Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 13 Jun 1890, p. 7

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& aie : ae . ‘ . ey . Be ; Na: s: ; : x or E -—Every one has noticed ; eee === ORAL, 6" aide ougs proditgod carly in thesmason hove DOMINION BANK, | PANPER meter: ) Newky Seb Pome Trees’ a i" ter flavor than'these which “hens lay —— ’ L GH. McMicuaxt. M.D. 10 8 | A ioe ay: OSB, te “§ im S = tas bas ranat aad'live ‘fhainly on Proceedings of the inctecat® Ann nel Se, m_No. 62 Ningar> “it._Buflalo, N,V: men and = Address T, ee ete i : e best. treatment. of newly-set= fruit-} grass-and—insects.--“We~mean, “of course, oe aries tiewth = Aialaide Street West. Torcnte trees, is a constantly clean and mellow sur-| when both are used equally fresh. The ie Teremte, Ser cahenday, May 2h, POSTAGE STAMPS Nef eh, Gene Re oe : babes : ¥. face of the.soil,. preventing the formation of | character of the feed has much to; do;with 1898. ' specimens of the early Canadian issuer. COMPLETE WITH CLOTM lt saves Labor, Time and Clothing. hard crust, and ‘jot tting the growth | the quality of the eggs. Sometimes imea The annual general the: ae IO Mh Eine TOOMtoy- grass and:woeds,-Lhie-olean-and-melow-/-that-has become too- @ for the inarke lon Bank was held at the c house EAVER LINE STEAMS surface must exténd for some distance from | cut up and boiled for the hens, but thongh | of the institution on Wednesday, May 28th, ? HIPS. the base of the trunk, or about as far as the | they eat it ravenously, one who knows the | 1890. height of the tree. For cherries and peaches, | feed would not care to eat thee it pro- those it were noticed Messrs. )S0,and 4 more particularly, this treatment will, be | duces. Cheap meats, if fresh and wholesome, James Austin, Frank Smith, G. W. 7 Return Tickets, $0, $90. and $110, accord: ; \ Jnearly sufficient of itself, without manure or | are good, but judicious feeding of milk, Lewis, Major Mason, Wm. Ince, James diate $25, Steerage, $0. Apply to fertilizers, if the land has a medium amount | wheat, bran,.oats and other nitrogenous Scott, R.'S: Cassels, Wilmot D. Matthews, RAY, General Manager ‘ 5 of richness, For apples, pears, plums and | foods will make meat feeding unn : y, Wm. Ross, G, Con «Custom HOUSE SQUARE. MONTREAL, or r uinces, additional fertilizing may be given | Cotton-seed meal, mixed with other ground , W. T. Kiely, Walter S. Lee, | ohm perspec with such fertilizers as have’ proved by ex- | feed, is excellent for producing eggs, but it John Stewart, Mra. E. Cam) perience to benefit that—particular soil. | is too stro to be fed to any stock jn ley, J. D, Montgomery, eto, . .Where superphosphates, bave shown thoir ; large quantities. 4 _ It was moved by Mr.G. Robertson, seconded by : Sa wey tay be freely oe, “oe = Sows axp THern Pics.—Joseph Harris, pc wapcor aa ee { nitrogenous manures are requi nitrate of | 9 well-known agricultural writer, and an or Mason moved, seconded by Mr. E. fn America to buy soda may be usef ul. But without knowing authority on everything relatinz to the pig. Leadlay. and ! Band and Musical £- the special requirements of your soil, we| has reputiated his former advice to build| egulved—That Mr. R. H. Bethune doact a® | | HiK\ \ tostruments co A genie it une tepotent what is called a fender sana the inside o Mossrs. Walter 8, Lee and R.8, Cassels were §.fi//,¥ Musle, &o.” | sing, y cul-| the breeding pen. The theory of the fen-|® sorntineers, : Gass vom Vises feslyTaskd “Eoadly wil Le der is that with thissix or eight inches from me epcretarT ree and agbmaitied the annual | Address WHALEY, ROYCE. & CO..158 ¥ en top-dress freely and broadly with it. | the floor, the sow cannot roll herself back | statement of the affairs of the bank, which is as ‘ s¢reet, Toronto., Send for Catalogue. ouse | The use of scalding wener ie nnother import= As the hands do not come” there is no stooping or strain- ng of the back cr shoulders Cheapest and BEST PLACE s ex in ordinary - -nopping no In the absence of wood ashes, which is nearly | and crush the_pigswhen_they—try—t t-|-follows :— : ote always useful, it “may be well to apply|}ehind her. But the sow coven tie coe Riese then ae ee Lee ay mie! ‘THE ‘ muriate of potash to the peach trees, and| jusiness better than the breeder can tell | Profits for the year ending 0th “April, 1800, j perhaps to the apples and pears. The clay | her. She will pile up straw or other bed-| ‘Ser dedueting charges of etc., and neers provision for all bad Tarbox Bros.. 73 Adcinide St. W., Torente. . -« . oe ead = require nearly the same treat- ding sgainat she fender, fuckin it inso| and 248,584 00 — epeigigg eae . closely that nothing can get behind it. The $256,253 K REA EUR RAN . sow knows if the owner does not, that be-| Dividend 5 cent., paid Ist No- @ LAUNDRY BAR. | H G T OP. D Mircellaneous. hind her isno place for her young to get | pJOmDeh Mee ie i ssi ASK FOR IT, AND TAKE NO OTHED I), Conventent Hanvese,—Many common| themselves. If left to themselves, with | P1QWer:.erescircvses * 75,00 BEWARE OF- IMITATIONS, Wy work harnesses are still used without the plenty of short bedding, sows will generally | 8% ae ti 15,000 > gt oie Kee eee ia GE . vacohionves of snaps in pikes of buckles, [egee? their young tter without than} Amount voted to pension and guaran- worcc-enn neswes . which every horseonan considars important. with man’s help. nless the sow has been | tefund Ml 170,000 00 lalate A ee b ted ain Nata The time wasted in working at unhandy har- a eee fe A gy u Fs age aap ¢ua5 KEEP KNITTING MACHINE ness will pay \for all these little improve- ied t fond 80,000 00 Send for Illustrated Catalogue be done with great caution. Sometimes a ments, besides the satisfaction which the] _.; : : ” and thi g : A ti of profit and loss carried forward.... 96,263 02 s advertisement with owner feels in using them. vine inetindt is ‘on we ms Bet ote ox gone "he De are ater pete of the year rates mee apeoy forour New Star Grass Arnounp Fruit Trees.—When an/ places herself so that-in finding the warm hone eeeintela oy ore Sia rhea Aas agtch ts : orchard is. in sod, it is impossible to plow| place he also finds the nourishment he; . The re of the banks expire on | I aQMa) $10 PREMIUM DISCOUNT Unoqualied fee Sickness and Beariy of BASE close enough to the trees, so-as to cover all! needs. ° the Ist of July, 1891. This has necessitated a DpRESA are the oun Se Act, which has just been Wes: w the grass. But there is loose dirt enough ae new Banking brought up by the plow to cover the eraarit ro gah tag The act has been extended for hoed over it, and this will suffice to smother Churning ~ which will not interfere with the elasticity eo | fy} \ie tL it. The ne age —— bee re ge the i necessary to mov: the country. * Record ‘trees makes then much more sightly during} Dairymen and those who have creameries, st - aq the Summer, and in Winter its absence | please this article by. It is only for} _Mr, James Austin mov: dectonen ey the DR. N ICHOLS’ leaves no harbor for mice, which love just! those whokcep but a few cows—four or five. | Hon. Frank Smith, and ved, that the re such a shelter when gnawing apple-tree| We have usually four cows, and make butter | POrt be adopted. ° ‘ ke at eome on the | = 00 0 0a. le rk. the year round. We try to arrange matters! guocess of the institution, . : - Feepixe Grouxp Corx Axp Cos.—It used | ¢ have anew milch cow every three or four | the bank shad not only fonds available to pay to be thought that only the grain of corn months, one in the fall, one in mid-winter, ot poss aaairabie inmates bavine cash on Creelman Bros., M’f'rs, : ! GEORGETOWN. ONT. There ts nething 1p See nc Grea, CHE Package BOUALG TWOclany other Dyeis thomastat. If you doubt it, try it! Your money will be == f you are not convinoed after a trial, fourcolors are made in Turkish Dyes, embescig re edas oy 10 cts. For Children and Adults. ‘Bame Invaluable for saetieotion and we dye, Constipation. had 1 but both b 1 another in spring, and still another late it P large t. Pe rine Soc tern a nutritive value t y analysis ‘ 5» ‘ n | hand for that p toa very amgun' . postal for Sample Card and Book of J and feeding it is found that thace™ ia senda: the spring. This helps greatly with the| | After the resolutions the scru’ FRAN Ach yo London, Enaend, ) Prop prictors erable nutrition in the cob also. Its value, churnin nson, L.R.G Tandue, ony If milk is heated in the winter season . Dr. T. R. Allinson, L.R.C.P., 8: ‘Austin, William 1noe, Wiimot D. | ‘I like Dr, Nichols’ *Food ‘of Health’ ‘very when ground with the corn, is even greater . : 5 more ¢ream will be obtained, and the churn-| Ma Osler, James Scott and H much, and find it of tdietetic value i le Afiee di en a P “ * me diseases, As reakfast preter it to one. than analysis would indicate, as it prevents |. . the corn meal from compacting in the stom-| 28 done with much less trouble. After it k . rect ab dish I prefer it to oat- sits, 0 it nena oticewibe da: . Chin ox tat has stood twelve hours set the pans one at a Ms [ye was ne id president, oprlisedicy Teor samle BREE. ley, if mixed with corn and cob, cause the | time, over a kettle of boiling water and let} andthe Hon. Frank Smith vice-president for cop to be und much more finely than it them remain until brought nearly, but not theensuing term. . | ® and can be without them. Oats also improve the | duite, to the scalding point. If scalded, it GENERAL STATEMENT. Deloraine Return, $28 nutritive ration, not only for horses, but for | ™JUTEes the grainand flavor of the butter. Let | Ospital stock pald up.....-.-.:-cssac0s @ 1,500,000 00 M j all other stock. the milk stand, after heating, twenty-four | Reserve fund...........-..... $1,300,000°65 oosomiIn, - Quack Grass 1x SanpySou.—Itisharder oti and Series, Fie te parnseee a eis rctevcmiieerse “q om Glenboro to wid sendy soll ~ quack ou. for the rea. | Tom i” a the milk stands in the winter | Dividend No. 58, payable Ist 75,000 00 1” son that its roots are apt torun deeper. — range from 60 to 70 degrees. Bonus 1 per cent., payable 1st 000 00 Saltcoats, q Besides this, a coveting-of sand over the} In skimming be careful to take as little seen ties Lazebnactrea aeons 8 M . 4 green part does not smother it so readily as| milk as possi le with the cream. Cream} , change.-..5 0/5 054 ve $8,960 5D oosejaw, would a covering of more compact earth. should be churned every third day—every nie + hee. @ 1,515,877 60 Cal ar 3 Raking up the roots and burning them is other day in the summer season. Put ° § y; & the sure way to rid sandy land of quack | the cream inthe churn in the morning; add | yrotesin circulation.........- gurrnenecy OST SO | ' where it has pina > = ie erate f the | a quart pe two of milk, pape to = Deposits not bearing ints interest a 2 For a No, j, Rowdster on Business Machine, soil is ra y this involves taking | quantity of créam; a quart for each on oo se sec the “© | +" We guarantee 1 pretty muchall its remaining fertility fromit. | or gallon and a half would be sufficient; mix Beccoscrahicreerones 93 oer Machines. Catalogue Swe. * FANE & Co. SPECIAL COL-}: On some kinds of sand where a other grass | well and pe Serene — the ther- 9,298,501 09 pti ExcuR-f. can be wn quack grass might profitably | mometer will range from 65 degrees to 68 $12,300,378 60 anad Swill leave be planted. ts ghee "Kactnge : Getter degrees, for three or four hours, esa will . Agents Wanted Throughout 6 ® all points in Ontarie, than barrenness. “ bear.to be considerably warmer in the win- | sSpecie,........ CS @ 231,600 47 FOR THE _ Bonin eth iy Grass-Fep Pids.—We believe in summer | tet Scason, when you commence to chyrn, | Porte Garant Samet 701,587 00 . _“ on . pasturage for pigs, but the idea that hogs, | then in the spammer. This matter of heating | wotes ‘and cheques of other ! JUNE 17th Pas a. anything‘elsé, for that inatter, the milk in the winter season and letting the a as 338,493 13 l| Return until July 27th, 2980 can rofitably rown on grassalone is a} cream stand a few hours after it has been Gamedies nc cccsnses-cccae 196,006 12 8 JUNE 24 fallacy. The development of early fatten: | put into the churn, is one of great impor- BelGioes: Gus trom other banks 1,108,053 20 Return until August 4b, ing qualities which improved breeds of hogs | tance if you wish to do the churning quickly | paiancesdue from other banks in oi OF HARTFORD, CONN. JULY 8 A 7 te th : ty and to get all the butter from the cream. Great Britain. .........sc-ses00 Return until August 18th, 1899 have been brought to is the result mainly 8 hag ipttnral Goncienk onL YT of high and regular feeding. Turning pigs! We churn, on an average, in from five to | | Htles.........-0-.--4ssse0oe sme 277,511 61 ‘ . For full particulars apply to nearest Station out to paw and letting them shift for) ten minutes. Often the butter comes in less | MRR Sas Ae SNS. Te Sy.187,148 Bt ESTABLISHED 1854. or Ticket Agent. * a gong is = ihe a tor than five minutes. We aresometimes asked to is, ted and current, old Wl 10g8 an e “undoing of all) explain our method-to friends and neighbo onan Ste secured. sees that generations of good bree and good | who are in the habit of churning from one Overdue in oo specially se- feeding have accomplished. The improved | to five hours, A neighbor, sometime since, cured (estimated los provided Cash Capital » . . 82,000,000.00 ase - = © = © — SySH5,001.00 Net Surplus -_ ££ 8 * 1,301, 235.9 Estd._CANADA BRANCH —1890. hog may thrive on grass, with little or noth- : ot lo a] ‘ 16,785 32 ; ing alee, but baa about. its progeny ? Is henge eoldod fant roe be cone Other amets, pot nee Head office, 114 St. James St.,!Montreal / it not certain that: they wilLrapidly degen-| (they had but one or two cows). We ex-| Real SS a ian ee "Gerald E. Hart, General Manager. erate? plained to her our process, and she went) PFMISOS...+4s.00e0ee seserebers 8 Grow1ise Crors Cuear.y.—Theprice of | home inspired with hope to make another ames Never Falling St Leon ig \ the farmer’s commodities is mainly deter-| trial, and came back aftera few days to $12,309,378 : ‘ mined by causes that he cannot control. ut the cost of producing them depends very largely on himself. If there be any- thing in soil or location that makes the production of any crop necessarily more ex- pensive for one farmér. than for others, he should. change. to something in which relate with delight her experience. She had followed closely our instructions. She rolled out her churn as usual into the kitchen in the morning. Her husband came in and took off his coat preparatory for a two or three hours, siege. No,” shezsaid, *'I do not wish BR. EL Bereure, Cashier. ee ET % . P. 506 to have the,.churning done this morning; wait till noon.”’ He came again at noon, too Dyspepsia, that horrible sersation, wretched pain an¢ choking. The very theught chills me A Up to three years ago we. me ae BCOMLEA NIVE competition is not soactive. Every locality has advantages for cheaper production or | off his coat and rolled up his sleeves, ready better marketing for some product. It is| for business, but after a few minutes churn- | rt of the farmer's business to study the | ing called out in great surprise, ‘‘Why, here! capacities of his farm, and.then leatn every- get your ..bowL”’.We have a barrel churn, thing possible about the methods of produc: | but donot tse it; it is too cumbersome to ing most cheaply what his farm is adapted | handle and to have around. As we manage, to. The tarmer who does this need not | we find the old-fashioned dash churn more complain that farming does not pay. convenient. , Prowrse Lasp Wes Wet.—Nothing is ined on heavy land by plowing land sod- a with water. The clay'in it is puddled by stirring, and when dried it becomes a clod almost impenetrable’by water, an friend got cured with St. Leon urged me to drink. Idid, The choking lumps go: softer and softer. I wes cured and remain in the very best of health. St Leon Water will cure wheo allother mixtures fail. SCOTT'S MULSION Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and sf 3 {2 WyYPOPHOSPHITES THE WONDER OF HEALINGT — CURES CATARRE, UMATISN, NEU- RALGIA, SORE THROAT, PILES, TEMOREAGES OF AL Georce G, WILSON, Used Internally & External’y, ede cy ee Victoria Square, Montreal’ | POND'SERTRACT CO. New York & Londen | ———————————————————— ees THOUSANDS UF BOTTLES 5 of Lime and GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. 5 © scarcty 1p stop team tx tio, oriitoem, ; have them return u RE. I have madc the disease of Fits tog lll Soda compacted lessened, “ Hence- When the to ‘ss ROLY? ia a perfect Sicknese a life-long study. I warrant my remedy to Cure the Rs : ; mis, dimness of sight; palpitation of the 5 worst cases. Because others ha 0 reason for not n pe pe paras tie; eu iage 73 ful heart, emissions, Inck-of energy; in in the $ cott $ Emulsion mong rap ed once treatise and a Free Bottle of wy sotatete Romed » Give Ex ress —_ without ininey earlier than it can safely be Lae bine oF pee Ee ettoer Pd Best Remedy tor CONSUMPTION, M.C., Branch Office, 186 WEST ADELAIDE STREET, Tc RONTO. 1 i ’ 3 OT \ ' All Men young, old, or middle-aged, who find them- which nothing but freezing and thawing will _— hen Ae = and exhausted, bi reduce to condition for roots to penetrate. | T° sete en ere ae uke dclion OVESWOER, If there is a large amount of ———— mat- vii ‘ fental ; epecudiys “pramafare old ter in the soil, this danger of becoming too age, loss..of vitality, loa-of mandicy,*hed done now. Z ere is _ an as in scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness Scrofula, Bronchitis, Wanting ae Pianers, Matche Ss : qm id “C bi d plowing sandy soil w ile wet, as there is - : re ’ eases, Chronic ughs an Pianer rs cn auiders ombpine Very little that does not contain a sinall | Pecks before the eyes, twitching af the Setless THOROUGHLY GOOD MAUHINKS BUILT. ; muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, bashfulness, | a PALATABLE =e gina . Ts deposits in the urine, Joss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be gested by sleep, constipation, dullness ‘of amount of clay or vegetable matter, and it) isa benefit to this to be made more compact | than it now is, wrapper. Avoidall imitationsor substitutions. Bold by al] Druggists at 0c. and £1.. SCOTT &£ BOWNE, Believille. _ SHINGLE, LATH and VENEER MACHINES . POST BAND-SAW, Markie Corns Rows Straicnt. --The bet- ee implements ae wood in naisiveting 7 hearing, lose of voice, castes for solide, ar yy ef ; VA SAWMILLS. and preparing the ground make it possible | excitability of temper, sunken eyes surround- procuredin a,U.S | to get rows much more nearly straignt than | ed with LEADEN CIRCLE, oily looking skin, PATENT siinroreign oo ~ae ) . tsINK-BEbLTING F-n Dicvating and Conveying: SAWS, GUMMERS,,. SWAGES. was formerly the case. While stumps and | etc., are all symptoms of nervous debility stones were in the way, cultivation was. that lead to insanity and death unless curea. Tenure Gyre SCHOQL, | Scientific necessarily largely done> by,-hand, and The spring or vital force having ost its; * and reliable systems” taug! where straight rows were of less Anaportance. tylish, perfect-fitting garments are rodused. <n ROU vet P| ARAM TCORL ANC DS ectiod CTT “x , ee - JSENGINE WOhig Co So'l-tensidn every funution wanes in consequence. | sénd for circular. S. CORRIG AN Pro rt : long as the plow could dolige .bétween the , Those who. through sbuse-committed in | Adelside St. West. ° — rows, it was thought good enough, and in ignorance may be pornenaey cured. Send The wh a 7 those days there was current a humorous | you, address for book on iseases peculiar ~The fC saree. a0 ones 4 saying that more corn grows in crooked rows| to man. Address M. V. L N, 50 Front ENCE Fag eee cm, Gan pee ss (16} k t fre2 sealed ft). Send for price list. Teremto Picket ptoms of [which are Wire Fence Co., 221 River &t., Toréute. than in straight ones, That is, we hope, no St. E., Toronto, Ont. B — he ~ - sinh a - ~ aed -- an -—- —_—~ - almost entirely take the place of hand cnl- | faint spells, -purple lips; numbness, ta a ~ samt Ser are straight” Thy cannot do tion skip kt hot fuahes rank of Mood | BIZ. Biortartd pening at Ce it with hills dodging in and out. If plant-| to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats | dian Business Uni & Shorthand Institute oc Lib: B) ‘oronto, Circulars free. | * ’ T. a , fend Jor Sawyers’ Guite, 1.temane Fynine Wor'- Comoanv. Branti-rd «2d Winnipeg. SURELY * CURE longer true. The improved cultivators will | Heart disease, the 8 cary ‘Bldg. Toro . Manager. ing is done by hand care. rust en n, ta! strony, rapid and irregular, the secon 1 heart en Bo cha place =o ; in the - = hd beat por than the first, cm _— the = Someta agen a ; fee checks. en if rows are straight” both'} breast bone, etc., can itive cured. » Mat » ; e TO THE EDITOR :—Please inform your redijers that ve a positive for tha ways, the cult oe ney ae hig ee | Mev LUBON, og ae Mr OOKS, eetintar ise. Good vince | shore named deh ate ere tain car rec alae who have cose to the corn without ag some | M. V. o- Emp! t Agency, 941i King St. W.,. they will send me their and Post Office Address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOCU of it out, zonto, Ont, men Wert sarpticn i they vihaclalde Ot TORONTO, ONTARIO. : ™ : ° ' T ee “ * . F nd

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