Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 31 Oct 1958, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, October 31, 1958 OPEN SCHOOL SAFETY CAMPAIGN Remembrance | Noisy Treats 7 Day Plans At |For Hallowe'en | Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE Remem- brange Day ceremonies com- memorating the dead of the two | | | {world wars and the Korean war | | | | The ceremonies will be under| si. | A as well units are expected to. he Tepre-| youngsters will be paraded to the |park where the prizes and treats! will be distributed. will be conducted in front of the town hall Sunday, November 9 at 10.30 a.m. | the direction of Bowmanville Branch 178 of the Canadian Le- gion, BESL, and many organiza- tions, including town council the ministerial association, fraternal organizations, and service clubs, | as cadet and militia sented. Auction System Proposed For eral years ago. If all goes as {plannd, the celebration | pected Hog Producers BOWMANVILLE -- About 500 Bowmanville youngsters are ex-| pected to take part in tonight's| gigantic Hallowe'en celebration to be climaxed at the Cream of Bar- ley Park with a huge bonfire. The Bowmanville Centennial Committee, which is sponsoring] the first event of this kind to be held, have stockpiled 500 bags of | Hallowe'en candy, and 500 horns should make the "Seventy-Six Trombones" sound the Health of Animals Division, BOWMANVILLE AND DISTRICT NEWS Representative R. CZIRANKA Phone MA 3-7224 BOWMANVILLE -- Dr. 1. J. pool when three dogs had to be tune Woolsey, field veterinarian with destroyed. Doctor Thinks Rabies Reached Peak Locally For the present time there is ' nothing to get alarmed about, but tions should be Ant pry The Times corr p ; y pr like the wind sighing in the wil-' Federal Department of Agricul- Pontypool states a farmer in the followed, states Dr. Woolsey. ows. The festivities will begin at Vin-| querade judging contest. Once activities there are concluded the This is the first time that such | since the mass Hallowe'en parties at the arena were curtailed is ex- to become an annua !ture, said Thursday that he does Millbrook district, | not believe the rabies situation in| miles east of Pontypool had to de:| cent Massey school with the mas-| Durham and Ontario counties is|stroy two young heifers suspect- the a5 alanming as the situation re- ed of rabies, while another farm- | ported in Grey and Simcoe coun- ies. ian that he conta not "this ation as serious. | apparently were caused hy poeu- isince he was not a venture has been attempted i ip These areas, but felt|four skunks, four horses, and two, sev. that the incidence of rabies here pigs |has not increased to the high de-| with rables in Durham. gree reported in the two Georgian j/Bay area counties. To date 174 cases of rabies in|reached in July, but since that {Durham and Ontario have been|time it has slackened off and is confirmed by laboratory tests. Of presently being maintained on a this number of cases, 79 have fairly level scale. {occurred in Ontario and 95 in about * three| CHILDREN DIE PORTLAND, Ore. (AP)-Two ler was forced to do away with|children were dead when a group two young bulls. People in this|of Korean orphans arrived here | particular district regard the situ- by plane Thursday. The deaths During 1958 six cats, nine sheep, monia. The children were among in constant 81 orphans brought to new homes lin the U.S. by Harry Holt, a have been reported infected Creswell, Ore.. f 4 Dr. Woolsey stated that the rabies crisis in this area was SUBSCRIBERS THE TIMES TORONTO (CP)--Major meat, Rotary Seeks packers have proposed an auc-| tion system of marketing to On-| tario's 78,000 hog producers. | Durham, explained D® 0 | BOWMANVILLE This would indicate that slightly po FOR MISSED PAPERS AND New Members less than 20 per cent of the 1000 | BOWMANVILLE'S. FINEST The proposal has been ad-| cases of rabies reported in the) TAX! SERVICE PHONE {vanced to the Ontario Hog Pro-| BOWMANVILLE -- The Bow-|province since the first of the {manville Rotary Club has inaug- year, have occurred in Ontario STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3.5822 | Graham Pinkney, Chief How- ard Traves, Murray Godfrey, who received the pennant on behalf of his schoolmates, Deputy-chief George Dunn and Mayor William Parish. --Photo by John Mills sections. He said that he would present a gift to the school which remained accident - free until the summer vacation next FOR MISSED | PAPERS | IN AJAX It you hove not received your Times by 7 p.m. coll AJAX TAXI AJAX 333 | All gofls must be placed before 7.30 p.m. eration with the Safety Com- | Constable Howard Traves mittee sponsored a pennant | spoke briefly to the children raising af Ajax schools Thurs- | and warned them of the haz- i day. The "Elmer" pennants | ards of riding twe on a bicycle, | June. Picture shows the pen- will fly at each school until a of playing on busy streets and | nant raising at Lord Elgin pupil of that school is involved | chasing each other at inter- | junior school. Left, Principal Disaster Brings End To Mining In Family VANCOUVER (CP) -- Jim Ta-600-foot level before I left there|Two of them lost their husbands bor got out of mining before itjand I know what a bump can|in earlier Springhill accidents. killed him. |do." | The Tabor familv was active Four other members of his ONLY OPPORTUNITY in mining at Springhill for 67 family were not so fortunate --| Jim started in the Springhill|years but the latest tragedy ap- they're all missing in the latest mine when he was 13. "There's pears to be the end. Springhill, N.S., disaster. no other opportunity. It's either! "I knew it was coming,' said Said Jim sadly: {the mines or get out." Jim. "I think everyone did. This "I'm not very good at facing] He got out of Springhill; but|is the end of the Tabor miners." grief. 1 couldn't talk to anybody not out of mining. He lost part for a couple of days after I got|of his left leg five inches below | Ajax Kinsmen club in co-op- | In a traffic accident. Chief | { * M | singling Rar to = a program to geetre new and Durham counties. Minister Goodfellow. Two meet. Members. Some of the less ob-| The disease has been prevalent {i h held wo hird | vious classifications are being mostly in foxes and cattle and Dr. ings have been held and a third| TRY 04 in the club's bulletin, Woolsey added that the number B sc for Nov. & { does not prevent mem- of rabid dogs is quite low. 2 {but this ] The big packers, representd pers from securing candidates) gi .o yan 2 when the first rabid fox was destroyed in the| Squirrel Joins [by the Meat Packers' Council of rom other than those listed. Canada, are understood to want| Included in the list of classifica-| iho reaches of Ontario coun-| Master I fn ] ail {auctions in Toronto and Kitchener tions not yet filled are: agricul-'tv 84 rabid foxes have been ac-| {with sales lots varying according| ture, - general farming; anima | counted for. Fifty-two cattle have |to the wishes of the buyer. More pushandry, cattle raising; veterin-| heen found rabid but only 13 dogs | 1+ you hove mot received your | Times phone your carrier boy first. If you are unable to con- tact him by 7:00 p.m. TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Cells Accepted Between 7 ~7:30 p.m. Only in KANGAROOS PESTS K DETROIT (AP) -- The hard auctions centres were considered | ary medicine; chemical industry, inag to be destroyed because of heart of the law softened Thurs-| a possibility. |cleaning compound manufactur-| apies. day to permit an injured squir-| mye gmall meat packers, mem-|ing; and clothing industry, dry| rel to join its master in jail. bers of the Domestic Processors' goods. |CATTLE DESTROYED a oe jobless Chatfie Spuriock, Association, were called into the | Latest cases occurred at Ponty- i S p A | day on a bad cheque charge, po- ke Dv atricdoye Mifistar . d Ki \ lice carried off his pet squirrel| "2 BROT CL CS He ol Ie) 1ttens | Perri, to the dog pound. Charlie|e, 0 0 | . yept at the separation. . { "oe goes Te with| Under the existing marketing F I Slain | : me." he said. "She hangs onto|system, hogs are sold on the 0X S my jacket and sleeps in the|basis of an asking price or near-| (oy \REMONT -- A red fox kill- pocket." ; 22 ster fom howl 4 packing ed two of three kittens on the Charlie was so upset that Jail| rms. Sales are made in oronto back porch of a Pickering Town- | A Nini attendants got permission to re-(as hogs arrive at 16 ¥! ship tarmh Wednesday night | the wire. {the knee in a coa acci-| oos have reached plague|turn the squirrel to him. Spur- points throughout Southern On-iy.rire being shot and kilied by But my ,SorTow now is for|dent in 1945 at Bellevue, Alta. proportions in Australia, reduc-|look joyfully popped Perri into|tario. Owen Gray, 30. The body was Mother. She's 74 and she's the|He then came to B.C. where he|ing vegetation needed for cattle his prison shirt pocket and fed| The marketing agency is be-|sent to the Department of Agri-| one that will suffer most. {has held various jobs. and sheep. it peanuts. lieved to be reacting cooly to the| culture offices at Bowmanville for GOING BACK Another brother, new offer on the ground it would|a rabies test. Jim, 39, arrived here Thursday now lives in Victoria as a night from his job at an Elk Bay, (yard worker, quit the Springhill B.C., logging camp. He plans to mine six years ago. He was trap- legve for Springhill early next/ped in No. 2 shaft after week with hopes of bringing his|a "bump" in 1926. er out West to live with "Seword wasn't injured but the 3 man with him was killed," said Among those missing in Spring-|Jim. Bill's No. 2 mine are his broth- HE"LL QUIT NOW ers, Monty, 33, and Hollis, 35;| A fifth bfother, Eiroy, is a his brother-in-law, Johnny Jack-|Springhill miner. He was off son, 41, and his cousin, Tommy|duty whén last Thursday's dis- Tabor, 40. : aster occurred. "He intended to ¥'There's no hope," he said. "I|quit before and it's certain he kiow they're gone. I know that|will now." y Ne. 2 shaft. I worked on the 12,-| There are also five Tabor girls. , who dock- Crowds Roar Approval | 'At Pope's First Blessing | VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Thou- predecessor, Eugenio Pacelil, the |sands in the Vatican Square |late Pope Pius XII. roared approval when Pope John| ALLED COUNTRYMAN ng Hopped io He balcony of The Pacellis were patricians t. Peter's Basilica to give his f first Blessing to the city of Rome He Roncaliie rumble SouBtEy. and the world fd bi sometimes been called a country- 0 .. the narrow streets of Sotto| 720° It is a quality that has en- onte--which means under the soared nim to many. from the mountain--children danced and|yiace "oe pie Dy Ro shouted: dy { " : r: {heads of state with whom he had| Long life to Roncalii. Long | ong years of contact as a repre-| live the Pope." | i i rbd i sentative of Vatican diplomacy. For it was in that little Italian |", quality of quasi-joviality the 262nd pontiff of the Roman| : a) 4 : province more than anything else Catholic Church was born Angelo immediately marks the differ- years ago. He was the child of a he : poor farmer--about as different predecessor, the ari tocratic Ro- man who for 19 years guided the {man family that gave birth to his ficult war and post-war period. ew men looked less alike: | NEWS BRIEFS John, a 210-pounder with a ro bustness belying his years, a WOODSTOCK, Ont. (CP) -- A |ground. {blue heron with a 10-foot wing- SIMILARITIES, TOO (flew into high - tension power ties: Dedication to the church |wires, throwing the city and sub-|from early life, intimate experi- |utes. years in the church's diplomatic PREDICTS WEATHER service, association with foreign| | fisherman Levi Drodge claims he bassador, staunch defenders of| {can predict weather for six morality, devotion to study, re- |formations, stars, sunrises, sun-| The new Pope was one of 12 sets, moon phases and variations children, his father a sharecrop-| SAME BIKE 1881. YORKTON, Sask. (CP) -- Tele-| Young Angelo was only 11 when | delivery boy showed up for work |at Bergamo. Twelve years later, | on the same bicycle he himself (on Aug. 10, 1904, he was ordained | favor the bigger packers. Last spring the board rejected a pro- posal for the Dutch clock system of marketing, FUGITIVE ARRESTED GUELPH (CP)--A 17-year-old fugitive was arrested on a York Township road Thursday and po- lice said he was the last of nine prisoners who broke out of the Ontario Reformatory at Guelph last Monday. Bryan Baker, a Toronto native, offered no resistance. He was serving two years less a day for car-theft. f ] i | Mrs. Alec Gray, Owen's mother, | i C 0 im lete Yo Ul I saw the fox when she stepped] onto the porch to feed the kit-| tens. Owen shot it with a .22-| calibre rifle as it held one of the| kittens in its mouth. { SONGWRITERS PROTEST | LONDON (Reuters)--The Brit- | ish Songwriters Guild Thursday described some of the products | of Tin Pan Alley as '"unwhole- | some, often erotically - angled American rubbish." The guild] was protesting the "shameless| plugging" of American records by the BBC, $50 to without endors 10) 2:8 (0) 3 OPEN SATURDAY LOANS or bankable security OTHER OFFICES IN: Toronto (2), $5000 FINANCE UNTIL 12 NOON Willowdale, New" Toronto, St. Catheri Londen, Hamilton, Peterborough, Kitch 17 Simcoe Street North Kingston end Ottawa. RA 5-6541 had used when a delivery boy. - | He had sold it to the boy's father | in 1935. | GROUP TUITION WINNIPEG (CP) -- Schools in WEDDING AT AJAX Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leon- | Mrs. Edward Desroches, and Nx hoa, Sotjowing the groom is the son of Mr. [nearby St. James have introduced Paul's United Church, Ajax. | and Mrs. Leonard Tait, all of |SThP DE ee es A The bride is the former Shir. | x. i | school hours, with parents paying ley Jean, daughter of Mr. and --Photo by G. Belfry [fall fees for the services of an WOOD'S TRANSPORT AND CARTAGE (WHITBY) LIMITED Daily pick-up and delivery service between Oshawa and Metropolitan Toronto, via High- ways No. 2 and 401 including service to such off - highway points as PICKERING BEACH, FRENCHMAN'S BAY, FAIRPORT BEACH, ROSEBANK and PORT UNION. Telephone Oshawa RA 5-4623 Whitby MO 8-3408 Toronto EM 3-2341 SHIP VIA WOOD'S TRANSPORT FOR FAST AND EFFICIENT SERVICE Alpine town of 1,800 people that, on" 0" his native Bergamo) Giuseppe Roncalli nearly Tonce between Pope John and his |as could be from the noble Ro-| burch through an extremely dif- Foes Jy Pius, slender, frail ascetic; HERON HALTS POWER {heritage of his peasant back- {span was electrocuted when it| But there are many similari- {urbs into darkness for 25 min. |ence with Vatican administration, | ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP) -- Ex- government heads as a papal am. | months in advance through cloud search and scholarship in bush growth. {per. Angelo was born Nov. 25,/ graph operator Bill Stearn's new (he entered the diocesan seminary | a priest in Rome. | OPENING OF THE BASE LINE ROAD CYRIL E. MORLEY, Warden, County of west of Harwood Avenue. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE BASE LINE ROAD by THE HOROURABLE F. M. CASS, 0.C. MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS _ ° THE HONOURABLE nd Ontario The John Mills Bridge is located at Duffins Creek, approximately one mile M. B. DYMOND, M.D. MINISTER OF TRANSPORT THE JOHN MILLS BRIDGE IN AJAX Wednesday, November 5, 1958, at 4 p.m. Chairman, Road & Bridge JOHN MILLS, Committee RECREATION ROOM IS WITH MASONITE PANELINE ® LIGHTWEIGHT ® STRONG @ MODERN OLONG LASTING PANELS 4 FT. X 7 OR 8 FT. PER SQ. FT. 15¢c © NO DOWN PAYMENT e FREE ESTIMAT © EASY PAYMENT PLAN "Oshawa's Most Complete Supply House" MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES 1279 SIMCOE NORTH RA 3-4694

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