Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 1 Nov 1958, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, November 1, 1958. 11 Ottawa Unmoved |%Year Treaty By US. Protest Ends Strike le. | GUELPH (CP)--A strike of 80 Wa {workers at the James R. Kear- / whim OTTAWA (CP)--The Canadian dent for international trade in ney plant here ended Friday with [] German Fraulein . government has reacted coolly to agricultral products and seriousv the signing of a two-year contract | Courted By Elvis i J United States hints of possible re- weaken the ability of the U.S. between management and local taliation if Canada persists with government to withstand stron? 558 International Union of Elec' BAD NAUHEIM, Germany United States he made several | Toronto Police Seek Four Boys TORONTO (CP) -- Police say they are looking for four young | boys who have been missing from 1 their Toronto homes since last % 71 "ment on Tariffs and Trade. CLAIM VIOLATION .... Sept. 3--sent after a previous one Canadian administration appre- pay the entire cost of a health HOME DESIGN NO. 422 Need 3 bedrooms, 1; baths and lots of living space? Here's an ideal plan, The picture win- dow in the spacious living-din- ing room, natural fireplace, book and china built-ins add considerably to this pleasant re- laxing area. Sliding door in din- ing area leads to kitchen fea~ turing "'U"' shaped work centre and corner sink, Table space and door to landing complete kitchen layout, Rear entrance, basement stairs and lavatory are accessible from this land- ing. There are three good size bedrooms, full bath with vani- tory, plus linen closet in hall, Standard Builders' blueprints costing $9.75 a set may be oh- tained for this design No, 422. For further information write to: Builders' Page Fditor, The Times, Oshawa, A new Home Planner book entitled "71 Sel- ected Low Cost Homes for Can. adians", price 75¢, includes this design and may be obtained at the newspaper office or by writ- ing to this same address. IN THE HOME WORKSHOP | {restrictive measures of her own. Mr, Smith, in reply, merely of- fered the government's "explana- {tions" of its action. But he of- to discuss with the U.S. one aspect of the legisiation its impact on Imports of Amer- fcan fresh fruits and vegetables, Out of the notes, made public by the external affairs depart ment Friday, came a disclosure that Canada has started to bar- gain with the U.S, to boost sea- sonal tariffs on imports to some two dozen fresh fruits and vege- tables Mr. Merchant suggested in his note that higher seasonal tariffs for Canadian growers should be sufficient protection without the need of applying a provision of the new Canadian customs legis- BE it J KITCHIN Lz: 8 RID. DW 12.10.10 ND DM LIVING ; 5.9.1 ] iw \ amu -y "ow at No 422 * 1457 {| an Ashe wean ll Lina me No \ The Bullding Editor, Oshawa Times-Gazette, Oshawa, Ontario, Please send me further details about how fo oblain standard Builders blueprints for Home Design No. 422, | Plans entitled **71 Selected low cost Homes for Canadians." (Please make remitlance payable to The Oshawa Times Gazette.) Name Address - FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE By ROGER C. WHITMAN . WORN STONE STEP |egar to each quart of warm QUESTION: Is there any way| Water, allowing to remain a half a stone step that has cupped and | hour. Mop up and rinse well with {worn smooth can be repaired or|clear water, Repeal {reatment filled in? The step is becoming next day. {dangerous and cannot be remov- SHAKING FLOORS ¢ [18 Ducaute part of the bullding| oURSTION: We have a 30- Tog |year-old house with fairly large PATTERN 384 \ al WER: 1 Suisost Jou bry fill- \rooms, The floors shake, especi- - and putting one-inch layer t e 5 By RUTH W, SPEARS of concrete over entire step ayes oy Hat en alt Rough riders be they boys or|face. Roughen stone with cold flooring, except in the kitchen, girls will love this sturdy bronco. chisel; wet thoroughly before ap-(We want to 'fix up" the base- The horse's head may be cut with plying concrete, ment, for , which floor jacks a compass saw or a band saw, WAX STREAKED ASPHALT | wouldn't do, Can you give us | ANSWER: I'm afraid the liquid | supply dealers, you can get alum. containing ingredients harmful to|inum cross-bridging all ready the asphalt tile and deteriorated for "do-it-yourself" installing. An- {it, The only remedy is to replace other cause of the shaking might the tile. be that the joists are not large CUPOLA PATTERN |enough. I recommend asking a QUESTION: Where could 1 ob-|building contractor to inspect the £" |taln a pattern for making a cup-|floor construction, Request his == |ola for my 20 by 20 garage? opinion on how far apart the ANSWER: You might be able to|cross-bridging should be install obtain this from Popular Mechan-|ed, and whether or not the joists |ics Press, 200 East Ontario Street, [themselves are undersized. {Chicago, Nl, or from the Na- tional Lumber Manufacturers As.| WALNUT FURNITURE sociation, Washington, D.C. They| QUESTION: How can I get a rr ------ | A1¢ 8180 available in various sizes high polish, on natural finished By RUTH W. SPEARS | ruadyamade Consult your lumber walnut furniture? Three sizes of cradles are OpOR IN PLUMBING DRAIN | ANSWER pst Saudpapes the made with Pattern 311. They are JESTION ' wood until the surface ls "satin \ 3 y Arc; 'QUESTION: We have just smooth', then clean by wiping 18, eight and four inches. The moved into a five-year-old house. |with benzine, Do this in a well small ones often are used Lo Serve The drain in the utility. room has p ceeping rolls, potato chips and candies. A po ventilated room. keeping all ye" Seams » Sha musty odor. How can I over: flames away from the inflam gut dor ay Ju any age The come this? |mable liquid, If the furniture is Palle; th _ ex Jes actual gise ANSWER: It may be that the made of a light-colored wood, ap- § guides, is 4K also IS basement trap has dried. This|/ply a walnut oil 'stain. Finish pus ol five, Patterns. n the F urn-should be filled with water at all|with three thin coats of top pg br Be y Dac ket No 8. times to prevent sewage odors, | quality quick - drying varnish. Home. Worksop Dept * he It you have no basement trap, The first two coats, when hard Ties Otho ' one should be installed. and dry, should be lightly sanded hr DISCOLORED TILE with very fine sandpaper, then QUESTION: Our light blue and |dusted. For a polished finish, al- pink ceramic bathroom floor tile low the last coat to dry hard, and | is turning brown. I use a deter- then rub with finely powdered gent and bleach when cleaning, [pumice stone on a piece of rub- . and then wax. How can I remove bing felt dampened in water. Winter obs the stains? | First dampen the felt, then dip ANSWER: Brown coloring is|into the pumice powder and| probably from an accumulation of shake off the excess. Rub lightly OTTAWA (CP)--The northern'wax, Use a wax-cleaning prepar- With the grain of the wood using affairs department says it: will ation. which is available at paint|no more than six eight strokes spend more than $12,000,000 on and hardware stores, to remove|in any one area. When finished, projects designed to ¥ ith clean damp cloths and dry cloths, Top- PATTERN 3 Spending For ROUGH STRETCH [ Strong gales are prevalent in the Formosa Strait, especially Pay the concrete? about 50 per cent of the cost of ANSWER: Concrete for a ga. forest access roads constructed rage floor can be laid directly on! fered also {lation, This empowers the gov- her stiffened anti-dumping laws oressures from domestic growers against low-priced imports. for measures of similarly restric- Externai Affairs Minister Smith tive intent." informed U.S. Ambassador Liv-| It was the opinion of the U.J. ingston Merchant, in a note dated government that Canada's pro- Oct, 24, that the Canadian admin- posed increases and extensions in istration feels its toughened leg- seasonal duties on fruits and islation is entirely istent with vegetables "should in themselves Canada's obligations under the afford the added protection with-| multi - country General Agree- out any necessity for arbitrary valuation © and opportunity for dumping duties." Mr. Merchant, in a note dated, Mr. Smith replied that the went unanswered--maintained if ciated the U.S. "concern" and of- was not; that it was a violation of ficials would be prepared to dis- GATT; that Canada had taken a cuss this point during fruit-and- retrograde step on international vegetable negotiations. | trade; that her legislation would, But he gently closed the door impede the flow of shipments be-'on other aspects of the American tween the two countries and protest. The new customs legisla-| might force the U.S. to impose tion, passed at the jast session of parliament, empowers the govern-| ment to fix dumping duties on any product hurting Canadian in-| dustry and coming into Canada| at a price considered not to In-| clude a "reasonable" profit, | The U.8 .maintained that this kind of concept should have gone out with the creation of GATT in 1948; that the basis for assess- ing the price of a product for duty purposes should be the "fair market value" in the country where the product was produced. The Canadian government arg- !ued that the GATT "fair-market" method applied only where goods were sold 'in the ordinary course of trade." An exporter who tried to sell goods at a gross profit margin smaller than necessary to keep him in business was not sell- ing goods "in the ordinary course ernment to set the price of a pro- of trade." duct for duty purposes at the The action could not be applied average price of the preceding without cabinet approval in each thre ears. case; it couid be applied only DANGEROUS EXTENSION where there is "material injury' This, said Mr. Merchant, rep-go Canadian industry; and any ac- resented a 'dangerous extensiorf*tion taken would expire at the of administrative latitude." It end of one year if not revoked would create a "damaging prece- sooner. Gas, Oil Issues Dominate Marts at $66.75 while Algoma was ahead $1.25 at $33.75. By GERRY MARTIN Canadian Press Staff Writer nl oa. Head Gas and oil issues dominated In Danks, Hoyal was ahea Canadian stock exchanges this|$1.50 at §73:50 and Bank of Mon. | week and despite losses to every real climbed $1.25 at $52. Both pipeline, industrials scored their amounced dividend increases this first gain' in three weeks at Tor- week. | onto. i VOLUMES DROP ; ' : commis. e week's volumes dropped off Ne BO a Satur- at Toronto with 15,028,000 shares ild wave of traded. Last week the volume as 17,883,000. Few speculative issues were ac. tive, Buffadison was the leader, trading 603,250 shares. It was up 1%2 cents at 18% cents, Western oils were hardest hit on index at Toronto, They dropped 4% points. Almost senior oils were off around {Home Oil A dipped $1.50 at $1.75 § day resulted in a w ; selling with the opening of trad- W ing Monday. The report recommended a stricter coptrol for Canada's oil and gas industry. It gave a go- head for the export of gas and il but dealt speculators a stiff blow with a recommendation that es be set by the board of trans- commissioners, based on fair all $1.| $18 | at | HARD HIT COPPERS WEAKEN Trans - Canada Pipe Line was) Coppers weakened towards hardest hit by the selling. Mon- week's end as it was rumoured day it traded with the pace of a that several strikes in the copper speculative issue. Over the week industry were close to settle it lost $8.50 at $28, recovering ment. Hudson Bay Mining was from a low of $26.87'%. Auriest wi, losing $2.87 cents] The report suggested that a gas & 75. export licence to Trans-Canada be On index base metals were held up until it gets Alberta's down almost three cents. » agreement to take out more gas, Golds dipped 1 point but | | | MORTGAGE LOANS "AVAILABLE RalphS. Jones Barrister & Solicitor Industrials showed a gain on in- changes generally were small. | dex, up 1 point at Toronto. Pipe- McIntyre slipped off $2 at $83 for lines are not index issues. the major change. Among other industrials, steels Index changes at Toronto: In- and banks were strong. Steel dustrials up 1.00 to 499.78; golds Company of Canada added $1.75 oft 1.00 fo 81.12; base metals off! Sista eee | 2.08 10 175.45; western oils off 4.20 to 135.93 | M ] 2 1 On index at Montreal: Banks ew nu tip € up .93 to 55.91; utilities off .2 to 148.6; industrials off. 1.5 to 287.9, » combined off 1 to 241.5; papers Vaccine Seen {new off 1.1 to 442.6; papers old up 89 to 1.34598; golds un- TORONTO (CP)--A new mul- changed at 78.06. | [tiple vaccine which will provide, = protection against polio, diptheria| SEEK CERTIFICATION | tetanus and whooping caugh has| PETERBOROUGH (CP) -- The passed clinical trials and is ex-| City Hall Employees' Association pected to be available shortly. |hag decided to apply to the Na-| Connaught Medical Research |iional Union of Public Service! Laboratories-in Toronto, who mmployees for classification as a compounded the vaccine, have pion The 60-member association plied for a licence to distribute jc now recognized as a bargain- the vaccine, which is intended ing unit. i mostly for use with infants - Connaught director Dr. J. K. . Ferguson said the combined vaccine will reduce the number of necessary shots for immunity from eight to four. It combines | Salk vaccine with a triple vaccine now commonly used for the other | three diseases. | He said the new vaccine is first of its type in North America. De- | partment of health and welfare approval from Ottawa was ex- pected within a week or so. by the provinces or be forest pro- the earth. The earth carries the 65 Simcoe St. South tective associations. This is on the weight and the floor serves only same basis as the program con: iy take the wear. A thickness of ducted last winter but the federal four inches is sufficient for the! offer covers eight months--Nov.|faor if the earth is firmly pack 1 to June 30-rather than six infeq Covering the earth, however, 1957-58 {with one or two thicknesses of In the period Nov. 1 to May 31, tar paper, pouring the concrete the government will repeat its on top will keep the floor dry offer of contributing about 50 per and prevent the concrete from cent of the cost to the provinces | picking up moisture. of campground and picnic-area WATER ANALYSIS projects along the trans-Canada! QUESTION: For the past year! highway and elsewhere our well water has devioped a The statement said that a spe-' sort of motor oil taste; lately our cial winter program will be car: drinking water has an odor and ried out in addition in national 5 disagreeable taste. Where can parks and Northern Canada over we have the water analyzed"? the period Nov. 1 to April 3. In| ANSWER: The local Board of the same period, the northern I" Health usually analyzes water fairs department would move Arrangements for this could be ahead a number of projects nor-! qe through one of the drug- mally done in the summer gists in the community It estimated that the Joreat jhe PERSISTENT DOG ODOR cess roads program will involve RQT I " ; about $2,000.00 the eamDETound ors of ur house nd a doy. tha and pienic sites more than $3,-| 0uc "showed full run of the base: | | OSHAWA About Ski-in COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS -- To the -- "Let's Get Enthusiastic Tues., Nov. 4 --8 p.m. KING ST. UNITED CHURCH HALL Dial RA 5-3525 DE ---- Your FRIENDLY PLUMBER GREETINGS ONE! GREETINGS ALL! SKI CLUB g" Night !! 0 the remainder about ment, and infrequently taken out. | hui Addie - _ doors, How can the odor that is there now be removed? We have tried lime, various disinfectants RIO DE JANEIRO (AP)--Bra- and sprays, left the window open zil and the Soviet Union agreed all to no avail. Can you sug ® Fashion Sh DEAL WITH RUSSIA ® Ski Movies! ow © Skits W.R. THOMPSON Friday to exchange $1,000,000 gest a remedy worth of Brazilian cacao for an| ANSWER: Wet floor well with REFRESH MENTS fa (AP) -- Pte. Elvis Presley, on records during off-duty time. Sunday. the im- overseas duty with the Ss. ous Giffen Sve hete aid They are Marvin David, 11, n!Army for a month now, has a Presley as he nged the john Dougall, 10, Tony Maigano, employee in leu of retroactive German girl friend. lobby of his small hotel. "My|19 and Mike Pirelo, 13. He was asked the girl question manager isn't here, mw band po... ig David was reported other isn't here apd my quartet isn't ji jing by his parents Sunday -- here." | |and was believed to be in the an- EVIDENCE FURNISHED | company of the other bogs. All But at that moment he got evi- are from separate homes. trical Workers (CLC). The settlement calls for mediate payment of $50 to eacl { CUT YOUR FUEL BILLS! | Storm Windows Custom made to fit your needs. You'll love the way they keep your home draft free. Dial 5-4704 We're called the one- stop plumber because we're fast, and efficient, Call on us for repairs ond new in- stallations. There's no obliga- tion for estimates! We carry @ complete line of name-brand plumbing equipment LORNE GOODMAN Plumbing & Heatin 758 Mary St. RA 5.1044 "BROWNS LUMBER '& SUPPLIES LTD. 436 RITSON ROAD NORTH Dial RA 5-4704--OSHAWA, Ont. ion. ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS ® CLEAN AND DURABLE ® BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME W. B. BENNETT PAVING LTD. FREE ESTIMATES Ii The contract provides for an during an interview the cents immediately, four cents: The rock 'n' roll specialist Jan, 1, five cents next July I, as gwered without hesitation. on the wage schedule, ing a little German girl from| Teen-aged German girls were The company also agreed to Frankfurt, Her English fsn't too! rapping at the hotel window, beg- and welfare program. {with her, she brings along her "This goes on every night," The strike started Oct, 22 after little dictionary. said 3 hotel employes. abou soldier may live off base if he no-recommendation report. [thing t a puppy, Well, she to. Eve, i ck | | " . Evesy morning a black The pr t average wage was Can't know what the word # | | and takes Elvis to the through that little book. t the hotel and ta - was funny." Man, I ase, where he has a job as 8 Court Ponders |siows vei | "Wel, she's blonde, has blue eyes, is 17 years old and is a lor five times already, which is OTTAWA (CP)--The Supreme © V* Court of Canada has reserved more than any other girl around authority of Ontario municipaiit- worried. but he was thinkin, , g a ies to restrict the use of small lot about whether his fans will The case started more than'of the army in 1960. two years ago when Frank 5. He has not been able to make, onto's Scarborough council for ap-| proval of plans for the construc-| ROBIN ROBERTS CITED pie-shaped lot. One house already : y yi erts of Philadelphia Phillies, a 22- was on the lot, ame loser who battled back to Scarborough council passed a by- pafi's leading pitchers, Wednes- law restraining Mr. Bondi from .. = ag ep the National bylaw was approved on grounds yg p for 1958. Roberts was named that zoning regulations required ;, sg of 98 ballots by members house, Mr. Bondi did not have 200| jon of America in the annual As- feet for the two houses. sociated Press poll. Bob Friend Ontario municipal board and the 21 votes followed by Bobby Thom Ontario Supreme Court. However, son of Chicago, who collected 13. tario Court of Appeal. The Ap- had e 3.27 ERA. : peal Court also dismissed an ap- ship for leave to appeal on rounds there was no point of| The council then appealed to| the Supreme Court of Canada| | LAST NIGHT'S New York--Hogan (Kid) Bas- sey, 127, Nigeria, outpointed Car-| (non-title). ! San Diego, Calif.--Pelon Cer- outpointed Irish Noel Humphries, 129, San Diego, 10. 161%, Australia, outpointed (Tiger) Williams, 157%, Los An- hourly increase of 17 cents--four Bight. well as an increase of five cents. "Yea he said. "Ive been dat. dence that he's still p good yet and every time I go out Bing for autographs. u conciliation blard tendered a "The other night I said some. Under U.S. army regulations. Or Rel meant, so she went tearing Mercedes taxi comes around to jeep driver. BLONDE TYPIST Land Use Rule eves. I've seen her about four judgment in a case involving the Elvis sald he wasn't exatly pacels of land, | still be his fans when he gets out Bondi asked Metropolitan Tor- any records in Germany. In the tion and sale of two houses on a NEW YORK (AP)--Robin Rob-. After a protest by ratepayers, ars his position as one of base- building the second house, The 1 eague comeback player of the 100 feet of frontage for each| ; ye Bagehall Writers' Associa The bylaw was approved by the of Pittsburgh finished second with | it was ruled invalid by the On-|Roberts, 32, won 17, lost 14, and glication by Scarborough Town-| w in dispute. against the Appeal Court decis-| By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS | melo Costa, 128'2, Brooklyn, 10.! vantes, 129, Mexicali, Mexico, Melbourne Clive Stewart, qeles, 12. GREY CUP SPEAKER VANCOUVER (CP)--Jim Suth- erland, Canadian-born coach of Washington State Cougars, will be guest speaker at the Grey Cup dinner which follows Canada's na-1| tional professional football cham- plonship to be played here Nov.| 29. Born in Winnipeg, Sutherland went to the U.S, when he was 10 years old. His coaching career began with the Santa Monica, Calif., high schoo: where he hand- led Ronnie Knox, now quarter- backing Toronto Argonauts. ! BOX 305 OSHAWA RA 8-8132 ROSSLYNN ESTATES LTD. "Your. Community. Builders." cordially invite you to inspect the 1958 model homes being construc- ted in "Rosslynn Heights Subdivision', These homes are located on Rosmere St., Marion Ave. and Gibbon St. This north west area of Oshawa, just off Rossland Road West, has been planned and designed for middle class, single family residences. Every consideration has been given to creating a prestige address for our clients. The homes are individually designed and positioned on lots to promote spacious, quiet living areas, with most pleasant surroundings. This area is immediately adjacent to public and separafe primary schools; a new high school site has been purchased by the Oshawa Board of Educa- tion for early construction; Churches or church sites of major denom- inations are established; a new, modern, neighborhood shopping centre is in planning stages for Rossland Road West at Stephenson Rd. and is to be known as Rosslynn Plaza. All this evidence is indicative of our original planning to create a modern residential community largely self-sufficient in regards the amenities of modern living for discriminating purchasers who will be aware of the many require- ments of everyday comfort, * Our business office is located at: '457 ROSSLAND RD. W. AT FERNHILL BLVD. RA 5-2206 RA 5-6266 "Sonvice. to the. building. community is our business" ROSSLYNN ESTATES LTD. an 32722 JCA] equivalent amount of Russian oil. | solution of one-half cup white vin

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