20 are still ture would take care of every-| With me. Neediess to say, I feel thing in due time. Suddenly you|miserable and nothing fits me, view your thickened figure in a Worse, I have the desire to eat pew light, and realize that it's all day long. Can yan help me?" up to you to take action. [MUST START Now Two letters in the same batch| All young mothers tune in. Get of mall succinctly size up the started now while you still vividly situation. One young mother remember how alive you felt at writes: |your right weight and can still e baby boy just six recall what fun it was to buy a weeks ago. Alas, I haven't lost all new dress that looked wonderfui|place of second egg; one pint of the t I gained. I have aon you ... and all you had to/skim milk a day (for nursing closet fuli of beautiful winter be concerned about was price. mothers, an additional quart of skirts and sweaters and 1 either Whatever you do--or don't do--|whole milk); two fresh fruits, in-| have to get back into shape so I/about your weight, now can make eluding a citrus fruit or juice; TUESDAY can wear them or else get alllall the difference in the years/two or three fresh vegetables) Knox Presbyterian WA bigger sizes. (ahead. 4 |daily. Have only one starch at a Dr, C. F. Cannon HS "I'm trying to cook food in a| Since you stretched your stom- meal--a slice of bread, a halfi TOPS Club less fattening way and to eat/ach by over-eating during the potato or small serving of cereal.! Queen Elizabeth H-S less. But I also feel that my pregnancy period, the first step Have a vitamin A and D capsule] SA Home League muscles aren't as firm as they/is to discipline that appetite.|daily, Christ Church WA should be, so I would appreciate] Two weeks on smaller meals will] Don't wait another day! Too, wCTU it if you would send me some|cut your appetite down to size. busy to take exercise? In tomor-| Kinette Club exercises." {To build up strength as you lose/row's column, a young mother Ever-Ready Class The second young mother excess fat, pin yourself down to|describes a routine that takes no| Centre St. (West Grp.) the protective foods. Daily haveitime at ail. 3 St. George's Guild 7 "> my Alice Jackson Aux. 9th Scout Mothers' Aux. Victoria Lodge, LTB. 11th Group Committee Daughters of England Holy Cross WA Onward Group | 15th Scout Mothers' Aux. | WEDNESDAY .| SA Prayer Meeting Northminster WA Queen Mary Lodge All Doubles Club Rundle Park Auxiliary 3rd Scout Mothers' Aux. Women Teachers' Assn. Harmony WA 2nd Group Committee 10th Group Committee Albert Street WMS CP and T Fund THURSDAY 50-50 Club 12th Scout Mothers' Aux. TOPS Club Sunbeam Chapter, OES St. George's Eve. WA Happy Doubles Club Pilot Club Calvary Baptist WMS Simcoe Street WMS St. George's Aft. WA Evelyn Goodwin Group Challenger Group ward trend. Original ideas, coup- led with progressive methods in carrying them out, couid yield RECEPTION . fine results. Financial matters| Mr, and Mrs. J. E. H. Davis are also under excellent aspects) ; will be happy to receive thelr now and will continue to be for) 5% p~ : relatives and friends at the home the next five months -- provided of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis, that you do not yield to extrava- 76 Hillcroft street, on Sunday, gant impulses or speculate in No- November 9, from 3.00 p.m. to vember. 5.00 pm. and 7.30 p.m. to 9.00 Travel and romance will be un- p.m. on the occasion of der general influences from 80th sary, next May until August, and do- mestic relationships should be harmonious for most of the year ahead. You may have to work hard to achieve a personal objec-| tive in March, but the results will be worthwhile. A child born on this day will] be self-confident and efficient but # may have a tendency toward ex-| treme secretiveness, | THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW Don't make hasty decisions on Monday. In fact, it would be well to curb impulsiveness generally. Stick to routine matters and post- pone new ventures until a more propitious period. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If Monday is your birthday,|charts, |your horoscope indicates that a| Send J # display of initiative and enter. | (coins) for this pattern (stamps | | prise within the next two months|Cannot be accepted) to Daily cbuld yield exceilent results--es.| Times - Gazette, Household Arts pecially where financial matters|Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Print are concerned. In job affairs, you|plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PAT- | may be obliged to take on some TERN NUMBER. "%lnew responsibilities during the| Our new 1959 Alice Brooks | next five months but, well hand.| Needlecraft Catalog, just out, has led, they could prove a stepping many designs for crocheting, | stone toward future progress. | knitting, embroidery, quilts, dolls, | Travel and romance will be/weaving. A special gift, in the highlighted between May and Au-|catalog to keep a child happily gust, and those in scientific fields occupied -- a cutout doll and should find the first three months|clothes to color. Send 25 cents for) of 1959 a most inspiring period. (your copy of the book. | Avoid extravagance and anxiety between now and the first of De-|be intelligent and ambitious, but cember; also in February. | may have a tendency to domin- A child born on this- day will'eer. A Hallowe'en dance followed Favorite hymns were sung. | Readi were given by Mrs. E. Bradley, Mrs. B. Jacklin, Mrs, G. Whitbread, and Mrs. W. Collins. Refrest ts were served by Mrs. Lloyd Annis and Mrs. Col- S. WIFE PRESERVERS New idea for bathroom CLUB CALENDAR covering is louvered shutters in- stead of curtains. They provide plenty of air and privacy in addi-| tion to their decorative quality. MONDAY Mary Street HS Assn. Albert St. H-S Assn. North Simcoe HS. Westmount H-S Assn, Women's Welfare League Gertrude Colpus H-S Pleasant Mon. Aft. Club six ounces of Jean meat (all fat trimmed off), one or two eggs, or a haif cup of cottage cheese in WIFE PRESERVERS ; Rubber tips on canes or: ps Cd i Superfluous By ANNE ADAMS Fashion's newest Empire line in a jumper-dress to whip up one day, wear the next! Drawstring cinches high waist, accents graceful shape. For date drama, subtract the smart, classic shirt. Printed Pattern 4857: Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 16 jumper takes 1% yards 54-inch; blouse, 2% yards 39-inch. Printed directions on each pat- tern part. Easier, accurate. Send FIFTY CENTS (50c) in| coins (stamps cannot be accept-| ed) for this pattern. Please print, piainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, | Hotel, November 4-5. STYLE NUMBER. i RA 3.4641 Send order to ANNE ADAMS, | Phone for appointment en those care of Daily Times - Gazette, dates. Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. | ENHANCE LINENS By ALICE BROOKS Charming in color! Enhance linens with delightful, easy-to-do cross-stitch and crochet. Transform towels, scarf ends |into show-pieces, Pattern 7116: |transfer of 12-cross-stitch motifs, [2% x 2% to 6% x 9% inches, crochet directions. THIRTY - FIVE CENTS Permanently Re- "> moved By Electro. lysis and the new- fastest, elec- short - wave diothermy, reveal: ing your true self, free of worry and embarrassment. RESULTS GUARANTEED MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshowa ot the Genoshe ot, tronic Elizabeth Arden A 05 three faces not one --but three new lipstick colors! INDIA RUBY STAR TOPAZ ROSE DIAMOND Delightfully comfortable new Fall designs Fashioned for Fall to flatter your feet, new Dr. Locke shoes have glamorous allure in every line. Scientifically designed for all-day comfort, you'll find working or walking an adventure in beauty in Dr. Locke's shoes. * Ask about Dr. Locke's famous "§-point fit designed for comfort. CAREFREE of Plaids in wool, bold and subtle, in many unusual color combinations, contribute a | youthful touch to new styles for | fall. This plaid, of the subtle variety combines tones of | violet, rosy mauve and a line King Street WMS' | of deep purply blue. The slim '| Christ Church Eve. .Guild skirt hangs from the shoulders | on a camisole. Thé combination | of the chemise blouse and thee Christ Church Aft. Aux. 'soft wool fabric add to the ve- Simcoe St. WA (Grp. 3) laxed silhouette. fashion Three gems of color: India Ruby, to wear with blue reds, violet, amethyst; Rose Diamond, for deep royal ; blues, blue greens, and teal; A Star Topaz, for new tawny -- 1 colors, coppers, golds and | y moss greens. A YOUNG EQUESTRIENNE day Jothorow. Ruth has gn | and granddaughter of Mr. and Prince for two years. She is | Mrs, Thomas McDonough, Park Be we ant | it wv Rich, creamy, lustrous and long-lasting, they all are as considerate to your lips as they are vital to your beauty. And all are offered im | Miss Arden's wonderful new Click-Change Lipstick, 2.00. Regular lipstick, 1.50. Color Harmony Boxes (lipstick, nail lacquer, mini- ture cream Completely at home on the back of her own pony, Prince is Catherine Ruth Christy, who is celebrating her sixth birth- HOUSEHOLD HINT To keep that lovely fluffy effec on chenille bedspreads and robes, hang them inside out after wash- ing so that, as they dry, the chenille trim rubs against itself. SCHOOL OF DANCING D.E. A. Ballet, Tap, Toe, Character, Baton. Pre- school, Acrobatic at the Masonic Temple, 91 Centre Street. Fridays & Saturdays. STORE HOURS | Daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays Tpm.tobp.m, PROMPT PRESCRIPTION SERVICE - . Comfort that dares to be beautiful rouge), 2.50. "There's No Substitute for Experience' Member of The Botte shoe Guild Welam no ¢ Oshawa PROMPT FREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST. E 530 SIMCOE ST. 5. PHONE RA 3-2245 OSHAWA PHONE RA 5-3546 - BOWMANVILLE - PHONE MA3-5778 MO 8-2336 DRY CLEANING OSHAWA WHITBY RA 5.3555 MO 8.4922 Shirt Lounderers Moth & Burn Holes Rewoven STORAGE Z Rexall CAMERAS - COSMETICS DRUGS PROMPT FREE DELIVERY: 8 KING ST. E 530 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE RA 3-2245 OSHAWA "phone RAS-3546 5 KING ST. W INFORMATION: RA 3-7253 RA 5-1833| 317 BROCK ST. SOUTH, WHITBY 18 SIMCOE §.

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