‘TOILET SOAP IN LARGE. VARIETY. PERFUMES The Best, in Bottles or Bulk. BRUSHES ©2222 Do not forget that I have a very large stock, and it is Wo Troukle to Show Crood.s. M.E. NEADS, Atwood. » Country Talk. Stratford. Ata meeting of the Presbytery of Lindsay, held in that town, Rev. Robt. Johnson decided not to accept the call from the Knox church congregation of Stratford. In refusing the call, Mr. Johnson said if he were to consider his personal interests he would accept the call, but he could not see that the good he could accomplish in Stratford would counteract the disastrous effect his de- parture would have on the Lindsay |, congregation, and so he declined the eall, A Stratford correspondent to the Globe says:—Drilling atthe gus well was discontinued at midnight Thursday night ata depth of 2,400 feet, Tor sev- eral days strong indications of oil had been noticed, and it was hoped that gas or oil would be struck somewhere in the Trenton limestone. Yesterday salt water was reached, and as this is 2 cer- tain indication that gas will not be found it was considered useless to drill farther, An attempt will be made to utilize the water from the well, a plenti- ful supply of which was reached at 400 eet. The St. Andrew’s auxiliary of the W. F. M. Society held their annual rennion on Thursday afternoon Oct. 2, in the basement of the church. Several ar- ticles, selected and original, were read by the members to develop the intellect- ual and spiritual side ofthe society, while the social part was not neglected - in the cup that cheersand other refresh- ments, which concluded this very pleas- ant meeting.—The Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Y. M.C. A. held their regular meet- ing on Monday the 29th. ‘The treasur. er’s statment shows that the total re- ceipts, after paying all indebtedness, from the “Feast of Days” was S215. | The jadies, in agreement with a former resolve, xnppropriated the sum of $150 toward liquidating the arrears of rent against the Association, and also served 350 to be devoted to furnishing &@ room in the hospital. a Listowel. r) Poole. Miss Eliza Forrest visited Elnia last week. , Rev. Mr and Mrs. Gee, of George- town, are visiting their old. friendsin this place. The Good Templars, of this place, have accepted an invitation from stratfo odge to be present there on Tuesday evening ef’ tis week. Monkton. Remember the Presbyterian tea meet- ing on the 27th inst. See poste George Taylor has rented a farm, on the 16th con. of Elma, and will shortly remove from the village, Weare loathe to part with-such a genial citizen. The Knox church people haye pur- chased an organ for their church. _ It is to be of artistic finish ‘and rich in tone, and will doubtless be both ornamental and useful, We regret to state that James Wat- son, of the Idth con. Logan, suffered a last. At last accounts he was expected to survive but a short time. Several men and teams from this vicinity are working on Stewart. & Nicholson's ditch, on the 14th con. of Elma. This firm always pay the best of wages and have therefore no trouble in securing laborers. Theannual missionary sermon of the Methodist church is to be preached next Sabbath by the Rev. F. E. Nugent, of Mitchell. Those who attend the ser- vice must not forget to have their pock- et wellsupplied with filthy lucre as they will be expected to append their names to asubsceription list. Systematic beg ginghas reached a high pitehin this Canada of ours, Newry. Hugh Wilson is putting up an imple- ment shed. There are six milk haulers on the ~ con. going to Newry cheese fac- ory. Wm. Farquson, of Listowel, spent Sunday with friends in this neighbor- 100d, Weare pleased to state that Cyrus Ilarvey is slowly on the mend and_we sincerely trust he may continue so. Potato digging was universally en- gaged in last week. The rot has tinted about one half of them—a bad lookout -for an Lrishman, Dame Rumorsays thatone of Newry’s fair daughters will take up her abode ina certain brick house on the 10th be- fore the cold weather comes on. E. E. Harvey arrived home last Fri- day night from Manitoba, and lett on Monday to pursue his studies~ at the Toronto School of Medicine. Ed. looks well, but was deeply affected on his ar- rival at the loss of his brother George. Richard Gray left on Friday last for Stratford to resume the work he has been engaged in for the last two winters, inthe employ ot White & Co., at an ad- vance in pay. Young menon the 10th are not so plentiful and we can spme not one—so say the girls, Rich's open tuce will be greatly missed this winter at all the social gatherings. W. R. Wumphrey is the recipient of a Jumbo potato trom. the Which weighs two pounds and two ounces. Itis none of your stuck to gether potatoes, but a clean, smooth one, Jas. irwin, of the “model farm,” declared upon viewing 1t that “oh mon! oh mon! but itsa beauty, pu! pu! The luikes ov it was niver seen in all Bally- shannon.” Billy and James are going to form a joint company oyer it and di- vide the splits in the spring and see who is the best in raising “taties.” Owing to the McKinley tariff and the henery under coustruction on the 12th, lien fruit will be very cheap this winter. Judging from the appearance of the Mrs. G. T. Ixkidd has acecepted the position of leader of Christ Church Bishop Baldwin will make an Epis- copal visitation to Christ chureb op the | 2ist inst., when a number of candidates will be presented for the Apostolic rite of Contirmation. Service at 7:30 p. in. The New Westminster Daily Colum- bian gives anaccount of the elaborate undertaking establishment of Messrs.D. Murchie & Co. and adds:—The manage- mentof the establishment is in the hands of W. K. Climie who has had an extended experience in the business in the east and is thoroughly acquainted with all the branches of the Soncia, Geo. Ilamilton, father of T. L. Ham- {lton, of Scott’s Bank, who has been overseer of Colonization roads in St. Joseph’s Island for a number of years, has been appointed crown lands agent for the Island. Le has proved himself an eflicient officer hence his promotion to a moreresponsible position. Ie pas- ed through town a while ago on his way to assume his new duties. T. E. Hay had the misfortune to have the barn on his farm in Wallace burned to the groundon Saturday night, 4th inst.,aboutll p.m. ‘The origin of the ire is a mystery, there having been no lightning that nightandno light having been used about the premises later than Y o'clock. Mr, Hay was in town and did not hear of it till Monday. i whole season’s crop was destroyed with the building. He had $1,500 insurance inthe North Britsih and Merchan- tile. A fire—the first in a good many months—occurred on Thursday night of last week between eleven and twelve o’clock, on the Mitchell gravel road at thewestern limit of the corporation. The building was a frame stable belong- ing to John Gardiner, and was uninsur- ed. Mr. Gardiner’ loss is fully $200, as the stable was a well built structure apd contained two or three tons of hay, #bout sixty bushelsof potatoes, a lot of carpenters and other articles, which were all destroyed. How the fire originated is a mystery, structure the proprietor’s most sanguine expectations will be realized. ~ The structure is of gothic architecture and will be furnished with the latest mod- ern improvements which are necessary forthe accomodation ot hens. Any person wishing any information in con nection with said henery can have the same by addressing the proprietor and enclosing a three-cent stamp. A meeting of the Elma. Agricult- ural Society was held at Wynn's hotel on Monday last. There were present the President, Vice-President, and Messrs. Y. Coulter, Jno. Graham, C. Heller, J. Duncan, W. Forrest, J. W. soyd and Jas. Irwin. Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. A number of accounts were passed and ordered to be paid. A deputation was appointed to wait upon the Council at the first meeting to ask for a grant. The building committee were empowered to purchase 100 chairs and a stove for the hall and rent the hall tothe best of advantage till January. Messrs, James Irwin, Robt. Morrison and the Secre- tary were appointed a committee for the purpose of securing talent for an entertainment to be given in the hall, the proceeds applied towards seating the hall. This is a capital idea and should be patronized by every agri- culturist in the township, as we have no doubt the committee wil] secure some of the best talent obtainable and will endeavor to please the most criti- . Particulars of the event will bé fully given later on. A mot at heart. number of shrewd .observers of shows that two days should be held in place of one for holding the strow in the ‘future. Perhaps the a might be acted upon with profitableness, stroke of a on Sunday evening | G Northwest | e russels. Ws ~~Mrs. Alex. Strachan is on the sick list this week. J Miss Saunders, of London, is visiting friends in town, Fred. Ethbertson. of Listowel, spent Sunday with relatives,. Mrs. Pelton, of, erie is visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. G. Wilson. i ~ Rev. D. Rerrie, of Thorndale preael éd in Melville chureh last Sabbath. W.H. Willis and wife, of Mitchell, were in town several days this week. Mrs. Russel, of Wingham, spent sev- eral days with her sister, Mrs. B: Gerry. Misses Hambly and Richardson at tended the teachers’ convention last Friday in Wingham. Miss E. Olliver returned to town Fri- day from an extended yisit, in Toronto. Miss Pauline McEwan accompanied ner. Mr. and Mrs. Crocker, of Exeter, were iu. town Tuesday attendipg the funeral of their nephew, Ernest W. reIT) Owing to the first Thursday in Nov- ember being Thanksgiving day the Brussels Monthly Horse Fair will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 5th. Buyers and sellers should take note of this change. A convention of East Ifuron Liber- als will be held here to-day (Friday). Officers will be elected and arrange- ments made for a series of public meetings. The convention will be ad- dressed by Dr. Macdonald, M. P.; John a M. P., and Thos, Gibson, M. Brussels Mechanics’ Institute has ar- ranged with Prof. Panton, of the On- tario Agricultural College, to give his interesting and instructive lecture on “Ten days among the Boiling Springs, Geysers, and Canons of Yellowstone Park,” in Brussels Town Hall on Friday evening, Oct, 24th. We are informed by. M. Thomas, agent forthe Mall Electrie Light Co., that the contract has been signed for the Brussels plant and the light will be in operation before the end of the month. Every person taking a lamp has the privilege of testing it for 30 days and if it does not do the work stated he need not keep it. Four lamps will be’ placed on Turnberry street on trial. Grey. Raccoon trapping is to the front this fall. Miss Dickson, of Elma, is visiting friends on the Yth con. Picking winter apples is in progress this week. The packers are again on the war path, On Tuesday of last week Jas, Atwood started for Manitoba. Ilis destination willde Brandon. The steady rain on Monday of last week threw many calculations to one side for that day. samuel and Jno. Carnochan, 12 con. were away visiting friends in the south- ern part of the county, Keep youreye skinned for the tax collectors. Two this year so it will be harder work dodging them. Geo, Whittield has gone to the lumber woods in Michigan where he will likely spend the winter. George is a work- Thomas Bloorafield caught a black bass weighing 114 pounds, in the river near the dam on Wednesday morning of last week, Oliver Harris and Dune. Sellars, won first money at the sawing contest in Brussels, fair day. They are hustlers with the cross cut saw. Miss Maudson, who is teaching at the Whitfield school house, intends taking a course at the Ladies’ College, St. Thom- as, at the close of this year. Thos. MeGregor informs us that the saw which took tirst prizeat the sawing match at the Brussels Fall Show was set by the plan of his new patent saw set and guage. C. Angel, con. 13, has had his residence renovated and a large kitchen added. It is rumored that Con. is soon to enter in- to alife partnership with one of the fair sex. Sneak thieves visited the orchards of Alf. Williamson, Hartwel! Speiran and Chas. Harrison and helped themselves to plums and pears. Coon hunteas are blamed for the theft. Mrs. Truman Smith has arrived home after a visit of threeJmonths with relat- ives and friends near Orilija. Iler health is not good and her visit did not appear to help it very much. The new residence of Geo. McKay, lot 34, cun. 15, i8 approaching completion. Chas. Seale, of Cranbrook, had the con- tract. The new building will be quite an improvement to the line. Some funny (?) lads took a section of aniron harrow belonging tq Conrad Neable and carried it from the field to the bush. The owner looked fortwo days before the missing article was dis- covered. While Wilson Evans was taking his threshing machine to Ed. Campvpell’s the other day, the team with the water tunk ran away breaki the axle and tongue of the wagon and smashing the harness. The hoyees were captured shortly afterward in an adjoining berry patch. One evening recently Alex Robertson who resides near Mok sworth, turned his team into the orchard, and in the morn- ing when be went out one was missing. Going over to the well near the house he saw the mare standing in the bottom of it, and, with the help of some neighbors, they got her out none the worse, The fine solid brick house on lot 33, Sth con. of Grey, is ce go nearing com- letion. The architect is W. E. Binning, . The house is built with brick with white facing. It will make a great improvement on the line and re flect credit on the young man_ who, by thrift andindustry, is pushing it ve com- pletion, — FOR THE— NEXT 40 DAYS AT THE— Listowel Woolen Mill Ilaving- decided to clear out a large assortment of my FULL CLOTHS & TWEEDS Left over from tnis season, have marked them awa and Inspeet for Yourself and SAVE MO arge assortment of SOUTHDOWN STOCKING YARNS On hand. Only place in Town to get Pure Wool Bed Blankets and Fine Flannels that will not shrink. t#- COME EARLY and get Good Choice for Goods are Sure to Sell. B. F. BROOK. —— Come NEY. é GUARANTEED ABSOLUTELYPURE ‘ASMANUFACTURED ON THE, GARDENS IN INDIA, Put Up in %, %, and Lb. Packages. Try a Sample Package. SolD IN ATW OCD BY JAS. IRWIN. LAMONT’S - MUSICAL EMPORIUM | LISTOWEL, - ONT. 6--QUESTIONS--6 —FOR THE— PEOPLE OF ELMA TO ANSWER : 1. Dox 2. Do you wish to rent a Piano or Organ? 3. Have you seen our beautiful Six-Octave Piano- Cased Organ? 4. Do you know that Lamont Bros. are the only men in the county of whom you can purchase the celebrated Bell and Doherty Organs, 5. Do you know that by writing a card and directing it to Lamont Bros., Listowel, you can procure an A 1 Organ o1 Piano? 6.. Do you want a Sewing Machine? you purpose buying an Organ or Piano? Parties doing business in the Emporium and see the Wonderful Orchestrome. SHEET + INUSIC FURNISHED AT HALF PRICE. Listowel should call ai LAMONT BROS., - LISTOWEL.