Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 1 Nov 1958, p. 10

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdsy, November 1, 1958 Seely Summary Of Stock Market Activity Stock Tidal INTERPRETING THE NEWS More Powerful France ' sgn De Gaulle's Ambition a Ot tnd France back ito the West's inner joct circle with Britain and the United States, gi ss tuna "Cn went, de Gaulle sat in retreat in his modest house of Colombey- 4 LJ Office Union WINDSOR (CP) -- A United Automobile Workers' (CLC) local has come to the defence of the civic Office Workers Union, Which is threatened with the Jom ob-|of 37 members, The political setion commitien: of the UAW's local 200, which rep- 1958 Ly ogre © High Leo 10. eek. Issues unchanged 12% ih. 4 oe rf for the week w, re gr Pid 15,028,000, down from the are 682,39 Sales High Low 2 10 812% 12% $12% 12% 12% Trans Can $42% 42% 42% + % riad Oi Total sales for the year 7 255 215 255 " U Canso vt Quotations in cents unless. 9% 9 9 Un Oils / hd > N [id z Ei po El 3 : +f E.E.83:8 + ss BB Dalhousie 3 33 FH i 3 3 3 = = 3 Sola gei | gsbgTaRg 8 - 5B8 58 365 32% 31% 00 306 + 16300, 810% 8% 9% avo Ills! SS =F 22 >> dd 52 S58 - 5 use Sa885282 § g > FEF +3 £ 8 » E ++ | * 5 LF iH - + - Ba geragabenuay FERESTES gogeye etsy | 8 3 F, 2a EE FEF cd BE "ex = - l+4+++]+ Cal Pow $74 Cal Pow § '" a $102 1 Can Cem $33% Can com pr ine orc Si ton nt a Hy rid 17 Can Machin 50 Can Malt 135 C Pack A 202 C Pack B 300 Can Perm 1075 C Perm rts 20411 CSL 987 ws - SR # 8 Page-Hers Parker Phi Pembina pr Penmans En, Photo 7] Powell R Royal Bank 38 Russell StL Corp Hild StL Cp A pr 210 St Maurice 60000 Salada-§ 3010 Salada B Salada wits Shawin 2158 Shawin A 140 Shawin A pr 3 Shawin B pr Sicks Sicks vt Sicks pr Silverwd A Simpsons 5002 SKD Mig 2660 Slater 370 Somville pr 40 Southam 345 Spartan 250 Spartan wis 2600 St Pav 1005 Stedman 644 Steel Can 3159 Steinbg pr 10 Stuart Oil 8 Propane 8 Prop wis Suptest ord 300 Switson 1000 1230 "5 Tamblyn i 5717 T-D Bk rts 60680 Tor Elev 1030 T Gen Tr 1135 Tor Iron 100 Tor lron A 300 Tor Star pr 65 T Fin A T Fin 5 pe 2 Tr Can PL 190120 Trans-Mt n 72280 Trans PPL 1310 Tw C Gas 2550 Un Ace 2 pr 415 14005 50 2 3622 100 16390 150 s4 125 280 350 874% $324 305 7 $10% 3 70 nr 10 8% 42% 43% 26% 150 $4315 43% 43% $27 26% 74% 31% 31% 5 305 9% 26% 74% 165% 99 110 2 49 12% 30% 3 $67%4 $101% 15 $914 265 225 $18% 18 ». wo uy oon 310 $334 $43 40 $31 3 $20% $5614 25 $34 $12% $204 460 410 $10'4 10 $17% 16% 2 ded $5014 S04 50% nn ula 0% + 300 rt 49 - 300 NK -- 4% a 20% -- 410 10% +1% 16% --14 23% a 524 -- Acad Uran Advocate Am Nephe Anacon Anglo Hur Ang Rouyn Ansil Apex Res Arcadia Arcad wis Area Arjon Atlas Yk Atlin-Ruf Aubelle Aumacho Aumaque Aunor Avilla Bankeno Bankfield Barnat Barvue Bary Expl Base Metal A6400 Baska 35500 B-Dug 20020 Beaucage 11200 Beav Lod 7500 Belcher 21682 Belleterre Bethim Beveon Bibis Bicroft Bieroft Bideop Black Bay Bonville Bordulag Bousead 4500 Bouzan 127200 Boymar } Hralorne 193 Broul Reef 5950 Brohrst 5500 Brasmn 20870 Brunswick 3680 Bulfad 603250 Buff Ank 2000 000 wis Bufl RL 10 Bunker Hill 13200 Cable Camp Chib Camp RL Cdn Astoria C Dyng C Malart C N Inca Cdn NW Cdn Thor Canam 49650 14537 5 a ual. g - - sceend S83 ES Tob afar avow felntyre MeKen MceMar MeWat Mentor Merrill Meta Uran Midrim Milliken Minda Min Corp Min-Ore Moly Moneta Mt Wright Multi Nama Cr bNat Expl New Delhi N Dicken N Goldvue N Harri New Hosco New Jason N Kelore New Rouyn 8000 N Senator Nickel Ms Nick Rim Nipissing Nisto Nor Aeme 20300 Noranda soufeenE SEorEefuluce «le ueSonsee JR ¥F 4 «58 = wBaRa3B8 fo 1 7% 10% ig 150 1 118 1s "9 1 7 144 910 24 LJ 15% LU 4 1h 2 [1 » 4 18 26 185 " Jes-Deux-Eglises and read of re- peated advice, sometimes rude, from France's Allies, The advice amounted to warn political stability before it could power, The U.S, even made noises But de Gaulle has shown that he is far too clever to Allies angry at him, ings that France must achieve ® consider itself a major Western) erid to bo the effect it would pull its de- fence forces out of France if France didn't smarten up, FRANCE AN OUTCAST Then came the Suez debacle of 1956 in which Britain and France parted from the U.S, Britain and| the U.S, later made up but Franc remained, comparatively speak: "ing, an outcast, | | It was in such an atmosphere, [that de. Galle was recalled to power last summer, a de Gaulle who had always believed in na- tional and international glory for 3 [ve He procipded to put Frames house in order in series tf swi | dazzling and extremely vis |oves. Now he wants France's house to be one of the three most prom- |inent on the Western Street, DE GAULLE'S AIM This is his broad sim and he is not especially concerned with| how he achieves it, as long as he| dosent wlienate Britain and the| This is the background of de | Gaulle's suggestion to Britain and the U.S, that the three countries form a big three directorate or triumvirate within the North At- lantic alliance, The small and middle powers in NATO, including Canada, na- turally have objected to this plan | and de Gaulle may withdraw it |and try another tack, Or Britain | and the US. might make a counter - proposal which would satisfy de Gaulle, brings to its Canadian readers the earliest printed news from Scotland A newspaper of character and distinction, THE SCOTS. MAN is read by people of ine fluence throughout the world, It brings to them an excep tional coverage of British, Commonwealth and foreign news with the least possible delay, THE SCOTSMAN fs a news paper of authority, indispens- able to the man -- and woman «= who needs to be well-inform- $534% -- $1444 80 Norgold 7 6 § frist 820% Norlartle on Can-M ormetal i Frm Norpax 5 33 2 8 « tal b orsync L Lapin f 3 7 HH N Goldert ! " 0 ; : Cr 57 N' Rank 3 37 hod 2 4 A Castle. Northsp y 181 A y yzor Nors A 110 " @ Tn bd North Cn 5 13 13 101 LJ al i Cet Fore Norvalie 104 350 350 --10 Nudul Wu 38 +1 Cheskirg hi ester Bach Chib Jae Obaska 9 lia + Chib-Kay Qprien West A wis 4065 $13% 12% 120s Cib M ona' Rare I i ae in Chom O'Leary 4 24% 4 1715 $18 17% 18 + be 10% 10% Coch Will Sr i Ormsby Cody Reco 2 5 Coin Lake 125 seks 30 Coldstrm Otiske ils 6% 3% 33 | Canada has always felt that | consultation among all NATO members should precede any ac- tion by one of them which would social affairs, | be likely to affect the others, | You, too, would find this WIDER NATO great national newspaper of in- De Gaulle also wants NATO to tense interest, broaden its, area of responsibility | to take in all the free world, Can- 4 ada feels it already has enough od on all matters eoncerning their business, financial and Candore Yhiver Cont Can-Erin nadium Yanadiy A Viceroy B Wainwr Walk GW Wat Equip Webb Knp W Copper 2600 89 W Cop wis 3940 360 West Groc A 259 $38 Weston A 5172 $33 Weston B 1335 832% Wstn 4% pr 125 $03 $49 $191 19% 19% + % Sec 1000 $19% 19s 19% + Wo C Hydro Car 1797 $81 8% C Ice Mach A 100 $12% 12% CIL 1080 $18 17% 225 $13% 13% 6456 828% 27 $83 8 sil 11 $28% 9136 $32'4 700 85% 9500 420 Cdn Loco Cdn Oil Cdn Oil 4 C Oil wt 53 F A 3-MONTH SUBSCRIPTION FOR "THE SCOTSMAN" AIR MAIL EDITION IS $19.50 (including postage) Write to: Subscription Dephimant 'The Scotsman" Alr Edition, North Bridge, Edinburgh 1 or subscriptions avallable at the offices of The Daily Times-Gazette They said . . . "11. COULDN'T BE DONE" 2123500 28000 2100 10800 2800 1500 26033 5168 31250 4200 32756 11417 9225 8780 1500 5000 5 3h + MN Ll 4 dh 25 6% -- 7 5 Jn Colomace Comb Met Coniagas Coniaurum Callinan Con C Cad C Denison C Den wis C Discovery C Fen Con Gillies e Perron Pick Crow Pioneer Pitch Ore Placer Pow Rou Pr Bord Preston Pronto Pros Alr Purdex Que Ascot Que Chib Que Cop Que Lab Que Lith Que 'Man Q Metal Qunston Quemont Radiore Rainville & 11% D Oil Cloth Dupont Int Pap Int Util Lob Ine MO Paper $43 4 43 2005 $21% 21% 21% 295 $1i2vs 110% 112% ) 2055 $31 28% 28% ~2 125 $120% 119 455 $2 32 CG Arrow Ogilvie 7235 6 3 by b C Halwl Price Br 475 546% Adle Con Howey Thd CG Inv 1100 86s 6% ; Marhen Zeller's 405 $32 i Marcus on M § Oils Hi 270 270 180 180 SBW 20% $54 53% § $21% 21% 21% $12 Phi us 200 1145560 #25 6000 49000 #100 5575 1300 89200 149100 22600 72600 $000 3850 2300 HE SCoTS MAN + 300 $32% et? % $20% 20% 2 $26 2 4 Fd 35% Noe - 33% 5% 208% -- '4 2% 204 2% +44 26 11 TH + 1% 3% 2% 101% 97 127 10 15 9 6500 5569 A6AS ! Mogul Morrison 5500 Mosher 7100 on Negus 33266 on Nichol 4999 Northland ja '. Persh 104 Red Pop pit Regeourt 20600 Sannorm 7500 Con Sud 85715 Conwest 1100 Rayrock Cop Corp 14508 3 Reeves Cip-Man 175700 23 7 Renabie Coprand 19707 -3 Rexspar Coulee Rio Rup Craigmt lx Athab Crestaur Roche Croinor Rockwin i Crowpat Rowan Con 27034 Cusco St Michael 9500 Daering Sand Riv Aragon Satellite De Cour Sheep Cr Deer Horn Sherritt ht +13 Yh --1 7 -- % 21% 1% 2% a 73% --1W 7% 13% 14% -- a $204 20% 204 +1 LE HIGHWAY NO, 2 KING WILSON : Acme Gas 21500 Dosco Dom Stores K. 4 26500 Dom Tar 7055 Dom Tar pr 440 Dom Text 245 9% iy Econ Inv m $39 hs Eddy A $54 54 ¥am Play als $20% 20% 4 va Batley 8 A Fanny F 1875 319% 19 alley § pr Fed Grain 235 sa2a 42 26 Bail § S%pr 1240 Fed Grain pr 25 Banff 4000 Fleet Mig 1825 Ford US 178 Ford A sll Fndtn 625 Fraser 451 Pr Pete pr 30% Gatineau 525 $105 10214 103 10514 A414 13% 13 3 14 12% $3018 30% 3 31% Calalta 785 750 00 Cal Ed y $384 374 Calvan Con Jian ie 6 C Oil Lds i ou C Oil L wis 1700 CS Oil wis 1100 CS Pete Cdn Atl Oil 300 $193 18 $501 56 ha 45% a Goodyear pr 150 4 Mackay A LL. Paper 905 Power 100 Power pr 115 325% 25% Gas . 875 97 6% Gas pr 50 $37% 237% Gas wits 1510 305 295 G B wis 2105 320 300 GW Coal A 375 $6 5% Greening 50 410 410 Greyhnd 575 S11 10% Guar Tr 359 $22% 212% Gurney pr 180 $11 11 Gypsum 60 840 39 535 $21 21 300 220 150 50 $36% 36% A 200 us 185 45 17 1 4201 25 3064 3002 Ind Accep 2645 1 Ac 225 pr 50 Inglis Inland C pr 5217 Inland Gas 11195 Inland { Gas pr 840 [nlnd wis 2065 33 [nt ete 218 [ntprov B wt Inter PL foaso2 [nv Syn fav Syn A 2905 Jefferson 4280 Kelly D A 3470 Kelly wis 1955 Kelvinator Labatt Lafarge A Lakeland 92835 Lakeind debs m A Cdn W O Cent Del Charter Oil Com Pete C Allenbee € Dragon C East Cr C Mic Mac 6567 Con Peak 4225 C West Pete 3918 Cree Oil 2000 Cree wis 13180 Dev-Pal 13474 Dome Pete 3215 Duvex 147300 6800 5000 1425 Fargo 3400 Gen Pete 100 Gen Pet A 5815 Gr Plains 1745 Highwood 14500 Home Oil A 11526 Home Oil B 5092 HB OU G 3330 Humber 26105 Jump Pd 12000 Jupiter 1550 Ll Pele Majtrans 8000 10000 54500 27700 34800 11845 1100 104779 10950 2033 6400 15000 7352 35020 1340 1480 N Bristol N Chamb N Concord N- Cont N Davies N Superior Northcal NC Oils NCO wis NCO pr Northld Okalta Pac Pete Palliser Permo pr Peruv Oils Petrol Prairie , Oil Provo Gas Quonto Ranger Reel Expl Richwll Rocky Pete Royalite Sapphire Sapph debs Scurry Secur 14010 3 900 6100 13140 20000 Free Frommer, T 0 2 Tox Cal __ 3000 8 MM BN 3 - 0 $17% 24 S184 $21% 192 28 690 10 174 17 80 D'Eldona Delnite Dome Donalda Duvan E Amph! Aeast Mal Teast Sull East Met 244750 2400 5675 10000 Sigm 125 sil Miller 20018 & Sand 4500 Slsc 2375 Slocan VR 72780 Stdcona 2704 Stanleigh 22370 Baniah wis au 35620 12000 15524 17300 53300 a7 #300 4180 27700 6000 13300 Elder Kldrich El Sol Fureka Expl All Falcon Faraday Fara wis F'west Tng Fed Kirk Francoeur Frobisher 15763 Frob debs 170 Geco Mines 7340 Genex 4205 Geo Scien 6750 Gnt Maset 12278 Giant YK 4676 Glacier 30625 Glenn Uran 4050 Goldale 12000 Gold le 582025 Gold Man 11050 GF Uran Grah Bous Grandroy Grandue Greyhk Gulch Gulf Lead Gunnar Gunnar wis Gwillim Hallnor Halmon Hard Rock Har-Min Hasaga H of Lakes Headway Heath Heva High-Bell Hollinger Hoyle Hud Bay Hugh-Pam Ind Lake Insprin Int Nickel Int Ran Irish Cop Sullivan Sunburst Surf Inlet Sylvanite ] Taurcanis 11% Taurcan vit 'eck-H Tema, 11% Them 16 Tiara Torbit Towag Trans Kes J Asbestos U Estella Un Keno Un Fort Upp Can Vandoa Ventures 00 4000 1700 36810 19300 73700 13667 15537 12245 4500 100 37020 27100 aoe H 500 00 Young HG Yukeno Zenmac Zulapa Curh Bulolo Gaspe Cop Pato 2 35410 Yukon Con 21 259 240 A committee recommended uni- k 'School Program inicio is is rec «+ Changes Sought GUEL ng (CP)--The two - dav fall conference of the Ontario As- sociation of Secondary School Su- perintendents wound up Friday. Superintendents from Sault Ste. amine methods of integrating Marie, Hamilton and Toronto rec- | French courses in secondary and ommended procedural changes elementary schools. for emergency summer course Ottawa's director of education, training and improvements in the Frank Patten, was elected pres- winter program for teachers, , |ident. He succeeds J. R. H. Mor. of supevintendents from Windsor, | |Sarnia, Peterborough and Tor- to discussed what they termed ("the present random pro cedures." ary school teachers. A committee A committee was set up to ex- $13 124 13 11 2800 4350 9500 4900 43700 4500 $90 65735 9000 61 Tombill 3100 300 200 2 --A% 470 360 3 -18 730 -4 gan, superintendent of secondary schools in Toronto F. A, Hamilton, director of ed-| |ucation in Guelph, was named | secretary-treasurer. FINAL DEADLINE TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario Hospital Services Commission an.) nounced Friday the deadline for| enrolling in the Ontario hospital insurance plan has been extended to Nov, 29 from Nov, 1. A spokes-| man said this is the last exten-| | sion, . \ POWER PRICES SET THE PACE . . . . Listed below are @ few of the many outstanding specials on sole this week at your friendly POWER, Special! FIRST GRADE ® CREAMERY BUTTER 'ECLIPSE BRAND' 1-LB. RINT bo Special! POWER QUALITY EGGS.... GRADE 'A' LARGE 1.D0Z, IN CARTON Special! LIBBY'S ORANGE UICE... 20-0Z. ma TIN Special! AYLMER cHoicE EAS... 15.0Z. TINS 2 2 % GROCERY PRICES EFFECTIVE TO WEDNESDAY, NOV. 5TH ues FREE GIFTS! ON DISPLAY AT POWER OSHAWA TOWELS CUTLERY DINNERWARE COOKWARE

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