Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 30 Oct 1958, p. 20

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20 THE OOMAWA TIMES, Thursdey, October 30, 1958 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 34--Auction Sales 16th ANNUAL BLUE RIBBON SHORTHORN SALE ot Baker's Farms, Hampton, Ont, on Soturday, Nov. Ist OFFICE HOURS 8 AM to 5 P.M, MONDAY 1 to FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 10 13 Call the Direct Classified Number 3-3492 24--Market Basket SWEET cider and apples. W. T, Cox, 1% miles north of BTS, Bowmanville, APPLES for sale, ik your own > and bring your own . A. W, Martin, Bowmanville, A 3-2504. Nov. 21--Personal Service TAILORING Own materials mode up. Alterations of all kinds, Invisible weaving. Dress alterations, 14--Household Repairs YOUR local chimney cleaner, chim. neys built and repaired, gas linings in furnaces Nov.8| mate, RA 3-2997, arden. CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered Er a A new. Why pay more? Our rates 16) tilized, gardens and lawns are fa, roto-tilled, Sidewalk slabs, patio slabs. teed. 13--Gardening & Supplies HEDGES and | Dishes planted, all work size cedar, spruce, etc., from 25¢. pov 4 up. Phone C. Smith, Clarke. 1--Accountants 8--Building Trades MONTEITH, Monteith, Riehl and Co., CLEANING chimneys and fireplaces; Chartered Accountants, licensed Trus- and tees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford, Toronto; |fireplaces and all minor repairs. on lL. W. Please Note Deadlines now in effect for this column: Suwa, Memoriams, Cords of | Fankie and Johnny. RA 8-1435, Nov.27 '| FOR HIGH CLASS painting EY sa A rating, phone Upton wey, CA. RA 5.3527, 135 Simcoe Street| pions bone, por, » ORDERS taken for winter potatoes. 3.3250, tresses Jebuilt, Phgne RA 3 Nov.1 North, Oshawa. Thenis AM. SAME DAY DEATHS 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3-3492 BOB Clancy's Oni SPECIALIZING a | SHimney Everything for your garden, "RA 8-5753, Serv. old, and Street| all minor repairs, Call RA 8.1435, Fov.8 places, | BRICK PLANT a cedar hedge. Choice quality gua; Mat Oshawa Up- holstering Street West. Dial RA 5-03; fn uentia Si and reupholster- ed. See our materials for TSevvering. So 10 10 Prince St. (near bus station) RA 11 LEN PULLAN ~-- APPLES -- Macintosh, delicious Snows, at 1:30 pm, 35 Selected Registered Shorthorns, 7 bulls, cows with calves ot foot, bred laying, bivck laying, sera and open heifers, both horned ond polled, The Ontario Government will pay 1/3 of the purchase price on some of the bulls up to $200.00. Don't miss this Sale. JACK BAKER, Hampton Mgr, Auctioneers; -- DUNCAN BROWN, Shedden, Ont, . TED JACKSON, Port Perry, Ont, cement work (English Tailor) ville, MA 3.2970, PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings,| phone fixtures, new and used, changing from septic tanks to sewer a specialty. In- stallations at reasonable . rates. Infor- mation and estimates free on any type of plumbing. Dial RA 5-4241, J. Foley. TRENCHING, BASEMENT and SWIMMING POOL ' EXCAVATIONS Home sewoge systems in- stalled. Reasonable prices. For free estimates coll-- * ART STEVENS Brooklin 173W Hourly or Contract Work Nov, 16 EXCAVATORS Basements & Trenches Machines for hire by the hour or by contract Len-Rae Limited NIGHT DAY MO 8-4003 MO 8-3731 Nov.22 dence, RA 3-7605 8. 7. HOPKINS asd Company, Ceril - fied Public Accountants, 172 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 5-3509 YALE, Friedlander, Hunter and Co., and , Trustee in Bangrupteys 54 King Street GRENIER -- Louis and Paul wish to East, Oshawa; B. L. Sale CA; F. announce the safe arrival of a baby|Friedlander, B. Comm. CPA. sister, Michelle Tereasa, 6 Ibs. 9 ozs. on October 29, 1958, at the Os .'| 2--Barristers eral Hospital, JOHN A, MacDONALD, BA, Barrister Louls (nee Chatterton). | and Solicitor, 1 Joy Simcoe Street North, Mother and baby fine. Thanks to Dr.|phone RA 8 ig Gord wi Soncttors ns fi eee, ati ble for NEAL -- Mr. and Mrs. on Neal |Solicitors. Clients' funds availa are happy to announce the birth of their |first mortgages. 2 Cg dd Hebd daughter, Sandra Marie, on October 18,| North. RA 5.3566. Charles » g 1958, at the Oshawa General QC; Edgar F. a A sister for Linda, Jimmy and.Paul. |GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Solici- tors, etc., 7% Simcoe Street South. Dial RICHARD ~-- Mr. and Mrs. G,|RA 3.2278. Residence phones: J. M Richard (nee Herbacko) wish to an.|Greer, BA, Sc., RA 53368; Terence V. nounce the birth of a son, Steven, 7|Kelly, BA, BCL, RA 8.5832, Duncan R. Ibs. 6 ozs., on October 24, 1958, at the Phillips, ASN, Oshawa General Hospital. A brother for | DONALD ds, Barrister and Yvonne and Michael. Solicitor, 26% King Street East. Tele phone: Business, RA 5-5501; Residence, | R Dalton, 75 Charles St RA Ho tan, 75 $1.00 per bushel and up. West of Simcoe N. on Taun- ton Rd. West, 6th road, tun north and go 2 mile, Bring containers, Agloma Or ds. tts ACE CLEANING CONTRACTORS STORES, OFFICES, FACTORIES ond HOMES Floors, windows, walls and cellars cleaned. Washroom cleaning and sonitizing specialty. PHONE RA 5-7165 Nov 29 Teteprone ANSWERING Service answer your phone whenever you are away from your office or residence MA 3-3986. Bowmanville, collect, Nov.4 owed, soll," sod. 15--Instruction TUTOR, student counsellor, 13 years' experience. Appointment only. eal RA 5-1054, Nov. LILLIAN Mae Marsh, Dance ait Dancing School, ballet, tap, baton, pre- school acrobatic. Friday and Saturday. M Temple, RA 3.7253, May 21 BIRTHS LANDSCAPING, disced, clean-up lawns serviced. TREE prise removal, cut with chain saw, Free RA 35-7754. SOD, TOPSOIL, MANURE Nursery Stock, Garden Main- tenance, Tractor Grading ond Roto-Tilling. HARDSAND LANDSCAPING RA 5-1721 gardens ig top 3 fuel wood estimates. Nov.29 & cluding phone number. All replies rman Shepherd lov. fidentia). ers, We have an excellent selection of well bred puppies for people interested in the pried har than the price. also pels Pickering rd 2504 ONE part Chihual dog for sale, Jon smal. Phone after ; p.m, Fi HARVEY Dance Academy, Baton, tap, Royal Academy ballet, Highland. Regi- r now, King West. Ra 5018 une MANAGER WANTED Leading monufacturer has opening for on ombitious person to operate @ success ful business which con be run with your present em- ployment, Has no slow seo~ son, consists of servicing re tail accounts, requires no sells ing or previous experience, Mas been fully tested ond accepied. Person must have desire 10 sucsed in 0 business of their own and be able to make a $1,9% cosh invest. mart hat returns $350 in onra reiniy Only sincere applicants nesd opohy os ter. ory bs now rmedy. Post cords will men be orewered, we rege § complete letter oot youself with phone mnisr. Wie now 10 soles oper 12 mon BOX TIMES GAZETTE 250¢ 38--Male or Female Help Wanted workat. pariiime ai presents anchester 14 Nov.1 Music Studio for all Instruments Piano Tuning ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES New and Used Pianos Full selection of all instruments (New and Used) 477 Simcoe Street South 16--Insurance ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, Save | up. [to 20 per cent, nine months to pay. For | personal service at your home, call RA 8.7413. BAILIFF SALE By Virtue of an Execu- tion issued out of the 8th Division Court in the City of Oshawa, , County of Ontario. There will be offered for sale | new Portable Electric Clothes Dryer cat Stirtevant's Soles Rooms 33 Hall St, Oshawa, on Thursday, Nov 6th at 7.30 pm Terms cash STIRTEVANT Auctioneer PERCY H. JOBB Boiliff FOR "sale -- German ' 8 spherd, male, seven months old spayed. Phone RA haa, BEAGLE pup, six months old, innoeu- lated for rabies, Ready for training Phone RA 5.2703 Wie CHESAPEAKY, Py Retriever for sale Pickering 255W. am | DEER hounds sale or lense Phone | RA 5.40611 De WANTED Interested in purchasing small type dog, shout six weeks oid. | Phone WA 8.5208 after five 27h | ATTENTION! German Shepherd lov ors, We have an excellent selection of bred puppies for people interested | in the breed rather than price, Me sonable, Bhow prospects, slse pe Pickering 91 W 4 wi HOUND, gusranteed for deer hunting, Plus Tiek, two Janrs old. Apply Wayne Strest or RA 5.3038 we BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, resdy for training, talking strain Avoly Mrs, | Broad, 114 Elgin Street East THREE - month . old Topas purebred | Beagle, Won in a draw. Reasonable Apply 904 Centre Street South, Whithy OFFICE BOXER pups, kolden fawn, ree] 251 cp time the future. M ~ | months, ears cropped Ci Ontario, Reasonable. Bowmanville: Asan: |35--Employment Wanted | Union, Myre, Ye | BOOKKEEPER -- Pay roll, eic., -. suiiy| 41--Room and Board experienced, seeks employment, Part | ROOM and bos time preferred. Phone RA 5- 5-5025. 251 |ing to share, nl Tor Seiten, wig a -- beds, part-time {five or seven da: week. RA 58306," 252 AJAX SOD SUPPLY Sod delivered and laid, field loading. Loam, sand, fill and stone. Grading, asphalting and excavation, PHONE AJAX 431 or RA 5.3422 THOMAS -- Mr. and Mrs. C. P, Thomas (nee Evelyn Clark) are happy | to announce the arrival of their son, Dana Leslie, on October 19, 1958, at the Oshawa General Hospital. A brother for| Paul. , Murphy and MacDonald, Bar- GREE, Solicitors and Notaries Public, . King Street East, RA 5-4717. Russell Mufphy and James A. MacDonald. iii "F. Swartz, Barrister, | Solici- WOOTTON -- John and Jean (nee|tor, Notary. Money to loan. Henry Moss) are happy to announce the ar-|Block, 2614 King Street East. RA 3-4697; | rival of their son, at the Oshawa Gen. |Residence, Dial 3-4029. | eral Hospital, October 25, 1958, 7 Ibs.,| JUMPHREYS and Boychyn, _ DEATHS (G;, = hn, BA; W. A. Hillman, King Street West. Phones: ttice, *rA 5-1177; Res., RA 5-4604; ANNING -- At the family residence, 696 Brimley Avenue, Toronto, on Tues- day, October 28, 1958, Jean S. Miller, Whitby, MO 8- 2761 Money to loan. JOSEPH P. Mangan, QC, Barrister, beloved wife of Alfred Anning, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Murray Miller, Solicitor, Money to loan. Office, 14% King Street East, Oshawa. RA 88232, residence, RA 5-3405 JOHN A, CAMERON, Barrister, Solicl. Oshawa, sister of Mrs. 'Robert Tiffin, Toronto, Jack and William of Oshawa.| orem s~ JONES, BA, and Thomas H. The late Mrs. Anning is resting at Mc: |G oor, Agsociate Barristers and Solici- Intosh Funeral Home. Service in the = = "sc" ginc0e Street South. RA 5 chapel on Friday, % October 31 a 2 pm. 3525. Mortgage loans available. t sioshlinitl Tatsrment Momit Laws Comstery. Z. T. SALMERS, BA, "Barrister, Solici tor, etc., 13% Simcoe Street North. Dial office, RA 5-3741; residence, RA 5-554; CREIGHTON, Fraser, Drynan and| Murdoch, Barristers, Solicitors, tary Public, Bank of Commerce "Bul ing, 5 Simcoe Street North, RA T. K. Creighton, QC; N. C. kes QC; G, K. Drynan, G. L. Murdoch NHA mortgages arranged. 4--Dentists DR. G, T. SCIUK, Office hours oto 0 6, Open evenings by appointment. 259 Simcoe Street South. Phone RA 5-2223. HOLLAND NURSERY AND LANDSCAPING Complete landscaping service. Sods sold and laid. Nursery stock, bulbs, etc. RA 5.7442 17--Money to Loan 2 FIRST and second mortgages, & ale [agreements purchased and sold, Hen [nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King | Street East, ~ Barris- | Qc; For rates inquire; -- MERCURY TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE 45 KING ST, EAST RA 8-1772 Nov.23 22--Radio & TV Ropaine Test your ox own hu Toidnighi rive-In, 111 i St: Nov.3 BOARDING, t trimming, thing, King Street West, __Nov.3 ying. Waubena Kennels, HA" 8331. | GET missing chan, 17 'programs now ry 26--Farmer's Column on chan, 2. New double power aerials, Special conversion, $29.95. Kelly TV, |RA 5-512 Nov. Nov.3| DEAD farm stock picked up ) promptly ng | Phone collect Bowmanville, MA 3-2679, | Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Nov. 25 |= | CORONET TV owners! For factory trained technicians, call RA 8-5286. Guaranteed job. TTS|A quantity of table and feed turnips LEN"S and Lou's Antennae, repairs. for sale, $10 per ton in the field. Phone |Apply 764 Tennyson Street. Apple Hui Complete Rotor antenna, $75. Phone Oshawa RA 8.8670. 252¢ district. RA 5.7844 or MA 3-3942. FOR sale -- 300 Hamp - Wyandotte pul-| RELIABLE woman would Tike office SPECIALIZED radio and television lets, ready to lay, $2 ch. Phone cleaning, evenings after 6 p.m. RA service. All makes. Fred Thompson, 157) Brooklin 617RS5. 251c | 8-0869, 251e Elliot Street. Call RA 3.9792, FOR sale -- Raspberry canes, §5 per 100 pruned and $3 ver 100 not proved, 36--Female Help Wi MO 8-3815 Whitby after 5 p.m. 4 2 INTERESTED in making money? Sell novelty gifts, ete., for Christmas. Dial 30--Lost and Found RA 5-3338, Nov.28| ROOM and i= for two gentlemen, LOST -- One red fender skirt on Athol ee GIRL for lunch counter, evenings, Ap-|close to GM and four corners, Street, Reward. Write Box 134, Times, ply 522 Ritson Road South, 252b Kiuopean meals and laundry done, 20 CLERK typist and book-keeping East oF aim, 3 = RA 3.7202, |WARVEY Dance Acadomy. Baton, tap, Royal Academy ballet, Highland. reg ister now, 424 King West, RA 5.6122 Nov.2 CLIENTS' monies avallable for first and second mortgages. Mortgages and Agreements of sale purchased. Apply ". Swartz, Barrister and Notary 26% King East, RA or CUSTOM & N.H.A. HOMES Oct. 30| COURTICE SOD AND LANDSCAPING SERVICE |i A-1 field sod, sprayed ond fertilized, For free estimates call Ed Knowlton, RA 5-6047 CROSS TOWN SOD SUPPLY. A-1 rolled, fertilized sod, cut fresh daily. Sod for trucks in field. Delivered or laid. Free estimates. Prompt delivery. Phone RA 8-8868. 5 Framing Trimming Additions Alterations Kitchen Cupboards Rec. Rooms TERMS ARRANGED Satisfaction Guaranteed A. JAMES ALLEN Bldg. Contractor 440 WILSON RD. N. RA 5-6126 PRE-CAST CONCRETE SIDEWALK SLABS abi le, 3.4697 CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort- gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale purchased. NHA mortgages ~ arranged, |Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur. doch tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street and RA 3.2269. NHA and private mort rranged. | | East. Ope daily and Sundays. Fred's ---- NEED CASH? See Seaboard "Your Lending Neighbor' LOANS UP TO $3,000 OSHAWA OFFICE 29Y2 Simcoe St. South RA 5-1121 COBOURG OFFICE King Street West {YOUNG woman would lke ashier or saleslady or cashier| ant, hotel. Phone RA 5.7780. | ROOM and board, seven days a week, 251c| washing done. Avviy 253 Quebec, off Park Road Soul 254 i C-------------- ROOM or room ror) board, 5 minutes to down town. Phone RA §- 881. 2528 LE a bright warm, front room and board, Nice location. Bus at door. Close to downtown good meals, garage, Apply 495 Simeoe Street North, 2500 PARE -- In Oshawa General Hospi- tal on: Thesday, October 28, 1958, Baby Pare, infant son of Eudore and Claire Pare (480 Phillip Murray Avenue), In- terment St. Gregory's Cemetery. (Still- irth). I WILL give daily care to a my own home, while mother works. SOUTHERN, Jane -- At the home of her daughter, Mrs, Harry Hall, on Wed- nesday, October 29, 1958, Jane Southern, in her 92nd year, beloved wife of the late Thomas Southern, and dear mother of Stella (Mrs. Roy Fleming) of Osh- awa, Sadie (Mrs. Harry Hall) of Lind- say, Vera (Mrs, Harold Mitchell) of Toronto, and Melville of Oshawa. Rest- ing at the Mackey Funeral Home, Lind- say, for service on Friday, October 31, | | sad AJAX SOD SUPPLY Sod delivered and laid, iz loading. Loam, sand, fill and stone. Grading, asphalting and excavating. PHONE AJAX 431 RA 5-3422 ROOM or room and board for young man or lady, nee to fittings and Ty town. RA 5- 249¢ DE. P. - RIORDAN, 3% Simcoe Street South, office hours 8. ening by appointment. RA Sata 18 at 3 p.m. Interment at Riverside Ceme- = tery, Lindsay. 5--Nursing Services Electrohome, R.C.A Victor, Admiral, Westinghouse The finest in television and 5.30. Nov. or Gazette WERRY -- Suddenly at Bowmanville, ( Ontario, on Wednesday, October 28, 1958, Alan Kenneth Werry of Nestleton, dearly beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Werry and dear brother of Earl, Mervin, May, and June, in his 24th year. Resting at the chapel of Mc- Dermott - Panabaker, Port Perry, for service on Saturday at 3 p.m. Inter-| ment Nestleton Cemetery. ANDEN NURSING HOME (Licensed) KING ST. WEST Exclusive nursing home for convalescent and elderly peo- ple. (Men and Women). Nurses ond dicticians in attendance: Tray service, lounge. COLORED PATIO SLABS UNIT STEPS -- RAI 'NGS CURBING SEPTIC TANKS BAR-B-Q | SATISFACTION GUARANTEED | BROOKLIN BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME WITH AN ASPHALT DRIVE Top soil, sod, cement, and driveway gravel, sod laid. ALF. LINES HAULAGE AND PAVING RA 5-1905 Reasonable Rates FR 2-746] |SEABOARD FINANCE CO. OF CANADA LIMITED Formerly Bellvue ttsNov.4 service, PARKWAY TELEVISION 918 Simcoe N.--RA 3-3043 T.V. AERIALS 31--Articles For Rent RENT A FLOOR SANDER AND FINISHER |18a--Mortgages Sold and Installed WE have clients with monies to pur-| |chase first and second mortgages and agreements of sale at a discount. Loui Moved and Repaired 20-ft, 'aerial, $29 ond up. from DO-IT-YOURSELF HARRISON & KINSMAN machine operator, good working condi. tions, Write Box 42 Times-Gazette, 252d EXPERIENCED general h dl and board for one gentiem in rivate home, good licality, RA 251¢ required for modern home, must be fond of Shildren (two), have good ref Live in, and pul and board for gentlemen, close to downtown, Apply 23 Elgin Stree please phone RA iy fA 6 pm, 25! BOOKKEEPER ~-- Must be capable of | handling complete set of books. Apply in own handwriting, stating experience, 2f | tinuous hot ater East. RA 3.781 ROOM and Tor 2 gentlem me privileges, Ritson Road South peiviies = COMFORTABLE Tome for gentleman, room, hare meals, also evi radio, T.V. marital status, age, etc., to Box 139, 1 | wawTED =~ & middle-aged woman to {Rook after children, live in. Phone RA 1568. 337 Simcoe St. S, RA 3-4425 WEBBING'S HARDWARE 282 KING STREET- WEST RA 3-4873 Cement Power Trowel, Motor Chain Saw, Electric. Hedge Trimmer, Centrifugal Water Pump, Floor Sanders, Cement Mixer, Belt Sander, Do It Yourself With the power tools and equipment you can rent at STAN'S SHARPENING SERVICE Cor King and Burk RA 3-3224 If there is any equipment not listed that you need give us a call we rent (pretty near everything), Chain Saws; floor, belt disc, and oscillating sanders; skill saws; drills; ext. ladders; paint sprayers; pipe thread- ing equip, up to 2"; electric hammer; chain hoist; post hole diggers; blow torchy sump pumps; floor nailers; (plywood and hardwood) staplers; tillers; scythes, etc. 32--Articles Wanted MIX-MASTER ~-- (used) with meat grinder attachment. Phone RA 3.2311 253¢ PIANOS -- Upright or miniatures, Will pay cash, State make and price. Write Box 110, Times-Gazette, Nov.16 WE pay cash for used furniture, appli. ances, TV, sewing machines, pianos, stoves. Also sell am _ 'exchange. Prince Street, RA 8-1 SUEREC heater i oven. Phone Bu SCRAP Raw furs, live poultry, fea- thers, i iron and metal. . TURNER RA 3-2043 (collect) CARS WANTED FOR WRECKING Scrap iron and metals bought. Call SHAW RAG & METALS CO. 89 Bloor Street East RA 5-2311 OPEN SATURDAYS CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METALS LTD. IRON METALS PAPERS RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5-3432 RESIDENCE RA 5-4159 100 ANNIS STREET FREE PICK-UP S. Hyman, QC, 37 King Street East, For Funeral Flower |Oshawa. RA 3.4943, Arrangements See LEWINGTON'S FLOWERS PHONE RA 3-9533 24 King St. East, Oshawa (2 doors from Karn's Drug store), IN MEMORIAM CHAPMAN -- In loving memory of Elwood Ciapman, who Passed away October 30, 1 What a > give if we could say Hello, Elwood, in the same old way; To hear your voice and see your smile To sit with you and chat awhile, So you who have a father, Cherish him with care, For you'll never know the heartaches Till you see his vacant chair. Rvingly remembered by mother and a AZHAN = In loving memory Hw , who passed away October a0 Whatever lands we view, Whatever joy or grief be ours, We will always think of you. --Ever remembered by Harold and Bernice. CARD OF THANKS T WOULD like to take this opportun- ity to express my sincere gratitude to| the many friends, relatives and neigh- bors, and all those who assisted in any way during my sad bereavement. Spe- cial thanks to Rev. C. D. Cross for his consoling words in my time of great need. -- John H, Forester. ROLLAND T.V. RA 3-4849 TV-RADIOS Service is oyr business onlv. 24-hour -- Citv and Country. RA 8-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS CALL BARONY guaranteed service on Radios and Washers, 24-Hour Service PHONE RA 3-2263 After Hours Call RA 5-0624 Nov.8 PHONE RA 5-2330 6--Optometrists " C. = TUCK, Optometrist, specializing in CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED PHONE BROOKLIN 155 9--Building Materials DRY HARDWOOD Factory' Cuttings ond choice USED BUILDING MATERIALS ULUGITOFF OR ? RA 5-262] HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING GREEN VELVET SOD supply and laid NURSERY STOCK. Everything for your garden, PHONE RA 3-9020 ATTENTION | 1,000 yards of loam for sale at $1.10 a yard, in five and seven yard loads. four corners, Also satage fov rent, Ap. 251¢| Ply 240 Division Stree 2518 ROOM and board ia gentleman, cen. HOUSEKEEPER wanted, between 20. 65, tak of a. | tral, three minutes from four corners, Bus hurge " Phone RA 88324, 2516 bunga. {low. Must be fond of children, Friendly ROOM and board in private home with |informal family, Live in. Phone Ajax | 77R. 252 | home privileges, 500 Annapolis Street, | WANTED -- baby sitter for one hour a|Phone RA 8-1566. le | day, between 3 and 4 p.m. RA 3.7407. (ROOM and board, one or two girls te | 233 share room, Private home. Near south GM plant, RA 5.8240, 251¢ BEST in town, mngle beds, conveniences, close to RA 5.4229. Apply 536 Lorraine ROOM and Dosa, good ho meals, across GM north 0 privileges a television, 106 William Street East, ROOM - board for gentlemen, meals, single beds, continuous hot water, Close to Fittin Arthur Street, RA 8.0723, 252¢ ROOM and board fer two in I front bedroom, with twin beds, Call p 5-8434. ROOM and board, two Bro share, private home. RA 8-0549, 252 ROOMS lly located, RA 35-3259, 2508 | | | Require First Mortgage [ anomalties, syeaight and Masse . Evenings; Mon., Wed., , 68 Invalids examined at home. RA sta Disney Bldg., 31 King East. For Dairy Queen North Oshawa, ERIE INVESTMENTS, 465 Wilsog Avenue, Downsview, Ont. Rentals: 7--Surveyors : F. J. DONEVAN and Associates, land Surveying and Engineering, 12 Bloor Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 5-5632. | 19--Personal HYPNOSIS relieves tension, fears, frustration, complexes, nervous pains, | habits, reduces weight, stops smoking, {helps concentration in studies, im- {proves salesmanship, etc, Consult Ed- | win Heath, Institute of Ethical Hypno- sis, Professional Building, 304 Dundas | West, Whitby. Daily 1-9 p.m.; Satur day, 10 am. . 1 p.m. Phone MO 8-4832, Nov.16 Nov. 10} [HAVE "you a 3 Sr "problem? Write A . Box 140, Times- MANAGERESS --and-- SALESLADY --for-- Young Folks Shoppe, Children's Wear Apply in person at YOUNG FOLKS SHOPPE 10 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH THURSDAY, OCT. 30 252¢ HORTON and Associates, Ontario Con Surveyors, Professional Engineer- ng. 70 Harwood Avenue South, Ajax for TV. Ontario Lama ALD H. Trollope, el RA 5688 Surveyor, 216 Alice Street. 8--Building Trades CEMENT work, driveways, sidewalks, cellar floors, general repairs, plaster. , foundations, and cellar walls Prompt, efficient service. RA BN, ov KEN ASHMORE RA 8-8412 23--Women"s Column [SPECIAL ~~ heat permanents, $6.50; | |cold waves, $5.50. Page Hairdressing, 396 Pine Avenue. RA 5-5363, | Ghretter Osha ELECTROLYSIS Removal of Superfluous Hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa Nov. 4 and 5. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment. Nov. 29 of BUILDING alle all ns and repairs, hes, chimneys, plastering, parging 0 . . and water-proofing. Guaranteed work- (1 Sharpening Service manship, Bob Taylor, RA 5-9168. Nov. 28 HAVE your lawnmower sharpened mow, | issors, knives, etc. Percy Neil, | CARPENTER work, framing, trim. saws, sc | ming, kitchen cabinets, NHA approved. [102 Highland. RA 8-8363. Alterations and repairs. No jobs too big or too small. Work guaranteed. RA 3-3579. ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies. Phone RA 5-3521, Harold R. Stark, Ltd., plumbing, heating and engineering. 255 Simcoe Street South. GT. HORTON and Associates, Com | mercial White Printing, 70 Harwood Avenue South, Ajax. Phone Ajax 728. ALL types dwelling repairs, roofing, siding, plastering, and repairs. Chim- neys, new and repaired. Dial RA 5-7247, Gord: ay AL CONROY -- 24 years rs painter and paper hanger, a quick clean job, plus |guaranteed workmanship. MO 8-3040| now, free e estimates. ~~ Nov. 21 TOP SOIL 6-yard load -~ $7.00 Cement and road gravel, Fill, 6-yard loos -- $3.00. RA 3-3162 TOP QUALITY DUTCH BULBS Hyacinths Tulips Narcissus Daffodil Crocus Snowdrops Dutch-Iris Cooper Smith Co. 16 CELINA ST. RA 3-2312 {14--Household Repairs CALL Joe, RA 5.80 5.8018 for ca ntry, painting and handyman. FPenteyt 20--Cartage ROOM and board for gentlemen, pat vate, close to Jouth hy Lunches pack: bet 3993, , Novis 43--Wanted to Rent WANTED - three, or four - bedroom living with heating at reasonable rent. Near bus line or would purchase home with downpayment of $000 or less, Write te Box 49, Times-Gazette, BUNGALOW -- jour or Five 200ma, | for quiet couple, mo fer . Rent ho ft: Phone RA 14. 2518 SECRETARY For Large Law Office | | SAVE OR GIVE TO A FRIEND 1--8 x 10 Coloured Portrait 2--5 x 7 Mounted Portraits 6--Wallet-sized Photos Complete Price--Only $11.95 © A XMAS GIFT SPECIAL -- te DE JOSEPH STUDIOS Harwood Ave, North PHONE AJAX 322 Sittings token at the Studio or in your own home, Oct.30,Nov.6,13,20,27 |20--Cartage SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! The most complete auto- matic grinding equipment in Oshawa for sharpening Hand- saws, Bandsaws (metal & wood) Planer Knives etc. YOU NEVER SAW A SAW SAW LIKE THESE SAWS SAW LAWNMOWERS, SKATES, PRECISION GROUND STAN'S SHARPENING SERVICE Cor. King and Burke RA 3-3224 |11--Business Opportunities |STORE for rent, | tion 44 x 18 feet, Pennokes, 134 Legal experience preferred, but not essential. Must be well qualified in Shorthand and Typing. Applications fully confidential, Write: Box 129 Times-Gazette 248h FEMALE HELP WANTED Secretary Assistant to General Manager of small Manufacturing Company, in Oshawa, must also be willing to assist in filing and other general office work. This position requires mature ex- perienced person. Apply in confidence to Box 143, Osh- awa Times, stating experi- ence, references and marital status, 253d 37--Male Help Wanted |LARGE Uniteq States and Canadian | representative 5 Ontarjo and |Counties. Exceptionally high earnings. {Guaranteed repeat business. Automo- bile essential. Agricultural or farming |background most' important, ales training given. Apply for inte: ow 3 Mr. Charles Reesor, Thursday, Oct. 30th, aftermoon 1 EY 5 evening 7 to 10. AN OPPORTUNITY for young man, 28, with high school education. Car nec- essary for city driving. Pleasant sales work, with good earnings. Full insur. 2nke benefits, Salary and Commission, Call Mr, Hunt, Genosha Hotel, 253a |BRICKLAYERS wanted for "Belleville [RA 38-1235. MEN WANTED There are vacancies for men in Canada's leading militia armoured regiment to train in military civil defence, driving, communications, traf- fic control, etc. Train one evening a week and earn extra money while doing so. Oct9,Nov4 | |21--Personal Service JANE BLACK Slenderizing Studio, Slenderizing, reducing, Steam Bath and Massage. 451 Simcoe St. South RA 5-9602 For Appointment Open 10 am. -- 10 p.m. Saturdays 10 a.m. -- 4 p.m. |20--Cartage DUPLEX or apartment for couple with baby. Must have yard and be centrally located within 10 minutes from four corners. Best references. Phone RA | 57709 evenings. 2528 LLOYD REALTY RENTAL. AGENCY Our fee is less than a vacancy, only screened and reliable tenants, Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. 93 SIMCOE ST. RA PY 5123 T WISH to take this opportunity to give my sincefe thanks to Dr. Allan Rundle, Dr. D. J. McLean and the nurses and staff of the children's ward and also Mrs. Boyes, all of the Oshawa General Hospital for their care in my Tecent stay at the hospital. -- Dannie Minaker, also Mr. and Mrs. K. Min- aker. | corner loca- Apply in person J. Simcoe Street South. 252¢ central, WE wish to express our sincerest ap-| preciation to friends, neighbors, and relatives, also Rev. Newall, Dr.| and of Canadian Pittsburg Ind. and Arm. | strong Funeral Home for the many acts of kindness shown to us in our recent bereavement. Also to the many of | Thelma's friends, we can only say| "Thanks". -- The Moore Family. NEWS IN BRIEF HONOR ST. LAURENT MONTREAL (CP) -- Former | prime minister Louis St. Laurent | is to be presented with the human | relations award of the Canadian| Council of Christians and Jews at| a banquet here Nov. 3. Mr. St. | Laurent is being honored, . the | council said, for "the outstanding contribution he has made in im-| proving human relations in Can- ada." | PART-TIME DELIVERY CONTRACT $300 a month guaranteed for part-time Delivery work. Must be reliable, have car or light truck $1,600 cash de- posit required. Give phone number. Write: -- BOX 141, TIMES-GAZETTE 252f Wood's Transport AND CARTAGE (WHITBY) LIMITED Daily pick-Up and delivery service between Osh- GRAVEL Oct.3 Cement $9.00 per load. Road 44--For Rew SELF ed apartment, Nh ground floor, See to Abpreciate. Elizabeth Street. RA 53-8106 room private bath, 242 2508 fine and coarse $8.00 per load. Be Dial RA 5-5279. satisfied TWO and kitchen, with TR Ld private stool, also very large furnished housekeeping room with refrigerator, adults . Parking space. 99 Elgin Street a 12--Dressmaking DRESSMAKING, alterations, and but- tonholes. Call RA 8-8701. Nov.9 LADIES' and girls' TE in evening gowns and better dresses, by appointment. RA 5-8772. Nov.28' 13--Gardening & Supplies ROTO-TILLING, "landscaping, clean-up -up jobs and lawn service. Phone RA 5-3576) and RA 5-1576 Nov.2| CEDAR trees for hedge, choice quality, all sizes, also all kinds of nursery stock. Hillside Landscaping. RA 3.9020, Nov.15, WELL rotted manure for sale, by the yard or load. RA 5.3756. | OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE CO. SOD--LOAM--FILL | SAND---GRAVEL--STONE DIAL RA 3-3528 > HAYNES BUILDING CONTRACTOR Floor experts. Old floors made like new. Hardwood or tiling. Carpenter work al- terations. Kitchen cabinets our specialty. CALL RA 3.7196 awa and Metropolitan Toronto via Highway No. 2 and 401, including service to such off-highway points as PICKERING BEACH, FRENCHMAN'S BAY, FAIRPORT BEACH, ROSEBANK and PORT UNION. TELEPHONE OSHAWA RA 5-4623 WHITBY MO 8-3408 TORONTO EM 3-2341 SHIP VIA WOOD'S TRANSPORT FOR FAST, EFFICIENT SERVICE LARGE house for rent in Bowmanville area, hydro, on a good road. Write Re 2 Box 145, Oshawa Times, LARGE apartment, bedroom, -- bathroom, dining room, living room, kitchen, main floor, JFivate entrance, TV antenna. RA 3-709: af SIX . room brick rr and garage, oil heated, $110 monthly, RA 35-4289, ANDREW BUTLER BUILDING CONTRACTORS Brickwork, Block & Stonework Chimneys, Fireplaces Concrete Work General Repairs, Alterations, Satisfaction Guorunteed Free Estimates RA 5.0547 SPECIAL Good Top Soil $1.50 per yord Gravel 3/ stone also tractor and loader work RA 5-2156 Nov. 16 | TWO furnished housekeeping rooms for couple, bedroom and kitchen with refrigerator and parking space. Cen. tral. Apply 156 Agnes Street. 239 FIVE rooms, main floor, private en trance and bath. Heat and electricity supplied, $80 monthly, RA 57915 before 253 p.m. HUNT ART THIEF COLOGNE, Germany (Reuters) | Police throughout Western Eu-! rope are hunting a thief who stole works of art valued a0 1,500,000 marks ($356.000) from an Amsterdam museum. The haul--two chains, a cup, a pair of scissors and a heavy coin, all in gold--was recovered in two jewelry stores in Cologne. TREE FOR? LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Six téen- aged boys spent six weeks raising | a shack they had built up to the limbs of a six-foot oak tree 30 feet above the ground. FOR RENT 3-bedroom brick bungalow, 4-piece bath, modern kite chen, brand-new, ultra-mod- ern, Location: North Whit- « Apply daily to the Ontari PD > the, Ltara by. Only $115. Phone MO B8-4741. Regiment orderly room from 9:00-4:30 or Monday even- ing 8:00-10:00 p.m Oct.30Nov.1,3,5,8,10,12,15,17 Fill, SATOK REAL ESTATE LTD. 0ct.27,28,3¢ Sat., Tues, Thur.,Nov.1 4

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