Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 31 Oct 1958, p. 9

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TORONTO TORONTO 1 1AM. STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exchange--Oct. $1 (Quotations in cents --0dd lot; xd -- Ei rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) Industrials 175 5 1200 430 Alg Cen vt 225 Algoma 230 Alumini 175 Argus Atlas Steel +1 FE Can Perm rt1274 C Bank Com z5 Cdn Brew 210 CBAL A wits 180 C. Collieries 500 C Colli pr 100 C Curt W 9925 305 CPR 2179 CWN Gas 5% 250 Cockshutt 200 Conduits 200 Con Paks 111 Con Gas 155 Copp Clark 270 y Corby B z10 $19 Crown Trust 125 $23 225 420 . 83 z10 Dom Elect D Fndry D D Fndry rts D Magnes Dosco Dom Text DD Found rts Fed Grain Fndtn Gatineau G Dev 100 GMC 65 GN Gas wits 100 3 GN Gas B wt 100 Greyhnd Imp Bank Imp Oil Imp Tob pr 1 Ac wits Inglis Inland C pr Inland Gas Inter PL Jefferson Kelly wits Labatt Lakeland LobCo A LobCo B MacMill A MacMill B M Leaf Mill Mass-F Mass-F pr North Star N Star wis N Star wt 56 NO NGas 0 Jockey O Jock wis Page-Hers . Toronto, 1 | ++11 FEEEFR v $28% Walk GW $32 W Copper Weston A Wpg Cent Woodward Curb Anglo-Nfid 1 $63 CD 8 $36 $9 400 331% $6% $17% $21% $29 $45% Price Br 25 $44% Third CG Inv 100 ~ $6% Oils 2000 20% 600 165 250 975 300 180 2925 276 200 136 400 400 200 1000 850 Acme Gas + Asamera Bailey 8 A Banff 595 C West Pete Duvex 2 Gr Plains 100 Home Oil A 400 Home Oil B 700 000 NCO pr Pac Pele Peruv Oils Pétrol Phillips Provo Gas Ranger Scurry Spooner Triad Oil U Canso vt Un Oils W Decalta W Naco Akaltcho Algom Algom viw Anacon Anglo Hur nsil Arjon Aubelle Barnat Base Metals Baska B-Dug Belcher 2600 Bellekeno 1000 C Denison 1841 C Den wis 280 375 C Discovery 1500 C Halliwell 35050 Con Howey 300 C Mogul 160 Con Negus 2000 C Red yPop 500 Cop-Man 1100 Coprand 500 Crestaur 500 Cusco 7000 D2 Cour 1000 Dome Donalda E Amphi 36 $393 39% 3 2% 28% + % NK 1% Labrador 9 9 31 6% 17% A Maralgo 6% Maritime 36 Matatch Mcintyre 21% 29 41 41 Gen Montreal Stocks Foundation 380 Gatine; au 80 Dynam 1150 $35! 300 Home Oil A Home Oil B 200 H Smith Hud Imp 5050 Bay 185 Inv A 510 Int Nickel 260 $86 Int Util 76 $29 Inter PL 50 MacMill 5 100 Mass Fer 375 TRANSFORMATION da RIN THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 31, 1958 sat A TE i UM SARE we Fae 45 "a 6% Mn Corp Pianta Mt Wright Nat Expl New Alger N Dicken N Goldvue New Hosco New Jason Newlund N Man N Mylama Nipissing Noranda Que Ascot Que Chib Que Cop Rexspar Roche Rockwin Rowan Cons Sand Riv Sherritt Sil Miller S§'ocan VR Stanleigh Stanigh wis Steep R Taurcanis eck- Temag Thom L Trin Chib U Asbestos Un Fort Upp Can Ventures * Willroy Wil wis A jen Wr Harg Yale Lead Zenmac Curb Bulclo 100 375 375 Yukon Con 500 65 65 Sales to 11 a.m.: 646,000 MONTREAL MONTREAL 11:30 a.m. STOcks By The Canadian Press Montreal Stock Exchange--Oct. 31 (Quotations in cents unless marked §. 2---0dd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr -- Ex- rights, xw--Yx-warrants.) Industrials 11:30 Net Low a.m. Ch'ge 36 6 -- 24% 32% 22% Stock Abitibi 205 Abitibi pr z15 Alumin z11 Alum 1 pr 100 Alum 2 pr 25 Asbestos 280 875 125 40 1013 890 BA Bank note 20 BA oil 655 BCE 4% pr 55 BC Power 105 BC Phone 135 Brown 350 Bales 3 U% Mass Fer pr 220 McColl Molson A Molson B Mont Liz N St Car Noranda Ogilvie Pacific Pete Page Hers Penmans Placer Prov Trans Q N Gas Que Pow Roe AV Foval Bank 230 St L Corp StL Cor A pr 225 $100 Sulada-§ B 50 $50 Shawin 1918 Shaw pe 8 cks Bicks vt Sicks pr S'mpsons Steel Can T-Dom ris T-Dom Bk Tr Can PL 192; Walk GW 00 Webb Knapp 1935 Weston A 40 Canadian Abitca 3100 41 41 Arg 'Nid 100 36% 6% C Dom Sug 325 $26 25% Cdn Arena 5 $150 Cdn Pow C Paper ") Mtl Refrig 5 M R Dairies 725 Prem Steel 500 Que Phone 23 Que Ph rts 4% Reitman 225 Maurice 400 T Fin A 50 Trans Mt 1075 Un Gas 150 Waterman 100 Windsor Hot 31 Advocate Alscope Amerium Anacon Bateman 2000 Bellechase 5800 Bonnyville 667 Bouzan 3000 Burnt Hill 4500 Camp Chib 600 Canalask 268 Canuba 4000 Cent Del Rio 100 C Halliwell Fatima Gold Age Hollinger Int Ceramic Iso Uran 5 MEET OUR..." HRA nil JOCK McTHRIFTY OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE'S JOVIAL MAN Representing the Finest in Modern Shopping ~---- CONVENIENCE COMFORT SELECTION AND EXCEPTIONAL VALUES Congratulations to Janet Crawford for submitting the name "JOCK' McTHRIFTY"" NAME OUR "MR. O"CONTEST MAJOR AWARDS -- A Li Li TITS TIN . -- 1ST PRIZE-PORTABLE TELEVISION SET Value 219.95 Awarded to JANET CRAWFORD, Age 5, 1105 Sommerville Ave., Oshawa. I 2ND PRIZE-PORTABLE TYPEWRITER WITH CASE Value 59.95 Awarded to : SUSAN McCONKEY, Age 11, 853 Park Lane Ave., Oshawa. East Sull Elder Can Cem Q N Gas Eldrich Roe AV Can 2165 Royal Bank 202 StL Corp St Maurice Salada-S Salada:S B Salada wis 1 26% Trans-Mtn 328 YW 11 11 Un Gas $160 16% 16% Falcon 325 Francoeur 2000 Frobisher 1200 Geco Mines 2100 Gold Eagle 13200 Gold Man 500 Grandue 100 Greyhk 3000 Gulch 1000 Gunnar 215 Gunnar wis 180 Headway 1000 51 Hollinger Hoyle Hud Bay Inspiration Int Nickel Int Ran Jaye Expl Jellicoe Joburke 2000 Kerr Add 650 Kilem wts 2500 2000 11700 26 168 1 15% 21 $16% 16% 740 735 740 hB& 25 Cl Fndry 100 CSL z17 C Bank Com 65 C Brew 5 C Celan C Husky CIL C Int Pow ° 155 §. Portage C Int Pow pr 110 Provo Cdn Loco 2100 Que Cobalt Cdn Oil 75 $2 Ed Que Cop CPR 202 Que Oil St Law m Opemiska Orchan Partridge Pennbec Porcupine 68 168 15% 2 51 Cdn Pet pr 500 f . Cockshutt 340 Con M and 8 735 56% 56 ! : 75 86% 28 63 D Steel ord 16 D Fndry rt Dom Tar U Asbestos Vanguard Virginia Sales to 11:30 a.m.: Industrials 31,400; Mines and Oils 130,500 20 2 17% 17% 20% 56 5% --4 Du Pont z120 $21% 21% 21% Rexall Now Operates | In Many Countries The Rexall outlets have grown to a total of nearly 1500 in the period of less than 50 years, it was revealed at a meet- © ing in Toronto this week. The Rexall Drug Trading Com- pany is now inlernational organ- ization operating in Canada, Great Britain, Australia, South Africa and many other countries with its parent company located in the United States. The trade name "Rexall", ac- cording to Neil MacDonald, Pres- ident, came from a "Latin and English combination meaning "Rex" for King -- thus "Rexall". Oshawa had a part in the early days of this company because one of the early directors was the late Arthur Lovell of Jury and Lovell in this city. On hand to greet the press on the occasion of the opening of the new Rexall head office in West Toronto were Justin W. Dart, President of the Rexall Trading Company who together with Di- ; green Drug Company, N. B. MacDONALD rectors Earl Tupper, C. W. An- © derson, James Shelton, Me! Erickson, Earl Anderson and R. J. Drews; also, Canadian Com- pany Chairman J. R. Kennedy, and President Neil B. MacDonald, and Executive Vice-President Howard W. VanderLinden. The occasion was to tour the new $1,500,000 home of the Cana- dian Company at 2501 Second Line East, Cooksville, Ontario. The new building contains over 192,000 square feet and is substantialiy larger than the previous head- quarters which were on Broad. view avenue in Toronto. This warehousing and factory opera- tion serves the 5000 drug stores in CanBda of which 1500 are Rexall stores. It was pointed out that the Rexall Company Ltd. of Canada began operation over 48 years ago when Louis K. Liggett opened the Toronto office in 1909, seven years after forming the United Drug Company in Boston, Mass. In 1902, according to Neil Mac-| Donald, President, Mr. Liggett formed a partnership of 40 inde- pendent druggists throughout the eastern United States Conceiving the idea of uniting JUSTIN W. DART In 1909, Mr. Liggett enlist- ed Canadian pharmacists in the partnership and a plant was leased in the heart of Toronto with a manufacturing area of 20,- Independent druggists and manu-{000 square feet. By the time that facturing and marketing their(1914 came around, the factory and her figure of 227 heretofore private formulas! throughout the organization, Mr. Liggett highballed the co-opera (at 68 Broadview Ave. came into;301.5 from 297.9 in the month, due tive venture into a nation-wide being where they erectéd a build-|te higher prices for paper board, fralernity of more than a thou- sand druggists during the first five years of the company's life In the United States, | headquarters had to be moved to larger quarters and the location ing occupying 87,000 square feet of manufacturing space. This sub- sequently enlarged was to remain Canadian head office of thelindex to 165.6 from 164.2. Petrochemical Pipeline Inevitable, Engineer Says VANCOUVER (CP)--A pipeline Mr, Lewit predicted the line is | i ical ducts!less than 10 years away. x {FaITiNg petrochemical. pra a Si "There are technical problems" company for. 44 years until its from Aiberta to the west coast|,, "you 0 oded in an inter-| move this week to its new 192,000 is not a vision but an inevitable yjew, But the main ones, includ-! square foot building at Cooksville. | prospect, says a Texas chemical [ing corrosion, "have been iargely * The Resall reg Compaby as engineer. {overcome now." nown during lls earlier history| go, n/a pipeline "is being ac-' A products pipeline would carry as the United Drug Company Lid. |; icc fered by many in the. such tems as hydrogen sulphide, Under this name it celebrated its| "4 gas business in Alberta," Propane, butane and gasoline. S0th anniversary in Canada i | said Francis Edgar Lewis of NES NEEDED 1940. John R. Kennedy was its on |TWO LINES A Houston. He is. vice-president of Actuall id Mr. Lewis, two president having succeeded J. W. sales for Jefferson Lake Sulphur ctually, said Mr. 1 y y b death in 1935. Today, Kennedy is Co." and vice-president of the products pipelines wou ma e chairman of the Board of Direc- American firm's subsidiary nd to Vancouver and one tors of the Canadian company fercon Lak trochemicals of f°, the east. and Neil B. MacDonald is presi- So Tike Petrochemicals | He felt the market for such deli. Jefferson 'Lake is one of the |Eroducts Shisls on they Paci, In June, 1946, Mr. Li §- | a b coast already. 3 ed igs Justin Lsselt pass | rirms who are "definitely look-| «j¢'s simply a matter of time ly general manager of the Wal. [108 at a mountain - spanning|uptil a petrochemical industry United Products pipeline across the|develops here. The same things rockies, he said. [which made a petrochemical in-| "A products pipeline is as sure|dustry in the Gul (of Mexico) re- |gion are available here now." Something special that you need? 7? # r A NIAGARA loan can help indeed! Dart in speaking to the press on! bp Ie A Tuesday pointed out that he was as We're sitting here. big business and the small busi- ness man can work together pos- F 4 M P d p For 9-Month Perio very optimistic about 1959 and be- | : : lieved that we had successfully) Net sales of Houdaille Indus-|pares with $:.82 for the first nine of both the United States and Can- THIRD-QUARTER RESULTS ada presented real hope for the ed to $42,518,000, compared with! "Not gales of Houdaille Indus- our Canadian affiliations and taxes, Ralph F. Peo, president, quarter of the current year, | particularly our Canadian set of | caid in his report to stockholders,| amounted to $15,062,000, compar- he said, between Canadians and Profit, after taxes, was $1,172, er was $1,263.00, against a pre- citizens of the United States. We 000, including a non-recurring|tax profit of $1,829,000 in 1957. of living. Net earnings were equal to 66|share on the common stock cur- | -------------------- cents per share on the 1,295207|rently outstanding, after prefer Wholesale preferred dividends, This com-'the third-quarter of 1957. | OTTAWA (CP)--Canada's gen- eral wholesale price index rose to sive monthly decreases. The index--based on 1935-39 fig States, became president. Mr. | a strong believer in 'Opportunity for every business man to have H [1] his own business." He maintained d lle et ] S that Rexall's history proves that | ou dl e sibly as partners. Mr. Dart stated that he was passed: the recent recession and {ries Inc. for the nine months|months of 1957. calculated on the predicted that the rising economy | ended Sept. 30, 1958, amount. same basis. future. $61,368,000 for the corresponding|tries, Inc. for the three months We are very proud, he said, of nine months of 1957. Profit before ended September 30, 1958, third-| officers. After all, there is very was $2,395,000, compared with $5,-led with $19,799,000 a year ago. little difference that 1 can see, 213,000 in 1957. Profit, before taxes, for the quart- all have the same ambitions and profit of $200,000, compared with| Net earnings, after taxes, were same desires for a fair standard $2,683,000 in 1957. : $626,000, equal to 40 cents per| shares of common stock currently red dividiends, compared with| outstanding, after provision for|$914,000, or 52 cents per share for Price Index | Rises To 227.1 15eS 10 . {227.1 in September from 226.8 a| {month earlier after three succes-| ures equalling 100--was slightly higher than last year's Septem-| Lergest All-Conadien Loan Company 37 King Street East, Al (Next to Biltmore The: OF the eight group indexes in-! |eluded, wood products rose to r Building Suite 22 cedar, woodpuip and newsprint [ce J Phone RA 5- Higher pricés for copper and ah] Open Until Noon on Saturdey ver moved the non-ferrous metals 3RD PRIZE-WINTER WARDROBE Value 50.00, Awarded to PHILIP HARRIS, Age 12, Box 103, Oshawa Post Office. 4TH PRIZE-3 SPEED DELUXE BICYCLE Value 48.75 Awarded to -- SANDAU, Age 9, 172 Magnolia Ave., Scarborough. bd ED. A. 5TH PRIZE-3 SPEED DELUXE BICYCLE Value 48.75 Awarded to ROD LESAGE, Age 10, 173 Scugog Ave., Oshawa. 6TH PRIZE-WINTER WARDROBE Value 50.00 Awarded to - DOROTHY FICE Age 9, 350 Elmgrove Ave., Oshawa. 7TH PRIZE-17 JEWEL WRIST WATCH Value 49.75 Awarded to -- JOYCE" McLEOD, Age 5, R.R. No. 1, Pickering, Ont. 8TH PRIZE-TRI-ANG RAILWAY SET Value 50.00 Awarded to -- DAVID WIGGIN, Age 10, 44 Billingsgate St., Ajax, Ont. The Foregoing Awards Will Be Presented, On The Centre, to the Winners by the Associa- tion Executive on Saturday, November Ist at 10 A.M, ADDITIONAL AWARDS JOHN RICHARDSON, (7), 397 ROSSMOUNT ST., OSHAWA, ONT. BOB CALFORD, (10), 554 VETERANS ROAD, OSHAWA, ONT. STEPH WETHERALL, (10), 93 HURLEY ROAD, AJAX, ONT. DANNY CHINN, (8), 288 HILLSIDE AVE., OSHAWA, ONT. KAREN IMESON, (11), 96 GLADSTONE AVE., OSHAWA, ONT. SUSAN SMITH, (9), 600 CENTRE ST. SOUTH, WHITBY, ONT. BILLY WAYLING, (9), 406 GLIDDON AVE., OSHAWA, ONT. M. PARTINGTON, (girl; 10), 921 BAYVIEW ST., WHITBY, ONT. RICHARD ANNIS, (12), 301 ALBERT ST., OSHAWA, ONT. DONALD WEDERFORT, (1112), 53 CORDOVA ROAD, TORONTO, ONT. KEVIN GRAY, (7), 355 GERRARD ST. EAST, TORONTO, ONT. LINDA COTIE, (11), 17 McLAUGHLIN BLVD. OSHAWA, ONT. CAROL DEMPSEY, (11), 446 BEVERLEY ST., OSHAWA, ONT, D'ARCY BRYSON, (6), 35 WARINGSTON DRIVE, SCARBORO, ONT. ANITA CHERNOFF, (11), 110 NASSAU ST, OSHAWA, ONT. BRENDA VERMOEN, (11), 250 WILSON RD. SOUTH, OSHAWA, ONT. C. J. CAMPBELL, (boy, 12), 44 PACHINO DRIVE, SCARBORO, ONT. VAUGHAN LAWRASON, (11), R.R. 1, CASTLETON, ONT. SUSAN ATKINSON, (6), 19 BURK ST. OSHAWA, ONT. PETER SMITH, (11), 351 BURK ST., OSHAWA, ONT. SHARON WILKES, (9), 41 BEATTY ROAD, AJAX, ONT. _STEVE SINGER, (4), HIGHLAND CREEK, ONT. RALPH MARTENS, (12), 116 PARK ROAD SOUTH, OSHAWA, ONT. JIM DAVISON, (10), 51 MERRYFIELD ST. SCARBORO, ONT. SANDRA McGAHEY, (12), 156 ROXBOROUGH AVE., OSHAWA, ONT. PAUL BRYSON, (5), 35 WARINGSTON DRIVE, SCARBORO, ONT. JILL HANDSON, (6), 4254 LAWRENCE AVE. E., WEST HILL, ONT. CYNDY POTTER, (7), 196 GIBBONS ST., OSHAWA, ONT. KENNY 'BALL, (12), TAUNTON, ONT. RUTH ROGERS, (12), HEATHCOTE, ONT. BARBARA ANN POWER, (9), 9 TWIN PAULS CRES., SCARBORO, ONT. AUDREY BURNETT, (11), 1204 VALLEY DRIVE, OSHAWA, ONT, PAUL STRYCHALSKI, (5), 334 PINE AVE, OSHAWA, ONT. JOHN HARRIS, (11), 2931 DOUGLAS ST., MONTREAL, .P.Q. , SHIRLEY BALL, (5), 226 DUNLOP ST., BARRIE, ONT. CAROL HALL, (12), ~ R.R. 1, BALTIMORE, ONT. CATHERINE GILLAN, (10), 87 GLENDALE DRIVE, DUNBARTON, ONT.

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