. 44--For Rent |44--For Rent [44--For Rent --Reol Estate For Sole 45--Real Estate For Sale [45--Real. Estate For Sole (45--Reol Estate For Sole | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 29, 1958 9 BELF . contained two-room unfurnish | THREE - room apariment, new)y 0ec-| THREE - room partment, privaie en " Hd dows. wo Jeans old, sixroom ERIVATE, no agenis plans ite pe ER A alc ed apartment, healed, private bath, |orated, suitable for couple, very cen-|tvance, adults only. 580 Drew Bireet } A I Oy wT] Sanit! yyih ving ns ol bs hei gl gl vest mg TR 243 tral. BA 5.4277 BMRA 3786, Nov.21 ™ rdf rin Budi Ri ioriaf rob nl Rg v4 pty Rosh BL dr bg rs i ti A A a, Zl sxbuoom, Ming oom. kitchen and BUNGALOW. lor rent; Available No East End, town line, Must be sold atl inum storms, oil heated, landscaped. be seen anytime, Apply 155 Verdun FOUR, and five » room apartments, |bathroom, Apply 258 Cadillac Street. |vember 15. 624 Olive Avenue. a 2u ill Te oy. DA os pum, stor A = a, \andieaped be seen atime aon stuf furnished or untarvisted, Stave| 14 3-100, LARGE furnished front bedroom, pri. or RA 3.3398, John A. J, Bolahood down, Call RA 57545, Oct. 3/5 PONTIAC conch, wood iransparta- apd "refrigerator, RA 56309, 496 Simcoe NKW brick hungal w, five rooms, P| vate home, just newly decorated. Buit- Insurance As iotes Ltd. 256¢ A J. SCHAT 8 PONTIAG conch. goed icasaborta Sfreet North, Apartment 4 2501 ple Hill, ted, #90 mann 1 able Jor gentlemen, handy to bus, P./ LOT for sale on Elizabeth © Crescent, OPPORTUNITIES GROW ON | Phone RA 5-420 25% ROOMS centrally located, RA 53259 Jones Real Estate, RA 56412 or | bedroom newly decorat REAL ESTATE 75 x 200. Phone RA 55568, 252 REALTOR FLORIDA'S WESH CONST pial wir wa py 2500 : ' é Name your price. RA 5 $1,000 full down peyment, GENERAL INSURANCE Send 25¢ (coin) for, the BIG EE -reom in new ed hot water, '56 CHEV, four-door, low mileage, | Must ree] Good loca NEW b: low ith two bedrooms. dq i Gentl n DX WwW WwW brid go Rossland ML ely | home: private bath, iva. eusasit | Housekeeping $e, on a N $2,000 DOWN new N.H.A, homes, your lost WE LIST PHOTO CO-OP ANNUAL INVITATIONAL IS- Ibe wid immediately to close br Box 137 Times-Gazetts 0c (RA 8.1729, Buys this beautiful 3-bedroom brick bungalow en Central Park homes SUE (Nov 9) of the Sunday |For information phone RA 52010, ta RTMENT -- three rooms, uniurn- riunity to be o e bl y GROUND floor four-room spartment,| ¥ olR . room self - coniained apari- {ARAN Very low rent, Also one room| Blvd, Price includes oluminum storms ond screens, oluminum Sppeny of this low down pay- 304 Dundas Street W., Indepedent "The Sunshine PRIVATE '52 Meteor, Sood Shiite central, $90 monthly, Phone RA 5-395. | .0nt, furnished, heated, central, Phone apartment, (stove and refrigerator), door, T.V. aerial, nicely landscaped ull around, and corries for t full rice $11,900 Whitby Newspaper", St. Petersburg | Can be financed, Any down pay "Pik BY RA 7098 after 5.15 p.m, 250(| Phone RA 5-341, BU) c64'14 includes principal, interest and foxes, For further ine il ow nd og Se wip ot 'RA Sa z oi TWO furnished basement rooms, one low, south end. 1TA| MODERN three - room, self - contain. : hn Zoko enings RA 5.0494, / 55 OLDSMO! or iwo gentlemen, 510 a week, RA TNE. room bung ow " A Sparient. privals entrance, three formation, please coll John Zo 10%, &v 9 0 down, Coll Sugene Rameren DIVISION ST. OSHAWA Nov.9, power equipped. 81255, 26 d - piece bath, refrigerator, stove, t RA 5.6544, John A, J, ---------------------------------- Ne RANCH bungalow, three bedrooms |v 'Wesh, Si i Dunes from TI ing pb In Wibod RA 59191 Nav 2) 346 MARY STREET Bolohood, Limited, Realtors $2,500 down. Quer arias ed CHEVROLET win ng Hg availghle Nov, 1. Business couple pre centre. Phone RA 5166), 2474 {THREE rooms, partly furnished. 2 $11,500 -- 7-room brick in this choice location, ednvenient to ious to sell 6-room solid brick LO 0 K | Yhite walls, low mile ik fotied.- Prone BA 39104 for Inorms. | aparimant for WDB, irs schools, churches, down town, Nice living room with fireploce, 1V4-storey home, Modern in LCE ly 3 Y le] i in Siren are | single men, RA 33201 250f | TWO rooms for rent, Phone RA boda good size dining room, modern kitchen with plenty of Cupboy ds, every way, 4-pc, bathroom, $500 DOWN $500 i J ich iy private sale, Call fof mh 1 South GM. Phone RA 5 po06. | THREE unfurnished rooms, with bal | TIPE TT nclosed back porch, 3 large bedrooms, new forced oir oil fur- valance boxes, koolvent awn- 4 * |appointment, RA 5.3565 or Port Perry Nov.15|eony, residential A'S, Central. 2 ii Bary X for one or arin se nace, fictly odes back yard ond soteas. For further details ings, many extras 100 numer- $7,500 full price. Owner |Yuken 52486, Be gi children, Phone RA 5-574 x i1ities, lease co enry Stinson, evenings 2 : tion, . Full price s sell, 6-room home |'0 PLYMOUTH, GFaior 854 washing {ae wat © ou 12 ent p says sell. Good | walls. 326 Rosedaio Drive, Whitby, Lr SIX ~ room brick bungalow, "bath, oil FOUR Foor se coped | erator ang | Insurance Realtors $13,500 in good location, close to ted, envy duly wiring, ete en . ' . --aS---- | ' ' tral. One or two children, Oniy $80 ment, mew stove and refrigerator, CLEAN, com Tori Tow win or ATTENTION LADIES OPEN EVENINGS WR ond bus, Low taxes, |%4! a month with lease, RA 8.1049. 252a| Adults only, $75 monthly, Apoly 291 gentleman, close to GM north plant h f lif h Id like less ) ' | "56 PLYMOUTH coach, radio 4 Simcoe Btreet South, Apariment 5, 2501 1072 248i] Have you reached the stage of life where you woul . WHITBY This won't last, coll Bill | Eh Celient condition, 0, V4» los DE To Ne, I A TRACE =v oar. wae | 2 Dp pat criment, 315 weakly,| housework? Where you ore sick and tired of climbing stairs? BUILDER'S LOSS -- YOUR | ONLY ONE LEFT Swarbrick ot RA 5-6544, 8.5061, 2514 pod 23% | Bowmanville vicinity, Phone RA 5.4010, Toren 100M, 1075 or 140 Division| If you have, then we would like to show you e snug, comfort. GAIN $2,000 down -- 6-room brick | JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD PRIVATE, 57 Nash Metropolitan, like WO furnished rooms, Tent Teasonable 250c gireet after 4 pm, UB gble, modern 5-room brick bungalow, located on o beautifully Spanking new N.H.A, brick Sones new, only 3000 miles, 40 miles to gallon, Apply vis Street 252 [OUSE for vent, Apply 181 Oshawa |pwo + room. ished apartment,| londscoped lot on Somerville Ave, The price is right, the terms bungalow which must be with built-in ofl + A LIMITED REALTORS #1350 or best offer. RA 50624 evenings, MOUSE locafed town line road north, Boulevard South, 20 in new Hom heavy duty etove, ganie:| are good. Toke the step now towards a Declines, happier life, sold. 'Make. an offer. Aske Hing new ne Sisun i 250¢ OTN Tega Tore Poss November 1, Adult 4 - orth, | builtin eup! ) sink, 8848, II McFeet Il, RA 5. ' ivi i sign for this o -------------------------------------- ( {ff s harcton, fool motets Fossosn n November J. Adu Avy Th URPER duplex, Bimeoe Bireet N h 2514] Give Bill McFeeters a call, evenings ing only $12,500, with o Lal of $13,800, new transmission, needs some body Simcoe South serene | EH ws and bath, upstairs, one low down payment, South. | work, Must sell, best cash offer. RA W bungalow, five rooms, e, |! oom GOOD FAMILY HOME meod oreo, Three bedrooms, For particulars call Helen FOR SALE | 50547 ut 25% NE FURNISHED front bedroom, private bed. 5, dining room rage, child : Su home with modern garage, North sec en dtehen, $65 monthly, py 813 -5691, 1) 6-room brick home with a brick garage, located on a corner lot DOUG GOWER -- RA Simp evenings, RA 3% PONTE "perfect condition, tion, Suitable for b usiness, gentle ma (Sylvia Street. 240 MODERN three-bedroom "i In the Highland Ave. area, Home is comprised of a good size 8.5123, open, Fo Dude pin dy digi » i a Breukiast 'if denipy 252b MODERN four - room apartment and| children welcome, Phone Asx living room, dining room, end modern kitchen, 1 bedroom ' $1495, Phone RA 50047 - bath, including stove, refrigerator, dry: downstairs, 2 large bedrooms ond 4-pc. tiled bathroom upstairs, Lioyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. . .3337 OR EXCHANGE SACRIFICE, Buick, 1953 dynafiow 50, in Ye Arment a Hh ontaln er, and TV outlet, (estes, RA +H ATTRACTIVE Turnished rooms. al The lot is Puli with a tall er hedge, A good size back oy 93 Simcoe St, N, | RAS Bae ring NO 8 3 good condition, » car with Blenty of so. hha TA 1 / 30f (able in. priva i v 0 ng for Bermuda Nov, 11, central, Phone RA 5-9344 or Rs MEDIATE possession; ground ro | Noth 5-7 pm RA B8671, Nov. 28| yord with o nice shade tree, Located in excellent oreo, paved RA 8.5123 100-ocre farm, naer Bethany, | Must sei, Phone "RA 3.4035, 3 - 7 pm: A ] |Two rooms, ie hy Tmmediate rood, sidewalk, close to schools, bus and shopping. For further LIST WITH LLOYD MEMBER LOCAL pha oy he gsi an RT TORY cone Tovar Shi dal partment, Three large rooms with ROOM "and board for two. in_large bath, private ig Dinan oa possession, . 3-23 ---- Be information, please call Stan Phillips, evenings RA B-1496, THEN CALL YOUR MOVER REAL ESTATE BOARD furnace, gorage, large barn, | exhaust, 500d condition, RA 59928, 2526 d ' " 4 4 nan CO A room Pi ' 1 ' ' SE hin OUR room self = contained APRIL. | Linesman , Weal, MES and. WAST, BEFORE 5:00 PM, -- RA 3-2265 -- HEL -- | Chicken house, drive shed, BEST in town, mingle beds, all modern one" newly decorated, separate en-|Rochers, RA 5-3815, La Salle Court, 251 BETWEEN 5:00 & 6:00 P.M, -- RA 8.1624 | i two wells, 50 acres bush with BUYING or SELLING conveniences, close lo south OM. gre "heavy wiring central, Suitable Available now, 476 Al 2 « pl ' private bath, Availa el RA 5-4229, / y 536 Lorraine Street | for young couple, RA 5-4837 250f | bert Street, RA 5-5814 Fit 2520 "ONLY 595 DOW soring: ed creek. Will accept i 00M d for gentlemen, pri-| a TAT a |= - -- -- Roon South GM Lunches pask.| THREE - bedroom Va East sec: | FOUR - room seil-contained apartment with $2,000 down, Asking TED CAMPIN Fa srvieie. Homey atmorpbets, 18) lan Wr tal eleencesw Bulase, batten, MVULNINE ere SUNDERLAND--FOR SALE $9,500 MOTORS 3.3093 Nov, 15 125, Times-Gazelte. Central loca on, | allan AY BUILDER SACRIFICES } ROOM and hoard for gentlemen, close SELF - CONTAINED apartment, oil [#75 monthly, PETER KOWAL 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA a rit ay street heated; hea duty stove, builtin cup | Two rooms and small kitchen, unfur oe 3. : 7 | \ooe fo dowhtown, Aply 23 EIHIn Beet os, ic. aimecy MTeat Noth, Ava yD JOO ee ow atod. | Immediate : room, 4, fece bx th, Byars, plus wintes fue In village ft Real Estate Broker (Just East of Wilson Road) East. RA 3-7 Hohle November 1. 970 monthly. RA possession, #10 Bloor Street East. 2511 ighway, One full price ,000, small down payment, ang sma | MODEL HOME RA 3-4494 Res, RA 5.5574 FOUR om onan AP. (73433 or RA 5.2267 - 2H SC TDOW has bed-sitting room with wit-( monthly payments. Immediate possession Why Rent? 99 King E., Bowmanville -- -5868 SABYAN MOTOR ment, new r private en - w "Phone RA 52262 : i trance, yeu ani Stave. Laundry ini . Be Sen; peiviegss, TV, Toone Zi | N.HA, plonned 3-bedroom brick bungalow, 4-piece ceromic MA room wi 4 ng giver " aria stove and refrigera. central SUNDERLAND IL | tiled bathroom, with colored fixtures, large family kitchen Oct 29, 3 Nov. 252 counters and loads of extra cupboard space. ---- % SALES LTD. Divided, bosemunt, fruit tress on: property, sight et sehool and STUDEBAKER-VOLKSWAGEN bu Carries less than rent $ INCOME $ SALES ond SERVICE monthly i Bloor Street Bont 0 tor, Available November 15, and one|®IN uz room for gentleman, TWO - room unfurnished apartment LIVING ROOM, kitchen, bedroom and APARTMENT -- three room, aelf.con- ' GO DIRECT: KING S, EAST TO FAREWELL THEN | 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH euphoards and s Kitchen, In New garage. Apply after 7 p.m, to 149 Ger: |(ained, close to stores and bus line ear CA" ME Duplex, 8 rooms k HAWA, ONT, bung on Grenfell Street, RA 89948) yard Road North, Oshawa 247 | Phone RA 33656 2521 | SOUTH TO SATOK MODEL HO ig 5 isi brick, 2 TES 3.3461 7 Wentworth ONE and two-bedroom Apartments, jo furnished. room, lo share, single SUNDERLAND EXCLUSIVE AGENTS drive ond garage, aluminum VR Washer. dryer, stove,|TV outlet, 'frig, stove, balcony, park ed by t . ; : » \ ! r Noor schoo ing Possession ov 1 Abel Atk. J 5.9935 2 | 100 acres choice clay loam. Large painied barns, steel stanchic ng, | SATOK REAL ESTATE LIMITED oh geen; end Oe Oo CRANFIELD MOTORS phone MA 3 owmanville, Noy, 20/101 Craydon Road, ! ; . : 4 re dial ' " fh com apartment, unfurnished, | GIRL to share 3-room furnished apart BUCKINGHAM MANOR | ili om pre pre 7 jae $p ii modern home, bath, hydro, de wn, jong be he landlord - RA 3.2284 Sout | 2511 ment with wo and chi one | et L price 18,00( Ith good term co S CK -- Apuiy Roar § hoiagsaing 31? an, 2481 APARTMENTS ONTARIO'S LARGEST SUBURBAN REALTORS | §%e qm wore RA USED CARS oom in basement 1, prive B.A. SERVICE room in base e bh ing THREE - room, self - contained apart One- and two-bedroom, elec. | Write or Phone 0ct.24,25,29| RA 6-074 MODERN ontained three-room 0 4 d_vefrigera: | hed rooms, sink and cup private entrance, stove and refrigera:| TWO furnish ' olished floors, large sunny windows, situated on approximate! apartment, | vate bath tor, Available immediately, Don Howe, boards, near SGM, 268 Malaga Road | P 0 y / PF y 471 reasonable, RA 8.1633 247f Roal Estate, RA 5.7732 2520, one acre londscoped grounds, Garage. Must be sold to settle esiate, See this end make offer,. This is a lovely well kept home Lgl . 32h Wd three - room self + contained apartment, |APPly 38 Nassau Street 9 room brick, 3-piece bath, furnace, solid ogk trim. Beautiful | with arborite | hopping, school, churches, bus service Cadillac ment with bath, Suitable for eouple trically equipped, good lo- . JOHN. A | Phone RA \ 78 c ; ; enue No 251f one child, Private entrance. Available Yi RAMBLER, METROPOLITAN, , well furnished rooms and one Rotee 1. Phone Ls Bo L... cation 3p sd $100 MRS. MARGARET BALLARD BOLAHOOD NORRIS IS 2 CEasLEY, P roor husiness couple 0 R + room apartment, plece ; ping Tom, business coup an path, heavy" duty ove, relrigerator| 498 SIMCOE N. APT 5 SUNDERLAND | | | | OWI Lt | h 2 aundry ubs, priv mee, park R . 2% space, Apply 117 Montrave 'Ave Novi PHONE 124 | 0 ite a Soromobiies Wanted FURNISHE D roo ontinuous ~ hot yo 248f is hh ENS em WAREHOUSE | REP. OLIVE HOWE BROKER | 150° BROCK STREST NORTH | MODEL HOME | HIGHEST PRICES | . t, larg den, Children welcom PAID F THREY shed rooms, heat, lights oo Ae x pri 6.30 o m FOR RENT 2520 WHITBY MO 8-2527 OPEN FOR A OR and water, Private entrance, Pl 231g, Turn at Hillcrest off Bloor East. 248f ; | Good clean cars. Trade up or fein " living oom two TAREE "rooms, unfurnished, builtin] §,400 feet floor space with WHITBY $2,500 down, two-bedroom bungalow, n spotless INSPECTION down, Liens poid off, OUR large rooms, living room, ddr oo ly decorated . : y , ste and screens, bedrooms chen, bathroom, heat cuphonrds, sompigte y pcorated. office, stockroom, washre om, DUPLEX condition, large modern kitchen, aluminum storms scr DODD MOTOR SALES 1 wat Adults only, Avail: co eran 708 248¢| high folding doors, Central, oil heating He December 1. RA 8:0465 2519 "0" Street RA' 37081, 244 ing 3.9481 Immediate possession of lower floor 4 extra large rooms down | 314 PARK RD, §& po a heat. Tights) NICE: furnished rooms, downtown, sin . | ls bath, 3 large rcoms up plus 4 pe. bath -- 2 kitchens $2,300 Down, for split level home, four bedrooms, extra two- RA 3.9421 THREE to Ipstairs, hea ENS gle, or share, separate beds, Apply 64 248f| plus 2 pc. ba arge r s up plus 4 1 ( 5, room, lorge modern living room and dining | 00 and water le Park Rind Charles Street, RA 51092 BABE] simran nons lots of cupboards, storms, screens, garage, landscaped lot, 'forced piece washroom, rec 2 room, Total price $13.8 FULL D WwW BUNGALOW, new. five rooms. in £90¢ basement, south end, RA 3.9231, 2471| Ground-flocr opartment, 3 one block from public and separate schools. Live rent free in se-bedroom bungalow with attached OWN CASH yocation, Immediate possession, $100 n ublic a pare I $1,900 DOWN, for a three-bedroom bung i PAYMENT FOR YOUR CAR | | | | monthly, If interested phone RA 85.1457, FURNISHED self-contained apartment,| rooms and bath, completely this well planned income home. Asking only $12,500 with a garage, dining area, large living room, eluminum storm door, 231¢ living room, bedroom, bathroom, kit: I ft 130 I Jo 9191. | © chen contains stove, 'frig, washing ma.| Private. Tile and 'hardweod reasonable down payment, After 5:30 call Joe Moga at § excellent location, near schools Teel Vocation" Neor "haw MACKIE MOTORS Aran ENT Wee Toate, Bey do) shine LA ---------------- floors, . bulltsing, and sink. { TAUNTON ROAD EAST Full price $8,500, low down payment, seven-room home, south school, churches, bus service, WILSON RD. S. possassion, Adults only, Pho Private drive. $60.00, end of Whitby, oil heat, large lot, one mortgage at 6%. Call Gry 4 OMY ORY RROR Nr od 100m In po RA 5.8107 6 h stole } I | Whitby MO 8:2527. 3-bedroom modern homes on | RA 5.5743 or RA 5-1392 AWREE . room apartment, sell' con. gentlemen, central, parking space or | room ranch style home with cttached double garage on 165 2520 large lots with all the extros ith cellar. Ap 208 gi A 3.4960 « " A 2514] 264' landscaped lot with scenic view, close to school an hunch a, tained, with own cellar. Apply 208 garage. -R 00, 262 Groom's Ave f iE view, ¢ 0 | end 49 Automobile Repairs Celina Street 251¢ | nue 247 n paved road and offering plenty of space for a growing family | -- FOUR rooms, TV serial. ehifren wel. === ------"|45--Real Estate For Sale | Modern large kitchen, forced air oil heating, aluminum storms . RA 8-1338 Hh W Drices pnd: comed. Apply 120 Celina Strest Me; New Parkwood | SEVEN = room brick home. very ciean.| twindow in living room and dining room $2500 down monthly RA 35-1181 or RA 5-1) Oct, 8 SUNNY front Joom, with very large Close to school and store. Full price.| payments of $85.00. Owner transferred forces sale, of this. | S OW GUILDCRAFT | pe i elothes closet for gentleman, Cloke to $12,500, Low down payment, Phone RA y LDCRAF { p General Motors north plant and busi Apartments |8-7800 aspr| Property OME BUILDERS, | Test-DRge the ness section. Apply 114 Elgin East, 2514] -~ | " overnment Controlle {MODERN six.room. bungalow, hig liv. | Oct. 30 AK. - MODERN. "wel connined afurhent| OVOIment Controlled | MODERN ix room Virgaiow, Me Iv | CHURCHILL AVENUE REALTORS DRY. 25 . yefrigerator, stove, laundry and parks 1 bedroom -- 85. | Kitchen, 'big dining room, - hardwood ond the few FIAT ing facilities. « 4 . to bus \nchool, 2. bedrooms--85, 90. 95 floors, Aupiy 369 Oshawa Blvd Nova 6-room ranch style brick bungalow on 79' lot landscaped and YOU MAY MISS THIS GOOD BUY $ 5 8 8 for economy and perform. 1 and b decorated -- natural fireplac L-shap Adults only. Apply Logue Apartments, ag yg Ty 1 a ature eplace oped living and dining room, If you don't soon investigte this good quality home on Sommer | ANDY NAGY" S SHO remodelled for comfortable living. Being clear of mortgage makes BOD it possible to purchase in many different ways, Call us now for | 408 King St. W, 74 3.7132 full particulars BECAUSE | D OW nN BRAMLEY MOTOR | ith 81760 South. RA MODERN, six - room bungalow, tiled air with oil healing, recreation room, close to shopping, bus, 795 King Street East, RA 3.0292 Bie Park Road North {BIR < BN Randy {| tiled walls in bathroom shower doors, high dry basement. imme TRRES room bt aseme nt apartment - In modern home y wiring, large| Saguenay Avenue BE a i. 1 Yor trtormaton PRIVATE SALE SUBURBAN LIVING FREE room apartment," sink and] 167 Park Road North In good location in the suphoards In kitchen, private bat | Hr a ait! or village of Pickering -- bungalow with breezeway and atteched garage, good landscaped | | | | ville Ave, It is not just the run of the mill type but one recently | | | THREE unfurnished rooms, sink RA 3-237] Lincoln St. Three new lot 60' x 248', living room 22' x 14' plus 3 good bedrooms and | We want to show you this home because it is a five room | diate possession. Price reduced to $12,400.00 with $4,000 down and only Ya stone's throw from city buses well planned 5 room SALES LTD. One | 1271 SIMCOE NORTH 6% Mortgage | PHONE RA 3-4675 cupboards, child welcome, Apply kitchen, call today for early app intment After 5:30 call bungalow in excellent condition, Combination living and dining Park Road Sout! 51 248¢ 6 room stone ond brick Everett Elliott 3.9290 Asking $11,900 with $4100 down room, large kitchen with eating oreo, two large bedrooms, All | masonry unga- rooms tastefully decorated in conservative colors, Flexible terms WHITBY CLASSIFIED | ivi "int | LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE | #4 burn . 314 Simcoe Street South Dial 3-9329 or 5.6551 conditioning. Price | AFTER 5:30 DIAL Specialists in Ford service INCOME HOME $68 MONTHLY | wheel botomcer wit" ores PANT cuffing and altetations, en's ROOM and board, sult two, MO 8.4028 $12,900 and up. Small | LOW DOWN PAYMENT type equipment, Newest type adie ea I ADORS h ia electronic tune-up equipment, and adies wear, an n a Ttions : SLL se down payment . ace | Dick Barrioge 5-6243 Joe Maga 5-9191 Everett Elliott 3.9290 This good combination can make easy living for the right party, LARGE DETACHED 5p Articl F Nov. 20 GUARANTEED sewing machine re y love If 8.4 . 5 Articles For Sale pairs and service. Call Midtown Furnt. ted. Tok look Lloyd Metcalt 5.6983 Being a two-storey plan gives you three rooms on the first floor WOULD Rive daily care to children] fu 113 Byron South; phene MO doa), cepted, [ake a 00K, 252q| for the owner and a three room self-contained with modern SIX ROOM | mre kitchen "cupboard; brown mous i my 2 Re. Apply 1216 Brock Steet Nov, 4] Then get in touch with -- -- -- aE kitchen up. Located on Oshawa Blvd. North in a good residential Bh hie i rduood, bed wid eit i ri EARTH fill for sale, Whitby. oiters| the builder after 5 p.m, area, Total price $12,200. Down payment $2.500. You shoulid BUNGALOW RA 8:1005, 2508 AE , moved, repaired. New ae : + piiempen apes rmmm------ Bald TNs arm ol ra Joe Baric HO 3.1589 consider this one very seriously, SOLID BRICK | GIRL'S three:plece blue Kenwood outs Sales, 309 Brock South, Whitby Plaza. |yoad, HU $-6104 ¥ Toronto fit, in excellent condition, size 3X, $15. Nov, 22 " RA 5.6165 RA 5.3412 RA 8.8210, 2808 SARTOWN Furniture We bay. sel and FOR sale -- Single dresser, "Bird's 2474 S.room clapboard burolow on a large lot 80 ft, x 188 # 19 Athol St. West Oshawa THREE BEDROOMS, |CHESTERFIELD, combination Fadio; a I eve Maple', four large and two small --- north district, plus 2 finished rooms in basement, oil heating, OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE LARGE KITCHEN, nei oe Fy in good condition, Apply pliances and skates. Phone NO . Foy drawers, 46 x 21 x 57 inches high; drop ov. oi leaf table, walnut, length, 48 inches 3.piece bath, hardwood and tile floors, laundry tubs, garage, i Nov. 3iileal, table, waltit, length, 48 inches, S . - decorated, All this for $11,500 and" S3aresY tubs, 0 ad, Mier. of the Oivawe: &:ishrier Real Esters Bias COMPLETELY DIVID- |13ED space inter Beast ai only ron Tent f od i ting inches | ludson Seal coat, size 36 252 ED BASEMENT, AIR 384 Oshawa Boulevard South, RA $0 om bed alcove, ie nen' MO 8.2689, 252 - ° CONDITIONED HEAT- : supplied, 1 X Hii eT Tame EE . ---------------- ---- STUDIO couch, good conditio 0. O. ne 8 : 0 232¢ NED Boch BR needs Ro iii OSHAWA'S N. H. A. BUNGALOWS I A f ING, LARGE LOT, EX- Hamlin. Ferry Sree' Sih oppo YOR reat nt, "ve Tooms \Nterested in good earnings in ie New 3-bedroom brick bungalow nearing completion on Ridgeway Buy ond Se wit Con idence CELLENT AREA WITH Phone Yukua S-Ni 2 b spare time. Phone or write Miss | - ey, with, three piece heated, suitable Rich IEEE 13 Savanac: Bind. ® Toros LOSSY IN Avenue; centrally located to public and separate schools, privately ALL SERVICES, |Fiaxo-- Willis with beach oder: e. MO to 19, Oni. RY 27561 between 84 a.m. built, many, many extras. Full price $12,490 with $1,780 down, | D N H ROADS, SEWERS, BUS: ST on uncer ich. 4% FOR rent Two - room apartment al FOR rent -- four - room apartment, on| SUBDIVISION Noy 3 jedream Brick qLungaiow ra uction ot Coder | ES, SCHOOLS amiNA ia 1137 Brock South. $40 monthly, Appl with " ol alley Boulevard (o aunton Rood West), Lovely homes sur- | BERMAN Flsctronic Hash." ulffabilts 1137 Brock South. #40" maninly." APBIY main Rang Ih vetualion roam. Ih. WALK DOWNTOWN | joing eh Ladnion forced or oll Pe ting, ay REAL ESTATE -- INSURANCE RIGHT HERE IN [reporter 1, 225 W. Secs, a8 new, 885. FOR sale 6 Ford, excellent condi. Phone MO 83150 after 6 p.m. Ble WALK TO SCHOOL built, Full price $11,180 with $1,490 down. RA 5.7732 RA 5.7052 | OSHAWA ho RA 2030. flan" She. body bh \ dio and b r xeell cond --- | tion, rad and | ¥ ent condi: Lon™ aie -- two double heds, perfect {LARGE crib, adjustible spring, plastio tion, Phone MO 8-416 "1% condition, complete with mdttresses cove N covered spring. fille mattress. Like FOR RENT -- Comfortable apartment, and Springs, $15 each: boy's bike, in To LOCATION Ls | N H A RESALE LUNCH COUNTER RA 5-8831 new, 835. Phone RA 5.3302, 252¢ eautiful location, three rooms, bath good condition, $10; 'three-burner old] PARK RD. N. HUM | . . . : geal stove, refriger , laundry fa-|gas stove, in good condition, $10. 713/ D. & HUMBER Excellent area on Simcoe St. mostly take-out orders. A going WT LAMSON ORDERS. taken for, storm sashes. meas cilities, parking. 800 Centre Street S.. Green Street. Whitby. asin! JUST ABOVE LOUISA ST, | 51a % business Financjal Statement available order early. RA 3.4989 Nov. 20 2 REAL ESTATE LTD E Ta Apt. 2, Whitt 245( . | | NEW davenp Toirome wiles. plate. food condition, $00. Theme Ma| SEE THE MODEL No qualifications required on this attractive 6.reom brick bunge- : 520 | ions rer EY a ao: $44.90. Hurry n Furniture (next #3269 2b] Solid rug end bark brick low with recreation room completed, large rooms throughout, WINDSOR AVE. | ---- A TEE tly Frigidaire, 81 to Legion), 113 Byron Street South, Loo= er g ; master bedroom equipped with built-in furniture and mirror, i i 46--Real Estate Wanted King West > Nov.18 Whitby Now. 3 poard, all conveniences. Apply Holly Stone fronts, tiled bathroom, heating is forced air- oil, asphalt drive, pro- Near all schools, shopping, .5 room brick bungalow, aluminum . TV aerials, all channel, installed, one FOR Rent fhre ym heated un: wood Motel, Brock North, MO 82646 3 bedrooms fessionally landscaped and decorated. Full price $13,200, south. doors, storms and screens, newly decorated, one year old WE anxiously require for sale farms, {V guarantee, $39. Kelly TV 81 King ished aparime ground floor 81 homes, businesse § anywhere, Buying or . Hh antral Toca on. Phone MO 8-3468 ; { Rolled arborite kitchen west district. Immaculate condition throughout, and must be [selling "Call Donald ~ Stradeskl, RA VOM: RA 3.3121 Nov. 18 a3 PIANO, reconditioned, new keys, 2-year| | | o in h | 5:1526 v t Wilsa i% « 3 WINCHESTER, like new, three Nov. grantees. See this one now at Mid.| counters, | bo.unoreciated. Down guyment 160s errenged FERNHILL BLVD. | Toronto, Phone AX 34338. Nov. 8 boon of Shell, 340. KA" S060. 3038 SINGER machine bargains. Brand new town Furniture, 113 Byron Street South, | Paid services | ------ A WANTED to buy or rent with option ectric portables, $69 and brand new Whitby Nov. 2 | Five room brick bungalow, all large rooms, storms and screens, ers " $89 r to buy, farm or land with b: ithi ! Used drop heads. ' 7 Af wa FOR Rett © Three room Taated apart Sodded Ars ANCROFT, ONT. heats for $120 a year. 5% mortgage, carries for $80.00 per = [10 miles of Oshawa Phone Ra" & ime SEE! chines guarante accepted. (oni! MO ar TC ChieRces. Adulte Many other extres. h month principal, interest and taxes, near schools, Call Mrs, | Nn FRIGIDAIRE ! terms, Midtown Fur next fo Le | You must see the model. Excellent huntingsand fishing area, approximately 25 acres of | Tierney RA 5.5307 | glon), 113 Byron ret. South, MO SEPTIC tanks cleaned the saiary | cleared land and 75 acres of mople and softwood bush, close to 47--Automobiles For Sale SHEER LOOK -- PLUS Nov. 21 Way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward y 201 Chestnut West. Phone MO 82363 PRICED FROM [ York River and Lake Baptiste, 15 minutes drive from re 5 3 | '33 FORD, light blue, two door, auto Dec. 23 hes @ 6-room insul brick house on stone fundation, hardwood EXECUTIVE HOME matic transmission, perfect condition AT PUY and sell used furniture. Grixti 12 190 down, softwood up, extra lar Ooms. pl - Can be financed. Apply 367 Fox Street = A Furniture will pay cash for used ap $ ' floors down fi rl 444 hi % plus barn 22 x 28, two Bedford Ave, 2)4 years old, finished recreation room with | near Drive-In Theatre, RA 5.6044. 230i HOME APPLIANCES pliances. furniture. Apply basement 3 Serwood up, extra large rooms, plus barn 22 x 28, fireplace, large living room with + lace, roofed be. ['8 ouLpsmMoORnILE : 90 SIMCOE ST, S. RA 5.5332 121 Brock South MO 8.4823 Nov. 20 two small buildings. It's a real bargain aot $3,400 with on! F arge living roc \ te place, roofed patio, beauti- |" v OBILE, 6 cylinder, in good| 71 Cd ~ ". LOW DOWN PAYMENTS $800 down, $25 monthly carries at 5% y ful setting. Call Mrs. Tierney, RA 5.5207. condition. Selling reasonable, 178 Cen 4 $e n ar J tre Street 230¢ IF YOU QUALIFY | CHILD HEALTH AL ATE Auto Insurance. Save up to OPEN HQUSE MAYNOOTH ONT SIMCOE ST N 20 per cent, Nine months to pay "| . . | persanal service at your home call RA CONFERENCE SEE THE MODEL | / . 4-bedrooms, beautiful home, opposite school; bus at door garoge ;S:8308 Aluminum doors, storms, . " x 100 acres of hardwood and softwood bush good hunting area with paved drive, low down payment, early possession {i CHEV, deluxe four door, radio,| screens windows, awnings Well t 2:30 PM. TO DARK DAILY | good road. Wou make good hunting camp. (no buildings) [veneers . otc Mini Sundiion and porch railings ; XC at the low, low price of:enly $1,400, with $600 down rie | Srquphauts Io I sacrifice fo EXCLUSIVE AGENTS ENR er sat RO : \ dow carries $385 cash. RA 3.3000 2401 Nobody but Nobody OHN A J for $25 A LATE Coll- CONANT ST. $500 DOWN HILLMAN latest models now on an can beat our quality prices artor t ence | Id on ve room bungalow, modern kitchen. 4 pc. bath. full § r Play. Styling and comfort, power tof and guarantecd installations. Ca er ¢ bat ull basement, [pe (ein the tight place, gas bbl, baron: 1 "avs "Tomi | toh ment om 3 350 | BOLAMOQD OZZIE ADDISON==RA 37954 | ™ tt = om 0 niu Co fly Sond ne 100 (i Pk A ihaues] SAL sprayers, Ga er, et p.m. in the Cou Ci |We have no competion on the present AFTES | RA 5.2431 WILDE RENTAL SERVICE | bers' Immunizat LIMITED -- REALTORS | LLOYD AYERS--REALTOR ny Purp cA Sh EE SR v ble on he third Tor Wins B . Rr 2 200. " 7 . 0 adly RA 3-2008 Mrs, Tierney .... RA § 5207 on a new Hillman. Small down pay anytime tilt § ? p.m. Whitby, V 3 day only, from 2 t¢ 3 p.m RA 5.6544 Member of Qshewa and District Reel Estate Board | Harry Millen RA 3.2524 Don Howe RA 3.9692 Ment or trade, 36 months on balance -- y ; LEres €|You | 2520 Nev. 18 | 292b Kelly Bolohood .... RA 5.7052 252 ara 40 NeW Weltmank M1 (Continued on Page 20 ARR RR PR SEE RL REE LE EG