|ded, found Trans-Canada short| by 1,500,000,000,000 cubic feet of | ToKnock Out Competition 3; Gog Sale To U.S. EE World Tou By JOHN LeBLANC jhe, predicted revenue of $12,000,- (CP)! i on passengers and some| ; By ALAN DONNELLY AI Lines 'wil pegin earnest 900.000 on eargo. There eli By GEORGE KITCHEN (Commission, heard arguments onment with figures from a opt] END ABILITY eusion Tex! OTTAWA (CP) -- Prime Min- : its attempts to knock out the pos- 2 hotenual #1200, WASHINGTON (CP)--The fed-|® Plan by Midwestern Gas Trans-|issued by the Alberta gas conser once] for Trans-Canada, argued 'cir Dielenbaker sets of teday mission Company, a U.S. pipeline, vation board. {that new gas contracts signed re- on his much-heralded world trip 1sible competition of Canadian oral or eosin. 48. e%- Pacific Airlines on transcontinen-| Asked whether it would be good pow |to import 204,000,000 cubic feet of " hi ? |aimed at strengthening Common- The commission, which indi- cently had contributed heavily to wealth ties and building tal service when hearings resume for the country if CPA should Pected this week to say whether| Canadian gas dai.y and market it, oq 5 1 ia. et Wednesday. throw trans-Canada into a tem- (it is prepared to allow natural(in the four-state upper midwest jo, 7, Nov. 1, called the es and said the. Canadian fim ox. HIP for Canada in 15 countries. | 7 | After a week of sniping at CPA poraty Sefich position through gas to be imported from the 27° . to consider the merits of the Mid- pected to fulfil 'all its contracts, Members of the diplomatic ; evidence in cross - examination, Spe Fr ould be. Trans-Canada pipeline and sold in FAVORED AFTER STUDY western plan "and those of two including that with Midwestern. corps and a 50.-man RCAF guard the publicly - owned. corporation| gi ion ui" 20d bringing on an in. he United States. Up to that point, the Midwest. OMPeting U.S. pipelines--North-| Harry, Littman, cou nse] for of honor were to see him off. The ; will begin the introduction of its _ i: A h betti ern Natural Gas Company and Midwest id T + Canada 8ir force's C5 luxury airliner, | A vestigation of its operations month ago, the betting was ern case seemed fo be favored A . ; : 4 western, sa rans anada own evidence in an effort to pre- . that the commission would favor after more than two years of Michigan Wisconsin Pipe Line pag "a firm, adequate supply o with about 34,000 miles of travel y ; } ! ¥ ( ) --whi i " » ahead, was scheduled to leave at | serve its monopoly on main line Support for CPA's applicationithe importation of Canadian gas study by the commission. Company--which seek to service ggg p domestic service. came from the Aiberta govern-|to service several hundred fuel- the same market area with Amer- "gp 19 Midwestern obtai jaoss, : The hearings before the air ment, in a brief statement to the hungry communities in North Da- d Bt the Julie hearing _pro-/ican gas. Meier Crit ein We ain an Mr, Diefenbaker's first stop will ; transport board recessed for one Uoary. Some Chal Trop kota, Wisconsin, Minnesota and fuce hy gy butemed_ ison, BUT NO GAS {sion, it still remains for Trana:ibe New Vork where he speaks | i pe Ba {yecie onton, VicHgan. . L. Albrecht, chief of the commis Albrecht conceded that the Mi Canats to & an Fao Dessuit i ik on Dinner gn Be ean the de. Pacific Western Airlines also in- Today, he issue is by no means sion's own legal staff, who argued western project is sounder than The Borden royal commission on|American Friendship Organiza. | A } Be CA |troduced evidence in support of Certain and it would surprise no that Trans - Canada bas not ajthose of its competitors but said : ition tai Bree of cross-examination. TCA|[ M0 lo op ed' Dacki if the commission turned|'single cubic foot" of gas avail-|the defect lies in two words: 'No CPET8Y resources in its iterim re- |" : : is expected to call about six wit-!!S P! y-announced backing! go. se " port issued Saturday recom-| Wednesday he heads across the, a of the CPA lication. PWA "down the importation plan. able for export to the U.S. and gas. | -- NESSES. f application, pre Yas mot encugh: und eat] mended export be allowed "'un- Atlantic on his 54-day tour of the : ~ |viously had applied for a trans-| What produced the switch in enough under contracl| ,.,.ocht said the Alberta|der li fr h -| United Kingdom, Western E : As CPA closed out its main i : even for its own Canadian needs.| a/der licence" and that the Trans. | Pp Toi Mondas President. Grant continental franchise but with- odds was a public hearing two, '|board's report placed Trans-Can-|Canada application "be consid South Asia, Australia and New tase Monday, President .Sraitdrew the application. _ _Iwerks ago at which the fiveman/ Albrecht supported his rgu-ada's proven reserves st 4.300. 'ered on iis merits Zealand. hosid McCon, 's d BRICKS INTACT AS BUILDING MOVED metic rations se government Not one brick was. displaced | The edifice was raised three company would be weli able to when this 32-year-old forestry feet, then two sets of track |stand the limited form of com- building at the University of | beams were inserted, one at- |petition his company proposes. | @ Toronto was moved 250 feet to | tached to the fotindation, the SEES NEW TRAFFIC | a new location in one of the | other to the ground. Between A AAAAAAAN AAAAAAAN greatest feats of engineering | the tracks steel rollers were = He said the competition should : feats ever attempted in Canada, | placed. Finally, two 50,000- uncover new traffic and be good +f Thirty-six 100-ton hydraulic | pound winches, powered by for the country generally, as well jacks broke the building loose | diesels, pulled it to the new as for the airlines. from its mooring and trans- | site. The operation took two For the first year of CPA oper- . planted it to the new founda- | and a half months. A new build- ation on a series of routes be- . 3 tion, exactly like the old one. ' ing would have cost $600,000 tween Montreal and Vancouver, / Only 4,000 Struck It Ric In Wild D Of Klondik Canadian Author Pierre Berton world outside. Preachers, doctors, on says fine dog teams were the { displays his well-known knowledge policemen quit their callings and Cadillacs of the time. 'Nigger Jim" had one that was worth of the Klondike in his new book headed for the bitter north which is called "KLONDIKE" " $2,500 and his sied had a built-in HOPES SHATTERED bar from which he treated his (McClelland and Stewart Here is assembled in colorful The 'mayor of Seattle, in San pals, order all the familiar and unfam-. Francisco for a convention "did * This js an unforgettable {liar characters of the Bonanza Mot bother to return home but sojjection of stories of tenderfeet : and El Dorado days and Author Wired his resignation". Five hun- who tried to reach the golden) Berton, with a fine eye for the dred women, mostly widows, oreek by boat, over the dread dramatic and usual, has missed came from New York via steam-| mountain passes and even over few nuggets of advanture and er around the Horn. After a fears gyre.death glacier route. Even some journey they reached Seattle those who found great wealth oft- color "The first big claim was staked broke. their hopes of marrying an Jost it, to gamblers, business bv'a squaw man named George Sourdough millionaires shattered. orooks, the girls, or over the bars. Washington ("Siwash George) Of ail who started out, only| «p,cky Swede' Anderson, di- and the date was Aug. 17, 1896 100,000 reached Dawson. Only vorced by his dance-hall girl, died this is a day still celebrated in the 4,000 became wealthy but while pushing a wheelbarrow in a saw- Yukon territory. There it was "'ly- the rush was on, life in the Far mill for $3.25 a day; "Lucky" al- ing thick between the flaky slabs North was fabulous Miners ways denied that he ever had a of rock like cheese in a sand-'thought nothing of $10,000 bar- miliion. "The most I ever had wich." Charley Anderson bought room sprees. One man collected was nine hundred thousand." a claim when drunk for $800. tried the sawdust from a saloon floor to get his money back when sober and panned $278 from it in two DRAMATIC IMPACT hia J could not, Out of it came hours. Dance hall girls charged No other author has told the $1,000,000 and his lifetime nick- men $1 for one minute of dancing, story of the Klondike with the name, the Lucky Swede. The and two miners actually had val: colorful authority, with same Klondike fever soon spread to the ets in their log huts. Author Bert- dramatic impact. EE me ---- Ee | Author Berton has excellent | qualifications and background to - write such a story. His father 0 e estrians owe | staked a claim on Quigley Gulch in 1898 and, while it produced . only gravel, he stayed on and liv- led in fabled Dawson City for 48 n ur ng on way |vears. The author himself lived {there untii he was 12 and he candidly admits that it still "haunts my dreams and my me- mories." . "KLONDIKE"" is a commend. ne = TCA To Begin Attempts (Commission To Decide £27: Diefenbker | re ---- roam Consist LOAVES HAMILTON (CP) -- Canada's highway sweeping around Lake longest skyway has more than Ontario from Toronto to Fort Erie three miles of sidewalk--but not' --was a four-mile stretch of two- for pedestrians lane road running through the dr No pedestrians will be allowed community of Burlington Beach able achievement by 4 man who on the new $19.000.000 Burlington ith a 30mile - an-hour speed 0 i" ¥ SER CEAIL VEE SS Bay Skyway after it's opened limit : 1 Tp Rag a Thursday by Premier Frost To make matters worse, a lift| His story should have wide eir- Three-foot sidewalks were put span raised to let ships into Ham- culation and it justly deserved on the 8,400-foot skyway because jlton Harbor. this tribute. motorists are nervous about driv- - - - ing close to guard rails on high bridges. They tend to veer into _- adjacent lanes NEW? " { CIEL i Gi Let's [Il Pull Together As A T as long as the 3,600-foot Ambas- : i i h x d . e S e Neec sador Bridge at Windsor. But it can't be called Canada's longest . . bridge because only 1,062 feet of T his Year . it pass over water . ® 'i It's probably the country's most Y expensive highway structure, : oh is however, and it's the first toll bridge - established in Ontario under legislation approved last t | : [1] gs a LL GREATER Passenger cars and small . i "ees * H trucks will be charged 15 cents or J $1 for 20 tickets. Heavy trucks | | "Nn ry will pay 25 cents or $4 for 24 tick- H | ets. Buses and vehicles with more | than two axles will pay 45 cents ! | EVER ! ! or $6 for 20 tickets. Delay in obtaining equipment for the 10 toll gates probably will result in a week or 10 days of N free driving. Premier Frost is ex- Wh pected to announce the treat dur- ~\VA N . ing opening ceremonies. "iy The bridge was built to end On al A tario's worst traffic bottleneck. In the middle of . the Queen Canadian Red Cross Salvation Army St. John Ambulence Elizabeth Way--a four-lane super- I ve Society (Oshawa STELCO Talks Lipstick | Cor pr, et Eb In 7th Day - Canadien Legion Poppy League ; Canadian Arthritis and Fund i i i . Rheumatism Society TORONTO (CE) -- The: latest with Royal Jelly Children's Aid Society Qshova Girl Guides Royal Canadian Arm series of talks to end the 11-week- Oshawa Boy Scouts sociation . Cadets y Candas: Pao en of the Queen Bee Association Y.W.C.A. : Oshawa and District Oshawa Sea Cadets Community Recreation Cerbral Palsy Parent into) its seventh day today. Fabulously rich formula soothes and paptns I No statement was made at the your lips every minute it's'on! Your lips feel (Navy League) Association Council end of Monday's meetings be : a : 4 o \ moistened, softened, nourished because the rich, tween the United Steelworkers of ¢ : America (CLC) and Stelco, heid rare beauty benefits of Royal Jelly are blended ™ » in the offices of the Ontario labor right into this new kind of lipstick. How pret e e ore S awa ] 0 ain g [ department. Monetary issues can a queen be? Try DuBarry Koyal Lipstic were reported to have entered dis © today and see! Royal ith in' a queen'se Tusiins near the end of last ransom of a case, 2.00. Click-in refills, in _. * * Be Se a Bring or Mail Your Donation To The About 7.500 workers at Stelco wert on strike Aug. 12 in support FRR end COMMUNITY CHEST OFFICE -- 17 Simcoe St. North ARREST BONNIE SEAMAN VALLETTA, Malta (AP) Po lice' arrested Canadian Seaman, coat Cartier NICS. Bonar re 1958 COMMUNITY CHEST EXECUTIVE! covery of ¢ rit 1 uncpuscous in a Valletd sreet DRUGS Honorary President -- Col. R. S. McLaughlin ® President -- Frank McCallum ® Past President -- Thos. L. Wilson n was : . : ; : . : ; : ? : Vice President -- F. James Skinner ® Vice President -- E. G. Storie ® Campaign Manager -- William C. Paynter Howard Hown, He was taken to hospitai} sd ab ele M828 KING ST. E DI Executive Secretary -- L. W. McConkey ® Treasurer -- Frank E. Bedford { Mein e fe rel'éd a iron raiiirg into a street below.