a -------- THE DAILY TIMES.GAZETTE, Thursday, December 29, 1955 11 DURHAM ONTARIO DISTRICT NEWS KEDRON AUDLEY Pupils Close Fall Term With | Attendance Gala Parties and Programs | Awards Given KEDRON -- Holiday greetings|legiate teacher, presently teaching MUDRED PUCKRIN to 'all our readers, to those who|at Jamaica BWI, is spending the entertained a number of friends and relatives on Saturday, on the occasion 'of their wedding anniver- sary. On Christmas Day, Mr, and Mrs. Basil Churchyard and Brian were at Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hal- ton's of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Winter, Dick- |ie and Darrel, were at Mr. and Mrs. G. Winter's, Pickering. -- 1 so kindly contribute items for the| Christmas holiday at her home in sh UPLEY ~ Phe Raxsotsvile Mrs. James Cowie and family Kedron news budget, and to mem-|Oshawa. Friends hereabout are en- yr. McKenzie, presented a very Were at Mrs. George Cowie's in bers of The Times-Gazette staff, joying a visit, though brief, before oor; brogram at their Christmas | Guelph. whose kindness has been appre-| her return. concert on Wednesday evening of | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Puckrin and ciated on different occasions] Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott, and | , throughout this year. family, spent Christmas week-end | 251, week. illdren and adals en IY Were ot WF. and Mrs. Jack With the girls and boys home|with her father, Mr. Fred Sucie| d t-luck orl chell's a gham. from school for holidays, and the|cf Highland Grove. Hoved 8 pot-luck supper, arranged Mr and Mrs. Bert Guthrie and excitement and zoom common to| Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kerr and [PY the Sunday School staff. on|family were at James Batty's at Christmas time, Kedron homes Bonnie spent Christmas with the Dee a Netwards, Chris | Brooklin, generally, have been buzzing with|fcrmer's sister, Mrs. Ted Evans, iim" activity and gaiety, with happy|and family, of Bancroft. Butuys Showed 3 fm Rudolph, ) : | home - comings and family get-| A Christmas Eve family party The Sunday School attendance] of Pickering and Mr.and Mrs. Reg togethers the order of the day. was held at the home of Mrs. prizes were presented to those lennedy were at Mr. If we might have one added|Fietcher Werry, and Wilma, having an attendance of 75 per.|C: K- Pratt's. | wish granted at this time, it would] Mr. and Mrs. W. Snowden and | ~t or over. These were. in or.] 'Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Phipps | be that all the sick folk could be|David were Sunday guests of Mrs, [SCV P0, DCF yo ok HELE: Fllh | and Geofrey of Toronto, Mr. and immediately well and all the Jone.) Snowden's father, Mr. Ruowles, White, Lorraine Matthews; Jun- Mrs. Lloyd Beatty of Long | ly corners could Jgain be filled,] Mr. and Mrs. R. Norris, and |iors, Eileen Guthrie, Keith Puck-| Branch, Miss Lillian Bickell of To- | so that there would be no sadnes | ani Mis 7 Copeland, Osh. |rin, Marie Smith, Jeanette Ast-ronto, and Mr. and Mrs. John] Hering this a yea awa, Mrs. Humphries and daugh-|1eY: Primary girls, Ann Guthrie, Canieron i Phillis of Alax 58 a p Re Inte Joy Astley and Nancy uckrin, | were at r. an rs. James SCHOOL PARTIES | hristmas et Mr. and Mrs, |tied. Ruth Peacock, oi Astley; Davidson's. ! "HOOL S : | Jack Francis Primary boys, Harold Guthrie,| Mr, and Mrs. Wm. McHugh of ned ties of varying types were"'ip "and Mrs. Ed, Davis, Osh- Weyne White and Roy Puckrin,| Newtonville were at Mr. and Mrs. th Jnany C.asSrooms. prio |awa, attended the service at Ked-! tied, John Peacock, indergar en Geo. Izatt's. | 8 Closing of Zhou, (anging fromi® 0" Church on Sunday afternoon | Arthur Voki and Lynda puck] On Christmas Monday, Mr. and | a hot banquet-style dinner enjoy-|.n; were guests of their son Wal- rin, tied, Glenna Squire, Darlene|nrs. Charlie Clemence. Mrs. S. Ag pupiis of Ms Frankie, and family. White. Dovid | Puckrin and Miss Margaret Puck-| + a a Sronation i io ool, " Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glover were; Mr. and Mrs. James Davidson rin were with Mr. and Mrs. Gor-| t od Fy the Collegiate at-\,..ont guests, for dinner, of Mr. | {don Smith. ! ten y Older students. {and Mrs. Gordon Sanderson, To-|Fred Cookson, Seagrave. | Mr. and Mrs. John Puckrin and| Mrs. W. Spry and her pupils ati ony, Mr. and Mrs BETave Snowden | Arthur were at the home of Mr, Pereman's School presented al "wip ang Mrs. E. Mountjoy, Mr. had a Christmas dinner celebra-|A. Holliday. ! splendid concert on Wednesday a | pend he little old. reqand Mrs. Percy Mountjoy and|tion on Monday with members of, Marvin Barlow spent the week-| sveline oh the little fii think daughter Gloria, were Sunday din-|tke family in this area, at home. |end visiting his brother at Vernon-| Shave Ts foany of dint mn ner guests of the Hugh Gannon| Mr, and Mrs. Harry Rose, Bar- ville and Castlefon. | bl ag Fado RE family, Oshawa. Mrs. E. Mount-| bara, John, Pat and David enjoy-| Mr. and Mrs. Arch Bell spent Hor ood M0 h joy also enjoyed a Christmas vi-led Christmas with Mrs. C./Monday with Mr. and Mrs. vis point of Jew, and e Par-sit with her mother, Mrs. Walter Knowles, Dundas. [Charles Russell of Langstaff. fhe ils and hove: 'on stage ARIAL, wpb icimorelEStVes at Kedron had wort) Mr, and Mrs. Won. 'Guthrie, Jr. . coro. D0 SBS | Mr, and Mrs. Reg. Blackmore oi the passing this week of Mrs. entertained relatives on Monday. "1 David Beath a Salman for the and girls, Buffalo, and the Nelson | Leo a of Bowmanville, the; Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Kinsman| hn a iolly. Santa jer Brows fap Were guests oo Mr former Loreen Batty, daughter of|bave Moved i their new house Rony 1 3 "| Howard rown, karl an 08s, | the late Mr. and Mrs. Claire Batty./on the fourth concession west of uted the many gifts to climax the fo, Christmas. Howard Brown re. To her husband and two sons we Audley. evening. Sincere appreciation 10} turned to Buffalo with his daughter offer our sincere sympathy. Mrs.| The Community Club will meet Mrs. Spry for the extra effort al-igor a visit. F. Werry and members of her|on Wednesday, January 4, at the ways entailed. | Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glover were | family were in attendance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown. | The Grades I, II and III pu- ils at Maiwell's a bre: guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas.|funeral service on Wednesday af-| Mr. Wm. Manning, Clerk of On- pils Maxwell's also 804 Davis, Oshawa on Sunday at a fa- ternoon. tario County, will be the speaker. a Si TELEVISION PROGRAMS an afternoon party at their school,! Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Love were tthe schoolful of guests. Kenneth| spent the week-end at the home of CBLT--TORONTO-~Channel 9 |ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Disney | Mrs. MacDonald, the supply] Miss Beryl Mountjoy, London;] teacher, Mrs. H. Werry welcomed and Miss Olive Luke, Toronto. | and Mrs. |; at which they entertained their Christmas Sunday dinner guests) mothers and pre-school children of| of oe fy Mr. and Mrs. Leslie the community. In the absence of| Booth, Oshawa. La Salle, Red Cross Program Con-|Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mountjoy. | gram Convener, was chairman for| Mr, and Mss. Clarence Rijoy. WBEN- -BUFFALO--Channel ... 4 WGR--BUFFALO--Channel 2 the program as follows: {had as Christmas guests, Mr. and| TU PAY EVENING | FRIDAY FRIDAY BVENINY Grade I pupils, an action mem-| Mrs. Maurice Jebson, Carolyn 5.00 P.M. ory gem; a religious number by| and Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, 9--Captain Gallant Grade III; choruses by Grades II| Werry and boys, Mrs. Fletcher 4--Santa Claus and III, "Angels, We Have Heard Werry and Wilma, and Robert, 2--Mickey Mouse Club a High," ad re Sala, Claus Werly of London who spent the 5.30 P.M xpress'; a folk dance by 10 week-end at home. id little girls; solo (vocal) by Molly| Mr. and Mrs. B. Starr and Brian | $--Howdy Doody Johnson; recitation by Lynda Hop visited o8 Christmas Day with Mr. id kins; solo by Louls Vaillancourt, |Starr's father and other relatives, [6.00 P.M. and a chorus by all the pupils, |Oshawa. 9.__Window on Canada "Waiting for Santa." A few min-| Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis and| 4 Headlines; Sports utes for carol singing was enjoy-| family were guests at a family| 2-News: Sports ed until Santa arrived and in|ditner on Saturday evening, of the| g30 pa. kindly fashion unloaded the tree| Raph Davis fapily, Solfua, and gave out the treats donated Tr. and Mrs. Clarence Pengelly by the Maxwell's Neighborhood Brooks, Miss J Pattentan, To- Association. 3 . an rs. n Glover NATIVITY SERMON Jr, and Mr. and Mrs: Chas. | 7% PM. Rev, R. H. Rickard conducted|Davis, Oshawa, were Monday din-| $--Tabloid the final sermon in the Nativity ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack| i--(laco Xa = series on Sunday afternoon to a| Glover. | slightly depleted congregation. Al Mr. and Mrs. William Werry, | 7.30 P.M. special offering was taken for Donald and Dennis were Christmas 9--Celebrity Playhouse ot te eo a oi nek | LTR Christmas Sunda; ift from the 3003, DI , at a family gather- Sunday School. y 8 |irg. Misses Elizabeth and Lynda 2.00 P.M. Word has been received at time| Rowan, Yelverton, returned to holi-| "g" .~™ Worth Living of writing, of the passing on Tues-| day with {their aunt, Mrs. W. Werry | ¢ pop Cummings day morning of Mrs. Frank Cross-/ 2nd family. | 2--You Bet Your Life man, a resident of Kedron Com-| Mr. and Mrs. Perey Moutitioy | Pai munity for many years. Previous|? ere Monday guests" oe to hospitalization nécessary dur- Win Jaren Me, and Mrs. W.| 3---jane Wyman ing the past weeks, Mrs. Cross- 1 . 2 Stop the Mush man had made her home with per {VARGE FAMILY DINNER Pht daughter, Gladys, Mrs. Harvey ie of the large family groups s.co ».M. Pascoe. A strong Christian faith, (Zathered gf the high ountioy | 9--Kraft Theatre sndlv s ty Monday when| 2-Dragnet ne NE dy es oF th | Ruests were Miss Beatrice Mount- A 'rossman. Endeared|J0Y, Oshawa: Mr. and Mrs, Bert life of Mrs. Cross deared to many a host of friends will|l-uke and John, Mr. and Mrs. Gil- cherish ati memories, and Pert Gibson, Mrs. Allan Gibson, we extend to her family sincere| Wayne and Susan, and Miss Olive sgl 5 Luke, ; A Mrs. sympathy in their bereavement-- Sse Ne hig T. and Mrs, | E Everson 1 Craig, Brough- especially to her daughter, Mrs. Son vorlon an 8, gl Harvey Pascoe, and sons, Har-|?T Miss Beryl Mountjoy, Londoh; vey and Norval Crosman, and and the B. Starr family here. Mr. their families, and to the family Ba Lys. Jollowing 3 slight de- of the late Cecil Crossman who 17 oo. ; + Was| 100 gain and able to enjoy visit- Pe igri steady|IN& With these various oui 4. P es "of his family. wie | improvement in the condition of Mrs. Eve att L D 1 be | Everett Love, following his sud-|s;. 10 Frere ove. Douglas and| 4 "playhouse" den illness of last week. Though| Aasllys, ang tle Harold Werey 2 Tonight still confined in Oshawa General ys. an Mrs. Lia Hoskin Ay -- Hospital, there is daily progres Love family gathering, on Monday Bid We hook wa €OM-| Mr. and Mrs. Eric Booth, Mr. Dee Ls {and Mrs. L. Booth, and Mrs. Ste- WA MEETING ens ; % i _|rhens, Oshawa, were luncheon aa ip me on at hslay guests of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas [] arter , Buary o, . -0-; Love on Sunday. at the home of Mrs. Garfield Tre-| "nix and Mrs. Bill Snowden had | vail, with speaker, Mrs. Stephen), Christmas eve party for the Saywell of Oshawa. All Kedron gnowden family, at their home. ladies elcome: Please note Mr and Mrs. Edwin Down, and [] change of date children, Brooklin visited his - Miss Margaret Pellow and Mr. onts, Mr. and Mrs. yl By and Mrs. Wesley Hill and family, .n Sunday. 8 Solina, were tea guests on Thurs-| Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis, and day evening of the Bill Werrys.! family attended a Cookson Re- Miss Pellow. a former Central Col- union at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 8.00 AM. 4--Captain Kangaroo | 2--Today . 5.00 P.M. 9---Roy Rogers 4--Santa Claus | 2---Mickey Mouse Club 9.00 AM. | 4--Little Rascals 2--Love Story 5.30 P.M. 9---Howdy Doody 4--Gene Au 9.30 AM. try | 4--Marion Roberts 2--Rumpus ' Room 6.00 P.M. 9--Mr. Wizard 4--News; Range Rider 10.00 A.M. 2--News; Sports 4---Gury Moore { 2-Ding Dong School (6.30 P.M. 9--Kaleidoscope: News 9--Kaleidoscope 4--Patti Page; News 10.30 A.M. 2--Studio 57 2-Dollar A Second $--Remembrance 2--Ernle Kovacs {7.00 P.M. 9--Tablola 11.00 AM. 2--Home | | | 4-Rin Tin Tia 2-District Attorney 7.30 P.M. | | 1130 AM. 4--Strike It Rich 9-Star and Story 4--Count of Monte Cristo | 2--Eddie Fisher 13.00 NOON | 4--News; Serial Dramas 5.00 P.M. | 2---Tennessée Ernie | 9--Wayne and Shuster | | 4--Mama 2--Ozzie and Harriet | 2.30 P.M. | 9--Plouffe Family | 4--Our Miss Brooks 2-Cross Roads 12.30 P.M. 2---Feather Your Nest | Loe P.M. 2---Mid-day Matinee 9.00 P.M. 9---Riding High 4--Crusader | 2-Big Story 2.00 P.M. 4--Robert Q. LeWis 2--Helen Neville Show 12.30 P.M. : 9--Matinee 4--Meet The Millers 3 P.M. | 2--House Party 4--Four-Star Playhouse 2--Ford Theatre 9.30 P.M. 9--Star Stage 4--Star Playhouse 2--The Vise | 10.00 P.M. 9, 2--Sports Cavalcade 4--Line-Up 10.30 P.M. 9-Sports; Coleman 4--Person te Person 2--Red Barber 11.00 P.M. | % 4 2--News; Sports 11.30 P.M. 9-Movie Nite 4--Theatre 2--Tonight 3.00 P.M. 4--The Big Payot! 10.00 P.M. --Matinee Theat | 9--Concert Hour : . nls 4--Johnny Carson 330 P.M | 2--Lux Theatre 4--Bob Crosby Show [4.00 P.M. Fairbanks | 5 open House P.M. 4--Serfal Dramas 2-News: Sports 2---A Date With Life 1.30 P.M. 9----Feature Film 10.30 P.M. 4--Douglas 4.30 P.M. | 9-Bim Bam Boom | 4-On Your Account 2---Mr. Sweeney A $5 GIFT CERTIFICATE +» is OUR GIFT § To The Parents of The # # FIRST BABY Bow on ow on om om oom om om oom om YOUR HOLIDAY REMINDER to stock up on... 9 New Year Greetings To All DAVIDSON'S "SHOES THAT SATISFY" BEVERAGES coLa| [ORANGE | GINGER ALE Operated by E. A. Southwell CREAM SODA | & DIAL RA 5-3312 CLUB SODA 31 SIMCOE N. HS Mr. and Mrs. Lee Darwin of To- |i it FINEST QUALITY GRADE "A" Pre-dressed Turkeys 7%: WE WILL HAVE | TURKEYS { OVER 16 LBS. IN LIMITED SUPPLY! ORDER EARLY! 16 LBS. & UNDER b1 EXCLUSIVE AT LOBLAWS -- THE FAMOUS Manitoulin and Loblaws | Aristocrat sv Pre-dressed Turkeys AT SLIGHTLY HIGHER PRICES FINEST QUALITY GRADE "A" Pre-dressed Roasting Chickens . FINEST QUALITY GRADE "A bniisd |. BG; | ALSO FOR YOUR SELECTION, ATTRACTIVELY PRICED, THE FINEST QUALITY PRE-DRESSED CAPONS, BOILING FOWL, AND A LIMITED SUPPLY OF REGULAR DRESSED GEESE, "IDEAL FOR POULTRY STUFFING" 3 Little Pig Pork Sausage Meat «= 39¢ SPECIAL! FULLY SKINNED -- MINIMUM FAT -- "COOKED Smoked Pork Shoulders "ri: = 45; SPECIAL! SMOKED BONELESS acre Hams .. "5ocis uw OF cWosices uw 7 5¢ EEE. rs PC FOR YOUR FESTIVE TABLE ~ FULLY COOKED -- COMPLETELY SKINNED MINIMUM FAT--OUTSTANDING VALUE | SPECIAL! FULLY SKINNED -- HOCKLESS Cooked Smoked HAMS WHOLE LB 57¢ HALF LB. 50: SPECIAL! GLAZED AND GARNISHED COOKED BUFFET STYLE HAMS WHOLE OR HALF 69¢c NEW YEAR'S PARTY SUGGESTIONS SALAMI, SUMMER SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA CHUBS, LIVER & BACON SAUSAGE CHUBS,BRAUNSCHWEIGER CHUBS AND MANY OTHER VARIETIES OF DELICATES- SEN MEATS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE. PRE-DRESSED MEANS COMPLETELY CLEANED -- ALL WASTE, HEAD, FEET, ETC., REMOVED BEFORE WEIGHING ||| LOBLAWS FRESHLY GROUND ' Pride of Arabia Coffee .. "ss 99: LOBLAWS Hostess Ice Cream ........... Jit 29 LOBLAWS RICH DARK Christmas Cake .. vo: 5Qcwo.2 1.15: 1.69 A DELICIOUS LIGHT FRUIT CAKE Loblaws Festive Ring ..... 472: 1.39 A LOBLAW QUALITY CONTROLLED PRODUCT Queen Anne Chocolates . ii: 83c JANUARY ISSUES OF THESE MAGAZINES Now ON SALE Everywoman"s Magazine .. «.. 5¢ Liberty Serssasisrsersransersanne POP Wer iy AGH 10: Canadian Home Journal w+ 20c COTTAGE BRAND--WHITE - WHOLE WHEAT . CRACKED WHEAT Loblaws Bread 2. tues... x5 15¢ SPECIAL | McCORMICK'S Dundee Shortbread seein CELLO BAG 29: Weston's Crack-eties wk 19¢ Weston's Saltines ........ 27: SPECIAL 1 Blanched Salted Peanuis '+ CHLLD BAG 35: HOLIDAY STORE HOURS OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P.M. CLOSED MONDAY JAN. 2 1-18, T.V. FEATURE OF THE WEEK SPECIAL I Club House PIMENTO MANZANILLA Olives *=-0x 37¢ ENJOY THE GUY LOMBARDO T.V. SHOW Presented by Loblaws SEE YOUR LOCAL PAPER FOR CORRECT LISTING DATE - TIME AND STATION. INGERSOLL CHEESE SPREAD, SARATOGA PO- TATO_ CHIPS, ROYAL INSTANT PUDDINGS, BRIGHT'S PEACHES, GREEN GIANT PEAS, CLUB HOUSE OLIVES TE h PIES. LIBBEY SAFEDGE STEMWARE 4 BEAUTIFUL GLASSES IN SETS OF THREE 3 ur 99c FOR WITH $3.00 PURCHASE WATER GLASS SHERBET GLASS JUICE GLASS ® COCKTAIL GLASS 23 LOBLAWS OFFERS THE WORLD-FAMOUS Popular Mechanics DO-IT-YOURSELF ENCYCLOPEDIA th, 99 VOLUME 12 VOLUMES TO A SET START YOUR SET NOW 2k ALL 12 NOW ON SALE 20 SPECIAL | Weston's 29: | Choco Table 99 Fingers CELLO Fie. 31 ¢ Loblaws White Cheese "4" ...... ws. 55¢ Loblaws Coloured Mild Cheese . ».s. 45¢ Kraft Swankyswigs A:950% ... ruin 25¢ Genuine Danish Blue Cheese .... +... §7¢c Swiss Gruyere Cheese ............z20%m2*38¢ Clover Valley Link Chees ......... viz 276 Chateau Cheese pia sr. $25 Je Ingersoll Cheese Spread ............ 55 33¢ Maple Leaf Cheese ................. iti%.. 28¢ Rose Sweet Mixed Pickles ........ x. 33¢ Leaiand Pickles ,.8i8u0- neve 055 290 Laing's Pickled Onions 23% .... 07x 276 Coronation Pearl White Onions .:":. 29¢ tesscessssses EXCEPTIONAL VALUE! LOBLAWS MINCE PIES -- 39. MADE WITH MRS. HAMILTON'S FAMOUS MINCEMEAY Liberty wamscuno Cherries ree... #2 49¢ Liberty MARASCHINO Cherries with $7ams of kn 27 Allen's Apple Juice cvoer .......... #% 26¢ Treesweet Lemon Juice .......... 2 of 25¢ Banquet Fancy Peas venom .. 2 fins 3le York Choice Com 832% ........... 2 2%hs 33¢ ® FROZEN FOODS © » Southland Fancy Green Peas .... #2 23s Rylmer Sliced Strawberries raver #25 430 Morton's "532 Pies oniitiey oo. "Hi3> 276 Salad Queen Squash 25% co WF 2e sasscox Broccoli Spears raver ...... #85 Sle © PUDDINGS AND MINCEMEAY ® ut Crosse& Blackwell'sPlam Pudding "+ 59 Mrs. Hamilton's Mincemeat ...... 29 Libby's Mincemeat .................... ¥% 43 Toastmaster Bread Stuffing r.an $25 15¢ TOASTMASTER Bread Stuffing suasonen 30% 19¢ Jellied Cranberries sae .......... 25% 27¢ estar Cranberry Souce vioris®.... of% 23¢ Hostess After Dinner Minis ....... 25% - 37¢ Welch's Grape Juice ........cu... 25%. 43s Saratoga Potato Chips ............. 4% 53 ow Gundon Frobh FRUITS ¢ VEGETABLES LARGE CLUSTERS -- CRISP POUNDS 2 5 ] Red Grapes CALIFORNIA -- GREEN PASCAL Celery RED RIPE Tomaioes -- FANCY GRADE -- NEW JERSEY 293 Poutoos 329 59 LOBLAWS GROCETERIAS CO. LIMITED PRICES EFFECTIVE DEC, 28, 29, 30, 3) Ed a eT Lapp, wn