. a ws Wa, CATERPILLAR zim, [6 Tetley, AAA 20 % 2 Por sa Sy gens AeA 7 Book Circulation At The Library Up Reports presented at the meet-/ate from Queen's University on Board, Thursday night, indicate degree, THE DAILY TIMES-GAZITTE, Seturdey, Mey 17, 1958 § {GM Salaried Folk Invest $1476,654 3800 Participating In Salaried employes of General ~ Stock Purchase Program All dividends are invested In GM stock and all interest re- Motors ye op- ing of the Oshawa Public Library May 17 and will receive her BA erating in Canada who are par-|ceived is invested in government ticipating in the GM savings-| ¢ bonds. that increase among readers in the city and surrounding districts is growing rapidly, In April a total of 23,036 books were circulated compared with 20,917 in the same month of last od vear. The increase was evidence across the board as the adult cir- culation for the month was 12,077 |compared to 11,149 in April a year |ago. The boys and girls circula- (tion was 10,593 cor jared with 9,467 a year ago, while the circul- ation at Simcoe Hall rose from 301 to 366 It was also reported that 725 ew books were added to the { The resignaton of Mrs. W. G.|stock purchase program invested] During 1957, the participati Edwards was received and $1,476,654 during 1957, or a total| employes saved an average of 7 accepted with regret. Mrs, Ed-|of $2,471,210 since the program per cent of their salaries. ' wards worked for several years began in April, 1956. | Under the savings fund plan as a page in the library while, More than 3,800 salaried em- part of the program classes ma- going to collegiate. She has been ployes in Canada, 75 percent of [ture at the end of the fifth year a member of the staff since 1951, the eligible number, are partici-| following the year in which the with the exception of a few years|pating in the program, [class is formed, at which time after she was married. Mrs, Ed-| The savings-stock purchase pro-|/the employee receives the Gey- wards is well known for her work gram provides that salaried em- eral Motors common stock, gov- with films in the Jibrary, ployes with one or more years ernment bonds and any cash to The chief librarian, Miss Jean of continuous service may save his credit in that class. Fetterly, reported that she spent'a maximum of 10 per cent of General Motors guarantees that several days in Toronto visiting|their salaries. lat the time settlement is made a number of publishers during] Half the employe"s savings is/under the savings fund plan the the month, invested in government bonds employe will receive securities "The new spring books areiand half in GM common stock. /and cash at least equal to his shelves and 145 were withdrawn. coming in by the hundreds, and The company contributes $1 forjown savings plus interest. This Three hundred and thirty-seven the catalouging department is/each $2 of employe savings, The|guarantee also applies in cases of books were mended by the staff. very busy getting them out into company's contribution is invest-|settlement due to withdrawal or Three visits were made to the hospital with 61 books circulat- ed together with 186 periodicals. circulation," she stated. LEAVE OF ABSENCE Miss Charlotte Abbott, head of ed entirely in GM common stock. [termination of employment. RECORDS POPULAR the catalouging department was| The increasing popularity of given a two weeks leave of ab-| records was also indicated by sence, and will be away on a six | the fact that 188 records were weeks' vacation in England and |loaned, Two hundre ° and thirty- the continent through the month Alcohol Factor en, a ims wes oon [ry Heavy Fines of music were also loaned. pointed to replace Mrs. Edwards Alcohol was the cause of heavy ployer asked Magistrate ¥. 8. The chief librarian reported to be in charge of the film lib-|fines in Oshawa Police Court Fri-{Ebbs to give Lince time to pay |there were 117 new registrations rary. Her husband, Arthur Griff-|day, Three offenders were given |the fine, in the adult departinent and 100 iths is on the staff of The Times- fines totalling $130. All pleaded| The fine carries an alternative BILITATION OF LA main projects this year, is well under way. Here the alderman, who is vice chairman of the Board of Works, is seen mount. > -- : : Wy 224, ed on a caterpiliar earthmover | Board of Works. Storms and | ang resulted in the bank being showing the work that has been | high water, in recent years, worn awa done to Ald. Walter R. Branch | have battered the concrete re- di (left), who is chairman of the | taining wall beyond recognition | ~Times-Gazette Photo "a The job i up the beach at Lakeview Park, which is one of Ald. Finley Dafoe's |new registrations in the boys and Gazette, of one month in the county jail, Car Theft Charge F ollows |ToPresent Dare Devils with a total attendance of 61 girls section, Four story hours were held |children. Fifty-five class visits to the library were also recorded | guilty. Early in the month, Miss Irene, Frank Connaghan, Port Perry, Lince told the court that he pro- Boes, of the Boys' and Girls' de-|was fined $10 and costs or 10|vided 75 per cent of his father's partment spoke to the Bloor days in jail on a charge of caus.|income as support. Street Home and School Associa-|ing a disturbance. On a second| 'You're not much help to your tion, who met in the story room charge of unlawfully havin g|father being drunk all the time," 100 MPH Highway Chase Table Clinic Dr, John M. Phillips, of Osh- A 17-year-old Oshawa youth led |stances of Guirey's arrest into| Guirey drove the car into the 2%2, will altend the Ontario police ~ a wild chase at speeds | consideration. latch on Walmer avenue. He at. ental Algor jation sonyention in up to 100 mph from Whitby to| Constable Mason, Whitby, testi-|tempted to escape. The two chas- oron a ted " hg » inc gsive, Oshawa after stealing a car. |fied in a statement that he had|ing police constables fired a Re ys wi Present a id Vincent A. M. Guirey, 17, of observed a car on Dundas street warning shot. They tackled Guir- Fig hs ne n Sone ion with Dr, $52 Buena Vista avenue, was con-|east, Whitby, on May 10. After ¢y and arrested him, H. Thomson ol pronto, ay victed on charges of car theft and shining a flashlight in the driver's; The accused admitted stealing soronto careless driving in Oshawa Police face, and a warning by siren, the car in Oshawa. The car, the Court Friday. Guirey had pulled to the side of property of Stanley Flak, 45 Burk Guirey pleaded guilty, He was the road as if to stop. |street, had been parked, Guirey remanded for sentence to Wed-| He had then speeded up and nad no driver's licence. | nesday, May 21. drove from Whitby to Oshawa at| Mrs. Guirey, mother of the ac-| Crown Attorney Alex C. Hall, [speeds up to 100 mph, He was cused, said that her son had been QC, withdrew the charge of care- chased by the police cruiser. In|locked out of the house that night. other member of the Endodontia Study Club, The clinic will deal with root canal therapy and the injuries of children's anterior teeth. The 'preservation of non-vital teeth by conservative and sur- gical techniques will also shown, 0 t Pe packed spectacle at Park on that date. Slated Here On May 28 Thrill show fans of Oshawa are to be given the opportunity f seeing Canada's most honored ravelling show on wheels, on Wednesday, May 28, the famed! Auto Dare Devils Thrill have been signed by the Oshawa Kiwanis Club to present its thrill Show Alexandra The show, the original first of less drivigk: He asked Magistrate | Oshawa the car turned onto Nipi-| Mrs. Guirey is separated from bb! . / COMING EVENTS COP and T Bingo, Albert Street Hall, BINGO Monday, May 19, 20 games at $6 and #8 dollars, seven $40 jackpots. 116a CORONATION ORANGE TEMPLE ANNUAL FLOWER FUND TEA Saturday, May 17, 8 pm, 20 regular games, share-the- " ot the St. Andrew's Manse, wealth, 4---$40 jackpots te Home Dr. and Mrs, George Telford go. 1--$150 speciol to go. 116a 337 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa From 3 to 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 21st, 1958 Everybody Welcome -- 50¢ MONSTER BINGO SATURDAY, MAY 17 16 PRIZES OF $10 1 each of $20, $30, $40, $50 Share The Wealth SAINT GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH ADMISSION 50 CENTS its kind to tour Canada 12 years ago, carry its own generating sys- tem for track lightings, may we point out that they are now on their 12 years annual tour across Canada, and the 1958 edition {promises to be the biggest and best yet, The huge generating system is carried as part of show equip- ment and any field track may be lighted as brilliantly as a stage, so that night performances pre- her husband. The landlord had objected to the youth's presence in the house. The door to the house had been locked at 11 pm. and the key hidden. 12 Students oem 20r, Get Degrees wandered the streets, after being| myelve Oshawa and district unable to enter the house. He had |g4y dents who have been attend- looked for an automobile to sleep ing Queen's University, Kingston, in. He had then driven away In| will receive degrees in'arts and the car, when he found the igni-| applied science at the spring con- tion unlocked. vocation on May 17. sent no problems, Crown Attorney Hall called the| Degrees awarded in arts are:| Such famous names in the thrill family circumstances of the youth| BA" with Honors -- Ann Meln-|show world as BoBo Canup, Gary pathetic." He pointed out that iosh Cranston, (English). | "Boots" Wooley, and many other Guirey had a previous record of| BA -- Ruth Patricia Brooking, [star drivers will be seen in death contributing to juvenile delin- Gerald Arthur Harper, Margaret [defying feats of skill and cour- quency. | Eleanor Hoy, Margaret Ivy Mac-|age ranging from 'Hell Driv- The youth had been sentenced Gregory, Norma Jean Smith, and nerve-racking Ramp-to-Ramp to eight months in the Brampton Morley Lionel Yeo, and Tanya|thrilling leaps through fire. reformatory in February, 1957. Elizabeth Goddard of Bowman-| The Climax of this fantastic He was paroled after six months. ville, {thrills of the 28 event program He then lived for a short period| B.Com. -- Glenn Arthur Drew. | with his father. | Awarded degrees |Science (B.Sc) are Donald Al-\hag been rightfully called *'Court- {lan Ennis Graeme Churchill Jack (Chemi- Mrs. Rose Named President Of WA TORONTO (CP) -- Mrs. K. R. Rose of Toronto was re-elected | president of the Dominion council of the Women's Association of the United Church of Canada at Admits Theft |ONE-ARM DRIVER the Slosing session of the 18th an Of Bicycle HIGHWAY MENACE {magazine editors, and is consid. trey Potts of Bracebridge (Civil| Eni presented to the thrill loving pub- Engineering). lie. 10 DOOR PRIZES--SUMMER PRIZES Bonus prize for the husband of the first lucky lady, if present, (Whirlaway spinning outfit), April 3,5, 18,19, May 2, 3, 16, 17, 30, 31/ WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE SPECIAL HOLIDAY MONSTER BINGO MONDAY, MAY 19, 8 P.M. $1300.00 INCLUDING $100 FREE CASH DOOR PRIZES (Four Prizes: $50, $25, $15, $10) ALSO | CASH PRIZES CASH PRIZES ) A driver's right arm around yo her officers elected Include:| wpa theft of a bicycle had a| his cutie, puts both lives in /icepresident Mrs, A. sequel in Oshawa Police Court| danger, safety experts say. Coowie, Oshawa; chajiman of de- Friday, Roy Reginald Dariald Keep both hands on the s mmittee, Mrs. James Knight, 18, of 200 Drew street, Wheel, Swinton, Brantford; leadership was convicted of theft, | But YOUR safety hint, i education, Mrs. K. B. Clysdale,| Knight was remanded for sén-| you'd like to sell an auto- St. Mary's. |tence to Wednesday, May 21. He mobile: Classified ads! p-- [pleaded guilty. An order for rest- Yes, folks looking to buy COMING EVENTS |itution was made. cars look in the Classified | Noel Henning,-19 Sandra street! geotion, Be sure, then, your east, testified that he had left| oa. is listed there |the bicycle at the rear of his Dial RA 3.3492 1 d {house. The next morning it had| wh Poids JO AR Ad: RADIO PARK BINGO May 20th, 8 p.m, Avalon Hall, 20 games $5.00, 7-- $40.00 jackpots, Share the wealth, | been gone, {mittefl the theft. He had exchang-| S . led parts of the stolen bicycle] il Pl alloIs rian {Another youth, Involved in the may$, 17 matter, will be charged before | Knight told the court that he| |was unemployed. He was allowed eit {day. His mother was employed U.S. and Canada will anchor on HOLY TRINITY CHURCH |CaY.. ts TO as Canada, | June 22 in tree-lined Long Pond (Corner of Court and Barrie St.) | In a statement the accused ad- with parts of his own bicycle. " -/ juvenile court, or ervice a MAY TEA [to road the streets during the| Sail power yachts from the Ltd. She was separated from his! Lagoon, Centre Island, Toronto, |is the aerial ramp-to-ramp leap of in Applied a convertible Chevrolet. This feat (Civil Engineering), | ship of Death' by newspaper and cal Engineering); and Hugh Geof-| ered the most thrilling event ever 'Took Pi | The film library reported 103 of the library. After the meeting (showings. One hundred and fif- a tour of the library was enjoyed |teen films and 29 film strips were by the members. Miss Enid Wal- (circulated. The approximate at-lace, boys' and girls' librarian, tendance was 4092. reported that more than Hart a warm welcome after her new illness in hospital, TO RECEIVE DEGREE choice of books for purchase for The board was pleased to send the schools, a letter of commendation to Miss| The exhibit of the Camera Club Ruth Brooking, a member of the|in the library received many staff since 1946, who will gradu- favorable comments, 14-Day Term For Impaired Driver Impaired driving brought a heavy jail sentence to an Oshawa | man in police court here Friday.| After chasing Perry's car down George Perry, 58, of 268 Bald.[on Farewell avenue, he had win street, was sentenced to 14|stopped it near Hoskin avenue. days in the county jail, His driv-| Perry, who smelled of alcohol, ing licence was suspended for one had claimed a defective steering year. gear as the reason of his swerv- Magistrate Frank 8. Ebbs re.|' |duced the charge from drunk oi SA driving. yon, called him a 'borderline y : : __|case." A blood test showed a Constable F. J. Dionne testified percentage of 1.7 per cent of that he had observed a car driven alcohol in the bloodstream, |by the accused on King street] Crown Attorney Alex C. Hall, |east near Farewell avenue. The QC, commented that Perry had a police cruiser was forced on the|previous record of drunk driving. | shoulder of the road to avold a head-on collision. ng: Dr. A, E, King, who had ex- amined Perry at the police sta- Jailed For 3 Months An Oshawa man was sent to {Jail for a total of three months |" on four charges in Oshawa Police Court Friday | | Herbert W. Bould, 22, of 153] | Wilson road south, was sentenced [to two months in the county jail on a charge of driving without all licence, a third offence. | On a charge of assaulting his| wife, on May 9, he was sentenced to another month in jail, to run consecutively, A concurrent sen- | [tence of one month was assessed | jon a second charge of assaulting |his wife on May 8. { Bould was also. fined $10 and, {costs or 10 days In jail, to run| concurrently, on a charge of| being intoxicated. | Bould had been remanded for| RYERSON GRADUATE sentence on May 12. Mrs, Bould | James A. Sully, son of Mr. {had told the court that her hus-| and Mrs. R. H. Sully of Thorn- band had struck her with the ton road north, Oshawa, grad: leg of a table, | uated from the School of Busi- A liquor he was fined $10 and costs or one month in the county jail, |The liquor was confiscated, | Constable J. I. Tullock, OPP, Simcoe street, south of Prince| Albert in a dissheveled condition. A bottle of beer was found on his| person, $50 and costs Maurice Lince, no fixed ad-| dress, was assessed a fine of $50 | and costs for being intoxicated in| a public place, a second offence, | The accused's landlord and em- commented Magistrate Ebbs. SEVENTH OFFENCE Dennis. Carrigan, 22, of Aja xX, 100| testified that Connaghan had been| Was handed a fine of $50 and The Library Board gave Mrs. teachers visited the display of involved in a om brawl in costs or «ne month in the county books arranged for theiripeach township on May 3. Con. Jail, consecutively, on a charge of convenience In assisting their naghan was picked up walking on having liquor, The acciised had been picked up on Harwood avenue north, Ajax, on May 15. He had been staggering north on the street with a bottle in his hand, When approached by police constables he had first attempted to hide the bottle in his clothes. When searched he had thrown the bottle into the ditch. Police Find 2 More Guns | The possession of two guns without a permit led to the con- viction of an Ashburn man Oshawa Police Court Friday. David George Andrew, 24, of RR 1, Ashburn, was remanded {for sentence to Thursday, May |22, He pleaded guilty, Andrew had been convicted for the ille- gal possession of another gun in | Oshawa Police Court one week ago. | Detective Ken Young testified| that further investigation of the previous charge had led to the discovery of two more gun, The guns were found at 115 Westmoreland avenue, in the premises of Andrew's friend. An- drew had left some of his belong- | ings there. The guns were found | in a paper bag. | Crown Attorney Alex C. Halll ted that Defence Attor-| ney R. D, Humphreys, QC, had| suggested a psychiatric examina- tion for the accused. Named President Presbyterian WMS HAMILTON (CP)--Mrs. Glenn Thompson of Stouffville has been elected to her second term as president of the Women's Mis- sionary Society (western divi- sion). of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, Mrs, Harold Keefer, Trenton, was elected a vice-president Fri- ay. Department secretaries elected include Mrs. Lyla M. Sinclair, graduate from Oshawa Collegi- ate and Vocational Institute, will enter business shortly. ness Administration at the Cl - B Ryerson Institute of Technology May 8. Mr. Sully, who is a aim Boys | | geons pigeons on the roof of a house. | |Accompanied' by two detectives, | Guelph, and Mrs. William Me- Eachern, Orillia, 3 Ontario Frogs Qualify In Jump ANGELS CAMP, Calif, (CP) Three Ontario frogs qualified Fris day in the first section of the Calaveras County foreign jumps ing frogs qualifying trials. All made leaps of 10 feet or more, the distance needed to qualify for the finals of the inters" provincial frog jump set for Suns day. a Make More Toast, owned by" Peggy Plewes Sims of London; Ont, jumped 12 feet, eight" inches; Hoppy, owned by Ken- neth Stiffler of Owen Sound, leaped 13 feet, Another frog from Owen Sound, Hertimor, owned by Philip Lourie, just made it with & jump of 10 feet, 10 inches. Medium Range Rocket Success: CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) The first attempt by a crew of army missile men to launch th United States Army's potent Red- stone m e d i um - range ballistie weapon apparently was a success. Indications were that the Red- stone swept in on target without a hitch after it blasted into space at dusk Friday night. The launching was conducted from start to finish for the first time by men from the Army's first operational ballistic missile outfit, the 40th Field Artillery Missile Group (Redstone). It was reported unofficially that a Redstone unit may be based overseas before the end of July. | The 63-foot Redstone, capable of carrying a nuclear warhead more than 250 miles with amazing ac- curacy, is in mass production at the Chrysler plant in Detroit. TENDER father. for an annual boat blessing cere: | He had worked at odd jobs mony. |before. Knight has two younger| This stirring church "service | sisters. | : {afloat has become a North Amer | "What Oshawa needs Is a fam |jcan tradition. [ly clinic for broken homes," |sounterpart TWO $250 JACKPOTS (51-55 NUMBERS) ONE $150 JACKPOT (Must Go) 20 Gomes at $205 Gomes ot 220 WEDNESDAY, MAY 21st D AA LAAN | 490 497 | -ol--4.30 : anywhere in the it has only ome. BAL Brie ab | DIR Bh Two 16-year-old Oshawa youths were charged. with the theft. of prize pigeons in Oshawa Police Court Friday. | George Wreford Cornish, 16 of v veal west. ond Willians Teel Wis 3 he went to the house, located at| 545 King street west. He identi-| fied two of his pigeons by 'their! band tags in a cage, | Ona ather nigenn was recover. | Admission 35¢ commented Crown: Attorney Alex Plus Free Passes to Person on Right of Every Regular Winner world ai Auckland, New Zealand. Joseph Robinson, 16, of 510 Floyd|ed from the house of William | RED BAR (TURN Lert 1 BLOCK PAST A. & P, STORE, NORTH OSHAWA) $1.00 ADMISS ION INCLUDES 1 CARD AND FREE CHANCE ON $100.00 CASH DOOR PRIZE | | 116b KINSMEN CLUB OF OSHAWA Monster Bingo $1,000 IN PRIZES, INCLUDING 57 and 56 numbers TWO $250.00 JACKPOTS ONE $150.00 JACKPOT (MUST GO 20 GAMES AT $20.00 5 GAMES AT $25.00 FREE ADMISSION !! TUES, MAY 20, at the JUBILEE PAVILION BUS SERVICE AT DOOR 114al avenue, were remanded to June|Joseph Robinson, also in the vi- sot, tues. |C, Hall, |cinity. Statements were taken WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO Each spring, at the opening of 2 the boating season, a flotilla of | pigeon - breeder Jack Norwick, from both hoys by police. |Mag-dressed small craft glides; Taunton road west, testified] The fathers of the two young. | |soleranly into the lagoon. Boats|that he was the owner of approx- sters were present in court. Mr (eome from as far away as Roch- [imately 150 prize pigeons. He|Robinson protested that the FOR WATER MAIN Sealed tenders elu marked "Tender for Water EU Enaeis progeny Main Contract W58D-1" will be received by the undersigned up to 5 p.m. Monday, May 26th, 1958. This contract is for the laying of approximately 6,039 ft. of 6" water main in the City of Oshawa. ester, N.Y., and Hamilton, Ont. This fleet represents not only North America's top racing and cruising clubs, but also the Royal Canadian Navy and the Royal Canadian Naval Sailing Associa- tion Skippers and crews from iieir own decks men, choir, organ and visiting dignitaries are stationed on a !dais overlooking the lagoon. This is the 'ninth year that |St. Andrews-by-the-lake tiny [New England style island church has held this ceremony, | Service will start at 3 pm, Guest speaker will be Rev. Em- lyn Davies, BA, BD, LLD, of Yorkminster Babtist Church, To- ronto TTC ferry for Centre leaves Toronto Harbor at 116g p.m, for spectators, Wednesday, May 21st CLUB BAYVIEW Byron Street South, Whitby GAMES START AT 8 P.M Bus Service leaves Oshawa Terminal--25¢ SPECIAL FEATURE OF $300 ($20.00 each Horizontal Line--$200.00 Full Card) TWO $250 JACKPOT GAMES 50 ond 54 number or less, consolation $25 each game. Top line is worth $50.00 in first 8 numbers called. Must go once a month, 5S GAMES AT $30 -- 20 GAMES AT $20 $1.00 Admission includes 1 Card Door prize and free odmission tickets worship Clergy- Return Island 2.30 | All proceeds the purche instruments for tha Whitt f new is go to yy Band raised pigeons for a hobby. |statement taken from his son] On the morning of May 2, the had not been entirely voluntary. | lock was off the pigeon pen. In| Three other youths will be all, 14 birds, valued at $50 were charged in Oshawa Juvenile] missing. Court under the same charge on| Later he recognized one of his!June 6. TENDERS FOR COAL AND FUEL OIL OSHAWA SCHOOLS Sealéd tenders marked "Tenders for Fuel" will be received by the Board of Education on their requirements for Fuel for the next season, Tenders will close Friday, June 6th, 1958. Quantities and specifications may be obtained ot the office of the Board of Education, 179 § e St. South W. GORDON BUNKER, Business Administrator, dim Board of Education, Oshawa, Ontario, Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office of the undersigned upon the deposit of a certified cheque in the amount of 15.00, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted G. F. Baldwin Chairman. G. F. Shreve, General Manager. The Public Utilities Commission of the City of Oshawa 100 Simcoe S treet South, Oshawa, Ontario.