em eee (City Wl Study [7 'Works Proposal | 7 | Thé city boatd of works is to| The plan covers street and. i (examine Prime Minister Diefen-|sidewalk construction, roads -- baker's plant to extend federal |other than arterial roads -- wa- aid to municipalities which take|ter and storm sewers sand parks. on extra public works this win- Major reconstruction may also| ter. qualify but this would have to|? ibe approved by the provincial The program, announced on Soveroment | the Prime Minister at a Progres- ep 5 sive Conservative convention in| I: Branch sald: rs net Regina Monday, calls for 50 per|i.yio note of our problems be- Sen > in expenses to bel once municipalities do have y |serious problems regarding pub- It applies to jobs not normal-||jec works." - ly performed in winter and coV-| He thought the city might ers the period December to Ap-/ possibly take on extra help as it ril. {did towards the end of last win- | Ald. Walter R. Branch, board ter when practically every man |of works chairman, said Tuesday on relief and able to work was the proposal would be earefully hired temporarily under a pro studied and that the city would|vincial assistance scheme, probably take advantage of it if The men cleared brush and did it could be afforded. (work at the airport. | | OBITUARIES o AABN 3 | : ENGLISH SPEAKING UNION DELEGATES SEE SEAWAY ROE SAUNDERS de Se Soy - 2 ea 0 €0 0] L] » udrey «Four delegates to the Eng- | west of Cornwall, during a tour ! nee of world branches. Seen | City; Margaret Tamen, Bright- Saunders of Cate a sae, axe 2 a lish Speaking Union confer- | of the St. Lawrence Seaway. pore are, from left: Michael | on, England and Leslie A. occurred in Port Perry Memor-| Also surviving are two sisters, gee, in Ottawa § are sou Joke ! Britce Pal, Jissidon of Ansley, London, England; | Strike, general secretary of the fal Roepital out. 22, 15s. Nos XL Lite (Susie) nd Mis. ing from t unders | , e Ld ta i : ¥ Mr. Saunders who was ears|S. s (Louie), both 1 vay Powerhouse, just | in the third post-war confer- | Joyce Hightover, New York | Vancouver branch. of age had been it By awa, : | health the last three years. The remains are resting at the Born in Oshawa, Mar. 17, 1908,|W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, ALL WORK a S al he was a son of Mrs, Harriett; Whitby, for service at 2 p.m. | Gutsole and the late Richard Thursday, Oct. 30. Rev. John Saunders, {Smith, minister of Whitby United He worked in General Motors Church, will conduct the ser- % py H 1d | out urt for 25 years, when through dis-| vices. Interment will be in Osh-| oye] anvassers (0) | ability he was pensioned off, but awa Union Cemetery. | § La i ° | A juvenile prasier suffered Hil Yorked When ever avis ol HARRY PERCIVAL VOWLES | : : |a broken right ankle in a traffic|their farm, two miles west of 4 Annual Rally Tonight a Guat oe aes comme ENDS MALE MAKEUP OF HOUSE OF LORDS Taylor avenue and Wilson road He was a member of St. John's travellers, who had held 50 com-| B Swans " icbati iehy. The. fies ars +B Voll : : | CIVIC ENDORSEMENT , The dinner this evening will south at 3:55 p.m. Monday. | Anglican Church, a warden for a mercial certificates, Harry Perci-| aroness Swansborough -- | ating society. w bar- | Baroness octton, sworn in Community Chest campaigners } ME! | h = . ar 4 i Z Stella, dowager Marchioness of | oness, like other life peers | after her, we inted t Com (ov. , | ote caw David Jubb, 16, of 59 LaSalle term and Sunday School Superin- Val (Percy) Vowles died at his ; a i S| after her, were appoin ° ido to dime nC Ol ene 5 doch. brosth, Am. then Plunge avenue south, was taken ime tendent until his death, rout vart, Sumas Oo on nn land's House 'of 'Lords to bo | Hament approved 'this. year, | Strengthen the House which in of 'their plans on the eve of the campaign. The mayor described into the hectic '14 days of cam- by Bonnie G, Wu soy of 102 Her Servivigsre He wile, Sie fot. celebrated his 80th birthday Oct.| sworn in as the first woman was awarded a place in the recent years has suffered from ited Fund Appeal lit as an opportunity for all Osh- paigning. mony road south. + 17 | ever to become a member of | House of Lords in recognition | an aging membership and 1995,59 Usted Evid Appeal, tribute STREETS DECORATED | Miss Wilson told police that she Ernest, Leonard and Donald; one the world's most - exclusive | of long public service. She and | widespread absenteeism Campaign Chairman Frank N. #94 Phil Po f others. | Already Greater Oshawa is was driving west on Taylor ave- daughter-in-law, Carol, (Mrs, Er-| Born in England in 1878, he| the World's 8 P : pref . MeCallum says it will probably] 3 has yh y singaarly abundantly decorated with the nue. Two boys had crossed the nest and one grand-daughter, came to Toronto at the age of 20 | ba the last leisurely meal any of essed up to now of this present Red Feather stickers, serving no- road and stopped in front f the Karen; two brothers, Richard years and for some 30 years was the 300 canvassers will eat for the| sear by having such a high ratio|tice that the campaign is about/car. One jumped on the hood, and Leonard of Oshawa and four|a traveller for several well known armers | ream TO ucers duration of the campaign, trom 72 pi 3 ent Through the to get under way. the other on_the fender. sisters Edith, Rose and Mary of clothing and millinery firms. He . Out. 29 10 Noy, 12. | tax pe our community is| As of midnight tonight, the talk- Miss Wilson said she had asked Oshawa and 'Annie of Port Perry. had lived in Toronto for 60 years #From here on in," he said,| : i ill at the action wili|the boys to get off but they re- Funeral service was held in St. and during that entire'time lived 1 D t i ° "it's all work." [povided Sig ai Se Fog 41, Wig sip aul Whe fused, When a car came from John's Anglican Church, Friday, in the Beach district. an e a '3 ect 1Cers - Ppreicial host at the Red Feather| unary agencies to provide for a| Canvassers will be making behind, Miss Wilson said, she Oct. 24. It was conducted by Rev.| After undergoing an operation off dinner will be General limited group of citizens less for- door-to-door calls throughout the had to pull around the corner. |G. Nicholson, Whitby, and Canon three years ago, he still took an] The Ontario County Junior | 4 President and General tynate than others." larea, asking for your support. A When she turned a truck had Chaperlin. Two hymns were sung, active part, from his home, in the Farmer Association will be hold-| The annual meeting of the On- Mountjoy, RR 2, Oshawa: Seu- to here inguin H. Walker. The fund drive starts at mid. | generous response from everyone come south on Wilson road. "There. is a Green Hill Far building of the acknowledgment ing an inter - club debating and |tario County Cream Producers' |gog, Everett Prentice, RR 3, Port . M@w.or will be A. R.|night, aiming at a campaign ob-|will mean that the Community| The driver stated that she had Away" and "The Day is Over".|line for funeral directors. He had|public speaking competition in|Association was held in the de-|Perry. "a of the Interar, {stant ' Sun| jective of $167.200, to be Chest will be able to finance the to pull in close to the side and| Interment was in the Anglican been confined to bed for the past the township hall, Brooklin, on partment of agriculture office,| Director te Ontario Federation the Toronto U ~. ass of Can-| distributed AMODE. 17 local wel- work of its 17 member organiza. apply her brakes. One of the boys Cemetery, Blackstock, nine months. Wednesday, Oct. 29, at 8.30 p.m. | Uxbridge, on Monday, Oct. 20, at of Agriculture, Wm, Parrinder, - pany. It izat | tions for another year. fell off her auto and broke his Pallbearers were six nephews a. yowles, in hig early years" The purpose of this competition 8.30 p.m. {RR 1, Brooklin. ae Tganizaling. . nl ankle. The other boy tore his Bud Kemp, Sid Saunders, Roy|in Toronto, became a noted scul-|is to determine the boys and girls| W. J. Wood, district director of | was | pants. Saunders, Bill Willoughby, Ken ja. and rower and a member of Who will represent Ontario coun-|the Cream Producers' Marketing | y the | : i | » meet: . {Brown and Don Brown, , ty in the first round debating Board, addressed the meeting. | oi esting Tr Beat New Circle ! » | There were many beautiful vie of ig yatly le ae with one of the neighboring coun- He congratulated the Ontario em 1 S marked | T bl P ] floral tributes from friends and (;. ciastic fan of English soccer ties: There will be several rounds county group on the fine work cheng d I | rou es 1 e relatives as well as wreaths from and rugger. of debating to be climaxed next that they are doing. He also com- | wgw ¢ J n t ) : d General Motors of Canada and " y spring. when the Junior Farmer mented on the rise in the floor I T t algar 3 To 10 | Initiate Up For Family the Retail Credit Co. he Iu % Sours de wash Provincial winners will be de-iprice of butter from 58 cents to| n op Po : ( y 4 Y 7 | [ i y Friends were present from To- the advertising department of the clared. This debating competition 64 cents a pound. : ; | Sunday, Oct. 26, the Oshawa r1ne i rento tor, Tonto and Rochester, N.Y., a5 Nfessenger Company of Canada iS an annual event and is one of Bob Jardine, secretary-mana- Fernhill Park were the big win- , (CP) -- Saskatche- Doug Brown converted, adding to Columbian Squires initiated 8 of 35 Jarvis strees. io contin. Well 8s Dearby points. land of their successors, W. L.[the many fine educational pro- ger of the Provincial Cream PY-JHELS 10 tlie CRA Neighborhood | YONIPES and Edmonton his first-quarter field goal. new circle of Squires at Lindsay. ino to he affected by events con- +kH |Smith and Associates of Ajax. |groms carried out by the Ontario) ducers' Association, explained the|Dart League last weck against Roughriders d i i i 8 acted by FUNERAL OF mn Provincial Junior Farmer ASso- various factors that were taken Eastview Park. Fernhill took the will day Nov.| Stampeders, tired from their| The Lindsay Circle consists of cerning the current mine disas-| MRS. JOHN H. FORRESTER | Percy was well known through- ciation into E iasaor ation. when making |full five points from their oppon- first game of the Western 20-29 tie with Saskatchewan Sat- 28 s and the 15th/ter at Springhill in which three| mye memorial service for Mrs, | Out the funeral profession in Can-( "HIN. 00 oo Farmer: un the 1 fomula plan for |ents. po PPO; in the Football Union's urday, never were in serious con-|active Columbian Squire Circle in of their relatives are reported Joi HF Fox er. 65. who died ada, having travelled Ontario for iyo Uxbridge Junior Farmer and | fhe rice of butter. He explained] Rundle Park {rimmed Wood- total - point semi-final tention. Bombers held quarter| Ontario. ; {missing and presumed dead, at the family residence, 210 Alice|® Number of years and also mak-| 5, io Institute; . the Beaverton i, Pe license fees will now |view No. 1 team by a score of 4 * two-game, leads of 7-3, 30-3 and 37-3, twice| The forming of the Lindsay wp Rector was contacted Mon- street, Thursday Oct. 23, was ing a couple of trips through j, :o. Farmer and Junior Insti- | ae the ioe of the annual June points to 1. Storie Park 3 points * That was decided Monday night capitalizing on Calgary. fumbles Circle marked the fourth New. ,y ight by his eldest sister, held at the Armstrong Funeral Western Canada, tute Clubs will participate in the|cet aside {to North Oshawa's 2 and Wood the first - place Winnipeg for touchdowns. [circle initiated by Oshawa Annie, whose husband, Roy Me- Chapel at 2 p.m. Monday, Oct. 27. Many friends will remember |, oeiition on Wednesday, Oct. | He also pointed out that the view No. 2 took 3 points to Souths" when Bombers rolled over Cal-| Calgary halfback Ron ' Clink- Squires. Pains Farlane, has been buried in the! "poo" TD Cross, rector of St. him as the English gentleman gq "I cost of carrying on the business mead's 2. , Blue Stampeders 37-10 in a game scale was carried from the field) Frank Collins is Chief Counsel- ine since the tragedy ocurred George's' Anglican ' Church, con.|Who always carried himself with| Bert Pearson, president, On-|of the Cream Producers' Associa-| High three darts in 401 were: Bary wiped out Stamps' last early in the third quarter but doc- lor of the Lindsay Circle and Joe ct. 24, She asked Brenton to ducted the services. Interment 8race and dignity and considered iario County Junior Farmer As-| ion" ac riging at tore]. Parker with 135: Lily Rae 118; to overtake the Riders for tors said after the game his in- Hogan is Chief Squire. j.| come home as her nine-year-old wag in Oshawa Union Cemetery, every customer a very dear|gociation, will act as chairman were the two main reazons for|June Wyatt 100; Roy Cornish 104. third and final playoff spot.|jury, while painful, was not ser-| Squires of the Oshawa investi jayghter, Edith, had collapsed at| The pallbearers were Donald friend. {for the program. the increase of the license fee| Players who doubled in and out * Calgary finished one point be- ious. He was hurt when a Bomber {ture team, and counsellors Who yg "nithead while waiting word Marks, Robert Marks, Douglas| Surviving him are his wife, --------------------------------|¢\" To il oa cent to three-|of 401 were: M. Rae, T. Rae, P. * hind Saskatchewan. Edmonton al- player landed on his back after installed the eWly-eleciey Lind- of her father and was now hos- Marks, William Tonkin, Lloyd Blanche Weeks; his daughter, tenths of a cent per pound of Fayle, H. Fayle, 0. Clark, J. ady had clinched second place. |a tackle, : J say officers were: C. J. POWeT, ,ii1i7eq suffering from a ner- Tonkin and Ralph Tonkin. |Shirley (Mrs. K. A. Jacobsen) butterfat | Wyatt, D. Clark, R. Mills, R. Cor- 5 y ie ends Saturday when| Edmonton has its choice of lo- Tim Byrnes, Tony Kuttschrutter, yo." wqon and his son, Beverley, of Eng- IC er S The election of the officers re- nish, E. Major, B. Perryman, Wisaipeg plays British Columbia cation for the firs of the two Joe 9 Malley, paul Larence: Due to the recent Fittings Ltd., WILLIAM JOHN STONEHOUSE |and, | sulted as follows: President, Gor-|R. Harman, M. Breeze, M. Muir, * Lions at Vancouver and Edmon- | semi-final games. {lan Dulny, Wesley Misiaszek, strike, Mr, Rector, who is a Fit-| The death occurred at the Osh-| Funeral services will be con. I Mi Gon Renard. Zephyr: vice-presi-|J. Houston, G. Brynt, M. Milson, es with Saskatchewan at WANTS NIGHT GAMES tan Dalidowicz, Frank Szyszka, tings machine operator, has awa General Hospital Monday, ducted by Canon Snell of St. dent, Lloyd Stanley, RR 1, Brook-|B. Clark, M. Germond, B. Ger- jon 10) | But #t was reported from Ed- Leo Morin and Een Doyle, found he is financially unable Oct. 27, of William John Stone. Aiden's Anglican Church from lin; secretary - treasurer, H. L./mond, R. Adair, E. Adair, J. THREE TDs FOR LEWIS |monton Monday night that city to make the trip. house, RR 2, Oshawa. The de- the Wear Funeral Home, 2114| ; [ Fair, Uxbridge; voting delegates, (Crawford, Vi Mason, G. Parker, Leo Lewis scored three touch. alderman W. J. Connelly, also a | Local 1817, United Steelworkers ceased had been ill for two weeks Queen street east, Wednesday, Tragedy pursues Springhill fa- oJ 0 Rynard and Lloyd Stan-|J. Carlson, F. Parsons, M. downs for Winnipeg and end|club director, has lawyers study. CIT Y AND of America, of which he Is a following a heart attack. He was |Oct. 20, at 10:30 a.m. Interment milies, no matter how far away joy. Parker, J. Goulding. Ernie Pitts grabbed a recording the WIFU constitution in ef- member, is considering giving|in his 50th year. |will be in the Park Lawn Ceme-|the move, |" Directors -- Rama, Gordon Mc-| Winning teams of baseball preaking touchdown pass from forts to prevent the Eskimos from DISTRICT ald towards his passage iome.| A son of the late Mr. and Mrs. tery. | Mrs. D. Roberts of Athol street s thur Washago; Mara, Frank were: North Oshawa 76: Fernhill Bomber quarterback Jim Van playing afternoon home games in g Also missing in the mine are william Stonehouse, the deceas-! ag east, Oshawa, is waiting news of Davis, RR 1, Brechin: Thorah,|61; Woodview No, 1, 59; South- Pelt. Homebrew fullback Tony the playoffs, as called for by the two cousins of Mr. Rector, Percy ed was born in Oshawa and FUNERAL OF [per brother, 42-year-old Ralph pay Windatt, RR 3, Beaverton; mead 55. Kehrer counted the other Bomber league. CARTONS AVAILABLE Rector and Percy Spence. had lived all his life in Oshawa ROBERT RITZIE Aylward, trapped with 64 others Brock, Les Faux, Blackwater:| High three darts In baseball: D. touchdown. Van Pelt converted alll Connelly said he opposes after-| Mrs, D, K. Stiles, 707 Grierson ---- --- and Whitby township. The memorial seryice for Rob- on the 13,000 foot level of the No.| Reach, Fred Lamb, RR 4, Port|Rae 7, Doug Clark 5, John Wyatt five and kicked a single. Charlie/noon games because many fansigy who is arranging the shell- { A farmer all his life, Mr. Stope- |ert Ritzie, 24, who died at the 2 Colliery in Sprinhill. Perry; Scott, Harold Clark, RR|[3, R. Adair 5. . Shepard also booted a single. . |have to work and would be un-iout for UNICEF on Hallowe'en Wh te Haven house was an active member of family residence, 347 Highland| Chances of survival are dim. |» yUkbridge; Uxbridge, Gordon| Team Standings: Fernhill 12, Barry .Cyr took a nine - yard able to attend. Eskimos have not| Night stated this morning she has y the Ontario county branch of the avenue, Friday, Oct. 24, was held but Mrs. Roberls says she will ven, RR 1, Uxbridge; Picker-|Storie 9, Rundle 9, Eastview 7, _ Wirkowski in the last quarter for home since entering the league in|those who may wish to take part which he served for two yearsiel at 3 p.m. Monday, Oct. 27.|ther's body is brought to the sur-|}" Whitby, Lloyd Stanley, RR |S, Southmead 6, Woodview No. 1, © the only Calgary touchdown. 1949. in the project. as president. He had also served he pall Be Jace. Her uncle, who was one of|1, Brooklin; East Whitby, Percy |5. | as trustee of the school in his e pallbearers were D. Craw-|the first to reac e surface - VISITORS AT ROTARY | Bowmanville uae re) |ford, 8. Ritzie, P. Ritzie, W. Mis- after the bump last Friday, has! CAPSULE NEWS of ors Mt the Joint mestl™€ he first fire call to Mom| A member of Whitby United |chand, J. Bonderick and J. Cher- been at the pithead since: that Rotary , 4 Church, Mr, Stonehouse was also kas. [time. | rp of Oshawa, in Hotel Genosha on| Witte 3 2 a). day. con-|a member of Lebanon Lodge, Af| The services were conducted by| Death underground is no stran- |Monday, included Gwyn Kin- $100,. and AM, Oshawa. [Rev. John K. Moffat, minister of |ger to Mrs. Roberts. [ | rs' Uni : sey, Ted Middlemass and Bll struction site of lhe Hew "| He leaves his wife, the for-|Simcoe Street United Church. In-|~ "Ey telegram that has ; Carpente nion Duncan, all of Oshawa; S, Fuchs Xo addition 0 the Whyte HAY mer Marion Ruth Fice, whom he|terment was in Oshawa Union |come to Oshawa has had death | ; 3 an Jom Pann, of Toronto and °'y, ze 1s nil. married on June 22, 1933; six|Cemetery. |in it. T don't know why they go| ? al id Workmen were burning old| : back down. It must be in their | Reaches Agreement HOSPITAL REPORT planks to ome side of the nev | Place Accused "ims er cons, reso, Following is the report of the lw | i ] The Car. Canada who has made a fortune| Oshawa General Hospital for the fanning the flames toward the W EATHER | as 2 Jeske i Hale Yas TORONTO (CB Tre ta lout of funeral directing," Mr, Week ending Oct. 25: admissions, new dormitory. n | ti body is still sealed in several Be aareoment "ith ol sald, "We al try to|234; births = Thala 17, fendle 15; | oF emen extinguished the Blaze) TORONTO {cr-oftis] fore. TODATION [0 feet below the surface . ; " | ; min - : +m. |casts is c wea- Gen 008000" apa e on FSO ate a visgetiat's al ig on; yor ear, Rose and The new addition will contain CASS 1O%ed, - Pry | An Oshawa man, who was ob. °F Springhill LEBANON LODGE AF. & A.M. 139 000 building dispute one step CASE throat, 41: casts 20 treatments, dormitories, a school, and ag Se: ressuve contin ed b G ' 1 Mot ? of | And in 1953, Mrs. Roberts lost nearer settlement. MANSLAUGHTER 55; physiotherapy treatments, 216. third floor for staff. It is due| SYROPS'S: Low re i |gerveu hy 8 Linera ors Of two uncles in other Nova Scotia (§ hy toi " rod to. aHbnd e carpenters are one of four| DORCHESTER, N.B. (CP)--"" * "for completion in about two ues Blong the I oat of Canada, Ltd., security guard mining tragedies. | All are urgently req o attend a unfons without Contras in the The Wanslaugiyer Sage of il BURNING LEAVES months, according to 'Mom' wd Ee font irongti York state While removing hub caps from 2 | Masonic Service for our late combined strike and lockou Greenberg, 22, opens here 4Y| Burning leaves in a ditch on|Whyte. : = % | ~~ hap left 20,000 men idle. Back-to- before Judge J. C. Jones. |Mary street, north of Rossland| ---- |and extending into Eastern On-|parked car, was given a suspend CELEBRATING BRO. WILLIAM J. STONEHC USE work calls hinge on successful | Greenberg was charged follow- road, caused a fire alarm for | tario. Clear skies prevail over ed sentence Monday. southwestern Ontario. Colder air 7:30 o'clock ling the Aug. 14 death of West- | Oshawa fire fighters at 1.55 a.m. | R po K soul 3. .| Vernon Glenn Peacock, of 65 5 Il scheduled re.|morland County Jail inmate Roy today. No Samage occurred. The e rt wong has avaded Norther OTT as: mark road south, was put on pro- BIRTHDAYS Town Funeral Parlors, Whitby gineers, all sc {Thomas Sensebaugh, 35, of Owen department also received three |bation for si | Congratulations and best She. talks with Toronto Build-| som J Ey To Move West light snowflurries. Tt is now push on for six months. He plead | ws siuision: 3% Tek w d d lo) t 29 1958 ers Exchange today. A coroner's jury said' Sense 24 hours. ing Sowa je Dou oj Builty to a charge of stealing) dents of Oshawa and district eanes ay, cr. ' The carpenters' membership 3 baugh died from injuries received TRAFFIC CLINIC VANCOUVER (CP) -- Denay|tario. An extensive high-pet (four hub caps from a car owned| hg are celebrating birthdays Sa to uneet Friday or Saturday (in a fight with another inmate. | L Boyd of the Vancouver Sun says|§® COVEY °C [by William Fish, of 331 Pine, today: Masonic Clothing vot on the settlement. | Both men were serving one-| The gecond Jonthiy session ol in a bylined story Edmonton Es- Toglons) Sorecaals valid until |avenue. Hector Shortoldge. Black, ' | year terms for theft. ' e Oshawa Traffic Improvement kimos' Normie Kwong is '"'down-| | id ; . | stock; Betty Schmidt, ° + APPROVE QUIET I [Clinic will be held today at the right anxious" to play for B.C. midnight Wednesday. | Timothy J. Konic, of 181 Olive, Grassmere Ave.; Mrs. Rob- | Wor. Bro, C. Templar Wor. Bro. W. Houston COLDWATER, Out 'the 444] ~ TURKEY BAN EASED [Oshawa Police Building, court Lions next season. | Lake Erie and Lake Huren Te8" avenue, GM security guard, said] erta Hazelwood, 25 Grenfell | Secretary Master Ninety-two per cen OTTAWA (CP) -- The federal 100m, at 7.30 p.m. All motorists In an interview in Edmonton (ions: Windsor and London: Sunny|y ue yo hag been parked in the| St.: Mrs. J. H. Lee, 613 Car- | village near ; od. | vi y dy intervals today | x oi hie voters » hg a_fourth government's ban on imports of aT invited to attend the clinic. Saturday night Kwong told Boyd: bE Dba gd in| GM south plant parking lot on| negie Ave.; Mrs. A. Tennant, turk ased Monday to per. Participation is free of charge.| "Sure, I'd love to play out there { 140 Burk St: Harold bedr-liquor Ficbtacite a al of a limited quan. | Lectures by acting police traffic next season if T can get my re- temperature. Winds northerly 15/Sept. 30. He testified he saw Pea-| (ooo 109 5 ckingham approved outl officers will be illustrated by lease from this (Edmonton) club, [to 20. {cock removing the wheel discs| Ave; Wanda Finley, . 1200 N each by prion. Nargis. of of-8 Bisy of Moutweigih esis tilke 95 ovies and slides. A certificate I had an agreement with Eskimos] Western Lake Ontario, Georg-|from a parked car, Somerville St.; Siveriey Ip fact, ely Hn all The wu n.|Of proficiency is given at the end at the beginning of. the year so(ian Bay and Haliburton regions; | When Peacock finally d White, 29 Fairleigh Ave.; | H E LAN TH liquor store yas bo Rg apie ill gy "lof the course. Magistrate Frank that I could get my release at the| Toronto and Hamilton: Cloudy i 4 Food Barbara Greig, 91 Wood St. single vote ov! nounced permits w 51S. Ebbs is in charge of the clinic. end of the season but now they're|with sumy intervals today. y ven by Jere The first five persons to in- |§ support required by law. sued for the importation of a A Fig .| Greenfield, of Gordon street, Kor- . Mol id cel brewers' warehouse Pro- maximum of 300,000 pounds dur-| STREETS CLOSED trying to back down on it, Mostly clear tonight and Wednes. IR Tr a es form The Daily Times of their | HAS p ROVE N ITS E LF 3 "It woulll be a shot in the arm|day. A little cooler. Winds north- birthdays each day will re- posal was approved 250 to 151--an ing the balance of 1958. | Because of construction the fol- tor me to play for a new team. |erly 10 to 15. {taking the licence number. He ceive double. tickets: to the edge of nine votes. [lowing streets will be closed to|1'm setting ti avs: YOY yo Lake On. had caused the arrest of Peacock ® 5 | | getting tired of this town; it| Niagara and eastem e | 4 Regent theatre good for a ! NO MONEY MADE | LECTURER DIES traffic Wednesday: Ritson road just seems that no one cares any-|tario regions: Cloudy with occas-|PY an Oshawa detective. four-week period. The current OSHAWA REPRESENTATIVE £5 . LONDON, Ont. (CP)~--Rev. W. south from Bloor street east to more." onal light rain today. Cloudy with| In a statement Peaock did mot| traction is "Rock-A-Bye- . "The high more i ; y TORONTO on al Aon G. Colgrove, 86, a former United Wolfe street; Rossland road east Sint a few clear intervals tonight and deny Se Hest, He sald, However, Baby." : STAN BRYNING cost of dying 1s Church minister and noted public from Ritson road north to Wilson| In Edmonton, president Cec|Wednesday. Little change in tem-|that the wheel discs ha een hi created a misconc on fecturer, died here Sunday in hos-'road north; Louisa street from Ross of the Eskimos said: perature. Winds northerly 10 to|stolen from his own car. He had - if 7061 RAVINE ROAD RA 8-5358 ameng the public, president Keith nig) Following his retirement Kaiser crescent to Simcoe street| "That's just so much hoping|15 [chased another automobile to the STRIKES CAR Carppbell of Toronto told the i "from the ministry, Mr. Colgrove north; Ritson road north from |as far as we're concerned. There| Kirkland Laks and Timmins- GM parking lot, and later re-| A parked automobile was tario Funeral Service Association pe ame a noted lecturer in as- Alice street to Rossland road|is no agreement whatsoever tc Kanuskasing regions: North Bay moved the hub caps from it in|. yuck hy another car, driven by| Mofpday night. tronomy at the University of east: Hillcroft street at Ritson release Kwong." and Sudbury: Mostly cloudy with the belief that they were his own.| "oman MacInally, of 184 Anni FOOD Itf gives the idea that funeral Western Ontario. road north. The following streets| Ross said Kwong has made sug fn jonal flurry of snow to-' "That's what the police arc|:treet, at 60 Annis street at 6.1 CLUB dirdctors make a lot of money, For his work in astronomy. he will be closed at Louisa street: |gestions in "a doking sort of #|day becoming clear tonight and for," commented Crown Attorney | .m. Monday. The parked car he fold the opening of the associa- was awarded the Chant Medal of Kaiser crescent, Francis street, way" for the last two years that|Wednesday. Cool. Winds north to Alex C. Hall, QC. "There has|was owned by Brian Weiss, of 23 tion's annual meeting. the Royal Astronomical Society of Golf street, Groom's avenue, |he might like his release to play | northeast 15 to 25 today becoming been a rash of hub cap thefts |Athol street west. Damage was| 65 UNDERWRITERS RD. -- OX. 9-1188 "You can't namé one mas in Canada in 1943. Church street and Prince street. !for various teams. light tonight and Wednesday. |down at the GM plant." estimated at £120. pass from quarterback Nobby played an afternoon game allan ample supply of cartons for Fi 0 1 d Vegetable Growers' Association at the Armstrong Funeral Chap-inot give up hope until her bro-|iyg Verle Wagg, RR 1, Brook-|Woodview No. 2, 6, North Oshawa practically