Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 1 Nov 1958, p. 2

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GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN There's absolutely no truth in that widely-cir- culated rumor that Mayor Lyman Gifford is plan- ning to re-name Oshawa "The Sweepstake Win- ners' City," but it wouldn't be a bad idea at that, ~ Oshawa may not have as many bluebloods as such cultural outposts as Peterborough--the new Canadian Social Register lists no less than 110 persons of decent breeding there -- but one thing is certan: Oshawa has had more rweep winners per square acre in the past few months than any mu- nicipality this side of Monte Carlo. SPEAKING OF SWEEPS When Arthur Ficek, 35-year-old GMAC credit department em- ploye, creshed the charmed sweepstake circle this week by winning $66,0Gv wid, there was an ironic twist to his story; he bought his ticket in Peterborough, hig home until last Sept. Then. he moved to Oshawa. Like most Oshawans, Mayor Lyman Gifford was happy about Mr. Ficek's bonanza, but it was a happiness mingled with sad- ness. His Worship is always sad at sweep time because he hates [to see so much money going out lof the country needlessly, money that could be earmarked for |charitable purposes, in Oshawa, in Ontario, in Canada, if only the laws were amended. Canada's laws on sweepstakes, -- of its kind in Ontario, This is a panorama of the scenery sur- rounding the new jump. Oshawa Times Photo. jump is of standard length -- 150 feet -- and when comple- ted it will be one of the finest A BULLDOZER CLEARS | cated four miles northeast of | earth on the new ski jump at | Orono, as plans are advanced . the | the Oshawa Ski Club site, lo- for the coming season. The ' Bump On Head Plans Rally | ump On Head zs, = gimbioes tome | ans or uture Six-year-old Lily Baklai, 392 they also annoy many prominent . Mitchell avenue, suffered a bump community leaders here -- fin- e lon the head when she was struck cluding several in the service, n u S ay Thursday night, Oct. 30, there Dickson of Centre Street United hy a truck on Olive avenue Fri. club world -- but these men are| was a small but enthusiastic|Church, presided. | day. Police reported Michael Ba- No Oshawa skiers, excited by the meeting of a number of United| Tim Nelson, Sun Valley court, linko, Wilson road horth, was the the matter as is Mr. Gifford. mum penalty of two years for news of early snow falls in New Church families and others who|will act as the treasurer of the|driver of the vehicle, Remember his speeches earlier| assaulting a peace officer. He England this week, are warming|are interested in the church in new congregation. It was decided| Considerable damage was this year before the Lions and added: up for what they hope will be a | winter's bonanza on the slopes. The season officially opens for LYMAN GIFFORD the Lakeview Gardens - Hillside to change the time of the Sunday caused to two cars in a collision|the downtown Kiwanis Club? Heights districts in the southern service from 2 p.m. to 8.45 a.m.|at the junction of Simcoe and| That's when Mr. Gifford first mum penalty is so light, It is Mh Dowsaidgin i fag dbl part of the city. It was also degided to hold a fort-| Louisa streets the same day. The gave vigorous and outspoken grossly inadequate," he said. ight, at King Street United urch Hall. Included in the pro- gram wil be ski movies shot Jocally and overseas, a model display of latest ski fashions, pew equipment, skits and lunch. Tor the last two weeks mem- bers have been working hard to gomplete a heavy schedule of improvements started by volun feer labor last spring on the igh slopes four miles north-east of| Orono. "The improvements will make| the facilities among the finest in Dota, according to a club offi-| lal. ? New tralls have been cut %o the wide open slopes used , The trails The meeting was held at the nightly Couples Club, the first drivers were Charles Detenback, leadership to his plan for an all- |megtal expenditures are kept | p | to date. | "This, in my opinion, would re-| {quire additional staff, so the uestion is: "Do we want fo end the taxpayers' dollars in| t nearly so frank in public on Criminal Code provides a maxi- "I don't see why the maxi-|yas succeeded recently by Pon Mr, Hall is perfectly right informs us that there are 877 Civi- additional staff so that periodical | financial statements may be pre- sented to council?" MEET THE CIVITANS The second youngest Oshawa's service club a 32-member Organization known as The Clvitans which officially came into existence last Nov. The Civitans are an aggressive, enterprising group with a credit- able record of achievement for their first year, including their, Bicycle Roadeo and their cnter- tainment program for mentally retarded ! ¢ % One of the Clvitans' pet rk ects, and a anmost unique onc, in- cidentally, has to do with financ- ing dental work for relief cases. They got the Idea fiom Herb Chesebrough, city welfare admin. istrator, after they approached "The Moi i Being Adequate] 13th, Trained For Modern Agricul ture", : tive team members w Lamb and Alan Ross of Beaver |. ton Juniors, Upholding the nega- |. tive side were Norm Lyons and Ron Shier Junior Farmer Club, This was won by the 'affirmative. Lr Jr. Farmers Hold Debate The Ontario County Junior | Farmers' Association held a suc- |cesstul debating and public speak- 4 ofl 08 competition in the township bi fa hal Brooklin, Wednesday, Oct. tople for the debate was that Rural Youth in In the first debate the affirma- Carol of the Usbridde debate In the second. debate the af- 1-mplfve tears ' BE ei ae members were Alan Ball and Murray Clark, Uxs bridge "Juniors. Upholding the negative side were Jeanne Alsop and Keith Shier of the Beaverton Junior Farmer Club, The nega- tive side won, Frank Barkey, Brooklin Junior Farmer Club, was the winner of the public speaking. program was chaired by Bert Pearson, president of the Ontario County Junior Farmers' Association, The were: , N. Ells, Brooklin, RR 1: the zone the near future. COMING EVENTS _ him for advice as to what would be a worthwhile project -- a by any other city organization, HOMBBAKIAG, 14 har, Project uot Specifically ovation, Unisd Cored Hall, auspices, of United | Churel ' The club has already ad tive welfare department $300 this year to help defray dental ex- penses and they expect to aug- ment that amount before the year's end, The same program will be followed in 1959. The club assists welfare cases regardless of age, especially in| "1 the purchase of dentures, The spending of the $300, and| other monies for the fund, is left entirely to the discretion of Mr.| Chesebrough. A club committee under Gordon Dowling originally attempted this time - consuming and delicate | task, but it was filled with heart- breaks and reverses and the |Civitans were glad to turn it over to Mr, Chesebrough and his staff. First president of the Oshawa club was Harry Skinner. He | Crimmings. Our staiistical department in. BINGO Coronation Orange Temple SATURDAY, NOV, 1 8 P.M. 20 regular games, Shore the Wealth, 4 - $40 jockpots to go. 1 = $50 speciol to go. | 254b| HOT TURKEY SUPPER at Seograove United Church, on Wednesday, November 5, commencing ot 4:30 pm. Hot Turkey with vegetables ond plum pudding. Admis- sion $1.50 adults; children 70¢. Nov.1,3 at Toronto, last Tuesday. Wirough brush that will add much|, Rev Dr. George Telford, min: left for college the middle of Sep-| ister home of Mr. and Handson, 575 Stone St, The act- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nel- ing minister, Rev. Warren G. son. A Sunday School meets every OBITUARIES |, Ms ex cos This new congregation was first FUNERAL OF MRS. ALFRED ANNING Bipot an, Made 10 pi rvice for Mrs. the church extension counc Mu fusirdl ooh oe My: the Oshawa Presbytery. His re- Miller, was held at the McIntosh Port showed a number of United Funeral Chapel on Friday, Oct. Church families in that new dis- 31, at 2 p.m. Mrs. Anning dfed|trict where hundreds of homes het home, 696 Brimley Ave. have been built and others are in process of building. When he of St. Andrew's United tember, the church extension| Church, conducted the services. council asked Mr, Dickson to! [erent was in Mount Lawn carry on the work, The pallbearers were Frank a model home on Cedar St. kindly {body was injured. | A collision between two cars at|Councll urging, the Federal gov-| started this summer when a stu-| Athol and Charles streets result-| ernment ig Et ve these laws, It dent minister of the United ed in some damage but no in-|is sad to recall that his appeal | Church, Gordon Rajotte of Win-| juries. Edward Resyka, 445 Cre-|fell on deaf ears, that to date he|Protect themselves, all of which, the Kinsmen Club of Ajax he will {nipeg, Man., made a survey for|rar street, and Orman English, has never been openly supported | €/on this issue by a single Oshawa to the tax bill, 152 Colborne street east, were th |drivers. CITY AND DISTRICT STREETS CLOSED The following streets will be pp, gj] a staunch supporter of various civic departments, The services have been held in closed Saturday and Sunday be- Ritson cause of construction: {Spurrier. Ed. Marsh, Ted Miller, joaneq by a real estate man, free| 08d south from Bloor street east : {Chard Bulldozers have pushed thou-| ors srarrsy Cole. sands of yards of earth into place 139nd the club a jump up to 160 ns are being made to| several jumping meets ghroughout the season, and af the best jumpers in Canada ment, Percy Claude Carter, died CITY On. ake Ort. odor, | the Oshawa General Hospital Xeon, wap ase to convey the /early this moming. Mr. Carter, ation e congregation of Weston, Who|yho had been seriously ill for) 0 Berth, take part, some awa Board of Parks Manage. Were discussed about ways to Bert Bradford of charge to the new congrega.| | tion, | aot | The meeting was told that a PERCY CLAUDE CARTER |family would shortly be using the The head gardener for the Osh- home and some preliminary plans The secretary, Mrs. | him, "two weeks, was in his 68th year.| She was also asked to write He lived at 537 Simcoe St. N. Born at Woodbridge, Devon- (Street United Church, chairman| missing to Ontario Provincial Po-| improvements include a/ |Rev. 8. C. H. Atkinson of Albert to Wolfe street; Louisa stree t from Kaiser crescent to Simcoe street north, The following {streets will be closed at Louisa street: Kaiser crescent, Francis , Golf street, Grooms aven ue, Church street, Prince street Hillcroft street will from REPORTED MISSING A Blackstoth een was reported) rises, but strick enforcement be closed Jarvis street to Ritson road | , work on the other WO! cpire, England, April 28, 1892,/of the extension council, asking|lice this week. James Alexander ix and wax shop and 8s deceased was a son of the that it continue its efforts to pur- Scott, 28, of Blackstock, was last club entrance. Costume Party =i | Memorial Park and was also re- in Oshawa. Carter was in charge of time. Delicious Mr. Happy Event | onssitle for the design and served by the hostess assisted by Kingside Park entertained at a ments at the Oshawa Civic Ad- i | masquerade party, which was ministration Building, the Oshawa held at the CRA building, Friday| Police Building and around the| evening for the members of the| McLaughlin bandshell. ball teams. Pee Wee girls and their coach, his life, the deceased won many for hi | and their coach, P. Ricketts and Howers at oa Scabies ve nd at /$ spon Collens, were guests. Joseph Zak, [the Lhd hous svusored yi Kingside This year he served as president! of the society. | Alex MacDonaid; Pee Wee boys Atom boys and their coach, Robt. sports chairman of ark, was also present. Hallowe'en . costumes were Judged and prizes given for best dressed girl, Donna MacDonald; best dressed boy, Nicky Corneal; funniest costume, girl, Susan| Neate; funniest costume, boy, John Neate; best dressed couple, 'Ann and Arthur Fernandez. Win-| mers for the Hoola-Hoop contest were, girls, Marie Pearn and boys, Roger Norton. . The teams were divided and a Jelay was held with the winning pide receiving a prize, | Refreshments were served by Mrs. Wililam Scattergood, Mrs. William Ayres and Mrs. R. Fer mandez, members of the park as- Isociation. » : CHECKER SOLUTION | { Following is the solution to the *checker problem published in riday's issue: 14-18,22-15;13-17; 21-14; 23-18; 16-30; 18-18. Black swins. \ member of Post 43, Canadian Legion, being a past vice presi- dent of the branch, He was also very active in the branch's Poppy the First World War, having serv-| | Jani of the floral arrange- several of the ladies. An enthusiastic gardener all' PLEADS NOT GUILTY Robert C. Baker, of Oshaw entered a plea of not guilty to a charge of failing to file an in. come tax return before Magis- (trate Frank §. Ebbs Baker was remanded to Nov. The charge was prosecuted by [Sestarie Richard Dickins, RC- Friday late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carter. chase a site for the new church seen on Wednesday, Oct. 22, when He came to Canada about 40 and assuring the council that they leaving for Toronto, and during that time wanted a United Church in their told police that he was carrying |district at the earliest possible a large sum of money. Ontario Provincial Police are investigat- refreshments were ing the disappearance. Relatives a.land see millions of dollars leav- n.| stake The deceased was an active work. Mr, Carter was a veteran of ed with the 4th Devon Regiment of the Imperial Army. He leaves his wife, the former Catherine Marshall; a daughter, ! Miss Marie Carter and a son, Wiliam Carter, both of Ozhawa. Also surviving are a sister, ' Miss Mary Carter, of Devon, England and a granddaughter. ice Carter, hi Oshawa. i e remains be at the| Armstrong Funeral Chapel for| REV. R, B, DARGAN Jervis vist Memorial Ang-| . . nan Church at 2 p.m. Monday, November 3, Archdeacon H. D. Wins Trip Cleverdon will conduct the sery. Discuss Thei + The annual meeting of the On- jario County Vegetable Growers' Association was held at Hiway ouse, Brooklin, Tuesday, Oct. 28 at 8.30 p.m. with a splendid turn- but of vegetable growers. August {sherger, president of the On- ario County Vegetable Growers' ssocistion, was In charge of the eeting. 3 A. Pilkey, chairman of the Pro- vitcial Vegetable Growers' Mar- eting Board, addressed the ting. He spoke of the many oblems being experienced by fesecanie growers, particularly in province Quebec and Manitoba. Mr. Pilkey mentioned | #he damage that is being done to e vegetable crops in some areas p 24D sprays. * Ed. Ruthven, zone chairman of fhe Provincial Vegetable Grow. rs' Marketing Board, reviewgfl| 5 price negotiations that | nted | an, he| of com- growers that EE t that, as zone ad received lace last year. He yh from the * ' Area Vegetable Growers | Broughton, Whitby and A. Brad- {ley, Whitby; East Whitby, Wm. 'ees, Interment will be in Oshawa He To Brazil | Rev. R. E. Dargan, pastor of| ! Oshawa Free Methodist {Church, recently received a most| interesting telegram from the r Pr bl Mission Board at his denomina- 0 ems tion's headquarters in Winona |Lake, Tpdiana. It was an an. their corn was being cut too early "0uncement that he had been! by the canning factories: and that awarded a trip to visit mission some corn acreage was not taken Stations in Brazil. | 8 year because of frost dam-| The award, one of five to di age. Mr. Ruthven reviewed the ferent fields, was based Ags tomato situation, stating that the year's gifts to missions from the Vineland Experimental Station Oshawa Church. In its member. was working on three or four new ship category, it had exceeded all varieties of tomatoes for canning, other churches of the denomina- that look very promising at the tion on the continent in per mem- present time, |ber giving. The recorded gifts The election of officers took|through denominational churches place with the following results: | (not to mention church gifts to president, August Geispergel. RR other boards and numerous pri- y ; Vice-president, Lewis vate donations) avi Jones, Balsam; secretary-treas- member. Sverige Wo per urer, H. L. Fair, Uxbridge. Directors--Pickering, Will Col- lins, Pickering: Whitby, Chas. Rev. Mr. Dargan attributes tie fine record of his congregation to a monthly Sunday emphasis, an annuai missionary convention and a congregation already mis- Sack, Oshawa, RR 4: Reach, Alex sion-minded Johns, Port Perry, RR 4; Scugog, Ray Fralick, Port Perry, RR 4 The trip will probably be taken Official Voting Delegates -- in the early months of 1939 and August Geisherger, Charles be followed by speaking engage. Broughton and Lewis Jones ments to challenge home churcn- Lady Delegate -- Mrs. August es with mission accomplishments | CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi. dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating birth. days this weekend, Those celebrating today are: Wm. Bradbury, 396 Athol St., E,, Allan and Alice Dear- born, 509 Madison Ave., Jo- éeph Halik, 90 Olive Ave, Mrs. G. Catheline, 45 Brock St. E., Donald Anderson, 143 Colborne St. E., Mrs. Jack Westlake, 1140 Kingston Rd. W., and Tommy Steen, 62 Harold St. Those celebrating - Sunday are: Angus E. Barton, 88 Connaught St.,, Mrs. Lorne Penfound, RR 4, Oshawa; Bill Morrison, 258 Highland Ave,, Jack Bray, Port Perry, Mrs. Harold McDiarmid, 304 Bloor St. W. _ The first five persons to inform The Daily Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to the Regent theatre good for a four-week period. The cur- Tent attraction .is 'High School Confidential." * | | Mrs. | meeting to be Thursday, Nov. 20,5038 Masson street, and Josef Canadian sweepstake to benefit 4 ' A (Hogenboom, RR 1, Oshawa. Both| Canadian charities. That's wh {his assertion that police officers|tan clubs in the U.S, and 19 in | vehicles had been traveiling south he urged Oshawa service clubs {on Simcoe street at the time. No-/to rally round him so that | en | could get a resolution from City| service club. Said His Worship today: | | "I have not changed my mind [one ota on this policy because| |T sincerely believe that people will always gamble, legally or| otherwise, as they have since the, beginning of time. All you have to do is to look at the bingo games. gambling for charitable pur ses.' Mr. Gifford is most emphatic on one point -- he has not now, and he never has in the past, had reason to find fault with Crown Attorney Alex Hall, QC. | "Mr. Hall is most honest and efficient and he only carries out his duties as any good Crown eagy Attorney would do. Mr, Hall does not enter into this proposal in any way," he explained. Oshawa service clubs still fi. nance numerous oharitable en. of the lottery ticket sale ban sev- eral months ago put a severe crimp in thelr activities, These ¢ clubs need new revenue for such projects as sight conservation, ald to the mentally retarded, chil- dren's camp work, and numer: ous other similar activities. It must gall service club mem- bers to be forced to stand idly by Ing Canada annually in Sweep. funds when this money is urgently needed here. It must also irk Oshawa serv- og. ice clubs to see service club] raffle tickets from other Ontario points sold here, despite the vigilant and sincere efforts of| Oshawa police to stop such sales. | It matters not that such sales are illegal and surreptitious --| the tickets are still being sold. | ts as the above on ue sweepstakes and raffle ticket | sales are quite normal on a No- 20 ered at budget time and in a vember eve like this when Plas growing bE a one must be prepared for. are already under way to take millions of dollars more out of the country on the next sweep. Oshawa service clubs would be well advised to again consider Mayor Gifford's offer. LENIENT SENTENCE The sentence handed out in Magistrate's Court here yester- day to three men convicted of assaulting Police Chief Constable Archie Menzies of Port Perry was totally inadequate in view of the gravity of the crime com- e to the full extent of the law, |police officers may eventually Starr speaks Monday at the Civic get. finance committee feels that a h statement should be prepared Brigadier R. K, Purces, DSO, periodically showing the expendi- ture in relation to the receipts. 'He was also commander of the made if the records of depart- must be respected and protected Canada thus far. The taxpayers should also take A MODEL CITY HALL heed of Mr. Hall's warning that| When Labor Minister Michael have to go around in squads to Appreciation Night sponsored by of course, would add considerably mention with pride that the mod- el for Ottawa's new City Hall is |almest identical to Oshawa's A REASONABLE REQUEST City Hall, This is indeed a trib- Alderman Christine Thomas ute to the people of Oshawa and made a reasonable request in also to Mr. Starr, a formur may- City Council recently when she or of this city, and former mem- asked that there be "closer co- bers of his Oshawa City Council ordination" between the finance Who contributed to much to the, committee, of which she is chair. project. man, the cily treasurer and the DRIVING CENTRE The request was not made as| Tentative date for the opening a complaint; however, Alderman ceremonies of the new driver Thomas, as one of the chief/examination 'centre at the Osh- guardians of the city's finances, @Wa Shopping Centre Is Nov. 1st, naturally wants to be kept fully Hon M. B. Dymond, minister of informed of the most minute transaction, She was also the first to admit that such an arrangement is not in a modern municipality § with its complex system cf fin. §& ance. Alderman - Thomas = explained her request this way: "It is desirable that the com- mittee be kept informed of ex penditures, but we fully appre} as it looks and this request must | not be interpreted in any way as a criticism of the various de- partmental heads. "The complicated system of grants is not something that can be understood at a glance, De- partment heads are aware of the grants that apply to their respec- tive departments and in prepar. ing the budget this is taken into consideration. Applying for the grant is routine procedure. [ DR. M. B. DYMOND "As chairman of finauce, have every confidence in the de-| transport, will open the centre partmental heads that they at/and he will be accompanied by all times keep their expenditures several departmental officials. within the provision of their bud-| The centre should be in opera- [tion shortly after the opening date. It is one of several such examination centres which are to be operated across the prov- |ince by the Ontario Department |of Transport, . . i Oshawa Mel. " |bers of the Ontario Regiment' As- A contingent jen iy He Dud: gocfation are busy preparing for get, plus monies recelved fromi;ne joth annual re-union of the the sale of property is used t0/ op jn Toronto Nov. 7, 8 and 9. meet this added expense. More than 200 delegates -- some "To keep council informed of the financial position of the city, fax and Vancouver -- are ex- Guest speaker will be "This year expenditure has been made on projects not con- commander of Camp Borden. "This comparison can only be | Ontario during part ol te Italian and European campaigns. mitted. Frank Connaghan, 45, Fred- erick Connaghan, 22, his son, and William Liscombe, 27, all plead- ed guilty to the offence commit: ted Oct. 21 and each received a sentence of three months. The other sentence pee He three | ccusd appeared adequate. | The fhe handed out by | Magistrate followed a| strong Thursday from | Crown Attorney Alex Hall who asked "the full support of the) court to stop such hoodlum at: tacks.' | cks. Mr. Hall also noted that the ms l C Gelsberger, 'and opportunities. wTTH TH Medical Pharmacy' 107 Simcoe St. S., Dial RA 3-4275 (ACROSS FROM MEMORIAL PARK) FAST, FRIENDLY SERVICE ALWAYS *The only Prescription Pharmacy in Oshawa serving the General Public (| KINSMEN BINGO JUBILEE PAVILION EVERY TUESDAY 8 P.M. JACKPOTS 55 -- 51 Cash Door Prizes ADMISSION $1.00 INCLUDES 1 CARD BUS SERVICE. 1 ANCE at St. John's Mall, 31 Bloor Be East at 8:00 p.m, November 1. pH, BAZAAR and Tes. Centennial | King Street United Church, by \Group, W » Noo vember 19, p.m. 2558 Y supper at JYish b., 12 metved | om 4.30 on, Tlekets 81 ct 29, 30, Nov. 1 and & "NIGHT OF CARDS" sponsored by The Pilot Club of Oshawe SIMCOE HALL (corner Simcoe S, & Fisher Sts.) WED,, NOVEMBER 5 -- 8 pm, -- Admission 50¢ Prizes Proceeds In aid of werk for Senior Citizens The Annual Dinner of | the Oshawa and District | Branch cf the Canadian Diabetic Association will be held at St. George's Parish Hall, Centre St. at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 19. Guest speaker: Dr. Charles Best. Tickets available at Henderson's Book $2.00 per person, 255a, Store after November 5, RUMMAGE SALE Children's and Adults' Fall and Winter Clothing, House- hold Effects, Dishes, etc, SIMCOE HALL, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 1:30 p.m. Auspices Mary Street Home and Sc Toys, + ' SATURDAY, SHELL-OUT 'BINGO NOVEMBER 1 16 PRIZES OF $10 1 each of $20, Share-th $30, $40, $50 e-Wealth BOX OF CHOCOLATES TO THE WINNERS ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH ADMISSION 50 CENTS TWO EXTRA GAMES AT $25 Oct, 17,18,31; Nov. 1,14,15,28,29 from such distant points as Hall.| CITY OF OSHAWA WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5th CLUB BAYVIEW BYRON ST. SOUTH, WHITBY GAMES START AT 8 P.M. Bus Service leaves Oshawa Terminal--25¢ SPECIAL FEATURE OF $300 $20 each horizontal | ine--$200 full card TWO $250 JACKPOT GAMES 50 and 53 numbers or less, consolation $25 each gome. Top line is worth $50 in first 7 numbers, must go once @ month, 5 Games at $30 -- 20 Games at $20 $1.00 admission includes 1 card Door prize and free All proceeds admission tickets. go to the purchase of new instruments , for the Whitby Bands. - 255e UNLICENSED PEDDLERS All persons peddling goods or merchandise from door todoor, or who go from door to door receiving orders for goods or merchandise to be delivered at a later date, are required to first obtain a peddler's license, as provided for by By-Law Number 2725, as amended, There have been a number of con- victions lately for contravention of the by-law. LICENSING IS FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE CITIZENS and it is suggested that persons, before buying from a peddler, insist on seeing his license. All licenses carry the crest of the City of Oshawa and the signature of the city clerk. If you have reason to believe a person is peddling without a license you should co-operate in putting a stop to such illegal selling by calling the Pdlice Station or the City Clerk's office L. R. BARRAND, City Clerk. | PRIZES WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 8 P.M. CASH $1,300.00 + $100 FREE CASH DOOR PRIZE CASH PRIZES INCLUDING (Four Prizes $50, $25, $15, $10) TWO $250 JACKPOTS (56-50) ONE $150 JACK POT (must go) 20 Games at $20 -- 5 Games at $30 Plus Free Card to Person on Right of Every Regular Winner $1.00 ADMISSION INCLUDES ONE CARD AND FREE CHANCE ON $100.00 BUS SERVICE RED BARN CASH DOOR PRIZE TO DOOR (TURN LEFT ONE BLOCK PAST A&P STORE, NORTH OSHAWA) 35a a

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