» Rl a oh Sh ah Ae an a RE ee SR 2 T™ emawa mum, Setwrdey, Movember 1, 1938 wer - ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON s, ares 3 mosscher Scripture Mark 1:14-39 The Galilean Ministry Begins When Visitin By R. BARCLAY WARREN In my visitation of the sick the verses that have helped the most are Philippians 4:6.7. "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Phillips expresses it in modern speech this way: "Don't worry over anything whatever; Tell God every detail of your Scripture Always Help passage of oper. in for surgery. It was the first being kept by God's peace, thing that eame to her One lady was meditating on this Samp 1p before goingthe g The Sick ibegan looking at the waves he began to sink. | The sick and troubled in heart so often are gazing at their mis- fortunes and have forgotten that Jesus is standing near, eager to help. When we lift our hearts to Him in earnest and thankful prayer we immediately gain strength. We must not forget the thanksgiving. Prayer without it is| hardly prayer. In the worst of) |circumstances there is always | something for which to thank] St. Andrew's United Church MINISTER: REV, GEORGE TELFORD, M.A., D.D. Organist and Choirmaster: MR, KELVIN JAMES, A.T.CM. 11:00 AM.--RIVALS OF CHRISTIANITY 9:50 A.M.--Senior, Intermediate and Junior Classes 11:00 A.M.--Nursery, Primary and Beginners Classes. 7:00 P.M.--Joint Service In Simcoe Street Church. God. Then God's peace begins fo Ineeds in earnest and thankful When Jesus went to Capernaum, He prayer, and the peace of God, preached in the synagogue. The people which transcends human under- were astonished at His words for, standing, will keep constant they said, 'He taught them as one that guard over your hearts and had authority." --Mark 1:21-22. | minds as they rest in Christ MEMORY VERSE--Mark 1:17. | Jesus." : 7 Y | To say glibly to the troubled, | mated to number 1,500,000, have "Don't worry", can be very ag- {been reduced by more than 80 gravating to them. But when they {per cent during the last year be- are encouraged to the simple yet cause of new Iranian laws. | glorious alternative they gain NEWS BRIEFS brothers, who also were in the strength. While Peter kept his ship mending their nets. And DEFER PLANS straightway He called them: and| yvaNCOUVER (CP) The MONTREAL (CP)--The Mont- ayes on Jesus he walked triumph- they left their father Zebedee in| A real Real Estate Board held a aptly on the waves, But when he the ship with the hired servants, [Parks board has decided not to dinner in honor of John P. Cope re and went af.er Him,"'--Mark 1:19- press for a suggested $500,000 by- land, 87, still active as a real | 2 law for construction of a new estate man after 71 years in the We are not told of Zebedee's|stage, rehearsal rooms, offices PUSS: reactions when his sons left him, ,.4" (oonic studios for Stanley] QUADRUPLE POWER but he, too, must have Yecognized Parks" Theatre Usdor. the' &t aioe Hall i ai SAD TO CONSIDER that Jesus was the Master, and ® 8:%8 er the Stars) TOKYO (AP) -- Peiping Radio Hom in the wilderness, Christ be that they must follow Him. James which had been proposed by the says construction will start on 46 dams along China's Great Yellow gan His ministry of preaching | It is sad to comsider how, to- o 4" join were partners of An- Vancouver Civic Opera Society. He chose first Galilee, "'the mos' | day, that kingdom has not yet w and Peter--Luke 5:7, 10. ' ADDICTS REDUCED River this year and within three fertile part of Palestine, throngec |come, and indeed sometimes : with towns and villages, bocause | seems further away than when CAST OUT SPIRITS GENEVA (AP) -- The World years the dams should quadruple China's hydro-electric power. settle over us. Just how it works| is impossible to explain. It's be-| yond our understanding. But mil-| lions have experienced it. God! speaks to us. { A religion that doesn't help us when we are in trouble isn't worth having. It is then we need SOMEONE who is stronger than | ourselves to-hold us up. And you | needn't wait until the day of] severe trouble in order to know Him. You may have Him now. Then you will be strong when the storm strikes. Going further, Jesus saw two other fishermen, 'James and his brother John who were mending their nets, Christ called them, and they left their father, Zebedee, with the servants and went with Him.--Mark 1:19-20. After John the Baptist was put in prison Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the Gospel, . saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent ye, and believe the Gospel."--Mark 1:14-15, SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Galilee Was Selected First lieve the gospel."'--Mark 1:18. Walking by the sea of Galilee, Christ saw two brothers Simon and Andrew, casting their nets into the sea. He said to them, 'Come ye after Me," and they left their nets and followed Him.--Mark 1:16-18. Albert Street United Church REV. S. C. H. ATKINSON, Minister MRS, BRUCE SEARLE, Organist and CThoir-leader 11 AM. MORNING WORSHIP Sermon: "THE IMAGE OF GOD' Nursery care at this service 7 P.M. THE SUNDAY EVENING HOUR Sermon: "LIFE 1S TOO SHORT , , ." M.--Primary through Senior S.5. .M.--Nursery, Beginners, Kindergarten. "And when He had gone a little farther hence, He saw James, the son of Zebedee, and John his The Christadelphians (CHRIST'S BRETHREN -- SEE MATTHEW 12:46-50) Invite seekers after Truth to apply for Free Bible literature. NO OBLIGATION Write: CHRISTADELPHIAN ECCLESIA Post Office Box 121 Oshawa, Ontario HARMONY UNITED CHURCH Rev. N. T. Holmes, B.A, B.D. Minister Ross Metcalf, ARCT. Organist and Choirmaster By NEWMAN CAMPBELL After his baptism and tempta NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH SIMCOE STREET NORTH AT ROSSLAND ROAD MINISTER -- REV. H. A, MELLOW, BA. ORGANIST -- MR. J, R. ROBERTSON He knew that the seed of th: | the Lord was on earth. We read' Jesus went next to Capernaum Health Organization reports word He was speaking would find | +f the hatreds of nations for na- where, it being the Jewish Sab Iran's opium addicts, once esti- iki a more fertile soil in the less pre-|tions, of the always present fear path (Saturday), He preached in - - Sannin judiced area of Galilee than{of war between them, and even the synagogue. His listeners were wh : 3 among the proud, self - satisfiediof actual fighting, which might astonished at the authority BYBY. pen Jus Wixives found £4 -- which He spoke. Here in the syna-| ¢,. mpae + bit He said they must |gogue Jesus cast out an evil 0 to the next town for He must | spirit from a man possessed. This preach there, and He "preached {impressed the people even more. i, their synagogues throughout and His fame spread over alll. Gajiles and cast out devils.' Judaeans living in and near the excite a world war. Galilee. Mark 1:21-28. Mark 1:37-39. city of Jerusalem."--Peloubet's Mark tells us of the calling of| Then "they eiterell into -- We cannot perform miracles as Notes. Jesus' apostles who were to be house of Sithon ain ne Simon's Christ did, but we can cultivate John the Baptist was in prison. His constant companions in His Janes ang coil a fever, |His loving, helpful spirit and try : VOI > arth Now as he wife's mother lay sick of a fever, 4 ; when Jesus arrived in Galilee, Work on ea . a and anon they tell Him of her. to ease the burdens of those we 'preaching the gospel of the king "ake a the alled Ye ig And He came and took her by the meet. ois oe can help n nal dom of God." --Mark 1:14. "The! Whic so ca § Bn i im. Ways to make our world a better word y Sous is a translation of Chinneroth, the Lake of Gennesa- hand, ang Sed yer hiv is im A I the Greek word euangelion, ret--Luke 5:1--or the Sea of Ti ! 5 od t them." teachers should impress this ' " berias), He saw Simon and An- she minister unto th ht th hild " meaning 'good news," and again| * bis Lrott casting a net Mark 1:29-31. Hearing of this ought on the children under 1 am quoting from Peloubet's A le roe a wT fish- miracle. the people brought to thejr instruction.in Sinday Scion] Notes ers. And Jesus said unto them, Him those that were sick of We read more about Jesus'|come ve after Me, and I will divers disease, and them that teaching than of His preaching. make you to become fishers of were possessed with devils He came saying: 'The time is men. And straightway they for- Christ healed them all fu'filled. and the kingdom of God sook their nets, and followed, Next morning before daylight is at hand: repent ye, and be-|hirp.""--Mark 1:16-18 Jesus went to a solitary' place to 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Kifdergarten Class SUNDAY SCHOOL SESSIONS -- 9:30 AM. AND 11:00 AM 11:00 AM.--LUTHER AND GOOD NEWS 7:00 P.M.--"FRIENDLY HOUR" The Topic: "THE PERSONAL RELIGIOUS 9:55 P.M.--FRIENDLY CHAT OVER CKLB BYNG AVE. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH C. MORGAN - PASTOR DIAL RA 5-1318 11 a.m.--Morning Worship A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL MEMORY VERSE come ye after Me.'--Mark 1:17, LIFE" "Jesus said at ---------------- 10 A.M.--Sunday School 11 AM.--Morning Worship "Who is a profitable servant" ALL' ARE WELCOME LUTHERAN CHURCH 150 Albert St _ Pastor: CARL A, KARTECHNER WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH On Floyd at Gibbon 5t. Minister: Rev, Wm. A. Gibb Organist: Mrs. Willard Cook, ARC.T. CENTRE ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Warren G. Dickson, B.A., Minister R. K. Kellington, Organist and Choir Master Mr. 8:30 AM. 11:00 AM, SERVICES Sunday School: 10 a.m.--Centre St., end 11 a.m,~Cedor St. 11 AAM.--DIVINE WORSHIP 2 p.m.--Service at 1347 Cedar St. 7 p.m.--5chool of Religion at King $t. Church, Everybody Welcome ot All Services 11:00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP (Nursery during the Service) GIBBON STREET BAPTIST Pastor: Rev. A. G. E. Mitchell BROOKLIN BAPTIST CHURCH TOWNSHIP HALL THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA BROGKLIN, ONTARIO KNOX ST. PAUL'S = Simcoe St. N. at Brock St WILSON AND ROGERS 9:45 AM. Mr, Frank Walter: Orgonist and ( Robert B MA. Minister Interim Moderater: REV. D. R. McKILLIC SUNDAY SCHOOL Jenkins, Musical Director Disl 19, Markham, 9:45 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 AM ADULT BIBLE CLASS 10:00 AM. Lutheran Hour: CFRB "THIS IS THE LIFE" Channel 11 4 PM, 9:45 AM, CHURCH SCHOOL Junior to Senior 2:00 P.M. CHURCH SCHOOL Nursery to Primary 9:45 AM, BIBLE- SCHOOL 11 AM MORNING WORSHIP Subject "Ordinance of The Lord's Supper' 7PM EVANGELISTIC SERVICE "Can We Trust God ? "Your Community Church" The Rey ise win Street nited Ghureh Mr. Dovid 11:00 AM MORNING WORSHIP REV. MERVIN A, BURY, M.A, B.D., Minister Mr, Rhyddid Williams, Choir Director and Organist Youth Department Nursery and Church School 10:00 e.m, Baby Creche 11:00 a.m, 17:00 A Arne GREFORMATION SUNCAY : AM ld DIS' ISHING MARKS OF A PROTESTANT" ans 6. Hymn-Anthem: "Bless Thou Our . Mervin. A. Bury Anthem: "Glorious Is Thy 'Name' .(Mozart) 7:00 P.M. --Schoo! of Religion -- 4 study classes. THURSDAY, 8 p.m. -- St. Andrew's United Church Chapel Protestant and Romon Catholicism compared and explained ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH 10:00 AM. JUNIOR BIBLE CLASS THE SALVATION ARMY OSHAWA CITADEL J SIMCOE S. AND OAK STREET MAJOR AND MRS. MARSLAND RANKIN, Corps Officers, TONIGHT, 8 P.M.--Corps Cadet Rally at' Port Hope Corps. | 11 AM HOLINESS MEETING 7 P.M.--EVANCELIST RALLY MUSIC BY BAND AND I SONGSTERS ' Young People's Singing Company will sing during morning Service 2 PM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASS TUESDAY 2:30 PM, THE HOME LEAGUE MRS, COLONEL W, RICH OF TORONTO, SPECIAL SPEAKER WEDNESDAY -- 8 M UNITED RALLY AT UXBRIDGE CORPS, CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP ENRICHES EVERY LIFE VISITORS WELCOME 11:00 AM. ONENESS AND OUR FAITH 700.8 EVANGELISTIC SERVICE 11:00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP REV. J. WASSON D.D. Tues., Nov. 4--E. Carlston VISITORS CORDIALLY WELCOME 7:00 P.M. Homes, O Lord ords by ~~ Music by Rhyddid Williams, IF YOUR BUDGET WON'T BALANCE VISITORS CORDIALLY WELCOME KNOX SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 SOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL at 9:3 2:15P.M. CHURCH SCHOOL 17 ERIE ST. DIAL RA 5-3872 REV. R. E, DARGAN, Pastor FREE METHODIST CHURCH MEN AND MISSION SUNDAY ® SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES ® MORNING WORSHIP e MEN FOR THE MASTERS MISSION e FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR ® OUR BELIEF'S (FREE) eo | BELIEVE IN THE HOLY GHOST eo EVERYBODY WELCOME o WED. 8 P.M.--SERVICE TRAINING CLASSES WITH COLORED SLIDES INVITED SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH The Church in the heart of the city with the World on its heart. MINISTER: REV, JOHN K. MOFFAT, B.A. Director of Music: Mr, R, G. Geen, L.T.C.M, 10:00 AM 11:00 AM GOSPEL HALI 40 NASSAU ST, SUNDAY 10:30 AAM.--REMEMBERING THE LORD 12:15 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL and ADULT BIBLE CLASS 7.00 P.M.--GOSPEL SERVICE Speaker: A. ADAMS, Missionary on Furlough from Cuba. SAT. (TONIGHT) (and Mon. to Thurs. inclusive) A. ADAMS OF CUBA A HEARTY INVITATION TO ALL 117th ANNIVERSARY Rev. ANDREW E. EUSTACE of Goderich at Both Services 11 AM.--"A NEW AGE" Anthem: "For the Beauty of the Earth"----Thimen Solo: "Come Ye Blessed' '--Prindle Scott Mr. Alex Yonson 7 P.M. --""WHAT MEMORIAL HAVE YOU ? St. Andrew's Congregation will join us. Anthem: "By the Waters of Babylon' Coleridge Taylor Double Trio: "Lift Thine Eyes'--Mendelssohn Mrs, G.' Baker, Mrs. M. Bothe, Mrs, J. Stene, Mrs. W. Cook, Mrs. J. McNab, Mrs. R. Moses Duet: "Love Divine"--Stainer., Mrs, J. McNab, Mr. Robert Henry SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M.--Junior, Intermediate and Young People 11:00 A.M.--Infants in the Hall, 11:00 AM.--Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary. 15 MISSIONARY th CONFERENCE Calvary Baptist Church STREETS 7:00 P.M. THE BAHA'T WORLD FAITH Love is the source of all the bestowals of God. Until love takes possession of the heart no other Divine bounty can be revealed in it. JOHN & CENTRE SEE & HEAR WHAT GOD IS DOING THRU EVANGELICAL MISSIONS TODAY SIMCOE STREET Pentecostal Church REV. R. A. BOMBAY, PASTOR For Further Information Write:-- OSHAWA BAHA'I COMMUNITY Secretary: 293 Glenview Ave. -- Phone RA 3-3281 ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA SUNDAY SERVICES -REV. ALBERT D. HELSER PHD. Mission 11 AM. COMMUNION SERVICE 7 P.M. "MERCY or JUDGMENT" 10 AM. S.S and BIBLE CLASSES YOU ARE INVITED TO COME! General Director Sudan Interior SUNDAY--11:00 A.M.-- "Missionary Miracles in 1958" 7:45 P.M.-- "Nigeria & Liberia" Colored Sound Film "Breaking Their Bands Asunder" ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Centre and Bagot Stree*- Rev. Clinten D. Cross, B.A, L.Th, 9:00 AM.--HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 A.M.--MORNING PRAYER--REV. T. FLOYD 7:00 P.M.--EVENING PRAYER--REV, C. D. CROSS r FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (CONVENTION OF ONTARIO AND QUEBEC) 812 HORTOP STREET Rev. N. Frank Swackhammer, B.A, Minister Mrs. M. Joyce, Director of Music RA 5.2386 MONDAY-- 7:45 P.M.-- "Ehiopia & French West Africa' Colored Sound Film "Record of Redemption" 11 AM--THE COMMUNION OF THE LORD'S SUPPER 7 PM.--"WE LIVE, THY PROTESTANT TO After Church Fellowship Hour--'Europe, CHRIST. MEMORIAL CHURCH Mery and Hilicroft Streets Rector; The Ven, H. D. Cleverdon -- Phone 5-5795 AM. = 11:00 AM. -- 7.00 P.M. King Street Pentecostal Church BE" REV. J. M. MacKNIGHT l 8:00 58" 7:00 P.M.--PASTOR'S SUBJECT: "REV. EARL A BRUNEAU Superintendent Toronto Jewish Mission TUESDAY-- 7:45 P.M. -- "Jewish Living Stones" Summer _REV. GORDON B. MELLISH FRGS Liberia Mid-Missoins WEDNESDAY-- 7:45 P.M.--Colored Slides THURSDAY-- 7:45 P.M.--Colored Slides REV. HAROLD B. STREET Executive Secretary Evangelical Literature Overseas FRIDAY SATURDAY-- 7:45 P.M.--- "Meet Mr. Page, Minds" 7:00 P.M. --"Gwits Wanted' 7:45 P.M.--"'Learning without Knowledge' SUNDAY-- 11:00 A M.--"Superseding the Conventional" COME LET US WORSHIP TOGETHER The Christian and Missionary Alliance Richmond E. between Cadillac N. and Central Park Blvd. PASTOR--REV. Wm. J. NEWELL PIANIST--MR. T. FARMER CHOIR DIRECTOR--MR. W, PEEL A 1:00 AM ' FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL class for each member of the family 11:00 AM. --"WHO THEN CAN BE SAVEDA" . . 7PM. Missionary to Hungry Service of Infent Dedication Service of Communion FINAL SUNSHINE» HOUR RALLY ® UNCLE BOB & AUNT VI PORTWAY Perhaps God has a part for YOU . . . | NEVER WAS IT MORE TRUE -- "their sound went into the earth'! (Children's Evangesists) for Bible Quizzes Children Welcc Finalists Many Parents Participating WHERE |S THE PROMISE OF HIS COMING? It is important that you know where we are in Bible prophecy. 10:00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP ALL SERVICES IN MASONIC TEMPLE The Church Where You Are Never A Stranger Singing ond Pictures That You W;!l Enjoy CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST, EAST SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY SERVICE 11 AM. -- SUBJECT: "EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT" Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 o'clock includes testimonies at heuling through Christian Science. READING ROOM HOURS IN CHURCH ECIFICE Monday 7.00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m Tuesday and Thursday 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m, | EXCEPTING HOLIDAYS | HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Corner Court and Barrie Streets, one block east of Albert RECTOR -- THE REV. E. A. IRWIN, LST. 8:00 AM. -- 11:00 AM. -- 7:00 P.M. ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH WILSON RD. SOUTH & HOSKIN AVE. Incumbent: The Rev. R. A, Sharp -- RA 5.7064 8:00 AM. -- 11:00 AM, -- 7:00 P.M. ST. MARK'S CHURCH STEVENSON RD. NORTH ON BEURLING -AVE. THE REV. J. N. LOTHIAN, S.Th. 476 Beurling Ave. -- Priest in Charge 8:00 AM. -- 11:00 AM. -- 7:00 P.M. ST. THOMAS CHURCH, BROOKLIN REV. E. W. FULLER, BA, B.D, F.T.M, RECTOR 10 AM---~MATTINS, EUCHARIST CELEBRATE 2nd and 4th SUNDAY OF THE MONTH 10 AM.--CHURCH SCHOOL