Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 1 Nov 1958, p. 14

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ais THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [uni | 1---Accountants 8--Building Trades 13--Gardening & Supplies [14--Household Repairs |21--pPersonal Service 24--Market Basket 34--Auction Sales Please Note INDEX Monteith, Riehl and Co.,| CLEANING ¢ s and and bushes planted, all work| CALL Joe, RA 58018 for carpentry, | SWEET cider and apples. W. T. Cox, Dusdines vow in shect 1 fl TO WANT AD [oortos termi fai oo (pains tnt, rysiioe, chinters snlompiies tap soe tier, wives, oi eukind bs Sendvman. --_" ___ |ACE CLEANING CONTRACTORSIIS mies moth of BTS: powmitviie] 16th ANNUAL this column; Hon. J. W. Monteith, FAC: A, B, Mon. Fankie and Johany. RA 81435. Nov.27|Clarke, Nov.s| JOUR And repaired, sas Liaings in.| STORES, OFFICES, FACTORIES [pring ES or 5) Sik Tou oun nl BLUE RIBBON Births, Memorioms, Cards of || CLASSIFICATION | ge 8. Lom. Chs Gore Bron | FOX HIGH crass painting and deco-| LEN Bowlers landscaping and garden- stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esi and HOMES (bushel. A. W.' Martin, Bowmanville, SHORTHORN SALE -- I wey, CA. RA 53527], 135 coe Street | Iing; Phone B.A 4 RA Kid ing + gir Poni Sueded, 3 Sodded, fer. mate. Floors, windows, walls ond | 2! at Baker's Farms, Hompton 9 AM. SAME DAY HD 4=mAccountonty North ONAWE. ooo | BP Ty roto tilled. Sidewalk siabs, patio slabs. | 15--Instruction cellars cleaned. Washroom -- APPLES -- Ont. on Saturday, Nov. Ist DEATHS -- I 2-Barrioyns BOB Clancy's Ontarw Accounting Serv. | J cll iii 0 e repniring old, and| Everything for your garden, RA 8753. | oo -- rn -- cleaning and sanitizing Macintosh, delicious Snows, ot 1:30 p.m. 35 Selected 11 AM. SAME DAY gem opt agor ea os ma ptcect RA 81435. Tov.8 experience. Appointment only. Calll Specialty. $1.00 per bushel and up. | Registered Shorthorns, 7 bulls, f all DIAL RA 3.3492 West, Room 1, Ottice RA 5.0397; Resi- BRICK laying, block laying, general MA RA 5-1054, v & West of Simcoe N. on Taun- cows with calves at foot, bred 5--Nursing Services |(dence, RA 37605. ~~~ cement work A. J. Groen, Bowman SOD, TOPSOIL, NURE LILLIAN | i Danes Biivcator: PHONE RA 5 7145 29| ton Rd. West, 6th road, tum and open heifers, both horned | $=0 Outen vif $T HOPKINS and Company, "Cettl (ville, MA a IRE Nursery Stock, Gorden Main- | pancing: School, ailet, (ap, baton, pre. ov north ond go Ta mile, Bring and polled. The . Onierio 1 yor, if ec ceountants ING and heating pipes, fittings, tenance, Tractor Grading ond |school acrobatic. Friday and Saturday containers Agl Or- Gor t will 1/3 of East, Oshawa, Or . RA 5-3509| h ' | ' # gloma Ir vernment will pay 1/3 © BIRTHS 7o~--Veterinarions Seine; Fam. Osnaga. On a a et amin tom Roto-Tilling. A372 May Nl JANE BLACK Slenderizing chards. the purchase price on some of | YALE, Friedlander, | Hunter and Co, septic tanks to sewer a specialty. In- ; 3=~Building. Trade | Accountants, and auditors, Licensed Stallations at reasonable rates. Infor Ee ira nowy | Studio, Slenderizing, reducing, Nov.3| the bulls up to $200.00. i o--Budine Material | Trustee in Bankruptey, EY Jang, Sureet ging og Bry Riedl Foley | HARDSAND LANDSCAPING (ster, now. 424 King West. RA 56122] Steom Bath ond Massage. Don't miss this Sale. | s JE t, 0 B ale, CA; - p COLLINS. -- Harold and. Roma (neet] 0S 0I0ENInG Service Hediander, B, Comm.. CPA. RA 5-1721 | ; dome | 45) Simcoe St. South |3o----Pets and Livestock JACK BAKER, Ashby) wish to announce the amival ofl] }1--Business Opportunities {TO RAISE YOUR INCOME use Clas ATTENTION! German Shepherd lov- Hompton Mgr their daughter, Darlene Roma, on Wed-{| 11o--Eusiness Opportunities Ca sters TRENCHING, sified ads. They sell, rent quickly: For| RA 5-9602 For Appointment |ers. We have an excellent selection of . mp! gr, nesday, October 20, 1958, at the Osh Wanted -- . ad-writing help dial RA 3.3492, tion L-- awa General Hospital. Mother and baby || 12--Dressmaking JOHN A. MacDONALD, BA, Barrister BASEMENT AJAX SOD SUPPLY writing help dal RA Yue | Open 10 om. -- 10 pm, ; [well bred vunpies for people mterested i vg goth tive, 13--Gordening & Supplies 208 Solighat, 101 Simeon Street North and SWIMMING POOL Sod delivered ond laid, field M Studio f 1 Inst A Saturdays 10 a.m. -- 4 p.m. Reasonable. Show prospects, also pets. Shedden, Ont. GILLILAND -- Mr. and Mrs. C. Gil.|| |4--Household Repairs CERN od Basisio Barter, EXCAVATIONS loading, Loam, sand, fill and | Music eign Ry Tuments FIkeTing MWe eos 20 TEIN, JACKSON, jand Cee Stu) formerly. of Edin. [| 15--~instruetion Solicitors. Clients' funds available for| Home sewoge systems in- stone. Grading, asphalting | TAILORING Phone OXtord Srase. Mrs Grant. 43 Port Perry, Ont. birth of their son, David Charles, on|| !6--Insurance first mortgages. a ae iomom, | stalled. Reasonable prices. and excavation, ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES | Own. moteriols made up. |Everett Crescent, Toronto 13. 254f Nov.1 Thursday, October 30, 1958, at the Osh-| |7==Money to Loon QC; Edgar F. Basted For free estimates coll PHONE AJAX 431 or | New ond Used Pianos Alterations of oll kinds. |PIGEONS, Kings and Rollers, Homers, 3 Female Help W. nied be elp Wa General Hospital. Mother and son | j8---Loon Wanted come ART STEVENS RA 5-3422 Pol Solici- a . | | ointers, all white and ringneck doves. arg 5 Since 2 Some son, Dat Brooklin 173W | FU selettion of JS instruments amine Plone RA 53008, 2% INTERESTED in making m 1 9~Personal RA »229, Residence phones 3 ew an sed) - 5 BEAGLE ho nd, registered, three ot . % 20-Cartage Greer, BA, Bey nA re Duncan x Hourly or Controet Werk COURTICE SOD AND | 477 Simcoe Street South 10 Prineg, St: 85 oe station) years old, good is ng ALE RA Sys shih Carisma, Di DEATHS 21=~Personal Service Kelly, BA, BCL, 81974, LANDSCAPING SERVICE | LEN PULLAN | 22. i as 2558 | GLERK - typist and aCeing Phillips, B. Comm., RA £2--Rodio Repal ; 16--Insuran | BEAGLE pu months old, thnocu- 2 8 Ie Co DORAL Biss Dosds, Boi i EXCAVATORS A) Jield sod sproyed ond ance (English Tailor) [lated for rabies. Ready for training. |tions. Write Box 42 Times-Gazette. pa 25. 23--~Women's Column Solicitor, 26% King Street East. Tele-| fertilized. For free | 4 4 ! ene: housekeepe: 4 4 A A . estimates | ALLSTATE Auto | Insurance, Save up| Phone RA 5-2703. 3c CARTER -- Entered into rest in the | 24--Market Basket phone: Business, RA 5-5501; Residence.| Bocements & Trenches call Ed Knowlton | 0 20 per cent, nine months to pay. For | | ATTENTION! German Shepherd lov. EXPERIENCED Bag vay Oshawa General Hospital on Saturday, || 25--Pets and Livestock RA 85373 pag : : - personal service at your home, call RA 2 A rman Shepherd lov- me. Live in. d sa h h b h ers. We have an llent selecti f | must be fond of children (two), and November 1, 1958, Percy Claude Carter 4 4 GREER, Murphy and MacDonaid, Bar-| Machines for hire by the RA 5-6047 15.7413. an excellent selection of , a beloved husband of Catherine Marshall 26-~Farmer's Column Ip id Notaries Public, | | well bred puppies for people interested have good references. For appointment and father of Marie and William in his|] 27--Fuel, Wood Taters, Soelory And A Roser hour or by contract in the breed rather than price. Rea-|please phone RA 5.7662 after 6 p.m. \ A . p 3 cts, also pets. 252¢ 67th year. Resting at the Armstrong ll ;8--Summer Resorts J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald. : d FIRE INSURANCE Jona ih ow prospects, 8 Ls Funeral Home, Oshawa, with service TI me - mit CROSS TOW 0 ickering 91 W 4, CRAARIE WOMAN in Christ Memorial Church. Interment | 280--Hunting NNING F. Swariz, Barrister, Solici-| Len Rae Li e N SOD WITH BROAD EXTENDED BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for | two i IT Rn BBW 1 um, Memorial Chu 29--Summer Properties For Sale ley ag en NIGHT DAY SUPPLY COVERAGE. All Risk Out- training, talking strain. Apply Mrs.|vate room, no objection to New Cana. 3 or Wanted . | Broad, 114 Elgin St t CLEMENT ~ Elered into yest nll 30. ost' ond Found Residence, Dial 34029, MO 8-4003 MO 8-3731 A-1 rolled, fertilized sod, cut board Motor ond Boat Poli- A NSWERIN | Brod A gin Street Eas dian. RA 8-8012, sa Fairview Lodge, Whitby on Friday, OC-Il 5; 1ici0 For Rent JOSEPH P. Mangan, QC, Barrister, Nov.22| fresh daily. Sod for trucks in cies. Save 10% with a Com- | Liki Foamy 3 i] rors (SUCRREFEER te re ra 8 y tober 31, 1958, Roderick Clement, hus Sol Money to loan. Office, 14'4 to | band of Muriel Lindsay in his 75th year. || 32--Articles Wonted Bons "treet East, Oshawa. RA 8232, field. Delivered or loid. Free posite Policy, Au fae Reasonable. Bowmanville, MA 32137. |in own handwriting, stating experience, CUSTOM & N.H A ailment ans esired, of | arital status, age, etc, to Box 139, Resting at the Armstrong Funeral | 34---Auction Sales residence, RA 5-3405. i HA. estimat, Propt delivery. apn Homa, Oshawa, with memorial service] 35--Emptoyment wanted JOHN A, CAMERON, Barrister, | HOMES Phone A 8-8 RGOHONE RA 5.6403 ERVICE Jeg ai. Phone ier $ Bim. = Bl 2541] 3.994, + 53¢| WANTED -- a middie-aged woman fo in the, chapel Tuesday, November 4, 3 pm. {nterment Oshawa Union Ceme.|| 36--Femole Help Wanted tor and Notary Public, 184% King Street East. RA 3-2269. NHA and private mort EF . ¥ raming AJAX SOD SUPPLY FOR sale -- German Shepherd, fe- look after children, live in. Phone RA male, seven months old, all shots and 251¢ tery 37=~=Male Help Wonted , d 3 > 38--Male or Female Help Wanted | 5a8Cs Arraneet 17--Money to Loan answer yo hone wh he 3 - st % i i i i 3 or] wer your ne en d Toremie ast General Homial, on Frv|| 393vAgents Wanted HUMPHREYS i Mh Trimming Sod delivered and laid, field ey fo you 4 Hod Srom iid spayed. Phone RA 3722, inoue ERTECED clerk sienographer. day, October 31, 1958, Prederick Gravge [| 40 pportunities [ers Soy cha, BA; W. A. Hiliman, Additions loading. Loam, sand, fill and |FIRST and second mortgages, sale BOARDING, trimming, bathing, de-| Apply Canadian National Ticket Offi Trull, in his 8ith year, late of '8 Mac hie Ge ESI yn, BOE , i : agreements purchased and sold. Hen.| office or residence. fleeing. Waubena Kennels. RA 5.6321. 4 ona. Aen 8s Frulici bis un vers \ase of'8 Maclin Bool LLB, 6 King Street West. Phones Alterotiohs stone. Grading, asphalting |nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King £. Ly 3 King West. 24e band of the late Sybil Louise Jewell [| 42--Rccm and B Dinner Kitch Cupboard i Cy 431 irr v/s For rates inquirer. 26--Farmer's Column HOUSEKEEPER wanted, between 20. L pull Fu 1 Ho 3 Wanted I (dd 0 - or a 65, to take charge of modern bunga- i Sa Bb oped ONES, BA_and Thomas 1i.| - 1utchen Cupboards HARVEY Dance Academy. Baton, tap, MERCURY | DEAD farm stock picked up: prompily. low. Must be fond of children. Friendl J { child iendly 2704 Yonge Street. Service in St. Paul's RA 5- yal Academy ballet, Highland. Avenue Road United Church, 121 Ave ociate Barristers and Solici Rec. Rooms 5-3422 totae now 438 Kine West BA seizz | TELEPHONE ANSWERING | Phone collect Bowmanville, MA 32675. informal family. Live in. Phone Alax EW ur Farm, Tyrone ov. . 2524 nue Road, Monday afternoon, at 3|| 45--Real Estate For Sale rs, Simcoe Street South RA & . Nov.2 SERVICE *eloc 3 M Yleasa So-Re: lab _ : Ai BR Gini dSamhed) Siiole Suchonge 3325 Jiohiguie, swabs ase, TERMS ARRANGED wEEAUTIEY JOUR HOME |CLTENTS' monies available for firs 15 KING ST. EASY 27--Fuel Wood " h and F ~--~Real Estate Wante Z. T. SA " i i N ASPHALT DRIV and second mortgages. Mortgages and . en = Whiley tremens a-------- ee Hane Bratt. "132. Bloor || 47----Automobiles For Sale tor, etc, 1344 Simeoe Street North, viai| Satisfoction Guaranteed : Ee ae WANTED -- someone to remove soft SECRETARY office, RA 5-3 residence, RA 33542 | Top soil, sod, cement, ond M. F. Swartz, Barrister and Notary RA 8-1772 maple tree from back yard for the Street West 48--Automoblies Wonted i i v i i bo B25 Auremasiies wane REGHTONF 7 ob Tore driveway gravel, sod laid. Public, 26% King East, Oshawa, RA Nov. 23 | 200d. Dial RA 56628 after 6 pm. 234| For Large Law Office WINEGARDEN, Flight Sergeant Ww 2 Murdoch, Barristers, Solicitors, Li d €. C. = On Thursday, October 30, 1958, |] S0--Articles For Sole tary Public, Bank of Commerce x ALF. LINES HAULAGE CLIENTS' money fo loan on first mori-| 22 Radio & TV / Repairs _ 31--Articles For Rent Legal CAF I, ckeliffe, Ottawa ---SwO, n t North, RA 6 | fem--" | Flight Serseant W CC Winegardan Slob ee wd 8 Sreighton, GC; N. C. Fraser, Bldg. Contractor AND JAYING oho Ral lg Bulg od IT-YOURSELF, Test your own TV,| RENT A FLOOR but 'not essential. Must be age #4, beloved husband of Phy! v4 id 4 QC; G. K. Drynan, G LS Murdoch 440 WILSON RD, N. Rr ble R |{Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur- radio and hi-fi tubes. Open till midnight SAND! ] 1] lified § h Perkins, 505 Perry Street, Whitby ron | CLASSIFIED AD RATES NHA mortgages arranged RA 5.6126 easonable Rates doch. daily and Sundays, Fred's Drive-In, 111] « ER AND FINISHER well qualifi in Shorthand ario. Resting & n Funeral | King Street West. Nov.3 from and ' Typing. Applications Chapel, Whitby, after 8 p.m. Saturday, | Ben aa aT as ------------ aN be service will be held on Monday 25 words or less Dentists mien: HILLSIDE CORONET TV owners! For factory fully confidential, at 2.30 p.m. RCAF Honors, Cash Charge | DR. . G. T. SCIUK, , Office hours 910 6 | PRE- A T trained technicla s, call RA 85286 DO-IT-YOURSELF : 3 CONSECUTIVE Open ings by. . appoint "5 2223. CAS LANDSCAPING NEED CASH? Cuarameed 30. co premen| SLIARRISON. 8 KINSMAN Write: A < RA ¢ INSERTIONS 1.88 2.07 ||Simecoe Street South. Phone GET missing chan. 17 programs now . doing: fine, experience preferred, I NS IORDAN, 3% Simcoe Street 3 ho : r For Funeral Flower TE 300 330 (08, ¥ iS hours 8.30 - 5.30. Evening | CONCRETE J Shan, Bi 08 Kelly Tv. 337 Simcoe St. S. RA 3-4425 Box 129 Tirhes-Gazette SE 4 ¥ iy GREEN VELVET SOD ly Special conversion, Liompemerss Se 1#. not pald within. 7 dovs the I appointment. RA 53621. Nov. 1f| EWA and laid NURSERY STOCK. See Seaboard RASMIL rinse tS 248h Charge rate will apply. ng Services SIDE LK SLABS Everything for your garden, Le BE TIA. TBhom:| WEBBING'S HARDWARE | { COLORED PATIO SLABS PHONE RA 3.9020 | Your Lending Neighbor" RAS 7844 of MA 33042 | 282 KING STREET WEST FEMALE HELP WANTED . $ \L1Z d d televii RA 3-4873 UNIT STEPS -- RAILINGS LOANS UP TO $3,000 |S ice i = Fred Thompson. 15 Rentals: Cement. Power Secretary -- Assistant to RBIN Elliot Street. Call RA 3.979; | General Manager of small cu G OSHAWA ACME OSHAWA OFFICE RADIO and television repairs it serv. Trowel, Motor Chain Saw, Fo aon in $6.00 per month for 3 lines daily. {| Exclusive nursing home for SEPTIC TANKS v 2914 Simcoe St. South ice. Phone Brooklin 174R ssf| Electric Hedge Trimmer, Oshawa, must also be willing | Centrifugal Water Pump, Se to assist in filing and other Eoch additional line 75¢ per month, - convalescent and elderly peo- BAR-B- { RA 5-1121 : Each initiol "latter, gbbreviation, ple. (Men and Women). | Q HAU LAGE CO. OBOURG OFFIC T.V. AERIALS Floor Sanders, Cement Mixer, general office work. This $ and c sign, figure, count as @ oat \ COBOU 0 CE Belt Sender, oe, : word. Box charged 15¢ additional Nurses and Jsticions in | SATISFACTION GUARANTEED King Street West Sid ond Anstolled position Jequives mense ex= Clas Adverti ttendance- roy service, | old ond Installe perienced person, mist Wiig am: the Gay of aT. lunes. BROOKLIN | SOD--LOAM--FILL FR 2-7461 Moved ond Repaired Do It Y If Brena: ook Tie N y ublicati Office hours: ity |f 4 i Ba Francen Sous "urn wr 55. Satondoy 8-13. ® P2W [PHONE RA 5-2330 CONCRETE | SAND--GRAVEL--STONE SEABOARD FINANCE CO.| 20.11. eral, $29 and up. 0 ourse Swe "Vimes, stating "ope Nov. 2. 1997. OF CANADA LIMITED With th 1 3 ' The eternal hope abides with al || REGULATIONS-- 6--Optometrists { Formor ROLLAND T.V ith the power tools an status. r The Daily Times-Gazette .shall || = Eu iL rmerly Bellvue Ve equipment sent 'at ante da ad uk hers love endures wilo fhe Sud tall, || not ( pron BL for polls in ||C. BH. TUCK, Optometrist, specializing | PRODUCTS DIAL RA 3 3528 ttsNov. 4 RA 3-4849 y STAN'S LIARPENING i - 25341 Will meet again around the bend; advertisements submitted otherwise |/in muscle anomalties, eyesight and | Sn Beloved of ours, who lived to bless, than in writing, nor for re then glass, Evenings, Mon, Wea, F tty | LIM ITED 18a~ Mortgages SERVICE CAFETERIA SA h | y loneliness one incorrect insertion n' - | examined at home : . ae ST ny ur jig al vertisement. nor th the Y toce [ Disney an 31 King East | PHONE BROOKLIN 15% ATTENTION WE have clients with monies to pur- TV-RADIOS Cor King and Burk RA 3-3224 mn, Uncle Perc. and Aunt Grace charged for a single -insertion of || chase first and second mortgages and If there is any equipment not the advertisements in which error | 7__Surveyors '9--Building Materials 1,000 vores of low or sols reements of sale at a discount. Louls| (Lio nese only. listed that you need give us a WORKER CLARKE -- In loving memory of our | occurs. And also reserves the right 8 dear son and brother, Reginald K.|| to classify advertising aceording to |/F. J, DONEVAN and Associates, land | ot $1.10 a yard, in five and | Oshawa. RA 3-4943. 24-hour -- Citv and Countrv. coll we rent (pretty near A everything). Clarke, who passed away November 1, | its own classificati ineering, 12 Bloor | 1983 WEY Tonner Ea on Streer Bast, Oshawa, ontario. ®A| DRY HARDWOOD seven yard loads. {oTormomol RA 8-5286 Chain Saws; floor, belt disc TO WORK Ever remembered by mother, dad, 5-5632. | Brothers and sisters eee | Eqetory Cutt d ch YONE : oration a3 To U ond oscillating sanders; skill N and Associates, Ontario y Cuttings ond choice KEN ASHMORE ANYONE having information as to the L GALLAGHER -- In loving memory of IL ond os ote onal Engineer. | whereabouts of James Alexander | OSHAWA ELECTRONICS saws; drills; - ext. ladders; WEEKENDS nole M. Gallagher, who passed away CARD OF THANKS (ins. 70 Harwood Avenue South, Ajax USED BUILDING RA 8-8412 [Scout of Blacksioek: in Sbloye. ; paint sprayers; pipe thread- 1956 please contac owmanvi ", i inti al say wii, |DONATS Trollope. owtars Land MATERIALS Nov. 10| RAGES Colect cal wi be scott] ~~ CALL BARONS rip. i to El pestle | Apply Be fiavien 86881. | Vv. at the latter number. : ' ' Company Ltd. unici= Each evening sun may set, | |Surveyor, 216 Alice Street. RA -- i i But the hearts of those who love yoi| WE wish to express our sincere |Survey RYPNOSIS relioves temionToa¥s,| for guaranteed 'service on hole diggers; blow torchg Are the ones who never forget thanks "and appreciation for the acts| h tration 4 h : . . | Ai t O: h y y i of kindnes s y plexes, nervous pains,| T,V. Rodios and Washers. sump pumps; floor nailers; a irpor shawa. «Ever remembered by her fsughter, of kindness, messages of sympathy and |S Building Trades ULUGITOFF TOP QUALITY jfrustragon, complcken, Wervods pains, Radics od pao ares: Pp Po gid pl > Shor nd. floral offerings, in our recent bereave- Arville, son-in-law Steve and grand. OLR ONCE NRA, AD UE ent her ave |CEMENT work, drivew / y sidewalks OR ? {helps concentration in studies, im- staplers; tillers; scythes, etc father Bernard Walsh.--Mrs. B. Walsh| cellar floors, general repairs, plat er BULBS | proves salesmanship, ete. Consult Ed- PHONE RA 3. 2263 » " = KALYNKO -- In loving memory of and family ing, foundations, and TR sol s RA 5-2621 {win Heath, Institute of Ethical Hypno- 32--Articles Wanted our Gent Racther, Dre oni lin. Prompt, efficient service. os. Hyacinths |sis, Professional Building, 304 Dundas After Hours Coll RA 5-0624 37--Male Help Wanted i ps he AE RT SE Nov. 29 , | West, Whitby. Daily 1-9 p.m.; Satur Nov.8 MTX MASTER -- (used) with meat Tulips | day, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Phone MO 8-4832, rinder Phone RA 3-2311 . ERICK]AYERS wanted for Befeville, f -1235. When days are dark and friends are NEWS IN BRIEF | Bo ILDING alterations and repairs, | Jez . few |arches, chimneys, plastering, pareiné| 10__Shar enin v Narcissu oa 253f | RA f Dear mother how we think of you, la Guaranteed work-| P g Service s HAVE you a drinking problem? Write Electrohome, POSTAGE stamp collections and exeentENeED plasterers, wanted: D. nd water-proofing -- 4 Friends are friends if they are true | manship. Bob Taylor, RA 5-9168. Nov.28 HAVE your BOWE sharpened now Daffodil Alcoholics Anonymous. Box 140, Times. cumulations wanted. Highest ' ; y 3 . N . . prices| $2.50 per hour. Gross, We lost our best friend when we lost TE ----_--_ | CARPENTER wo ¥. framing, trim. Saws, scissors, knives, etc. Parcy Neil, Crocus Gazette, Oshawa R.C.A.Victor, Admiral, [paid Send Description. Harey Weis |Lutemount Road, Oshawa or RA 3313 AR cememberad by husband and KILLS BEST FRIEND | ming, kitchen cabinets, NHA approved 102 Highland. RA 3-336), Snowdrops | LEARN Hairdressing. Women wanted, Westinghouse | 5615 Monkland, Montreal 28. Al WE = 1} , 4 vf F . | daughters Olga and Blanche DIJON, France (Reuters)--A Alterations and repairs No Joba too bis! P | greatest opportunity, better pay, pleas-| Tho finest in television ond | Nov.18,15,22,29| SiN boys wanted, full and part time. sentry at a nearby air base has gr ou. aTns ork 8 | SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! Dutch-Iris ant work, catalogue free. Write re] service | PIANOS -- Upright or miniatures, Will| Apply Motor City Bowling, 78 Rich- LAWS -- Cherished memories of 4 y 3-3579. | > . { Hairdressing Schools Branches: Ham- : | pay cash. State - Write mond Street West. RA 3-3212. 2531 FLOWERS ; / --_-- mame Above rates apply. only to orl PHONE RA 3-9533 nal orders for consecutive inser- . 24 King St. East, Oshawa form Subsecuent ibility ordered ANDEN NURSING HOME (2 doors from Karn's Drug 51.9 low doe constitute a new || (Licensed) store), Professional and Business listings KING ST. WEST ] dear husband, father and grandfather, blamed fog for the fact that he yy; pyUMBING and heating supplies. The most complete auto- | . h ilton, Ottawa, "Canada's National Sys.| PARKWAY TELEVISION (Box 110, Time \ = "harles, who passed away November 2, shot and killed his best friend. Phone RA 5-3521, Harold R. Stark, Ty matic grinding equipment in Cooper Smit Co. tem." Nov.1.1529| 918 Simcoe N.--RA 3-3043 | WE pay cash for used furniture, PE AN OR ORTURTY oF Twang win 8. 834, © the joys he missed on life's| The sentry said he challenged his plumbing, heating and engineering Oshawa for sharpening Hand- |SAVE TIME! Solve everyday problems 7 |ances, "TV, sewing machines, pianos, necessary for city driving, Pleasant May aa friend, Jean Carnet® 21, when he Simcoe Street South. saws, Bandsows (metal & : 16 CELINA ST. | the Want Ad way! Phone RA 3.3492 for {23--Women s Column |stoves. Also sell and exchange. 19|sales work with good earnings. Full in- K God' a f t G. T. HORTON and Associates, Com- ' RA 3 2312 an ad-writer. | Prince Street, RA 8-1131. surance benefits, Salary and commis. Bn I raed by wife Eva, Was returning to base with SOme | iercial White Printing, 70 Harwood) wood) Planer Knives etc. " { Sr -- Beat "germanents, $30; sion. Write to Box 146, Oshawa Times. - y = 4 A age » " Saaanters Dorothy and Margaret, sons. comrades. Unable to recognize Avenue South, Ajax. Phone Ajax YOU NEVE 14--Household Repai |S pine 'Avene. RA" 5.536 wl ae in-law Ivan and Eddie and grandchil- the forms, he fired a burst from ALL types dwelling repal , R SAW A SAW |1 eno epuirs ELECTROLYSIS CEDARDALE dren his sub-machine-gun |siding, plastering, and rep Sun *| SAW LIKE THESE SAWS SAW |FURNITURE repaired and reuphoister. |24--Market Basket SCRAP PEARN -- In loving of Cecil oc new and repaired. Dial RA bs ed. See our materials for recovering. R lof S fl Hair, [RTRORED Vhs Corie raion one. WANTED--appliance service J N «= In lov memory cil . Gord ay B oval o uperfiuous ir. | ushe! G. © arn, who passed away November THREE DEPORTED oon Co CGNROT = ene aa LAWN OVERS SoATES, Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street. RA Rome Alia will be in |eam for quick sale. Apples, all kinds. TRON METALS LTD. mon iy ne with; geility i y -- creeds -- Bring containers. Bill de Vries Farm ana ri 1.1949 remembered and sadly missed] ACCRA, GHANA (AP)--Ghana Ac hanger, fam. 0 1 CHESTERFIELD Febullt, recovered) Oshawa Nov. 4 and'5. Phone [ERS "Bowmanville, (114 miles north IRON : : METALS apply, permanent position. by brother Reginald, sister inlaw Mar. | Thursday ordered immediate de Row free estimater. Pp Nov. 21 STAN'S SHARPENING like ew. why Pay Jiorel Our tates Genosha Hotel on these dates |of Training School), MArket kN PAPERS : : RAGS All applications held in strict garet, nieces Doreen and Nancy portation of three persons for - SERVICE (teed. : Tan | for ointment e ros : J { Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up-| appoin : er confidence. Apply to manager, PEARN ~ In loving memory of & conduct * not conducive to public C Ki Burk {holstering Co., 10 Bond Street West.| 0Oct9, Nov RS taken for winter po potatoes OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY Cherney's Furniture. ond Ap- aaa T ARN mt ot er Cecil Toa good." One is a prominent oppo- TOP SOIL or. oF an urke (Dia! RA 5.0311. er RA 3-3250. RA 5.3432 Ba d ay November 9. adler 7 i , | 4 i We Ped ne 'here without you. Cee, Sition leader, I. P. Young Brai- 3-3224 20--Cartage |20--Cartage |20--Cartage RESIDENCE RA 5-4159 255b And sad the weary way, mah, onetime general secretary 6-yard load ---- $7.00 T7--Business Opportunities 100 ANNIS STREET For life@is not the same to me, lof the old Moslem Association : Jee FO rs ler ays J FREE PICK-UP JUNIOR DRAUGHTSMAN To hear your voice | industrial drawing or senior AA STILETTO CAUSES DEATH RA 3-3162 ° EE ----- O Be Benbared by is wife Rose! COPENHAGEN (AP) -- Arne| Oct. phone answering service. RA 34641. O 0 S ra nN S P [ motrRlie PI hon Nov.31 L If 1 had all the world to give, |party, now merged with the op- Cement and rood gravel. STORE for rent, central, corner loca- - I'd give it, yes, and more, position United Party Fill, 6-yard loac -- $3.00. (ion #4 33 Jeet. Apily in Peroon J. ' For dis. design department. aE on Your , : . 252 / Technical school graduate in and family. Krogh died Thursday with an : vious experience an asset, but Rew furs, live poultry, feo. not essential. Good employee PEARN ~-- In loving memory of Cecil inch-long stiletto in his heart. Tt GRAVEL : thers, scrap iron and metal. Arplyito: Personnél G. Pearn, who passed away November aq entered his hody when he PART-TIME roa I. TURNER Manager, P.D. WERNER CO. LID. embered and sadly missed gave a blood transfusion that| Cement $9.00 per load. Road DELIVERY CONTRACT by sister Norma saved a hospital patient's life. A e $8.00 per | $300 a month guaranteed for AND CARTAGE (WHITBY) LIMITED (Canada Ltd)., 1155 Simcoe PRINCE -- In loving memory of a month after the transfusion the| fine ond coarse Pp | part-time Delivery work. Must = St. S., Oshawa. 255b ther, Minnie Maud Prince, who 31-year-old truc kdriver slumped satisfied -- Diol be reliable, have car or light doar Sot y November 1, 1955, atidead over his steering wheel, The load. Be truck, $1,600 cash de- (collect) Pp insid small tube it. reayire i . . ; . i ETE mipuy (noe nies maul] on gyms ro otis, S% wo | Daily pick-up and delivery service between Osh- |" Z| (Con JUNIOR DRAUGHTSMAN Required to perform detail We al miss her. so Jeeply transfusion, apparently lipped HAYNES BOX 141, TIMES-GAZETTE h N But God knew what wai D . ) the bloodstream and eventu- It 252 + i ' ak remembered by daughter into t : | BUILDING CONTRACTOR fo 1 droughting work on machine x : | awa and Metropolitan Toronto via Highway FOR WRECKING | grevsbiing work on machine |] Loretta, son in-law Doug and grand ally read hed the heart Floor experts. Old floors en ki F 12 Dressma ing tures, etc. High school edu- Labi made like new ardwood ---- i Akama ---------- 5 . J 3 Hing. Carpenter work or |omseamine, wien wa wi 2 and 401, including service to such off-highway Scrap iron and metals | cation essentil with cne or TERRY -- In loving memory of our DEADLY FISH CAUGHT bought. Call two years experience gather who entered into rest November SEATTLE -- A deadly. i i 1949. poisonous South Pacific stone fish| terotions. Kitchen cabinets | AnIES and girls' wear, ree jw" yaors akpenecce. pie 1 Reto mers gee ear has heen captured by a civilian] our TALL RA 3.7196 by appointment RA S773. "Novas points as PICKERING BEACH, FRENCHMAN'S SHAW AMF ATOMICS CAN, LTD, Time takes away the edge of ig erew member of a navy craft and | 75 But memory turns back every lott, |rought here. University of Wash» ~-- |13--Gardening & Supplies RAG & METALS PORT HOPE, ONTARIO. SATE EARLIER bY 5° \ biologis t may bel ANDREW BUTLER wororiive, waren, conn BAY, FAIRPORT BEACH, ROSEBANK and PORT co. the only one-in the 1 nited States BUILDING CONTRACTORS jobs and lawn service. Phone RA 5.3376 and RA 5-1576 Nov.2 CARD OF THANKS ; Bg ho ene 2 EE new CEDAR trees for hedge, choice quality. UNION. RAS 55 gow MEN WANTED sund last week a tidal pool at Con te Wor all sizes, also all kinds of nursery k nd Jas yo ek in a tidal pool a eras rere York etions stock. Hillside Landscaping. RA 3.9020 OPEN SATURDAYS niwetok Atol seneral Repairs Iterations, Nov 15 ; 1 WISH to take this opportynity to | Satisfaction .Guarunteed WEIL y There are vacancies for men | atfer my sincere thanks, to Rev Moffat, SLOW MINUTE MEN OO eau | . rotted manure for sale, by TELEPHONE OSHAWA RA 5 4623 35--Employment Wanted in Condo s loading milivia " al Ho &h : id . RA a N i ind dukin iment to train bors, friends and relatives, for many| W ASHINGTON. (AP)--It took RA 15-0547 | TREE Timing, remove ~ BOOKKEEPER -- Pay roll, etc., fully ormoures men pr acts of kindness shown, to us in soi | thieves about one minute Thurs- | ps |cut with chain saw. Free estimatés. : experienced, seeks employment, part-| 0M Y Midi rh yecent bereavement. -- Mrs. Julie 1 = | RA 5.7754 Nov.29 time preferred. Phone RA 5.5025, 250f| driving, communications, traf- ewski and son, John, ay to break into a fur shop, take | SPECIAL oy = i oie f trol, etc. Trai $15.000 worth of mir ats and | PLANT a cedar hedge. Choice quality i WILL give daily care to & chia | fic control, etc. Train one I WOULD like to take hs ob (loll onddicannear, Police in a Good Top Soil |trees, all sizes, "also Colorado blue 2 if my own home, while mother works.| evening a week ond earn portunity to thank ail the kind neig! iy Appa: ta $1.50 Der we spruce, mugho pines. red maples, and Le Tennyson Street. Apple Hill oytrg money while doing so. bors, friends and lodges. ls Squa og ed one minute| yard other nursery stock, at clearance peste % saa - wo sent cards, flowers. ete, ta me du after the automatic alarm went ' S § rices, direct from grower to you 4 [MEN'S, ladies', ch p Kni Apply daily to the Ontario tos SHIP VIA WOOD'S TRANSPORT For prioad Bonin ch en 2 | 25 n the Oshawa General } ™ ' t . r r sade Phe 4 my stay | a off. 1 ; ipped I, ond loade hone MA 3.3986. Bowmanville, collect. | a6 Regiment orderly room from pital. Special thanks 1 Re Wal Fes aTAReeH ' on hl " Nov 4 Sider and Kitehen wiaff of 3 for thei | e windo isplay igo RA 5. 21: 6 LANDSCAPING, gardens plowed FOR FAST, EFFICIENT SERVICE [LADY would like to look after chil 9:00-4:30 or Monday even- Sides 20d atientions. -- Signed, W. c Ari ii ; 9 disced, cieanip jobs, top soll 80d, dren, by the day, Ne school-age chil.| ing 8:00-10:00 p Whitby, Iwas still moving | Nov. 16 [lawns serviced. RA 5.9737. Sat., Tues, Thur.,Nov.1 dren. RA 3-250. sul Oct.30Nov.1,3,5, , "0, 12,15,17 ]

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