Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 1 Nov 1958, p. 9

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ok Ror ey ; oe apa amd = EA LE: "Local Lady Cu | "4 ¥. The ladies' section of The Osh-| Cain, who reported that there was| awa Curling Club, held their an- now a total of 92 clubs affiliated "d'nual fall meeting at the club with the LOCA, with a member- quarters on Monday evening. ship of approximately 7000 curl-| President Mrs. H. A. Lawrence Ts. presided at the well-at nded| PLAYOFFS HERE | . ti # meeting and extended a wélcome Te provincial "Ladies lo all hermbers, espucially the Yonkers playyowns will be picid} : this season, on Janu- Following the reading of the| D Oshawa : : ted minutes of the previous meeting, *'~ A and 28, it Was X 2 by secretary Mrs. M. D. Jacobi us Loni es Shairmen and the treasurer's report, by BaV 3 0 Pp ans Mrs. S. T. Hopkins, SRSpoNL. = by the season. These included re- dealt with several motions which ports by Mrs. 8. E. McTavish, had been carried over from the Jouspiel sommiice; Me. 2 . annual spring meeting. Xx, SCO ee; The members voted to hold an M15. 3 F. Brock, Sembership annual club bonspiel, open to all Somms oe: rs. itt Tig members, for a trophy to be put M reys, ise Som oes anid up for competition - along with 2 Toosls, Jocia somuy oe 2 : ' Mrs. D. Storie, ways and means miniature trophies as prizes for tt the winners and runners-up. The Committee. ; date for this event will be an. Mrs. D. Lander, the club's cor- nounced later, responding secretary, reported on The president referred to the ve- the cards and gifts sent during cent meeting of the Ladies' On. the past few months, tario Curling Association in To. Mrs. McTavish, in her report, ronto and called on one of the announced that the Oshawa Oshawa delegates, Mrs. A. T.'Ladies' annual two-day bonspiel, HERE'S A HORSE OF A DIFFERENT COLOR -- RED! HERE'S A HORSE cut lines| the Budapest International | national at Laurel, MD., Nov. Garnir, winner of the Soviet | Horse show, is scheduled to run | Li Coming io Te US. along derby and the Moscow prize at | in the Washington Interna- | fer yy in the Soviel derby. y = Oshawa Student At SPORTS MENU western Michigan, By Geo. H. Campbell Newest Track Star SPORTS EDITOR | 'KALAMAZOO, Mich. -- Carl Reid is out for the freshman cross country team this fall at Western Michigan University. He has been looking real good and has been running number one man all season. He is seen as a good varsity prospect if he con- b mn q conditioning. tinues to improve as expected A week from Saturday night. uarterback: the men will stand out from the 1 ) A Reid, 2, graduated from Osh- boys around the Big Four foot- play part of the game isn't clear. awa Central Collegiate in 1935. 1" jaague like overalls to a' The following Saturday. the The 6 ft. 1 in. 150-pounder did not wocktail party Rough Riders will be at Hamil- compete in track in High school c party. ton. but was on the football team four The names of the men may be ; li Ted I 5 Y ur Mog ofl i vears, playing end, and was on Shatto, Knox and Hampton Pool. | PASSING DUEL --even thougl won the American League batting title. the basketball team five years,, Or they may be Etcheverry,| mpe A ts have {o beat th Banks of Cubs was the one big choice, almost unanimous, for plaving wi ioning nine ; on ie Argonauts have io beat the shortstop. The World Series boys were in there, Crandall and Bob Playing Jing eenire winning nine Patterson and Feahent Walker Alouettes and the formidable Turley and Nellie Ford of White Sox of course, and Frank Tho- ~~ ais It all depends on whether: passing arm of quarter Sam mas as 3rd baseman and Willie Mays--for sure, He took up track just a year| The Toronto Argonauts cap off Etcheverry twice in order to nail, . and a half .ago and in that time a tremendous stretch drive by down the third playoff spot. Even has run a 4:22 mile placing 2nd dumping the Montreal Alouettes if Hamilton beats Ottawa twice in the Ontario Championships. He twice in a row, or: land the Argos split with the Al- also runs the half-mile. W. D. Me- The Alouettes demolish the Ar-'ouettes, Toronto and Ottawa lliveen coached Carl during his gos in the same two games, thus would wind up in a 10-point tie high school career. Carl is the ending the astounding comeback that would favor the Rough Rid- son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Reid of that has seen Toronto quarter-'ers' better performance against 49 Harris street, Oshawa. hack Ronnie Knox complete 61 of Argos in five games this seasgp.- 89 passes while his mates reis-|113 points to 108. Ottawa-~®ould tered three consecutive victories. also get the playoff nod in a tie I The teams meet at Toronto Sat- with Montreal -- the only other| urd>y. They go at each other possibility--because of an 82-53 Coach Doug Walke Admits ARlouettes again a week later--Nov. 8--at season's edge on the Als. Montreal. ¢ ia 'May Not Go Too Far npn FOR ANXIETY Mb icmnigabiong a bud Hamilton and Ottawa also play, 500 to action for Saturday's game| MONTREAL (CP) Coach on the same dates. Only three of at Toronto. injuries have kept Douglas Walker, cautiously con- the four teams will see the play- {him out since Sep... 4. > ceding his Montreal Alouettes offs. Three have reason for anx-| "We kmew he'd be back," re- "might not go too far this sea- ietv. |acted Toronto coach Hamp Pool son," feels that "we're doing alll This Saturday's 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' (Hamilton boss Jim Trimble calls Whether first-string Bernie Faloney will BASEBALL ODDITIES: -- Now there's a good topic for today By RAE CORELLI We've been hearing and reading practically nothing else all a week except the Big Four playoff berths and how the NHL is coming along, so baseball, as a topic, even if only in review, seems like a pleasant change. The Major League All-Star team for this past season was announced yesterday and we find that only four of the players voted "all-stars" last year were able to repeat this time, They were Hank Aaron, Warren Spahn, Mickey Mantle and Stan Musial. Ted Williams made the "second team" Some of the peculiar things that happened this pasi sca- son in the Big Leagues--Gil Hodges loaned his glove to Bobby Adams and he was "caught ovt" when he hit a pop fly into his own glove. Danny Murtaugh rushed on the field to converse with the umpire -- they all thouhgt it was a hassle--but Dan- ny just wanted to be sure his wife and kiddies got a look at him on television. A prankster locked the umpires in their dressing room at one game. At St. Paul the ball bounced off a player's head and was caught by one 'of his mates for the out. Toronto's Milt Smith "beefed" at the umpire on the first called strike--then watched two more strikes go without swinging -- and Manager Dixie Walker "pulled" Smith and fined him $50.00. Portland sold a player to Paris, Texas, but that club had already folded. Elmo Plaskett of Los Vegas, priled a "lulu." He hit a homer, after he crossed the plate he realized he hadn't touched 1st base--so, since the ball was over the fence, he went around again--but he was ruled "out" --because he shold have retraced his steps--gone around backwards, as far as 1st base and then completed the proper "home run" trip. Down in Peterborough a game had to be postponed because elephants, from a nearby circus, were grazing in the outfield. And one "dandy"'--a PA announcer made a "nawsty'" remark about the umpire--and didn't know his microphone was "'alive"--and the umpire promptly had |Canadian players are the announcer ejected from the park. {800d joy. Varsity Sta-'gloomily. "Great players always right for future seasons" and that dium meeting at Toronto has fo- weal faster because they want to his new and more established mented a football fever that could get back in so badly." doing a hardly be Freater if the Grey cm, STUDIED DEFENCE emblem of Canadian pro footba ; . "We've got some good boys supremacy, was the stake. By r Doug Walker, Als Soach, has BRIGHT BITS: -- UAW League hockey action at Bowman-| coming along," Walker says men- Thursday afternoon no tickets Sen hs 1: rontain le ville Arena tomorrow morning brings up a classic, with Maddock's tioning Mike Kovac, Eddie Learn, | were available. bis Pini ars. Start Season Nov. 10 IF Big Four To Separate Men From Boys Soon {versity of Toronto Blues Satur- | rumpled; but otherwise unhurt! 9 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, November 1, 1958 rlers | BOR HD te SNA, Trimble, the 41 - year - old ex- Barrie coach of Philadelphia Eagles of Marlboros the National Football League, Peterb'gh says the "conditioning" policy (st, Mike's that has Curcillo tabbed for Sat-' Guelph urday against Ottawa will permit! Hamilton him to rest veterans like Eddie Macon, P. W. Underwood and Billy Graham, all with knee hurts| and Vince Scott and Eddie Bevan . r who could use just plain rest. | He roundly denounced critics | GETS THE BIRD who said his strategy was de-| EUREKA, Calif. (AP)--It signed to produce Ottawa victor-inot unusual for a skilled bowler jes, thus ending the possibility he/to get a turkey--three strikes in would have to meet Toronto infa row--but this man got a quail, the playoffs. |a real one. y | Douglas Stockly sent his bali CRUCIAL COLLEGE GAME : io the alley Thursday night In the Intercollegiate Senior eir-land knocked down eight pins, | Three Western Coaches By THE CANADIAN PRESS | . " "in meen ene Will Not Risk Injuri ila WLT F APis. 0 es % 0 36 17 16 will be held on Tuesday and Wed- propo. Rak By JIM PEACOCK ( Eskimos and Riders wili give nesday, Feb. 34. Springfield 51 38 10 Canadian Press Staff Writer [something of a preview the Mrs. Brock reported that there 5 0 iq, 0 30 49 10 Three coaches tell it the same semi-finals when they meet Sat- was now almost a capacity mem- |p OF TEC 30 37 7 way: There's a lot to be said forjurday dfternoon in Regina in a bership, with several new mem- =o 4 32 51 5 physical fitness in the closing game expected to be highlighted bers having been enrolled this) Friday's Results (weekend of the Western Interpro- by the. record chasing 'of scoring summer. Mrs. Humphreys stated y vincial Football Union's 16-game leader Jack Hill and rushing that . plans for decorating the Springfield 6 Providence § schedule. lleader Johnny Bright. ladies' lounge were progressing Buffalo 4 Rochester 2 Particularly post-game physicall Bombers are just playing out favorably. Today's Games |fitness. the string against Lions since START PLAY NOV. 10 |Clevelans at Berthes | "We don't want to take unneces- they wrapped up first place two Pres. Mrs. Lawrence gave the uffalo at Springfie (sary chances and get our players weeks earlier, but they'll prob- members the 'news anxiously Sunday's Games {hurt in a game that doesn't mean ably have a battle. awaited, nameiy that the ladies Buffalo at Providence a thing," coach Sam Lyle of Ed- PLAYOFF SCHEDULE would open their curling season Cieveland at Rochester {monton Eskimos says. The playoffs open the following on Monday, Nov. 10, at one-thirty Hershey at Springfield | He draws immediate agree- Saturday with Eskimos and Rid o'clock. A lunch will be served on Eastern' OHA Sr. A {ment from coach Bud Grant of ers starting the two-game totai- opening day. WLT F APs, Winnipeg Bue Bombers and point semi-final in Regina. The Th ti f the lad 1- Whi « coach George Terlep of Saskat-|second game will be in Edmon- i eXcentive of he fat Sul Whiiby 3001.32 ichewan Roughriders ton Nov. 11 and the winner will ors this season is as follows: Hill - Ottawa 2:1 0. 10 4B.C. OUTLOOK DIFFERS ronh Bombers Noo. I> and 19, President, Vrs Nn i + Belleville 2301 4 "Coach Danny Edwards of Brit-and if necessary, Nov. 22, in the rence: past-president, Mrs Kingston 1 2 0 11 13 2) 0oumbia Lions isn't worrying|best-of-three final Black; 1st vice . president Cornwall ER quite the same | Hill of Riders, who needs two Mes, A cay; 2ud Vice DE Coral favs Ray ag That's understandable, since it points to equal the league scor- tary, Mrs. M. D. Jacobi: treasur- Hind 'Games |is Bombers, Eskimos and Riders/ing record of 131 set last year by er, Mrs. 5. T " Hopkins; corre- Huli at Kin a $ {who must think of the future as Winnipeg's Gerry James, and sponding secretary Mrs. D. Lan- Cornw 11 at Whithy {they go into action in the league's Bright of Eskimos, who needs 77 der and press representative a Sunday's' Gales last two scheduled games Satur-yards fo surpass his own rushing Mrs. M. Sutton : : Belleville at Corpwall |day. No, matter what the results, mark of 1,679 yards set last year, rb Bain AAI Whitby at Hull {these are the clubs in the play- are expected to see plenty of ac- y |offs. tion in Regina. OHA-NOHA Sr. A | y A Pts. » Kitchener 19 14 Sian 2s i Geneva Hockey Stadium Sudbury 7 53: Marie > . 4 | Windsor we, 3200 0 Will Be One Of Biggest Friday's Result ' Kitchener 4 Sudbury 4 GENEVA (Reuters) -- Geneva is called has a capacity of 14,000 halfback Dick Shatto--nursing a Today's Games . is building one of the largest and spectators. Many French fans are leg injury this week--has scored Kitchener at Sault Ste, Marie |. ot odern hockey stadiums in'expected to patronize the rink, eight touchdowns in the same per- North Bay at Chatham Europe. which is only a few miles from iod and leads the Big Scoring; Sunday's Game Swiss hockey fans, an ever- the Franco-Swiss frontier. with 54 points. Teammate Vic North Bay at Windsor {growing body, have been celebrat-| Andre Blanc, official in charge Kristopaitis is second with 52 OHA Jr. A ing the 50th anniversary of the of Genmeva's sports, says hockey points--30 converts, seven field| WLT A Pts. sport's introduction to this coun- officials are hoping that from the goals and a single. |St. Cath. 14 10/try in 1908 with a fierce deter- start of the new season more 20 6 mination to 'start the new half-| young people will start taking a 8 5 century with every possible suc-|greater interest in ice sports. 18 500s, For this season about 5,000 20 5 There are 217 clubs belonging players grouped in about 340 35 3it5 the Swiss Ice Hockey League, teams (most clubs have more 20 2 and the organization counts 25,-/than one team) will be competing WRN ™ WERE 000 members--players and active in the country's 17 rinks. A tiny 10 PIN BOWLER fans. percentage will be picked out as - The national team, which has having the necessary qualities to played in Prague and Moscow, train for the national team. {was not entered for the 1957-58) Swiss teams have been Euro. is Wor' championships last year pean champions a number of and Swiss hockey fans are deter- times, the last occasion being in mined to change this state of af- 1950, But no team has ever won fairs. {the world ehampionship. A new Canadian coach, Andre| Geneva's new stadium will be |Girard, has been hired and it is|opened Nov. 28 with British, Ital- the increased interest inlian, Canadian, Swiss and Russian lice sports will be promoted by teams playing. The Kelowna, B.C. cuit, University of Western On-jeaving two pins and a quail Geneva's luxurious new rink on!team, which will have just fin- tario Mustangs are in much the standing, |the outskirts of the city. |ished a Swedish and Russian tour, same spot as the Big Four Argos.| Two bowlers ran down the al. The Patinoire des Vernets as it/ will represent Canada. Insist Hockey Brawls 'Do Not Have Influence VANCOUVER (CP) -- Many sport can tend to make children sports personalities and fans here|lose their sense of values. day and must win to force a play- bird. Nobody knows how the bird off. Blues, unbeaten in five got mixed up with the pins. games, will take the crown with| another win. League rules say| there's no playoff unless the sec-| ond - place team -- that Mus:| tangs this year--beats the top club at least once in regular| For 'Jeff Russel' | Tiger-Cats Name Faloney, Neumann Andrew Bee, a visiting railway man, said that children should They said . . . "IT COULDN'T BE DONE" "To meet this situation I be- lieve racing people in the three countries will form a new group to see to it that racing continues between their cars which have such as a 2';z-litre engines." Bob Thompstone of the Royal Automobile Club, ruling body of racing in Britain, said he heard| NEW REDUCED PRICE -- ON -- meeting Tony's--and hoth are undefeated in the league race ati Ron Murphy, Dave King and Bob At Ottawa, the league champion r the moment. In the other game, Sklar's and Belko's, both without |Geary, products of the rebuilding Hamilton Tiger Cats will trot out! That g no, Sask rs ho reak a win, get their chance to quit the cellar . . . ADAM WALSH, one program which got under way in| quarterback Tony Curcillo or a| : JSgditie a al of the Notra Dame "Four Horsemen' of 1924, resigns his coach-| earnest this season. |crack at Frank Clair's Roughimost hel ve e pass ng recorcl job at Bowdoin College, at the end of the year . . . CARL! Among the veteran homebrews, Riders and a little more of what in the last three games, , Oshawa boy who shone in football and basketball when he Walker said he regards defensive -- ded Oshawa Central here, is regarded as a top prospect for end Doug McNichol as one of the I} he Sack team, af Wester JMickigan Livery one he eno} better Canagiany in the Big Four V 3 con } A, ave sen eve Kraftcheck football league and that McNichol Oo e n our back to the American League, with Rochester, so that purchase is having one of his best ea hasn't proved to be the answer , . . ELMER FERGUSON, well-| Walker named Bill Bewley as known Montreal Star sports columnist, devoted half of his column runner-up. S . [] to the 12-man team of miners rescued at Springhill, in his paper| Walker spoke of his new Cana- on Thursday compared various sports injuries, etc. as insienifi- dians as 'the Canadian contin- nn ajor cant to the couarge displayed by the miners . . . OSHAWA CURL: gent." ERS (men) open their season on Friday night and the ladies' Of Learn, a punt receiver who . section swings into aetion-en- the following Monday afternoon . . .| played with Kitchener - Waterloo. NEW YORK (AP)--Milwaukee! Only Aaron, Spahn, Mantle and EZZARD CHARLES has been placed under suspension, because of jast season, Walker said: 'He's Braves and New York Yankees Musial are holdovers from last his "poor showing" at Dallas on Monday night. The reason may coming "along and showing i mince the. 1057. Associated year's first team. be different but the result is the same-- Charles is going to be provement. He's not a big boy but 2 : i The balloting for shortstop was saved from further punishment and possible permanent injury I think we'll hear more about TESS major league all-star team the most one-sided. Banks, the .. THREE COACHES of Western Canada pro football teams, in, + named today in a poll of 173 major league homer and RBI openly admit that this week-end, they'll not be taking any unnec- 0 Kin i ' ; Ir ; leader, collected 160 votes as i i yy ing, another Kitchener-Wa- members of the Baseball Writers y : | gaumy Chances wit their Jar piasers, becguce hey om to terloo product: "He's boy with de- Association of America. compared to 8 for his nearest e them in top shape for the coming playoffs . . A EAL ransive ability. He has been play- : 1av and Challenger, Luis Aparicio of the Canadiens have the top four and sixth spot, in the NHL "top ; ' : Three Milwaukee players White Sox seven" scoring leaders . . . LEE MacPHAIL, according to poppa "2 200d and we'll certainly keep {vo Yankees were selected. The Other Jeading vote-getters were Larry, may be the new general manager of Baltimore Orioles . . him around. ov ________ |Braves are outfielder Hank Aaron oo "oes a cial 134, Mays TORONTO CNE grandstand stadium, to seat 35.000. when finish. catcher Del Crandall and left-jyq0 on ol 113" and Aaron 100. ed, will get under way within a few weeks . . . GORD DICKSON handed pitcher Warren Spahn. "op 0 coo oom atition was for of Hamilton, is favored to win over a field of 175 top distance 2Z2aY ar The Yanks chosen are outfielder : : i 4 catcher and third base. Crandall runners, in the national cross-coumtry go. in Hamilton today. If Mickey Mantle and right-handed polled 62 votes while catcher he does--it may make it easier for Hamilton sports scribes this pitcher Bob Turley. Sherm Lollar of the White Sox re- week-end, eh ? Now Suspended The rest of the squad is com- ceived 43. Thomas won the third posed of first baseman Stan Mus- hase nod from the Red Sox' . . AUSTIN, Tex. (AP) -- Ezzard ial of the Cardinals, second base. Frank Malzone, 64-44. Charles, former world's heavy- man Nellie Fox of the White Sox, Expect US. Italy, Britain weight champion, has been sus- third baseman Frank ,Thomas of WILLIAMS ON SECOND |pended from boxing for an indef- the Pirates, shortstop Ernie Ted Williams of the Red Sox inite period Banks of the Cubs and outfielder and Richie Ashburn of the Phils, F m Big Car Race Grou Alton Erickson, supervisor of Willie Mays of the Giants. the batting titlists, landed -out-! 0 Texas' Boxing and Wrestling Di- ---------------------- = eet vision, notified Charles that he The winner will take control of LONDON (AP) -- British offi- numerous drivers, officials and bi ener Wy Ls avo Bowl Game Players the southeastern Conference. hh ] -- S - . E 5 's /( y pe . . 7 | cials said Friday the United manufacturers discuss the "dis- ng in ¥ Hine vowes Have To Pass U a ret Jager Puen py ray aud Britain Drooly et probability of forming a night," 4 p North Carolina No. 17, and win- orm a splintel u - splinter group. Deput tate lab ia. ' ¢ 4 : tinue big car auto racing despite. The international federation on Te ets om New Year S Eve Fun rer of Ie a Son in Re changes in Grand Prix cars of Crarsiay ordered that after 1960 says he asked for Charles' sus: NEW YORK (AP) -- "What nessee. So is the runner-up in the iy nigrnational Rac- ars hay ° Sngines ot pension because 'he withheld in- are you doing New Year's Eve?" Big Eight conference, whose title, § Federatio oat ove here. ho Yo 2 least 300 flo: formation from the doctor, which| Any answer that many football could be decided Saturday when! the Stat nd dtaly for high oquipped with anti-roll bars. is detrimental to boxing, and his players can give to that question seventh-ranked Okiahoma visits speeds pi A cleraiar 2 u 3 ne yh Te ta (petiommanee burt the sport in wil; have to wait until after Sat- Colorado, No. 9 shows," said Graham Macbeth of and carry enoveh vasolifie 19 Hl Dallas, : : urday s games. Some will be in| The Rose Bowl is the one which te" British Automobile Racing|the entire rac ~ Charles sprained his left ankle major New Year's Day bowl may get both participants all but Club i g Such oh BC, 1d . in a workout last Friday. He and games. Which means no parties formally signed Saturday. Big ' ! N ange You reduce the hig trainer, Jimmy Brown, kepl on the eve. Ten leader Iowa, No. 2 goes after > ¢ aig Haway Speeds Con the injury a secret. Charles, bar- The day's big game has the its first victory over Michigan Bho Iie 31. hour, Which ely. moving around the ring, was Sugar Bowl as a prize, as Louis- since 1924. limba EE an easy target for Fleaman and iana State, No. 1 U.S. college California, 3-0, in the Pacific miles on hour y "lost by a knockout in the sixth team, faces sixth-ranked Missis- coast conference, meets Oregon Thompstone said many race round. sippi. Both have 6-0 records. State. people could not how the -- = changes were ordered for the sake of safety. see LOOK! NEW REDUCED PRICES Effective Immediately On Premium Quality FURNACE FUEL OIL Now TO RESIDENTS REDUCED C OF OSHAWA PER AND WHITBY TO 1 & GAL. WHY PAY MORE? For Prompt Delivery By Our Fleet Of Metered Trucks Phone VIGOR OIL ".»" RA 5-1109 OSHAWA 4 MO 8-3644 WHITBY ® OIL BURNER SERVICE DEPT. @ AUTOMATIC FUEL OIL DELIVERY Premium Quality ® Prompt Delivery STOVE 0IL ® Reasonable Price {)- GAL. For Delivery By Metered Trucks Phone: RA 5-1109 MO 8-3644 OSHAWA WHITBY Man O'War, one of the most| schedule play. " i The other intercollegiate game -- has Queen's University at MGI) WAMILTON (CP) -- Quarter sae asad cosines atoning hs and Yo oc dhe Bo inh same which Su. Chur back Bernie Faloney and end getion, be inclined to do the same." third Dace ane ut pete have been nomin-| mo. Lo. enti Klaus Buchholtz, a German im~ ue : fated by Hamilton Tiger-Cats for iyi wer or . ing on a migrant and service station at |the 1958 Jeff Russel Memorial bing Vo ey seid tendant here, says hockey "is a y |Trophy award. fights and brawls in hockey 8ame played internationally. If | The award is made annually to " h |kids are brought up properly at epex 1 ers |the Big Four football union player 8ames "'provide the worst kind} KS watching a bit of Tough |who best combines courage, ° encour toy % hockey won't make them act sportsmanship and fair play. | Bishop Sovereign who retired Faioney, 26, leads the league in as Anglican bishop of Athabasca - tar touchdown passes with 17. Neu- in 1950 said hockey games were mann, a 24-year-old who packs 210 no place to take children, | {not be taken to hock: ames mustular Sounds, is rated one of| Coley Hall, general manager of before they 'are or nine field herths on the second all-star ihe Yost Jo ensive ends in east- the Vancouver Canucks of the| "I think the rough stuff makes squad along with Boston's Jacke "pp clot Lon nn nani. estern Hockey League dis-ia bad impression that might turn Jensen. [mous choices in balloting Thurs. | (aonin aud sald wPiaying and them away from good, elean Others. chosen on the secondday by Ticat players. jaining ey Js great forisport, he said. team, in addition to Aparicio, Lol- Jide. keeps them off the lar and Malzone, were first base-| | i man Orlando Cepeda of the! HOCKEY'S BIG y J | "I can't believe that any kid Giants, second baseman Bill Maz-| could really be influenced." eroski of the Pirates, left-handed! By THE CANADIAN PRESS Hockey great Fred (Cyclone) pitcher Whitey Ford of the Yanks] Ed Litzenberger of Chicago Taylor said: "Hockey cannot be and right-hander Bob Friend of Black Hawks has shouldered his classed as a breeder of rowdies. the Pirates, |way in among the high - flying I played the game for more than : Montreal Canadiens who have 25 years and I don't know of any BANKS PLEASED [been dominating the National child harmfully affected by it. CHICAGO (AP) Shortstop | Hockey League scoring statistics. It's the training they get in the Ernie Banks today said he was, Litesiberger had 4 ng ¥ home and school that counts." "proud and pleased" to top the|> X Bed Bishop Sovereign gained sup- voting for the 1958 Assouiated/S3U3¢ 81d Yeplaced Dickie Moore) por from Jack Pomfret, Univer-| Press major league all-star base-| The leaders: Pp * sity of British Columbia basket-| ball team. Geofirion, Montreal 6'9 15 |ball coach, who said, "every| "It is quite an honor and vety Bejiveau, Montreal 14 sport contributes a great deal to nice to know so many baseball|\ Richard, Montreal 13 a child's development if properly writers thought so much of my H. Richard, Montreal 13 (administered. But uncontrolled! play last season," he said. Litzenberger, Chicago 12 | ERNE Moore, Montreal 1 REMEMBER WHEN ? |Bathgate, New York 11 S - famous horses in American race- NHL LEADERS track history, died 11 years ago| | ' | Standing: Montreal , today on the Kentucky farm of o, tied 2. points 1: i PEN THIS SUNDAY Samuel D. Riddle. 'Big Red" | Points: Geoffrion, Montreal, 15. 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 pm. started as a two-year-old in 1919) Goals: Toppazzini, Boston; M. and won 20 of his 21 starts in|Richard, Montreal, 7. two seasons for a total of $249,-|. Assists: H. Richard, Montreal, 000 in purses, but boosted the re-|10. | turn to his owner to $1,000,000 Shutouts: Plante, Montreal, 2. through stud fees and the sale of! Penalties: Fontinato, New York foals. 31 minutes. ASPHALT DRIVE CLEMENT'S SUPERTEST STATION 102 SIMCOE ST. N. MADDOCK"S White Rose Station 177 BOND ST. W. STATHAM'S ESSO STATION "59 KING ST. W. McKEEN'S RELIANCE STATION 314 BLOOR ST. W. VIGOR OIL STATION SIMCOE ST. S. AT LAKE LAWLESS'S SHELL STATION { 227 SIMCOE ST. §. ; MEADE'S SUNOCO STATION ¥ 588 KING ST. E. N SKITCH'S ESSO STATION 83 RITSON RD. S. T. GOCH'S SUPERTEST STATION 340 PARK RD. S.- SYBLOCK'S FINA STATION 627 SIMCOE ST. §. You still have time this year to asphalt your drive or prepare for early Spring Asphalting, Call ... KEN ASHMORE PAVING RA 8-8412 VIGOR OIL CO. LIMITED

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