THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tussdey, October 20, 1958 13 REPEATED BY POPULAR DEMAND The Greatest Reading Bargain Ever Offered ! HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: You receive The Times-Gazette. And you have free selection of any 2. four of the 53 magazines listed -- or alternatively you may choose Life Magazine plus any one other maga- zine from the list. One payment of 55¢ weekly, at our carrier's regular collection period, cov- ers the entire cost of both the news- paper and magazines. Your Times-Gazette will be delivered by our carrier and your magazines will come by mail. Your order will be acknowledged by The Times-Gazette with a postcard. LOOK WHAT Keep this card because it will show you when to make your first and last mag- ¢ azine payments. We fully guarantee each order. A WEEK WILL BUY Allow four to eight weeks for first magazines to arrive. This offer is open to residents where regular Times-Gazette carrier service is maintained. Mark an "X" before any Four Magazines New Renewal New Renewal McCALLS ...... . [J [J TRUE STORY MAGAZINE .. 3 yrs. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING .... 3 ym. [J LIVING FOR YOUNG L 1 HOMEMAKERS CALLING ALL GIRLS 30 Issues OUTDOOR LIFE POPULAR SCIENCE MTHLY, 3 yrs. ESQUIRE CATHOLIC LAMP ' . 3 yn. MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY . 3 yrs. AMERICAN: HOME LOOK (every other week) ... 3 yr. SR ovo on HARPER'S BAZAAR Teer ym, (Edinburgh) LE SAMEDI veer rym. MADEMOISLELLE LA REVUE POPULAIRE .... 3 yrs. ° 0 PARENT'S. MAGAZINE LA REVUE MODERNE ..... 3 ym. [7 CHILDREN'S DIGEST MODERN SCREEN hy (Ages 8-12) 3 ARGOSY (The Man's [J [0 POPULAR GARDENING . Magazine 3 ym. 7 [J CHARM . HUNTING AND FISHING 7 CHRISTIAN LIFE . IN CANADA ver Bym. oo COMPACT LIBERTY pry G87 L [J 7 MODERN ROMANCES SATURDAY NIGHT Syn U.S. CAMERA 3 In [J [J ROD & GUN IN CANADA FRONT PAGE DETECTIVE .. 3 yrs, J [J TODAY'S HEALTH 7] HUMPTY DUMPTY . ) O SPORT (Ages 2.7) ... 30 Issues [1 [0 TRUE ROMANCES [J FLOWER GROWER 3 [0 FREE PRESS WEEKLY [1 CHILD LIFE " ] INSIDE DETECTIVE [J MONTREALER Sn SPORTS AFIELD vans [J CHRISTIAN HERALD . [1 [J ATLANTIC ADVOCATE ... [J [J AMERICAN GIRL . [J [0 PHOTOPLAY ] [J FAMILY HERALD R 310 oR for 3 YEARS Plus One of Above NOTE: If you wish to choose Life Magazine for three | years, you can choose Life plus 1 other megazine from the above list, Vee J | QUITE, w u id goooaa 0000 go oooooooooaoono O OO0O0oOal gooaao ooo 0 A aoaaqrt Do Not Write H. | inna ie Tene Carrier's Name Carrier's Route No. | hereby agree to subscribe for or extend my present subscription to THE TIMES- GAZETTE for 36 ths and the gozine chosen for the term indicated, | agree to poy 55¢ weekly for 36 hs with the d ding that this amount represents full payment for not only the magazines but elso far the newspaper. Should unforseen circumstances result in an increase in the rote of THE TIMES- GAZETTE or the magozines, the 55¢ weekly charge will be increased accordingly. NAME rE RRA ARES 1 APT. NO, coca ADDRESS . ..,.quaxussannsvnenc PHONE NO, course CITY snmrsmesieess PROVINCE. oo vicsiaeness ORDER TAKEN.BY .........cnvomrnes iio. 500 sn es By -- ALL MAGAZINES MUST BE DELIVERED TO THE SAME ADDRESS [J NEW NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIBER [J OLD NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIBER NOTE If you are already subscribing to one of the magazines as chosen, the new term as indicated will be added on to the copies you still have coming. 4 a: NG . AE GAVE ME ONLY PART-TIME Lov? HARPERS BAZAR pce AFR TONEY 2 - i 2 =D 7 = - oie Te | . GG {al arlening SEE 'lk Before The Magazines Le sekeeping Hand Coupon to Mark an "X" N Mail To-Day! of Your Choice! NO MONEY DOWN! =. . ome =" .. / FILLOUT THE COUPONTO-DAY EG A RS CN Sater ep i i