Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 3 Apr 1891, p. 4

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oe j notton gm. Lhe oil j. he Hh aS z * we Wie Ce a ae tng ee BR EN Se RO a he yn one THEABE BEE EDITOR: Rn ae RS. PELTON, FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1891. Tne general opinion now is that the Franchise Act must go. It suits neith- er Grit nor Tory;is bound to be inac- ______--eurate—and-outside—efthese—facts its | frightful expense without commensur- ate returns ought to kill it. I TuE Canadian Nation sdys:—There are four possible destinies fors Canada: 1, Colonial Dependence ; 2, Imperial Federation; 3, American Annexation; 4, National Independence in alliance with Great Britain. The first, as a per- manent destiny, is impossible; the sec- ond is impracticable; the third is unde- sirable; the fourth is full of hope, and will yet have right of way. THE executive committee of the West- ern Dairyman’s Association met Thurs- day afternoon, March 19th, in Toronto. Hon. Speaker Ballantyne presided, and there were present:—C. E. Chadwick, Ingersoll (Secretary); John Geary, Lon- don; Robt. Cleland, Elma; E. Casewell, Ingersoll; and A. F. McLaren, Strat- ford. Itwas decided to found a new dairy school at Tavistock under the charge of Adam Bell for experimental and educational purposes, where cheese makers and their patrons may receive instructions withoutcharge. ‘he Pres- ident, Messrs. McLaren and Cleland were named as a committee to make all arrangements. Four milk inspectors will be appointed to be the prosecutors iin every case where milk is tampered with. Cost of Raising a Colt to Three Years Old. PAPER READ BY ROBERT FORREST, OF ELMA, BEFORE THE NORTH PERTIL FARMERS’ INSTITUTE. Boer submitting the open paper before our readers Mr. Forrest is not disposed to say whether there is or is not profit in. rais- ing horse flesh, but simply gives his own experience and allows ‘the public to judge for themselves. Following is his estimate: FIRST YEAR. Taking*mare to horse ten times, at 10c, per trip, 31; service of horse Sid; rest of mare one month before foaling and one month after foaling 338; six months pasturing colt, ab o0c. per ———Hyronth, $3; feeding six mouths in stable, 10 bushels of oats, 2 lbs. per day, at 30¢. per bushel, 33; 1,500 lbs. ay, 8 ibs. per dlay, 88 per ton, 36; rent of half of box stall and storage room for hay, straw, ~ wats and roots, $3; interest on money for horse service, 14 months at 6 per cent., SI; castrating colt, 31; insurance on colt first year at 6 per cent., $2.46; total for year $43.91. SECOND YEAR. Six months watering and pasturing at 3i per month, $6; six months winter feeding in stabie, 16 bushels of oats at guc. per bushel, 3 lbs. per day, 34.80; 147 tons hay at 38° per ton, 124¢ 1bs. per day, $10; 4 bushels carrots at 15e. per bushel, ly tbs. per day, 60c.; cleaning colt, &c., St; rent for stall and use of li: uter, $3. 50: interest on first year’s cost at 7 per ecent.. 33.07; insurance on colt second year at 6 per cent., $4.49; total for year $38.46, THIRD YEAR. Six months watering and pasturing at 31.25 per month, $7.50; six months winter feeding in stable, 22 bushels oats “it 30e. per bushel, 4 lbs. per day, 56.60; 11¢ tons hay at $8 per ton, 15 lbs. per day, $12:5 bushels carrots at 15e. per busiuel, 125 lbs. per day, 7de.; cleaning colt, &c., 53; rent for stall and storage room, 33. 50; ‘interest on first and second year’s cost at 7 per cent., $5.76; insur- ance on colt third year at 6 per cent., $7.46; total for year, 349.57; total cost for three years inclusiye, $131.94. Mr. Forrest allows nothing for straw bedding, saltand attendance during the summer months, but thinks that should stand against the value of the manure accumulated during the 18 months the colt is in stable, NEWS OF THE DAY. Signor Crispi, the Italian ex- Premier, predicts that there will be European war during the current year, There landed at New York on Satur- day 3,200 immigrants, the largest num- ber for one day, with one exception, for the year. The Prince of Wales will probably be made chairman and the Marquis of Lorne vice-president ef the Roya Coin- mission having in charge England's interests at the Chicago fair. W. A. Calbick, of New Westminister, 3B. C., formerly of Brussels, died on the 12th ult, Deceased was the third son eSof John Calbick, of:Clinton, and had reached the age of 50 vears ‘and seven days. Ile was born on the homestead at Holmesville. A member of Parliament, in a spec ial cable, says he learns on good nah pa ity that ‘Mr. Gladstone is meditating a totally new departure, his policy involv- ing a grand labor problem, a general reviewoftaxation and an abandonment of all Home RNuie schemes. The Governor-General has received a memorial signed a all the Catholic | bishops an‘ ‘irchbishops in Canada, ask- ing for the disallowance of the. Mani- | toba Schoo! Act abolishing Separate | Schools in that province on the ground that the legislatiun is pernicious. Receipts and Abstract Statement cnet Expenditures FROM THE ACCOUNTS OF THE Treasurer of the Township of Elma|— FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER, 1890. ON 3lst DAY OF RECEIPTS. To Bal. on hand at last audit $ 3092 bo Uncollected taxes for 1889 7676 “ ‘Taxes collected for 1890 8734 30 e “ae and interest of 76 23 * saueidieal Bi school grant 461 00 “ ‘Townline grant 382 “ Non-resident taxes 185 65 “ Drainage taxes, lot 20, c 427 “ James Reid, Page ord of Mornington, drainage 1889 “ . 19 58 “ YandImproyement Fund 71 76 “ Sale of old timber 1 00 “ Magistrates fines 1 00 *“ Interest on bank account 96 15 “ Engineer's award 2 00 $21203 48 EXPENDITURE, By Gravel road “608 O01 Ward No.1 Bb 94 “s 2 98 57 s s 3 53 51 as “t 4 156 04 “a “a 55 5a “ Townlines - 602 17 “Roads and bridges 630 81 “ Gravel for roads 650 90 “ Salaries 747 25 « Expenses 914 90 “ Drainage 1310 21 “ Maitland drain, con. 14 “ Gilkinson drain, con. 12 294 5O “ Aikins drain 27 00 “ South-Western drain 65 50 “ Loan on mortgage 160 00 “ Gravellin 45 08 “ Board ‘of Health 28 00 “ Engineer’s award 183 58 “ Printing, postage and _— nery 234 39 “ Relie 63 2 Municipal school grant 461 00 * Railw ay debenture cou- pon 1380 00 = stitute labor refunded 7 Ov “ Filling gravel 165 70 “ Absentee roll 50 “ County rate, 1889 4280 00 “ Grant to agricultural hall 100 00 “ Nomination of Council use of school house 3 00 “ Taxes remitted 4 20 “ Schools 6246 79 sa he ame of expend- $19874 74 = Bal: ‘in Bank of Hamilton - 1232 16 “ Cash in hand 96 58 $21203 48 ASSETS. Balance in Bank of Hamilton $ Cash in hand Uncol'eeted taxes on roll Mortgages on land Owing to Township of Elma, 4th con. in 12th con. drain, ratepayers share of $1,269 2 Aikins drain 124 22 South Western drain expend- iture to date Mornington share T.L.E.& M. Se | Special qrant 1 4 & 20K Excess of liabilities over assets 10966 00 834569 50 50 1232 16 i] is LIABILITIES. 38 debentures @ $500 W.G. & ailway $19000 00 4 debentures @ 31, P.D.& a. H. Railway 4000 00 18 debentures @ $275 drain 14th con. 930 00 19 debentures @ $105 Gilkin- son drain 1995 00 County Rate 18 00 Amount due W.J. Gilkinson, 7 contractor 306 50 $24569 50 ae SMITH, .W. McBAIN, { AUDITORS. Tor Shop NEW TWEEDS WORSTEDS AND TRIMMINGS !! CEO. CURRIE Wishes to intimate to the public that he has opened a New Tailor Shop in the premises lateiy occupied by Stark & Wherry, Atwood. where he is prepared to do all Kinds of Merchant and Custom Tailoring iu the Latest Styles. A per- fi ect fit guaranteed or no sale. Afen's Suits from SisSup to Soa. te” Nowis the time to Order your Summer Suits. te” A Trial Solicited. GEO. CURRIE. A. A. GRAY, (FORMERLY OF LISTOWEL) OF THE FIRM OF JOHNSON & CO. Royal Art Studio, 513 QUEEN STREET W., TORONTO. Enlargements for the Trade, Solar Bromide, Platinum, Opal and Oil Prints’ PORTRAITS In Crayon, Ink, el Oil and Pastile ¢# Full line of Artist’s Material kept in stock. Oil and Water Colors, Canvasses, Brushes, Palettes, Crayons, &e., &e. SAMPLE OF WORK On Exhibition at Tre BEF iho a where Full Particulars may be d and Orders Taken, TO Flax. Growers ! The Shareholders _ of the Ontario Farmers’ Flax Manufacturing Co. may have what SEED FLAX They he at any timeafter Monday, March 23rd, by-applying at the mill. WM. LOCHHEAD, 8tf Secretary. \ A pamphlet iy stoomalien and ab- a\ stract of the laws, showing How to, N btain Pa’ DR. SINGLAIR M. D. M. A, L. C. P.S. 0., M. C.P. S.M,, THE SCOTTISH SPECIALIST, OF TORONTO. Specialist for the treatment of all Chronic Diseases, Private Diseases, Diseases of the Brain and Nerve, Di- seases of the Heart and Lungs, and Diseases of Women positively treated successfully. Comsultation ="ree. Jonathan Buschart, Listowel, says-— “After spending all my money and property to no purpose on medical men, for what they termed a hopeless case of consumption, Dr. Sinclair cured me.’ Mrs. Mary Furlong, Woodhouse, says: —"When all others failed, Dr. Sinclair cured me of fits.” W. McDonald, Lakefield, Ont., sayes— Dr. Sinclair cured me of catarrh.” Geo. Rowed, Blyth, says:—“Dr. Sin- clair cured me of heart disease and drop- sy, when all others failed.” Diseases of private nature brought on -by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly cures. ? Would bed wi Your Lame Back / well at once if it were rub- HORSES FOR SALE, a little of Clark’s Lightning ment,-and-the-soreness in side and abe would go away if treated the ° same. This wonderful preparation does The undersigned offers not cure next week, but relieves atonce, . and almost miraculously... ‘Try a bot- the following stock for sale: tle of your druggist, price ws cents, and be sure you get it. Clark C 1emical Co., Toronto, N. Y. 1 general purpose horse, 5 years old, price $80. ‘Clark’s Catarrh Cure May be had of any enterprising drug- by “Hawthorne,” price $60. e fer coed er Fs affords, instant re- ief, and will cure the worst case. Itis ‘ es pleasant toboth taste and smell, and 1 two year old colt, sired may be~cazriedin the pocket. Don't ay Os Dev T fee.’ fool away time. and. money trying by Chicago \ olunteer,” worthless’ remedies, but write to us dam, “Baron Rothschild, direct. If your druggist cannot suppl P ie with tl: Catarrh Cure, we will. | Price $100. lark Chemical Co., ‘Toronto, New ‘ York, 9-4in Wm. Dunn. THE 777 SLORE ! The 777 Store is Headquarter in Listowel for For Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Dress Goods, &c. Please Call and See Us when you Come to Town. JOHN RIGCS. |Atwood Saw & Planing Mills. Lumber, Lath, Muskoka Shingles, Cedar Posts, Fence Poles and Stakes, Cheese Boxes, also Long an and Short Wood. Dressed Flooring and Siding A SPECIALTY. WM. DUNN. WM. FORREST, Furniture De 'r, Atwood, Has on hand a large assortment of all kinds 7 Furniture, plain and fancy Picture Frame Moulding, Cabinet Photo Frames, Boy’s Wagons, Baby Carriages, different prices, different kinds. Parties purchasing $10 and-over worth may have goods delivered to any part of Elma township free of cost: Freight or Baggage taken to and from Station at Reasonable Rates. Dray always on hand. Undertaking attended to at any time. Hearse in connection. _ Atwood, April Ist, 1890. Read This Carefully | HE fact that spring is a and summer fast ap- oy suggests your need of many things kept only in a Hardware store, and we have therefore aid ina aed “eck of ever ything that you require in our line. What do you need, and must have, in Hardware, Builders’ Material Tinware, Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Garden and Harvest Tools, Milk Cans, Pails and Pans, etc.? First-class Furniture Rooms opposite P. (. Besides keeping on hand aio wry in hardware we have: in stock the very best Clover, Timothy, - Mangel, Turnip, SHEDS | "Manes eon } Eavetroughing and Tinware Repairing in all its branches, satisfactorily attended to on short notice. Atwood JOHN ROGERS. one tiaraware, = 1 two year old colt, sired *

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