| 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Stifey, Wovember 1, 1999 YOU CANT ALWAYS BELIEVE WHAT YOU sat Grade Puzzles The Motorist By JOHN MILLS |other look without the level al- RAGLAN (Staff) -- Monkton most convinces that the level is may have a "magnetic" hill but "° good. | Ontario County has a similar] Last week Johnny Maw, county phenomena on the suburban road/foreman on the job had a big| one mile north of Raglan, At that|argument with a truck driver who point a new subway has been con-| got a little peeved and offered to structed under the CPR railway, bet $100 that there was quite a} Now motorists will pass under|grade upwards to the south. As a § the railway rather than over what matter of fact there is a drop of | § was at best a hazardous cross-|two feet southward. ing, which could hardly be call-| The new subway will cost a ed a level crossing as it crowned total of $208,000. The cost Is a short steep incline up and over shared between the CPR, Board the tracks. of Transport, Department of As the approach to the new sub- Highways, Ontario County and way is made from the south about the Suburban Road Commission. | 99 motorists out of a 100 willl The excavation will be com-| swear they are going up hill. If pleted in the next few days and they stop at the subway, get out| the subway will be open for serv- and look back, most of them will ic in about two weeks. Three say it is a grade that rises at/lanes will carry the traffic least 15 feet towards the south. through the subway and up the| : " ' They are in good company. rather steep grade. The right # : y 5 hy Some of the county road. and hand lane is reserved for slow ™ ' a ' bridge committee on an inspec- traffic. THE OPTICAL ILLUSION tion tour last week estimated the| It is not generally known, but -- Mg ScHooT To SEE * | Present Drama BOWMANVILLE ~-- Prepara- Ta tions for the annual Bowmanville High School's drama club presen- tation are wei under way. Re- i 'hearsals for this year's play, "The Winslow Boy, have been going on for the past month and will continue for the next three weeks. The two-act play by Ter- ence Raddigan will be presented. three evenings, Nov. 26, 27 and 28 at the town hall. Although only nine characters |appear in the play which is 2 | being directed by drama teacher, Robert Sheridan, 40 students are {working feverishly behind the {stenes on props and scenery. | Mary Vanstone is the student director, and other students in ithe cast are Dan Cattran, Greg |Cooper, Carol Massey, Nancy {Wood, Vern Chant, Dave Higgon, |Berta Higgon, Dave Millon and |Gail Baker. This year's play, a variation even the smallest branches in|Dunbarton, District Sports Offi-| It will be a memorable |from previous presentations which consisted only of three one- |act performances, concerns the | British Naval Academy and the, SI ALONG THE LARESHORE Legion Zone F 1 At BigBowmanvilleRally By ANGUS GORDON that it will complete its new hall District Editor in the near future, and Sunder/! Poppy Day, branch relation. land also reported that renova- ships, arrangements for Remem- tions to its building had been! brance Day, the all vital ar- completed. | rangements for inter - branch sports events, and a host of ad-| DISTRICT GROWING ministration questions were all dealt with at Zone 1, District F Beaton of Oshawa was in the rally at Bowmanville, with chair for the meeting with Dis | Branch 178, Bowmanville, as trict Commander Lou Knack of hosts. | Trenton the honored guest for the) Efforts of the various branches occasion. There were 65 delegates; in the district to carry out the present from all branches gon, aim: of the Canadian Legion jo} ie excapiion of Whitty a tol various public relations projects! were heard (rom A was evident in the reports from Zone Commander Burgess of| the area, jour yi Boos | of Bowmanville, Port Perry reported a donation Zone ris cer Art Cawker| of $100 to the local minop hockey of Oshawa, and Zone Poppy Com. | Shelton of Oshawa Branch 43 said | Oshawa. I is stated that there are 22 teams now operating and the sponsors figure on catering to at least 150 junior bowlers in the next month or two, Instructors are .Art Ravensdale and Walter Wright. Fi Commander Bi1]/QUEEN'S SCOUTS INVESTITURE Queen's Scouts from this area will be honored today at the big third annual recognition rally at Trenton, Lord Rowallen, the Chief Scout will be present to greet the boys who have attain. eC the highest Scout honor in the British Commonwealth. occas io Quinte ion for these boys of the lation who b mem- bers of a select band of scouts expulsion of a candidate at alagsociation, while President Bob mittee chairman Red Hircock of who have pursued a hard path to attain the coveted honor. lensuing action of the father to his unit had contributed a total of District Commander Knack CHAMPIONS TO BE HONORED icorrect the injustice, Charge Local | Men With Arson $3000 to minor sports. A total of| said the district was growing $1800 was paid out by the branch fast and two new branches at! to needy veterans from the Poppy Bridgenorth and Bewdley had Fund during the year. {been added. However, there were It was obvious from the many|still many veterans who had not| reports that a considerable vet been brought into any sort of| amount is being paid out every organization and these men could week by the welfare officers to|be brought in if the advantages of| Cobourg Kiwanis have wsue- coaded in their efforts to have the town officially recognize the rippin of the Junior champion yers they Speisered when no one else would take on the job. Council has agreed to pre- sent the boys with windbreakers, the ever - increasing numbers of member hp are Popesly wt which the Kiwanis will embel- 4 i ' eterans and their families who lined to them. He urg all|lish wit', suitable crests. police Friday revealed that they ye " } y have arrested two district men oy | 27¢ falling on hard times. branches and members to keep! The bays will be entertained at " h the pressure in the drive for a dinner later in the year when {charges of arson following the EXTRA EFFORT NEEDED ne | recei : fire that destroyed the home of This, stated Zone F2 Command- new mgs, [tuey wit Ye their. troppies. Leonard Davis, of Pontypool, last er Dude Hills, points up the need COBOURG BOWLING SCHOOL |pLANT HOLDS OPEN HOUSE | Monday. ; for extra effort on the part of The keglers in Cobourg district) Latest addition to Port | Elmer Huggins, 49, of Taunton the branchés to get increased are intent on bowling honors for|industries, the B, Elliott Co. {and Charles Beaman, 70, of RR support for the Poppy Fund. the area in the future. To this|(Canada) Itd. held open house {No. 1, Pontypool, will be arraign. Street sales of poppies are usual- end, they are starting off theirial] week to display milling ma. ed before Magistrate R. B. Bax-|ly good, and he urged members hopefuls at a tender age. A Sat-\chines, lathes, drill presses, ter this coming Tuesday. to make an extra drive for the urday morning school has been shapers rnd grinders. The new | Police preferred not to disclose sale of wreaths in the next two established at two alleys foripiant, completed this year, com- any further details but it is be-| or three weeks. | youngsters aged from five years plements other company estab- lieved that the Davis property An interesting item was de- to 16. Venues for the school areljishments in Canada where it house was an old frame shack. A livered in the Oshawa report, Cobourg bowling lanes and the established its first branch in |dog and a cat were the only vic-| where the branch has established Bowl-o-Drome. The sessions will|1949 tims of the blaze. Constable L. F, a death benefit fund. This fund go on for the next eight months. | The company manufactures in Dryden, Bowmanville OPP de- paid out a total of $1500 over The Little Amateur League al- England and maintains sales ready has 65 members, and the|and service branches all BOWMANVILLE -- Provincial 1958. over AS SEEN BY THE CAM ERA tachment, is the investigating of- ficer. SEVEN DIE IN STORM MANILA (AP) -- The Philip- pines today counted seven per- |sons dead and four missing and presumed drowned from typhoon Lorna. Damage was estimated at YW, 000, rise at anywhere from 12 to 15|this section of road has a higher | feet. traffic count during the week A glance through a sighting!than Highway 12, located a few l ; E | ? level proves the contrary, but an-'miles to the west, | eca 1S] ar Y { AJAX AND DISTRICT NEWS Days Of Rotary | |days of the Bowmanville Rotary trates, police officials and Guelph Sund ay Is & | Teachers Took Club 'really had some 'Roaring| Rotarians' he said. Strike, guest speaker at the an-|/days of the club were the local nual past-president's day lunch-|concerts sponsored by the club, By GRACE MILLS Mr, tri AJAX -- Publie schoo! teach- himself, outlined the history of Speaking on the more serious DUNBARTON (Stat). -- Sup. ing the past year to improve founded in 1924, remarking on|Strike spoke of the club's 17 day, November 2 will be D (for their standing included: {some of the colorful personalities| charter members and its first mark the opening of the Bell G. Hood, Anthropology 2, and psy-|that period. | pointed out that the Rotary Club Telephone Company's new dial/chology 2A and 2B; Mrs. D.| One of the anecdotes described | was the first service club ever or- ers to be served through the Gannon, Music. |three Rotarians who were selling ed the only such organization for Dunbarton office will receive the| From Parkside School -- Mrs. tickets on the car draw. They the next 10 years. with the opening of the exchange Keith Adair, Psychology 2B, So- ject that they went as far as the executive positions for the at 2 am. Sunday, The new num-|ciology 1, Art and Archeology 3,/Guelph to make sales. This, how-| luncheon. Apparently the most tary directory that has been dis- psychology; Mrs. J. Demaind,|jail. "To get the three enthusias- Dippell, who acted as a sergeant. tributed. |Art, |tic club members out of the lock-|at-arms, John Mills, Representative---~Phone Ajax 426 | BOWMANVILLE -- The earlyjup required efforts of magis- Rotarians' according to Ross| Other highlights of the early . _ | Special Courses "Dial Day" eon Friday. |the carnivals, and annual theatre ers who took special courses dur-/the cluh from the time it was side of the club's history, Mr. dial) day in Dunbarton. It willl From Lord Elgin School -- Mrs./who made up the club during president, Thomas Holgate. He exchange. The 800 Bell custom-|Price, Anthropology 2; Mrs. Ivy/by Mr. Strike centered around ganized in the town, and remain- TEmple numbers co-incident/H, Fairjey, Sid Psychology; were so enthused with the pro- Past presidents took over bers are listed in a supplemen-|and psychology 3; Bob Russell, ever, landed them in the local active past president was Louis J. W. Lowery, Bell Telephone| From St. Andrew's Senior Other past presidents who took manager 'for the territory said School -- W. M, Clark, Geography| others the University of To- part in the occasion were Mor. | blic Schools. the Dunbarton users should use 2; Anthropology 2; J. B. Rodney, ronto {ley Vanstone as chairman; the full number including the ex. Child Psychology; T. Coleman,| . | Forbes Heyland, secretary; How- change name on long distance Certified Art Supervisor; Neil PERSONALS {ard Rundle, song leader; Mel calls. For local calls only the Ellis, Astronomy 2, Art and Ar-\ Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Morley, Dale, pianist and Dave Higgon, last five figures need be dialed. chediogy 8 for his BA; M. Slicter,| Forest road, left today to attend fellowship. There will be no long distance Psychology: K. Davidson, Astron-|the Air Convention in Quebec call charges between Ajax, Pick- omy 1, Spanish 1, Philosophy 2;|City where they will spend the WORKING WOMEN ering and the new exchange in|Mrs. J. Davidson, Intermediate week. 4 : Dunbarton. To call Ajax dial 49,| Auxiliary; Mrs. D. Nicholls, In-| Mrs. Wilton Griffith, Glynn, An estimated 803,000 women Pickering dial 44. In each case/termediate Auxiliary. road, left by air this morning had jobs in Australia at the end the operator will then take the. Mrs. Fairley and Mr. Rodney for a month's visit with son Lione: of 1956, compared to 2,181,000 number called. 'attended Queen's University andland his wife in Vancouver B.C. males. WEIRD AND WONDERFUL Vidi 4 2 HALLOWE'EN IN Ajax and Pickering passed as one of the quietest on recopd. At Clare- mont, and Pickering Village, service clubs staged parties for the youngsters. The kids "trick or treat" rounds. Most were not to be denied their of them dressed in weird cos- tumes and canvassed their neighbors' homes. The two pictures are typical of scenes repeated hundreds of times. Top photo shows Elizabeth Spellen, Jerry lebar and Gregory Spellen, Below is the | big 'bad wolf" rather a shy wolf. He it when the flash went off Photos d Call Tenders For Dredging PICKERING (Staff)--Tenders have been called for the dredg- ing of the channel into French. men's Bay. Hon, Michael Starr has notified William G, Newman, with the assurance that the con- ract will be awarded by the end f this month This is good news for local ating enthusiasts of the areca heat is the channel is very shallow Ww Johan Mills lor out. ke, a past president parties for rural school children,!! Eligible voters who may have y {form the Ajax, Pickering Village and only small boats can get in ernment to strip Pasternak of hisiby Branch 541 at Dunbarton was bowling clinic, the brainchild of the Commonwealth, The present host for the district horseshoe Ralph Baker and Harry Hayward |contest, and reported it a great|is becoming one of the success, town's Ajax branch reported most popular juvenile projects. It'dian customers. |plant will provide factory ser- vice and maintenance for Cana- BOWMANVILLE AND DISTRICT NEWS Representative R. CZIRANKA Phone MA 38-7224 'Urge Voters Check Lists AJAX (Staff) -- Monday, No-| vember 3 is the last day to enter appeals by those who may have, been left off the voter's lists, The | procedure is simple. Check the lists, Names left off in error or names on the lists that should not be on, may be entered on a form at the municipal office, been left off wil have troubles) on election day it is much simpler to see that the error is corrected now. Several people were disappoint- ed last year because they did not| take time to make sure, | Lists are posted at all the| schools, the hydro building, the| post office and the municipal of- fice. With many new people in the town who may not be sure of the] procedure it is possible that they may not know that election day is December 6. The polls open at 11 a.m. and remain open eight hours. Poiling places are in the Nomination night is at 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 24. Nominations will be received by the town clerk in the council chambers at that |{time. Nominations remain open {for one hour | Form Branch of | Cancer Society AJAX (Staff) -- An organiza- {tional meeting has been held to {and Township branch of the Ca-| © (nadian Cancer Society, The president of this newest {branch in Ontario County is Mrs. Lee Thompson. Other officers |are Mrs. M. Morrison, Ajax, 1st. vice. pres, Gerald Allman, Claremont; second vice, pres, L. H. Taylor, Pickering Village; |{treasurer, and John Daniel-Jen- |kins, secretary. | Meetings have been set for the |{fourth Monday evening of each {month at the home of the presi. |dent, Valley Farm road, Picker-| ing. At the next meeting a board! of directors, will be chosen. The medical staff has yet to be ap- {pointed It is expected that this |also will be done at the next meeting. |The branch now stands ready! . to be of service. Anyone needing here said could mean his exile. |assistance may contact Mrs.| Clarification of the exact mean- Hardy Cralg, welfare chairman ing in the opinion of experts here in Pickering. Anyone who would | must await official action. he to join Je sogiety oF Delp MAY MAKE CHOICE /in any way is reques ] IY Ji tact John Mills, 426, Ajax or "The answer probably wil John Daniel-Jenkins, Atlantic| OMe from Pasternak himself, 57934, who will supply full in. a foreign legal expert said. Cif formation he wants to continue living in the Orman. in -- | Soviet Union without the rights of a citizen it is unlikely he will be R S Writers made to leave, But if he is willing us criticism indicates nobody here E il wili stand in his way." uggest X1 e Radio Moscow jeered in broad- casts in 10 languages "Let him go where he wishes. MOSCOW (AP) Soviet pres [to breathe the air he breathes." 3 --. if asternak already has been sure built up today for traltor's| irioped of membership in the exile of Nobel prize winner Boris writers' Union as an outgrowth Pasternak. of the reaction here zhen he was voice of the Soviet Writers' Un-|¢ yatters last week as the win ion, cried for his expulsion from|ner of the 1958 Nobel prize in lit- "this country whose interests he|g ature. betrayed." xy 8 The newspaper printed a full{800 CONDEMN HIM Eight hundred members of the old author of Doctor Zhivags Moscow branch of the Writers'|a stinging resolution against Past Union, terming Doctor Zhivage ernak and his hook, a best-seller anti-Soviet, appealed to the gov- in the West that was turned down the official Soviet publishing citizenship -- a move observers house. to live elsewhere, the tone of the For Pasternak No Soviet man or woman wants The Literary Gazette, officiallnamed by the Swedish Academy page of attacks on the 68-year-| Moscow Writers' Union approved Port Hope Edges Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE -- A unique joping situation has developed in the manyille wing back, who scored play-offs involving the senior "A" an unconverted touchdown in the football teams of Bowmanville, first quarter. Port Hope followed Eric Carleton, Bow Whitby, and Port Hope high with an end zone point by Hudson schools. The situation that pres-/Leavens and a touchdown by ently prevails is that each team| ~ SL has now won two games and lost two. This forces another two games | next week to decide who will play-off against Oshawa Central Comets, The serles will move to Whitby where Port Hope will do battle. The winner of this game will then play host to the Bow- manville Seniors. The series became tied two games each when, Port Hope de- feated Bowmanville 21-18 Friday afternoon. A touchdown by the! home team would have meant the difference but with only seconds and goal to go the Port Hope team formed. a solid wall to hold back the onrushing opposition | ! The scoring started with gal FOR MISSED PAPERS IN AJAX (# you have not received your Times by 7 p.m. call AJAX TAXI PHONE AJAX 333 All alls must be placed before 30 p.m. PICTURES ABOVE SHOW THE FIERCE ACTION IN THE PORT HOPE-BOWMANVILLE GAME {Dave Greenaway. In the second half of the game, Greenaway made another two touchdowns that were followed by converts. But Bowmanville was not to he denied. Their attack brought | home two touchdowns but convert attempts failed, SUBSCRIBERS THE TIMES BOWMANVILLE | FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAX! SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI | MA 3-5822 || # you have not received your || Times phone your carrier bey first, If you are unable te con- | tact him by 7:00 p.m. TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Colls Accepted Between 7 -7:30 p.m. Only A --------