EE ET IR TN PRET RES Ti TY Th) THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS "= THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Ostober 31, 1958 13 OFFICE HOURS 8 AM. to 5 P.M. MONDAY to FRIDAY "SATURDAY § TO n 1--Accountants 8--Building Trades 16--Insurance 22--Radio & TY Repairs INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATION 1=--Accountants 2-~Barristers 3--Chiropracter sts 4==Penti S--Nursing Services . Deodlines now in effect for this column; Births, Memorioms, Cords of 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 BIRTHS GLASPELL -- Glen and Eleanor (nee J==Surveyors 76 Veterinarians 8--Bullding Trodes 9-Building Material 10==Sharpening Service | Monteith, Riehl and Co. MONTEITE: td Charter tees, Ao, Oshawa, Stratford, Hon. J. W. Monteith, F. tieth, R. F. Lightioot, CA; George W. Treth- wey, CA. RA 53527, 135 Simcoe Street BOB Clancy's Ontanu Accounting Serv- p ices offers complete ices for small business, 184 wi RA dence, RA 3-7 8. T. HOPKINS and Company, fied Public CLEANING enismiars and fireplaces, » fireplaces and all minor repairs. Fankie and Johnny. RA 81435, Nov Toronto; FAC; A. B. Mon- and | completed, Call .27 | Clarke, ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, Save up| LENS and To Low's 8 Antennke. 10 20 per cent, nine months to pay. For Complete, Botor ioe Roigr, anjenia, service at your home, call 413. SPECIALIZED radio and television Comm., CA; G. W. Riehl, CA; FOR HIGH CLASS painting and deco- rating, after business hou orth, Oshawa. SPECIALIZING mn and fire- phone B, A. Upton st RA 3.2977 | ing Nov.16, sery. | Places, building new, repairing old, and Street | all minor repairs. Call RA 8-1435. M'ov.8 ; Resl- BRICK' laying, block laying, {cement work. A. J. Groen, Certi- ville, MA 3.2970, PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings, 3509 fixtures, new and used, ch from septic tanks to sewer a speci In- ig 0, Infor. at mation and estimates free o of plumbing. Dial RA SAL, J. Soler. 'est, Room 1, Office 605. rocountat Bn iy Street East, Oshawa, Onl A Hagler =: Co., YALE, pPriedlandts, id erent in pat P 54 King | Trustee ple: ' Yue, CAs CPA general | Bowmasn- East, Oshawa; B. F B. Co 11 ==Business Opportunities |1a==Business Opportunities Wanted 12-=Dressmaking |3=Gardening & Supplies | 4aeHousehold Repairs | S--~Instruetion | 6=Insurance |7==Mbney to Loan 18--=Loan Wanted 1 8a~=Mortgages 19--Personal 20-=Cort 3ge 21 =~Personal Service 42==Radio Repairs 23--Women's Column 24~--Market Basket 25--Pets and Livestock 26--Farmer's Column 27==Fuel, Wood | B=5 Resorts 28a-~Hunting 20~Summer Properties For Sole or Wanted Dyer) are happy to announce the ar- rival of a baby boy, on Thursday Oe- 30, 1958, at the Oshawa General A brother for Steuart and | ROBERTSON -- Jim and Lorene are | | a pleased to announce the artival of their| daughter, 6 Ibs, 11 ozs, on Tuesday, October 28, 1958, at the Oshawa Gen eral Hospital. A wee sister for Kim, and birthday present for Daddy. DEATHS CASSIDY, William Joseph -- Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Cassidy (nee Joy Hardsand) of Nova Scotia and formerly of Oshawa, born Tuesday, Oc- r 28, 1958 and died October 30. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cassidy, 1231 Cedar Street, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. George d, Har- wood, Ontario. For Funeral Flower Found Arrangements See 30--Lost and ans 31==Articles For Rent | LEWINGTON'S 32-=Articles Wanted | FLOWERS 34-<Auction Sales PHONE RA 3-9533 35--Employment Wanted 24 King St. East, Oshawa 36-=Female Help Wanted (2 doors from Karn's Drug 37--Male Help Wanted store), Jaecdian or Femole Help Wanted IN MEMORIAM pi 4) «Room end Board 42--Room and Board Wanted MONAGHAN ~ In loving memory of # dear mother and grandmother, Eliza- beth Yonay who passed away Oc- 43-~Wanted To Rent | 44--For Rent 45--Real Estate For Sale 450--Real Estate Exchange 46-~Real Estate Wanted 47~Automobiles For Sale 48~A Wanted 49-=Automoblle Repairs 50--Articles For Sale S1==Swap and Barter 52-Legal Notices CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Gosh Charge 2.07 a wonderful 'mother, Our sven who never grew old, He made her smile of He made her heart of pure gold. God knew that she was suffering, And the hills were hard to climb, 80 He closed her weary eyelids And Whispertd peace be thine ~Loving remebered and sadly mivesd oy daughter Dolly and son-in- faw Doug and grandchildren. MONAGHAN ~-- In loving memory of 8 dear wife and mother, Elizabeth an, ham Joa called to be with etober 31, ty 's lonesome haat you, mother, And the weary way, For life is not the same to us Since you were called away If we had all the world to give, We'd give it, yes, and more, To hear your~ voice and see your smile And greet you at the door. 80 you who have a mother, Cherish her with care, You'll pever know a heartache ji yOu see her vacant chair. ~fovingly remembered and sadly "missed by husband George, daughter Theresa and sons Willlam and George CARD OF THANKS WE, would like fo take this oppor: funity to express our sincere gratitude to many friends, relatives and neighbors, and all those who assisted in any way during our recent bereave- ment. Mrs. Walter Stevenson and family. MAPLE GROVE SILVER WEDDING Friends and neighbors present. ed a set of chrome kitchen chairs to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gim- blett Friday, on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gim- blett, Columbus, heid a family presentation Saturday evening when nearly 80 people were pres- ent. Mrs. George Gilroy, a niece, presented her aunt and uncle with a corsage and boutonniere. An evening of cards was t to a close when Mrs. rank Simpson read an address and the couple were presented with a trilight lamp. Russell McNeill, Oshawa, acted as master of ceremonies for the ] CONSECULS VE NSER 1.88 ON é COnsECuT IV INSERT IONE 3.00 3.30 It not paid within 7 days the Charge rete will epply. Above rates apply only to eorl- ging! orders for consecutive inser- tions. Subseauent insertions ordered ot o later date constitute @ new original order, fessional and Business listings $678 per month for 3 lines daily. Ha additional line 75¢ per month. Each initial letter, abbreviation, $ and _c sign, figure, count as o word, Box charged 18¢ additional Classified Advertisements ne the day of Daily | | | | i MUST be B5, 'Saturday 813. REGULATIONS The Dally Times-Gazetts shall not be res ible for errors in advertisements submitted otherwise thon in writing, not for more than || one Incorrect insertion of any ad- vertisement, nor beyond the price charged fot @ single insertion of | the advertisements in which error occurs. And also reserves the right fo classify advertising according to its own classification. | John Aitchison, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snowden and Roy, Black- stock. Floyd Johnson is reported feel- ing bettér after being confined to Oshawa General Hospital with the 'flu. Linda Scott, Gloria Con- roy and Bob Whalen have also been fll. Mrs. M. Matton, Toronto, was| a Sunday dinner guest with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Laverty. Jean Labricque and Louise El- ilott celebrated birthdays this week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin and Lynda, accompanied by Mrs. R. L. Worden, Bowmanville, mo- tored to Beaverton and visited 7 | 6--Optometrists | 5 TRENCHING, BASEMENT and SWIMMING POOL EXCAVATIONS Home sewoge systems In- stalled. Reasonable prices. For free estimotes coll ART STEVENS Brooklin 173W Hourly or Contract Work Nov, 16 2--Barristers N A. MacDONALD, BA, Barrister ion Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street North, | Phone RA 8.8511, IBBON and Bastedo, Barristers, (Soneitors, Clients' Juels available for first mortgages. ,20 Simcoe Street North, RA 5-3566. Oharies C. McGibbon, Qc; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. Rand Kelly, Barristers, Soliel Henn , 7% Simcoe Street South, Dial RA 3.2278. Residence phones: J. M. Greer, BA, Sc., RA 53368; Terence V. Kelly BA BC L, RA hv) 2uhean R. Phillips ' mm., RA 8-1 oN "Blake Dodds, eh BPH ister and | Bolicitor, 26% xg Bs Epst. Tele- JACK C. MacDONALD PAINTER & DECORATOR Paperhanging and Painting Gyptex Free Estimates REER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar- one Solicitors and Not blic, SOD, TOPSOIL, MANURE Nursery Stock, Garden Mein- tenance, Tractor Grading end Reto-Tilling. HARDSAND LANDSCAPING RA 5-172] AJAX SOD SUPPLY Sod delivered end laid, field loading, Loam, sand, fill and stone. Grading, asphalting and excavation, PHONE AJAX 431 or RA 5-3422 OLA RA SALT, Russell Street East, 5 ing and es A. 'MacDonald. MANNING F. Swartz, Barrister, Solici- |tor, Notary. Money 'to loan. Henry | Block, 26% King Street East. RA 3-4607; | Residence, Dial 3-4029. AUMPHREYS "and, Boyehyn, Barris ters, Solicitors; D. Eumphreys, BC. Cs G. E. Beiter; ® LLB, 6 King Street West. Phones: Office, RA 51177; Res., RA 5.4604; or Whitby, MO 8-2761. Money. to loan. JOSEPH P. Mangan, QC, Barrister, Solicitor, Money to loan. Office, 18% King Street East, Oshawa. RA 98232, resiflence, RA 5-3405. JORUN A. CAMERON, , Barrister, Solici- tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street East. RA 3.2269. NHA and private mort-| gages arranged. ALPH 8. JONES, B ih Associate Barristers and Solici tors, 65 Simcoe Street South. RA 5 | 3525, Mortgage loans _aviilable, ALMERS, BA, rrister, Solici- 5% 13% Simcoe Street North. Dial office, RA 53741; residence, RA 5-5542. EIGHTON, Fr # r, Drynan and CHET Barrist olicitors, No tary Public, Bank of Commerce Build- ing, § Simcoe Street Joith, oA 2s: , QC; N, C 3 IT. K. Creignion os Ny nae ed. QC; NHA mortgages Arrang 4--Dentists i malp ti r DR, G. T. SCIUK, Office Hours 9 to 6. Open evenings by appointment, 259 Simcoe Street South. Phone RA 6 Street | DR. P. "RIORDAN, 3% "Simcoe South, office houra An 5.30. Bening by appointment 3-3621 Nov. 5--Nursing Services Work Guaranteed RA 3-7080 All 50 Nassau St, EXCAVATORS Basements & Trenches Machines for hire by the hour or by contract Len-Rae Limited NIGHT DAY MO 8-4003 MO 8-3731 Nov.22 CUSTOM & N.HA. HOMES Framing Trimming Additions Alterations Kitchen Cupboards Rec. Rooms TERMS ARRANGED Satisfaction Guaranteed A. JAMES ALLEN Bldg. Contractor 440 WILSON RD. N. RA 5:6126 PRE-CAST CONCRETE SIDEWALK SLABS COLORED PATIO SLABS UNIT STEPS -- RAILINGS CURBING SEPTIC TANKS BAR-B-Q ANDEN NURSING HOME (Licensed) KING ST. WEST Exclusive nursing home for convalescent and elderly peo- ple. (Men and Women). Nurses and dieticians In attendance: Tray service, radio, T.V. lounge. PHONE RA 5-2330 C. H, TUCK, Optometrist, "specializing in muscle anomalties, Syesight and glasses. Evenings, Mon., Fri, 6-8 Invalids examined at home, "ha 5.5143 | Disney Bldg., 31 King East. |7--Surveyors |F. 3. DONEVAN and Associates, land Surveying and Engineering, 12 Bloor Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 5632. Serie G. T. HORTON and Associates, Onthrlo Land Surveyors, Professional En, ing. 70 Harwood Avenue South, Ala 728 DONALD H., Trollope, Ontario jo Land Surveyor, 216 Alice Street. RA 65-6881. 8--Building Trad CEMENT work, drivew. cellar floors, general repairs, plaster- ing, foundations, and cellar walls. Prompt, efficient service. RA +0038, BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED PHONE BROOKLIN 155 |9--Building Materials DRY HARDWOOD Factory Cuttings and choice USED BUILDING MATERIALS ULUGITOFF OR ? RA 5-2621 | BUILDING "alterations and repairs, chimneys, plastering, 'parging nd water-proofing. Guaranteed work- manship. Bob Taylor, RA 59168. Nov.28 CARPENTER work, fram trim. ming, kitchen cabinets, NHA approved. Alterations and repairs, No jobs too big or too small. Work guaranteed. RA 3-3579. ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wesley. Mrs. Ron Rogers entetiained a number of ladies from Bow ville and Maple Grove Thursday| evening. The table was centred' by a an. | wedding cake decorated with pink and white streamers and a. buf- 'VACCINATE PETS was ai WALKERTON (CP) Clinics Mrs. Lloyd Wager, and Dale, Osh and Mrs. R. S. former neigh- - | Phone RA 5-3521, Harold R. Stark, Lid, i plumbing, heating and Simcoe Street South. G. T. HORTON and Assoc Com: | mercial White * Printing, 70 Harwood |Avenue South, Ajax. Phone Ajax 728, ALL types dwelling repairs, roofing, siding, plastering, and repairs. Chim- neys, hew and repaired. Dial RA 5-7247, Gordon May GE TIRE AL CONROY -- 24 years painter and paper hanger, a quick clean job, plus guaranteed workmanship. MO 8.3040 now, free estimates. Nov. 21 TOP SOIL 6-yard load ~~ $7.00 Cement ond road gravel. Fill, 6-yard load -- $3.00. RA 3-3162 Nov, 29 10---Sharpening Service HAVE your lawnmower sharpened how Baws, selssors, Knives, erey Neil, 02 HI RA 88363. "SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! | The most complete auto- matic grinding equipment in Oshawa for sharpening Hand- saws, Bandsaws (metal wood) Planer Knives ete, YOU NEVER SAW A SAW SAW LIKE THESE SAWS SAW LAWNMOWERS, SKATES, PRECISION GROUND STAN'S SHARPENING SERVICE Cor, King and Burke A 3-3224 -- 3 Opportunities STORE fc ntral, corner | [tion 44 x 18 feet. "ADDY in person J. | Pennokes, 134 Simcoe Street South, Oct. 11 GRAVEL Cement $9.00 per load. Road fine and coarse $8.00 per load. Be satisfied -- Dial RA 5.5279. w Py -- Nov. 31 FOR rent -- Office pa | phone answering service, HAYNES PART-TIME MW.F.| | SATISFACTION GUARANTEED | | COURTICE SOD AND A-1 field sod, sprayed ond fertilized. For free estimates call Ed Knowlton, RA 5-6047 CROSS TOWN SOD SUPPLY A-1 rolled, fertilized sod, cut fresh daily. Sod for trucks in field, Delivered or laid. Free estimates. . Prompt delivery. Phone RA. 2.8868. AJAX SOD SUPPLY Sod delivered and laid, field loading. Léam, sand, fill and stone. Grading, asphalting ond excavating. PHONE AJAX 431 RA 5-3422 | or BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME WITH AN ASPHALT DRIVE "Top soil, sod, cem®ht, 'and driveway gravel, sod laid. ALF. LINES HAULAGE AND PAVING .RA 5-1905 Reasonable Rotes HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING GREEN VELVET SOD supply and laid NURSERY STOCK. Everything for your garden, PHONE RA 3-9020 | | OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE CO. SOD--LOAM--FILL | SAND--GRAVEL--STONE | DIAL RA 3-3528 | ATTENTION 1,000 yards of loam for sale ot $1.10 a vard, in five and seven yard loads. KEN ASHMORE RA 8-8412 Nov. 10 TOP QUALITY DUTCH BULBS Hyacinths Tulips Narcissus Daffodil i Crocus | Snowdrops Dutch-Iris | Cooper Smith Co. 16 CELINA ST, RA 3-2312 | | FIRST and second b{abrements purchased snd {mick and Street East, RA 3.7232. LANDSCAPING SERVICE | 17--Money to Loan Say aes: Tat 199 pas, 32--Articles Wanted MIX-MASTER ~ (i ) with meat grinder attachment, RA 38311 | PIANOS ws Wg a so es Ba Eg television ice. Phone Brooklin 174R. 23--Women's Column HARVEY Dance Academy. Baton, tap, cadem: Beat" permatents, 650 Boral A [5 [ould waves, $5.50. 'Hairdressing, y ballet, y now. 424 King West. RA $4122. Pine Avenue. RA , ov. --- fos Mortgages 'snd "W. T, Cox, SWEET cider and apples, W. T, fim Barrier ane Nato |1% miles north of BTS, Bowmanville, Public, 26% East, Oshawa, RA/APPLES for sale. Pick your own and GLE money i bushel. A. W. Martin, Bowmanville, CLE MA 32594, Nov. Seighion, Fraser," Diyas {doch. Money Available : to Home Owners! Up to $3,000 for any good purpose, including down pay- ment on home, payment of existing mortgage, consolida- tion of debts, or purchases of any kind. NO PENALTY FOR PREPAYMENT Elliot Street. Call RA mortgages, s81¢/RADIO and tel Tepsis sad Sew sold, Hen- Bu s, 31 King loan om first mort Fetument of sas gf ORDERS taken for winter puaions, Phone RA 3-3250. A Phobs RA 3380. cme HUNDRED bushels table turnips, bar for kinds, gam quick Apples, all Bring containers, Bill de Vries Farm, (1% miles i. 2orth | RR 4, Bowmanville, of Training School), MArket 3. --= APPLES -- Macintosh, delicious Snows, $1.00 per bushel ond up. West of Simcoe N. on Taun- ton Rd. West, 6th road, tun north and go Y2 mile, Bring containers, Agloma Or- chards, Nov.3 25--Pets and Livestock 16th ANNUAL BLUE RIBBON SHORTHORN SALE Registered Shorthorns, 7 bulls, cows with calves at foot, bred ond open heifers, both horned ond polled. The Ontario Government will pay 1/3 of the purchase price on some of the bulls up to $200.00. Don't miss this Sale. JACK BAKER, Hompton Mgr. Auctioneers: -- PUNCAN SROWN, Ont, TED PRCRAON, Port Perry, Ont, Nov. 1 35--Employment Wanted ROOM and board for one gen nom: in Diivate home, good licality. RA 5-6195. 2514 ROOM and board for to downtown. Apply East, RA 3-781 ROOM and 8 for gentlemen, con- tinuous hot Wile home privileges. 241 Ritson Road South 2531 INGLE room and board in quiet home entlemen, close Elgin Street 2531 NO BONUS For fast, friendly service call SEABOARD | ATTENTION! German 8 lov- ers, We have an excellent selection of well bred puppies for people interested |in the breed rather than the price. | Reasonable. Show prospects, also pets. Pickering 91W4. 250¢ BOOKKEEPER _ ~ Pay roll, ete., fully time preferred. part "me pref Phone RA 5-5025, Fas0t I WILL give daily care to a child in my own home, while mother works, 353¢ | | DISCOUNT CANADIAN LTD. | 29% Simcoe Street South RA 5-1121 (Formerly Bellvue) mwfNoy. ~ German Shepherd, 18a--Mortgages male, even masta out, meat apt WE have clients with ihn {spayed Phone RA 5.7242, 2530 | e cliel monies pur- {chase first and second mortgages and| | BEAGLE pup, six months old, innocu- agreements of sale at a discount, Louis|l8ted for rabies. Ready for training. [8 Hyman, QC, 37 King Street East, Phone RA 52703 25% Oshawa. RA 3.4943. {DEER hounds for RA 5.6611 19--Personal ig ___|ATTENTION! German Shepherd lov- HYPNOSIS relieves tension, rs, lers, We have an excellent sélection of frustration, complexes, nervous pains, well bred puppies for Some imeretied habits, reduces weight, stops smoking, *| sonable. Show prospects, also pets. 1helps concentration in studies, 4 5 im. | proves salesmanship, ete, Consult Ed-| {Plehering 91 W 4. {win Heath, Institute of Ethical Hypno-| BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for |#is, Professional Building, 304 Dundas| training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. West, Whitby. Daily 19 p.m.; Satur. Broad, 114 Elgin Street East |day, 10 a.m. . 1 p.m. Phone MO 3482. 5oxER pups, golden f Ton Ties three] . Nov. 7.16) months, ears cropped. Champion stock. |HAVE you a ua drinking _ em? Write Bow MA 3.2137. Alcoholics Anonymous, Bor 140, Times. | 24 Gazette, Oshawa | CRIBUAHUA pu puppies, o stock. | Phone OXford Mrs. Grant, 43 Everett Crescent, Toronto 13. 254¢ ONE part Chihuahua dog for sale, very small. Phone after 5 p.m. . LI 3 ot. sale or lease, Phone 24 trimming, bathing, de- | BOARDING, in, Kennels. RA 5.6321, | fleeing. | novelty si, A 5-3338 MEN'S, Tadeo children's wear, knit. | ted to order. Reasonable. Phone 8 Py LADY would like to look after chf- dren, by the day. No school-age dren. RA 3.2506. RELIABLE woman would like office cleaning, evenings after 6 p.m. RA 0809, Ble 36--Female Help Wanted INTERESTED in making money? Sell ete, for Christmas. Dial =. Nov.28 CLERK - typist and book keeping machine operator, good workMg condi tions, Write Box 42 Times-Gazette, 2524 EXPERIENCED general housekeeper required for modern home, Live in. ust be fond of children (two), and ave good references. For appointment WOMAN to keep house, and care for two children while mother works, pris 9f | vate room, Be ibjsetion to New Cana- = - 54t [ROOM and board, wo Seatiomen, ts 24 dian. RA 8-80 SOORKERPER -- = Must "be capable of "ELECTROLYSIS 26--Farmer's Column | ; DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. Removal of Superfluous Hair. phone collect Bowmanville, MA 3.2679, Marie Murduff will be in |Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, __Nov. 2 23] Oshawe Nov, 4 and 5, Phone | 3 quantity of table ahd feed turnips | Genosha Hotel on these dates |for sale, $10 per ton in the field. Phohe | for eppointment. Oshawa RA 8-8670. Oct9,Nov4| 27--Fuel Wood | WANTED -- someone to, remove oft maple tree from back yard for the fa Dial RA 5.6628 after 6 p.m. 254f 30--Lost and Found | LOST = One red fender skirt on Athol, Street, Reward. Write Box 134, Ties {Cassiie, 21--Personal Service | JANE BLACK Slenderizing Studio, Slenderizing, reducing, Stearh Bath and Massage. f books. Apply in own SAnawritng. ating experience, marital - status, age, ete, to Box 139, [Teme Gazette. References required. EJ | WANTED -- a middle-aged woman to e| ooh ater children, live in. Phone RA 281 EXPERINCED cle grapher, ei nadia Naronal Reker a, Office, 3 King Wes | ovsRRRE ER wanted, between 50. 65, to take charge of modern bunga- plow. Must be fond of children. Friendly thiorma) fariily. Live in. Phone Aix | TTR 252¢ WANTED -- baby sitter for one hour & day, between 3 and 4 pm. RA Laide | Apply 764 Tennyson Street. Apple dovly PP) am please phone RA 5.7062 after 6 p.m, | wa 252¢ | Street. Monerave, RA 3-7006. | ROOM and board, single r room, good {home cooking, ten minutes' walk from four corners. Also garage for rent, Ar ply 240 Division Stree ROOM and board for ema tral, Hive mitten from four comers, Phone RA 88324. od ROOM and jes] , one or two girls to share room. Private home, Near south GM plant, RA 58240, ROOM and board for single man, Euro pean cooking. Apply 200 Athol Street. East; Phone RA 8.8075. 254¢ ROOM and board for gentleman, will- ing to share, large room, single beds, in clean private home. R. BEST in town, mingle beds, all modern conveniences, close to south GM. RA 5.4229. Apply 536 Lorraine Street, ROOM and board, good home-cooked meals, across from GM north plant. Home privileges with television. Apply 106 William Street East. 20 M - board for gentlemen, g good eals, sing beds, continuous hot 252 Arthur 2521 \! office worker, Avy} Ld 54 le Tr, Close to Fittings, Stre RA 8.0723 t ROOM and board for two in large front bedroom, with twin beds. Call RA 5-8434. 2491 share, private home. RA 8-0549 ROOMS centrally located, RA 85-3259, 2501 ROOM and board for gentlemen, pric vate, close to South GM Lunches pack- ed if pretesred, Homey atmosphere. RA 3 Sawa' Nov:15 43--Wanted to Rent DUPLEX or apartment for couple with baby. Must have yard and be centrally de |located within 10 minutes from four coffers, Best references. 57709 evenings. LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Our fee is less than a : "screened Phone RA 2524 45] "Simcoe St. South RA 5-9602 For Appointment Open 10. am, -- 10 p.m. Saturdays 10 o.m, -- 4 p.m, \31--Articles For Rent RENT A FLOOR SANDER AND FINISHER from DO-IT-YOURSELF HARRISON & KINSMAN 337 Simcoe St. S. RA 3-4425 | WEBBING'S HARDWARE 282 KING STREET WEST RA 3-4873 Cement Power Motor Chain Saw, Electric Hedge Trimmer, Centrifugal . Water Pump, Floor Sanders, Cement Mixer, Belt Sander, Do It Yourself With the ACE CLEANING CONTRACTORS| | STORES, OFFICES, FACTORIES | ond HOMES Floors, windows, walls end cellars cleaned. Washroom tleaning and sanitizing specialty. PHONE RA 5-7165 Nov 29 TeteHoNE | ANSWERING Service ahswér your phone whenever you are away from your office or residence. Rentals: Trowel, power tools and equipment you can rent at STAN'S SHARPENING SERVICE . * Cor King end Burk RA 3.3224 If there is any equipment not listed that you need give us a coll we rent (pretty neor everything). Chain Saws; and oscillating sanders; skill sows; drills; ext. ladders; paint sprayers; pipe thread: ing equip, up to 2'; electric hammer; chain hoist; post hole diggers; blow torchy sump pumps; floor nailers; For rates inquire:-- | MERCURY TELEPHONE ANSWERING | SERVICE 45 KING ST. EAST RA 8-1772 Nov.23 22--Radio & TV Repairs | -| Bruce R, Dalton, 75 Charl a Ss. al aries Street. RA { Lcinatruction BUILDING CONTRACTOR Floor experts. Old floors made like new. Hardwood or tiling. Carpenter work al= terations. Kitchen cabinets our specialty CALL RA 3.7196 DELIVERY CONTRACT $300 a month guaranteed for part-time Delivery work. Must be reliable, have car or light truck, $1,600 cash de- posit required. Give phone number. Writer-- BOX 141, TIMES-GAZETTE 252f | | ANDREW BUTLER BUILDING CONTRACTORS Brickwork, Block & Stonework Chimneys, Fireplaces Concrete Work General Repairs, Alterations, Satisfaction Guaruriteed Free Estimates 12---Dressmaking |DRESSM, alterations, and_ but. tonholes. Call RA 8-870 Nov. LADIES' ana girls' wear, specializing {in Sven HOwWNS and better aresnes ntment. RA 5.8772, Nov 13--Gardening & Supplies 14 Household Repairs an for earpentry, (plywood and hardwood) staplers; tillers; scythes; ete, 11132--Articles Wanted BO fr-JOURBELE. Test Fy own TV, radio and hi 8. dal Fred's Drive. i al King and Sund Street Wi pK a handym YOUR local moe gry chim. neys built and repaired, gas linings in. stalled, furnaeéd vAcuumed. Free esti- mate. RA 3.2997. |GET missing Ti, Ww a... now on chan: 2. New double power aerials, Special conversion, $20.95. Kelly TV, RA 55121. Nov.3 CEDARDALE CRESTERFTEL LDS like new. IDiat Fk yi FURNITURE repaired and reuphoister- . See our materials for recovering T! ; Student counsellor, 13 years' Fy Appointment only, RR Eid ov. Denon School, Baler, Pp, baton, pre. school acrobatic. Friday and Saturday Masonic Temple, RA 3.7283. May 21 HARVEY Dance Academy. Baton, (ap, | Royal Academy ballet, Highland. Regi- [ster now. 424 King West. RA 8.6122 June 2. SCRAP IRON. METALS LTD. IRON METALS TV owners! For expert call RA 8.5806. Ten SDMIRaL Oshawa El ur service, "J MWF floor, belt dise, S| |iNguRE your Merry Christmas! Earn | Christ mis money selling Avon cosme [tics a few hours a day. Write or plone |Miss E. Outerbridge, 42 Saranac Bou: _|levard, 'Toronto 19, Ontario. RU 2.7576 "between 8.9 am and reliable' tenants, Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. 93 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 8-5123 Sept. i ,20,28;001.7,9,11,27,20,31 | MANAGERESS --and-- SALESLADY ----for-- Young Folks Shoppe, Children's Wear Apply in person at YOUNG FOLKS SHOPPE 10 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH THURSDAY, OCT, 30 252¢ |44--For Rent APARTMENT, ceniral, two IArge | rooms, private bath, builtin cupboards and sink, ample storage space, heavy duty wiring. Suit two Jadies, or couple. RA 3.2428. 210 Mary Si Nov, 29 | #W0 furnished" rooms, bedroom and kitchen, with refrigerator, private stool, also very large furnished housekeeping room with refrigerator, adults only. Parking space. 99 Elgin Street Bakt, 253¢ CARGE holise for rent in Bowmanville area, hydro, on a good road. Write to | Box 145, Oshawa Times. apartment, difiing room, living room, LARGE "SECRETARY For Large Law Office Legal experience . preferred, but not essential. Must be well qualified in Shorthand ond Typing. ~Applications fully confidential, Write: Box 129 Times-Gazette 248h, FEMALE HELP WANTED Secretary Assistant to General Manager of small Manufacturing Company, in Oshawa, must also be willing to assist in filing and other general office work. This | position requires mature ex- perienced persun. Apply in confidence to Box 143, Osh- awa Times, stating experi- ence, references and marital status. 253d 5 PAPERS : : RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5.3432 RESIDENCE RA 5.4159 100 ANNIS STREET FREE PICK-UP SCRAP Row furs, live poultry, fea- thers, scrap iron and metal. I. TURNER T.V. AERIALS Sold and Installed Moved and Repaired 20-ft. aerial, $29 and up. ROLLAND T.V. RA 3-4849 TV-RADIOS rvice is oyr business only. 4-hour = Citv and Country. Music Studio for all Instruments Piano Tuning ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES New and Used Pianos Full selection of all instruments (New and Used) 477 Simcoe Street South a 16-~Insurance RA 5.0547 ROTOTFILLING, Jandueaping, elean-up fet lunch was served. Mr. and sh. Mrs. Gimblett expressed cand" Friends and relatives trom Osh | appreciation for the gifts and y 8 . of those préSent. home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goud wishes PR * |Shearer on the occasion of Mr.| PLAN TEA ne| Shearer's birthday. The local association of the "mae paverty, Dunnville and First Maple Grove Company of yr. and Mrs. Ernest Boyles, Pe-/ Girl Guide and Brownies Was to borough, called on Mr. andl chartered Monday, October 20, | n, Jim Li ty Monday with Mrs. Buttery, District Com- TS aI) Everly alonday. ' Alans | Edna Wiihelm, Waterloo, spent| missioner, officiating the weekend with her niece, The ladies are holding a candy| ye. Tom McGuirk | and home baking sale. and the|g;; ay dinner guests with Mr.| Guides will serve tea, December| |and Mrs. Tom McGuirk were Mr. | 9, in the Sunday schooi rooms. | r 4 v {and Mrs. Glen Kellar, Brian and| PERSONALS {Dale, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce, Todraff, David and Jlrs. Alen Newtonvilie, visited Mrs. John| Orillia. Whalen- last week, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLellan Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ralston, and family and Mrs. Don Mec-| 8r., Moorefield, visited Mr. and Lellan all of Ajax were Sunday Mrs. Jack Ralston Sunday. guests of Mrs. John Whalen. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott visit: Mrs. T. McGuirk 8r., Ottawa, ed friends in Toronto recently. Visited her son and daughter-in-| Mr. and Mrs. Bud Keddy, Whit- Yaw hid and Mrs. Tom McGuirk, by, visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert| Saturday. Shearer. Mr. and Mrs. Jack O'Neill, who Friends and relatives gathered| Were recently married, will make at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Max|their home in Toronto. Morrissey recently to celebrate Mr. MacConroy's birthday. Isobel Townes, Toronto, recent guest of her sister, for vaccinating household pets E. Dobbs against rabies will be conducted Mr. hnd Mrs at 33 Bruce County centres in the Bryan, Wayne week starting Nov. 10. The county awa, called on Mr Federation of Agriculture has de Wilton and other cided to sponsor the vaccinations bors on Sunday. to combat the spread of rabies Mrs. Eugene Dobbs entertained | among foxes in southwestern On a number of friends from Hunts-| jtario. ville over the weekend. RS ER Luther Barraball, Orono, spent] TO VOTE ON LAND SALE Friday evening with Mr. and] SARNIA (CP) -- A tentative Mrs. Russell Gimblett. {agreement for the surrender and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin, |sale of a major portion of Sarnia accompanied by her sister, Mrs.|Indian reserve to Crown Trust A. D. Christie, Epsom, visited re-| Company has been drawn up, and latives 'ii Sunderland Wednesday | wil be voted upon next Wednes Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gimbiett, [day at a meeting of members of Bowmanville vere Sunday the Indian band. Crown Trust guests of his parents, Mr. and representing Interests not ve Mrs. Russell Gimblett identified, has been wegotiating | Sunday visitors to Mr. and Mrs. for purchase of more than 3,000 Alan Snowden were Mr. and Mrs. acres. | 4 jobs and lawn service. Phone RA 5. 2370 and RA 51576, Nov.2 CEDAR trees for hedge holes quality, all sizes, also all nursery SPECIAL Good Top Soil FIRE INSURANCE WITH BROAD EXTENDED COVERAGE. All Risk Out- RA 8-5286 | OSHAWA ELECTRONICS CALL BARONS' for TV. | | | | RA 3-2043 (collect) CARS WANTED guaranteed service on Radios ond Washers. | ation IEE plasterers, $2.50 per hour. | Lakemount Road, Oshawa or RA 3.3122 250 Immedie possession, |WATKIN'S routes availabie, fall 6 0. CAFETERIA WORKER TO WORK WEEKENDS Apply Field Aviation Company Ltd. Munici- pal Airport, Oshawa. P.O. BOX 366 | 254c 37---Male Melp Wanted [BRC RL, AYERS wanted for Belleville RA 2511 wanted, | 1514 J. and D, Gross, full or MWF Nov. 17/8! 24-Mour Service | FOR WRECKING [== 2 | FURNISHED two - | children. RA 3.4 Hitchen, main floor, Frivee entrance, TV antenna, RA 3-700; 3 [SIX room brick ho and garage, (oll heated, $110 monthly, RA 85-4289. 253¢ [Two furnished housekeeping roems for couple, bedroom and kitchen with | refrigerator and parking space. Cen- |tral.. Apply 186 Agnes Street, FIVE rooms; main floor, private en- france. and bath, Heat and electricity | supplied, $80 monthly, RA 57915 before |6 p.m. TWO unfurnished rooms, rent reason- able. Apply 302 Jarvis Street, 254 FOUR rooms and bathroom, heat and ilgnis, child welcome. RA 5.5012, Cour- 254c pg single room for gentleman, close lo Shopping Centre. RA 8.5267 or 350 Frontenac, | TWO large rooms, sink {around floor. 245 MeNa | FUNISHED two rooms and K Kitchen, in attic apartment, refrigeratdr and eink. Abstainers, adults only, 37 Arling. ton, 254b LARGE, furnished housekeeping room with private bath, suitable for married couple. Apply 730 Simcoe South. 254f "room apartment | (large - kitchen and large bedroom), | cupboards, rangette, ice-box, Also one Nagle room, light housekeeping. RA 254b | FIVE rooms, living room, kitchen, three bedrooms, use of full size base- ment, large garden. Children welecom- ed. 497 Oronto Avenue after 6.30 p.m. Turn at Hillerest off Bloor East. 254f THREE . room apartment, priva trance, very central, heated and elec. tricity. RA 5-1191. |FIVE . room brick house, garage, three bedrooms, attached located near Courtice, on Highway 2, $75, RA See TWO rooms and kitchen, unf Hr Apply 336 Ritson Road South. 254a ONE nicely furnished light housekeep- ing robm, with sink, suitable for two. Girls preferred, reasonable rent. Apply 200 King West, Apartment 2 254f NEW room apartment, immedi- ate possession. Apply 1055 Ravine Road after 6 p.m., Mr. Sheather 254¢ GROUND floor, two "unfurnished rooms. sink In kitchen, prvate entrance, no R 378 254f THREE . bedroom house with full basement, on' double corner lot, vicin- pA Park Road South, only four years » newly decorated inside and out. Details, Whitby 291b five - SUNNY, n, central, Every convenience kfast if desired. Phone RA 3- 9203, gH Athol Street Bast. 2541 rm i in, PHONE RA 3.2263 After Hours Call RA 5-0624 Nov.8 | | board Motor and Boat Poli- ki of stock. Hillside Landséaping. RA 3.8020, Nov 15 WELL rotted manure for "sale, by the | yard or load. RA 8.3% Nov.30 TREE trimming, OEE ut with chain saw, Free estimates TT. | $1.50 per yard Gravel 3/ stone tractor and loader RA 5.2156 Nov. 16 cies. Save 10% with a Com- posite Policy. Auto Insurance Installment Plans if desired: ROBERT 5S. McCALLUM PHONE RA 5.6402 254f| Electrohome, R.C.A Victor, Admiral, Westinghouse The finest in television and service PARKWAY TELEVISION 918 Simcoe N,--RA 3-3043 | JUNIOR DRAUGHTSMAN Required to perform detail draughting work on machine tool installations, jigs and fix- tures, etc, High school edu- cation essential with one or two years experience pre- ferred. Address replies to | AMF ATOMICS CAN, LTD, | PORT HQPE, ONTARIO. Scrap iron and metals bought. Call SHAW RAG & METALS co 89 Bloor Street. East RA 5-2311 OPEN SATURDAYS W) TWO completely furnished light house- keeping rooms, including electric re- frigerator, heat, lights, continuous hot water, use of Mashing machine, cen- tral to htre and uit Ting BE 815 weekly. RA 24a [APART in Blooklin, all conven fences, sult business couple or two or three business girls. Phone Ajax 63.) 254f BRIGHT cheerful front room, furnished for two to share, light housekeeping optional, two minutes from four corners. RA 5-84600, 854