—weeent] CHOPPED THE BODY INTO BITS, ®ecalling the Ghastty ¢ Crime ofa Whiskey * That a convict, a K wiction He Mary Gallagher, pi a putch- ered with the most atrocious and—revolting . years om Susan peenedy came for reasons un- known she quarrelled with her people and eenien a ene with a prominent citizen Young, more than usually Mad Bull and Iron Hofse. - black-and white bull-undertook the task of butting a train off the track of the P miles..north-of—Feni seems that a former rte de had been successful, and rundoubtedly maddened at the failure of the first attempt, he determin. ed toclean the whole train out this time or die. He died. The train was under 433 headway, when hismightness was seen by the engineer in an attitude of os diteanty in the mid- dle of the track. The engineer blew the sn trad ra of th Eetinwine es car r left the track and travelled from one side of the right-of- vern kandeome, full of life and vigour, the spirit- ed young Irish girl was courted and flattered. Soon. afterw ards, to the surprise of everyone who knew her, she was married toa common labourer by the name of Jacob Myers. sly stories got afloat and she was soon deserted by her friends. To drown her despair she took to drink, Rapidly the woman WENT FROM BAD TO WORSE; she sank to the lowest and almost unspeak- able depths of degradation and spent most of ua time either (B jail or in drunken car- ou an ” tects ‘leep key and gin were laid in sie Michael Y Peet joined them in the P Until an early hour the following morn- ing the carousing went on, an t was two o'clock before the noise quieted down and the nearly distracted neighbors had a chance to ret oo In_ the morning a Mrs. Johnston, who fived underneath, arose at seven o'clock, at was ahout lighting her fire to prepare break- fast when she noticed a dark wet stain on the floor and another on the ceiling of her kitchen. Examining more closcly she was horror-stricken to perceive that it was blood, evidently trickling down from the room above. Nearly fainting she dragged herself to the door and gave the alarm. "The police were notified, and quickly arriving burst in the door of Susan Kennedy's room, and there wa scene they have never forgotten. In one corner of the room, in adrunken stupor, were the woman Kennedy and the man Flan- nagan. The woman was covered with broken bottles. In the other corner of the rooma sickening sight was presented. There lay a HUMAN BODY HACKED TO PIECES, Rudely awakening the woman Bh Sannety the oe ‘demanded what it me **Oh,” she replied, turning eaimly around, “ That's Mary Gallagher, She tried to take Flannagan from me and Y cut her up.” By the side of the body or what was left of if, lay the hatchet which Susan had so long car- ried, and which had at-last-done-its bloody work, and in a washtub at the other side of the room were the head and right arm which Susan and Flannagan were arrested and tried for the murder. She was convicted, but in her confession exonerated Flannagan from even any knowledge of the crime stating that he was asleep when the murder was committed and knew nothing of the occurrence until awakened by the police. He was acquitted, and she was sentenced to be hanged on the first Friday of the follow- ing August, but was afterwards reprieved. Flannagan, who had obtained employ ment sargeman on the Lachine Canal at Lachine, while stepping from one barge to another, at ten o'clock on the mort: ng of | the first 'riday in August, slipped, fell be- tween the two barges, and was drow ned, thus meeting his death on the very day and — originally set for the woman's execu- tio o___ | NEEO ¥ WORE A MONOCLE, F The Double Eyeglass, Thonzh, is Only Six | Hundred Years Old. | Spectacles were invented just 690 years ago this fall. The use of glass to aid the sight of defective eyes is, i owever, much older. Nero looked through a concave ginss | in watching the gladiatorial games, and | many other histor:cal men of his day were | dependen ton similiar devices for lengthen- | ing their sight.’ Till the latter thirteenth century only the single glass was | in use. In 1290 the double glass was invented, some say, by Salvino degli Armati; others, by the monk, a anne of Spina. In the | fourteenth century spectacles were | } used | quite frequently by the very wealthy and | high born, although they were still so searce | that they were bequeathed in wills with all elaborate the care that marked the disposi- tion of a fexdal estate. The holy Antonius of | Padua, who preached to the tishes when men refused to hear him, gave to the poor, ae- cording to the legend, not coats his clothes, but also bis spectacles, The first spectacles, which were very y OX: ensive, were made in Italy. & ee the manufacture of cheaper porang up in Holland, and it spread late in | the fourteerth century to Germany. Nurn berg and Rathenow acquired fame for ti eir glasses between 1490 and 1500. For many years glasses were used only as means of aiding _" eyes. First in Spain appeared the fashion of wearin glasses merely for the sake of wearing them. It spread ra vidly to the rest of the Continent and boanghe about the transformation the old thirteenth century spectacles into eyeglasses and even- tually, into the monocle, “the cosmopolitan trademark of the dandy.” } | snewhat | rlias (uLsses A Double Suicide. Cuicaco, Oct. 15.—Last evening the body of Annie V. Dallas was found in the lake at the foot of Peck Court. per morning two fishermen found the body of Lawrence in Beth floating near the same place. Bott! 20 Les had been a week in the water. The woman was of a character. The man’s real name is said to be Beath, and his — was in Sarnia, Canada. He had been anactor. A week ago the —<e le ae a quar- rel, cot left the house where y lived to- gether about midnight. Nothing ee was heard or seen.of them until their bodies were found in a lake. | young | Scrotuin, part of the | %§ fed with LEADEN CIRCLE, oily | epells, No art can repair ‘modesty when once it = damaged. way to the other, bumping over the ties, and tearing up both sides of the embankment. Two wrecking frogs were soon produced, and in ten minutes the train Was on its wa: aguin. “s John Burns & Co.'s Famous Ranges. , The famous range manutacturers, Burns & Co., of 675 Craig street, Montreal, as cout conried off all the highest honors at the great fair this year, attaining the same success as in former years. When. the judges reached their < Pperee exhibit in the main hall, they did not take a moment to decide the merits of the superior ranges shown, and unanimously awarded the diplo- mu and the first prize to this firm. Apart from these fresh laurels gained at the — tal, it might be said that Burns & Co. already been awarded seven diplomas, dines medals, four first prizes, and two second prizes, making an imposing array of trophies fairly competed for and as fairly won above all rivals. The medals won are on exhibi- tion. ‘The simplicity of working their ranges ia within the comprehension of a cinid, Their patent grate and fireplace construction are such as to effect a saving of one quarter of the fuel. The dumping “apparatus, too, is perfect and easily worked, saving all the trouble incurred in old-time methods, Be- side this the amount of fire required may be increased or lessened by a single movement. It is worthy of note that the largest range in Ottawa, which is some twenty feet long, is in use at the Russell and was supplied by this firm, as were also ranges in the house- holds of the hon. the Minister of Militia, the Deputy Minister, Sir Donald Smith, Sir George eae the Mayor of Montreal, Mr. Latchford, Mr. C. Douglass, and a host of other leading residents, All speaks more than words for the unriy allot excellence of these famous ranges. —Ollawa ree Press, If money could buy salvation, gold would be at a mighty big premium. Many a once suffering consumptive has had reason to bless ‘7 valuable preparation, T. A. SLOCUM'S OXYGENIZE D EMUL- SION of PURE COD LIVER OIL. Every druggist sells it, whils the office of the company at Toronto, Ontario, can bear wit- ness to the daily increasing demand for it. If —_ had to live to ae each other nobody would ever get to heaver NOTICE. Dr. Harvey’s Southern Red Piss will in- atantly relieve, as well as stop, a severe fit of coughing. If the devil ever hits you it will be because your back is turned toward him. Eccommended to Sufferers. Gibbons’ Toothache Gum. Price 15 cents The first.thing Satan did in Eden was to | Propose a festival, and he still keeps at it, All Men. old, or middle-aged, who find them- <heusted, who g. ives nervous, weak an are broken down from exces resulting in many of the following symp. 1 tors: Mental depression, premature o j age, loss of vitality, loxs of memory, bad di sams, dimness of s te pa'pitation of the eart, emissions, lack .y, pain in the kidneys, headache, plang: nial on the face or body, itching or peculiar xe ion about the wasting of the ores, dizziness, eyes, twitching of the nd elsewhere. bushfulness, urine, we of will power, ri Spee cks before the musizlen, eye lide a deposits in the tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to slecy., fallure to be rested by sleep, const ipatio: i, aviness of earing, ‘loss of yoice, desire for solitude, ex- citubility of temper, sunken eyes surround. ‘looking skin, etc, are all symptoms of nervous debility that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force having Jost its ¢ Southern ‘road, about ‘four this A Little Girl's Story. house her mother: ‘Look rpg shat tema et of pa sure aaca she had found a pair of and her mother patted her on the heed pe told her what a good little girl she was to bring the scissors home. The little girl was Erne so much for her rea that pape was beguiled into saying: ‘I aw five or thix pi pairth of thizzerth on the thidewalk, but I thought I wouldn't pick’em up. : ‘The the little girl had to be whipped for ying. : Tonoxto Cornnace or Mu-sc.—The anne prospccius of thisinssitution shows material pro pority, financial and musical, wits ee incorpora‘ ec SY government with George pli Exq., as president, capital $50),- ), all of waich guarantees*the permanence end usefulness of the college. Students at- tending this institution are offered special musical advantages. Concerts, lectures and free classes are provided for all pupils, and & magnificent reference library is open to the pupils in the morning of each day. Those intending to study music should send for a prospectus to the well-known director, F.H. Lorrington. ‘) Bermuda Botiled. ‘Yeu must Fo Br nda. if ou do net EX will 5 at be re ie for the bgt bap dy Ef can pffor neler the ao “Well, i that is imposstibie, t SCOTT'S lULSION OF PURE NORWECIAN Tsomctimes cati {t _ Gormuda Bot- tied, and raaty cascs of Co NSUMPTION, Bronchitis, Cougi or Serere Cold stimulating oplioxnktites which it roperties of the Hy- contains, or sate at your rugpini's, in Salnion wrapper. Be sure = Bet the prem ‘Fiellowine, oT Tv & | BROWNE LEATHER BELTING. Best value : the Dominion. F. B. DIXON & CO., Makers, 70 King street East, ‘Toronto. t2°Send fer Trice rt iste ord Discevr teen G00D HEALTH: How To GET — a £9 infr «4 in the HEALTH NELPER, ray ate cap for sample copy inthaotes. Dr. JIC, Dye, Bu falo GENTS should drop everythin g “and sell t% TALMAGE'’S Like OF tnisr, enti t n colors ength Jerusalem on the day of Crucifixion. Sold only by subse r 7 i ve territory to ay for tert See Briess r Sublisher Toronto, Ont. WORMS CHOCOLATE ANS. PR grag by Rogwieta Ln, Being in the of a chocolate me & casant to the tant Chile in i never refuse a choco ate cream. equ no after Medicine. Ask for Daw- son's and take no other. Sold everywhere. Madici 25 cents a Box. io Co., Mont ! Piso's Remedy forCatarrh Is tho Best, Easiest to Use and Cheapest a ET. olen ‘Waren, Pa., =—y B.A, is see ARTIFICIAL er For Circular Addross J. DOAN & SON, 77 Northcote Ave.. Toronto. AMSHIPS. PEAY ER LINE STE Sailing weekly betweon gh oe AL and LIVERYOOL. Saloon Tickets £4, and $60, Return Tickets, $89, €) and $110, nee endina to STCAING! and accommodation, Interniediate $37 Stecraye 8%). Appiy to. RK. MURRAY, = eral 5 mee r, Canadinn Shipping ¢ _ 4iCu tom Ho x SQUARE, MONTREAL, Or Agents in nail Towns and Cities, tension every function wanes in Those who he abuse committed in ignorance m 1 permanently cured. Send your ads treme | Tor book on all dieases peculair toman. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front St. E., Toronte, On. Books sent tree sealed. | Heartdiseuse, thesymptomsei which arefaint purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot dashes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain inthe heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breasi bone, etc,, can positively be care ocure. no pay. Send f sok. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Frost Street East, Toronte. Ont. ' A. P. 524. GENTS WANTED—B g oney Choicest P be cx ae 1 of territo AEP y at once. ELN lover & | Cc 10. oO fone -Toronto AGIC SC. ALE ‘or dro: “8 sping. taught y Miss ¢ nabs, oe Age On tar.o, 435 Yonge street, Toron “a pau - oats E P. ant on V aon ipede for sate Reason, nq ealth, Address, Inven entors" ‘nion. Toronto PER DAY—Good 1 Fast se Ling article 59 Vic toria street, Toronto. inen and paneer J. E. Cio: NTS procured in Canada, U.S. PAT and —— Countries. w.d. ENT: 71 Yonge St,, Toronto R and Tumors cured without the —— Send for book of pemceent and testimonia’ G.H. ae M. gara St., Buffalo, NY Y. ETO AFF okey Li ADIES Tetits end fnany. ‘all one month's treat- ment o or free sample to all who address with stamp J .J. TROTTER, 5 Richmond West, 0 ORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL, — Grand ce for young men to acquire a first- ome’ vs trade Terms a Send for parti- 63 King Street West. 4 FE NSHENINS ES, Sob ENCRAVER . ' Cow SiLLUSTAATIVE \ . Niort ce rEren EAOVERTISING, \\ Z : RURPOSES; © ORONTO. CANADA <= NO PINS. << « THE PATENT :- . Pinless Clothae Line. The clothes are hang to dry without Pegs and enannot frecze to ye val hee el blow away. Nearly ‘ee on use. petite wanted. THustratod chreutiats "tree. OS., TARBOX MANUFACTURERS, 78 ADELAIDE S87. W., TORONTO. DRINKING IMPURE WATER CAUSES MU CH DISEASE ‘Often so dangerou en it will depri Ve peo ple t use of limbs and reason. ‘The only natural wate malo to angers, to offset the evil and prevent the ap of disease Sr. WwW THE LEon TER, HEALEHIEST “_ od IN MERICA, has nh re- dovced by ‘the glass at all offices, “*To fight and conquer disease st. Leon i. the a powerful t nown,” say physicians, THE ST. LEON MINERAL bahia €@, (Ltd) Head Office 101} King Strect W., Branch Tidy's Flower Depot, 164 Yonge “St. Toronto, One or a Boss Eh little'gitl’ran ‘into the} — Watson's Cough Drops ! Are_the best-in-the-world-for the throat and chestand for the voice: Unequalled. & TL. “W.. stamped on each drop DR. NiCHOLS’ -- Food of Health For Children and Adults, ee eonet for en and rR. It is a certain and speedy onre for Gold in the Hend and Gatarrh in all ite Soordiva, CLEANSING, EALING, Instant Relief, Permanent as Failure Biles asc nie Lo aie Resiand .Proprictor ach tial de f loal: t y 8 ore brenctr,- one sa and apt Somteeet Orricn, 17st. John Street, ting, yore thee of de- eR i poson, lak he 4 says = tty, v ‘oud ike Dr.Nichols’ ‘ Food of Health’ very muo Zots have Catatrh. and snot ie oe oh ge sat ne din eee so RRY time trvcuring a tle o: ama a oa a Be warmed in tin meal. For the sopiation of the bowels it can cold in hoad result ot be surpassed.” nd forsample FREE, cad » fol. lowed by consun ath. Nast Bator is a0! 1 drngpists, or will be rat post re ae receipt of , na price (60 cents and §: FULFORD 0 GIVEN AWAY: The above amount will actually be giv en free, Each person answer- ing this advertisement will receive a present. 2 Ont Address WHALEY, ROYCE £€0., Street, Terento. Sena ror Catalogue Yonge J. RATTRAY & CO. WHOLESALE TOBACCONISTS, MONTREAL, Manufacturers of all kinds Domestic Cigars, including Celebrated Crusader agd Hero Brands One trial is guarantee for continual use. The nbore offer is made to intendne Hep- burn's Blood Purifier, pense he v= hada large sve in this localit. for the pas Lae iditions aro as follows:-— ce for a FREE BOTTL) ast’ a ge tual 4 1 ipection. This remedy @ sure and radical cure and is perfe: harm'ess as no tajurt 7s dcurs are ea 4 ia : the I arg Ke st rad st of English woris con its preparation. “I will warrant it to cure aired sted from the letters cont"n4 in oer us EPILEPSY OR FALLING SICKNES PT Rl ¥ { HR Severe c: where oth Mer remed: es ye Receis ed upto Novembe or. a ; $100 | My reason Tors seruing ¢ bo fo 9 bottle is: ts ver te viv ed up to December 15: - $ ecived up to December Bt h fe medic cine to be its ° *mendation. It costs ‘you ‘noth. ing for a trial, and a eco as ri of t doll: avi is certain. Give ES zen of ‘five colar euch, | Post Ufice. Addre T bears will also be three pri im ~ seven prize : " nach section of trme as indicatce Shove. to the next ten largest lists in the order H. G. ROOT M. < 186 West Adelaide St. Toronto, Ont. iG GREAT ing DYR Reece not win one of the cash prizes rou will Reulre a present od way of some yal- ue whether a list of words ent in or not Each list or i ation coriat be accompanic d with One Dollar for which a dollar bottle of Purifier will be forwarded. cure of liver anc idne; Circulars with testimonia's avd full information sent on receipt of a Scent stan 4 Jontest closes Dect abe er 28th, the list of prize “ winners will be publish din the N&ws of: iro LZ quols the following week. Sz - The aon of Troquois. References { pyS, tmaster of Iroquois. Address—C, E. HEPBURN, / Druggist, Iroquois, Ont., Usequatied for Richness and Beanty of Colatag,’ are the ONLY Dyes that WILL a4 bag tr? oOuT! OT FADE OUTI There is nothing Tike the i for Strength, Coloring "as . ICS, Can, Lock box 230, * They aa” Cut this outas it may not appear again If you 1 doubt it, try it! Your money wi funded if you aren Ay convinced after a lint Fifty. fourcolors are alee > urkish De yes, embracing all new shades, ra are nik led'as socn aa they become fashix anb! ee iey nee Warranted to dy@ more goods and do it better than any other Same Priceas InferiorDye, LO Ctss. Canada ‘Branch: 481 St. Paul Street, onitresl, CONSUMPTION SURELY R:—Please infor. “ Cu RED moll fae aig that I pave * posltiws remedy for th: iiane | se to send tw He bottles -_~ ase bee: dere who, hay ct red E to any = your = ers wae h. cog. SLOVUME, The Alliance Bond and Investment Company of Ontario Limited, Incorporated February eth, CAPITAL $1,000,000. Genera! Offices, 27 & 29 Weili st te 4 & 36 Front Street East, Toront), This Company undertakes ‘ Agenc cies of every de eeneions and trusts, such as carrying out ssucs of cay ital for reompanics ando thers mortgusces debentu or vountersigning c cortitie ALES Oo stock bands or other ‘uli eationn. qece eives ane funds spo neg moneys generally others and offers the best terms therefor. i r through this C fompany ewarns the highe 4 recurs rns and is abs safe. T LVESTMENT BONES of the Company are is ce inamoun‘a for aceumulative inv estments of small amounts mm ynthiy oratlarger periods for terms of year ive upwar sand the investor is not only absolutely protected agains t can rely jl gen the largest returns ¢ onsistont with security, C ni ag ed solicited and promptly replied “ jeneral rah Local Agents can obtain ren Ay norative contracts by aoriying to THE ALLE JE BOND AND INVESTMENT C€O., ONTARIO, LTD., TORYUNTO, ONT KE eek ee ‘r unparalleled inducements ‘Confederation AaLife HEAD OFFICE, TORONTC,. REMEMBER AFTER THREE YEARS POLICIES ARE INCONTESTABLE Free from ali restrictions as to residence, travel or occupatior. falid-up Policy and Cash Surreader Valuc Guarantced in each Policy. QRGANIZED 1871. TD WEw ANITUITS ronxrow: AFFORDS ABSOLUTE PROTECTION AGAINST s= HARLEY -- DEATH -: Provides an INCOME in old mae and is a good INVESTMENT. Polictes xre non-fe oe after the nt of two full annual Prem Protits, which are np celled by any C company doing business in anata, are allocated every cof i! 1¢ policy, or at longer pepe may be nclocted by the insure ig ent sted si a na and not ilable to be reduced or recalled a ny runny ¢ Participating ] *olicy Holder: a are veniitled to not less than 90 per cent. of the profits earned n the class, and “t the pt _ en yea c ak 95 per cent. of the profits so earned W. C, MACDONA K. MACDONALD, AC MANAGING DIRECTOR. 7% ci Palle Saves Time—Quicker lhan « shift- _ ing belt. Saves Belt—No wear; belt standa idle when not working. Saves Room —-on shaft. Saves Money—Inasmuch the above cost money. Send for New Shafting and serial Circulpr, stating your ee as all wan The Waterous Engine Works Co., iti, Brantford, Cataca