70 THE GSMAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 29, 1938 peanut butter, add sugar grad- ually and eream theroughly. Add COOKIES Chill several hours or better, over night. Cut into thin slices, bake on ungreased cookie sheet for 5 to 8 minutes. | eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Sift together flour, baking pow- der, salt, add alternately with milk to the first mixture to make soft dough. Roll on a floured board, cut with round cookie eut- ter. Bake in a moderate oven |(350 deg. F.) for 15 minutes. Mrs. William James, Salvation Army Home League. % cup shortening cup white sugar cup brown sugar: firmly packed gis cup rolled oats cup lightly packed ci Sift together flour, ap oconut ing pow- der, soUa and salt. Cream butter, |sugars and shortening. Beat in Ho thoroughly one at a time. in dry ingredients, oats and coconut. Roll in 1 in. balls, flatten with fork tines in criss cross fash- tl it pats out well. Bake in mod- erate to slow Mrs. Ron Cox Audley United 2 ° cups white sugar k then mix in three cups of rolled tablespoons 1 egg 2 cups graham wafer erumbs (about 28 single crackers) 1 cup coconut (dessicated) % cup chopped walnuts Place softened butter, sugar, cocoa, vanilla and egg in bowl. Set the bowl in a dish of boiling water, Stir well until the butter |has melted and the mixture re- sembles custard. Combine graham wafer crumbs, coconut and nuts, blend- ing well. Add to cooked mixture. Pack evenly into 9 inch square oven, ' Churel WA. CHOCOLATES COOKIE! NOT BAKED % cup butter oats mixed with three of cocoa. Nuts or coconut may be used as further additions for var- ,{in moderafe oven 375 deg. for ed paper and chill in refrigerator until firm. Cut into thin slices, bake on a greased baking sheet 7-10 minutes. Mrs. R. D. Johnston, King Street Home and School PUMPKIN NUT COOKIES 3% cup shortening % cup sugar 1 egg, beaten mixture, stirring until well blend-|spices together. Stir in dry in| ed. Form into rolis,' wrap in wax- ients and mix until biended. raisins and nuts. Drop FRUIT AND NUT OATMEAL COOKIES 15 cup shortening % cup brown sugar cup chopped dates cup walnuts, chopped fine eggs cup flour level tsp. baking powder % tsp. salt % cup milk cun rolled oats Method: Cream shortening, add sugar, then add well beaten eggs and milk. Mix and sift the salt, baking powder, and flour, then add rolled oats. Add to first mix- ture. Mix the walnuts and dates with a little flonr and add to first mixture. Drop by spoonfuls on a well greased baking sheet 1-inch apart and bake in moderate oven (350 deg. F.) for 12 to 15 min- % cup canned pumpkin 1 cup sifted all-purpose flour 2 tsps. baking powder 15 tsp. salt 1% tsps. cinnamon 15 tsp. ginger % tsp. nutmeg 3% cup raisins 3% cup chopped nuts Krispies. Cream shortening and sugar, Rose A. Hawkes, add egg and pumpkin, mix well. Oshawa Business and Sift flour, baking powder, salt and sional Women's Club. FREE "= NYLONS | (Regular $1.50 value -- choice of Stretch or Full-Fashioned) when you mail in yellow end flaps from ten pounds of Kraft's Parkay Margarine (either Color Kwik or Regular packages). Get Order Form and full detalls at your grocer's Parkay display--or write Dept. A-D, Kraft Foods Ltd., Box 6118, Montreal 2, Quebec, Offer expires Nov. 30, 1958. ion. Place on buttered cookie sheet a few inches apart. Bake in moderate oven 350 deg. for 10 12 mins. or until lightly browned. Makes ubout 100 cookies which will stay crisp for days. Mrs. Aleck Richards, Audley United Church WA. CHCOLATE WONDERS 2 cup white sugar : % cup butter 15 cup milk Boil for three minutes, partly | cool and add: | |3 cup fine oatmeal % tsp. vanilla 14 cup walnuts tbsps. cocoa 14 cup coconut Method: Mix well, drop on cook- ie sheet and chill. Do not cook. Mrs. Jas. Cowie, Audley United Church WA, DAD'S COOKIES cup butter cups brown sugar eggs tsp. vanilla cup coconut (desiccated) cups rolledg oats tsp. baking powder % tsp. baking soda % tsp. salt iety. Trop while still hot on but- tered waxed paper making desir-| led size. Mrs. Bert Guthrie, Audley United Church WA, SHORTBREAD COOKIES % cup icing sugar % cup cornstarch : cup sifted all-purpose flour cup butter or margarine Sift together cornstarch, icing sugar and flour into a bowl. (Have butter at room tempera- tore.) Blend butter into dry ingredients with a spoon until a soft dough is formed. Shape into | balls about one inch in diameter. | (If dough is very soft cover and chill about % hour.) Place on un- greased baking sheet about 1% inches apart. Flatten cookie dough wit: lightly floured fork. Bake in slow oven (300 degrees F.) 20 to 25 minutes or until edges of cookies are lightly browned. Yield 3 to 4 dozen. Mrs. Boldoc, Raglan WA MIRACLE CROCOLATE BARS pan. Spread with icing. | Special Icing: Cream % cup| butter, add 3 tablespoons milk | which has been combined with 2 tablesp vanilla tard pow- der. Blend in 2 cups sifted icing sugar. Spread over chocolate base. Let stand about 15 min- utes or so to harden somewhat. Thep melt 4 squares semi-sweet hocolate with 1 tabl but- | ter and spread over custard icing, When set, cut into bars. Mrs. J. McAdam, Ontario Reg't., Officers' Wives' Assoc. PINEAPPLE RAISIN DROPS 1% cup shortening or butter cup brown sugar egg cups sifted flour tsp. baking powder 14 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. salt % cup drained erushed pine- apple % eup seedless raising % tsp. vanilla Combine shortening sugar and egg and beat well. Add flour, bak- ing powder, salt and soda. Mix and stir into batter. Add pine- apple, raisins and vanilla. Drop cups flour 5 thsps. cocoa by teaspoons on greased baking Raisins and spice may be add-1 tgp, vanilla sheet. Bake in hot oven 400 F. ed. Cream butter and sugar until] Heat and melt above mixture|8 to 10 minutes or untii lightly {fluffy add vanilla and well beaten in double boiler. |browned. Yield 2% dozen. |eggs. Stir in sifted dry ingred-(App Mrs. R. D. Johnston, ients. Mix well, Roll in to balls; egg King Street Home and School and flatten with a fork. Bake 10 2 cups graham wafer erumbs Association minutes at 375 deg. {1 cup coconut Mrs. Ron Cox, % cup walnuts (chopped) DATE REFRIGERATOR Audley United Church WA. * Combine all above and pack in COOKIES a square pan, 9 x 9. pop GINGER 3ars | Take % cup butter, cup white sugar |and add 3 tbsps. milk combined is be Bg SOO |with 2 tbsps. vanilla, add 1 cus- bo on {tard powder (dry) and 2 cups ee Bor icing sugar. Spread over above? Ya tsi 4 salt | mixture that is in the nan, and let Ya oA Daking soda land for 15 mins. Melt 5 squares tsp. cinnamon Let chocnipts wih ¥ tour | 2) light and fluffy. Add egg tsp. cloves icing. Chill over night. Take out/30d beat thoroughly, sift flour, tsp. ginger lof refrigerator 1 hour before 50da and salt together and mix Cream shortening and BUBAT| (iting nuts and dates, then add to first Add molasses and egg beating Mrs. Norman Wilton well. Add dry ingredient's and| Ontario Regiment mix well. Roll in balls dip in| Ww ' granulated sugar and oy on Officers' Wives' Association Our store has been leased, our fixtures are gone. Please excuse the inconvenience but we had some merchandise left, now reduced again for a final clearance. BELOW CASH & CARRY PRICES |Put on the stove in a frying pan and cook for 10 minutes on a low flame. Stir constantiy. Put 3 cups of "Rice Krispies" in a bow! and add date mixture. Mix well. Form into small balls, and roll in fine coconut, walnuts, or crushed Rice tbsps. lemon juice Happy Helpers Group, os, stirring 'constantly until Northminster WA ickened (about 5 min.). Cool. | ~ Crumb Mixture: COCONUT STRIPS | 8% cup soft margarine or butter, % cup butter 1. cup brown sugar, well packed % cup icing sugar 1% cups sifted flour {1 cup flour % tsp. salt Mix together and put in 7 x 91 % tsp. soda pan. Spread with following: 1% cups rolled oats 1% cups brown sugar Mix butter with sugar, add dry|2 eggs ingredients, then rolled oats.l cup walnuts Press half of mixture into greas-'1 cup coconut ed pan (13 x 9 x 2). Spread on 2 tablespoons fiour , filling. Pat on remaining erumbs.| % t baking Bake 400 oven for 20-30 minutes. pinch salt, vanilfh Mrs. G. McGee, Bake 20 - 25 minutes in 325 Group, oven. When cool cut in strips. Northminster WA . A. J. Tr, Bathe Park Au UNBAKED CHOCOLATE COOKIES from | Walmsley & Magill OFFICE EQUIP. LTD, 9 KING ST. EAST DIAL RA 3-3333 ! Profes- 1 di { 1 1 2% 1 xiliary DATE SQUARES eup brown sugar % cup butter [1 teaspoon baking soda {Salvation Army Home League, 13% cups flour 1% cups rolled oats | OATMEAL DROP COOKIES % teaspoon salt 11 cup flour Cream butter and sugar, sift|2 cups rolled oats flour and add salt and soda: add/l level tsp. baking soda [to first mixture. Mix in rolled 1 love) sp. 5 oats. Place one-haif of the mix-| ture in bottom of § x 9 inch pan,| Mix all together and add 1 eup Put date filling in the middle, add (shortening and butter mixed or remainder of mixture and bake|all shortening. Mix like pie crust. in 325 oven. [Add 1 egg unbeaten and 1 tea-| Mrs. A. J. Lymer, |spoon vanilla, and make Joh Bathe Park Auxill with fork. Drop by teaspoon an he sid Bake 10 to 33 iste in moder- RASPBERRY BARS ate oven ( 2). cups flour Mrs. Elizabeth Hutton, teaspoon salt Happy Helpers Group, teaspoon baking powder Northminster W. cup shortening eggs FRYING PAN COOKIES 3% cup sugar 2 eggs raspberry jam 1 cup granulated sugar cups coconut 1% cups chopped dates Mix flour, salt, baking powder, 2 Says ice krisples shortening and 1 egg. Add enoug! these in one cup shredded coco.|c0ld water to make mixture con.| Method: Mix eggs and sugar in|2 sut. Wrap in waxed gaper and sistency of ple crust. Roll out(cold frying pan and heat through. 2 place in refrigerator. Slice when and cover bottom of 8 x 12 pyrex|Add dates, cook, stirring con- : wanted. : baking dish. Bake 10 minutes in|stantly for about 10 minutes. Re-| } Mrs. J. Arnold Schell, 350 oven. While still hot spread/move from heat and add Rice| Friendship Group with raspberry jam. Mix 1 egg, Krispies. Drop by spoonfuls into|1 Nerthminster WA sugar and coconut and spread on|coconut and roll in balls. top of jam. Bake again 20-25 min. Mrs. Phyllis Taylor, SWEDISH STRIPS utes in 325 degree oven. Do not| Happy Helpers Group, eup shortening overcook. [Northminster WA. eup brown suga" Mrs. A. J. Lymer, i Bathe Park Auxiliary salt teaspoon salt 9% cups cake flour FRY PAN COOKIES Put in heavy fry pan and stir % cup jam $ tablespoons icing sugar constantly, 1% cups chopped dates % cup nuts, finely chopped 1. cup white sugar Cream shortening and sugar.|2 EES Add egg, vanilla and salt and mix| Cook for 10 minutes, well. Add flour and combine.|and add Place cookie batter on ungreased| ~~ Pinch of salt eookle sheet and roll with rolling|1 . tsp. vanilla pin to %". Cook in 350F. oven for|Add to that 15 minutes. While giant cookie is| ¥ cup chopped nuts still hot, spread thinly with jam| % cup glazed cherries and dust with icing sugar. Sprin-|2 _ cups rice krispies kle with nuts, Press surface gent-| Roll in balls, toss in coconut. ly with a flat knife. Cut immedi-| Mrs. F. E. Murray, ately into small bars. Audley United Church WA. Mrs. Laura Collins, DAD'S COOKIES Haj Helpers Group, N inster WA 8% eup flour 1% cups brown sugar LEMON REFRIGERATOR COOKIES § cups white sugar 1 3% cup butter % cup milk 1 tsp. vanilla salt utes. Mrs. William James, cups oatmeal ' 3% cup coconut % cup cocoa Boil first five ingredients for five minutes (no longer). Combine with remaining ingred- jents and mix well. Drop on wax. od paper to cool. Mrs. Andrew Suwalr Friendship Group, Northminster WA MARSHMALLOW DELIGHTS % 1b. colored marshmallows cut : up % eup finely chopped nutmeats % cup finely chopped maraschino cherries 1 eup graham wafers rolled fine #3 cup Eagle Brand poured over mixture 2 Moisten hands in cold water snd make two long rolls. Roll 3% eup butter % cup white sugar These Powers Model Nylons would normally cost $1.50, so getting a free pair is just like saving 15¢ a pound on Parkay Margarine. ~ 1 % M 1 cup shortening 2 eggs softened 1 top. soda % cup chopped nuts cup. brown sugar. 1 cup sifted flour 15 tsp. salt ¥2 cup pitted dates Cream shortening and sugar - Ya l MELTING MOMENTS cup butter minutes in moderate oven. " % cup brown sugar (tightly |Mrs. Ron Cox, 4 = LHS sae packed) [Audley United Church WA, % cup brown sugar 2% RB flour | DATE COOKIES % teaspoon salt % tsp. baking soda | % cup melted butter |1 egg 1% tsp. cream of tartar 1 cup brown sugar | % cup peanut butter tsp. vanilla 3 beaten eggs 1% cups flour Pinch of salt {1 1b. chopped dates 2 teaspoon soda Cream butter and sugar. Add| 2 cup chopped walnuts Blend together Crisco, sugar, beaten egg. Add diy ingredients, | *4 cup chopped cherries salt and egg. Add peanut but- sifted together. Add vanilla. Drop tsp. soda in 2 thsps. warm ter, stir in flour sifted with soda. by spoonfuls on greased cookie! water |Form the dough into balls the sheet. Cook in 350 F. oven. 1 tsp. vanilla size of a small walnut and place | Mrs. R. F. Richardson, 2% cups sifted flour on flat pan or cooky sheet. Press | Happy Helpers Group, 1 tsp. baking powder down with a fork in one direction | Northminster W.A. % tsp. salt |then again at right angles to Method: Mix in order given and|form a cross, Bake in moderate. BANANA OATMEAL COOKIES [bake for 10 to 12 minutes at 350 !¥ hot oven 375 degrees F. for 1% cup sifted flour degrees. Yield 5 to 6 dozen cook-|about 10 minutes. 1 cup sugar ies. Mrs. John Rolls, % tsp. baking soda Mrs. C. Clemence, Ontario Regiment, tsp. sa't Audley United Church WA. Officers' Wives Aux. % tsp. nutme fo igh io I SHORTBREAD NANAIMO BARS cups butter / | % cup butter % cup butter | 1 egg well beater eup brown sugar | % eup granulated sugar cups flour 1% cup rolled oats ( 5 tablespoons cocoa % 4 nuts Mix well adding more flour un-|1 teaspoon vanilla Method: Sift flour, sugar, soda and salt and spices into a bowl; cut in butter; add egg, bananas, oats and nuts. Drop by tsp. on un- greased pan. Bake in moderate to ( hot oven -- 400 degrees about 13 minutes. Remove from pan im- AT mediately. Mrs. James Cowie, Audley United Church WA. FRAN'S COCONUT COOKIES 290 ALBERT RA 8-0311 | 1 | | let cool|1 2 | | li % cup of white sugar 1 f Y% cup of lard | % cup nuts (pecans preferred) % cup coconut % tsp. baking soda % tsp. salt o5R Cream lard, sugar and egg. Mix dry ingredients and add] slowly. Bake 10 min. in a 350 oven. Mrs. R. Winter Jr. Audley United Church WA. PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES % cup shortening % cup peanut butter 3 cup sugar 2 1 3 2 1 eups flour tsp. baking powder 3% tsp. sait 3% cup butter or margarine 1 eup sugar 1 egg grated rind of 1 small lemon] juice of % small lemon | Sift flour, measure, sift again with baking powder and salt.| Beat the egg until consistency of heavy cream; set aside for a few minutes. Work the butter or mar. garine until very fluffy. Gradual- ly add the sugar and continue to eream until mixture is light. Stir|2 eggs in the beaten egg, 'emon rind,(2 cups flour and lemon juice. Add the dry in-{3 tsps. baking powder gredients in two parts, mixing in| % tsp. salt tsp. soda each very well. Shape dough into|2 tbsps. milk % tsp. salt a roll and wrap in wax paper.| Cream together shortening and| % cup butter or margarine 1 | | THURS., 9 AM. -- SALE TIME -- OCT. 30th DRESSES 2.00 COATS Fall & Winter 10.00 and up 2 1 1 cups flour, sifted tsp. baking powder SUITS 15.00 cw FORMALS 10.00 SKIRTS wea 5.00 SLACKS ws 5.00 || BLOUSES 2.00 BRAS 1.00 PHANTOM HOSE 50¢ GLOVES 75¢ pr / SHOP 9 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 3 DAYS ONLY! THURSDAY -- FRIDAY -- SATURDAY FREE HOSE Ladie's Seamless First Quality, sizes 9-11 with each Dress-Coet or Cost set... A HAT, in Sale Price Felt or Wool, 89: FLANNEL PAIR HOUSE COATS GIRDLES Sizes 3-6x Discontinued styles: Daisy, Reg. to 5.95 Helinca, Pull-on, 3.99 Clearing Res. 7.00, SALE 4.99 3.99 $ a bp KENWOOD CAR COATS Girls 7-12 Teen 10-12 CORDUROY JACKETS Kesh Lined Girls sizes 4-6x 7-12 Teen 10-14 3/5 Ja Vogue NANCE Soll on, eg, 9.50. Li ; BRASSIERES COR. ATHOL & CELINA Padded nd semi 345 DOWNTOWN OSHAWA ie . . Be PTL, SECS CRT er ff + RC SE SR I, Ra TRG GB ee a RR Te A i Bi i A Ag