THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, October 29, 1958 § ; It's Oshawa's Greatest Sale..." C O A T 5 A L E I The Lowest Prices of the Year! . LUXURY MINK-TRIMMED : AND PLAINS : | : : ia ale of Luxurious il RE | SALE OF LADIES' SKIRTS ~~ 4B WINTER COATS || ooo SSE S : 10 styles -- All-Wool Tweeds and Ploin \\ FUR TRIMMED COATS Special types of skirts in this wonderful sale. Wrap- Many, many styles to chodse from in this price > Regular to 16.00 ly skirts. FRONT WRAP-AROUND x : around skirts (fully lined), pleated skirts, slim skirts. Jove of ong Beale SHEATH SKIRTS, : Reswlor to 155.00 NOW 1 Finest oll-wool fabrics -- Sealskin, broadcloth, Shet- WALKING SKIRTS (with low pleats). Finest all gular . 08.9 . i wool. fabrics -- Large plaids in brushed mohairs, k : lond wool, "brushed mohair. Stylish colors: Off doeskin flannels, broadcloths, grey worsted flannels, ; i To ' ' novelty British tweed. ge Regular to 115.00 NOW 78.91 . white, red, sopphire, grey and black. Sizes 10 - 20. REGULAR TO 12.95 6-91 REGULAR TO 16.95 8-91 : 4 \ £3 What Luxurious Furs -- ; ES oh Thay What. Luxurious Cloths -- Ny ] Choose from Trimming of CERULEAN MINK, HOMO ING DOOR a oi / MINK, RANCH & WILD MINK, CANADIAN BEAV- OPEN : J ER, BLONDE MUSKRAT (dyed) SPECIAL "hl " ! And the rich cloths are the luxurious WOLAMBO CLOTH-- : ENGLISH FINE SUEDES--CASHMERE ond MOHAIR MIXTURES. LADIES' STYLISH : oY Sizes 10 to 20. SKIRTS | /\@\, LADIES' UNTRIM COATS In 6 Smart Styles \ 3 i ¥ Ew, t Regular to 79.95 Regular to 10.95 y % i | Rghoer oN : Regular to 69.95 ..... NOW 38.91 : : i § A large group of Coats in both price lines -- The new- est Silhouettes -- Trapeze -- Rounded Back -- The Clutch Coat -- The Large Collared Coat -- All made from fine imported fabrics such as English Sealskin -- Duoetyn -- Suede -- Alpaca -- Llama -- Colors -- Black, Beige, Green, Red, Taupe. Sizes 8 to 20 and 12)2 to 24a. : COME EARLY FOR THIS GI- GANTIC SALE OF LADIES SKIRTS -- Pure wocis, worsted Loa ft " flornels, ottomans, be ines, ' rs . . Slim oth styles, Hr Hr : ? | EX TRA SPECIAL (not all sizes) y J i { . } 49 ONLY LADIES' $9 1 b Reg. 69.95, While They Last Only Early shopping is advised. Warm smart coats--each gare \ ment has chamois interlining -- all-wool fabrics but not all sizes in the group, A real buy for only 21.00. ¢ BOTANY STYLISH Sa. : PULLOVERS ALL-WOOL JUMPERS fq 5 2 GROUPS sind | 2! FUR TRIM SUITS REG. 5.95 1.77 SALE A aos 7 a7 y jp 3 Regular to 49.95 $0O _-- $13 LY OF TIE a NDERFUL Stylish jumpers in three smart styles, made in ell- * a . - wool fi I, shetlond f BROKEN SIZES hie gio cigion fem gi Pits Stl oetn § NOW $20 ; = Un 1. Mane Wools, crepes, tweeds, rayon mix, SALE OF PLAIN AND PLAID . 4 " novelty fashions, sizes 10-20 end Just a small lot of suits at this price. So we 14Y5.22%3 in the groups. CO-ORDINATES . advise to shop early. Mostly all sizes in: the In Orlon and Wool and Shetland Wool ; group. HAND PICKED TAPERED SLIMS . 10.95, Sale 6.91 y . EATED SKIRT g. 10.95, Sale 6.91 +5 ATED LAT cave niisl, 015 Bole £51 LADIES' SUITS \ MILLINERY WESKIT ve.....Reg. 6.95, Sale 4.91 : ---\ : . ' What a bargain -- Clearing the balance of re Rate * Fine Fur Velours----Soleilows Lovely colors in plaid--gold, red and brown. In plain--sapphire .. blue, DN J our Autumn Stock of Suits -- Finest woollen ' PS Brushed Wool Feitv--in @ o . " great array of styles and brown or black. Sizes 10-20. . : Wait fabrics -- finest tailoring -- Many styles y colors including white, y Choose from choches--Pil FULL FASHIONED ; be to choose from -- iy 5 Box. Draped. Sho FAMOUS MAN MADE R but not all sizes « : j d 10.95, 12.9% ond 14.9 lo YARN SWEATERS Regular fo 49.95 Se {74 «& EE 6.91 We cannot mention the famous name but you will recognize the fomous sweater whenever you feel and see it. Lovely rich winter colors, PULLOVER ALL CARDIGAN . CA og. 7.95 Reg. 9.95 ; : 5 ASH A ® 4.79 6-79 LADIES' REVERSIBLE LADIES' PILE LINED wes | CAR TEES CAR COATS i i COATS ep. : i \ \ A fo t fash le at . FULLY LINED kxtgcr'| | TROPICANA Hn a Ene Bedtrd Cone og oni Regular 35.00 NOW Lined J Sughout x ith cosy-warm Hi ile linings. | Beige, TARTAN SLIMS Regular to 25.00 IRR o.oo] Blue Toms Bloat with sores. 24.91 : i \ ing linings. Sizes 10 to 20. : ' REGULAR 6.55 4 79 \ SALE PRICE ° : Yesterday these wonderful slims sold at 6.95 ) if i especially for this wonderful sale 4.79. Smart » : Hi { What a. bargain! Fine HH \ nd 4 Chino on one side--and \ . Orlon pile on the other. STORE HOURS tartan plaids -- Fully lined. Sizes 10-20, Black and white or black Thursday--9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday--9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday--9 a.m. to 6 p.m. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 5 % <3: 5 Sz, " eT ARE fo -L.0 7 Pt Bel 7 soo ad ¥ " FINEST TAILORED SHIRT TYPE BLOUSES Finest shirt type blouses -- Tail- REG. 2.98 ored by one of the finest blouse SALE p makers, Finest combed drip«dry 1 91 end red. Sizes 12 to 18. ® i ; cotton. Sizes 10-20. al en { dnd gol FREE PARKING: FOR OVER 15,000 CAKS v A A A a a a ET a SE EAR A EN EE SE BT BEBE ESE