Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 29 Oct 1958, p. 6

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§ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 29, 1958 AJAX AND DISTRICT NEWS John Mills, Representative -- Phone Ajax 426 Legion Treats Squirt Champs Council Holds Short Me AJAX (Staff) -- The town coun- til met Monday evening for one of the shortest meetings of the year. Two councillors were ab- sent, Councillor Johan Paull recent- ly underwent surgery and council endorsed the mayor's wishes for his speedy recovery. Councillor Thompson is on a business trip to England where he is also publicising the value of Ajax as an industrial location and listing its amenities, The Ontario Association of As- sessment Officers notified council of a meeting to be held in the) village of Cannington at 10 am., November 12. An invitation was extended to all councillors to at-| tend. | Permission was granted to the | Girl Guides Association to hold its annual 'Cookie Day' jn Ajax Fri- day evening, October 31, and Sat- urday, November 1, The request for permission noted that there were four Brownie packs and two Girl Guide companies in the town| comprising over 400 girls. The proceeds of the drive are used for the purchase of equipment, Draft copies of police and fire- men's yearly agreements were received and referred to cerned. A grant of $50 was made to Canadian Legion BESL Branch! Kjax HS Ass'ns Plan Meetings By GRACE MILLS AJAX -- School Association will meet Mon-|ted abandoning their new day, Nov. 3, at 8.30 p.m, when a| film entitled "Shyness" will be| shown, COBOURG -- A noisy throng of (in cheering the coaches, umpires youngs their and and the Legion for making soft- league executive were treated to ball for them possible. an end-of-the-season banquet by| Jack Bevan reported the Legion | the Canadian Legion Branch last expected to operate a squirt | night. The get-together was held league again next year and was in henor of the squirt softball|aiso hoping to form a pee wee players who participated in the league too. . Legion-sponsored ball loop the| George Waller presented crests past summer, to members of the winning team The happy kids enjoyed a lunchon behalf of coaches Burke of hot dogs, sandwiches, ice|Clarey and Dick Turpin. Receiv cream, soft drinks and cake!ing crests were Gord Kelly, Paul served by Legion members and Berthelet, Danny Gadbois, Jim| prepared.by the Ladies Auxiliary. |Brandford, Ricky Clapperton, Seated at the head table were Gerry Bambridge, Ford Blow, His Worship, Mayor J. D. Bur-{Dave Clayton, Paul Clarey, Jack net; George Waller, president of |Herriot, Paul Herriot, Jim Har- the Legion; Huck Matthews, rep- ris, Carmen Harris, John Clarey resenting the Ontario Amateur and David Driscoll. Softball Association and Jack| Two films concerning moose Bevan, organizer and head of the hunting and bee-keeping closed squirt league. Burnet led the boys| the evening's entertainment. COBOURG Iain Macdonald FR '2-2501 BOWMANVILLE ROTARY was among many Rotary clubs in Ontario who acted as hosts for foreign university students over the past weekend. Mem- bers of Rolary in Bowmanville opened their homes to guests from the West Indies and other places. Top picture shows. a group on a visit to the Boys Training Schooi, They are, left to right: M. Mensale, Mrs. R. | Tells IODE Of Need For Civil Defence By GRACE MILLS AJAX -- The October meeting ti | 322, and Mayor William Parish vil Place & wreath at the Memo- | a rvice which will be held h h y So of the Ajax - Varsity Chapter, , the Commulity Centre on Sun- \jonE was held in the Commu Say OV, The service will be ity Centre, The Regent, Mrs. ig E. Lancasker, opened the meet- The public works department f) is planning to build an outdoor | 118 with prayer of the order and | motto. Hiik io Codar Sareet Park tor the| Following the reading of the Council os aloo infored that | September minutes, the following an Ajax service club was inter: | esis were welcomed: Sandra ested in taking over the park to | Brownlee, Elizabeth Braithwaite, develop it. The matter was re. | Morag While, (Betty. Dowden, ferred to the recreation commit. Ruby Beasley, Mary , Biles Ly O terehants in the shop | rusner. erchants in the ng CeN-| Business in connection with the tre displaying merchandise on pay Faghion Show was dealt with AN ie = di much as half of the sidewalk is (ac the first permanent munici- to see that their names are in- of Ajax in connection with the COBOURG -- Children of min. Scouts last 'night received badges | the sidewalks and thus causing ang a letter was read from the obstruction will be notified that|asay Hydro Commission askin 3 iv they are contravening a town by- -- the IODE donate a Union | Representative law, Numerous complaints have jack and a picture of the Queen | Donate Dolls | Scouts Get taken up. .., (pal building for Ajax. It was ona e 0 S cou S e Mayor Parish drew council's yoved and passed that this dona- attention to the fact that the (jon he made. | For Or hans sf voters' lists are posted and citi-| aes R. Conant a P Mrs. R. ppealed for er 1 1Ca Pg cluded. forthcoming campai ec. paign on behalt city canbe sen tao of eof he tes Clits Ane post 0 hy the in elation, Lorraine Manley Yolun- ers killed or missing at last and certificates of the rank of Feldman, S. Rayes. Helen Pyne, teered to captain the team in| yeoyrg collapse of workings in al Queen's Scout, in a simple cere.| D: Sardanalia, D. Natta, S. ' | James, and G, Cornelius. Bot- been received that at times as|for jis new building, since this zens are asked to check the lists |canvassers for the south section | Of S a hill | | | | pring 1 | COBOURG -- Four Cobourg building. Anyone left off the list the area. has ordered a year's Parkside Home and|for an Ontario couple who admit- pended the can appeal to the town clerk and | chairman of the committees con- ask for the requisite form and if {ning Don Dowden, discussed the | eligible to vote will be entered on the Hsts. Closing date for ap- peals is Nov. 3. Year Probation For Ont. Couple BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP)--A judge probation - born hy. Judge Arthur J. Cosgrove sus- Tuesday nine - month The film was recommended by Prison sentences against Paticia D. Parks, of the Ontario Jo by McCarey, 22, of Delhi and Robert Health Institute, who was speaker at the May meeting. LORD ELGIN MEETING a! Zacher, 22, of St. Thomas. The two were arrested after their five-day-old boy was found The Lord Elgin Home and "2 porch in Buffalo last month. School Association will hold its| 'The mother told police they [t abandoned the infant because hey couldn't give him a name. She said she hac separated from The guest speaker of the eve importance of Civil Defence and stressed that many more volun: teers are needed in Ajax to make P evacuation possible in the event of attack, and to ensure adequate health and welfare services. The meeting adjourned and re- freshments were served. St. Pauls Adopts Bigger Budget AJAX--Members. of St. Paul's United Church congregation {de di vi | served in the basement auditor- Church. They met to discuss the Sector Plan and the program for expan. sion planned for next year. | After dinner the meeting ad- M Springhill, N.S. coal mine, will] "receive dolls and dolls' dresses from their rector this Christmas, as a gift from members of Ww eter's bourg. attended a potluck supper at the J. general A nd : Menday night, and voted to buy | received in addition their honor ber group is |dolls, commentator bett. The October group 2 . : Ser : Mrs. Cliff Bondy, president of have permanent meaning and e- relatives at Georgetown mony at the Creighton Heights Scout Hall north .of town, Garnet Birney, Allen Alls, Mar- tin Dobkin and Terry Griffith each received certificates from Scoutmaster George Haynes, and the Year of St Church, Co- Church Anglican omen's tom picture shows some of the students with their hests: They are R. Stevens, of Bowmanville Rotary, S. Rayes, S. Takahashi and Mrs, Stevens. Photos by Bowmanville Studios Over 120 members of the group | Hnas aon hg iurnmet, e (8 wo, membership meeting Martin Dobkin ard Terry Griffith, PRINCE ALBERT | lls, and make dolls' clothes for cord Grade "A". stribution among the younger The presentations oceurre'l ctims of the tragedy. The Octo-| ith the full cub and scout cen to purchase the | tingents present, with an audi- ence of proud narenis A fashion show was held at the |friands meeting, with models from 0-to- started the ceremonies with a or that day. ber group, Mrs. Alice Brook, Miss | gpant speech outlining the history, dow Sat pamela Fillingham, Mrs. Mary own to dinner Tuesday evening, 1 ovett, Mrs. Dorcas Pearse, Miss i : 4 {Sandra Pearse, ium by the ladies of the Anglican Mrs. Evelyn Wakeland, and Mrs. [pa t0, "0 0 |meaning, and diffi~vities of be- E hy coming a Queen's Scout, a re Miss Pat Niles, so.mod at the request of King A Nil articinating with by scout founder arjory Niles nartic! mn, w aden 1 Miss Mary Cor Lord Baden-Powell. PRINCE Hodgins was absent from school following minor | was | duties and Surgery. Mrs. E. Seoutmaster Lou Griffith the teacher for Grades 1 and 2 Mr. nk |W: Webb and Mr, three-day trip Cornwell. Mr. By F. E. SMITH ALBERT -- Friday Martyn and Mrs. A. to Ottawa and Mrs. G. Mrs. Hunter ett] | Tuesday and returned Saturday Mavor Burnet told the scouts| and motored through South West- presented that their awards would prove tnern Ontario, visiting friends and anc Hunter ac-, companied their daughter, Mrs. | Webb, on a| and | BOWMANVILLE AND DISTRICT NEWS Representative -- R. CZIRANKA -- Phone MA 3-7224 spent the and inter. the boys. was blown on SUBSCRIBERS THE TIMES BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND EOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAX! SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3.5822 if you have not received your Times phone your carrier boy first. If you are unable to con- tact him by 7:00 p.m. TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Calls Accepted Between 7 --7:30 p.m. Only | | BRIBERY CASE JRTICAL - TAKEOFF PLANE TORONTO (CP)--Henry Smith, |* RT CAL E 142, a former driving school oper-| PLUMBING REPAIRS eo PLUGGED DRAINS eo LEAKY RANGE BOILERS e BATHROCM MODERNIZING, ETC, ETC. COLVIN PLUMBING PHONE RA 8.0911 |ator, was sentenced Tuesday to regular meeting Monday, Nov. 3, room. One of the classes will en- journed to the church f dev ir li iri "11 her legal husband. : 1 [or a devo. , iati i fect in their lives. Mrs, Lou Grif-|Brussels, tertain th the Woman's Association, with a b and the guest speaker will oo the tional period conducted by the gift of dolls and dolls' clothes for fith, on behalf of the Scout Math-| H. Wagg, Oshawa, Co-ordinator for Ajax. couple will be transferre Chairman for the evening was p ; Teachers may be {Canadian authorities. C. Walker, general chairman of Mission at the Pas, Manitoba. nleased all the mothers were of es RE Lae i T I li foster home. the various representatives of St. Scoutmaster George Haynes.'| "pancock at Nestleton Sunday. | erme n V a 1d Climax Bi hin Paul's United Church. before asking Cobourg Bov Scout] "ar a dry in| : BROOKLIN > & Mr. and Mrs. A. Jeffrey, Mill-| PETERBOROUGH (CP) A ETE y -- A, of Peterborough, it was learned [Betion) Juniation uve tpotsoring Sonaty ad {nigga A gave a DIES AFTER BLAST [Baird to say a few words. re- jeffrey and brother, Frank Jef.|!Slc, of the gers H 1 ' } |a "Shel " for EF appeal report, an arry Smit k v led that the vere further arke Township school area, By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT ! ppeas/Fepa ry spoke oMTAWA (CP)--A man hurt in vealed that there were further|froy ~cunday. Held Rue 1% Rutforise Borkow | a rue Kesnsay whe board of SIQAAOWE. © + 1 Ministry", : Aon ,|boys, Lord Rowellen, successor r-hava were guests of Mr. and ; : 3 vas a op he Links LEND-AHAND GRoUP "Our Worship and Service" was Se 3 i hy Wy to Lord Baden-Powell, will give yrs, R, Murpi Sunday. a, Tange Ide N, Remedy votes: ruled that the Municipally,gnyijig Centennial Committee in leader, Mrs. Robina Nesbitt, Fri- woman's Association will meet ~Our Christian. Edusmon ! 3 - er Y|Act was violated in several re- ., ooration with Keith: Connell ' % ' | 8S ur Christian Education" was]| a in Trenton Saturday night, Also . ' Apers 14, Selln annatl, day evening. The meeting opened | Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. at the explained fully by Jack Eliott, 22%: believed in attendance at this| CANADIANS ATTRACT iy jiigator of the Creams of Bouia nison. The topic for the fall sea-| Committee in charge will be: "Our Church Home". A film, from bed in his apartment Mi The vote was called by the e'gn celebration at the park this son, 'Meat in the Menu" was al C. Richardson, ge Web- 'Split Level House" was Shon i Slater Street, near the centre of ¥1"°" Mpesey. ; that 5,930,000 persons visited the »f the area school board. Cound ¥ \ § rT Ri of the area school board. Council ] The ceremonies ended with a Canadian Pavilion at the Brus | { ea ioben.| The climax to the evening 'of cussed different cuts and tex- patterson, Mrs. Stevenson, chairman, spoke on the program after treatment of his injaries at short speech from Chief Baird, sels World Fair. This means that N relused to pass a deben- tin and EE ot iar 1a tures of meat, grades and nutri- BRIDGE "CLUB to be 80 on for Der Trg and! ospital. who said that the Boy Scouts one out of every seven who saw | ever ave Ls Er aa m and treats will be a huge bon- SCUSS be school board, and e Mu- p : oe : nicipal Act was forced to call a "rom trees fhat have heen cub Rating and cooking with econ-|, 0 10 cement of Township Hall| 28 resources chairman, gave EDMONTON (CP) -- External ed and proud of the boys. - 'mbit. oo... Hi Ch - Sh have been piled high in the park, . g i sim itli y d mf ae kb m ) for Ne elected [OF Duplicate Bridge th then ation can carry the plan throug) il igh he t Swith gai Tues 1 is ' lance ol a Yale wi have ignited 1968-59: leader, Mrs. Albert \ : J to fuli completion. day night the traditional techni. een 0 i 4 J ; Cooper; assistant ' leader, Mrs, |. Miss Bovey, Frank Morrisey, po "0 Mp e "No an told the, ques of diplomacy are proving in- : Ber feature of The i admitted telling Bowmanville of the borrowing and 92 against will be a costume parade at ¥ih- Downey; assistant, Carol Nesbitt; Heron, 56; 3. Jack Patterson, | Il -- we can if we have faith 'en&es. Progress in changing Police Chief Bernard R. Kitiey . i "cent Massey nnblie school with ' | Dave Coates, 55'2; 4. Mrs. Bovey, > 1a ! ernard R. Kitney| , g the irregularities in ti ong fore - treasurer, Mrs. Ella s J ° ° Among the irregularities in the prizes for ih ita i. Davies, Mrs. Robert Heron, 52 The congregation unanimously tional Shmate Sushges hat Deen . ace- i 1ft1: 1g Pla 1 [arrest him he would use a gun |v i "in the advert were to ol i new y . ' . t P 5 9 "SS i { (t se a g {were omissions er advertise! members between the ages of 1! jagupeed Budget increased by Rl A eticuties" h deed on them, was released from cus- ments of the vote; failure of the| er ------------------------------------ |W ifficulties,"" he sa n complement of the unit, The SHIRLEY [lecture at the University of Al. NEW YORK (AP) -- A billion- market on the other side of the|B. Baxter. Henry Christi, 83, of|days before voting day: and fail-| leader, Mrs. Albert Cooper will LINDSAY (CP AY iv 0 - |doilar facelifting plan or lower|island would disappear. Hamilton, charged with breaking|ure of the council to offer to ap- , LT} 4 ) -- Nearly % s New York's oldest RN ested in the club d I Duff cele-|t Elford's 100th birthd 1 ibis Rainy [Jaction, las been presented to the ANY DUEL IN thi |given a term of seven days, which of both sides of the question. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Duff cele: brose Elford's rthday cele-| uring business hours thisiwag back-dated to the time of his| ---------- Arrangements were made (0), i 4 their 35th wedding anni. bration at the family farm near Secretary - General Dag Ham: If adopted, the rehabilitation Sow) awa Ysirics hms 2 Working first appearance in court. He was fed | population o ,000. night itithys freed immediately. i Five of the Elford brothers and that the United Nations Emer: changes along both sides of Man- y TTAWA (CP) -- A $7,890,336 A demonstration of the cutting| After supper at the home of ; ges alc ) ut . OTTAWA ( A $7,890,336 up of a beef carcass will take their son Ross, and family, they|sisters are more than 90 years gency Force in the Middle East|hattan's triangular tip, now dom. Sons actually iive there, and they, ;, = "ro ni" hy Constables contract was awarded Tuesday home of their daughter, I e. hi'ing in the base-| Limited of Ottawa for erection of of the Flying Dutchmen|a tri-service medical centre. = A surprise party was in pro-ic. qc the hens and . | "4 : é Har Fibs | A y » gathers eggs.|or not the UN should create a/along the East and Hudson rivers| The reason the old buildings are give h break, 9 | : states that a free polio clinic for|gress with all the family and) -- . [ ; € give him a break, but warned|e er let for government work in adults of Whitby Limi will = : permanent UN peace force. {among the modern spires. Many not still older Is that great fires him never to get caught in this | Ottawa. Bagot St., Brooklin, from 2 p.m.-| Relatives were present fron} MONTREAL (CP) -- Custerm|maidens -- would be closed and|date back farther than the 1835 ; 6 p.m. the following days: jCinine] Wing (Canada) Limited| supplanted by industrial buildings|fire. jirom Jae2, Ips heen Sonvicled oa| 2 ts . ol he Port Perry. | - a: At a g jafter 15 New Canadians, speak- | i istri 3rd injection -- July, 1959, [PERSONALS 2 man Aircraft Limited of Montreal| Other streets would be wid f Brooklyn Bridge | d 3 a ing through int s, tes | stree | dened |of Brooklyn Bridge In a district (0 10000 0 ; CHURCH SERVICE 8 igh interpreters, testified for production of a two-engine/to make a beit traffic loop around|known as The Swamp. Soon they re Always after him. He ex plained he only wished to get in| pulpit at Sunday morning wor-| Mrs. Dolly Lansing, Nestleton,! Smith was char: with brib- : ? ship at Brooklin United Church, ha been visiting Mr and Mrs Wi Shh a Ii. | vertically. The plane has normaljused, would give way to a heli-tres of odd crafts profes: (a yal [wing tips but has a curved gully port and marina for small boats.|sions -- coffee roasting, ship - hold the next meeting Saturday, | place at an Oshawa establish. | were taken for a drive to the old. They are Elizabeth, 101 last|be continued. The 81-nation spe-/inated by the skyscrapers of the are mostly in old dwellings dat- ADULT POLIO CLINIC Lloyd Short, (Ruth), Port Perry, Katie, 80, and Ambrose, who at|to consider this question separat-| It calls for razing of most of the The plans call for completion of : | relatives present and the couple of the narrow older streets--once swept the infant city in 1776, 1778 district again. VAI a owing days; |Port Credit, Toronto, Agincourt, 1st injection -- Oct. 30, 1958. i | i | announced Tuesday it has an ar-/and residential apartment pro-| For 300 years leather merchants| "4 he has never been| Mrs, B. Wray spent the week-|¢ i i J hey paid him from $30 to $300)( 0 cent Custer CCW-5--an air-|the district. Some East River|must move elsewhere, i out of the cold and had no in-| The senior choir provided W, Lambe, Mr. and Mrs. M. cenc : " 4 . cence examiner. Mervin Lewis,| 0 io the fuselage that cradles| The Fulton fish market along the|chandlering, spice dealing -- that (WHITBY) LIMITED at 8 pm. in the kindergarten : Probation supervision of na ( larke I V ote - bo Donald Dowden, \ } be en, Civil Defence to | minister, Rev. T. Rex. Norman. shipment to children in the Faith ers Groun. snoke fo say how weekend as guest of Mr. . on re 0 " The baby has been placed in a |; hr viewed before the meeting. e y P the Sector Plan, who introduced NEWS BRIEFS sons were guests of Mr, and Mrs. The members of the Home and| Jack Reid, chairman of mis- Association head, fire chief Ken, . x visited Mr. and Mrs. H. V J of cote of the ratepayers of the Tuesday. | 0) bon. i h o ; ' BROOKLIN -- The 4H Girly'| for Hallowe'en. Ministnort timé on "Our Pastoral |sgtyrday's mid - town explosion ceremcnies in store for fhel M. Murphy and W. Thickson. ing $160000 to build two new| or i of Orono for a scrutiny of the BOWMANVILLE -- The Bow The Lend-a-Hand Group of the outlined by Bob. Russell, and ya) causes, evidently a heart the boys their official parchments -- y TiAer was violated in overs] re: . . aks conduct of Lhe elec: snarator of the Cream of Barley with the 4-H Pledge repeated In home of Mrs. A. I. McBrien. Jack Simons gave a brief talk on Ernest Wright, 36, event will be Governor General] BRUSSELS (Reuters) -- Cana-| dian officials announced Tuesday| 1 4 ' | J township council at the request Irirlay evening. plained by Mrs. Nesbitt, who dis- her; visiting committee, Mrs. J. Mrs. George Simpson, program the explosion. He was released : ture bylaw requested by the fi All 2 eb h x ; : we ng 8 ent value, and advised on pur. The Brooklin Bridge Club met adoption, with Howard Philp, who MODERN CHALLENGES Association in Cobourg was pleas the fair went to the Canadian ex re sh J Tans es |vote at the hoard's request. The \ Frid th all b 3 " : Para and cme Frida ey Ww e: Following officers Round Robin --. gation can carry the plan through Affairs Minister i yo BOWMANVILLE -- A man who : ' ) : | The vote showed 104 in favor Robina Wright: president, Lols|85: 2. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, A. ongregation that "We can if we adequate to mcet modern chal- Lower Manhattan secretary lin G ith i " these techniques as the interna- a . the best masquerade Shaw; pianist, Jilian Coe. Mrs. Kennedy, 54; 5. Mrs. Cyri}|in God, faith in other people f hat the next time police came to | balloting cited by Judge Kennedy |eostumes. 9 4 [per cent. "halting, hesitant and fraught Sn and 26 years, to make up the full | tody Tuesday by Magistrate R.|clerk to prepare a voters' list 10 100TH BIRTHDAY |berta. : . Manhattan, land entering with intent, was/ point scrutineers from supporters| be glad to hear from girls inter SHIRLEY Saturday night relatives and friends came to Am- PO aS UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (CP)|city fathers. court. He was Nov. 1 ver Islay, 12 miles north of here. |marskjold recommended Tuesday program would bring drastic! CONTRACT AWARDED Add is almost deserted. Only 4,000 Per-| nye magistrate told Christie gistrat stie, | ire : Kaye Freethy and 1. tickahy of + Construeti S any | ment. Mrs, January, William, 95, Mary, 94, cial political committee decided financial district. ing back 100 years or more. geuy snd Les Ricknuy orto Fuller Consirueiion Company 100 still works i is el y PF tures -|the changeover by 1970. Sw Sahl | Dr. J. H. McKinney, MOH.| | 1 works in his garden, |eiy from the problem of whether outmoded structures that cluster Viole hotel Oct. 16, that he would| 1t is the biggest single contract ' | 2 " | held at the Oddfellow's Hall, received a large number of gifts. cowpaths trod by Dutch lads and|and again in 1835. Few buildings| oi whose record dates) ERS Myrtle, Burketon, Shirley and|}, : : ' \ree onths in y | : \ 2nd injection -- Nov. 27, 1958. Jponts reformatory on oement with Noorduyn Norse: jects. . [have conducted their trade south|givon 2 p cat bo notice who Rev, 8. J. Hillier occupied the end at Torrence with her sister.|to get them drivers' licenc oR m 3. Lgunces. craft that can take off and land|piers, obsolete and largely un-| Likewise doomed are iittle cen- tention of committing a crime in music with 'Mrs. Neil Petty as| Lansing. 3M, instruct Smith's ; ¢ 8 an instructor at Smith's the engine. This provides high lift| East River and the Washington|still can be found in the twisting soloist, directed by organist, Mrs.. B, Johnson has purchased the school, was acquitted on a similar Fred Brown. {Shirley school. |charge. Next Sunday morning, Nov. 2, - the junior choir will eccupy the choir loft, directed by leader Mrs. Kenneth Holliday and pianist, | Mrs. Alfred Wilson, { INFORMAL SERVICE An informal service will be held | next Sunday evening at 7.30 p.m. in the Sunday school room of the United Church. Rev. S. J. Hillier will conduct a series of studieg on the minor prophets. A discussion period will follow. MISSION BAND The Mission Band will meet Saturday afternoon, Nov. 1, at) 2.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs Ralph Wescott. SHELL OUT and little drag. wholesale fruit and vegetablelalleys and narrow streets: CITY OF OSHAWA - CLEANUP WEEK The week of November 3rd te November 7th inclusive, hes been designated as Cleanup Week in the City of Oshewe end arrangements have been made for the collection from private residence, on their usuel garbage day, of all discarded house hold Moje of furniture, clothing, Lhish ni from the cleaning up of grounds or from minor household re- pairs, and domestic waste material such ea» paper, rags, cor tons, packing cases and bottles. All materials to be collected should be put out during the above-mentioned week only, and at the seme time and in the same place os the garbage for the regular collection. MATERIALS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS COLLECTION material and waste food t. handled" in | Jor the future with CANADA SAVINGS Daily pick-up and delivery service between Oshawa and Metropolitan Toronto, via High- ways No. 2 and 401 including service to such off - highway points as PICKERING BEACH, FRENCHMAN'S BAY, FAIRPORT BEACH, ROSEBANK and PORT UNION. Telephone Oshawa RA 5-4623 Whitby MO 8-3408 "FOR MISSED PAPERS IN AJAX 14 you have not received your Times by 7 p.m. cell 'AJAX TAXI AJAX 333 AR salle must be placed before 7.30 p.m. Large quantities of waste building products (in excess of the I garbage collections) are not i Toronto EM 3-2341 SHIP VIA WOOD'S TRANSPORT FOR FAST AND EFFICIENT SERVICE THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 775 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA READY TO SERVE YOU Order yours through luded in this This special collection applies only to private households end not te apartments, stores, businesses of industries, ALDERMAN WALTER R. BRANCH, Chairman, Beard of Werks, Rll tC A ell | & a Ta gpa Cie NE a rc RE ERT SRE NL EE eb it aa aie A A RN BT vi a ale

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